Tahikida Chapter 5

Story by jcrescent on SoFurry

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It wasn't, the opening of the door, nor the soft thump of the boots, not even the settling of his weight on the bed that startled Tahikida awake: it was the hand that lovingly caressed his face and teased his ears (which had done the same thing every morning when they were younger to wake him) that caught his attention. Instantly by scent, he knew who it was...

" Talanos!! Wha...what are you doing here? I though you were still flying training missions in the North Lands?"

" Good morning little brother, I'm on a two month leave, so I decided to spend some time with you, I haven't seen you in almost a year." Talanos said with a smile on his face.

"Wow, look at you cub, you've grown a bit since I last seen you!"

But Talanos looked pretty much the same, much to Tahikida's happiness. The Anubian Lion (the official species name for black lions in their world) looked like an older version of his younger sibling. He had the same eyes as him, same long black hair with purple highlights (for he also was a mage, one of the few who actually serve in the military) but had a more muscular build and was at least a foot taller than Tahikida. He was wearing a military exo-suit with the black cloak of a commanding officer, and golden wings of a pilot in the Royal Air Corps. He pulled up the smaller lion with his gloved hands into a warm hug.

" Oh brother, I missed you so..." said Tahikida softly

" I know...I'm sorry I haven't been in contact with you often, its been increasingly hard to get a word out these days, especially with training the squadron to fly these new fighters we received. Being based in the remote North Lands training facility doesn't help much either."

" I know, I would have visited you myself, but I didn't want to interfere. "Have your heard from Thomlok?"

" The last I heard, he was finishing up a diplomatic mission with the fleet. He's up for leave soon and promises to visit you. Who knows, he may pop up sooner than you think..." Talanos answered

" I'm glad" Tahikida said

Thomlok, the eldest brother, is the commanding officer of a carrier in the Royal Navy Space Command, and is also a mage. Consequently he is the only one in Tahikida's immediate family to have seen combat after responding to an attack on a territory of the Kingdom by a terrorist organization. Strangely, the ones responsible were captured without a shot fired. Tahikida always wanted to speak to Thomlok about the strange circumstances surrounding that incident, but he suspected that it was his brother's affinity for high sorcery that ended the would-be battle peacefully.

" You must be tired after that long flight" said Tahikida

" Two days sub-light travel from the Kingdom can make anyone tired. The ring system was down for routine repairs so we had to come the long way." replied Talanos

" Well, you can crash in my bed, I have to go to class. I only have one today so I'll be back in a couple hours." Says Tahikida, kissing his brother on the nose

"Please get some sleep, Ill be back before you know it"

"Ill try" Said Talanos as he began to strip off is exo suit

"How's the shower by the way" he called out to Tahikida as he put on a large black hoodie and black jeans.

"It's divine, you'll enjoy it" Tahikida called back.

Class was the same as always, the professor gave his lecture and at the end assigned homework related to today's discussion. But Tahikida's mind was hardly on anything the professor had to say. His brother showing up was a wonderful surprise. He couldn't wait to get back to his apartment for they had a lot of catching up to do. He also hoped to run into Misha today, but was worried when he didn't see the husky sitting at the student assistant's desk today. He walked up to the professor, a middle age wolf who looked somewhat young for a faculty member.

" Dr. Eisen, have you heard from Misha today, I was kind of expecting him." Tahikida asked, trying to hide the worry in his voice.

" Ah, Tahikida, I believe this is for you..." The wolf handed Tahikida an envelope that was sealed with the symbol of the Directorate of the Inquisitor.

" Hmmm, why so formal..." Tahikida thought out loud

" Misha was here this morning, he had some urgent business to attend to, so I excused him. He asked me to give you this, I don't usually hold notes for students but given the circumstances..." Eisen explained

" Thank you sir, I appreciate it" Tahikida remarked

As the professor left the lecture hall, Tahikida opened the letter:

" Dear Tahikida, sorry for such formalities, it was the only way I know Dr. Eisen would pass a letter between us. I've been called away on official business to the Kingdom and have to make an actual appearance with His Majesty, King Arcamenel. I hope your uncle will be gentle with me ? I'm sorry for not being able to inform you in person, I know we were both looking forward to meeting up again. I shall return by this weekend, and I look forward to picking up where we left off.

Until then...


Tahikida sighed, " I wonder what could be so important for him to be called all the way back to the kingdom, and meet with my uncle nonetheless..."

Feeling tired, and missing his bed, he headed back to his room, almost forgetting that his brother was sharing his bed with him...

" Hey cub, is that Talanos?! Wow, he grew up to be such a hunk!" Ramon exclaimed

" Yeah, he totally surprised me last night, I haven't seen him for a while" said Tahikida, sleepily

" Well, have fun, knowing the two of you, you have a lot of catching up to do..." Ramon winked

Tahikida slowly opened the door as to not disturb his sleeping brother, only to find him sitting up in bed looking up at him with a grin on his face.

" I couldn't sleep...you figure I would be used to sleeping in strange beds with all the travelling I do..." Talanos remarked

" Hmm, that's too bad, good thing I know a couple tricks to help you sleep" Tahikida said with a sly grin on his face

Sex between brothers who were close age mates in royal families was generally accepted as long as it was consensual and kept low key. Males who were of age to marry were generally forbidden any female contact until their marriage date. Sex between Tahikida and Talanos, was mostly experimentation during their younger years and grew to just scratching an itch when they got older. There was love attached to it as well, but they never did any of the heavy stuff. Tahikida was determined to change all that today, for he always suspected that Talanos was more than just bisexual...

The younger lion unbuckled his pants but left his hoodie on, he wasn't wearing underwear, and slid under the covers from the foot of the bed, and slowly crawled over Talanos' prone form, taking in his scent and noticing a hint of arousal from him and also noticing that he was completely naked. A shock of arousal shot from his groin to his tail hole in anticipation and desire. He crawled to the head of the bed and laid himself completely on his brother placing their erections together and ground them together firmly leaving no mystery to what he wanted. Talanos moaned deeply, grateful for his younger brother's contact.

Tahikida pulled himself closer to his brother's head kissed him on the nose, then full on the lips. He felt hands slowly whispering pass his hips and firmly caressing his ass giving it a squeeze. Another shock of pleasure hit Tahikida, causing him to suck in a quick breath and arch his back, a small amount a pre shot from his erection as a result. Tahikida looked down at his brother with lust in his eyes, he wanted to give something to him he never was able to do until now...

" When was your last time?" Tahikida asked

Before he could give his brother time to answer, he reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a vile of lubricant, and poured it on his brother's member, feeling the barbs of the tip. He positioned the tip to the entrance of his tail hole and lowered himself over it slowly.

" Tahikida wait..." Talanos said

Tahikida looked down on his brother with fire in his eyes " I'm not a virgin anymore, and I refuse to let you keep this gift from yourself because you're afraid to hurt me..."

As he said that the tip of his brother's cock started to penetrate him, Talanos moaned below him, and moved his hips up, no longer feeling any concern, just shear indescribable pleasure as the moist heat of his brother's tail hole surrounded his cock like a tight glove. He wanted to push more into Tahikida, but didn't want to rush his brother; he let him set his own pace for now.

More pre started to leak from Tahikida's arousal as he slowly sank himself fully on his brother's cock. He began to move his hips, up and down slowly, deliberately teasing his brother, he moaned lightly as he felt the barbed tip rubbed against his prostate repeatedly.

Talanos could hardly believe the beautiful sight above him, his brother, still wearing his hoodie, hair flowing, around his shoulders, eyes shut, mouth open and tong hanging out, was fucking himself slowly on his cock, he wanted more...

Talanos grabbed Tahikida's hips and slowly flipped him over and positioned himself doggie style behind him.

" Yesssss, fuck me, pound me hard, like you always wanted to..." growled Tahikida

Talanos needed no further encouragement; he grabbed Tahikida's hips and plunged in deeper than he was when his younger brother was riding him. He began to swing his hips back in forth, slapping against the firm round ass of his brother hitting his prostate harder and harder driving Tahikida wild.

Tahikida started to cry out in pleasure with every inward stab he received, the shocks of pleasure becoming more frequent and more powerful until he couldn't contain himself any longer. A burst of sweet pleasure exploded in his loins, Tahikida reached behind him and dug his extended claws into his older brother's hips and pulled him hard as he came in strong spurts all over the sheets below him.

The sporadic tightening of his younger brother's anal muscle in time with his ejaculations brought Talanos over the edge and he roared in immeasurable bliss has he shot his seed deep inside Tahikida, he then reached down and bit him on the shoulder as passion overtook him.

The two collapsed on the bed in deep in afterglow, Talanos was about to pull out but Tahikida kept his hold on his rump.

" No, stay there for a while, I've waited a long time for this and I want it to last. I want to feel your weight on me..." Tahikida pleaded

" I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner, I just wasn't sure how it would effect you if we actually copulated, let alone if I took your virginity..." Talanos said breathlessly

" You don't have to worry about that anymore eh? Tahikida said slyly

" Guess not... so, who was the lucky stud to take your sweet ass the first time" Talanos inquired

"Mmmm, that's a story for a later time... sleepy now" Tahikida said yawning

As the two drifted off to sleep, a certain lioness smiled and praised at what was rekindled between her two youngest cubs...