What Mewtwo did next.

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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#40 of Old Works

This is my first pokemon story please be gentle! This is set a while after the first pokemon movie. You'll be able to tell by the pokemon. All speech that has * at the beginning is psychic speech.


Alicia pushed open the door and flopped inside, kicking it shut with her foot. A Charizard with black stripes down its back came to greet her.

"'Lo Char." she said patting it on the muzzle, the dragon murred and rolled over onto it's back.

"Not now...I got lotsa homework to do." The Charizard looked disappointed and huffed at her.

She sighed and headed to her room, she passed a number of other pokemon just lying around or training with each other. The house she was living in was massive. It was constructed out of bamboo and thick baulks of timber and was divided into sixteen different rooms. She opened the bamboo door of hers and entered. The Seviper on the bed looked up and hissed a greeting, she went over to it and stroked it on the head. It nuzzled her hand affectionately as she pulled science books from her bag and threw them on her desk. She sat down and started to write on a blank sheet of paper. After half an hour she was still there trying to remember the formulae for sulphuric acid, she sat back and chewed her pencil. Her mind started to wander, and as usual it wandered back to how she came to be here.

Two years ago...

The explosion blasted the tents apart like so much dry paper as another gas canister exploded.

"Daddy!" cried the fourteen year old girl as another explosion pulled apart the expeditionary camp.



A coughing figure came stumbling out of the thick smoke. He was tall and handsome with black hair and green eyes. He caught the girl in a hug when he reached her.

"Daddy where's mummy?"

"She's gone Alicia...I..I couldn't save her." he sobbed

A fourth explosion blasted them off their feet as the rampaging Garadose smashed through the camp.

"Come on honey we've got to go!" yelled her father and began tugging her towards the forest, the Garadose giving chase. Suddenly a hyper beam split through the trees and slammed into her father. He slumped

"Daddy!!" Alicia screamed and rushed to her father.

"S'too late for me now...you must get out of here!"

"No I won't go!" she yelled just as the garadose came bursting through the trees and towards them. But swift crushing death did not come; instead there was an angry roar and a thud. Her father looked past her and said

"I...I finally found you..." before slumping into the leaves, dead.

"Daddy don't leave me!" she cried and buried her face in his chest sobbing for a full five minutes before a blue glow surrounded her head and she fell asleep. Strong hands reached down and picked her up, the fourteen year old snuggling against the fine grey fur of the things chest.

*Don't worry child, I will take care of you now.* Mewtwo said.

Alicia jerked awake as a hand touched her lightly on the back, it had three fingers and the finger tips were round and bulbous. She sighed in relief.

*How was school?* asked Mewtwo

Alicia went to the New Forest School for trainers and handlers. It had been built in the forest for the people who wanted to learn to train and handle grass and bug type pokemon. It was also conveniently close to Mewtwo's secret house.

"Hmmm it was okay I suppose." She mumbled. MewTwo hand started one of his famous shoulder massages.

"I had... the usual....oooh god. Why do you have to do this to me?" she asked

*Because your all tense that's why.*

"Look I don't need...GHHEEEEAH...All right fine! Just let me go and change."

Mewtwo stopped rubbing and let her wander off to get a towel. She came back a few moments later wearing a large white towel, lying down on the bed she pulled it down to her waist and lay on her front. Mewtwo raised a paw and a bottle of massage oil appeared, he poured some onto Alicia's back and started to smooth it out and rub.

"I'm...uuh...sure you...uuhhr...do this just to feel Me." she said as he slowly moved down her back and back up again.

*Of course. But you like it though. And you really are tense.*

"Yeah well you never had to go to school."

Mewtwo "Accidentally" slipped and pressed a pressure point in her back making her shudder and moan.

"D-Don't do that!" she exclaimed

*What? You mean this?*

"NNNYYYAAAHHH...Yes that!" she panted. But Mewtwo had already done his work and Alicia was now very aroused. The towel scraping against her erect nipples made her squeal. She felt the towel being pulled away and oil being rubbed into her ass legs and pussy. She groaned as Mewtwo's slick fingers caressed her butt cheeks and wet pussy.

"Oooooh...That feels so good!"

*I know." Mewtwo replied smugly.

He slowly inserted two oil slicked fingers into her pussy and began to push them in and out, his own penis hardening out of its invisible sheath. It was a good ten inches long about one and a half inches thick and pink. He picked her up and deposited her in his lap and resumed his attentions with her pussy whilst his other hand stroked and squeezed her tits.

"Oh...ooooh God...I want you inside me!" she moaned. Mewtwo nodded and lifted her up so she was standing in his lap. She slowly lowered herself down until his cock was just touching her lips. A thick glob of pre oozed out his slit and coated her lips. She sighed and slowly lowered her self onto his large member, gasping as she did so.

The large pokemon grabbed her and pulled her down, causing her to scream with pleasure.

"Ohhhhh! Take me now!" she cried. Mewtwo nodded and began thrusting is cock in and out of her tight pussy. He turned her over so she was on all fours and began to take her doggy style, squeezing her arse cheeks as he did so.

"Ooooh... fuck." she moaned as the large member penetrated her again and again. She clenched her walls around Mewtwos cock and he shuddered and gasped. Alicia was shocked when Mewtwo let out a psychic howl and came into her, his hot sticky seed spraying into her womb. He fired jet after hot sticky jet into her for a good two minutes before collapsing on top of her.

"Damn...that was quick." she said after a moment as Mewtwo rolled over so she was on top, her back against his chest.

*I'm not done yet.* Mewtwo said and with a burst of speed flipped Alicia onto her back and jumped on top of her.

"Ooooh your gonna fill my ass aren't you?"

Mewtwo merely grunted and licked her breasts. She wrapped her legs around his waist whilst he knelt and positioned his still hard, dripping cock to her tight arsehole. He slowly pushed in feeling her relax and tighten around him as her ass tried to expel the invading member. As soon as he was fully hilted he began slowly pulling out and gliding back in again. Alicia reached down to start fingering her self but Mewtwo slapped her hand away and slid his bulbous fingers inside, causing her to gasp and squirm. He leaned forwards so he was lying on top of her and closed his relatively small mouth over one of her breasts whilst the other free hand massaged the second. This was too much for Alicia and she orgasmed, clenching her Pussy and ass around Mewtwo's fingers and cock, she came splashing her sweet nectar all over his legs and crotch.

"AAAAHHHNNN...Ooooh God!" she moaned as Mewtwo kept up the relentless assault on her ass and breasts. He pulled his fingers out her soaking wet pussy and moving it up to her breast. He released her nipple with a wet slurping sound and pulled her into a tongue filled kiss. She twitched and moaned through the kiss as he mauled her tits and humped her ass. Finally he moaned through the kiss and came in her arse, his thick seed filling her rectum and anus. He relaxed on top of her still kissing; eventually he rolled off her with a sticky squelch.

*That was fantastic.* he said

"You're telling me."

*You humans and your spoken expressions.*


They both looked up; mew was sitting on a bedpost with a sizable erection. They both looked around; almost every single pokemon that Mewtwo had cloned was watching them. A lot of them had erections and many of them were rubbing swollen pussies.

"MEW!" cried Mew

"what did he say?" asked Alicia

*ORGY!* translated Mewtwo.