Chapter Nine: A Good Match

Story by ScrambledCrackers on SoFurry

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#10 of Protecting Harmony Book 1: Pathfinding

Had some writer's block. Just putting it out as it is for now and I'll be extending it later when I come back for revisions. Need to move onto another part of the story before I go bonkers.

As always, comments and critiques are welcome. Just use your damned brain. :P

Edit 12/6/2014: Reviewed, revised, refined a little more. Only small details tweaked and moved certain things further into suggestive than overt territory. Not sure when or if I'll come back to this like I thought I would.

I grumbled a bit, the knocking just wouldn't stop and I doubted I would be allowed to fall back to sleep until answering whomever was at the blasted door. Twilight gave her own grumble, nudging me to finally just deal with the interruption.

Slowly dragging myself off the bed, nearly falling off before my brain caught up to itself about what angle I was moving, and draping one of the blankets over myself as I shambled over to the door. Whatever they wanted, I'd just tell them to stop the knocking and come back later. It was too early in the morning. Twilight and I still needed sleep. Finally leaning against the wall by the handle, I slowly pulled the door open only as wide as my face and groggily looked to see who was being so bothersome so early.

"Nrrf...Luna? Why're you here so early? S'mthin' wrong...?" I half mumbled with a yawn.

Luna eyed me oddly as her brow arched, "Early? Vojin, it is almost noon. Are you and Twilight alright? We have been getting a little concerned that neither of you has left your room yet."

"Hhhaahha...noon? That's fff....," I paused, eyes widening slightly as I finally registered what she just said, a bit more awake from the surprise as I noticed the bright sunlight outside across the hall, "It's already noon? How did that happen?"

Luna rolled her eyes and gave me a bemused grin, "How did you not notice? And how in Equestria did your mane become such a mess? I have not seen a mane so disheveled since I saw a young unicorn miscast a lightning spell and fell twitching from the metal table upon which she stood. Again, are the two of you alright?"

Blinking a bit as my mind kept moving closer to actually waking up, "My hair? Why would it....oh... Heh, uh...."

After taking in my rising blush in confusion for several seconds, Luna's eyes widened and some color filled her cheeks as she smiled with a bit of embarrassment, "Oh my...I believe I understand what has kept the two of you for so long. Well, Celestia and I had originally hoped to see the two of you at breakfast, though I suppose lunch will work just as well. When the two of you are...ah, finished in there, do come find us. And I apologize for any interruptions."

Before I could even come up with a reply, Luna had turned and headed off. Closing the door, I stared at the floor for a bit before starting to chuckle softly and walked back over to the bed, slipping back in beside my delicious distraction of a mare. Twilight latched onto me as soon as I laid back down, her eyes were closed as she nuzzled under my chin, her voice sleepy, "So who was it and what did they want this early? And what is so funny, Vojin?"

"Purple Angel, I am afraid that was Luna coming by with an invite to join the two of them and to check on us...just before lunch." I couldn't stop the quiet laughter, as much the state we were in as it was the look on Luna's face when she realized just what had kept us in bed so long.

Twilight moved back, looking at me incredulously, "Seriously? It's almost lunch already? And here I was hoping to refresh my memory of last night with some reenactment..."

Her voice grew more sensual as she moved into take a slow lick across my neck as she pressed up against me like she had done so many times last night, eliciting a small shiver once again and threatening to make me forget anyone just came to the door or what time it actually was. Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate I couldn't really say, but I was awake enough to know we actually did need to get up now.

I nudged Twilight back gently, giving the end of her nose a kiss, "Alas....much as I would rather forget there is a world outside this room, you know we shouldn't keep Luna, or Celestia, waiting for us any longer. We will see what we can do with...'reenactments' as you put it at some point tonight."

She pouted adorably as she traced her hoof just below my belt line, "Are you really going to leave me wanting? Couldn't we at least induldge ourselves again real quick?"

"And if we did, just how long would it take for you to feel it was enough, hmm?" I chuckled as I caught her hoof and slowly pulled away.

She finally gave an exasperated sigh and a lazy, sated grin, "After last night, I don't think that the word 'enough' will ever be an acceptable term in my vocabulary with which to describe how I felt about it. Promise we'll take a vacation or something soon somewhere we won't have to be interrupted?"

A hand cupped her cheek, my thumb brushing across her wonderfully soft purple fur as I smiled, "A promise we won't even need because that sounds like a grand idea, Purple Angel. We can look into it when we get back home, ok?"

"You better not forget...or I might use a binding spell and keep you stuck to the bed until I decide I'm ready to let you loose again.," she said as she moved to nuzzle against my chest, prompting me to wrap my arms around her again and kiss the top of her head.

It actually took us at least twenty minutes before we were more than halfway ready to meet the princesses for lunch. Every time we touched, it threatened to drag us back to bed again. And just getting the unruly masses atop our heads, and her tail, back into something presentable ended up taking longer than usual. At last though, we stood by the door and shared one more passionate kiss before heading for lunch with Celestia and Luna.

After a few inquiries of the various Royal Guards we passed, we soon joined Celestia and Luna in a lovely little corner of the royal gardens. A good-sized spread of sandwiches was on the table and neither of them chose to even try hiding the knowing smirks on their faces. Considering the weighty events last night, it being the first time for Twilight and I, and how late we had woken up, I couldn't really blame them. Particularly considering I couldn't view them as anything less than dear friends now, since they had seen everything of note I had ever done or been in my life and accepted me fully thereafter. Although that didn't stop the heating of my face any, as I gave them a sheepish look as Twilight did much the same.

"I see the two of you are still able to walk straight. I take it you....enjoyed your rest last night?" Celestia made no effort to hide her teasing, still wearing that knowing smirk and politely trying not to laugh.

"Luna seems to have told you what kept us, I see." I said dryly, knowing there was no dodging things at this point.

Celestia finally couldn't contain it and laughed softly with a warm smile, "You must forgive me and indulge my teasing, Vojin. I am quite happy for the two of you reaching this stage in your love, though I do hope you will mind what time it is in the future. I think the palace could have been on fire and you two wouldn't have noticed."

"I'm sorry Celestia! I got so lost the experience last night that time seemed to vanish!" Twilight seemed edging between exasperated helplessness and extreme embarrassment with her face showing a blush that practically glowed, my arm slipping around her comfortingly.

"Oh nonsense, my dear Twilight. Even if yesterday's events were not so...challenging, I completely understand why you would be so enamoured as to lose all track of time. Even when I first sent you to Ponyville, I never imagined you would know love so strong. And I can safely say, now that Luna and I know the very depths of Vojin's being, that he loves you dearly. You are very fortunate to hold his heart when he feels so strongly for you." Celestia said, giving Twilight a look of warm-hearted approval.

Luna mused with a pleased smile, sounding like she was split between wanting to tease us and thrilled at what we found together, "I must agree with my sister. In our many years, we have seldom witnessed a couple reach such a level of feeling and devotion that was still so pure and accepting. Of course, it only makes me all the more curious of when you will be ready...and will you wish to have your wedding in Canterlot?"

"Are we going to hear that question every time we see either of you now?" I asked them with a sigh, a helpless grin on my face while Twilight silently blushed again.

In unison, they replied with amused grins, "Maybe."

I covered my face with my free hand, groaning lightly as the smile I got wouldn't stop, Twilight simply blushed more and hid her face in my shoulder.

Luna chuckled, "Oh come now. After understanding just how much the two of you have grown together, is it really such a surprise?"

After eyeing her in feigned annoyance, I finally gave in with a exasperated sigh, "A surprise? No, I can't say it is. Doesn't make the discomfort at such teasing any less. Although why exactly it's embarrassing, I cannot really figure out. Maybe just the fact there is nothing I can make a retort with because the two of you are being so accurate. And no, ask all you want but we'll figure out where we'd hold the wedding when we are actually ready for that."

Twilight playfully bapped me in the head with a wing as she raised her eyes to look at me with mild aggravation and a faint smile, " know you're just giving them encouragement, right Vojin?"

The royal sisters just laughed.


I warmly hugged Luna as Twilight did the same with Celestia, bidding them goodbye until the planned royal summit the following month. Even Princess Cadence and Shining Armor would be coming from the Crystal Empire for it. Twilight and I would return with the other Bearers of the Elements as well. Though the starting time of coming events was still unknown to all of us, we could begin some initial plans now that it was known to be approaching, considering I had come to Equestria as predicted and set things in motion.

Twilight and I would soon to take a carriage to the station for the train back to Ponyville. Apart from a few more playful jabs, it had been a very relaxed and pleasant lunch. Celestia and Luna both commented how much they valued a chance to put aside most of the protocol and other things of being the rulers of Equestria while it was just the four of us. Something Twilight and I both agreed with fully.

We learned a few more details about the link between Twilight and I. The one that stood out the most was learning that while the link couldn't change our emotions, it did leave us far more sensitive to each other and after a little considering of how things had gone between us, I gathered it let us find mutual trust far faster. Twilight felt like she resonated with me, even without considering our link. It was a feeling I'd never felt before.

"I hope the two of you have a pleasant trip back to Ponyville. Try not to dwell on the coming challenges. We will have plenty of time to assess things at the summit. There is little either of you should worry over until then at least." Celestia said softly.

"Indeed. The time will come as it must. Vojin, I fully expect to hear of your success with teleportation when next we meet. Be well, my friend." Luna added, giving me a gentle smile.

"Thank you Celestia, thank you Luna. For everything, really. It's hard to follow how much happened just since yesterday afternoon when we arrived in Canterlot. Whatever the future has in store for us all, at least we can all stand together." I said seriously.

"Are you sure there is nothing more we can do to prepare, Celestia? Surely there are some books I could go through to help develop a better understanding.," Twilight's usual need to make her mentor proud slipping through.

Celestia merely shook her head gracefully, "I fear we have no great selection of books on the subject. War has been gone so long from Equestria that what stores of learning we did have are a sparing few. Luna and I will see what we can find before the summit. We did recognize the need to preserve knowledge but fear the ancient archives containing such things are poorly organized. We had only focused on preservation."

One of the books I had brought with me floated to my awareness then, Twilight had purposefully neglected reading it herself, telling me if my world had so much war, perhaps it was one time a book was better off unread, "Actually, that reminds me of a book I happened to have when I came to Equestria. As you are quite aware, Earth is full of conflict at any given time and human history is even moreso. As much for the wisdom it contains for facing the challenges of life, it was made famous for it's applications in war. The title is 'The Art of War' and is a few thousand years old itself. It was written by a scholar I believe, observing an ancient general that was a master of military matters, though it is written entirely in poems and it will take some review. I'll bring it to the summit. Twilight and I can study it in the meantime."

Celestia raised a brow, "It may prove useful. The Royal Guard have a fair amount of martial learning, but not very much involving the intricacies of a full-scale war. I will be interested to see what it could teach. And entirely in poems? Was there a reason for that?"

"So far as I know, it was just part of the culture of the ancient land it comes from. Not unlike another book I have with the title 'Tao Te Ching' that deals with spiritual matters and enlightenment. You read that one already, right Twilight?" I asked her, seeing Twilight roll her eyes a little.

"Oh I remember that one alright. I can see it has plenty of wisdom, but the deliberate contradictions trying to impart deeper understanding gave me a headache. I don't know if I'm really meant to find enlightenment. Not when I have solid logic and scientific study. Reading it felt a lot like studying Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense." Twilight replied, looking up at me a little bemused. I clearly remembered her spending a day trying to lay out the words in a logical fashion she could quantify a little more and the frustration it resulted in.

Celestia couldn't help but smile a little at that, "My dear Twilight, there are times you need to just accept wisdom without being able to explain it very well. You can't make everything follow a straight line, remember."

"I know, Celestia. You've told me that many times already and I try, but logic and science are just so much more sensible."

"Well Purple Angel, where is the sense in me getting dropped in Equestria all of a sudden? I can't imagine where the logic is in me being from an entirely different dimension, yet the very one Equestria is supposed to need. I still think fate is having a laugh somewhere." I chuckled softly, running my fingers through her mane.

"I believe if you delay yourselves much longer, you will miss the afternoon train. Be well, both of you. We will see you again soon for the summit." Celestia said.

Another round of goodbyes and we got into the carriage. I wasn't sure what to expect in the coming days, but I couldn't imagine Twilight and I failing to stop whatever was approaching so long as we were together.

Along the way as we descended the mountain, Twilight turned in my arms to look at me, her voice sounded troubled and subdued, "Vojin, did you ever have to fight in a war? Just wondering what I'm in for and how I should prepare myself."

I mumbled about needing a minute to think, my eyes both looking at the passing landscape and seeing none of it. It was a question with no simple or pleasant answers. I truly hoped Equestria doesn't lose the innocence that pervades it so deeply. Countless images crossed my mind and the myriad historical accounts I knew played, searching for something not quite as terrible.

Finally, I looked at Twilight sadly, "Words cannot really express what war is like, Twilight. There is also little outside of training for combat that I can say is going to prepare anyone. I never had to fight in a war, but Earth is so full of conflict that many absorb at least a general understanding of the horrible things that are possible. I will be able to teach you how to think in a fight but it's the first battles that we experience where we can really start to understand. I think details will only haunt your thoughts, so learn what you will from history for what you may encounter, I am sure you have several examples in mind already. And promise me you will stay close when we have to fight. We will both need someone to watch our backs when the time comes."

Twilight looked at me silently for a moment before also looking out the window. The pleasant mid-afternoon sun felt out of place in the moment. There was a great deal of trouble to be had in the uncertainties of the future and a lot of lives would never be the same after the war concluded.

By whatever fates watch over Equestria, let going back to the simple joys be possible for us all after it's over.

"I promise I'll stay close to you, Vojin. I kinda feel like I don't really want to know many details.," she said quietly, moving to rest her head against my chest, "By Celestia, I just want everypony I care about to get through this safely. Do you think they will be ok?"

I wrapped her in my arms, pulling Twilight snugly against me with a heavy sigh, "You know I can't really answer that truthfully, Purple Angel."

"I just don't want to lose anypony...," she finally said in a fearful whisper.

Nodding gently in reply, I hugged her a little closer in comfort. Earth had far too much knowledge about what war can be like, what war is. Whatever it took, I would give my all to protect Twilight, our friends and Equestria.


Slowly waking up the next morning, I took a slow deep breath as I soaked in the pleasant feeling of Twilight sound asleep against me. It was a good day to sleep in, awake with the dawn but relishing the warmth of my lover curled into me, her slow and steady exhales drifted across my skin like a caress.

We had agreed on the train not to talk much about the events we knew were coming, at least not until the summit next month. There was so much unknown still, and dwelling on it would be pointless worrying. Still, I had already decided to step up my training a little further into fighting techniques and less focus on forms. Perhaps it was getting about time to try sparring with Rainbow Dash even. I was largely done healing after all.

Without meaning to, my mind drifted to the loss of my parents. It had been so sudden, so strange, when I answered the door to find a pair of policemen standing there, telling me my parents had an accident. I remembered the numb feeling that took over me as I sat in the living room listening to them describe how it looked like they'd somehow driven off a bridge while on their anniversary vacation. They said it was still being investigated how the barrier failed on such a high bridge. How they were still searching for their bodies. That they had suspected my parents had been ejected from their convertible somewhere in the tumbling fall the car had taken.

It hadn't really mattered how they were gone at the time. The shock of it, less than a year from turning eighteen, made me go a little mad for a few months. I was glad then that I only started kung fu lessons years later, considering how much worse I might have been with all the fights I got myself into trying to vent the rage and sorrow. And how my grandfather, having moved in to look after me until I graduated high school, was able to help me keep a level of stability through the worst days of my life. Again, I knew I probably would have been utterly lost if he hadn't been there for me back then.

I felt Twilight nuzzle me in her sleep again, drawing a smile to my face as I let old hurt fade from my mind. The sense of peace that just laying in bed with her brought me was indescribable. It was something I'd never found in anyone before and just having her sleeping with her head laying on my chest was like a running faucet washing away the dirt of troubles from my mind in an endless stream.

As the early morning time slowly drifted forward, I began to wonder if we were compatible enough that Twilight could get pregnant. Even in my own head, I skirted some of the thoughts about what our offspring would even look like. Perhaps it was something we could ask Celestia and Luna privately when we went to the summit. Maybe Twilight could just write Celestia a letter asking about it later.

My thoughts eventually drifted to the point our relationship was at now, still feeling pleasantly satisfied from last night. I had no doubts we were going to have nights of little sleep and just the thought of it gave me a smile, a slow and delicate tracing began along Twilight's spine, still sound asleep. Feeling an idea form and a mischievous smirk grow on my face, I began tracing her sensitive wing joints by her spine gently, just watching her reaction and wondering if she'd wake or sleep through it.

A few minutes of my attentions and Twilight was still asleep, though with a rather interesting look on her face. Her breathing had become quiet panting and I very gradually increased the pressure of my fingers in the muscles around her wing joint, occasional faint moans started soon after as her body trembled slightly. Being in no hurry, I kept watching her reactions as I carried on.

Nearly every breath she let out was soon a little shaky with a soft moan. Twilight had begun gripping me to herself more tightly, her hips starting to move in a sometimes syncopated rhythm. I was increasingly tempted to wake her up, feeling my own excitement growing.

Just as I was about to try waking her after deciding it was enough teasing, Twilight seemed to either wake up with one thought or her body was unable to take much more as she shifted over me and lay on my chest as she moved, her muzzle tucked up under my chin as she panted quietly.

It was a little maddening to have her there like that, so close but not joined. I just soaked in the sensations as Twilight seemed unable to stop, still unsure if she'd woken at first. After another minute went by with her getting more urgent but no other reactions, I suspected she was still managing to be asleep until she finally whispered my name, nudging the underside of my chin with her nose.

Twilight's constant motions grew a little more frantic, pushing herself against me, seeming to tremble more than ever. It was making me a bit overheated, fingers digging into both her wing joints. A most wonderful entrapment.

With a sudden growl and an exaggerated swing of her hips, she moved back against me with a low groan as she went still, taking in the feeling again. I gave her a shuddery breath in response as I hugged her tight to my chest through it.

Slowly, she raised herself until her forelegs were stretched out with her hooves on my chest, breathing heavily as she looked down into my eyes heatedly. Slowly, she started into an almost languid movement, no rush or hurry, her eyes locked on mine as we enjoyed the sensations we gave each other.

Time seemed to stand still for us again. Holding no meaning to our awareness as we lost ourselves in each other for a while.

As we panted in the afterglow a while later, we just locked eyes with lazy, sated smiles. It was probably late enough that Spike might knock on the door soon to tell us breakfast was ready. Again, I was glad we had gotten him into his own room before the trip to Canterlot. At first he'd been against the idea but suggesting he could decorate it how he wanted, and a whisper of the idea about a poster of Rarity, he came around to it.

"We are going to wake up late for something important someday, I just know it." I commented a bit breathlessly.

Twilight giggled quietly, her eyes dancing as her voice drifted into something between happy and sensual, "Name the time and we can just plan on making ourselves late. I'm tempted to make you delay your workouts until just before lunch, too. I really like waking up like that...really, really like it..."

"Mmmm....well sleep-in days sure. Maybe I'll even surprise you sometime on a day you sleep in, rather than watch my exercises."

Twilight hummed quietly, snuggling a little closer, "I just might hold you to that and start sleeping in more often."

I gave her a lopsided smirk, "Oh no you're not, Purple Angel. You're not off the hook for exercising with me now and then. Wouldn't want you getting tired easily or something. Might put a damper on other things..."

She gave me an adorable pout, trying not to smile, "I can't win, can I?"

Chuckling lightly, I gave her a kiss for a long moment before drawing back again to look into her eyes again, still smirking, "The laws of physics and biology have yet to take pity upon those of us in love."

"I still don't have to like leaving our bed when you're so comfortable and...enticing." Twilight nuzzled my cheek and rested her head on my chest again.

After a few more minutes of delaying the inevitable, we dragged ourselves out of bed and got in a quick shower together, carrying on a casual conversation as we did. A glance at a clock when we finally made it downstairs said it was already past nine in the morning. Rather late to really get the day started when I wake so early, but well worth it. There would be many more interesting mornings to come.

Spike had cooked up some oatmeal this morning and went to heat up what he had prepared earlier, apparently assuming he shouldn't disturb us without any serious reason. It made me wonder just what he was aware of and what he was oblivious to. Still, Twilight and I enjoyed breakfast together as Spike went about his daily chores.

"So any thoughts on what we should be doing today, Purple Angel?" I asked, taking another spoonful of oatmeal.

Twilight took a minute, thinking to herself, "Well, you still have a bit of spellwork to do before attempting a teleport but I think you should be able to give it a try today. You have been progressing really well."

Grinning at the thought of teleportation again, I was really looking forward to that and gravity spells for things I could cast on myself, "You are the magic expert here. I keep being surprised how similar a lot of fundamental aspects have been between Earth magic I've studied and unicorn magic here in Equestria."

"Still a little disappointed that almost all of it is just spiritual-based spells. I can't imagine a world with so little magic available. It's so useful.," she said after she finished her bowl.

Having finished together, I took the bowls to the sink, and as Twilight put it after one interesting discussion on magic philosophy, 'the old-fashioned way' by carrying them myself rather than using levitation. Some things just didn't feel quite right to use magic on.

Giving my left arm a good forward and back rotation, finding it only faintly sore now, I figured it was a good day to see when Rainbow Dash would like to spar. Probably be good to give her a day or more so she didn't have conflicting plans.

As I thought, I realized magic would provide one particularly useful ability for sparring as I looked to Twilight as she browsed some books she had set aside to read soon, "Twilight...I was just thinking about seeing when Rainbow Dash might like to try some sparring and something occurred to me. Do you know of any spells that help reduce or negate physical impacts?"

She looked at me with a bit of worry in her face when I mentioned sparring, which then became a look of contemplation as I mentioned the spell idea, "Hmm...while I can't say I like the thought of you and Rainbow fighting, I think I know of a couple spells like I think you're looking for and I'll make sure neither of you gets hurt. Let me see if I can find the right book."

I wasn't sure what she was looking for and it was an area I hadn't studied yet, so I waited patiently as she looked around the library. After a couple minutes, she smiled and levitated a book from the shelf and opening it in front of herself, scanning pages as I moved next to her.

"Find the one you were looking for?" I asked.

"Yes I have. I'm not seeing any specific spells for what I think you want, but I can improvise. Really, I'll feel a lot better about you and Rainbow Dash fighting each other with a protective spell on both of you. You sure you should fight her?" Twilight was looking worried again as she gazed up at me.

I just gave her a reassuring smile and stroked her mane, "Don't worry, Purple Angel. Even without protective spells, sparring is about practice, not trying for harm. I thought of the spell because it would let us go closer to full on without worrying about anything serious going wrong. I'll make sure we avoid anything too crazy anyway. It's just a first try. Rainbow and I will probably go a bit slower initially whether she likes it or not, to get a feel for things. And we can always just stop if something happened."

Twilight sighed a bit, "I'm still worried one of you might get hurt, or if one of you did, it might make you upset."

I had to laugh lightly at that, smiling, "Oh come on, Twilight! Do you really think that Dash and I would be upset when we were intentionally putting ourselves in the situation? I see no way that could happen. Dash and I are both aware of the risks. We'll be fine...even better with a small protective spell from you on both of us."

"Ok, ok, it's a little silly to worry like that. I just...don't really like fighting. You know what I mean?" Twilight looked at me, seeming a little insecure.

My smile changed to one more heartfelt as I knelt beside her and pulled her close with her head on my chest, stroking her mane as I spoke softly, "Purple Angel, I do understand what you mean when you say you don't like fighting. Honestly, I don't like fighting either, and before you say anything, sparring isn't the same as fighting. At least, not entirely. One way of looking at it is that it's like having a workout partner for an intensive, unplanned routine. If something went wrong, you're able to stop and take care of it. Fighting keeps going until there's a victor. There are times fighting can have it's values too, but even the most skilled fighters generally avoid meaningless fights. I'm no different. Does that help put you a little more at ease?"

She gave a quiet sigh, nuzzling against my chest before pulling back again to look at me, "It does help a little I guess. Maybe it's just a bit different because I'm not as used to martial arts like you and Rainbow. And you did say you'll teach me how to think in a fight."

"Yes I did, but we'll get to that. Although for us, that might eventually mean magic duels. Remember, no dwelling on what we can't do anything about right now."

Twilight gave me a small smile before returning her attention to the book she selected, "Well like I was saying before, it doesn't seem like there's a spell specifically but I can come up with something that will limit impacts past a specified level of force. I think I still have to let the kinetic force hit you but I should be able to disperse it across your entire body at once equally and make it so distributed that it won't have much effect. Even magic doesn't create or destroy energy, just transform it."

As she reviewed the spells that had effects similar to what stopping a localized impact required, I looked over the book I had been working on for teleportation again. I still had a couple exercises to complete and I could try teleporting an object in front of me. Over the course of my studies in unicorn magic, I smirked once more at the thought that I was to Twilight what she is to Celestia in a way, and most of it had been fairly low key spells building upon one another. Teleportation was one of the first really dramatic spells I would learn. Over time, Twilight and I agreed on focusing on spells that worked with what I knew from Earth in both magic and kung fu. Judging by my rate of progress, it was working out well. Simpler spells with less flexibility, but working well.

As Twilight and I did our respective reading in comfortable quiet like we enjoyed so often, someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it, Purple Angel. Go ahead and read your heart out." I said with a smirk, seeing her glance at me with one of her own and returning her attention to her book.

Upon opening the door, I was amused to find Rainbow Dash there and welcomed her inside with a grin, "Well that's timing. Morning Rainbow! I was just talking about you."

Rainbow Dash perked up with a sly smirk, looking pleased with herself, "Oh really? And just what side of my totally awesome pegasus self happened to be interesting today?"

I chuckled lightly, "Oh I just found myself thinking now that I'm mostly healed up and recovered my strength, it might be time to set up a sparring match."

Her eyes widened for a moment before she narrowed them, giving me a darkly playful grin, "Still wanna get your flank whipped, huh? Well just name the time for it and I'll show you the ground for a few rounds!"

"We'll see about that, missy. Biggest challenge I see right now is just you being so much smaller and lower than I am. Technique I'm not so worried about. Feel up to it in a couple hours or are you too busy today?" I said, holding a fist out to her with a grin.

Rainbow bumped her hoof against my fist, smiling wide, "Today is perfect! I'll be sure to finish the cloudbusting early today. This is gonna be so awesome! Sparring is fun when I get a chance but sparring with a human is gonna be a whole new challenge I can't wait to beat!"

Twilight seemed finished with her review as she walked over, rolling her eyes, "Well Vojin, I think I have the spell figured out. We should test it first so we know it works as intended. And since you're here Rainbow, I might as well test it on you too."

Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise, eyeing Twilight warily, "What spell? And why do you gotta test it on me?"

"Actually, I asked her if there was an appropriate spell to minimize the impact force of you and I hitting each other while we're sparring, Rainbow. In short, if the spell works like I'm hoping, you and I can hit each other full force without having to worry we're going to seriously hurt each other. We'll still feel every hit but I'm hoping we will just come away with soreness and mild bruising." I said, feeling myself beginning to feel fired up for the sparring match.

"Not have to hold back and not be afraid of really hurting a friend? Man, I'm liking the chance to spar even more, Vojin! So what do you need me to do Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said, seeming as high octane as ever when something exciting was coming up.

"Nothing different than what you usually do. Stand still and let me cast it." Twilight replied, giving her friend a bemused look.

"Then lay it on me! I wanna try it out so I can spank your stallion's flank!" Rainbow Dash declared.

I chuckled lightly, smirking at her, "Sorry Dash, but the only spankings I'll accept come from my Purple Angel. You're just outta luck there."

Twilight blushed a little and gave me an mildly annoyed look, but Rainbow Dash seemed strangely off guard as she blushed a fair bit and tried to backpedal her words suddenly, "Wait a second! I didn't mean it like that! You're with Twilight! I wouldn't try to do that stuff with you while you're dating one of my friends!"

I only laughed a bit harder, deciding to see if I could blow a fuse on poor Rainbow Dash as I caught her with levitation and stepped closer as I raised her into the air so I could be close to her ear, giving Twilight a wink of mischief when Rainbow couldn't see my face as I spoke softly but loud enough that Twilight would hear if she wanted to, "What was that, Dash? While I'm dating Twilight? Are you saying you'd actually like to do something with me if I was single? Do you have the hots for me or something?"

At first, Twilight just did a facehoof with a small groan but it slowly grew into silent laughter as she covered her mouth, watching me torment Rainbow with amusement. For her part, Rainbow Dash was just stammering incoherently with a bright blazing blush and trembling slightly. I just let her drift back to the floor and set her down gently, though she sat on the floor immediately, looking stunned.

Twilight caught my eye with a smirk, looking like she wanted to join in as she walked next to Rainbow Dash and whispered in her ear, "You know Rainbow, some of my romance novels have scenes of two mares sharing a stallion..."

I nearly burst into laughter right then as Rainbow Dash's eye started to twitch with her mouth frozen open, her wings flared out wide and swaying slightly in her seated position. By all appearances, we had successfully blown a fuse in poor Rainbow Dash.

Moving over to Twilight and kneeling beside her so I could give her a quick hug, my voice quiet but not trying to go unheard, "Would you say we successfully blew her mind?"

Twilight giggled a little, "I think so. I'm usually not interested in teasing my friends quite so much but after hearing what you told her and then that idea popped into my head...I just had to join in."

After watching Rainbow Dash trying to reset her brain for a bit longer with no change, I knelt down in front of her and waved a hand in front of her face, "Hello, Equestria to Rainbow Dash. Time to come back for a landing."

Rainbow didn't even blink in response. Rolling my eyes, I gave her nose a firm pinch and held it. I saw her go cross-eyed looking at my hand for a second before pulling her head back and rubbing her offended appendage with a grumble, "What was that for?"

"I see you're done pretending to be a statue." I noted with a lopsided smirk.

She couldn't hide the blush on her face, despite her putting on an annoyed expression. Before she could get any words out as her mouth opened, I cut her off as my smirk got bigger, "You know you're still blushing, right?"

"What? I'm...I'm not blushing. I-I just got a...a little hot. The room's too warm!" Rainbow tried to dodge but it was Twilight that teased her next, likely enjoying a rare opportunity to one-up her friend.

"What's the matter Dash? Human got your tongue?" Twilight said with a small giggle.

Rainbow only blushed a little more, looking a little desperate, "Wait, I-I can explain...uh..."

I finally couldn't resist and had to laugh a little just to keep from bursting, "Explain? How are you going to manage that, hmm?"

"I...uh...," she finally sagged and looked at the floor with a small whimper, "I'm sorry. Yes, Twilight, I like your stallion...a lot. I hope you're not upset."

Twilight and I both stopped our laughing as she placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, smiling and shaking her head a little, "I'm not upset, Dash. Not in the slightest. I'll admit I'm surprised but I know you'd never do anything to try and upset things between myself and Vojin. You embody loyalty, after all. Not to mention Vojin and I also have that link. I'm sorry I was teasing you so much."

She gave Rainbow a hug then, quickly returned by the humbled blue mare. Rainbow Dash looked at me a bit nervously, looking very unsure of herself. I met her eyes with a smile and welcomed her in for a hug. Giving Rainbow a firm squeeze, I let her hug me as long as she needed.

"Like Twilight said, we're not worried you would try and get between us. While I can picture you trying to join, well, maybe that's a subject I'd best leave alone. I'm sorry I was messing with you so much. I hope you're ok now." I told her, though she seemed to quiver slightly when I mentioned picturing her joining us and left me fairly convinced she really would if given the opportunity, something that would never happen with my being very firmly monogamous. Women gave me enough headaches on Earth and I didn't need multipliers involved.

She took a bit, but Rainbow finally pulled away again, "Thanks for not being upset. You're a cool guy, Vojin. I hope I can find a stallion to match up someday."

"Well have you ever considered dating Soarin'?" I commented.

The way her eyes widened and her face go back to a blush without a retort told me plenty.

I just chuckled softly at her new bout of embarrassment, shaking my head with a smile, "Relax RD. I can see you have certainly considered the idea more than once. I'll always listen if you felt like talking about it, so you know. Still feeling up for a sparring match later?"

At the mention of our sparring plans, Rainbow Dash got a slightly unsettling evil grin as she eyed me, "No way am I gonna let you off the hook now! I gotta get some payback for making me get like that! It's SO on!"

"Alright then. If the spell works out, you can work out those frustrations with me later." I said with a grin, after a month of healing I was looking forward to finally getting in this sparring match.

Twilight spoke up, "Alright you two, hold still for a second while I place the spell over both of you."

Her horn glowed, the billowing aura of active magic appearing. I saw the same billowing aura appear around me and Rainbow Dash, feeling a faint intangible shell of sorts almost slide across my form. Twilight's horn stopped glowing much after a few seconds and she smiled.

"Ok, now you just need to test the protective qualities and I can make changes as needed. I should be able to adjust how much goes directly through the barrier and how much disperses with a decent amount of accuracy. The only real limitation is I need to keep feeding it a little magic." Twilight said with a note of satisfaction she always gets from casting a new spell or new adjustment to one.

"Well, Twi, how should we test it?" Rainbow asked her.

I jumped in before Twilight could respond, "Why don't you try giving my hand a whack first? We can try a few more things as we figure out how much effect it has."

"I can do that. Which hand are you gonna sacrifice first?" Rainbow said with an innocent-looking smile.

"Ha ha, you're funny. You may find I'm tougher than I look. Anyway...," I said, still kneeling as I held out a hand out to the side with my palm towards her, "Just a straight strike first. Whenever you're ready."

Rainbow Dash smirked briefly and surprised me with the speed of her strike as she made an unexpected forward lunging punch squarely into my palm, she carried right past my hand before she stopped. I felt the impact clearly, accounting for my surprise though, my hand was just stinging a bit and not actually hurting. The match later was looking even more fun than before after that, grinning at the thought as I flexed my hand.

"Nice hit, Rainbow. Hard to tell, but the protective spell seems to have reduced it a little. Let's try another. My stomach this time." I told her as moved my knees a bit wider for what I asked.

Rainbow raised a brow cautiously, "You sure about that, Vojin? If the spell isn't working right, I wouldn't want you hurt when you finally finished healing."

Hearing that gave me a chuckle, giving her a lopsided smirk, "Oh don't you worry about me, Dash. I don't know how it is for ponies taking a hit in the belly but when I can prepare first, it would take Big Macintosh kicking me to actually hurt anything. And that's without any spells at all. Actually, you should give me your strongest hit. Let's make sure the spell really works."

Rainbow arched a suspicious brow and watched me pound a fist on my stomach a couple times a bit warily, but she nodded slightly, "Alright....but just remember you asked for it..."

As she got herself ready, so did I as my stomach muscles tightened into a brick wall, arms held a little out and bent at the elbows with tight fists. Some of my training was learning how to take and resist getting hit in various ways and when able to prepare for a blow to the stomach, provided you had the muscle and knowledge, you could take a lot of force with little worry. Maybe it also had something to do with my occasional tendency to focus extra on training to shrug off hits.

Rainbow fired off a powerful kick with her hind legs, her aim perfect as she caught the middle of my stomach. There was enough force to slide me back across the wood floor almost a foot. To my satisfaction though, I took the full impact but my stomach didn't feel the full force of everything alone as I felt a tap of sorts across my body at the same time. Now I felt fairly sure the protective spell was working effectively. Plenty got through to possibly cause a little bruising, which was fine with me really. You can't really fight effectively if you don't feel the real weight of what your opponent lands on you or you land on them.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder a little nervously, her expression of worry was nice to see but I gave her a smirk, "Nice shot, Rainbow. Spell seems to be just right for what I would have hoped. It also let me know how much power you'll be packing later."

She returned the smirk after relief flashed over her face for a moment, "You better believe it! I'm just glad you took it like a champ. I was worried for a second when you didn't say anything."

"Heh, no worries there. I have trained to shrug off hits you know. The spell just improves on that. Did you want to test yourself too? I don't know how much you've practiced absorbing hits." I asked, raising a brow.

"I think I oughta try, just in case." Rainbow returned with a nod.

"Ok then...shoulder or flank? I don't know where else should be safe should the spell not be working right for you."

Rainbow Dash nodded again and turned her side to me as she settled into a sturdier stance, though there was a suspicious twinkle in her eye I almost missed, "You're right. Land one right on my cutie mark, Vojin. This is the only time you're gonna land a hit anyway, so whenever you're ready."

"We'll see about that, RD...," I smirked as I got myself in a reasonable position to actually manage when she was so much shorter.

After a second to clear my mind, I focused on her cutie mark and struck. As though in answer to her test strike on my stomach, I delivered enough force to the side of Rainbow's hindquarters that she slid a few inches, though her lighter weight helped. I could tell she packed a bit more power than my arms, wondering if she realized the difference my legs would have. Leaning back again, I noticed some surprise on her face as she slowly drifted into a devious smirk.

"I'm a little impressed, Vojin. I didn't think you had that much in you. That spell seems to be working fine for me too. Kinda weird to feel the tap all over you at once but since we don't have to worry about really hurting each other, I won't feel as bad when I start pounding ya." Rainbow said, smirking as she shook her left hind leg out.

"Well, since the spell is working properly, I'll drop it now. I really hope you two don't get too rough with each other." Twilight said, unable to stop worrying herself even though she had to consciously realize any real injury was unlikely.

A thought occurred to me just then, looking at Rainbow curiously, "What brought you over anyway? We got into the whole spell and sparring match thing before you said anything about your dropping in."

Rainbow blinked, looking at me with a bit of surprise before turning to Twilight, "Oh, I totally forgot why I came over! Pinkie was hoping you'd have some time later to help her create some special party decorations. Something about glowing sticks and other weird stuff. I forgot who she said it was for. I just offered to let you know when I stopped by Sugar Cube Corner earlier since she has a lot of orders to bake early today."

Twilight gave her a nod, "I think I know what she wants. I can stop by in the afternoon later. Can you let Pinkie know when you have a chance?"

"I'll head there before getting to weather duty." Rainbow said before turning to back to me with an excited grin, "Oh man! Being able to go a few rounds with you is gonna be epic! Since we just have a clear day scheduled, I shouldn't take very long cloudbusting. Wanna meet up in the park around eleven thirty so we can do this thing? The three of us can hit the cafe for lunch after you get tired, Vojin."

"Confident as always I see. The time sounds fine so I guess we'll see you then, Rainbow." I said with a chuckle, putting a fist out towards her, which she promptly gave a brohoof bump.

"You better believe it, Vojin. I'll see you later Twilight." Rainbow said as she headed for the door.

"See you later, Rainbow Dash." Twilight waved as the pegasus left the library, then looked at me, "I'm still a little nervous about you two sparring but at least with my protective spell, I can be confident neither of you is going to get seriously hurt."

With a soft smile, I moved over to Twilight and pulled her in for a warm hug, "Not everyone understands the perspective, I know. Is there anything I can do to help you feel more at ease and thank you for the protection spell?"

She leaned into my arms a little more as she thought it over quietly. I knew I couldn't do much to help her see through the fighter's mindset but maybe she could find an understanding somewhere. Perhaps after some practice in defense methods and drills, she might understand why some feel more alive in the heat of battle. After the summit at least, I would likely enlist Rainbow's help in training all the girls in basics. Even a little training goes a long way if done right and done repeatedly.

Twilight finally sighed quietly, keeping her head against my chest, "I really don't know if you can help me feel less apprehensive about you and Rainbow actually hitting each other. I know you both would anyway, but promise you'll stop immediately if one of you actually gets hurt?"

A short laugh came out, smiling at that, I gave her a soft squeeze and kissed the top of her head, "I promise I'll stop the instant I think one of us actually got injured."

"Thank you, Vojin. It's silly that it's obvious you'd stop but it still makes me feel a little better to hear it. Sometimes emotions are just weird and illogical." Twilight drew back to look at me with a small smile, her eyes showing gratitude.

Standing back up as she went back to look at the book she had grabbed for the protective spell, she suddenly stopped and turned to me again with a strange smirk.

"Vojin, I think I know how you can thank me for the spell...," she remarked in an unusual tone, stepping over to me with a sway in her motions.

Raising a brow at her sudden change, I watched her warily with a small grin, "Oh? And just what would that be, Purple Angel?"

Now being a little coy, she motioned for me to come closer and I knelt again, Twilight moving close to my ear, her breath caressing it as she spoke in a sultry whisper, "Tonight...I'm tying you down to the bed...and having my way with you..."

With a nibble on my earlobe to punctuate her words, I couldn't help the shiver that ran through me, a hand sneaking up to momentarily squeeze one of her wing joints as our gaze met out of the corner of our eyes, "We hardly start such intimacy and already you want to do strange and wonderful things to me. Just remember turnabout is fair play."

She gave a brief, quiet gasp at my hand on her wing joint and practically purred, "I'll take that as a promise." We shared a kiss after that, savoring the moment.

Before long we were back to studying side by side. Both of us were relaxing on the floor next to a small pile of books. Twilight had her legs tucked under her and I had my head resting against her shoulder as we read quietly like we had fallen into the habit of in the past week or so. We felt at peace being close, sometimes reading for hours without a word. Just happy and content with the companionship we'd found together.

Eventually, Twilight glanced at the clock and sighed in mild annoyance, "It's getting close to when we need to meet Rainbow Dash at the park. I guess we should start heading that way soon."

"Hmm? Already? It's a good thing you were paying attention. I'd probably have kept reading for another hour before thinking I should check the clock." I told her, setting a bookmark and putting the book down as I stretched a little before getting to my feet.

Twilight gave me a warm smile, "I know we always have to stop at some point but just reading with you always feels so calming."

Returning her smile with my own, I nodded briefly, "I know. You also say that a lot when we haven't had very long to read. Maybe after lunch we can do some reading at the park. Should we stop by Sugar Cube Corner and see when Pinkie wanted your help?"

"That sounds like a plan. Are you ready to go?" Twilight asked.

I was wearing one of the more durable outfits Rarity had made. A modest gray shirt and slacks similar to my training outfits with classic white cuffs, simple and comfortable with plenty of movement range, along with the footwear I'd brought with me to Equestria. Rarity seemed to delight in coming up with new ideas for my unusual body and was over at least every other day with new sketches. Although I'd flatly refused the idea of wearing anything weird or couture, which she would usually have a brief pout over for a moment at getting shot down but always brightened when I shared my thoughts otherwise. Always told me it gave her mountains of fresh inspiration to hear such a different perspective.

Considering martial arts are often empty handed, I was ready but an idea crossed my mind, "You know, I think I'll grab my 3-section staff. Rainbow wanted to see me using it after I recovered."

"Alright, Vojin. I'll be by the door." Twilight replied as I went to a storage cabinet where we kept my gear and weapons.

After strapping it in place on my right thigh with the simple holster I'd rigged up a few months after first starting to learn how to use the thing, I headed to the door, the short chains jingling faintly with each step. Twilight smiled and was about to open the door when I caught it with my magic, holding the door for my lady as usual and earning a sidelong glance of bemused appreciation from her. Twilight did appreciate my penchant for treating her like a lady but always said it felt odd, even if she was learning to like it a little more each time I did something simple for her. I only ever answered with a lopsided smile and told her it's just what I liked to do.

As we made our way towards Sugar Cube Corner, we both noticed there were almost no townsponies in sight and the ones we did see appeared to be in a hurry to finish whatever they were doing. I was further confused when they'd see me and look excited, waving briefly before rushing onward in whatever they were doing.

" it just me or is it weird that there's so few of the locals around and the few we have seen are all in a hurry for some reason?" I said, glancing at her walking beside me.

She looked around again and shook her head, "I really have no idea. There aren't any special holidays or festivals or events today and that's what it looks like everypony in town is acting like. Maybe a traveling show came in I didn't hear about or something."

We reached Sugar Cube Corner soon enough, though still mildly baffled at the locals' behavior or absence. Then we saw the sign on the door of the bakery that read 'Closed until one o'clock' and left us even more confused.

"Do you think Pinkie is making deliveries or something?" I asked as I looked at Twilight.

She frowned in thought, "That could be, but why would the Cakes close the store in the middle of lunchtime? It's usually one of their busiest times. I guess I'll have to check with Pinkie later when we're heading back."

As we approached the park, nothing looked unusual despite hearing a crowd in the area but as we crested a hill, we suddenly saw where the townsfolk went. We stopped and stared at the scene before us.

There were two stands constructed, already packed with ponies and even some vendor stalls nearby. Laced overhead between the stands were a few strands of triangular little colored flags like a carnival or something. In front of the stands was unmistakably an arena of some sort. It was surrounded by a ring of hay bales resting on the grass close to forty feet across. I started to suspect the sparring match between Rainbow Dash and I wasn't going to be a private affair in the slightest.

Twilight and I looked at each other anxiously as one name came out from both of us at the same time, "Pinkie."

While I took a moment to debate if it was a good idea to get any closer, I noticed Rainbow Dash speeding through the air to us. She was wearing a very unhappy, strained expression as she came to hover in front of us, laughing nervously, "Hehe...uh...sorry about this Vojin. I mentioned to Pinkie that we were going to have a sparring match in the park to see if she wanted to watch. I only got to the park a minute ago myself and found all this! I'm really sorry, Vojin. I didn't believe she'd do this when I said it should be ok to invite a couple ponies to watch and I think you know how overboard Pinkie can get if she thinks there's a party to be had. You still want to have our match? I won't mind if we put it off for tomorrow or something."

All I could do was grumble a bit and shook my head, "No, it's alright I guess. Though it appears I'll need to chat with Pinkie later about asking first. Again. That mare could really use some self-control. Still, if you don't mind the audience...feeling up for a few rounds, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash flashed me a grin as she brightened, throwing a few punches at empty air, "Well, if you don't mind having so many witnesses to my showing you the ground..."

Chuckling, I gave her a challenging smirk, "Talk is cheap, my dear Rainbow Dash. Before I forget, I also brought my 3-section staff along. You want me to show you one of the forms before or after?"

"You know, it might be better if you show some moves first. Wouldn't want you to end up too sore to do it after I'm done with you." Rainbow Dash replied, seeming to get a little more smug in her expression every time she bragged.

Just before we started towards the impromptu arena, Pinkie Pie popped up from somewhere behind a tree nearby that was too small for her to hide behind. I doubted I was going to figure out how she seemed to bend the fabric of reality like a placemat but at least, as they say, she's on our side.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash! Hi, Vojin! Hi, Twilight! I can't wait to see how amazing you two look when you're in the thick of things, duking it out like champions of the arena! It's gonna be so much fun!" Pinkie blurted out, hopping in front of me like she does so often, a wide smile on her face.

"Pinkie, I did ask you to talk to me first about setting up parties I'm supposed to be involved in without telling me ahead of time, right?" I frowned, giving her a mild look of annoyance even though I wasn't really surprised. It was the fourth or fifth sudden party-esque event she'd put together out of nowhere because of something I was doing in a public area. Last time, it was offering to play my guitar at the picnic Twilight and I were going to have with the other girls. Another big crowd and me somehow getting talked into going along with it. Though when Twilight asks me to go along with it, I have little resistance. At least it kept things interesting and the local residents always seemed to enjoy the shows I kept getting dragged into performing. Looks like I'll be showing my fighting style now too.

Pinkie looked at me sheepishly as she stopped bouncing and gave a weak, nervous laugh, ", oops, oh yeah. I know...I'm supposed to ask first. I won't know if something changed or if you will be upset and refuse to agree if I don't ask first. I apologize for not asking first, Vojin. Please forgive me?"

Sighing in exasperation, I knelt down on one knee and held out my arms rolling my eyes with a small smile as she repeated the little speech I made her agree to say, not really expecting it to be a short process to her learning self-control, "Alright, Pinkie. I forgive you. You'll get there eventually."

"Whoohoo!," was all she said as she jumped in for the hug, embracing me tightly.

Once Pinkie was done with her hug, she stepped back and started hopping again, her excitement evident, "This is gonna be super duper awesome! Everypony in town wanted to come so I made it into a great big party! I don't think Ponyville has ever had a martial arts demonstration before! I can't wait!"

All I could do was roll my eyes with a lopsided grin as the four of us walked down the hill to the 'arena' that Pinkie had set up. As we got close, the crowd of ponies started to notice and began cheering. At least once I got into motion, I'd forget all about the crowd.

The excited cheers kept on for a bit before starting to settle down somewhat. At least I wasn't unfamiliar with demonstrations, having assisted my school at conventions and meets on occasion.

We stopped at the edge of the haybale ring and I leaned down to Rainbow Dash, having to talk a bit louder to be heard clearly, "Before we start, I'll have to stretch out. Since you wanted to watch, you probably should at the same time. Pulled muscles aren't a great way to end a sparring match, after all. The weapon form only takes about two minutes."

"Oh! I'll go get to my booth so I can get the crowd ready!" Pinkie chimed, running off before anyone had a chance to reply.

I looked between Twilight and Rainbow Dash in mild confusion, "What booth?"

"Pinkie is probably going to be acting as an announcer." Twilight noted dryly.

Giving a quiet groan nobody would've heard over the noise, I just rolled with it. Unexpected things made life more interesting after all. And Pinkie Pie was nothing if not full of unexpected things. Motioning to Rainbow Dash, figuring it was now or never.

"I'm just going to stay here by the ring so I can cast the protective spell when you're both ready. Don't go overboard, either of you." Twilight said, moving to sit on one of the hay bales of the arena.

I gave her a silent nod and a brief look of mild exasperation. Rainbow Dash was going through a routine and I began my own. We both looked up at each other and smirked when Pinkie's voice came across a loudspeaker.

"Fillies and gentlecolts! Our very own Rainbow Dash and Vojin are getting warmed up as we speak! Before they show us their amazing moves in a match together, our resident human Vojin will be showing us a weapon demonstration! I don't know about everypony here but I can hardly wait to see him use the exotic thing he calls a 3-section staff! You'll know it when you see it everypony! If you wanted to grab some refreshments before the show begins, you better get going quick! The Cakes of Sugar Cube Corner have lots of yummy treats ready and waiting!" Pinkie declared, drawing a bit more excitement from the crowd.

With a smirk, I glanced at Twilight and as soon as our eyes met, we both knew why Sugar Cube Corner was closed. Getting close to finishing a proper warm up, I threw a few kicks straight up far enough my pant leg brushed my cheek before holding it up, shortly repeating the process with the other. Rainbow Dash seemed to be taking her time as I finished, knowing she had a couple minutes left.

I made my way to the ring of hay bales next to Twilight and kissed her cheek, "Time to show off, I guess."

She smiled, her wing hugging me briefly before I stepped past the hay bales and into the arena. If I closed my eyes, it was really no different than any other exhibition or demonstration, although the crowd was a bit more excited this time.

Once I reached the center, I checked briefly to ensure I had enough room without worry and once satisfied, pulled my 3-section staff from my hip. The crowd quieted down for the most part as my weapon came up and I went into the ready position. My hands were holding the end segments near the chain, crossed in front of and slightly to one side in a guard position.

My eyes closed for a moment, then snapped open as I began to move through the form. Strikes and blocks, a kick there. A thrust to an imagined throat followed by a lateral strike to imagined ribs, my face a mask of focused concentration. Whirling around while spinning my weapon by the middle segment, catching an end before it flung out in it's full range for a solid overhead strike several feet ahead of me. I forgot there was even a crowd watching as I thrilled in the feel of directed motion until finally reaching the end of the form and closing it out.

The crowd seemed to hesitate for a moment until my posture relaxed and began to walk back towards Twilight, then burst into cheers. While Twilight had seen it before and was simply smiling, it seemed Rainbow Dash was amazed.

"That was totally awesome, Vojin! I've never seen anypony moving like that before! And that staff thing is absolutely wicked cool! I doubt us ponies could even use it!" Rainbow Dash went on, mimicking some movements here and there for emphasis.

I only chuckled, shaking my head a little, "It's not that impressive, Rainbow. I made mistakes in a few spots. Still need to practice it some more since healing enough to perform it again. Besides, you do something two or three hundred times and you'll make it look natural enough anyway."

"Three hundred times? How long have you been practicing that form?" Rainbow Dash asked with a little surprise.

Shrugging slightly, I took a second to recall how long I'd known it before answering, "A little over two years I think. Practiced it at least a couple times every week, same as most of the forms and techniques I studied."

Rainbow gave me a grin, "Well you ready to learn new ways of falling down now?"

"We'll see about that. Before we get started though, mind not flying right away? You start going airborne and my options get limited pretty fast, though I am intrigued enough to give it a try before we're done. I do need to hold back a number of moves I can't spar with though because their only purpose is breaking and serious damage. Also, we allowing any grappling and limb locking for this?" I said, figuring we needed a couple things mentioned.

"I'm cool with not flying right away, Vojin. I don't know much about grappling though. Like I've said before, Swift Hoof is mostly fast moves and fast hits. How about no flying or grappling at first. After that, no holding back?" Rainbow replied, looking even more excited.

I nodded, feeling the building tension that comes before a match, "Sounds good to me, Rainbow. Shall we?"

Rainbow Dash gave me a confident smirk and jumped into the air to do a circuit before landing in the middle of the hay bale ring, waiting for me.

I turned to Twilight and leaned down to give her another kiss on the cheek, "Alright, my Purple Angel. Time for the protective spell. And thank you again for helping us do this more safely than it would have been otherwise. We can read together for the rest of the day later, if you like. Sound good?"

Twilight gave me a gentle, if somewhat tense smile, "I like the sound of that, Vojin. Please be careful, ok?"

With a short nod to her, I turned and headed to face off with Rainbow Dash. The crowd was getting noisy again as the excitement built around a spectacle that has probably never been seen in Equestria before. A human and a pony in a martial arts match.

Once I was in a decent place across from Rainbow Dash, I stopped and stood straight. With my left hand straight and fingers together, my right fist pressed into the palm as I bowed my head to my blue pegasus opponent. Rainbow Dash looked momentarily surprised before giving me a bow of her own.

We each took a fighting stance as the crowd became quiet, unmoving as we stared each other down. Some unspoken signal occurred and Rainbow Dash sprang at me with a yell, aiming for my chin. I rolled myself back from her hoof as she leapt, passing me by less than an inch, impressed by her speed and jumping ability even more than I'd anticipated.

Before I could make a response, another yell and she was kicking at my leg trying to trip me. She clipped my foot as I leapt into the air to avoid it as I tried to get a feel for her style. Rainbow Dash spun her other hind leg up for a kick as she shifted her weight in a surprising show of agility, forcing me to block with an arm to keep it from catching my ribs.

Following her momentum, I threw a strike of my own as my other hand aimed to catch her in the middle. She managed to adjust herself enough to deflect it, grinning as she threw another hoof in my direction as we traded strikes and blocks in rapid succession. While I was ducking lower to attempt another strike, she caught me by surprise with her speed again and finally landed a decent hit to my cheek. The protective spell did it's job, though it still stung a bit. Both of us were grinning slightly as we jumped back and slowly circled each other.

"I'm impressed at how fast you can move, Rainbow. Guess you claim the first hit." I said, studying her movements as she studied mine.

"You're not too bad yourself, Vojin. Guess you can't quite keep up with me though. You better get ready for more cause I'm just getting warmed up!" Rainbow Dash replied, smirking.

She gave another yell and took another shot at me but I slipped around her hoof again and brought a front thrust kick past her and caught her side, sending her tumbling away. Rainbow Dash rolled right back up and seemed to have a momentary look of surprise before she grinned even more and charged back at me.

On and on we went, circling each other and meeting for a flurry of strikes and blocks. Rainbow Dash caught me a number of times and sending me to the ground or leaving a lingering feel of impact. Often, each was answered by my catching her with something and knocking her back along the grass before we met each other again.

After a minute or two, we were both panting lightly and loving every second of it. It seemed we were fairly well matched against each other. Rainbow Dash was leading me in landing hits, though I had her on sending her tumbling over the ground. Her speed and my greater reach traded off advantages in fractions of a second.

While we circled each other again, I thought it was a good time to escalate the rest of the way, giving a short laugh before speaking, "Ha! This is fun, Rainbow. Ready for some grappling?"

"Heck yeah this is fun! Only if you're ready for some airborne awesomeness!" Rainbow replied, suddenly jumping into the air at an angle not quite directly at me.

The sudden switch of her direction gave me little room to respond as she cut a different way in seemingly no distance, barely following her new movements off the ground. The second airborne move she pulled, I managed better as I tracked her momentum, though missing an attempt to snag one of her legs.

She seemed to get a bit cocky when I caught her with a high kick as she tried cutting across the air for my head. With what could almost be called a momentary ricochet off the ground, Rainbow Dash was back on her wings and dashing towards me again. With a sudden twist using her momentum and wings, she flipped upside down around a punch I threw at her and gave me a good hoof to the ribs. She caught her hoof against me slightly as she pushed into the hit to change her angle and slipped past me without touching the ground.

As she came back at me again, I dipped and caught one of her forelegs with a hand. Rolling her down with her forward momentum, I tossed her to the ground. Rainbow Dash managed to slip out of my grasp before I could get her into a grapple. She quickly sprang back up and came again.

Both of us were soon breathing heavily. Neither Rainbow Dash, nor myself had managed to gain any solid advantage over each other. The multiple hits we'd landed on each other were testament to how often we traded the advantage and it would leave us both sore in the morning.

Finally after minutes of few openings, Rainbow Dash pulled a fresh maneuver that caught me out of position with a feint and I landed roughly in the grass on my back. She followed up almost as fast and nearly landed on me with a hoof flying to catch me right in the eye before she paused an inch away. Instead, she put her hoof on my chest and gave me a wide grin, gasping for breath a bit as she spoke, "Ok ready to...say uncle yet?"

Before she was able to retreat, I managed to nab her and pull her into a limb lock. She had been able to avoid many and slip out of my attempts to catch her until then. Once we both knew I had her stuck, I released her and flopped to the side onto my back to catch my breath.

"No stopping without...subduing your...opponent, Rainbow... But I got me...more than uncle. Really...good match..." I said, wanting to just lay there next to her while I recovered.

"Totally...awesome... Best fight...I've had in...months..." Rainbow Dash replied, in a similar state as I was.

Not long after, I smiled wearily when Twilight came into view and looked down at me. She gave me a slightly exasperated smile in return as she leaned down to nuzzle my cheek a little, though she sounded amused, "Are you two nuts done trying to crack each other open now?"

Rainbow Dash and I glanced at each other and laughed lightly. Looking back to Twilight, I grinned, mostly breathing normally again, "I think we're done today... I'm probably gonna be sore in the morning...but it was really fun and informative. Talking about a fighting style is really different than experiencing it firsthand."

"You aren't going to make a habit of this, are you, Vojin?" Twilight eyed me, seeming to still be worried about me sparring with Rainbow Dash.

I only smiled more and shook my head, "Not going to be a habit, Purple Angel. Now and then, it's good to have an opponent. Keeps your skills sharper. Though I think I wanna sleep in tomorrow..."

Twilight giggled faintly before nuzzling me as I lay on the grass, "I like that idea. Once you feel like you can get up, shall we head for the cafe and get some lunch? I'm sure you and Rainbow Dash worked up an appetite from all that."

"Oh man, I could really go for some lunch after all that! I might even want a double order!" Rainbow Dash said, slowly rolling upright.

I grinned and motioned for Twilight to step back a little. Once she was far enough, I drew up my legs and kicked out, the momentum carrying me to my feet again. It took some extra effort after that match but nothing a good meal couldn't fix. Taking some time to stretch myself to prevent any cramps, I looked at Twilight, "Think the other girls saw the match?"

"I guess you're not so tired, after all. And I haven't see the rest of the girls other than Pinkie. She actually spoke to me briefly while you were doing your weapon form and it sounded like she has a lot of orders to bake today. Pinkie probably doesn't have that much time until mid-afternoon when I need to help her with some party decorations. It's probably just the three of us today." Twilight replied.

"I was just wondering if they got to watch. We can get going in a moment. Just let me use my morning spell." I said, seeing Twilight look at me in pleased amusement as I held my hands up and gathered the magic for the cleansing spell, feeling the sweat and dirt falling away as it did it's work.

Rainbow Dash watched and raised a brow, "What kind of spell was that, Vojin?"

"Just a little trick to clean up after my morning workouts. Twilight came up with most of it and it's good practice for me. Doesn't replace a shower though, since it's very limited and only handles so much." I replied.

She seemed to think for a second, her hoof rubbing her chin before looking up at me again, "That sounds pretty useful. Think you could use it on me before we go to lunch?"

I smirked at the request, glancing at Twilight briefly, "I don't see why not. Twilight, it's fine for casting it on her, right?"

Twilight smiled and gave me a nod, "There shouldn't be any problem doing that. When I selected the different parts of the spell so it would help your practice despite being such a simple thing, I checked for any unusual mixes of components."

Considering there were some very nuanced aspects to magic and I was still learning, I tried to be cautious until confirming I was expecting the right effects, going down to one knee close to Rainbow Dash as I looked at her, "Alright then, it should just take a moment."

Raising my hands close to her, I gathered the magic into the spell and cast it over her. Everything seemed fine at first, but I noticed Rainbow Dash's expression changing to one of surprise as her mouth slowly opened. The spell appeared to work like it was supposed to, but she had a strange look on her face, seeming very surprised by something at the same time.

Twilight noticed as well, looking at her friend a little anxiously, "Rainbow...did the spell have a side effect or something? You look...surprised somehow."

After a moment, Rainbow Dash vigorously shook her head a few times and looked at Twilight with a strained smirk, "Not that I noticed. J-Just remembered something I need to take care of after lunch is all."

"Are you sure that's all, Rainbow? You seem a little off kilter all of a sudden." I asked, a little concerned there was an adverse effect somehow despite her denying anything.

"Nope! Fine as can be! Man, I'm hungry too! We better hurry to the cafe before the crowd sets in!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a tense tone, though the moment she tried to start trotting forward she moved clumsily, then stumbled and fell over. She picked herself back up quickly and it seemed her legs immediately gave out as she laid on her belly.

"Ok, Rainbow. Now it's obvious something is wrong. What happened? The spell is only supposed to feel like a sort of wave of water or something as it passes over you while cleaning up workout residue and such. No dodging now, just in case it's a bigger problem by accident somehow." I told her as I moved to her side again after she moved forward a bit before collapsing again.

My surprise took a jump when she gasped quietly as my hand touched her shoulder, causing me to jerk it back slightly and get more worried. Twilight quickly moved in front of her, starting to analyze Rainbow Dash's face and trying to figure out what was wrong.

Much to our surprise, Rainbow Dash's wings started to tremble as she gave us a forced smile, her breathing a bit faster now, "No, seriously guys! I'm just fine! I think I'll just skip lunch today and enjoy the park! Yeah, I could really use some time to relax right where I am! No worries about me, go have lunch and I'll catch up with you two later, ok?"

Twilight and I both reached out to her again, Twilight lifting Rainbow Dash's chin with a hoof while my hand rested on Rainbow's shoulder. We were further surprised when Rainbow Dash whined initially, before it grew into a moan she seemed desperate to contain as she started blushing. I didn't know what to make of it, but Twilight apparently had an idea as she started giggling a little.

"Well, I think I know what happened, Dash. It's not a very common reaction but you'll be perfectly fine in a few minutes. We'll, um...just sit with you until it passes, ok?" Twilight told her, trying to keep herself contained to small giggles while Rainbow Dash groaned in frustration.

"I take it you know what she's experienced and that it's not serious?" I said to Twilight, not really putting pieces together as I gave Rainbow Dash's mane what was meant to be a comforting stroke, instead drawing a quiet throaty moan out of her that turned into a growl of frustration by the end of it, her face blushing a fair bit now as she tried to hide under her hooves.

Giggling a little more than before, Twilight looked at me while motioning me back from Rainbow Dash a little, "Vojin, it's best if you don't touch her right now. She's fine, but it will take a couple minutes to go away."

Glancing back at Twilight, I raised a brow curiously as I moved my hand away from Rainbow Dash, "So what's going on then?"

She motioned for me to come closer, once I had gotten near enough for her to whisper, Twilight giggled again as she spoke quietly, "It's a type of hypersensitivity. Basically, the slightest touch or sensation is going to make Rainbow increasingly aroused. It should pass soon."

Blinking a bit, I quirked a brow at Rainbow Dash as I suppressed the urge to laugh, "I'm sorry Rainbow. I didn't know that could happen."

Rainbow Dash just grumbled quietly, trying not to move as she waited for her current situation to end. Her wings hadn't stopped trembling since they started and I thought I could detect her body quivering a little. It was certainly a bit embarrassing but Twilight and I certainly couldn't leave her alone in such a state. I needed to remember about that spell effect though and study it later. It could prove interesting in the right situation.

A couple minutes went by and Rainbow Dash eventually lifted her head, still blushing a decent amount, and looked at Twilight and I with a strained expression, "Ugh...I think it's over. At least I kept my wings down."

"Are you ok, Rainbow?" Twilight asked her.

"Kinda but I think I better go home for now. I...uh, well after that I think I need to be alone for a bit.," Rainbow Dash replied, then whispered in case any nearby ponies might hear, "Oh man! Now I really wish I had a stallion right now. I'm not feeling hyper-whatever you called it but...I need to go calm down so I don't...uh, attack anypony...or maybe even Vojin. Nnrg, sorry I have to bail like this."

I simply kept my mouth shut and grinned, thinking it best to let Twilight handle it as she nodded to Rainbow Dash, "I understand, Rainbow. I'm sorry you had to experience that."

Rainbow Dash nodded, looking between us, though her eyes were a bit smoky and lingered on me enough to make me feel a bit of tension, "I'll catch you guys later. You're really lucky, Twilight. See ya around."

We watched Rainbow Dash take to the air and shoot through the sky towards her house of clouds without further delay. I had gotten used to the faint short-lived rainbow-colored contrail she left in the sky when flying fast enough.

I looked at Twilight to see her still giggling a little and giving me a sly look. A hand rubbed the back of my neck, still kneeling next to her, " did that happen, Twilight? I didn't do anything unusual..."

"I have to think about it for a bit, but it might have something to do with the uniqueness of your own magic. It should just be a fluke event though, so don't worry about it too much. Rainbow will be fine." Twilight said, still amused by the whole situation.

"Honestly, I'm glad it wasn't Fluttershy or Rarity. They might have fainted from embarrassment or something." I added, getting to my feet as we started heading for the cafe.

"Oh my gosh! If it was Fluttershy, she'd never come out of her cottage for at least a month!" Twilight exclaimed, giggling again but suddenly stopped walking, a hoof frozen mid-step.

Raising a brow as I stopped and looked at her, "Something pop into your mind, Purple Angel?"

The sly grin she got and the glance at me she made made me suspicious, also noticing a hidden gleeful sense of mischief through our link, her tone a bit more playful than before, "Oh nothing...just thought of something I need to remember later is all."

With a small chuckle, I spoke quietly, "You weren't thinking of a specific spell effect you wanted to try and cast on me secretly...were you?"

Twilight blushed slightly, but otherwise maintained her facade of calm, "Of course not. I just had an idea I wanted to experiment with at some point, that's all. Why in Equestria would you think I'd be plotting something?"

"I see. Maybe I won't talk about an idea I had a minute ago for possibly the same thing then. I also see you blushing and our link is giving you away, Purple Angel. We think too much alike sometimes..." I replied, chuckling a bit more as I stroked her mane with my fingers, seeing her blush deepen as she gave me a sheepish grin.

We got to the cafe without further interruption but saw it was packed as we got near. It was an easy choice to head to the local diner that Pinkie worked at as a second job instead for some veggie burgers. Thankfully, even though the diner was pretty full too, their service was swift and we just took our food back to the library, an extra order for Spike included.

After enjoying our meal in the comfort of our own home with Spike, we settled in for some more reading. There were lots of additional things we both wanted to read up on after how the morning had gone and had lots of hours in the day left to do just that. Twilight snuggled up with me on the couch, her back against my stomach. My right hand rested on her chest while I held my book with my left, turning pages with levitation and feeling content.