Slave 5B

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Slave 5B - M/M, Anal/Caressing/Bondage, Man/Tiger - January 09, 2009

by Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing

(cl) The Gay Furry Association

The muse strikes again

Gerrty moaned... Sweat ran down his torso. He bit into the gag, nostrils flaring to get more air into his overheated body. He arched, shoving back as best he could as Master thrust into him yet again. Godsssss - He could feel the slick flesh slide into his ass, Squeezing down got a dribble of pre and a swelling of the cock he could Swear was a foot long and big around as his arm!

Naked balls slid over furred ones and his own painful erection spat on the towel under him. Fingers ran fire-trails across his skin, making him jerk and grunt, pushing away from them... And then pushing back, Wanting that tactile feeling that made sparks run up his spine. Unhhh! Again the spear rammed into his guts, crotch grinding itself against his striped cheeks, compressing them to get one more scant hair's worth of shaft inside his anal-ring.

Would Master Never Cum?! Teeth bit into his ear, a rough hand encircled the base of his feline cock and He did... Violently. Mashing his rump against the human, biting deeply into the leather strap. He roared his Lust out his nose, as seed splattered the cloth, more scents to assail his already over-worked senses. Worse, Even as he squeezed his fingers tightly, grinding his hips in hopes of feeling more than Pre heat his insides, the tiger had to hold onto his sanity - For not a fingerlength away was The Trigger. All he had to do was hook his index finger in the loop and Pull... And all the restraints would open. The harness his chest strained against would fall to the floor. He would be Free - That was his 'Safeword'.

He had shrugged when Master placed him in the device... Bent over a little, legs apart - So? He purred as the male latched his wrists, ankles, chest in place, yeeping as his nuts were teased. Then his finger was guided to the Ring.

"Memorize where it is - I want you to be able to find it in a blind panic. In a fit of passion. Anytime." And so he did. Worked it until he knew where it was by touch alone.

"Now pull it." He shrugged and did so - A few seconds later he was free and standing. "Before you use Any Playtoy, Make sure it works properly - Dying from suffocation because of a faulty collar-snap isn't my idea of a good time. And I Hope it isn't yours either..." The feline slipped his hand into the restraint again, hooked the loop and held it, looking at the male.

That was an Eon ago. How many times had he popped now? Five... Six possibly. Even more orgasms had snapped him rigid in the frame, Begging for the male to finish. His nipples got tweaked yet again and he added more sweat to the rivulets that lined his body, matted his fur. His cock was a slab of raw meat dangling between his legs. His nips ground down to nothing more than bumps - That fanned the fire inside him with every caress, every touch, be it gentle or rough. He arched again as lips pressed into his shoulders, another slow, hard thrust making him see spots, making his hips dance in the rhythm of male/male sex.


Gerrty had scoffed at the others - some barely got past the jerking off test, only to shove their aching nuts into shorts and slink off. Others made it to the Shower... Then decided they wanted someone more - Male. Or maybe less... He alone stayed, watched how each loss was like a body-blow, making the man's shoulders dip just a little. The tiger had encountered many emotions during his years as a Submissive, but never had he felt... Needed. When the last (Hah!) Bottom had left, the male turned and shrugged.

"I guess it's just you and me, Sexy." The feline slid his arms around the male and Hugged him, lifted the whiskered chin and Kissed him. So many feelings ran through the tiger - Anger that none of the others would stay. Elation that the male was His Alone. Fear - His cock still hurt and how many other places would as well? Rejection still reared it's ugly head... Compatibility is a 2-way street. Would he still want to be here, Would the male still want him around in a week's time? Or a month or...

An afternoon spent between Master's legs came to the panting feline. Lazing on the bed, watching tv. Listening to music... Whatever they wished to do. A glass of wine was a reach away for the tiger, keeping his mouth wet. When he wasn't drooling - The penis went up and down. Got soft and hard. Several times in fact... He rasped the tip softly, sucked long and hard, bobbing his head rapidly. They both left for the pot, or to get a snack, but basically Master's dick was in his muzzle for the day. And how wonderful he felt when a hand pressed against his cheek, and the voice whispered hoarsely that the man was going to...

Godsssss... Another afternoon, the tiger found himself shackled to the bed. Master brought out a quill feather, a paintbrush and a hand-brush. The feline snorted. He'd had much stronger things used on him... By evening he was a mess of damp fur, mewling whenever he was touched. Master had caressed, tickled, scrubbed and teased him into exhaustion with a couple of simple household items - Never would he brag about floggers again!

* * * *

Another explosion of neurons made his body buck, pump yet another wad of liquid out to go with the rest. All it would take is a finger-pull to be free. To rip the gag from his mouth and snarl, 'Cum in me, You Stingy bastard!' His ass burned Hot then cold. His balls screamed at him, Worse than any vise or clamp ever had. He could barely feel his dick... Unless those damn Fingers caressed it - Then every inch lit up and he came yet again. Maybe the others were the Smart ones. Maybe they knew something he didn't...

Gerrty was a furry bag of scraped nerve endings when he felt the familiar press of weight against his back. The harsh whisper, "I am going to..." Followed by a rough thrust into his back-passage. The grunted moan that made him gulp and tense up his anal-ring, Squeezing the cock that throbbed inside him... Then the head flared and Spat molten stickiness inside his guts, making the tiger moan himself... He felt it splatter against his walls, dribble into nooks. Another shot deeper in... Followed by a couple of smaller but as Hot ropes of jizz. It lay, warm and clinging and the feline shivered as the rough hands caressed his heaving body, extracting one more ounce of pleasure from him. One more gasp, one more dribble, one more toe-curling, spine shattering Mule-kick to the head...

Was it love? Lust? Who cared! He wriggled his rear, smiling... Any moment now - "If you think I am going to pull Out, You are Wrong. We are not making a Porn movie, Lover. You can, of course step away..."

The first thing that hit was 'Lover'. He turned his head and looked at the sweaty male. Grinned and *Squeezed* the cock inside him - Gods it felt good to be stuffed like this! To feel the skin rubbing his, The dick slowly softening and easing from his abused ass. The soft caresses on his sides and chest... Gerrty shivered for a different reason - He still had to survive a shower. With Master sympathetically sucking on his painful balls. Rubbing that half-hard dick against his rump, making the feline want it inside him again. Then the Gel - Over his cock, making It twinge and stiffen. Around the bruised anal-ring - With more stuffed in as a finger rubs it around. He was probably going to dry-fire a few times while humping against Master's hand like some lewd puppet. As for the other(other what?)...

The feline had endured everything Master could toss at him - At least butt-fucking wise. Now if there were Dildoes or Vibrators involved - All bets were off! But all Master did was rub his nuts and pat his ass and walk off to fetch a drink. Off came the gag and the tiger gulped the cool liquid down, Not daring to mention his thoughts... Master had already made him pass-out from sheer pleasure several times in their brief relationship. Squeezed the hand that cradled his own, the other holding his head.

"Lover?" he managed, Still feeling tingles just having the word on his tongue. Moaned into a hungry kiss, pushing his face against the man's.

"Why not? 'Fuck-Toy' is getting old, even if you Are great in bed. You cook better than I do, you have stayed longer than most of the others... Maybe you can even help me find someone to Enjoy playing with - Think about it."

Gods! To have a brother holding his hand while Master pounded his ass... A fellow Slave to share the burden when Master got moody, or wanted to get Kinky. Who did he Hate enough, Love enough to torture so - "Would you make us play with each other while you watched?"

Got a laugh and Gerrty flailed for the metal bars as the restraints snapped open. "What makes you think I could just Watch? Shower, then Bed, then a nice long soak when you wake up." With lots of foreplay and him sucking Master until his rump healed enough to allow for more PlayTime... The tiger swallowed a 'Please, Don't...' as His balls were bounced in a rough hand, already feeling his dick stiffen. Shook a hindpaw as he stepped in something sticky - They were going to have to buy more towels. Oh Godssss.... An image of him lying in the tub, legs up while Master cleaned his feet, Tongue slipping between his toes - Next to his Nipples, having his feet played with ranked very high on the Fetish scale. Looked at the male who winked at him.

"All you have to do is say 'Stop'." A finger teased his bobbing cock-tip, as the male helped him to the bath. Sure he could - But then he wouldn't have a body that ached so nicely. A butt that was looking forward to having a finger or two stuffed inside it. Nipples poking from his chest-fur, feet tingling at the idea of a massage.

Gerrty grinned and squeezed Master's nice ass.


The End?