Chapter 11: What One Believes In

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#15 of Echoes of a Dragon

Hey, long wait, sorry. Took me a while to get this done. I somewhat slacked on proofreading and revising the second half, hopefully it doesn't show!

Not much to add, I've been out of sorts lately. It may be a while before the next chapter comes out, and the story should wrap up soon after that. I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride so far, through my rough, inexperienced little story.

Feedback is greatly appreciated, please offer me your thoughts, I consider it a privilege to hear from you.

The sun hangs low in the sky, casting long, slender shadows across the quieting city. The hustle and bustle of the roads and market dwindles into a dull murmur, clawed footsteps and creaking wagons piercing the otherwise serene evening. A breeze rolls past me, carrying with it a cold moisture, the chill sending a slight shiver through me. Carried by the wind, a field of dark, ominous clouds rolls across the skies, drifting ever closer to the waning sun.

A storm approaches. It makes me uneasy.

"Zerius, nesat. (Go there)" Satu points at the long shadow of a swaying tree. The leaves rustle in the wind.

Earlier, after my initiation, I was given a crash course on Serysian linguistics. I try to keep the words I learned in mind, so Satu and I can communicate with each other. He is trying to show me my Umbran powers, but it is difficult with a language barrier. Skandar came to check in and volunteered to teach me a little, to facilitate things. I'm hardly proficient at it in such a short time, but I can understand simple commands.

From what I understand, Satu wanted to teach me my powers himself. Out of duty, or perhaps... something else, I dare not assume.

I approach the tree, stepping into the swaying shadow. I feel the blackness wrap around me, responding to the ink in my scales. My figure becomes wreathed in darkness, but I do not sink fully into the realm of shadows. Satu notices this, as if he expected it, and approaches me. He steps into the shadow himself, black tendrils wrapping around his body, but he does not disappear.

"Setao. Nes, serat setao. (Shadow, come... to shadow?)" He points at his head and closes his eyes. In an instant, the misty shadows coalesce around him and he is gone.

Unconsciously, I revert to my magical training. I was taught little at first, as I did not grow up in the palace, but once I became prefect, I managed to convince others to introduce me, formally, to the power. I took to it well; most do not realize I was not raised a noble. I wield it as proficiently as any other.

With this in mind, I attempt to will myself into the shadow as I would will fire into creation. I close my eyes. A chill passes through me. I assume it's the stormy wind, but when I open my eyes, I am greeted by an astonishing sight.

All around me, there is an overpowering darkness. Incomplete, but still very deep and black. I glance around, my heart racing at the sight and feel of suddenly being in a strange, dark place. After a moment of twisting my head around, I realize that the area looks familiar. Indeed, it is as if the shadows have somehow... inverted. The world is the same shape as the one I had been in, but there is a void in this world where there would be light in the other. I spot gateways into the world of light; mere shadows in that world, but brilliant windows among the darkness of this one.

I see Satu, or at least, I think it is Satu. He is a specter of pure, misty black, darker than the void of this strange realm, but it has the familiar shape of my friend and instructor. I try to speak, but my words are swallowed in the encompassing nothingness. He seems to notice me, an ebony arm pointing to a nearby shadow-gateway. I recognize it; it is the shadow of another tree, only a few paces away from the first. I try to move my legs, but quickly learn that my physical body has little control and power here.

Once again reverting to my training, I try to will myself forward. It is a strange, unfamiliar process, and my mind takes a moment to comprehend it. Satu has already vanished from his initial spot, appearing at the tree-shadow and waiting for me.

After a moment, my mind seems to click with the logic of this task. I find myself next to Satu again, having instantly transported myself through the shadowy void between the gateways into the normal world. The window of light shimmers slightly, and I learn with fascination that I can peer through it, spying through the shadow that serves as the rift between realms. The images are clear; I can see everything from inside this world.

The memory of meeting Satu and his comrades comes to my mind, their powers now revealed. They might have been watching me from the shadows for some time. I would never have known, if they did not reveal themselves. What a magnificent ability.

However, this world is not without its downsides. The void of it stretches far and deep, and I fear it would swallow me whole if I knew not where to go. I am surrounded by windows of light from every shadow cast in the real world, but they are small and faint, easily obscured by the encompassing darkness. The emptiness is unnerving.

There is one signature nearby that catches my gaze. The Umbran chambers. They are left in complete darkness in the real world, leaving a large signature of light among the void. It is a comfort, a sanctuary easily visible from a distance.

I glance towards Satu, and he gestures with his hand. He steps toward the gateway, slipping back into the world of light. I follow suit and step back into the material realm, my body reeling from the inertia of the crossing.

In front of me, I see Satu's shrouded visage, smiling.

"Zerius! Ses! Ses! ('Good, good.' - He's complimenting me)" He claps me on the shoulder gently, his gloved fingers gripping me softly. I smile at him in return, warmed by the contact.

"Satao, nesat hasa! (Shadow go... fast?)" He vanishes into darkness again.

I follow suit, once again crossing the barrier between realms. Satu is already at the shining portal of the first tree, and steps through.

Hmm, I get it. Speed.

I traverse the void, stepping back into the world of light and finding myself back in the shadow of the first tree. Satu waits there, smiling again when he sees me.

I understand - Movement in the world of shadows is much faster than the world of light, if a little more dangerous. If I flung myself off into the void, there's no telling which shadow I may end up stepping through. If I could find any at all. The worlds are nearly parallel, yet it is as if the land of shadows has no borders, no restrictions. I feel as though I could flow in one direction for an eternity, lost in the darkness. It is a scary thought.

As I experiment further, guided by Satu, I learn more quirks of these powers. The clouds overtake the sinking sun, dulling the shadows into a gloomy grey. As this happens, I realize that not every shadow is deep enough to step through. The obscured light leaves few areas to traverse, as the shadows do not pierce the veil. From inside the parallel world, it appears as if the surrounding darkness is lifted slightly, just enough to make out the world in clearer detail, but not enough to phase through.

The clouds part slightly, allowing the sun to shine through in the final leg of its downward journey. In the short amount of time I am afforded, I practice leaping through the shadows at speed. It is disorienting at first, moving through shadow space, flitting through points in the real world with little more than a thought, but I adjust to the task quickly, fascinated and intrigued by the power. I already believe my decision to join the Umbra was a wise one.

As the sun completes it's journey, slinking behind the mountains, the world is bathed with the dark of night. In this state of deep shadows, the line between the worlds of light and shadow is blurred almost beyond recognition. I can slip between them from anywhere away from the torchlight of the streets. The realm of shadow is at its brightest now, appearing as a murky grey parallel netherworld. The night is much more welcoming than I am used to, my eyes now piercing the darkness as easily as the light.

Satu smiles at me again, visibly pleased at how quickly I am adjusting to these techniques. Though we speak little to each other, I sense a bond of respect and trust forming between us.

He draws his weapons, a paired sword and dagger, the metal painted deepest black and gracefully engraved with twinkling golden sigils. The blades are not straight, instead curving slightly and sinuously back and forth along its length. They are elegant weapons, forged and wielded with care, but for lethal purpose. Grinning, he motions for me to draw my own weapon as he drops into a crouching stance.

I opt to try out my new paired blades, my spear left propped against a nearby fence. The triangular blades are decorated in the same way as Satu's own weapons; painted black, with a curving glyphic script carved along the metal. I idly wonder how Satu will perform in combat against me, considering that I may have to hold back for his sake.

These apprehensions prove ill-founded. In an instant, his blades cut towards me, my own weapons reflexively raised to intercept the blows. I expect to hear the ringing of clashing metal, but there is only the subtle, telltale 'whoosh' of someone slipping through the shadows.

I spin around, arcing out with my weapons to foil Satu's sneak attack. Our blades, and our eyes, meet, the earlier anticipated sound now echoing through the night air. He grins at me, amused at my quick reaction. I grin back, just as amused at his attempt.

Our weapons slide off one another as we each take a step back, planning our next moves. I decide to attempt a shadowstepping strike, to see how fast and effective I can execute it. Soaked in the shadows of the sunless night, I slip into the world of darkness and soar towards my opponent, appearing at his side.

Or at least, I thought it was his side. He has vanished from his spot and a second later pain explodes in my side as I am sent stumbling away. Satu had anticipated my attack and countered with his own, driving a kick into my ribs. It was not gentle, but he held back enough to cause no damage, only pain. Wincing, I whirl around to find him once again next to me, his blades cutting through the air. I continuously slap them away with my fist-blades, forced on the defensive at his enthusiastic assault.

We trade blows for some time, the clink clank of metal echoing around the nearby buildings. My limited experience with these weapons leaves me little room to maneuver and strike. Satu leaves me no breathing room between his attacks, his astonishing prowess leaving few openings for me to exploit. With each renewed offensive, I am forced closer to the fence at my back. Glancing behind to gauge the distance, I spot my spear, propped up only a couple feet away.

Focusing myself, I deflect Satu's next strikes with newfound force. I meet his blades with my own, positioning them on top of our clash and letting them slip from my hands. The weight of my weapons and the halting of my resistance startles Satu, throwing him slightly off-balance and giving me one precious moment of surprise.

Twisting backwards, I fling a leg out at my wayward spear. Striking it with impressive force, I send it whirling into the sky and over Satu's head. Slipping through the shadows, I appear behind him, just as he begins to turn to meet my attack. It is too late, I have proven too fast this time. In a powerful display of skill and dexterity, I seize my spinning polearm from the sky, bringing it down onto Satu.

Weapons crossed, he barely manages to halt my strike, but his stance is weak and easily exploitable. Gliding my weapon past his guard, I whirl around and bring the butt of it to his legs. In one fluid motion, I sweep him off his feet, planting one of my legs across his nearest arm, my spear pressed against the other, pinning both limbs to the ground. I lean down, pressing my free leg gently into his chest to ensure that he cannot move away. Though... I'm sure he could slip away through the shadows, if he wished.

He does not, though. Instead, panting, he stares up at me with his brilliant silver eyes, wearing a look of surprise and respect. I feel his breath on me, and I find myself panting as well, exerted from the short but intense combat.

We lie there for some time, errant thoughts passing through our heads as we tremble from the fading adrenaline rush. I relax my pin on Satu, slumping down beside his body. He looks at me with amusement, his chest rising and falling with each slowing breath. He shifts himself, getting comfortable in the dirt and staring into the starless night. I follow suit, stretching and lounging next to him, our bodies close enough to share some of the warmth of our battle.

I feel a gloved hand glide down my arm. It is slow, deliberate, testing and exploring every inch of my scales. I remain still, amused and curious at its intent. It glides further down, settling at my hand and slipping around it, the digits intertwined. Satu squeezes me, and I squeeze back.

It is such a small, innocent gesture, but it lightens my heart more than I would have ever expected.

The dreamworld takes shape in front of me once again. My heart and mind have shed much of their burden, so I do not look at Ren with the hostility and frustration I expected from myself. Instead, I find myself trying to empathize with him, morbidly curious at whatever he saw that had haunted him so.

He stands, his back to me, radiant wings obscuring most of his form. He remains silent.

"Ren. Talk to me, please."

He stirs, glancing back at me for a brief moment, but says nothing.

"What is wrong? Whatever you have seen must have been terrible. Please, tell me."

"It is more than that, Zuro'ki." He says firmly.

Surprised at his sudden reply, I stay silent, hoping he will continue.

"Do you not feel it?" He turns to me, his expression striking. It is a look of great despair and resignation, his glowing white eyes seeming to glimmer with fear. "I am losing myself..."

"What...?" I already guess at his implications, but I don't believe it.

"I thought, given time, my consciousness would gradually overtake yours. Or, at the very least, we would reach an equilibrium. This has not come to pass." His voice, while gentle, is heavy with frustration, though any anger seems to have given way to sadness.

He continues, "Every day, I lose more of myself in your mind. My memories bleed into yours, to be forgotten by your mortal mind. You siphon my power, one drop at a time, though you do not even realize it."

"What... what does this mean? What should I do?" I'm caught between confusion, and a desire to help Ren in some way. The thought of receiving divine power by inadvertently consuming a god seems so... impure.

"There is nothing to be done. I must simply make peace, while I am still able."

I am gripped by sudden regret and sadness. I feel like I am about to lose a friend. I want to find some method of saving him, but... the realm of the divine is incomprehensible to a mortal. I think the only thing I can do is trust his words, and let him make his peace.

"I have become more like you than I imagined, Zuro'ki." He pauses, wearing a melancholy gaze, "I saw Rel. I saw him in pain. He is on the precipice of death. In these waning moments of my existence, to witness such a thing through your eyes... it is painful."

His words ignite terror within me, "Close to death? Is this true?"

He says nothing, his head dipping in a slow nod. He turns away from me, anticipating my reaction and imminent awakening.

"No...! I... I must go! I can't let this happen!"

"Do what you must, Zuro'ki. Wield my power as you will, for it will soon be yours in its entirely. I have no say anymore."


Ren's last words echo in my mind as I awake with a start. I raise myself to a sitting position on the bed, a blanket draped over my lower half. I feel the warm presence of Aris lying next to me, sleeping soundly. I stroke her with a gentle hand, drifting down her curving torso and back again, admiring her content, slumbering expression. In this light and at this moment, I appreciate her beauty. To say I care for her would not be a lie... but the only thing on my mind now is Rel.

I'm sorry, Aris. I can't stay here any longer.

I rise to my feet, collecting my discarded pile of clothing and armor. Slowly and quietly, I slip back into the robe and buckle every leather plate back into place. Looking back at Aris's sleeping form one last time, I step out of the room.

The battle continues outside of the caves. Peering carefully out of the window of a nearby room, I see the legion of soldiers watching the structure with careful eyes. Every so often, a thin vibration thrums through the floor, caused by the soldiers below attempting to shift the rock to create an entrance. It is too dense and heavy, however, and even the combined efforts of dozens of soldiers have little effect.

I notice one thing as I observe the besiegers. Many of them appear listless, disinclined to continue this pointless endeavor. I spot one notable figure in the crowd. Tero'rui. The wiry, middle-aged bronze dragonkin stands far behind the front line, discussing things with his much more intimidating ruby advisor. Both of them look rather displeased. Occasionally, one of the pair will seek out and shout at a slacking group of guards, spurring the poorly motivated dragonkin back into action, if only temporarily.

Hang on, Rel. I just have one thing to do here. I'll be with you soon.

"It's going to be pretty straightforward." Skandar says to me in a lowered tone. "We go in from the east, straight to the capital. According to our sources, they have been preparing for such an attack, so the Umbra will disrupt them before we engage."

He inclines his head towards Satu who, along with a few other Umbra, watch us from a few feet away. They are limbering up and checking their weapons, though Satu occasionally glances directly at me.

The white marble halls of the governmental building seem abuzz with activity. Soldiers, messengers and commanders enter and exit the nearby room, a side room away from Siril's office that appears to serve as a war room.

Skandar stares at me, his face taking on a serious expression. "Are you sure you wish to participate? These are your kin, after all."

Closing my eyes, I nod my head. "I am certain."

"Mmm." Skandar considers my affirmation with a pensive look. "Alright, but I trust that you will not hesitate in your actions. There is no place for that in the field."

"I do not see them as kin. Not anymore."

This seems to surprise him, the resulting expression unfamiliar to Skandar's rugged features. It fades quickly, and he nods at me.

"Very well. This should be a short battle, by all accounts. The dragons have anticipated action from us, but it seems their legs are about to fall from under them. Our Umbran watchmen have told us that many commoners and soldiers alike are disobeying the Emperor's rule, led by dissatisfied nobles."

"Interesting..." I stroke my chin, considering the implications. "I didn't think anyone would have the guts to openly rebel."

"It hasn't gone well just yet." Skandar continues, as intrigued as I am by these events. "Many still remain loyal to their Emperor, and they are putting down the uprisings as they occur. It does bode well for our attack, however, as they will be unable to bring their full military to bear against us."

Armed with knowledge of my country, I offer my thoughts. "The east likely remained loyal to Shen. The north has decided to remain neutral, but I cannot speak for the people of the south. I am not sure if they hold any real loyalty towards me. The west is most likely filled with dissenters, due to Rel's influence. I assume that's where many of the uprisings are taking place."

I take a step to the side, considering the situation and continuing. "The most significant military presence will be the eastern militias, the palace soldiers, and the Emperor's personal guards. Assuming the southern militias are busy suppressing revolts."

Skandar's gaze hardens, unfazed by my information. "Be careful with assumptions, Agent Zerius."

I am struck by this sudden comment, but I try to brush it off. "I suppose nothing is certain."

"Remember, you're an Umbra now. It is your task to find certainty within the uncertainty."

His words spark a dark curiosity in me, his humorless tone muting some of the optimism I've gathered since I arrived. I had never given much thought to my tasks outside of this event. I have no chance to reply as a voice from the nearby room calls out, summoning Skandar into the gathering of leaders and commanders inside. He nods at me with a gruff politeness before striding away, leaving me with Satu and his - my - comrades.

As if on cue, Satu dismisses his gathered underlings, the shrouded lizards finding the nearest shadow and vanishing. Once they are gone, he approaches me, extending a hand. The halls are suddenly empty and quiet, my heartbeat audibly thumping in my chest.

I take his hand with my own, my heart soaring at the attention. It is at this moment, elated at this simple touch, that I fully realize I have fallen in love with Satu. I cannot pinpoint when I had first felt it, and the language barrier between us has done nothing to hinder my growing feelings. I think back on my feelings towards Zuro'ki, and I wonder if I was simply... attracted to the gentle dragonkin, rather than in love. I felt no such glow from him, as I do with Satu. Perhaps Zuro'ki felt the same about me... if he felt anything at all.

Ah... these feelings are very unfamiliar. I do battle with them, wrestling them emotionally and mentally to try to comprehend them, all the while comforted by Satu and his gentle affection. His gossamer eyes are full of care and kindness, a stark contrast to his dark calling and darker attire. I wonder what he sees in me, and what I could possibly offer him in return for his friendship. I suddenly feel powerless, swept away in the feeling of it all, with no control over my emotions. Satu's face lights up in a smile, spreading his warmth through me without even knowing it.

Hand in hand, we walk out of the white marble building and into the streets. Lightning arcs through the stormy skies, each flare of light heralding a rumbling peel of thunder. Serysian troops mill about, messengers running to and fro, gathering the fighting force that will assault the imperial palace. Wielding wide bladed spears and crescent swords, squares of serpents dot the roads, though more numerous irregular units of varying races are scattered about. Occasionally, one will filter off west, through the streets, presumably to a muster point on the outskirts of town.

The thing that catches my eye in this gathering are the magi. Serysian magic appears to be vastly different from dragon sorcery, in both form and function. Dressed in flowing, ornate robes are a few serpents, a couple bipedal reptiles, and one grey-furred canine. They make their way between the troops, muttering and gesturing with their hands. With each complete motion, wisps of energy wreathe themselves around the silver-gold armor and weapons of the soldiers, infusing and lining the metal with a luminescent glow.

The magi themselves have one striking feature: their eyes. Each pair has a milky, silver-blue glow, the effect obscuring the pupils of either eye. The intensity seems to vary between each mage; younger ones have a mere glimmer, while the oldest ones have a brilliant sheen. Aside from their shimmering, decorative robes, they don't seem to carry much on their person. Of the magi gathered here, one uses a gnarled wooden staff to support themselves, while another uses a much more practical quarterstaff for the same purpose. Some carry charms and trinkets on their belts, and others hold forearm-length pieces of wood, ceramic, or other materials, some even carved into intricate designs.

One of them approaches me, a medium-built reptile, eyes gleaming with wisdom and power. His earthen green scales are just beginning to show their age, and a short, wispy beard of white juts out from the bottom of his pointed snout, accentuating the brown feathers swept back along his head. He says nothing, eying my weapons. Satu draws and presents his sword and dagger, and motions me to do the same. I pull my bladed katars from their fastening on my sash and hold them crossed outwards.

The mage closes his eyes and mutters in a tongue I cannot decipher, his hands tracing paths in the air before me. I recall the spell Satu placed on me in our first meeting, remembering the glyph that appeared at his fingertips. This spell is similar in concept, but there is no glowing glyph. Instead, once the incantation is completed, the magic seems to simply appear, ribbons of flowing cyan manifesting in the air and settling on our weapons, leaving a faint glow. His task done, the reptilian mage dutifully wanders off to search for others in need of enchantment.

Curious, I grip one glimmering weapon in my hand. I feel it; it's faint, but it's there. A vibration of power. It is such a strange, mystical sensation. Dragon magic holds no such utility. I am curious as to what the enchantment actually does, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

My weapons are returned to my sash as Satu tugs at my arm, drawing me away from the crowded streets. As he leads me onwards, I find our path taking us down a familiar route through the city. I realize his intent with both apprehension and excitement when the plainly-decorated walls of the pleasure den come into view.

Protests languish in my mind, remaining unsaid, but Satu notices my expression and halts at the door.

"Zerius?" He looks at me, worried. "Ssu... sesas, sat? (Can we be intimate?)" Very forward.

I'm flattered at his abrupt, shameless advances, but I feel as though it would be inappropriate, considering we are heading off to battle soon. I try to communicate this in his language.

It takes me a moment to find the words, and I speak them haltingly. "Uhh... sat, sesas... ses. Se kaa... sotho, asa?" I hope it's not nonsense to him. I tried to say 'Yes, intimacy good, but what about the fight?'.

He processes my words, understanding spreading through his features.

"Eh... Zerius sa Satu surta. Asa... sen asa." Ah, I get most of that, but I am uncertain what 'surta' means. The way he phrased it, it's something that may, or will, happen to us, and it would be bad. My mind launches into a series of wild speculations as Satu pushes the door aside and leads me into the building.

It only takes a cursory glance to see that the interior is devoid of occupants. This only serves to increase my apprehension; the feeling that we're sneaking away for frivolous reasons is at the forefront of my mind. Satu, is this really that important?

We stand in the center of the room, next to the simmering glass bulb of aphrodisiac smoke. Satu gazes at me with concern, sensing my doubts and hesitation. There is a long moment of silence as we process the situation. I am lost in the doubts, but my feelings for Satu will not let me pull away from this. I am stuck in complete indecision, and I find myself staring at him, hoping he will somehow release me from these conflicting thoughts.

He seems to come to a conclusion in his mind. Gazing at me with renewed purpose, he raises a hand. Tracing a familiar glyph in the air, he casts it at me. It flows towards my head and silently bursts, vermillion strands wreathing themselves around me. Instead of trying to resist the magic as before, I embrace it, closing my eyes and anticipating the emotional link.

It comes, and with startling strength. Feelings and emotions roll through me, some familiar, some alien. They settle on one thing. Affection? No... love. It is a strong, indescribable feeling that leaves me fluttering, in both heart and head. Satu's eyes flick across my features, scanning my reaction with a hopeful expression. It brings back memories of when we met on the road, as strangers. It was not so long ago, and yet it feels so distant. The emotions shift, slowly, to the agitation of combat. I feel my heartbeat race merely at the feeling, my blood pumping with a rush of battle. I can nearly see it - can nearly envision his thoughts, as if he were sending me a dream.

In the wake of battle, I am left with a deep, tragic feeling of loss. I feel my chest tighten, and I cannot help but choke out a sob. The feeling cuts me to the very core. Eventually, it fades, and I find myself exchanging stares with Satu.

The answer was so obvious, I feel like an idiot for not realizing it. He's afraid of losing me. And... I feel the same about him.

How did this happen? We barely know each other, and can hardly speak the same language. How can such powerful emotions arise from such humble origins? I simply... cannot understand it. I can only be swept away by the current.

I step forward, enveloping Satu in a tight, heartfelt hug. I would never have thought myself capable of such tenderness before I had met Zuro'ki. I try to emulate more of his personality than I'm willing to admit to myself.

Satu seems surprised, but also very happy. His emotions bleed into me through the magic, completely filling me with elation. On a whim, I attempt to focus my own emotions and project them back at Satu. Tightening my grip, I relish our embrace, using it as fuel for the mental pulse.

I hear him gasp, his body trembling against mine in the wake of my emotional wave. Pulling his head back, he stares at me, eyes wide. I feel his own happiness spill into me as the link between us grows stronger, our heartfelt feelings passing to and fro, gathering strength with each trip.

The communication is deep and profound; it connects us on a level I have never shared with anyone before. I stare into Satu, my face reflected in his scintillating pools of liquid silver. Bolstered by our shared bliss, our snouts inch forward, lips pressing against one another. We gently nip and nibble as waves of euphoria gather strength between us, our hearts soaring in unison.

This feels so different from before. When he presented himself that night, at this very same den, it did not have such... weight. It was idle pleasure, simple curiosity. It meant nothing then, but means so much more now. The feeling is palpable; it radiates from both of us through our shared link.

Hands drift around our pressing bodies, touching and stroking in a growing fit of passion. My tongue lashes out from my muzzle, seeking the company of Satu's warm mouth. He responds in kind, shutting his eyes tightly as our tongues intertwine and mingle. I am swimming in an ocean of euphoria, and before I know it, our hands have divested us of our shadowy clothing, leaving it piled unceremoniously at our feet.

We pull away from our embrace, our hearts beating with excitement.

"Se kaa?" Satu points at the glass bulb beside us, but I already know I won't need it.

Unlike before, my sights are not dulled from the aphrodisiac. With eyes unclouded, I look at Satu, drinking in his dark, naked body. His limbs are somewhat thin and would look nearly sickly, if it were not for the muscles ridging through the scales. His body shares this same theme, the wiry appearance disguising the strength underneath. Between his legs, the slim tip of his pink member pokes out from his faint, vertical slit.

Satu waits for my response, glancing towards the bulb. I step forward, sweeping him into another embrace and rekindling our kiss. He looks briefly surprised, and then relieved, a look of bliss crossing his face at my touch. The emotional link between us flares constantly with pleasure and ecstasy, pushing us further and further down our road of shameless passion.

My own member slides out from within me as we touch, the curving crimson head eager for attention. I grab hold of Satu and he willingly melts in my arms, his eyes glazed. Guiding him backwards with clumsy steps, I rest him on the nearest object: a waist-high stool covered with a square of gold-edged, silken fabric. It's not perfect for the situation, but I'm long past the point of caring.

He lies back, somewhat awkwardly on the small stool, allowing me a good view of his excited member and eager tailhole. I pull away from our kiss, my tongue keen to see to its next task. Inching down, my snout hovers over Satu's nethers, my breath hot on his twitching meat. My tongue lashes out, striking the shaft with a few precise strokes, leaving its glistening mark behind. Satu shudders audibly, trembling from the pleasure.

Moving a few inches down, I begin assaulting his tailhole with my wet, writhing tongue. Satu gasps at my warm intrusion, his body squirming with every twist and turn of my snaking flesh. I probe deeply, covering his insides with slippery saliva, all the while sending intense pulses of bliss through him. He squeals and squeaks, toes curling, body tensing, completely overwhelmed by the sensation.

Before he can adjust, I slip my tongue out from inside him and slide it up his shaft in a long, teasing motion. His squeak turns into a surprised, desperate moan that echoes in the small building. I grin, thoroughly amused with the feeling that I'm playing with some new, beloved toy.

Placing my hand at the base of his cock, I massage the opening, slipping my fingers between the folds of his slit to tantalize the soft flesh inside. It seems my every touch ignites a blaze inside Satu, as he reacts enthusiastically to every motion. Teasing his shaft with a few more stray licks, I guide it into my muzzle, suckling on it to Satu's endless delight.

It is not very big... heh. My snout turns up into an amused smile as I suck and play with his sensitive flesh. It has plenty of room in my muzzle and I push it around with my tongue, brushing it against my teeth to see his reaction. He shudders and quivers, moaning all the while, his cock throbbing urgently in my maw. His breath hisses as he inhales sharply, holding it as his entire body tenses up.

"Nnn-gah!" He huffs.

I can barely register this before I feel my mouth fill with spurts of creamy seed. The emotional link flares with brilliant intensity, causing me to gasp inadvertently and nearly choke on the increasing volume of fluid. Satu bites his lip and suppresses a moan, his entire body tight as a wire as he weakly bucks his hips into my snout. My tongue massages his pulsing member, squeezing every drop into my throat.

Panting, Satu stares at me with glazed eyes. I grin at him, pushing myself up to lean over him. He rises up to bring me into another kiss and I comply with a breath of passion. Holding Satu with one arm, I use the other to guide my member to his slickened entrance. After a moment of blind fumbling, I find my target, pressing the head against his puckering hole.

Our hearts skip a beat, anticipating the next moment. I do not bother asking Satu if he's ready; the lustful grunts and groans of our passionate kiss are evidence enough.

Inch by inch, I slide my member past his defenses and inside his rear. He tenses, freezing in our kiss as I slip more of my crimson flesh into his willing body. Gently and steadily, I ease further and further inside, pausing as I hilt myself, letting Satu adjust to my invasive presence. He whines into my mouth, and I get the feeling he thinks I'm teasing him.

Chuckling softly, I begin bucking my hips, my flesh slipping in and out of his yielding hole. I waste no time, building up speed with reckless abandon, the foreplay and teasing leaving me already precariously close to my own finish.

I battle the oncoming surge, still locked in snout to snout contact with Satu. My breathing becomes heavier and faster and my thrusts become less measured, more chaotic. He is so soft... his mouth, his tongue, and his tailhole. I was swimming in pure bliss before, and now I am drowning, slipping under the current of indescribable ecstasy. My lust comes out in full force, my desire for Satu burning through my entire body.

I pound him furiously, our scales slapping together as our kiss descends into moans and pants into each others open mouths. I slide my arms around him, balancing carefully on the small stool as I vigorously thrust inside his soft, warm rump. The emotional link reflects both his pleasure, and my own, and the amplified feeling drives me rapidly onward.

I can hold it no longer. A loud, throaty roar rips itself from my throat, as I drive myself into Satu one more time, pushing against his hips and nearly tipping us over. I react uncontrollably to the double-helping of pleasure from our link, bucking wildly and desperately into him. Ropes of seed burst out from my embedded cock, my sticky cum shooting deep inside his rear. I feel his diminutive member throbbing against my belly, offering another helping of his creamy fluid.

The rush of the simultaneous orgasm is nearly blinding, and we cry out in unrestrained, agonizing bliss.

Mercifully, after what feels like an eternity of rocking my hips and dribbling seed into Satu, the tension begins to fade. The world comes back into focus around me, the sounds no longer muffled by the heartbeat in my ears. As if on cue, the emotional link dissipates, unraveling from the intense exchange, but it leaves an echo of undeniable happiness in the both of us; not a reflected emotion, but one born of our shared connection.

I let out a long, content sigh, collapsing onto Satu. I can do little, the aftermath of the intense lovemaking leaving me nearly paralyzed. Perhaps not the greatest idea before a battle, but... I'm glad we did it.

"Thank you, Satu." I blurt out.

He looks at me, his eyes rimmed with a look of deep contentment. He smiles and his trembling arms slide around me, gripping me tight.

We say nothing more, spending a few precious moments bathing in each others warmth and touch. The Serysian troops are going to head west soon, but all I can think about is how much I want to stay here, in this moment, with Satu.

Trela'zeo stares at me, trying to decipher my expression. She is abrasive and unkind, distrustful of me despite my actions.

"You're just going to talk to them?"

I nod, offering no other words.

She raises her hands in disbelief. "You believe that will solve things? Hah!"

I furrow my brow, glancing at her with irritation. "I do not seek your approval. You asked what my intent was, and I have told you."

She narrows her eyes before turning away. "A waste of time. If you command such power, slay them and be done with it."

Already weary of her hateful demeanor, I make no attempts to justify myself to her. My silence seems to aggravate her further, and she turns back to me. Before she can say a word, a robed figure strides into the room.

"Trela, hold your tongue." The feminine voice is soft but firm.

I turn to examine the figure. It takes little effort to discern the identity of it; the extravagant robes and noble gait tell me that it can only be the Matron of the caves. Long, sweeping white robes compliment her ivory scales. She is very old; such is to be expected, as each Matron is chosen from the eldest of females, typically ones long past fertility.

The Matron is the formal leader of the females that reside in the breeding caves. She makes all of the decisions here, and her opinion holds sway even over the male-dominated palace. The schism between male and female sections of the nobility has been a source of contention in the past, but it eventually evolved into a grudging, mutual respect between each group. Our histories tell little of why we have segregated the genders of the nobility. It has simply been a fact of life, left unquestioned.

It was the Matron that made the choice to disobey Shen, and in that light, she has already fostered my respect in her.

Trela stares at the Matron, angry, heated words frozen at the tip of her tongue. The Matron fixes a hard stare at the upstart emerald female.

"Aira'zeo's child is close to hatching, is it not? You should tend to her." She says this with a dismissive finality, leaving Trela's common sense to battle with her emotions. The emerald female holds her words, donning a look of defeat and frustration.

"Yes, Matron." Trela mutters, bending into a stiff bow before swiftly exiting the room.

A moment passes in silence before I recall my manners.

I dip into a low bow, offering the Matron my respects. "Greetings, Matron. It has been a long time."

She smiles at me, the pleasant smile of an old, doting caretaker. "Indeed it has, Zuro'ki. Though I have seen many children grow and leave in my centuries of life, I still remember when you were a little pup. So sweet and gentle."

I flush slightly, glancing aimlessly out the window of the room. "Thank you, Matron."

I hear her take a step towards me, the jewelry on her robes jingling with the motion. "I apologize for Trela's behavior. She has no right to speak to you in such a way."

"Please, do not worry about it, Matron. She is frustrated, I can understand."

"Perhaps." The sound of clinking metal grows closer as she approaches me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I lament this situation. Kin fighting kin. But, we must always act towards what we believe in. That is why we fight."

I turn my head to look at her. Dry, cracked scales cover her face, and the sparse hair on her head is a striking white. Yet her eyes, as old and tired as they are, are infinite pools of clear, cerulean wisdom.

"You're right, Matron." I stare outside the window, steeling myself for what is to come. It is late afternoon and the soldiers, already weary of their pointless attempts to gain entry, are beginning to retire to their tents, much to Tero'rui's chagrin.

I lift a leg up, propping it on the opening of the window. Long Ren's power rushes through me with a mere thought, my every limb vibrating with energy. It comes so easily to me now... but I suppose it's not really his power anymore...

I turn back to the Matron, eyes glowing with pure divinity.

"I will accomplish what I came here to do. I will act towards what I believe in."

Her expression remains neutral, unfazed by my sudden change, though I detect the hint of a smile.

I turn back to the window and step out into the open air. A gale of wind swirls around me, guiding me gently downwards. A few cries of alarm issue from the thinning crowd of soldiers below, and they ready their weapons.

"Hold! I wish to parley!" My voice booms out across the fields, unconsciously amplified. "I intend no harm."

The soldiers below me form into a ring of blistering weapons, spears and blades leveling at me as I slowly descend to the ground. Touching down, I raise my hands in a gesture of peace, trying to dissuade any immediate hostility. The soldiers are uncertain how to react to this, both anxious and quelled from my previous demonstration in combat. Some glance nervously to and fro, hands trembling along the grips of their weapons.

A ruby dragonkin steps forward out of the ring of steel. His armor bears the seal of a captain. He regards me with a critical eye.

"What gives you the right to parley with us, demon, after your sudden, unexplained attack yesterday?"

"I apologize for that, but you would not have let me pass otherwise. I tried to avoid loss of life."

He grunts, offering a small nod. "Perhaps. How admirable." He makes no effort to stifle the sarcasm in his voice.

"Captain, look at yourself, look at your soldiers. Ask yourself, are you doing the right thing?"

His gaze hardens at my words, but he quickly glances between his men. "We follow the orders of the Emperor. There is no 'right thing' to us. Only the word of the Emperor." He speaks boldly, but I can see through his words. Hidden precariously behind them, there is uncertainty.

"Our Emperor no longer has our best interests at heart. Attacking the females is nothing but an attempt to destroy us. You would be blind to not see the sudden change that has overcome Shen'zuka."

The captain bares his teeth in a snarl. "You dare to question the Emperor? What right have you to speak such things?"

My voice booms with impatience. "Use your common sense! You are not a blind servant to him! Look at what he has done to his people! Shutting down all trade, sealing off our borders, and banning reproduction! He is trying to bring the empire to ruin!"

The ruby warrior gazes at me, turning the words over in his head. I take a deep breath and continue.

"When Shen'zuka returned from Feithiro lands, he was changed. Corrupted. The Emperor we knew is gone. We owe no loyalty to this... deviant specter of our liege."

The captain ponders this, seemingly drawn into thought over my words. The soldiers surrounding me glance at him, awaiting guidance and instruction, still anxiously brandishing their weapons. Doubts begin to take shape, and I worry that I am not reaching him, or his men. I clench my hands nervously, preparing to defend myself should the worst occur.

A shrill, irritated voice erupts from behind the line of soldiers. "What is the meaning of this?"

I recognize the voice just as the wiry form of Tero'rui steps through the ring and up to the ruby captain.

"Captain Kuris, your orders are not to negotiate with these traitors!" The amber-scaled turns to me, recognition dawning on his face and twisting it into an expression of hostility.

"This is Zuro'ki! The traitor of the west! Kill him! Now!"

I fix a hard stare at Kuris. "This is your moment, Kuris. Choose to do what you believe in."

For a tense, fleeting moment, Kuris ponders the situation, but Tero'rui does not allow him the privilege of a decision. He draws his sword, shouting at his approaching advisor.

"Gen, kill this foul traitor! I will speak with Captain Kuris and his men about this afterwards." He spits out the last sentence with unrestrained malice, glaring at Kuris, who stares at the dirt at his feet.

"Of course, Prefect."

A lumbering ruby dragonkin, standing nearly two heads taller than me, strides into the ring. He holds a massive polearm, tipped with a fearsome, wedge-shaped blade, a thin spike protruding from the end of the shaft.

I let out a sigh, tensing up for combat. My voice booms with powerful authority. "I'm warning you right now, Gen. To face me is to face your own defeat."

He grins but says nothing, lowering into a combat stance.

I have no patience for such foolish confidence. He wastes my time and he will suffer for it. I will defeat him quickly and humiliate him. I...

...what? These can't be my own thoughts. Such arrogance.

My momentary lapse is all that Gen needs. Before I know it, he is on top of me, deadly halberd bearing down. My body feels strangely sluggish as I am now left to my own reactions, unaided by Ren's divine combat prowess. Have I been so reliant on him? Has he fought my battles for me all this time?

Sliding forward a step, I manage to avoid the edge of the blade, instead taking the shaft into my shoulder. I hear a sharp crack and pain explodes through my arm. The weight of the polearm is impressive, and I am nearly sent off my feet from the force of the blow. Gen continues his assault, a vicious grin spread over his face.

Struggling to regain my balance, I narrowly avoid the next deadly sweep of his weapon. Pressing in close to me, he aims a low, horizontal strike; too high to jump, too low to duck. I twist my body, reaching out with my undamaged arm to intercept the blow. I feel my fingers curl around the cylindrical shaft of the weapon and I reflexively tug, twisting it away from its wielder.

Finding myself with a hefty halberd in my hands, I twirl it around as if it was light as a feather, thrusting the butt into my opponent. Though I am without divine experience, I still wield divine power, and my movements are unnaturally fast and hold much strength. The blunt end of the weapon collides with Gen, cracking his armor and sending him to the grass, gasping for air.

Fire sears my scales, sudden heat stinging my eyes and forcing me to shut them tightly. I grunt with derision, blindly raising my weapon to protect myself. I hear the shrill cry of Tero'rui rapidly approaching me, his footsteps loud in the dirt. Twirling my stolen polearm, I hear a flick of metal and feel a light vibration as a blade lands and quickly slides off. Opening my eyes, my budding confidence is snuffed out by an approaching foot. I hear a dull thump, and find myself on the ground, stars dancing in my vision.

Tero'rui stands over me, his mouth pulled into a sinister laugh. I hear his voice, but it is muffled from the ringing in my ears.

"I've always wanted to do this. You and Rel were always trying to upstage me. Spoiled brats."

Panic flares through my body. I desperately try to raise a hand, or roll away, but I can only shift my weight weakly. The kick to my head was solid, too solid. Though I am channeling divine strength, I suppose my body is still mortal. The Dragon spark does not shield me from conventional, physical damage. Tero grins at my struggle, raising his weapon to deliver the final, tragic blow.

I prepare myself for the end.

It does not come.

The scene before me takes a moment to come into focus. Tero still stands above me, but a look of shock and agony has been painted on his face. His eyes are drawn to the bloody sword blade poking out of his chest. This moment seems to linger for an eternity, Tero's own sword having left his grasp, falling slowly to the ground.

Thunk! The weapon lands in the dirt, and the reality of the situation comes flooding in.

The wet, crimson blade slides back through Tero's torso, leaving a slowly spreading blotch of red on his robe. I hear his faint gasps before he collapses to the ground and out of my sight. Replacing him is Kuris, wielding bloodied steel and looking at me with desperate resolve... and a glimmer of hope. He leans towards me, offering a shaky hand.

I am pulled to my feet. The ring of soldiers around us look on with disbelief, but in the gathering of anxious faces, I see some wearing expressions of relief.

"I can scarcely believe I did that... he was a prefect." Kuris's voice is trembling, haunted. He takes a deep breath. "But... you are right. I don't believe in this anymore. I don't care what we do, I don't want to hurt any more innocent kin."

"What of your soldiers? And the other captains?" There should be a couple others, at least, given the size of this force.

Kuris turns around, scanning each one of his subordinates. After a moment, he speaks with a raised voice.

"Any dragonkin that wishes to return to the Emperor, you are free to do so. I will not fault your loyalty to your liege. You may go freely."

After another few seconds, he continues with more confidence.

"However, those that wish to find out what has happened to our Emperor will find a place at my side. Those that do not believe that our duty is to raise weapons against our females, and our kin. Those that wish to fight for truth shall find it, if they follow me."

The soldiers surrounding us visibly relax, their weapons finally lowering.

"Kuris'ne. Is this your doing?"

Kuris and I both spin to face the newcomer. Another captain, this one of green scale.

Kuris looks grim. "Captain Pero... do you intent to fight us?"

Pero laughs, as if the notion was ridiculous. "No. The way I see it, our commander is now dead. We no longer have any business here; we're taking charge of our own units. Uri shares my thoughts, he intends on returning to the palace. In arms."

I stare at him with skepticism. "If you were so against your orders, why did you not act?"

Pero shrugs, shaking his head. "It is hard to refuse them openly. We are trained to obey from a young age, you know this, though as a moonborn I doubt you suffer it yourself. It is against our nature. Kuris is lucky enough to have been prompted by your bravado."

I nod at Pero and turn to Kuris. "Thank you for your decision. You saved my life."

He waves away my gratitude. "I only did what I believed in."