Tale Across Time: Part 2

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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"Second chapter in Tale Across Time, kinda intriguing, not really my style to write. I cramped some yiff in at the bottom, not the best but not the worst either I think."

What goes up, most come down

The room is dark, circular it seems. Only a few torches light the room with a dim, yellow light, spreading slowly in the room. In the middle sits a wolf-female, kneeling down, her bowed in submissive. Straight ahead of her three chairs are placed, each occupied with wolves similar to her.

  • You're saying first contact has been made?

The female nodded in reply, her voice sounding as crystal-clear as the finest of diamonds sing. Her eyes never strayed from the floor as she kept her face hidden.

  • Yes, sir, or head been meeting certain death.

The three older wolves looked at the female, their eyes inspecting her like they were judging the future.

Robert slowly opened his eyes, closing them quick as the light flashed his eyes. Why did hospitals always have to be white, what the hell were they thinking? He covered his eyes with his palm and opened them slowly, letting them get adjust to seeing again. How long had he been out? He removed his hand and looked around the room, categorizing it as a hospital-room. He sat up slowly and sighed, looking out the window.

Snow was stilling falling slowly, covering the entire town in a white cover. Incredible, in the middle of July a town in the middle of U.S.A., that's something you don't see every day. And it wasn't just a few dabs of snow, there had to be at least a foot of snow, it was completely covered. The town was taken completely by surprise, people had several layers of clothing on, rubbing their palms together frenetically to keep warm.

Hold on a second, how did he know all that, he was high up, people looked like dots on a paper, what was going on? Suddenly the door opened, sending Robert on a small thrill, quickly turning his head to look at the doctor, automatically grasping the covers tightly.

  • Good day, Mr. Edison.

Robert blinked before shaking his head quickly, looking at the doctor.

  • Umm, yes, hello, doctor.

The doctor smirked and pulled a pen from his pocket, picking up a chart from the end of the bed, reading it over before making a few notes on it.

  • You've been out cold for two days, am I correct?

Robert chuckled and shrugged, looking back out through the window.

  • It's still snowing, I see.

The doctor nodded and walked up to the window, looking out.

  • Yes, it's been snowing... ever since the day they brought you in, if I'm not wrong.

Robert nodded, looking at the doctor. Thoughts started to assemble again, stirring up some old memories. He looked at his hand, turning them and examining them.

The doctor suddenly shook his head, having stared out the window for maybe two-three minutes without a word.

  • You must excuse me, Mr. Edison! I have other patients as well.

Robert nodded and looked at the doctor.

  • Yes, of course, doctor...?

The doctor stopped in the doorway, as if thinking about something. The he took a step back and bit his lower lip.

  • Call me Phil, Mr. Edison... that will do just fine.

And then he headed out through the doorway, Robert heard his footsteps echo down the hall. That's peculiar, it was completely silent, except for the doctor's footsteps, they fading down to nothing as well.

But soon he heard other sounds, slowly fading back into his hearing. He sighed with relief and lied back down. Phil had been a peculiar fellow, especially for a doctor. Robert had been in hospital before, back then for a ruptured spleen, the last time he boxed. He closed his eyes again, feeling a bit drowsy.

His mind was constantly haunted by that evening. Kind of natural but not the almost being near death... he just wondered about his savior. What ever it was, it sure wasn't human, which was for sure. The anatomy was wrong; he had felt breast against his back, making it a female. But what woman could pick a fully-grown man and leap straight up in the air, grabbing a hold of... something up there. Then there was the voice... it was ghostly similar to the one in his dream. But there couldn't be a connection; it was... just a dream after all.

Suddenly the door opened again, Robert opened his eyes quickly. He lied on his side, facing away from the door, eyes staring at the black wall. Every hair on his body just stood up, vibrating with fear, every muscle in his body was yelling at him to get up and run, fight back... call for help. He didn't dare to turn around, facing what ever stood there, it could be the nightmare of his dream. His hand grabbed the cover tightly, the entire world just seemed to stop around him as it took a step closer, his step sound loud and heavy.

Robert heard his own heart beat hard and loud, as if it was going to burst from his chest and run away screaming. He gripped the covers tighter, breathing growing heavy as he stared down on the floor, the corner of his bed just visible. He heard the footsteps of the creature, loud and clear as it walked closer and closer. It was just a matter of time before he saw the "foot" of the creature.

Fur, claws and a tail... his gaze trail over the body, up the ghost of his dream, a huge wolf... or dog... or something. It sure was a canine-form of human: brown, thick fur, muzzle with the black nose, bushy tail and ear perking up to catch any form of sound. His eyes glance over Robert, sending shivers of fear through his body. His eyes were red, the kind you expect when a creature goes on frenzy or something.

  • Master has ordered you to come, so I must take you there.

The canine's voice was a deep, mighty voice, like the kind you often imagine a barbarian, with no kind of brain, to have.

The big dog seemed dumb and big enough to match the criteria for a barbarian. How the hell could he get in her unnoticed? A big, furry carpet dressed in a loincloth and a crossbow on his back just doesn't WALK into a hospital... do they? He stared at the wolf and shook his head.

  • Where would we be going?

The dog shook his head and smirked.

  • Boss told Garu not to tell where to go...

Robert nodded, that sure was a barbarian, he even talked as himself in third person.

Suddenly Garu gripped Robert in his leg and lifted him right up in the air. Robert gasped in surprise and saw the room upside down, a view he never had considered before. He looked up at Garu, staring at him with wide eyes. Garu just shook his head and tossed Robert over his shoulder.

  • Come, boss not happy if wait too long.

Robert landed on the shoulder with an oof, knocking all the air out of him. He hung limp over the shoulder of the giant dog. Garu smirked and bounced Robert up and down a little, then turned towards the door. The door slowly slid open, seemingly no one was even close it, though. Robert lifted his head and looked at the door. In a gasp he speaks:

  • No fucking way!

The female-wolf sniffed the scent in the room cautiously. Garu had already been there, the subject had already been moved. She examined the bed, then looking over the charts. The poison had worked, but for how much longer? She pulled the covers off completely, strings of long hair floating through the air. She looked towards the door, then at the window. Snow was falling heavier than ever and if that continued much longer humans wouldn't stand a chance.

Robert opened his eyes with a groan. That Garu sure packed a punch, he hit him straight on the jaw too, completely uncalled for. He turned his head, a flickering light drawing his attention. A campfire, he was out in the nature, it was night, the air was cool around his body. Suddenly all the sounds came rushing to him like a wave of the clearest seawater. Owl, crickets, birds and the rustle from a squirrel in the undergrowth. The wind blowing through the top of the forest, making it sound like he was near a shore, wind disturbing the undergrowth, blowing up some leaves, sending them off to a journey that would end up somewhere far away, where they'd join the ever going circle of life.

Suddenly Garu emerged besides the campfire, the light shedding it's orange light on him, it looked rather creepy. He dropped a couple of dead rabbits near the campfire, leaning down and started to yank the arrows from the dead bodies. Robert tried to stand up only to miserably fail. He looked back, only now finding his hands tied to his back with a thick rope. A huge paw grabbed his fringe and lifted his head. He stared right into Garu's read eyes, shivering slightly in fear of what an unstable barbarian could do.

  • You should not hurt yourself; Garu doesn't want you to hurt.

Robert looked at him, cocking his eyebrow. Garu was like a big baby, there wasn't a shed of evil in him, really, he was just taught wrong from childhood.

Garu dropped the head, standing up again. Robert tumbled to the ground, rolling over to his side with a groan. Garu went back to the dead rabbits, yanking the arrows free from the bloody pouches once rabbits. Robert sighed and his heart just weakened when he looked at Garu, he was so innocent really.

  • Garu, what's for dinner?

The sound of his own voice was somehow strange to him. Garu smiled as he looked over at Robert, cocking his head to the side.

  • Bunny-stew! Me own recipe, yup!

Robert chuckled and smiled, turning over on his stomach. He struggled up on his knees, his breath stirring up some dust in the air, making a cool effect in the air near the fire. He slumped backwards, giving of a relieved sigh, sitting on his own hands.

Garu looked at him, that smile still on his face. Robert couldn't help but to find Garu cute, just like a puppet he had when a child... actually, the resemblance with Garu was pretty close, if not identical. Coincidence or something else, magic maybe?

  • How old are you, Garu?

Robert tilted his head slightly and smiled, seeing how Garu really fought with his own mind, struggling to dig deep inside of his mind. Robert chuckled silently when Garu crossed his eyebrows, his tongue sticking out in the corner of his mouth. After a while Garu replied:

  • I dunno, mister.

Robert smiled and nodded; it was the answer he was expecting anyhow. Robert looked back at his hands and sighed.

  • Garu, can you please untie me?

Garu shook his head and raised his paw in the air.

  • You'd just try and run away, mister.

Robert grinned and shook his head; Garu wasn't a complete dimwit.

Robert scooted closer to the fire.

  • Garu, you know... I don't really think I'll try runaway.

Garu brought a knife from a bag he had next to what seemed to be a sleeping-roll. Robert muffled a gasp, his heart skipping two beats. Garu then idly brought the knife down against the rabbits, probably not having taken notice of Robert's reaction. He started skinning the rabbits very carefully; this was obviously not the first time.

  • Garu, please, I don't know these lands, you're faster than me...

Garu turned his head and looked at Robert, holding a rabbit-fur in his hand.

  • ... And I'm really hungry! I don't think I'll even attempt to run.

Garu pondered for a while before he grabbed Robert's neck, yanking his back down.

Robert inhaled in surprise, Garu's grip on the neck tightened slightly. But it was over quickly, a swift cut with the knife and Robert's arms sprung free from their confinement. Garu let go of Robert and turned back to the rabbits, starting to skin them slowly again, making sure no mistakes were made, he could sell the fur or use it for some kind of containment after all.

  • Garu, when you kill small animals, does it hurt?

Garu nodded and sighed, sitting back on his bum.

  • Every time, but I have to do it to eat...

Robert nodded slowly, rubbing his wrist, being surprised that he wasn't even bruised. He then heard Garu's voice continue:

  • But every time I kill a little critter... I leave something for the others to eat, and I pray for the one I killed, I pray for its' soul to pass to the other realm.

Robert was now convinced, there was no way Garu was doing this on his own, not on his own command.

The next hour was pretty enjoyable to Robert. This new world was indeed new to him, but it was strangely familiar. He kept asking Garu questions and Garu happily answered them. Though Garu's knowledge was limited, Robert found out a lot. During this time of "Question and Answer", Garu prepared the stew. To Robert's surprise it wasn't just boiling water and in with the rabbits. Garu neatly carved and cut the meat, cooking it slowly while adding various vegetables, most which Robert had never seen. Garu even added a bit of spice, making Robert question Garu's true nature.

This was indeed a new world; it sure wasn't the one where Robert originated. From what Robert could gather it was a world of mystery, adventure and courage, much like the nerds back at home role-played in. All along the nerds were right, isn't that a twist? It was really just one big empire, ruled by one "Oh so great and fair" king... he sounded like a tyrant to Robert! But Garu spoke warm-heartedly of him; Robert didn't dare speak up about his thoughts. Robert was currently in a forest called Takawiki Forest; it was a huge forest, several acres big that held a lot of mystery and magic.

It was only here and two-three other places in this world where you could actually travel between the worlds, it was powered by some kind of gem-stone, hidden deep inside a cave somewhere in this forest. Garu was on a "need to know basis only", so he didn't really know the location of the cave. Secretly, Robert was plotting; he wanted to get home. He kept asking questions, and received answers that Garu saw fit. But he was never told where they were going, why he was taken or who hired Garu. Robert wasn't even sure Garu knew himself.

The young female wolf was once again in the circular room. The three elder looked at her and they seemed rather agitated in the dim light.

  • So, Richter has been summoned.

The female nodded and kept her head down in a sign of obedience, her eyes only slits as she held her paws to the floor.

  • Yes, sir, Garu The Great arrived early last night, only to depart just as fast.

One of the elders scratched his chin, leaning on the arm of the chair.

  • This is moving too fast, do you have any idea where they went?

The female nodded, moving her paw into her pocket, only to bring out a sheath of paper, walking up to the elders and giving it to the one in the front.

  • So, he brought him to Takawiki Forest, clever choice, we'll never find a ranger there.

The female nodded and took a few steps backwards, but just as she was about to kneel again, the elder to the right raised his paw and shook his head, waving with his fingers.

  • Leave at once and be prepared for when they resurface. Stay sharp and only observe!

The female quickly strode from the room.

Robert sat near the fire, eating the stew very slowly. It was very tasty; the tastes really just filled his mouth, the bunny really tasted but the spices were somehow a part of it.

  • Garu, how did you do this, it's wonderful.

Garu nodded quickly and smiled, waving with his paw in the air.

  • Garu learned when he was alone, Garu's recipe secret.

Robert chuckled and waved his spoon at Garu, adding a little irony in his voice.

  • You should start a place to sell this, make money.

Garu shook his head and shrugged, taking another spoon of the stew.

  • Garu no need money, Garu happy as it is.

Robert nodded, his own little mind starting to turn. Garu was a very simple... eh, man; he probably spent his entire life out here in the wilderness.

Robert sighed, looking around in the darkness. He could make an attempt for an escape but where would he go? He didn't know anything about this place, didn't know any of the animals or plants. Maybe he'd make it, most likely not, though. But where was he taken, maybe it was less painful out there, swift death by a simple jaw, clamped around his neck. Where he was going they might enjoy torturing one, raping him and... no, Garu wouldn't ever take him to such a place, would he?

Garu looked at him, noting where he was looking.

  • Do not attempt to run, many dangers here.

Robert nodded and sighed, placing the empty, wooden bowl aside, the rather big wooden spoon in it. He then looked at Garu and shrugged. Garu nodded slightly, figuring he'd gotten through to the young man. Robert idly sat and watched Garu stir in the stew, eating bowl after bowl. Garu was big and needed lots of food, he was over 8 feet tall, bigger that two lumberjacks together.

When Garu turned his head to look at his captive he found the seat where he had been sitting earlier... empty. Quickly he stood up and glanced around the camp. Such a bloody fool for trying to escape. He sniffed the air and with a smirk he took up pursuit of the runaway human. It had been a while since a good hunt anyway, there was no way the human could escape here.

Robert tumbled through the vegetation, twigs slapping against his face, branches tearing his clothes and pebbles pounding his feet. He took the chance, better than rotting away in whatever plans they had for him. He heard several animals around him, but he didn't really care. What were they compared to an eight feet tall, muscular, dumb wolf on two legs? He heard branches and twigs snap behind him, was the wolf already that close?

Robert got it answered quickly and abruptly. The blow on his back sent him flying far, three-four feet, the landing being softened by a leafy bush. Garu laughed and wiggled his fingers towards Robert.

  • Me faster, me stronger, me better! Don't try it!

Robert sighed and stood up. He opened his mouth but shut it just as fast again. Garu just grinned and looked at him. Robert wasn't sure he wanted to know what went through Garu's mind right now, he was hoping that the only thing lifting that loincloth was the wind.

The young female wolf watched over the forest: mile after mile with thick, green forest. There was no way she could find him here! Garu was big, but in the forest he was extremely fit. He knew every animal, tree and patch of grass here. He was practically raised by the vermin of the forest. She sighed and removed her mask, inhaling deeply from the cool, clean air. After releasing the air she pulled her mask back on and brushed her hair over her shoulder.

  • Nearest town if 56 mils north, that's the only place where they can shop for supplies, sooner or later.

She shrugged and took off, heading north.

Garu lifted his loincloth, revealing his already fully erect manhood. Robert shook his head and swallowed hard. Garu licked his lips, his paw starting to rub up and down the dog-like cock, only stopping to trail over tip, collecting some pre-cum.

  • Garu likes hunting a lot.

Robert just nodded and bit his lower lip, starting to walk backwards. This couldn't be happening, was Garu really going to try. He could easily have his way, no doubt, but he had seemed so innocent.

  • Master said to play with you if you misbehaved.

The only thing that went through Robert's head at that time was if it'd hurt a lot.

Garu walked forward, his long, furry arm stretched out and grabbed Robert's arm. Pulling him close, Garu smirked and trailed a finger down Robert's forehead to his nose. Robert suddenly felt Garu's aching member against his tummy, rock-hard and warm like fire. Garu looked down at his member, then grabbing Robert's neck tightly, leaning in to kiss Robert's lips gently and softly. Robert tried to pull away, but it was to no use, Garu held his neck in a tight grip.

Garu's other paw slipped to Robert's hips, grabbing a hold of what was left of his pants, starting to slowly make their way down his legs. The cool air struck his lower body like a wave hits the cliffs. He instinctively tried to pull away again, once again finding it to little use. Garu tightened the grip around his neck and broke the kiss.

  • I think it'll be easier if you didn't struggle so much.

Robert snorted kicked for Garu, who easily caught the leg, yanking it so Robert slipped and hit the ground hard.

Robert gasped for air, all the air having been knocked out of his lungs. He looked up on the grinning Garu, wagging his tail like a happy dog does. Robert's eyesight slowly degraded, becoming blurry. In a last attempt to catch air, he rolled over on his stomach, getting up on all four. He felt the cool air fill his lung once again, he gave off a soft shriek as it stung his lungs. He cocked his head upwards, closing his eyes as he could finally breathe again.

Suddenly he heard Garu move about behind him, his two paws grasping at his hips.

  • Master said I could do it.

Robert shook his head; his jaws still shut together, incapable of uttering a word. He felt Garu's paw slip across his back, his touch causing every strand of hair stand up straight, his pare palm against his skin made it shiver in pleasure, the cool air causing his member to quiver in fear of erecting. Garu nodded, sticking a finger in his mouth, coating it with saliva, looking at it before nodding to himself, lowering it slowly.

Robert gasped out in surprised, Garu's thick finger pressing its' way through his rectum in a rough manner. His muscles instinctively tried to push the intruder out. Garu moaned and buried the finger, his knuckles pressing against butt-cheeks. Robert looked back over his shoulder, a face of despair meeting the excited Garu.

  • Master said it felt good for both.

Robert didn't doubt it would for any normal kind of male, but Garu's cock was about 9" long and 3" in diameter. It would smart, Robert knew it but he wasn't in the best position to argue. Not with an 8' tall barbarian with the IQ of a five year who followed his master blindly, and had been ordered to "play".

Garu grabbed Robert's hips in a firm grip, his paw at least twice the size of Robert's. Robert trembled in fear as Garu slowly guided his member to Roberts ass, spreading his butt-cheeks with the head. Robert felt the warmth of the head spread into his butt-cheeks, feeding to the fear of how it would be.

  • Garu, please, don't!

Garu didn't hear it at all, his mind was set already and as he slowly started impaling the human with his huge spear of flesh he only grunted in satisfactory.

Robert gave off a spine-chilling shriek of pain, the bulbous head made minced meat of his a-hole. Garu wasn't the kind who waited for his partner to shut up and enjoy, he swiftly and roughly impaled Robert on his member, driving all nine inches into him in a sturdy pace. The cock grew thicker, the base spreading Robert to the limit, feeling the cock throb with pleasure in his ass, coating his inside with his thick, sticky pre-cum. Robert caught his breath while Garu rested, once fully inside.

The female wolf cocked her head up, perking her ears at the sound of scream. If that was Richter, then that meant trouble in one way or another. She quickly grabbed her dual-knifes and stood up, listening for more sounds to guide her. There was a short pause before she heard the same kind of agonized scream of pain. She quickly took off, rushing through the woods towards the sound.

The huge wolf only stopped to catch his breath now and then, his thick cock thrusting in and out of the human before him, throbbing and urging to release his seed in him. His paws grasped tighter around the poor boy, his thrusts grew to pounding, so hard and fast it was like a piston. His balls slapped against the boys every time he reached bottom, his crotch buried against his.

Robert gave off loud squeaks at every thrust, his screaming had stopped cause it simply hurt his throat now. His hands dug into the earth for comfort, only finding a moist, gooey soil, something crawling against his fingers. Garu suddenly grabbed his hair and yanked his head backwards, leaning down to whisper in the boy's ear.

  • Master said I could have all the fun I wanted before I did you off.

Robert's eyes grew wide before he gritted his teeth and shutting his eyes tight, the thrusts burning inside of him as they tore against his inner walls.

Suddenly Garu gripped the boy and lifted him backwards. Robert yelped in pain as the cock now buried itself even deeper inside of him, now being seated in Garu's lap. Garu's arms wrapped around Robert tightly as his hips started their endless bucking and thrusting. Robert simply gasped out and closed his eyes, trying to think himself away, he was on a sunny beach in Hawaii. But the burning pain quickly brought him back to the now furry reality.

Garu thrust hard and heavy upwards as he brought himself closer to climax, cock bulging even thicker as the blood pumped harder in the veins, Garu was obviously aroused since Robert could feel the blood course through his veins against his muscles. Suddenly Garu gripped Roberts head and roughly tilted his head, giving Robert's neck a long, slow lick, causing Robert's entire body to shiver, both in fear and pleasure.

A loud, howling scream filled the air as Garu's teeth sank deep into Robert's neck, his blood quickly rounding up to stream down his neck. Garu's shaft pounded harder now, it was obvious that he was near release. One arm still held Robert tightly around his chest, tightening the nearer the big wolf got to his climax. Robert whimpered in pain and fear, he didn't want to die, not like this or here. But he wasn't sure what would kill him, the thrusting, the arm tightening around him constantly that he would most certainly crush him, would he drain him of all his blood or just snap his neck?

With no answers to give, Garu did what felt good. He released Robert with a grunt, turning him over on his back.

  • My cock got dirty, clean it.

At first Robert hesitated, trying to crawl away from Garu. Garu gripped his arm tightly and tore him back, straddling his chest.

  • Lick it, do as I say and I'll make it less painful.

Robert didn't find this much comfort at all, turning his head in disgust. Garu growled and raised his fist, letting loose a swing that almost knocked Robert unconscious. Robert yelped and his mind became groggy, sounds and images mixing and blurring.

Garu grabbed Robert's hair with one paw, with the other he opened Robert's mouth. Robert couldn't resist, not only was his ass burning incredibly, his entire face ached after that powerful punch. He didn't even realize what was happening until he felt the head of the cock brushing against his lips. In a blurry state he was about to give his first blow-job.

With no time to waste, Garu skipped foreplay, his body ached to make this human his own bitch for pleasure. Quickly he spread the human's lips fully apart with his head, starting to shove his cock into the warmth of the human. Robert snapped out of the fuzzy world only to find it to late to resist anything, Garu's paws were gripping his head tightly as he forcefully shoved his cock in and out of his mouth.

Loud murrs filled the air, growling in pleasure as Garu kept fucking the moist and warm mouth, cock spewing pre-cum constantly. Robert had to swallow it all, he had no other chance since otherwise he'd suffocate, the cock already filling up his entire mouth and throat.

  • Lick it, suck it, make me happy, bitch.

Robert complied and only held his tongue still as Garu's flesh kept pounding into his mouth, yet it seemed to be enough, his entire shaft starting to bulge again.

Before Robert even knew it, Garu shoved his cock down his throat. With a loud howl, Garu shot his semen into the throat of the young man. Robert choked on it all as shot after shot of warm, sticky cum filled his throat. With extreme effort he managed to swallow it bit by bit, only just barely keeping enough space for the next squirt. Garu had obviously needed this, the amount of cum would probably exceed the amount of a horse.

The taste filled Robert's entire body, making him want to cut his own skin off only to replace it, only then could he feel clean again. Garu thrust slightly, only to tease out the last drops of his hot cum, sending it shivering down his throat. Robert breathed through his nose whenever the opportunity arrived, that meant when there wasn't a huge cock in the way or a huge clog of cum was shutting his throat.

After what seemed as an eternity, Garu finally pulled out, standing up rather swiftly. Robert gasped for air, arching his back as the cold, crystal-clean air filled his lungs. His throat, mouth and lips were coated in cum and pre-cum, making it hard for Robert to just simply forget. His ass burned as if elephants were marching up his ass. Robert panted heavily, yet Garu stood proudly, licking his own arm, not really paying much attention to the surrounding or Robert for that matter.

Robert closed his eyes, trying to stand up now. But Garu quickly pinned him to the ground with his huge paw, almost instantly crushing his ribcage. Robert struggled to regain the air knocked out of him, grabbing the foot with the intent of pushing it away, only thrilling Garu to increase the pressure.

  • Garu, please...

The words seemed to stream out for nothing, Garu only flicked his ears with a grin.

  • Too bad you have to die, you were nice playing with.

Robert didn't see Garu that innocent anymore, had it all been a stupid charade?

Robert closed his eyes with a whimper of pain and fear, feeling the increasing pressure against his frail ribcage. His fingers dug into the huge paw on his chest, just waiting for the death that was his. Garu grunted slightly and Robert heard a huge cracking sound, in all fear and pain, it all went black...