Servants of the Earth Chapter 3: Please Fuck Me like the Bitch I Am!

Story by Rathe on SoFurry

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#3 of Servants of the Earth

DISCLAIMER (Lots of good old fashioned M/M yiff. If you are underage, try not to get caught. If you do, deny deny deny! Otherwise enjoy and comment if you can. I appreciate feedback as much as the next writer.) As Jesse opened his eyes once more, all he saw were blank white surroundings, devoid of any signs of life. The feline blinked his orange eyes slowly as the brilliant light that shone down irritated his ill-adjusted pupils. Harmonic chiming filled the tiger's twitching ears as he forced himself into a sitting position. After an epoch, Jesse managed to move his burned out body enough, but fell back onto his paws and knees and immediately introduced he ground to the Pop Tarts he ate for breakfast. (Strawberry flavored, in case any were interested). After the reunion with his slightly digested vittles, an orange and black striped paw wiped the putrid slime trailing from the tiger's muzzle and Jesse heaved himself to his feet. It was then he realized just how sore he was. His arm and leg muscles were sore and aching as though he had just bench-pressed a truck. His gut felt like he had just been relentlessly pummeled by Clydesdale, and there remained a constant throb in the feline's noggin that even a truckload of Aspirin couldn't help. The tiger let out a guttural moaned as he tried to recall the events of earlier that day as his eyes traced around the great wide nothingness. It was his first day at the new high school, Jacques High, and he had been given a tour by his newly acquired, (and damn sexy), mate Tanner. The husky had introduced him to his friends, Zach the unstable vulpine, and Melody the serene sapphire dragon. After the introductions had gone around, things were fuzzy. Jesse remembered Tanner telling him to run to the cafeteria as the canine and his friends became agitated by something. And then Tanner got stabbed with some sort of sludge like spike and.... Jesse squenched his eyes together as he ran a paw through his headfur as he tried to recall the events after his husky fell to the ground in a mass of bleeding fur. But try as he might, he had no memories of what had happened since or how he came to this isolated oblivion of which he was now standing. "Welcome child," a familiar Jamaican voice erupted from behind him. The tiger spun on his heels faster than he thought possible as his heartbeat sped up and his claws extended and his fangs were bared. All he saw was the female vixen, Madam Sylvia, adorned once more in her silky see through pink and purple garments, her penetrating purple pupils fixed on Jesse as she sauntered over to him. "It is good to see you again, now that you have awakened as a Servant." "You" was the feline's rapier reply. Jesse's ears flattened against his head as he glared at the would be fortune telling stalker who just wouldn't leave him alone. "Where am I? What have you done to me? What has happened to Tanner? And don't you ever change clothes?" The indigo eyes sparkled with mysterious mirth as Madam Sylvia replied in her fake accent. "Dat is an awful lot of questions, but I will do my best to assuage your concerns. First and foremost, dese garments are illusions as am I. Dis isn't even my true form. I am communicating wit you telepathically so dat my true identity can remain hidden. As to your canine friend, you fully healed him once you awoke from your spiritual slumber." Jesse's eyes brimmed with confusion as he stared at the metaphysical fox with an expression of disbelief. "I healed him? I think I would remember that." "You also slew a seventh class demon in a manner of seconds. De reason you don't remember said events was because you weren't fully in control of your facilities at the time. When a Servant first awakens and comes into their abilities, their metaphysical dam is released and all the power they had been storing up since birth flows out. Your mind hadn't yet been trained to handle de level of power and your body was guided by your unconscious desire to save your mate. De reason your body is pain at dis moment is because your physical body couldn't handle the stress." "So right now we are inside my mind?" "Dat is correct." Jesse nearly lost his balance as the very world he knew was ripped asunder and replaced by a realm of infinite possibilities. A realm where demons plagued furkind, where super heroes actually existed, a realm where loved ones that were supposed to be invincible could die in the blink of an eye. A shudder rippled down the tiger's spine as he glance up pleadingly, looking towards the vixen for answers. "Why me? Of all the furs in the entire world, why did you have to pick me? I was living a happy ordinary life until you came into my dreams. Until you forced me to accept this." Jesse extended out his paw and the long sword, Angel's Fang, materialized in his paw. "I didn't pick you, Servant. Destiny did." (Cliched, I know). "I am merely an instrument of fate, assigned da task of guiding da saviors of da world on da journey of awakening. Servanthood is a part of who you are. You could no more deny it dan you could deny you right arm. Once you accept it as a part of you, den you will reach true awakening and I will no longer have da need to bother you. Until de time dat you accept who you are however, consider me a friendly guide who is here to instruct you in the proper use of your abilities." Jesse's eyes fell down to the weapon held in his right paw. The brilliant white light that cam from no source in particular glimmered over the forged metal as the blade glowed with incandescent light. He slashed the air with an experimental flick of his wrist, a smile growing on his muzzle. "Well, if I have no choice, then I had better make the most of my situation." Madam Sylvia smiled slyly as she watched the young feline slashing the sword through the air at all the imaginary hordes of enemies. "Den it is time for me to tell you your purpose. You may not recall, but I told you dat you and de other awakened Servants need to find da four remaining. At de same time, you must venture to de eight elemental shrines dat act as gateways Niflheim, the demonic realm. Air, fire, water, earth, ice, lightning, light and darkness: dese are de shrines which must be closed so dat de world will no longer be plagued by demons. And should you fail, then all living furs will be destroyed." Jesse stopped his flippant battle and looked towards the vixen with vibrant eyes. "Every fur will die? Isn't that a bit melodramatic?" Madam Sylvia's voice didn't raise a bit, but the tension in the air could have sliced bread. "Once upon a time, before there were furs, another race inhabited the Earth and another group of Servant was selected to save it. They failed and the race perished. From their ashes, furs rose up and took their places as the dominant species. Global genocide is no joke and shouldn't be taken lightly. This is a serious matter and you should do well to remember it. Now then, the next Servant to awaken is the thief. Be on the lookout for this fur as you close the shrines." The vixen extended her paw and flexed it in the tiger's general direction. Jesse was knocked back on his ass by an invisible force as his head snapped back and collided with ground, not helping his already aching head. And once again the friendly embrace of darkness overtook his sight. Hushed voices and a dull ringing pervaded the feline's ears as he gradually returned to consciousness. His body ached from what he could only deduce as the effects of awakening his power. Or at least that's what the mystical vixen led him to believe. As Jesse labored to open his eyes and let in the irritating light that pierced through the dusty glass windows he found himself tightly tucked into a rather familiar large sized bed. One that he had come to know quite often in the recent days. It still held the musky scent of tiger and husky yiff and Jesse inhaled deeply to catch the scent of his mate whose aroma he treasured. With a couple of fruitless jerky motions, Jesse attempted to pull his arms from the confines of the large quilt that he was imprisoned beneath. He let out a low moan in a desperate attempt to catch the nearby furs attention. His ears perked up as he caught traces of the conversation. "Oh come off it Melody, it's obvious isn't it?" seeped a scathing voice. "What are the chances that a random stranger who happens to move to OUR town and hook up with one or OUR friends is a Servant of the Earth, who happened to awaken just in time to clench a come from behind victory? I think it's a setup. The demon masses disguise one of their own as a fur and power him up with the light elemental. It makes a lot more since than coincidence." "Why don't you think before you speak for once in your life Zach. If he were a demon he could have killed Tanner at any of the moments that they had been alone together." "He's just trying to burrow his way deep in to our inner circle. Probably wants to get his paws on the Sorialis crystal. Creator knows that those demons would do anything to get it." "I don't know Zach. It just doesn't add up. I didn't sense any kind of nefarious vibe from Jesse. In fact he seemed just as surprised when the crystal went in to effect, as if he didn't about it or what it could do. And if he were our enemy why did he not only save Tanner's life but also vanquish an entity that the three of us couldn't handle?" "That's just it. If this truly was his first awakening, what are the odds that he would know enough to destroy such a high leveled opponent. We should kill him before he gets in any deeper. Before he breaks Tanner's heart just like Kelon." "What did I tell you about mentioning that name?" the feminine voice hissed. "Do you really want to rouse those memories if Tanner where to hear us? If as you say, which by the way is an incredibly small possibility, that Jesse is indeed a traitor, then I will dispose of him myself. However, in the mean time, his presence is lifting Tanner's spirits a great deal. Creator knows we haven't seen him smile in over a year. As long as the tiger gives no true signs of treachery, I'm inclined to believe him. And I will hear no more on the subject." "But Melody," Zach's scornful voice echoed from outside the door. "No ifs, ands, or buts, Zach. The conversation is over and I mean it. Period!" A lock clicked open and the wooden door swung open with a loud creak as Jesse shut his eyes and pretended to be a sleep. Somehow, even though his eyes were closed, he could vividly see the forms of the fox and dragon make there way towards the foot of the bed where Melody's sapphire eyes, which brimmed with wisdom, (and the side effects of too much caffeine), didn't miss the tiger's change in breathing, or the fact that the quilt had been subtly disturbed. She nodded to Zach and whispered in a hushed voice, "go and fetch Tanner. Tell him that Jesse is finally awake." The fox just stood there, shooting daggers into her back until she hissed out a rather loud "Now!". After which the vulpine obliged and strode out the doorway, enthusiasm radiating from his body, (sarcasm). The remaining dragon sat down softly on the foot of the bed and waved a blue scaled paw over the supposedly sleeping feline. Melody closed her eyes and concentrated as she did a detailed physical examination of Jesse before crawling over the bed and lying down beside him. She inhaled deeply and crept her snout close so that it was a hairsbreadth from the feline's twitching ear. The azure dragon blew with all her might and couldn't help but chuckle as Jesse's ear twitched more than a hyperactive squirrel on cocaine. An orange and black striped paw shot up to swat at the annoying source of heated air, but Melody's paw lashed out faster than a class four rapid ad grabbed Jesse by the wrist and pulled back, heaving him into a sitting position. Jesse groaned as he was ushered gracefully into awakening, (sarcasm again), as he tried with all his might to wrench his paw from the female dragon's surprisingly strong grasp. Melody let go with a smile, and Jesse tumbled over backwards, which resulted in his noggin being introduced to Mr. Headboard. "Well, I'm glad to see that you've finally decided to return to the world of the living." Melody chimed as she did her best to stifle a chuckle. Her face turned a tad more serious however as she continued. "We were all really worried about you, not the least of us was Tanner. After you had passed out from using your power, Tanner nearly went nuts with a mixture of concern ad despair. He'll be relieved to know that you're finally awake. Also he will fill you in on any of the questions you might have. I'm sure there is a lot you want to know about what is going on, and we will do our best to enlighten you about your current predicament. But that will come later. First you must rest to gather back all of your dissipated energy." Melody rolled off the bed in what could only be described as a graceful fluid maneuver, coming to a landing on her feet as she swayed out the door. A figure appeared in the doorframe blocking the dragon's exit and Jesse could make out the husky's light brown colored fur and build as the dragon whispered in the canine's ear. "He's checked out at ninety three percent. He's all yours. Go get him, Tanner." And with that subtle comment, Melody made her exit from the room as a heated blush crept up on Tanner's visage, his tan fur doing nothing to hide the crimson marking that paved its way over the bridge of his muzzle. Hazel eyes connected with orange ones and time itself seemed to come to a stand still as the two mates traded a glance that lasted an epoch. Jesse wanted to speak, to say something to comfort his husky. It was obvious by the still drenched fur under Tanner's eyes that the canine had been in a state of grief. Even his usually well kempt stature seemed to have taken leave as Tanner whimpered and shivered. Jesse let out a small smile and gestured with a paw, beckoning the forlorn mate towards the seated tiger. Tanner didn't need anymore incentive as he pounced faster tan the speed of light and in one leap, cleared half of the room to land on top of his tiger and pull him into a full on muzzle lock. Jesse closed his eyes as he once again shared himself with his mate, tasting the husky as the canine's tongue probed deeper into the maw of the feline. Tanner tilted his head to the side so that the two warring muzzles could dovetail more perfectly. Ribbons of flesh made battle within the interlocking moistened cavern and explored the familiar and yet oh so foreign depths. A lawnmower buzz erupted from the tiger's chest as the feline murred and moaned into the maw of his one and only mate. Tanner, for his part, straddled his kitty, and leaned down over Jesse with one paw on either side of the feline's head as he laid his mate down on the magic making bed. A loud moan escaped from Tanner's muzzle which was pursued by a muted hiccup, the sound escaping down the tiger's throat to mix with the chainsaw that was coming to life within the feline's ribs. As the two mates broke the kiss, Tanner leaned back to get good look at Jesse and the strand of hanging saliva that still connected the two mates together via their muzzles. A quick pink tongue flicked out of the tiger's mouth and with a swipe it disconnected the strand and Jesse sucked it back in like string of spaghetti. The husky's eyes brimmed with tears as he knelt over his mate and stared down into those questioning orange eyes. Jesse's head bobbed up and he licked the side of Tanner's muzzle in an attempt to cheer up the woeful canine. And to some degree it worked as Tanner noticed a certain tightness coming from somewhere in his clothing, (spoiler alert: it's his pants). Jesse seemed to have noticed it too as a tiger paw shot down and groped the growing mass in between the husky's legs. With a quick yip, Tanner smiled slyly as he pressed his body down on Jesse's, sliding the tiger's paw around to his back side and positioning the grasping length on the canine's fleshy rump. Meanwhile, the dastardly dog pressed his hard on into Jesse's similar length, which had popped a white tent through the fly in his cargo shorts. As the husky rubbed up and down, grinding their protrusions together, the canine muzzle fell down onto the side of Jesse's neck. The tiger moaned and breathed out in colors of ecstasy as the canine nipped, licked and sucked along the length of Jesse's neck, leaving a trail of matted fur and doggy drool wherever his muzzle had been. A low moan escaped from the feline's lips as he squeezed the canine's ass hard, one cheek in each paw. He met Tanner's grinding and pushed back to achieve the greatest amount of friction between their crotches as they generated enough heat to boil Lake Michigan. The tiger turned his head tot he side as the canine continued in his playful nipping, making sure to leave no inch of Jesse's neck untouched. Tanner's tongue casually made its way up the tiger's cheek and started licking his ear. With even more playful nips than before and a massive bath, the tiger groaned and moaned under the blissful agony of the treatment he was receiving from Tanner's expert tongue. Orange and black paws made their way into the back of Tanner's jeans, slipping down around the cotton underwear to stroke the furry sweaty rump. It was a tight fit but Jesse managed as the husky's tongue turned towards the other feline ear, ready to do battle once more with the forces of feline hearing. The tiger pulled his paw away from the canine's pants as he wrapped his legs around the canine's middle, letting Jesse's rump rub up against Tanner's hidden shaft. A quick look from the canine and a nod from the tiger was all the was needed as the canine paw soon made their way downward towards the ends of the feline's shirt. With nimble paws, Tanner pried open the shirt to revel in the scent that nearly poured out from Jesse's sweaty fur. The canine breathed in deeply to get a good whiff of the sharp forest pine like scent that comprised the feline's unusually aromatic scent. Jesse's nipples decided to do a rather impressive imitation of his cock and were standing up as far as they were allowed to go. Tanner couldn't miss them and decided to tease his kitty cat more before they got down to the nitty gritty fun and rough parts. The canine leaned down over the pine fresh tiger, his muzzle hovering over Jesse's left hardened nipple and the tiger could feel the canine's humid hot breath puff out and slop out all over his sensitive chest flesh. The tiger's legs which were still locked around Tanner's waist twitched as the feline writhed in the canine's embrace. Jesse's purr kept getting louder and louder and filled the room with a steady vibration as the husky touched his cold wet nose to the rigid flesh and gave it a quick lick. Jesse did his best to transform into an eel in slither out of the taunting canine's clutches, but unfortunately he didn't know how to shape-shift, (yet), and stayed put hoping to put up with the sexually arousing pleasure that was being put upon the left half of his orange, black and white chest. Canine teeth replaced the tongue and nibbled gently on the tip and Tanner gently started sucking as he pinched the feline's other nipple and his remaining paw. "Goddammit, Tanner" the tiger managed to gasp out as his claws made furrows through the husky's back fur. "Hurry up and fuck the shit out of me right now or..." and in his best impression of the Soup Nazi's voice he growled out, "no tail for you!" The canine's head looked up from where it was administering bliss and he made a phony frown face with drooping ears as he did his best to guilt the tiger into letting him have just a little bit more fun. The return mock stare that the tiger gave wouldn't hear of it. Tanner shrugged his shoulders in defeat and unhooked his pants and peeled them off. A massive wave of horny guy musk hit Jesse in the muzzle like a sledgehammer of ambrosia. The white cotton tent was evidence of the husky's arousal as it towered over the lean collapsed form of Jesse. Tanner's boxers were wet with gobs of pre that steadily leaked out like a dripping faucet. The tiger licked his chops and tried to turn over his husky so that he could get clear access to the delicious musky substance that hid within the thin fabric otherwise know to most folk as boxers. However, Tanner's strong firm paws anchored the feline to the bed as the husky undid the snap to Jesse's cargo shorts. The tiger unlocked his legs and with the canine's help managed to wriggle out of his own sex-limiting clothes. However once they were free of all of their clothes, boxers included, Jesse re-hooked his legs around his mate's waist. Wave after pungent wave of odorous musk circulate through the air as it radiated from the pair of dripping ripe members that were grinded against each other as the two lovers sung a yiffy ballad comprised of purring, moans, squeaks, yips and a random, "I want you on top of me like a dog in rut on a bitch in heat. A smirk later and the two slick lathered up cocks pulled apart as the tiger was flipped onto his paws and knees, his agile tail flitting around like a child at a toy store. The canine stared at the exposed pucker before him and licked his lips. (He was a child at a candy store and was about to receive his special lollipop). Jesse felt the familiar firmness tap at his puck, the pre slicking around the out side as the husky made ready to rut the hell out of his mate. Jesse moaned out in anticipation of the canine's protrusion intruding within the depths of his silky warmth. "Fuck me now, Tanner. I want you to fill me up with your cock and fuck me like the bitch I am." "Say please fuck me like the bitch I am." "Please fuck me like the bitch I am" the tiger responded pleadingly, pressing his rear against the well placed slick cock-head. "Say pretty please with a cherry on top." "Tannnnnnnnnerrr..." the tiger near squealed at the antics of his mate. "Okay okay, hold on tight dear. Because here I come." And with that the husky nearly thrust the full length of his shaft into the mysterious depths known as Jesse's tail-hole. What came in response was a half yowl half blissful moan as the tiger's prostate was struck on the first jab, sending chills running through his gut. Tanner waited awhile in order for Jesse to get reacquainted with the large girth that had found its way inside of him. He flexed his cock which near made the tiger jump with excitement and moan out in an alien language. The canine repositioned himself as he wrapped his arms around his mates middle. He clasped his paws together as he begun moving his hips, humping his mate without allowing his cock to slide back or his knot to enter. The tip of the dog's cock continued its physical therapy of the feline's prostate and Jesse all but melted into a pile of jelly as he submitted to his mate, giving him full control of the situation. The scent of the two rutting males melded together in a colorful blend of pine and earthy soil that filled the room with heated air as the two mates enjoyed each other's company, one atop of the other. Jesse panted as his anal ring adjusted to the stretching that Tanner's girth afforded. He could feel his mate leaning on top of him with his arms embracing him and he wouldn't change it for the world. It just felt so right. Like everything made sense when he was with him, (especially when he was in him). He could feel Tanner's heartbeat pounding on his chest which he could barely feel through the vibrations going on in his own chest. After a few moments of semi-silence, the husky maneuvered his hips so that his shaft nearly withdrew from the feline's tailhole, leaving just the tip inside and then with a powerful slam shoved his well endowed meat back into Jesse's ass, leaking pre to help lube the way. Jesse pushed back to meat his thrust and the cock was only stopped by the knot meeting the tailring, but event hen the knot was starting to force its way deeper with each thrust. The canine continued pumping and humping, forcing his shaft in and out, making love and fucking at the same time. His tan furry sack slapped against the feline's cream white sack with every forward thrust and they knocked together like the balls from Newton's Cradle. Wet slapping sounds joined the throng of various noises that comprised the symphony of love and lust that echoed throughout the heated faux forest room. It was music to their ears as the husky's large slick cock slammed home into the tiger's tailhole beneath him, sending shivers up the feline's spine and causing his own hardened meat to surge with a splash of pre that managed to catch him in his hanging face. He hungrily licked it up, always eager for a taste of cum, even his own. The husky on top quickened his thrusts which multiplied the level of bliss that the tiger underneath felt as Tanner started to jackhammer into the precious ass that so eagerly and hungrily begged for his ripe and juicy meat. The frigid wave of pleasure that surged up the tiger's spine and into his stomach danced around inside of the feline as he moaned in bliss from the assault on his rear. Tanner kept the pace steady and firm, thrusting his doggy dick hard, fast and deep within the bowels of the putting tiger. Jesse kept matching the husky's forward thrust with a rearward thrust of his own and the occasional slapping sound mixed with the chorus of sexual noises that reverberated through the room. Although his own arousal had been untouched, Jess could feel himself leaning closer to climax as his mate relentlessly pounded his prostate. The husky clamped his eyes shut as he kept thrusting and withdrawing his muzzle opening up into a little o' shape as his whole body was wracked with pleasure and the need to breed. It didn't take much longer as Tanner could no longer hold back the tingling pressure that built up in his crotch and bit down on Jesse's shoulder in a mating bite as he slammed once more into the tiger, forcing his knot through the feline's tail-ring and effectively tying the two mates together. A split second later, the husky loosed a deafening howl that rose above the tide of noises that bounce about the room as he surrendered his control and released the flood of cum that shot out through his cock and into the velvet warmness of the tiger's ass. The canine's cock pulsed repeatedly, over twenty times in all as rope after delicious bittersweet rope of doggy spooge was ejaculated from Tanner's huskyhood and filled the feline past the brim. In fact, there was so much spunk and pressure built up in Jesse's ass that cum spurted out of the tiger's ass, around where the canine's knot had locked them in place. Having his mate gush into him was the final straw for the near limp tiger as he went into his own blissful and perfect orgasm. His feline cock shot harder and faster than a fire hose, painting the husky's green sheets in enough tiger cum to turn them white. When both of their monstrous orgasms had subsided, Jesse collapsed into his own seed, taking the locked husky with him. After a moment, the canine's cock had shrunk enough for the husky to slip free with an audible pop and a torrent of husky cum came running out of the tiger's used and abused ass. The seed ran down onto the sheets and spread out, mixing with Jesse's masterwork and Tanner couldn't help but to wrestle his feline in the rather well sized pool of their own spunk. The two mates, while tired, rolled back and forth, their fur coats picking up all of smelly seed that had graced the bed as they wrestled each other for dominance. It didn't take long and Jesse won, straddling his husky as they looked at each other with sparkling eyes. The tiger dropped down on top of the canine and landed in a kiss. Husky arms wrapped around the feline as both furs pressed deeper into the kiss, strands of cum covering their fur and sticking them together, but they didn't care. Jesse broke the kiss and looked into Tanner's eyes and Tanner returned his gaze with a heated blush that couldn't hide beneath his tan fur. "So then," the feline asked, his eyes narrowing slightly, "about this Servant business then." Tanner took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The canine knew this point was going to happen sooner or later and he prepared himself for the barrage of questions that would be associated with informing someone about the Servants of the Earth. "Letsee, where to start?" the husky pondered out loud. "How bout from the beginning?" Jesse purred. "The beginning?" Tanner mused. "Very well. It's a long story, so make yourself comfortable." Jesse rolled over on the cum soaked bed, his orange, black and now white fur laden with sweat and seed, and turned his body so he was nested inside of the husky's strong embrace. "Okay," he chimed as he snuggle closer to his mate. "Once upon a time ago in a land not so far away, before there were any furs living in the world, there existed a completely separate race, known to the masses as humans. They were the first Servants of the Earth."