Office Bitch 2

Story by Zephyrlot on SoFurry

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#3 of Dirty Shit

Story commission for DJHak, or Kar Wereskunk. Enjoy!

Office Bitch 2, Enter Mr. Andros

The day ticked away, almost done for good with each passing second seeming slightly slower than the last. The cube farm seemed alive with muted professional talk as small as one could find it. A brusque hand gripped Kar's arm as he strode to the office of his coworker, freshly printed documents pinned to the clipboard beneath his arm. Dillon gently nipped Kar's ear and whispered, pulling him into a right hand turn. "Walks with me to my office, bitch. you know the drill."

Kar swiveled and sped up to keep pace with his new captor. He fancied himself in shape, but Dillon's walking pace was threatening to leave him in the dust. "Can't it wait please, Daddy Deer? I need to deliver these, they're super important and I might get written up," he said between breaths. his ears splayed as he heard the hustled crinkle from beneath his slacks giving away his wet diaper. Dillon, his Daddy Deer, had strapped him into it before work that day. Kar, of course, kept it in without question. It was what was expected of him.

"I wait for no one, crinkle skunk. Also that's your problem, I didn't promote you to lose important documents like these. They'll just be a little late." Dillon grabbed the clipboard from Kar's hesitantly willing paws and began flipping through it, his stellar performance in the Prince John business school and keen eye for cash flow hard at work. As the pair stepped into the service elevator away from public view, he pulled a pen out of his pocket and began circling errant numbers as the lift box ascended to the top floor and directly into Dillon's personal office.

In the meantime, Kar had stayed happily silent, eager for attention from his Daddy Deer. No stranger to this routine, he spent this time taking off everything beneath his waist except the wet diaper at his hips. Just by the time he had managed to fold up his slacks and place his dress shoes on top of it, the somewhat more correct clipboard was once again wedged beneath his armpit. "There's your excuse for being late in returning those papers. You saved your coworker a major headache. Accept any thanks he has to give you."

Dillon's paw went straight to Kar's diapered backside, the thick, fluffy and dampened absorbent padding a constant reminder of the wereskunk's position in this company as Dillon's personal property. The deer's paw squeezed heartily, eliciting a moan from Kar's lips. "I'll get to you in a second, skunk boy. You wait by my desk and Daddy Deer will get right to you." He gently nudged the blue and black wereskunk out of the elevator, turning his key to lock the top floor for "administrative purposes." He swiftly did the same to the door to his office while Kar gently set his office clothes on his boss's desk and stood there waiting.

Kar let out another burst of urine into his pampers with almost no hesitation as he bit his lip and fidgeted with the lower buttons on his dress shirt. Dillon's office always made him feel so small and insignificant and exposed, with the ceiling almost needlessly high and one of the walls containing more window than wall, providing an excellent view of Cape Foxtrot, especially at night. As the bulge in his diaper grew from watching Dillon's musculature flex through his perfectly fitting suit, his mind idly went back to the first time he met Dillon as a meager six-month intern, a shining ray of hope in the state he was in, and was hired on the spot and taken under the CEO's wing. The same CEO that was now sauntering towards Kar and placing a hand on the crotch of his now tented wet diaper.

"Already excited, are we?" Dillon squeezed and moved his paw to Kar's lower back, slipping the back of Kar's diaper down. "Hope you haven't been touching, you know those grubby paws of yours don't get to touch my property," he squeezed the wereskunk's cock; "without my permission."

Kar shook his head fervently. "No Daddy Deer, I haven't touched except to readjust, just like you told me to. I've been a good boy, honest!"

Dillon gave Kar a confident smirk. He knew his pet skunk was telling the truth. That baby-faced honesty was one of his favorite things he decided he liked about his diaper skunk. It was also one of the first things to go once he began grooming him for management work; the blushing little bitch side was now hidden to the world, shown to Dillon and only Dillon, and that was the way he liked it. Kar was his pet hook, line, and sinker, and the two were happier for it.

Dillon unzipped his pants and lathered his thick cock in lubricant. Kar had already bent over the desk and obediently put Dillon's stress ball into his mouth. His orders were to never look back once he was bent over, and every time he got this birds-eye view of Cape Foxtrot, he always got anxious in a Pavlovian sense. His Daddy Deer had surprised him many a time with various crops, flogs, dildos, plugs, and enemas and the wereskunk didn't even have the first clue where it was all kept!

Today was a no-nonsense day, he quickly learned. Dillon's firm hands spread the fuzzy blue-striped black cheeks apart and gently pressed the tip of his member against the wereskunk's pucker. "Hope you're ready, boy. I just need a last little bit of you before I head out."

Kar didn't have time to inquire before Dillon threaded his cock between Kar's cheeks and into his hole. Each thrust sent waves of pain. Kar bit on the stress ball and yelled, having not loosened up one bit in the past two months. Each thrust was torture, but he loved it as his cock dribbled white liquid into the diaper just around his thighs. Just before he was about to pop the stress ball, pain gave way to pleasure and he was in heaven. Soon he was humping back into his Daddy Deer's cock, hoping that he could get it in deeper than the muscular statuesque male behind him was already able to. His bright blue dress shirt had already stained with sweat as his dominant pounded him harder, bumping into the bolted-down desk. Dillon bent over Kar and bit down on his shoulder as he moved his hips back and forth, both paws digging into Kar's hips. They both shut their eyes in bliss, rhythmically pumping back and forth against each other to the rhythm of a primal beat synchronizing between the both of them. Finally, Dillon grunted and buried his cock deep into Kar, his thrusts becoming smaller and smaller as he deposited his load. Kar soon followed suit to his surprise, the warm strings of cum quickly filling his rear end and sending him over the edge as well. Pathetic little moans escaped his mouth as his throbbing neglected cock spurted over and over into his diaper, painting the inside of it with his seed. His entire body shuddered as he nearly passed out from pleasure alone. As soon as his orgasm was finished he collapsed onto the table.

Dillon panted on top of him, slowly slipping his cock out as he wiped the sweat from his brow. He stood up and got a tissue from the dispenser next to his pet, wiping his cock clean and depositing the soiled tissues down the back of Kar's diaper before pulling it up. Kar finally looked back at him in bliss, eyes glazed over in the afterglow.

"How many was that, office bitch?" He inquired teasingly, pulling his jet black pants back up over him and re-buttoning them.

"T..two, Daddy Deer," Kar panted.

"Two what?"

"Two orgasms since," he paused for a breath, "since I became your property, Daddy Deer."

Dillon grinned. He loved being in this place of power and nearly got drunk on it, and Kar had been learning how to be a nice obedient little skunk to help him feel that way. "I'm so glad the bitch can count that high, maybe my little management lessons are paying off, hmm?" He petted Kar on the head sardonically, playing with those adorable black-tipped ears, and walked over looking as groomed as always.

Kar steadied himself, finally standing up. "Oh... That was so, so wonderful, Daddy Deer, thank you!" He had the stupidest grin on his face, holding himself up with both paws on the table, and leaned forward to lick Dillon's face affectionately.

"Of course, puppy. You know I love it too, making you my little diapered office bitch. That's why I made this time extra special for you."

Kar looked up at him worryingly, planting his paws on the table and lifting himself into a standing position. His work slacks and shoes still sat on the desktop unperturbed. Kar wasn't allowed to dress himself at work. He ran his fingers through his hair to make himself at least look presentable again. "Is there an occasion, Daddy Deer?"

It was a worthy question. Orgasm number one had been a birthday present and Dillon knew Kar's ins and outs well enough to fuck him every day since his birthday without letting the poor fur cum, so today must have been a worthy exception.

"Aptly noted, slut. I have a flight in three hours. It's overnight and overseas. Business negotiations involving our nice thick corporate wallet getting nicer and thicker." Right as he finished the sentence, Dillon gave Kar's diaper a firm grope. "You're not trained enough to be in charge and won't be any time soon, so I got an old acquaintance of mine within the company to hold the the fort down because frankly, the next guy under me is a complete twit who I know will raise hell when he finds out he's not free to sink this ship as he pleases. You'll help him however you can. Got it? If he speaks highly of you, I may even give you indefinite permission to touch yourself... maybe even to cum, too." He winked slyly.

Kar was immediately on board. "Sir yes sir! I'll use everything I learned from you!" He saluted, looking like a fool in just his work shirt and diaper, but the enthusiasm wasn't wasted on Dillon, who knew Kar to be a bit of a ditz when he got this happy. He got up and gave the adorable skunk a kiss on the forehead before setting out his pants and shoes on the floor. "Atta boy. Now step into these for daddy, and try not to leak on my face."

Kar snorted a giggle out. "You'll never forget that, will you? Not as long as I live, I bet." He stepped his feet into the pants, first one foot, then the other as Dillon slid them up and began buttoning them.

"Nope I won't, and I hope that you don't forget the punishment I gave you for it. Or would you like to spend another two consecutive nights in the same diaper?" He laid out Kar's dress shoes.

The wereskunk stepped into them gingerly as Dillon began tying them. "Nope, I am perfectly fine with never doing that again, please and thank you, Daddy Deer."

Dillon stood back up, towering over Kar. "That's good to hear. Work's over, boy, it's time for you to clock out and head home. Remember what I said. Oh, and his name's Michael. Out you go!" He gave Kar a spank and sent him out of the office. On his way out, Kar saw the coworker he had been looking for initially, apologized, and handed him the corrected clipboard before clocking out and leaving for the day.

Kar was a little dumbstruck on the drive home. His Daddy Deer was leaving? For how long, and where to? Kar couldn't tell whether such important information was intentionally left out or if Dillon was just in a hurry, and he was already getting good at reading people. Either way, the more he thought about it, the more he decided he could use a break. He had been diapered 24/7 for two months, and the few days' rest could be a brief and welcome return to normality. The more he mulled it over in his mind, the more he decided he would take this time as a mental breather, a time when his job and sex life weren't one in the same. He ordered Chinese delivery for dinner and munched on it idly as he watched his daily episode of Rabbit Hole. He was right on schedule to catch up in time to watch the new episode with his friends next week.

Deciding to start a little early, he took his diaper off, wrapping it in his grocery bags, and deposited it into the trash before showering using his special lavender-scented baby shampoo that Dillon had given him a few bottles of for his birthday. Nice and clean after a 10-minute fur-drying session, he laid down his head to rest and fell asleep quickly.

Kar woke up, at least halfway, a few minutes before his alarm went off. In his groggy state he almost wet his diaper, which was in fact the bedsheets. Realizing just in time that he wasn't diapered for the first time in two months, he quickly got up and blundered his way to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet and trying to point his morning wood down, he felt almost foreign urinating anywhere but his diaper. He vaguely remembered dreaming about some dance competition that he was winning until a tornado hit and he had afternoon tea with Dorothy at her house. Dreams were weird like that and he didn't even get to thank her for the tea before waking up.

He made his hair, brushed his fangs, milked his stink glands, and fluffed out his fur, going mindlessly through his morning routine. Even with the dread of knowing he wouldn't be going to work with Daddy Deer, it was still nice knowing that he smelled like a freshly bathed baby because of the shampoo his Daddy Deer had given him for his birthday. Kar finally woke up after munching down on a donut; strawberry frosted, his favorite. He decided he'd spend his morning relaxing and actually get to work on time instead of half an hour early to please Dillon. It wasn't like he didn't love doing it; he'd be out the door in a heartbeat if Daddy Deer was at the building, but he was going to enjoy the relaxation while he could. Letting out a relaxed sigh, he sat on his couch and browsed the feed on his mobile phone for a little bit before it came time to leave, and departed for work.

Happily dressed in a better suit than he wore the day before, Kar knocked kn the door, chin held high. He had reported directly to "Michael's" before even going to his desk, all of Dillon's manner, business sense, and people-reading lessons buzzing through his mind as though he had just crammed for a test over the past two months.

A deep brusque voice answered him. "Come in," it said. Kar strode in confidently, walking to the desk. A kangaroo, presumably named Michael, sat in it. He was much too big for it. His suit seemed rippled of musculature beneath his as he stretched his arms above his head. His mere yawning in early morning drowsiness served to put Dillon to shame. He was definitely a body builder at some point or at least exercised until he looked like one, Kar noted. Michael's long thick tail wrapped around and spilled down the side of the chair, eventually touching the ground. He was not in a happy mood.

Kar walked stiffly to the front desk, wearing his best business grin to stave off the vindictive aura of intent emanating from Michael's death glare, which followed him unwavering. Finally, he stood at the desk right where last night he was bent over and taking Daddy Deer's cock up his ass. "Hello, my name is Kar, and I've been assigned by Mr. Reeves to be your assistant during your time in this position. It's a pleasure to meet you, Michael." He extended his hand out for a handshake. Michael did not. Instead, his frown, which had been deepening since Kar introduced himself, opened to speak.

"You're late. And that's Mr. Andros to you."

The voice was quieter than Dillon's, not as deep but still manly. It had an unmistakable menace to it. Kar shifted uneasily.

"I clocked in on time, uh, Mr. Andros. Right at 8."

Michael's brow furrowed. "Every day you come to work half an hour early and walk right past my office and straight to the elevator, yet today you decide not to. I do not like to be disrespected, Kar."

Kar decided to take a conciliatory approach, widening his grin. "Oh, uh, sorry Mr. Andros, I wasn't aware I was expected to. I'll come on in at my usual time from now on. If we could just get to-"

He was interrupted. "You're damn right you will." Michael stood, and Kar felt it. The kangaroo walked around the desk and grabbed the stress ball, squeezing it, harder and harder, until it popped. Water spilled onto the laminated desk and began dripping down. Michael stood in front of Kar, muscular arms crossed. "You look too professional. Strip."

Kar was stricken. Today was supposed to be his day to be useful! And had Michael just... "What? Who told you?" His voice got a little high in desperation. "No way, I'm just here to help you! That's all. No funny stuff. Please?"

Michael's displeased tone turned quickly to anger. He sniffed the air. "You're not even diapered. And don't you dare get so cocky around me. Dillon must have gone way too easy on you. I knew he couldn't be trusted to properly rear up an office bitch from scratch. Now strip!"

Insulting Daddy Deer was a line, Kar had just now found out, and Michael had crossed it. This guy wasn't Dillon. He wasn't even close. He was too big in size, too mean in personality, and his head was a lot smaller in comparison to his body, as massive as it was. He was angry, but his business sense overcame it. Almost."Look, I just wanted to help run the company, okay? Da..." He had to stop from calling him Daddy Deer. "Dillon, I meant, told me I was going to! And don't you talk about him that way! Helping you was an option, and I think I'm going to decline. I have a job to do that doesn't involve waiting on you hand and foot. I'm leaving!" Kar angrily turned to leave.

His face met the floor.

Michael drove his knee into Kar's back, hard, his voice growling. "Where the fuck did you get the idea that you had any say in where you went? You're nothing, no one at this company, and I think I'm going to make it my job to remind you of that."

Kar shook on the floor, terrified. "Y-yes sir, please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!"

Michael let out a menacing sigh. "Oh, it's too late for that, whore. I'm hurting you, and there's not a single thing you can do about it." He leaned down, running his tongue along the edge of Kar's right ear. It flicked back and forth a bit before becoming comfortable with the treatment. Then, without warning, Michael bit down with his two buck teeth, hard, until they sank through his flesh to meet his jaw. Kar screamed. Blood began to slowly trickle down into his ear. The pain surged through him and he became acutely aware of his throbbing heartbeat, quickening as he struggled with little effect to get up and get away. The knee bore down on him unmoving nonetheless.

Michael grabbed the collar of Kar's tailored three-hundred dollar suit jacket and ripped it off, popping off buttons in the process. He did the same with Kar's pants. Kar ended up being lucky that he had asked for quick release buttons at the shop. The fastenings ripped before the fabric, and it had been fifty extra. At the very least, they were still presentable to work. His briefs, however, were ripped off painfully, leaving Kar with rug burn on his thighs. All clothing was tossed onto Daddy Deer's old desk. The now buck naked Kar was yanked up violently by Michael and thrown against the desk, bending over in the same way he was just over fifteen hours ago. His legs dangled uselessly over the side, limp as the wereskunk caught his breath between gasps of pain. In his fleeting view, the city of Foxtrot Cape looked almost beautiful in the morning. It was a stark contrast to how the wereskunk looked now, naked with blood trickling down the side of his head.

Michael took some tissues out from the box next to Kar's head and squirted hand sanitizer on them. He pressed them against Kar's right ear directly and with apparent intent to sanitize the wound. The second intent was to make Kar scream again, which he did, louder this time, wailing even. Michael quickly gagged him with his expensive suit jacket and barked out a command. "Bite down, shut your fucking sewer mouth, and hold this tissue in place with both paws. Disobey and I'll mark your other ear, whore. Kar's paws weakly came up and replaced Michael's holding the sanitizing hand wash in place. Each throb of a heartbeat sent a jolt of burning pain going down his ears. His chin was soaked in the salty liquid now, but he held as gently as he could praying that he could have been back at home, or at least kept his fucking mouth shut. Anything to have avoided this situation and the immense pain and humiliation he was suffering.

He jolted forward. The desk creaked against the bolts attaching it to the floor. The sound of the slap echoed around the room. Michael's hand had come down hard and Kar's ass rippled feverishly. The force of the spank knocked the breath out of Kar right before he had gotten back to being even somewhat comfortable. The gag flew out too, and his hand slipped the tissue away, leaving a residue of quickly drying hand sanitizer to cake his ear wound. A second spank followed, and a third, with Kar gasping for breath between each one, sobbing whenever he got the chance to exhale of his own will.

"Clearly my _associate_has taught you too much too fast and you've turned into a cocky little shit because of it, whore!" he growled out as his hand pummeled against Kar's reddening ass, his other effortlessly holding Kar down on the table, making breathing uncomfortable at best. The skunk was choking out unintelligible sobs of apology and insult alike. He was lucky Michael didn't understand him. "Well, let's go ahead and fix that! When your lovely little Daddy Deer or whatever the fuck you call him gets back, you're going to be a broken shell of a skunk." Mr. Andros picked Kar up effortlessly by the shoulders, holding Kar two feet off the ground so that they met eye to eye. Kar averted his gaze, finally sobbing openly. "Just the way he likes you." Mr. Andros spat in Kar's broken tear and snot-stained face. "Now let's get you dressed up in your big boy clothes for work, you whore in wolf's clothing."

He dropped Kar to the floor in front of Dillon's desk. His paw splashed in the water from the old stress ball. Kar finally got a moment to himself while Michael stormed around doing god knows what, he didn't care. Daddy Deer's replacement wasn't anything like him; he was so, so much worse. His paw felt up to his ear. The bleeding had stopped and although it still throbbed like a nightmare, the hand sanitizer had caked over the wound, matting the fur, and it was healing despite the very deep tooth marks in the skin. He wasn't sure if they would be permanent or not. He hoped not. Right as soon as he got the presence of mind to look for that awful, cruel kangaroo, he saw him striding powerfully towards him holding something he couldn't get a good look at before a powerful hand grabbed his wrist and dragged him across the floor before depositing him on his back. He was about to get up out of instinct until a powerful steel-toed dress shoe came came down on his balls. "Lay down, whore. If you're getting paid as much per hour as you are to serve me like a prostitute, you're going to do what I say, and I don't have to say what I do. Now shut your eyes and keep them that way until I open them. You have permission to speak."

It took care a few seconds to organize his thoughts. They all came loud, unbidden, and painfully. Michael scowled down at him, waiting for the poor pup to bark. "Why are you doing this, Mr. Andros? Please, please let me go, I'll be good, I promise."

Michael smiled for the first time since Kar had met him earlier that day. His kangaroo buck teeth stuck out visibly. It was an awful, sadistic smile. His first instinct was to get up and run away, but he knew better by now. "Well, whore, glad to see you know your place. I'll answer you that one question, but for future reference: you don't ask questions around me unless they're damn good ones, and that was pathetic. Why am I doing this to you? I want to see you hurt. I want to see you writhe in pain, and when you spoke up to me, I nearly couldn't believe my ears. I've always wanted to break someone and you just begged to be knocked back down to the bottom of the totem pole. Whore. As for letting you go, you'll get to return to your desk in a bit. Temporarily, of course. You see, you're mine, and when I call, you come like the dog you are. Before I send you off, though, I just need to punish you for disobeying me and letting that tissue fall off without my permission."

Michael turned his boot a few times, causing Kar to moan in pain, before lifting it up and kneeling down in front of him. Kar raised his head to look and saw Michael unfold a messy diaper from two days ago, the one that Daddy Deer had changed Kar out of because he had leaked on the elevator on the way up before beginning the day yesterday. Effortlessly Michael lifted Kar's legs off the floor and slid it under him, not even bothering to deposit baby powder in case Kar got a rash, something Daddy Deer made extra sure to do every time. The cold sodden material burned against his still-throbbing ass, something he tried his best not to let on.

Michael stopped. His stomach managed to growl beneath the six-pack of abs nestled beneath his executive suit. Kar looked up to see what the issue was, and Michael had that awful grin again that made Kar shut his eyes.

"You know, whore, I don't think this diaper's messy enough. It's time for some more punishment. Don't worry, you didn't do anything to deserve it other than being the oxygen wasting piece of shit that you are. So no hard feelings." While speaking, Michael squatted over Kar's already nearly leaking diaper, and grunted. Several logs of kangaroo feces spilled out, mushy yet whole logs slopping out of him and lewdly hitting the already soiled diaper, nearly covering the entire absorbent area. He was finished before long. He got up to wipe and picked up Kar's suit jacket, enjoying the look in his eyes as he wiped his ass using a 300 dollar piece of clothing that the wereskunk had purchased with his own money. Kar made no move, much to Michael's sadistic pleasure. His whore wasn't broken yet, of course, but it was a good starting point.

Returning to the diaper, he noticed Kar's cock starting to harden. "Oh, looks like my whore actually likes the sight of fresh raw shit. That's too bad." He pointed Kar's cock down into his diaper, almost painfully, and tugged it up with force. Using a roll of duct tape he had bought with him, he taped the diaper shut uncomfortably tight.

Kar had been busy finding his happy place and failing. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw that evil grin from Michael, from Mr. Andros. He knew what the kangaroo did in that diaper, he could smell it. Daddy Deer had done something similar last week, but with a clean one and only at the end of the day. He didn't know how much time had passed since he got in here; he had lost all sense of it. If there was mercy in the universe, the work day would be nearing its end and the company would have somehow operated its full function without even needed a boss. He just wanted to be home, in his bed, and away from Michael! As he felt the his cock point down, he let out a small groan of discomfort which was quickly and effectively silenced by a single look from the sadistic kangaroo. He remained good and quiet when the diaper was folded up. Michael's shit pressed tenderly and then uncomfortably against him as the diaper was tugged hard and harder. Finally, the diaper was taped on, as tight as it was. Kar knew without being told that he wasn't even allowed to touch it, even to reorient his cock. The load was so massive in fact that the leg guards had been lifted away from Kar's thighs.

Kar yelped in pain and saw stars as Michael's paw came down beneath his crotch, slapping him hard in the balls. Even through the padding, it hurt. He attempted to go into the fetal position but Michael's knees had since pinned down his legs and a hand held down his wrists. "One more for moving without permission." Kar's limbs stayed almost completely still this due to Michael's restraining time but he screamed, the yowl degrading into racking sobs. The kangaroo paused to let his whore gather its composure before continue.

"Stand up." Kar unsteadily got to his feet, feeling nauseous and dizzy as he came down from the adrenaline rush of all the torture he had just gone through as well as the simultaneously stinging and aching pain of having his balls slapped THAT hard. He was seriously worried that damage might have been done. "Get your clothes." He kept his eyes down on the floor and wordlessly toddled around, waddling both out of the physical inability not to and hoping he didn't drip old piss onto the floor of his Daddy Deer's office. He got his clothes, looking longingly out the window and contemplating making a run for it if only he wasn't sure it was plexiglass. His suit jacket had brown streaks of Michael's shit on it but Michael didn't seem to mind or tell him to lick it off. He waddled bowlegged over to Michael, holding his fragrant clothes, a broken wereskunk holding everything he wore in: The three-hundred dollar suit jacket, the almost as expensive pants, and his torn briefs. His eyes hadn't left the ground since, and he was truly terrified of looking into the eyes of the abuser before him.

Michael grunted in acknowledgment of Kar's work. "Looks like it's time for you to do some actual work, whore." He grabbed Kar by the wound on his ear and started walking to the door of his office, not even letting the wereskunk dress himself. Kar had to follow or else he would risk re-opening the wound beneath Michael's cruel pinching fingers. "You make yourself look like as little of an embarrassment to this company as you can, if that's even possible, you walk to your desk, you sit down, and you get up for nothing until I call your desk phone. Keep your head down like a good whore does."

Michael opened the door to his precious Daddy Deer's office, and Kar saw the hallway was blessedly still empty. Higher-ups were fashionably late, after all. "And most of all, if you pick up that phone and dial anyone other than the customer, your line will be cut and I will be down there personally to drag you up here by your testicles and hang you from them in the elevator shaft. Now get out of my sight, whore, before I decide you don't deserve what temporary freedom I grant you."

He threw Kar out of the office. The door slammed. Daddy Deer's door had shut in his face. Kar, finally thinking at least somewhat clearly, decided to get dressed as quickly as possible. It was his luck that Michael wiped his ass with the inside of Kar's suit jacket. Globs of his shit clung to Kar's back and his front, and Kar could smell it as he dressed himself in the only clothing he had. His pants were only wrinkled and not all the buttons were off of his jacket, so he wasn't completely bedraggled. He scrunched his face and tried to keep himself from actually crying as he waddled his way to the elevator, piss already trickling down his pants. He got in after waiting what felt like an eternity in the cold day-old diaper and pressed his floor.

On the way down he was joined by a spined werewolf in a chef's hat carrying a half-empty tray of donuts. He sniffed the air, wrinkled his muzzle, and stuffed a donut into the surprised skunk's muzzle before admonishing him to change his diaper more often. Kar's cheeks turned bright red but that didn't stop him from reflexively taking a bite of the treat he had been given. Before he could get the donut out of his mouth the elevator doors opened at the werewolf's floor and he vanished with a mischievous "Ta ta!" The rest of the ride went smoothly and he reached his floor uneventfully. Finally seeing his desk in the distance, he nearly made a run for it before realizing that work had already begun, and he would have to at least act official. He chose to speed walk.

Arriving at his desk, he sat down with a cold relentless squish reminding him of the overused diaper uncomfortably taped around his hips. Piss leaked out onto his seat, something he expected. Michael's shit leaked out of it too, however, staining his previously pristine black fur even more as well as his pants, probably for good. He bit his lip, just barely maintaining his composure. At least he was in his safe place. That's what he thought, at least.

All of his business cards had been replaced. They still had raised lettering in pale nimbus font on a white background, but instead of his full name, it read "Whore." Someone had gone to a whole lot of work to make them look the exact same. Kar turned over the pile to face down, not wanting to deal with it. Somewhere in the back of his mind he still hoped to wake up from this terrible nightmare.

He at least had one thing he could rely on for comfort. He reached behind his computer monitor and felt the see-through blue water canteen Daddy Deer had given him. It had "Diaper Wearer" written on one side, from top to bottom. He had come to cherish it in a way as the reminder that his Daddy Deer was always watching out for him. It was warm to the touch. There was liquid in it that he did not put there, and when the wereskunk pulled it out into the open he saw to his dread a note on the front, folded over. Hands shaking, Kar opened it up to read.

"Drink, whore, and never forget that you belong to me. I'm watching. -Your Caretaker"

Kar looked around and noticed a security camera turning to face him. He could almost see that awful kangaroo's face behind it. He popped the lid and started drinking. It was piss. The acrid liquid nearly caused him to cough, having to reorient the bottle. Tears began forming anew in his eyes. He was in his own personal hell. Choking back tortured sobs, he looked into the camera with tears starting to fall down his cheeks before tilting the bottle upwards again and starting to let the bitter liquid pour down his throat, swallowing it down along with what little remained of his already broken pride and dignity. The clock read 8:23 and the person in the cubicle next to him was jotting down dull order details for yet another boring client.

Office Bitch 1

Office Bitch "Shit, shit, SHIT!! I knew I set it down just a minute ago, I can't believe I lost it!" Kar retraced his steps back to the cafe, re-retraced them, tore apart his cubicle, put it back together again, and briefly contemplated taking the...

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A day at the Fair

It wasn't really a particularly odd occurrence, but if you took into consideration that the brown-haired orange male fox appeared to be going to the fair alone at the ripe age of 21, it would seem odd; normally people only went on groups. After all,...

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Potty Kitty (Diapers, Scat)

Picture in your mind a nursery nestled in a rectangular room. The walls are decorated with childish drawings, and walls retain a colorful border near the top, on top of which is drawn various numbers and letters of the alphabet. Here and there on the...

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