Writing Practice 2

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#2 of Writing Practice

Just another bit of random writing practice. My daily hour of writing to try and get creativity flowing through my brain. They're short, rough, and not going to be of a high quality.

This piece was a request from nbowa nbowa If you would like your OWN request fulfilled, please comment on my latest journal, or let me know what you think here, and then tell me what you'd like :) Can be specific or vague. I may or may not choose your idea for my next piece!


David struggled against his restraints, finding they were well secured with no chance of escape. This was a whole new experience for him. He was usually the one in control, and never one for this type of kinky play. A friend of his convinced him to at least try; to explore his submissive side. The same friend whose paw was running down the curve of his back, stroking along his tail.

It was a strange feeling to be unable to move his arms and legs, both pairs firmly secured to the weight-lifting bench he was laying on. The wolf could still move his head around, but with the blindfold covering his eyes, he wasn't able to see where he was. Jason had blindfolded him as soon as they were in the car, wanting to add as much to their fun as he could, telling David that they were going someplace different. Instinctively he knew. He had been to Jason's house on many occasions, and knew that they were in the basement; the smell was unmistakable, but he played along. Now he was bent over and exposed for the older lion; naked and tied to a bench, left vulnerable in so many areas.

Jason let out a low growl of approval as he surveyed his captive wolf's body, tracing along the black fur on his back, petting down his firm rump. "You're being such a good pup right now. Didn't put up any fight as I got you in place!"

David chuckled at being called a pup, ears perking up as he heard the lion moving around him, the paws no longer on his body. "Well, it's kind of comfortable. I-"

"Did I say you could speak, pup?" The lion growled, moving in front of David, reaching a paw down to clamp the wolf's mouth shut. "You'll speak when I tell you to, if you want to be a good pup." He released David's muzzle, petting down over his ears. "The best lack all conviction, right pup?"

The sudden force Jason used on him startled him, and he just listened, astonished at how he was suddenly treated. Inwardly, he knew that this was what was going to happen, but he hadn't ever experienced it. The question threw him off and he hesitated for a brief moment. "Y-yes."

The lion leaned down, chest rumbling as he breathed into the wolf's ears. "Yes what?"

"Yes, Sir." David replied, cheeks reddening under the white fur there, tail curling close to his legs, embarrassed at what he had just said. Two words that had never before left his mouth while in such a compromising position.

A heavy paw stroked down along his back, scritching affectionately. "Good boy, you learn quickly. Now, do you know where you are?"

David mulled over that question for a second, not sure how to respond. "In... your basement. Sir." The wolf added the last bit, cheeks flushing at his own obeisance.

Jason, standing naked in front of the wolf, let out a content sigh and gave his own sheath and balls a gentle fondle, the tip of his lion-hood peeking out. "And why do you assume we're there? Did I not tell you that we were going some place new?"

"I can... smell the place. It smells familiar. It smells like your basement, sir," David replied truthfully, his own sheath swollen just a bit, pressed into the bench.

"Then we'll have to cover up that scent, won't we, pup?" the lion asked rhetorically, leaning down to pressed his thick sheath into the wolf's nose and muzzle. Jason placed a paw on the back of David's head and ground his firming sheath up and down over the wolf's nose, murring loudly for the submissive wolf to hear.

David's body tensed as he felt the lion's bared package against his face, his own cock pressing free from his sheath against the leather surface of the bench. The lion's scent was always intoxicating, and when he heard his new master tell him to inhale deeply, he did so, flooding his senses with nothing but the lion until he could no longer pick up on the house's smell.

Jason continued to grind his package against David's nose and lips until he was half hard. The lion worked two fingers into the wolf's muzzle, prying it open and stuffing it with his exposed lion-flesh, a purr escaping his lips. "Such a good pup... you know what to do."

The wolf groaned happily as he felt the warm shaft part his lips, suckling at it gently while strong, tan hips rocked it back and forth along his tongue. If this was how this particular fetish the lion had was supposed to go, he figured he could get used to it. His own, canine shaft was wedged between his stomach and the bench, pre coating the leather. Sadly, the lion had secured him so tightly that he couldn't thrust against the smooth surface.

The lion continued thrusting into the wolf's muzzle, paws gripping both of David's ears to hold him steady. He pulled the wolf's blindfold off and dropped it on the floor, growling dominantly. "I'm getting close, pup... look me in the eyes and open your muzzle as I paint that pretty face of yours," he ordered, taking a step backwards to free his cock, paw quickly stroking over his length.

David obeyed without any hesitation, eyes opening and gazing upward. It took a few seconds before his eyes met the lion's, needing to adjust to the light. He could see Jason's shaft mere inches from his face, brown paw stroking hurriedly over it as they kept their gaze on each other. David opened his muzzle wide, body shivering in anticipation, almost as if he could feel the lion reaching his climax.

Jason let out a dominant snarl as he came hard, cock pulsing in his grip and shooting ropes of cum into the fur on David's face, a few landing across his tongue. He milked out the last few drops onto David's tongue before wiping the head of his shaft over the wolf's chin. "Very good. Good pup, now lick your lips and swallow for me."

Eyes still locked with Jason's, David made a show of licking the cum from his lips before swallowing the lion's seed, unable to smell anything but lion everywhere. His tail wagged back and forth happily, enjoying the treatment the lion was giving him right now, and eager to get off himself. Jason leaned down over the canine, breaking their line of sight before the darkness dropped again.

"Alright boy, now be a good puppy and lift your tail nice and high for me," Jason rumbled, moving around the wolf's bound form to watch his pup comply, tail lifting nice and high so he could see the tight, pink pucker that was rarely used.

David was a little nervous at this point. He trusted Jason implicitly, but it wasn't often that he had something shoved inside him, and he wasn't certain if he would be able to take the lion's thick length. Two cool, slick fingers rubbed along his entrance and he let out a soft sigh, forcing his body to relax. The fingers pressed deep into him, stretching his ring in preparation. They weren't preparation enough, though, when he felt the head of the lion's cock at his passage, and several inches slid into him. The wolf let out a soft whine, trying to adjust to the sudden pain under his tail.

Jason gripped the base of David's tail and gave it an upwards tug, forcing the rest of his lion cock into the captive pet; his whimpers and whines were sweet music to his ears. Once the music slowed, he pulled his shaft completely out of David's hole, then thrust forward in one, smooth motion, earning a bark from his pup. "Such a good boy... you can take this. I know you can do it for your master..." Jason growled, eyes lidded, hips starting up a nice, firm rhythm. One paw held the wolf's tail out of the way so the lion could watch his shaft disappear into his pet's stretched passage.

David felt like he was being split open, and his tailhole burned. Nonetheless his cock remained hard beneath him. He heard his master telling him to beg, and his cheeks burned, not wanting to follow such a submissive order. A moment's hesitation was rewarded with a sharp smack to his ass, and a yelp escaped his lips before he relented. "P-please sir! Fuck me!"

The lion's entire body rumbled happily as he growled, humping his cock into the wolf's entrance. "Yes pup... learn your place. Tell me you love this. Tell me you want more. Tell me you want it harder."

The wolf's cheeks almost hurt from blushing so hard, but his body shook in perverse pleasure. "Please sir! Fuck me harder! I need your cock in me, sir. I need it... I need it pounding me, sir!" he whined, ears flat against the back of his head, cock leaking profusely.

The lion's hips thrust back and forth for a few more minutes, increasing in power and speed, heavy sac smacking the wolf's taut, white pair. Jason slammed his hips forward one last time with a triumphant roar, cock firing a second load deep in his pet's passage.

David felt the wolf's balls resting against his own almost-sore pair, and felt the thick shaft throbbing against his prostate, his own cock begging for release. He squeezed his muscles down on the lion's shaft as he felt it pull back, a hot trickle of lion cum running down his taint and onto the bench.

"Very good... I think you'll make a great pup, yet." Jason purred contently, wiping his cock off on one of the wolf's flanks. He wormed a paw under the wolf's hips until he grasped David's engorged knot, snickering to himself. "My pup's a bit knotty, isn't he? Does he need to cum?" Jason asked, giving that swollen ball of flesh another light squeeze.

The wolf's eyes crossed and rolled back beneath the blindfold, tail hiked high. He was so close to cumming, but just needed a bit more of the lion's paw. "Y-yes sir, please... please let your pet cum," he whined out needfully, unable to hide the desperation in his voice.

"Ooh, I don't know... Does my pet deserve it? Was he a good pet?"

"Yes! I was, sir! I was a very good pet!" David's heart was racing, balls pulling close to his body as the lion's paw traced over his shaft, fingers pinching the dripping tip.

If the wolf could see Jason's grin, his heart would have sank. "And what has my pup done to be so good, hmm?"

David's mind ran in circles for a few seconds, unsure how to answer, only wanting to get his deserved release. "I- He let you fuck him, sir!" The paw around his cock disappeared and he heard the lion chuckle darkly. Wrong answer.

"Now now... you're my pet. You don't "let" me do anything. I'll let you mull that thought over in your head a bit..." Jason picked up one of his special toys and pressed the egg-shaped piece of plastic up under the wolf's tail, leaving just the rubber base on the outside. A quick press to the base and the whole toy started to vibrate angrily under the wolf's tail.

David's fur stood on end at the oddly pleasurable feeling that was coursing through his passage. That toy was pressed up right against his prostate, and while it felt good, he could tell that it wasn't going to get him off. "J-jason?" he asked fearfully, wondering what the lion was up to now.

A paw smacked down over the wolf's rear, and the lion growled loudly. "Bad pup, you don't deserve to say that name. Now you stay here and think about where you went wrong. I'll be back for you in a little bit."

And with that, the wolf was alone in the lion's basement, tied firmly to a leather workout bench. His tail stayed hiked up, body shaking as the vibrator under his tail kept him hard and waiting for the lion's return.