The Games We Play

Story by Ramah on SoFurry

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I had the motivation, but no inspiration for a story bit, so I asked a couple people on my list in Skype what they would like to see. I wasn't surprised when one said egg making, so as per request for it, I asked for more details. XD What came after was quite the laugh on my part, so enjoy this little draft of three males and one female dealing with what comes up as they grow.

Characters are all random generated, any likeness to other artist characters living or dead are coincidental and are not meant to be in any way an offense or copy of their works.

Credit for the general idea that took about 13 hours straight of my time (including distractions) up to write is to Daimin-Dragonlover. ( ) I asked for a random subject in a Skype group chat, and he came up with it on the spot, including a challenge of a couple items he wanted to see in it.

In a steal from Dracasis, who motivates me to writing, I say this:

Vote if you read it.

Comment if you enjoyed it.

Paw if you loved it!

edited for better title. :P

Iris growled in her bed, hunger and the pleasant warmth from the summer sun outside her window rousing her from her slumber. Red scaled paws slowly scratched at grey belly scales as her brown eyes opened to greet the metal band posters and multi-colored plush dolls of her room, decorated by herself, for herself. She listened for the telltale signs of her family running around for their work, yet heard nothing from the rest of the dwelling.

"Mmph... Mom, what time is it?" Iris shouted. Her voice echoed through the dwelling, answering itself with the same question. Dissatisfied with the echo's answer, she rose from her mattress and walked out into the gorgeous cave, filled with different trinkets and artworks that were collected over time. Each one signified the success of her parent's work, and the subsequent failure to stay long enough to enjoy their gatherings or daughter as work took them abroad. Iris cased the cave for her parents, coming up with only a sheet of paper marked in the usual red inks for importance by the larder.

Got called into work, will be home late. Don't leave the cave, we need to talk. The message read. Iris huffed as she read the message. She knew what it likely was about, since her father not two days ago caught her rubbing her vent in her own part of the lair. Of all the nerve her parents could muster, they grounded her by letter after giving permission the night before to mingle with her friends? She clawed the message from the wall, rending parts of it in her frustration. Even if they wanted her to stay in the cave, they were not around to enforce their rules.

She gathered herself a few things before leaving to meet her friends. A blanket, some washable inks and brushes meant for her feral kin, and a few pieces of dried meat so she wouldn't have to hunt while out would do for now. All of it fit into a strap-bag she got from a family friend that was into oils and inks, freeing her paws up so she could walk into the summer daylight. A light breeze kept the heat from building too much on the cave ledge overlooking the forest. Today, she was going to a hidden lake nearby with her friends, parents' wishes be damned.

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"HA, got it!" Terrek shouted. The green dragon made a major splash in the crystal clear water as he swooped in to grab a marked piece of wood. The water spray almost thrown off the wing beat as he tried to get some altitude to turn around and back to a black scaled dragon and a white and grey mixed gryphon on the lake shore's somewhat dense tree line. Once close enough to the two, the wood was unceremoniously dropped between them, a few splinters flicking off on impact with the ground. "Okay, your turn Mather."

"Really, Terrek, you need to work on your dive." The dragon known as Mather said. He picked up the wood in one claw and flicked some of the splinters off in disinterest. "This is the fourth time you nearly drowned yourself."

"Says the drake who has missed the mark three times in a row for fear of getting wet." Terrek retorted. The larger green rolled his eyes and upped the pitch of his voice. "Oh, water, the bane of my existence!"

"Now stop it, both of you." The gryphon said, looking over the lake's sun-mirroring surface. "Iris is supposed to be here, and she has enough arguments in her own dwelling. She should be here soon." The gryphon had little time to discern the reflection to a red dragoness diving in before her entrance left a water spray disturbing the lake and its current tourists. His feathers puffed in his surprise to the new water in his feathers and fur.

"Oh, sorry, Halon." Iris said. Her landing was certainly more graceful than Terrek's, leaving no gouges into the ground as the green did most every time. "I had to pack a few things before coming. Anyone up for some ink work after I eat?" The red dragoness continued as she pulled open the flap to her strap-bag to retrieve a piece of dried meat.

"It would certainly be better than this game of fetch Terrek came up with." Mather said. He padded his way over to Iris, rubbing his nose over her neck in his own version of a hug. His breaths came up short as he did so, smelling something more than the jerky Iris had brought with her. "You smell better than usual today. Did you get another fragrance oil from your family friends?" The other two males looked over at Mather as he spoke, giving the air a testing sniff.

Iris looked up from her food briefly at Mather, her head cocked towards the black. "No, silly. I barely had time to get myself washed up before coming after sleeping in." She nudged his shoulder with her head before resuming her meal, unaware of a gleam in the black's red eyes.

"Ah, my mistake then. You smell wonderful, regardless." Mather said with a smile. The black turned around and motioned for the other two to follow some paces away into the treeline, where another pack the three brought was kept sheltered from the sun. Once he knew Iris was more into her jerky than her friends, he opened his mouth again. "Terrek. Halon. Remember how we got a talk from our parents about females and their heats?"

"Yeah. I got swatted until I couldn't sit for an evening after mine." Halon said, his tail swishing back and forth, the painful memory's tempo of punishment still fresh in his head. "Now I can't stay in my own nest while my sister is in her fits. The ideas that come to me are endless to what I would do if I did."

"Do you want to act on them?" Mather asked in a whisper. He looked over his shoulder at Iris before continuing. "I think Iris could be a bit warmer than the summer would let on, if you catch the downwind."

"No..." Terrek said. The breeze certainly carried a scent the green wasn't familiar with, though it did give him a slight giddiness he only had when he was having his own fun in his cave. "Her parents are too strict to not give her the talk, right?"

"Not with how little I hear of them being around." Halon said. "Her father's been out of continent for the better part of the moon's current cycle. I wouldn't put it past the mother to be similarly engrossed in her work." The grey gryphon bit down on one claw. "Are.. You thinking of a new game to play?"

"Yes. And if it goes well, we may all be the winners..." Mather opened the pack and sifted through its contents, pulling out a deck of cards and a coin. "If you get MY downwind."

Terrek and Halon looked at each other, the green dragon licking his lips at the opportunity. After a moment, all three nodded their heads in time with one another, a silent sign they used when they were in agreement, consequences be damned. The three males scooped up the deck and coin, adding in a leather mat for the cards, before moving back to the red dragoness. She was just finishing up her food as they came back from the treeline.

"Ah, welcome back." Iris said, smiling. She laid down on the grass in the shade, loving the wind that founds its way between the trees. "I was wondering if you really wanted me out here if you were going to stay grouped over there."

"Oh, think nothing on that, Iris." Mather said, smiling back. "I just had to make sure I had the right items for a game my father shown me." The black put down the cards and the coin, laying across from Iris. "It can be played with as many players as are around. Care for me to explain the rules?"

"You may have to, Mather. I don't know this one." Terrek said. The green laid down to Mather's right, while Halon and his grey feathers took to Mather's left.

"It is a simple make out game. We all get a card, and Iris gets to show hers off. She then guesses ours as either higher or lower than hers." Mather shuffles the deck in a practiced motion, drawing a card and setting it in front of each of the group. "If she gets all of them right, she earns a request from any of us. If she gets any wrong, then those that had the card gets to toss the coin. Results are all at once, ties on cards are in your favor, Iris. As far as the coin is concerned, Heads is kissing and the like, Tails is of... other consequence that we can deal with later. Let's try it for four rounds."

"Interesting... Are you okay with this, Iris?" Halon looked over to Iris, who was already looking at her own card, an ace.

"I call higher on all." Iris said, holding the card up to the three males. She smiled as the cards are flipped over to reveal nothing else lower than a five. "I want to use my white ink on Mather, since you like to avoid it every other day." The red dragoness was already pulling out her white ink and a brush.

"Eh?... Ah..." Mather searched for words as she dabbed the brush into the white ink. "Well... Rules are rules." Mather leaned his head across their playing mat, closing his eyes to make sure the ink didn't get into unwelcome places. He felt the tickle of each stroke on his face, across his brows and around his horns. A few minutes of ink placement later, whirling patterns adorned his face.

"All done." Iris smiled and put away her brush after rinsing it in a small reservoir of corked water. "So, next round?"

"If you tell anyone about any silly marks she may have made, so help me..." Mather looked to his right and left, raising a brow and a claw at Terrek and Halon, neither of them were able to keep a straight face at how tribal he looked with the ink. The black dealt the new round of cards, allowing Iris to once again look at her card alone: A queen.

"I say lower on all." Iris said. She laid the card face up with a smile. The other cards were turned up: Halon had a three, Terrek a seven, and Mather, a king.

"Oh my, an upset on the cards." Mather said, his black and white face smiling over the board. "But not to worry, I would have guessed the same way." The black grabbed the coin, tossing it into the air to land on the mat. Heads. "A kiss, a kiss! Shall we, Iris?"

"Ah..." Iris hesitated, even as Mather leaned in to touch noses. A shiver ran down her spine as they exchanged breaths for a moment before Mather opened his maw and licked her muzzle once and rubbed the resulting saliva to each side. She opened her own mouth slowly, not sure how a kiss worked. Suddenly, Mather's tongue was in her mouth for a brief time, but was out before her teeth snapped shut. "Was... That good enough?" She rubbed her muzzle, her red scales hiding her blushing embarrassment.

"It was fine, for a first." Mather said, smiling. "It isn't something you can practice in a mirror, after all."

Terrek looked over to Mather, a confused look on his features. "Wait... Mather, have you practiced in front of-"

"OK! Next round." Mather interrupted Terrek's question with the flipping of cards onto leather, shuffling the deck and the used cards back in. "I can feel it, this round is going to be a good one." Cards quickly were placed in front of each of the players, the black evading the question entirely.

Iris stopped rubbing her nose and picked up her card, showing a formidable seven. She tapped her claw on the mat and thought of her chances. "Umm....How about lower for Terrek, and higher for Mather and Halon?" She said, laying her card down for the three males to see. The results: Halon had a nine, Terrek an eight, and Mather, a jack.

"Well, one more for the coin. Let's see what Terrek gets." Mather said. He grabbed the coin and gave it a flip. Tails for Terrek. "Aha. Looks like you get to see what Tails means now..." Mather looked over to Terrek, nodding his head to the larger green. "Iris, could you raise your hinds and tail a bit?"

Iris shivered at the request. What could possibly be done that required her to raise her haunches? She did as she was told, raising her tail a bit as she watched Terrek move from the mat and get behind her. Her brown eyes shifted between the two male dragons. The black only stuck out his tongue as Terrek's breath washed over her grey scaled undertail until the green's tongue touched her nethers. She reflexively tried lowering her tail, but only managed to push it over and between the horns of Terrek as he continued to clean her vent every couple of seconds.

"How is she, Terrek?" Mather said. His head cocked to one side, watching Iris' expressions go between a mix of confusion and pleasure.

"She tastes... I don't know how to put it." Terrek says between licks. "Not very salty... or sweet... but something about it... tastes good." The green uses one paw to steady Iris and pushes his tongue into her vent, coaxing a clench from the red and grey female.

"I have yet to get a turn..." Halon complained. The grey gryphon shifts his weight to lay on his side, his arousal getting the better of him as he looks at the show.

"Rules are rules, Halon. Maybe next round." Mather raises a brow at Terrek's explanation. After giving the larger green a few minutes, the black pats Iris on he head. "That is enough for now, Terrek." He starts playing new cards onto the mat, smiling. "We have one last round, and it goes for as long as needed for the winner." He leans in to Iris. "That means you could indeed paint me head to toe if you get all three right. We certainly have the time."

Iris stopped herself from complaining about the halt as Terrek removed his tongue from her nethers. Something about the events so far felt better than when she rubbed herself a couple nights ago, and in some strange way both right and wrong for her to do. Her tail lowered, but her hinds stayed up as she tried to regain her composure over the tingling sensation of her vent. One more round, and she would ask the three what they have been doing if she wins. She took a deep breath and looked at her card, a five.

"I will say higher for all three." Iris said. She laid down the card gently, not thinking about separating the lack of a shuffle in this round. Mather smiled and flipped the cards over for all to see. Halon carried a four, Terrak a Jack and Mather faced an ace.

"Hm, that makes two for this one. Results are at the same time, so let's see Halon's first." Mather said, flipping the coin. All three looked as the coin came up as heads. "Heads for Halon, and flip two..."

...Tails. Iris shivered again, watching the black dragon move behind her, a grey, ridged erection showing between his hinds. Rules were rules, she thought as she rose her tail again for Mather this time. Her eyes panned to Halon, who sported his own pink erection and a half-formed knot between his own legs. Hot breath tickled her undertail again, and she fought the temptation to rub herself in front of her friends as Halon tried to figure out how to kiss a dragoness with his gryphon beak. She braced for the use of tongue on her once again from behind.

"Iris, you smell better than ever." Mather said. Instead of licking Iris, black forelegs wrapped around her haunches, pulling himself into a mount over the red dragoness. Grey matched with grey as his white-inked face snaked its way over her back. "I bet you feel just as good." He said, thrusting into her grey undertail and into her fertile folds.

Iris gasped as she felt Mather drag himself over her back, her undertail penetrated in one long and strangely pleasurable motion. What felt like an eternity past, and a dull, pleasant ache spread through her. But, every time she tried to move herself to break some stiffness in her legs, the black growled, holding her still and pressing his hips flush with her undertail, keeping him as far as he could get inside her velvet heat, his arousal twitching slightly with each beat of his racing heart.

Halon continued busying her muzzle with kisses from the front before standing up himself, showing his own pink arousal close up to Iris. "I-If I may ask..." Halon stuttered as he turned his side to the pair of rutting dragons.

"Well, rules did say that he got heads..." Mather said, looking over his own friend's erection with curious thoughts about what that knot was supposed to do. The black finally pulled from the fertile folds a moment, ramming back in to jolt pleasure back into both of their frames. "Wh... Why not indulge him a bit with kisses there?" He grit his teeth as the red dragoness clenched around his length again. "My goodness, I won't last long like this."

Iris groaned, feeling each movement Mather made as he started thrusting into her heated gender. The faint twitch of Halon's arousal caught her attention. Rules were rules, indeed. She gave the gryphon's arousal a testing lick, finding a bit of fluid on the tip to be a bit salty to her tastes. Nonetheless, she used her tongue and pulled him into her warm, wet mouth, eliciting a hiss from Halon.

"Careful about those teeth, hun." Halon said, seeing his sensitive flesh find its way between her teeth. It felt wonderful, even better than he imagined it would have been all things considered. Each time Mather rammed himself home, the gryphon was pushed a little further into her maw. It didn't take long before his knot started to swell, leaving him panting while feeding the dragoness jets of his pre over her tongue.

Terrek, being the one left out for the time, pulled himself aside to get a good view of Mather under Iris' tail. The large green dragon watched in awe as black flesh speared into red and grey flanks. His time watching was short lived, as Mather suddenly growled, leaning into her vent as he started shuddering himself.

"Aaaahhh, and... there..." Mather said, gritting through his teeth. He pushed in harder, reaching her deepest point as he started his orgasm. His grey spear let loose in thick jets deep within Iris, pulse after pulse delivering his donation to the fertile young dragoness beneath him. His father said that giving a gift such as eggs was the best you could give a friend of the female persuasion, and so he made sure Iris would get such a gift from him.

Halon was not far behind as his knot grew too big for easy entry into the red lady's maw, giving his own donation to coat her tongue and her throat as she tried to swallow some of it. Upon feeling her swallow and a subsequent gag, he pulled out from her, giving a couple spurts of cum over Mather's face. Halon would have laughed at the resulting grimace of the black, had he the thought to spare from his first climax. For now, he had to take a breath... And maybe some water.

"Ah... That... Ohhh.." Iris groaned, as she could breath easy again, her body only barely held up until Mather set her down with his removal, pearly white oozing from her grey undertail to paint the ground.

"Well, I guess that is it, huh?" Terrek said, a disappointed look on his face. The large green watched as the three pulled themselves together over a few minutes.

"For now, yes." Mather said, looking over to Iris. "If she wants to do this more often, we can meet again around here for the same game." He patted Terrek on the shoulder. "A bit of luck is in that game afterall. For now-"

"Ah.. Mather..." Iris hesitated, the warmth in her belly starting to fade a bit after a dip in the lake to clean off. "Do you think... We can play more now?" She scratched at her muzzle in embarrassment. "I... My mom won't be home til long after sunfall. We can play again, if you are able."

The three males stared at Iris, shocked at such a turn out. All three took in a deep breath and gave a smile.

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The sun's final moments over the trees of the forest painted the sky in shades of gold and copper as the four continued. Mather and Halon, both painted various colors, watched underneath Terrek's large frame as he thrusted into what they earlier would have thought to be a vent too small for the large green. Iris huffed in staggered breath as Terrek pushed in deep and started to shudder, a growl coming to his lips once again as he lightly bit down on her shoulder. Dark pink ridges and grey vent pulsed and swallowed in time with one another, announcing their most current orgasm to the audience. The red dragoness oozed white even now as more material was added to quench her fire.

"Ah... And the third load inside is the charm for me. Terrek said, finishing off his orgasm as best he could deep inside before pulling out. Iris' vent gaped briefly as it did its best to hold in her many donations from the three males. "Plus two inside for Halon and five for lucky Mather. I think I am done for the day."

"Thank you..." Iris' said. The red mother-to-be rolled over and observed the damage three young males could do in a single day. "I should be heading home now. Mom said she had something to talk to me about, and it wouldn't do for her to notice me out while grounded." She kissed each on the cheek before cleaning off and grabbing her bag.

The future fathers watched Iris lift off towards her home, all three of them in exhausted bliss. After watching the sun set, each helped pick up the different tools they used for different games through the day.

"Say... You don't think that she was going to get the talk today, do you?" Terrek said, looking over at the white inked Mather.

"Don't know, don't care..." Mather said. He paused as he looked over the cards on the leather mat, scratching at some of the patterns adorning his black scales. "But if there is fallout for her, we will still be her friends."

"I couldn't imagine otherwise. Friends from hatch day to deathbed, we told her." Halon replied, rubbing water through his feathers in an attempt to get red ink out. "...Did we bring any soap?"

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