760 Siberian Swap

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#3 of Sythkyllya 700-799 This Is How We Fix Things

Confused? Consult the readme at https://www.sofurry.com/view/729937

Save Point: Siberian Swap

Somewhere near the Arctic Circle

Terrowne finds himself hanging out with a very sexy werewolfess fresh off the Siberian oil project. She has golden eyes and a wonderfully pink tongue and nose. "Give it to me," she insists eloquently in her native Russian, already pulling off a pair of tight black jeans, top long since gone. Her breasts and nipples are small and hard, but there's something fresh and clean about the line of her body as she presses up against him, and she's distinctly appealing.

"C'mon, fuck her!" Cleo urges him, already in the grip of a huge heavily furry brute of a werewolf who does freighter supply runs, hard up against the ice. His captain's cap is still atop his head, admittedly at a rakish slant, and he's undone his pants buttons just enough to drag them down under his sheath, which is absolutely fucking enormous. Cleo is giving him encouragement with her tongue to come out and play, a sight which should be moderately disgusting at best, but he has just so much likeable charm that the whole thing reads as terribly cute.

The werewolfess is rubbing her hot little sexy self up against his cock, but he takes the time to grasp her muzzle and get a good look at her. She has darker, mane-like fur across the top of her head, where presumably she's dyed her her human hair a rich shade of brown, and a streak of purple which falls just above one eye. Both ears have the sort of piercings designed to create a hole ringed with silvered metal, through which he can see the cheaper metal of the walls.

Having decided how to go about it, he moves in on her mouth like a snake and begins to change. Most werewolves want the Dragon, because they don't know it, but still can sense at some level, that he is somehow capable of changing just like them. He takes her sweet, wicked little mouth and explores it with the Dragons long forked tongue, and the look of startlement in her eyes is wonderful.

The part of him that is Dragon is quite hungry, but sees no reason not to wait. He works slowly down from her mouth to her waist, nibbling deeply at her neck, gentle teeth on sharp flesh, knowing that the species she's drawn from finds baring one's neck to a lover a sign of deeply arousing submission. The werewolfess cooperates boldly in her own subjugation, distracting herself with a firm grip on his ever extending erection, and he lets her work it up steadily bigger until he sees just the faintest hint of fear, but just enough to make it fun.

Across the room, the huge werewolf is kneeling comfortably without moving, whilst Cleo throws her big ass forcefully back against his cock, grunting with the effort. She's deeply lost in the quest for her own personal satisfaction and is sucking on her own fingers to get herself in the mood.

Terrowne works his way down, taking in his werewolfesses multiple nipples, working her with his tongue and fingers, then turning his palms over to brush her nipples sideways across the back of his knuckles like an old-fashioned washboard. This little trick has often worked wonders in the past, and indeed, it makes her nipples go positively stiff. Seeing how responsive she is to this clever sexy game, he decides she deserves a little something extra and tries out a special knack he once learned from an aging but still graceful woman, who always strangely reminded him of his long-gone mother, even down to the silver hair.

The gesture is simple enough, akin to drawing a basic character straight up and down along the central line of the midriff, from the crotch to the chest, but the effects are startling. It does something to the nervous system, he surmises, because what it feels like is a burst of tingling warm energy that stuns and makes you stagger. How an average woman, from a western culture that never practiced anything of that sort, should learn or be able to apply such a move is something he never discovered; he imagines it as having been passed down haphazard, in no direct line, inadvertently rediscovered or remembered in bed with a lover, ending with her doing it to him just as a joke when they were dancing. He didn't quite fall over, but it forced him to re-evaluate certain assumptions about her.

Her response is predictable, but he loves it. Delight gleams in her eyes and she positively melts.

Since Cleo has worked the huge werewolf down onto his back, and is making loud yowling gasping grunts as she rides his entire length from the head down to the balls with her eyes closed, Terrowne decides that he has delayed things just about enough and that it's time to let the Dragon ride his mount. Normally he'd warm and stretch her first, let his tongue loosen her lower lips, relish the scent and taste of her all the way up close, but she's already slick and hot and ready. He positions the bulbous, darkly gleaming head of his cock firmly against the tight pink flush of the lower lips of her cunt, looks into her eyes for just a second to receive her acknowledgment of what is about to come, and then slides deep inside, all the way, until his cock is butting up unseen against her insides.

The werewolfess surprises him by coming almost immediately, no extra motion required. Nonetheless, he is hungry, so he fucks her regardless as she clings to him, arches her back, rubs her breasts against his chest and makes all the little sighing sounds required to work out her orgasm. She must've gotten herself really stressed out there, he decides as he keeps going. Since she doesn't seem to mind just being used, at least not at this particular moment, he simply keeps fucking her harder and harder, and when the second orgasm is done, she opens brilliant golden eyes, smiles at him, and then leans in close to close her teeth around his neck, dirty little bitch! The thought of her wickedness in doing this fills him with happiness, so he goes for it and comes hard, deep inside her, as her burning cunt clenches and milks his cock with her final, third and conclusive climax.

Over on the other bunk, Cleo is giving the little twitches and stretches of coming down from her own personal peak, breathing deeply, still seated on huge werewolf cock, golden amber squirting gently out of her profoundly stretched pussy in little spurts. The whole cabin now reeking with the stink of the ocean, she turns her head, able to smell his flooding ejaculation, and grins at him, which fills him with an entirely unexpected sense of shame and makes him spurt even harder.

The werewolfesses butt has become a blast radius and the sheets of her bed are soaked through all the way to the mattress beneath. He wouldn't be surprised if she squirted her own juices all over the place as well at some point during the proceedings. She touches her lips and her eyes widen as he pulls out in a slow, delicious slither, and then spunks a few drops more across her belly.

"See, I told you we'd have fun," declares Cleo archly, and grabs for the open bottle of vodka on the shelf above the bed, without even bothering to change position.

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