A really BAD day...

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When Kris moved to a new city, he never imagined his first day in his new school would end this way...

(Also, this ended up shorter than I thought it would...)

_ A really bad day _

A one-shot story to sate the screaming beast in my head.

WARNING: This story contains Cruelty, humiliation, N/C, ballbusting, and of course, Underage characters. If you can't deal with that, LEAVE NOW. And unwatch me, maybe.

Today had been the worst first day of school ever.

After moving to a new city, much smaller than his old town, in the summer after 5th grade, Kris had lost all his friends, his confidence, and a surprising amount of his belongings in the move. He had turned 11 years old two weeks before school had started, and had been told that he would have to take Gym class last period to be able to sing in choir 1stperiod. This didn't sound so bad... until right now.

Kris had been the last one into the showers, since there were only 4 single shower stalls, and the coach was a stickler for such things. Kris had been enjoying the hot-ish water cascading over his white fur, pinning it to his lean, somewhat girly form. He'd been feeling okay as he got out, toweled off, and went to his locker to get dressed.

It was then he had learned that the Middle School and High School shared a gymnasium.

Six members of the High School football team stood in the bank of lockers where his was, looking at him disparagingly, and not saying anything. Where the rest of the team was, Kris didn't know, but he cleared his throat a little and tried not to sound terrified as he spoke.

"E-excuse me guys..." He said, moving past them carefully to the end of the row, to the bottom right-hand locker. This trapped him between the wall on his right, and the jocks to his left. He tried again and again to unlock the combination lock, but couldn't get it... and then he heard one boy, a tall, golden-furred canine, laughing a little.

"What's the matter, little pussy?" He quipped. "Forgot your combination?" With that, the jock pulled a lock out of his pocket, and spun it around his finger. "Bad news, kitty cat. That locker? That one belongs to Niles here." He motioned to a Ram who looked like he might have weighed a solid half ton. "Now, me and Chad here," He motioned to a horse with a douchey-looking mohawk, "we tried to calm him down, but he isn't really a calm guy. So, you're dead meat, kid." With that said, the ram, the horse, the dog, and an unnamed panther descended on the boy, surrounding him.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry... I didn't know..." the boy tried to protest, but very suddenly the ram grabbed his face, and half-tossed, half-slammed him into the wall behind him, rattling his brains and making him lose grip on his towel. Before his vision could clear for him to grab it, the panther had it and had handed it to a Rhino standing behind him.

"Open your mouth punk." The ram said harshly, holding up what were obviously Kris's underoos.

"Hey, those are m-" before Kris could finish his though, Niles had backhanded him across the face, sending him spiraling to the floor by the lockers, a haze of tears in his eyes and a weak whimper escaping him.

"Bitch did I tell you to talk?! Open your damn mouth before I break your jaw to get it that way!"

The horse and dog pulled the boy to his feet, and with a small sob, the boy opened his mouth. His underwear were immediately stuffed into his muzzle, a horrible, musky, salty taste assaulting his tongue as they were. Before he could spit them out, the panther used his quickness to very suddenly wrap a strip of duct tape entirely around the poor boy's head, taping the underwear in place.

"Heh, enjoy it bitch. That's what a real man tastes like." Kris wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but it was all he could do not to gag. Before anything else could cross his mind, the boys were dragging him out of the locker bank by the arms, and holding him still while the panther taped his tail down to the back of his right leg. Then, without a word, the four lifted him off the ground, holding him about waist height, spread eagle, giving the Rhino and the thus-far silent 6th older boy (a deer species) a perfect view of his tailhole, and his small, developing kitty-bits.

"Alright Crash, first toast him, then give him the baker's dozen." The 6th boy finally spoke, a deep, gravelly baritone, and was responded to by an even deeper voice, assumably Crash.

All he said was "Yup." before the first whip-crack sound was heard, and a burning, stinging bolt of pain was radiating from Kris' left ass cheek. He tried to squirm away, but only succeeded in wiggling in the grip of his captors, and seemingly pissing them off more. Another crack sound, and Kris' right cheek stung hotly just like the other. He kept squirming ineffectually, and the wet towel kept cracking those hard, painful strikes over his bare ass. Eventually, Kris' ass was visibly red all over, and there were several places that were bruising and forming welts. Kris was crying uncontrollably by this point, not that you could hear anything aside from muffled sobbing from the young boy.

Nothing could have prepared Kris for the amazing pain that came next though, as another whipcrack came down hard, right between his ass cheeks, and lit up his tail hole with bolts of lighting and fire. He tried once again to squirm and wriggle away, but did nothing. Another strike came, and then another. 13 in total, the so-called Baker's Dozen that had been ordered earlier, and once again, Kris could feel bruising and welting all along his taint, ass crack, and even his poor tailhole.

"All right. Blackout." The 6thvoice spoke again, and before Kris could even tell what was happening, his whole world went dark. "On his feet, and cuff him. We don't have a whole lot of time until the teacher comes back looking for him." The kitten was stood up, and his hands were cuffed together above his head somehow, and he was hung by them from a wall somewhere. Two of the boys grabbed his ankles, again holding him helplessly on display. "Okay little pussy, here's what's gonna happen. If you snitch, we're gonna turn you into a girl. When and if the coach asks, you slipped and had a bad fall, and that's where all the marks came from. You mention any of us, and you'll get ten or twenty times what you're about to get." The voice backed away some. "Alright, two below the belt for all of us, then we rack him up, take his underwear and split."

A murmur of approval from the other 5 boys was heard, and shortly after, Kris' blacked out vision exploded white with fresh agony. First what could only be a fist, and then a knee, flew up between his helpless legs, and pummeled his poor, barely developing kitty balls harshly. Then two more knees. The next blow could ONLY be a hoof, and when the hard, flat surface pinned his testicles against his pubic bone, a lightning bolt made of fire ripped through Kris' whole body, and he flopped and wailed with renewed vigor as pain turned into purest hell. Then the hoof came back again and Kris' world began to spin. If he had anything in his stomach at all, he surely would have puked right then. Two more fists hit, barely registering as anything more than just raw pain, the same with a weird hoof, could only be the deer, and another knee. Kris felt his hands being freed, and his underwear taken from his mouth.

The bigger boys carried him back to the showers, and set him on the floor, the deer again speaking.

"Remember, you rat, this is going to seem like nothing compared to what comes next. Heh, your pathetic little nuts are really swollen already. You really are just a little pussy..."

The next thing he knew, Kris was pulled at high velocity into one of the standing shower stall posts, legs spread so he couldn't slow the impact the bar had on his badly bruised and swollen testicles, and the impact and reignited pain were so bad that Kris wet himself, lost his breath, and passed out, in that order.


When next Kris woke, he was in the hospital, and a doctor was explaining to his parents about a surgery going well, and adding something about 'one being sterile but stable, and the other seemingly fine.'

When Kris was eventually pressed about the issue, he said some older boys he didn't know were making fun of his privates, and while they were, he slipped on a bar of soap and skidded into a pole, and that's how it had happened.

It only took a day or two for Kris to convince his parents to start homeschooling him.

Years later, Kris would become known as one of the best Contralto singers in his state, even winning an award for Best Male Solo.

In spite of all the trauma, Kris actually developed a sadomasochistic streak on top of a dominant one, and his boyfriend (whom he met first in the All-State choir) was such a shy violet at first that when Kris first kneed him in the nuts, he actually apologized to Kris for squealing so loud.

Needless to say, pain crawled into Kris' life that day and never went away... but nobody ever called him a pussy ever again.

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