To See again.

Story by FruancJH on SoFurry

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Joshew frustrated with the limitations that his disability puts on his work propositions crook with a rather interesting request.

"Add four drops of Diathicolide to four milliliters Dram butanium suspencion," muttered Joshew under his breath, holding a test tube of the very material in one hand and an eye dropper in the other. "Wait four counts." He said placing the eye dropper into its bottles top while quickly grabbing up the next dropper in the lineup of ingredients on the table top before him. "One, two, three, four, and add two drops of Thermalite Maltose to mixture." Two drops later, second dropper replaced, he lightly tapped the test tube against his free hand muttering on. "Swirl three times to mix without over doing it. One two, three, and..." Finding the other test tube in its rack that he'd painstakingly measured out the contents of on his small field scale he moved it up to the lip of the tube containing the already mixed ingredients. "Add a one sixteenth ounce of solid Magnesium Phosphates, let sit for a count of ten and add the distilled water to dilute and stabilize the reaction before the Decay rate reaches combustive levels." Tipping the Tube of solid Magnesium Phosphate into the mixture, and hearing a satisfying plunk, Joshew started the final countdown whilst replacing the now empty test to tube and retrieving the distilled water from the last place in the row of chemicals. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Te-" The stench of rotting eggs began assaulting his senses of smell, and without hesitation, Joshew hurled the test tube containing the mixture out the open window in front of him.

An alarmed cry issued by one of the passersby came from the street below followed by the thunder clap of the reaction finishing it's expenditure of energy.

Joshew vaguely heard some bystanders say "Damn Pen scratchers," and someone else saying something about Ivor's Fire, burning the heretics at the University of Progressive Thought. A couple of windows opened up too. On this side of the street by the sound of things so probably other guests of the hotel. He'd been working in the dark so no one saw him hopefully. He hadn't really seen the need to light a lamp.

Frustrated Joshew scowled at the instruments of his work and no one in particular, before he started to put things away. No doubt Rolly would be showing up soon to check on hi---

"Shew! Shew! are you alri..." Roland cried bursting into the room right on cue. And frantically looking around in the dark Joshew wagered. "Shew?"

"Over here Rolly," he said Swiveling in his chair to look at where Roland's voice and breathing were standing. "And I'm fine."

"I heard a bang so I thought," Roland started concern coloring his voice, as he took in what was on the table and the open window. "Joshew what were you doing in here?"

"I was working on... something... "He paused knowing well that he was going to be hearing it from Roland for trying to make this particular reaction. Not to mention Alarice.

"What Something." Said Roland that all to knowing tone in his voice.

"Oh you know that Magnesium Thermalite suspension." Said Joshew, swiveling back to face the table and continue putting away his field equipment. He knew what to expect next, Roland would start berating him about how he couldn't do that mixture because you had to be able to see the reaction happening in order to stop it in the right spot. He almost cringed expecting it to start any second but it didn't. He heard Roland sigh walking up behind him a hand came down on each of his shoulders, another sigh, followed by the intake of air and then, the unexpected.

"I wish I could give you one of my eyes." Roland said wrapping his arms around Joshew. "You know I hate the idea of what could happen to you when you're working alone like this," The hug was followed by a lick from the right on Joshew's cheek. I can't be your eyes if you won't use me.

"But, that's just it Rolly" said Joshew a tear burning a hot trail down his other cheek emotion cracking his voice. "Someday you might not be able to be my eyes anymore." He felt Roland tense over top of him. He hated himself for saying it but it could be very true, all too soon. Roland might not survive, He might not survive. The odds of any of them surviving were constantly changing, and it frustrated Joshew that if it really came down to it He would have to be able to function on his own. He'd have to be able to go on and continue being of use to the team. And what use could he be if he was limited to the more juvenile reactions by a lack of sight and no way to compensate for it.

"That Won't Happen." Said Roland the protective guard dog showing itself in his voice. "I just got you back, there's no way I'd let you get rid of me that easily, again."

Joshew smiled, a warm tingly sensation spreading through him at these words the nagging voice of doubt reduced to a mildly annoying whisper in the back of his mind. "So I'll never be in short supply of fleas, skids marks, and puppy dander?" Said Joshew turning his grinning mug to face his Lover.

"Never," came Roland's playful reply followed by a Kiss that lasted a good while. Hair pulling followed, electing a moan from Joshew who got up and jumped up to wrap himself around Roland's Strong Neck and Torso.

Roland Paused only long enough between kisses to shut the door in the wake of the retreating figure of Alarice dragging a smirking Inigo who would likely have chosen not to know when a bad time for conversations was.

Sometime later Joshew left his and Roland's room quietly shutting the door behind him, so as not to wake the sleeping Rolly he'd left in bed. He felt like he was floating a few inches off the ground after the things he and Roland had just done to each other, although the gimp in his step would have said otherwise.

It may have been the heat of passion or it may have been something else entirely but Joshew was now on a mission to see a dragon about a dragon fly. Having sex with the one he loved may have taken his mind off of his problem for a while but afterword that nagging voice had come back. He couldn't always rely on Roland and that remained a problematic truth. So how could he ensure that his team wouldn't be without a useful chemist should one or more of them be met with their demise. It was weird to him to think of everyone in their rag tag band as his teammates, especially the more unsavory ones, but then it was odd to think of Roland as his lover again. And despite himself he felt an element of comradery to each one of them even Alarice.

The idea of training Alvis in the more advanced reactions crossed his mind a few times, a thought that he quickly tried to stifle. The mongrel would be more apt to blow himself or Joshew up with how scatter brained he could be at times. Still that didn't mean that he could ignore the option. Fact of the matter was that Alvis was still a student and since Joshew and Roland were both fully realized Scholars of Fire they should continue teaching him.

As luck would have it he happened upon Inigo leaving a room on the bottom floor. The bat spotted him and made himself known. "Have a good time?" Joshew felt the heat of a blush coming to his face as the bat stepped up to him.

"None of your business, but while I've got you here I need to ask a favor." Said Joshew, who was not going to be put off by Inigo's crass behavior.

"Oh was the big wolf dog not enough for you or did you like what you 'saw' last time we talked enough to want the package deal?" Said the bat Stressing the word Saw.

"No Inigo I just need you to get some things for me," Joshew said thrusting a key and Piece of Paper at Inigo with a street address, and a list of book title's clothing articles, instruments and a chemical case with instruction on where to find them.

"What's this," said the bat, fidgeting with the paper by the sound of things.

"I need you to go to my lodgings in town and retrieve some of my things I'll even make you some more explosives if you do. Deal? Ask Joshew.

The bat took Joshew's hand and shook it. "Deal, but are you sure you don't want to 'see' more of me?" He said drawing Joshew's hand in a downwards direction.

"No, thank you," said Joshew jerking his hand away.

"Your Loss." Said Inny before walking off down the hall of the building paper and key in hand.

Joshew had a distinct feeling that the bat would probably help himself to more than just the items on that list but he could live with that. Pulling a hand through his hair he moved on in the direction he'd originally been going rapping on the wall or occasionally making a popping noise with his mouth to gain the idea of his bearings. Last he'd known the Dragons, room had been in this direction. Stopping in front of the door that he though belonged to Crook Joshew listened for a moment and heard the distinct sound of some kind of machine whirring beyond giving him some assurance that this was either the room he wanted or some kind of boiler room. Taking a deep breath Joshew steeled himself and knocked three times. He heard the sound of someone within getting up an odd mechanical sound and then. Then the door opened and the gravelly voice of Lord crook filled the scholars ears.

"Can I help Mr. Helix."

Joshew nodded "Yes, I have a request, but first may I come in?"

"I suppose you may young scholar." Said the dragon stepping back.

"thanks" said Joshew making his way past the imposing presence of the Dragon Templar. He heard the door close behind him followed by the dragons footsteps as he returned to the source of the whirring noise which Joshew assumed was on the desk that most of the rooms seemed to be furnished with from what he could gather.

"Take a seat, on the bed if you wish." Said the dragon.

Joshew obliged, sitting on the corner of the bed closer to where crook was working.

"Now what is this request you have for me?" said crook getting straight to the point.

"well as you know I'm blind, and in my line of work that is a challenge at best."

"And at worst it is a threat to the unwary pedestrian." Interjected Crook with what Joshew believed to be humor.

"Um yes, I... well that's part of the reason I'm here. I've experienced how useful your apparatus's can be. Alvis told me that you make them yourself and that you even made a..." Joshew paused, before pressing on. "A living creature of metal, so I guess what I'm asking is would you, could you fashion for me an eye that I could see with or a device that would let me see clearly for short periods?

Dangerous Company Part 3

I felt us stop, the sound of the police car pulling up behind us, folowed by a car door opening, and closing. I heard someone approaching and I knew it had to be an officer. "What seems to be the trouble officer?" asked the biker wolf Bon, acting like...

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Dangerous Company part 2

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Dangerous company

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