Of Wolf and Dragon Chap.3

Story by Serenity607 on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Wolf and Dragon

1,875 words.

Chapter 3, with a tiny bit of a cock tease provided. ;) If this story takes off at all, and people like it enough, art will be included in later updates.

The jingle of keys in the door signaled the return of Chains Drognan. Chains wasn't his real name, but rather his alias, and that is what everyone knew him by. Raising his head from the soft pillow below it, soft brown-blue eyes watched the door as it opened, but he made no sound. Cursing at the door, Chains shoved the creaky old thing open and yanked his keys out of the lock, shoving them into his pocket. Grumbling, he walked in and shook the rain from his shoulder length brown hair, kicking the door closed behind him. He removed the heavy black jacket and tossed it over the back of a chair, not really caring that it was wet. He had her on his mind. WHY could he not shake her from his thoughts? She had been on his mind the entire walk home. Her eyes, her lips, her hair, everything... Even the way the pants she wore, which he just now thought of, clung lovingly to her hips like a second skin, the pockets at the thighs reminding him a bit of his own cargoes. The way the silver earrings she wore had sparkled teasingly. He sighed heavily, remembering her scent, and ran a hand over his face and through his hair roughly, hoping it would help. It didn't.

Kicking his heavy, steel-toed boots off, Chains turned to face what was his studio. Really, it was a loft, open and spacious, divided into his studio, bedroom and what he guessed might pass for a living room. The kitchen was the only thing with walls to separate it. Studying what he called home, his eyes came to rest on the large dog that looked like a husky/german sheppard mix resting on an even larger pillow. Squatting, he raised his hands and smiled at the beast with soft brown-blue eyes. "Come here, boy." He whispered softly, not knowing why.

The dog rose and stretched leisurely before padding over to the outstretched hands, allowing his creature to bury his fingers into the thick, soft brown and white fur that covered his body. It was comforting for them both. His ears perked gently at the soft voice that came from his person, his attention focused, as always, on the words he was trusted with. "You should have seen her, Koda. She was beautiful, more than I can express. Her scent... She was intoxicating. Walking in from the rain, she smelled of paradise."

Koda tilted his head slightly, looking up into dark eyes ringed with silver. His person had never cared for humans, so this mentioning was an odd thing. Inhaling, he caught the scent on Chains' clothes and wondered why he had noticed it right off. Earth, sandalwood, vanilla and rain. Not human. He understood why the creature in front of him would be intoxicated by this scent. He was Dragon. One of the last of his people, spread far and few in-between, he was a rare beast. The occurrence of a Dragon finding it's mate is such a rarity, that the species had slowly started to die off. Perhaps...? He felt the dragons fingers tighten in his fur, and let his own thoughts drift away, giving a small huff as those eyes stared back into his own.

"Never mind. Are you hungry?" At the soft thumping of the dogs tail, Chains stood and grabbed his food bowl. Trudging to the pathetic excuse of a kitchen, he pulled open a small pantry and grabbed a bag of dog food, plopping it onto one of the two counters. Chains scooped out a bowl full of food and walked back around the corner to set it back in its spot, then put the bag into the pantry. Shutting the door, he felt the grain of the wood under his fingertips and sighed yet again, letting his head lean forward and thump rather heavily against the door. His dark eyes stared blankly at the door, his mind replaying the scenario from the shop. She had walked in, and he had caught her scent. So unique... Not human. She couldn't be human. She hadn't stunk of rotting animal flesh left in the swamp. His eyes slid shut as a small, moaning growl rumbled from his chest and up into his throat, his fingers clenching into tight fists. Behind his eyelids, he saw her all over again. The way she reached out for her coffee, the way her wrist had looked so perfect and smooth. The way that strip of blue hair fell over her cheek, then swayed as she turned her head to look around the shop. Her eyes, bluer than any blue he could ever paint, sweeping across and steadying on him. Her hips, her jaw, her shoulders. Her scent... This time a full throated, rumbling moan escaped him as he felt arousal stir in his loins, and he dug his nails into the flesh of his palm, hoping the slight pain would calm him. It failed miserably.

He felt the warm, wet nose against his hand and let his fingers relax enough to scratch the head of his companion. A soft whine caused him to open his eyes, now a darker color than the deepest black and narrowed with desire, and look down at the beast, whose soft eyes looked back with concern. "I'm fine. Just..." He stopped and smiled, giving the dogs head a full rub. "Don't worry, bud, I'll be fine. I need to get my head wrapped back around my art. We only have 3 weeks left, after all."

With that, Chains patted Koda's head once more and walked from the kitchen into the studio. His eyes found the painting he had been working on before this entire afternoon had happened. He stared with unblinking, scrutinizing eyes, the red and black swirling with each other. The blue sheets, it made him think of her eyes, but it could never compare to them. Green entwined with silver, silver like her bracelet. The bracelet that encircled her wrist perfectly, that had a dragon charm hanging from it. He picked up the brush he had previously tossed down in anger and looked at it for a moment, before turning those black and silver eyes back to the painting. This would never do. He couldn't concentrate! His fingers tightened around the handle, as he stared demandingly at the canvas, hoping it would force his brain to jumpstart. After what felt like hours of just standing there (when really it had only been about 30 seconds), staring sour-faced at his art, he yet again threw the brush down to the table and stormed off. He maneuvered around the bit of furniture he had and aimed for the bathroom.

His desire was raging, and he couldn't calm it. He had never felt this way about anyone. Every woman he had been with had been a simple, consensual one nighter, to give him the pleasure he needed when he needed it, and then it was over the next morning. This, this was different. He WANTED this woman. He wanted to feel her hips under his claws as he held her tight against him. He wanted to burry his nose into her hair and inhale the sweet scent he would never forget. He wanted to make her his, to dominate and mate her, to fill her with himself. He kicked the bathroom door open violently, causing the poor thing to crash into the wall, before it was wrenched away from it and slammed shut. A black heap met the floor in the form of Chains' shirt. Reaching over, he turned the hot water on as high as it would go. He needed the heat. Glancing at himself in the mirror as he stood up straight, his eyes were the darkest he had ever seen them. The silver was completely gone, giving his eyes an eerie feeling of being dead and empty, but they were far from it. They burned with life and desire, with need and want. Turning away from his reflection, Chains reached down and pulled his belt open, and for the first time noticed the bulge in his pants. "Fuck." He cursed heavily, and unbuttoned the black fabric, the zipper following suit. Kicking the damned things to the floor, he stood naked and fully erect in the middle of the steaming bathroom.

Stepping under the scorching water, barely feeling it's heat, Chains turned to let the water fall against his back. Small streams trickled over his shoulders and down his stomach, caressing him as they went further in their path downwards. He screwed his eyes shut, and held back a third moan of the day as the water fell lovingly over his swollen shaft and aching balls. His mind instantly provided the image of the woman in the coffee shop. Her mouth... He wanted to feel it on him. Warm and wet, her tongue caressing him gently, as the water was doing. Her fingers tracing up along his thighs as they snuck higher to fondle him while her mouth worked blissful wonder on his length. Chains' head sunk low with another moan at the thoughts, this one he couldn't contain. Her hair gripped in his fingers, her blue eyes looking up at him while her mouth moved up and down on his hard cock. His eyes drifted half open lazily, gazing at... Jerking his head up, he snapped his eyes open fully, a dark red hue spreading across his cheeks. What the fuck was he thinking?! He didn't know this woman. He had no right to think of her this way. His cock gave a throb of protest, giving him a silent encouragement to continue. Shaking his head, the dragon reached back and turned the water all the way to cold. He would not do this. He would not dis-respect the woman he intended to find again, the woman he intended to mate and take as his.

As the water turned a frigid, freezing temperature, Chains lathered up, ignoring the ache his body felt, was screaming at him. Turning to let the water hit him full on in the front, he winced at the ice coming out of the showerhead. He didn't mind the cold, but holy shit, this was a bit much, even for him. Hurrying to wash himself, he stuck his head under the cold water once more to rinse the suds from his hair before turning the water off. Flinging the curtain open and grabbing the thick black towel hanging above the toilet, he dried himself off before wrapping it around his hips. Moving to the bedroom, he quickly grabbed a clean pair of boxers and sweatpants, pulling them on. Running a hand through still wet hair, he forced his mind back to the art in the living room. He HAD to get it done. The gallery opening was only 3 weeks away.

The canvas sat waiting, red and black, green and blue and silver. His dark eyes once more stared at it darkly, his mind refusing to center on this piece. This would never fucking do. He had to start over. He reached out and tore the canvas from the easel, replacing it with a fresh, white one...