825 Holds Anything With A Handle

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#2 of Sythkyllya 800-899 The Age Of Eversion

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Save Point: Holds Anything With A Handle

The Age Of Eversion

Sometimes when she claims she can't find suitable underwear, Cleo has been known to improvise with a thing made out of two knotted bandanas. This is a mystery to Terrowne, since she collects any miscellaneous underthings like they were going out of production, and he suspects there is an ulterior or hidden motive to it, but he can't figure out quite what. (It's like sneakers strung over power lines - lots of theories but no-one really knows why). The Dragon does know, but he can only remember it when he is the Dragon, and afterward it fades out almost instantly, because the Dragon cannot be made to pay attention to the issue, which it feels is of very low relevance.

This from a creature that can be hypnotized by a piece of shiny cardboard, which can be killed only by its own failure to pay attention.

The good side is that it shows off Cleo's pussy-fur nicely, all blond and cute, and potentially indicates a respect for assorted gang affiliations, thus helping them avoid bullets by her doing what she likes best and stripping off her clothes.

Back to task. "I'm sorry to spoil your dirty imagination, but badinage only means to have an amusing argument about a meaningless subject with someone. As in when I make a mocking comment about your lifestyle and you make a clever comeback."

The lifestyle issue in question is her purchase of items T313 (holds anything with a handle) and J779 (single speed penetrating massager) from a well-known local mail order firm, with intent to combine the two. The massage device is actually a dildo, no self-denial possible on that one, but Cleo has a vast collection of toys and the cheapest possible variant, the hard plastic internal mechanism with no soft outer shell, probably appeals to her as a sort of minimalist design statement. What worries him is her plan to combine it with the wall mounted slot-down rack (it uses diagonal runners and ball-bearings in a clever design that literally will adjustably hold anything with a handle) to create a sort of easy-access self-violation library on her side of the bed. The plain-vanilla massager will go at one end, with more exotic toys ranked progressively further along until the width of the slots on the rack is exceeded.

He is afraid of this for two reasons. The second is that sooner or later she will try to get him to test the Dragons cock in it and see if it really can support the creatures entire weight as claimed.

As for the first - "You already have several large draws full of toys, and a special leather roll-up case under the bed that lets you take your favorites on holiday with you like they were a builders tool belt. I've never argued with you sticking whatever you want up me or yourself. But this has all the discretion of - well, so many indiscreet things come to mind just looking at it that it's almost silly. Come on, put it in the garage and use it to hold brooms and shovels and so forth. That's what it's for."

"Behold, slot-based adjustable screws that allow the entire rack to be detached whole from the wall at a moments notice," declares Cleo, rummaging around in the brightly logo-stippled package the items came in and removing a tiny bag full of screws and washers. "It can go straight back in the draw if someone unappreciative of our lifestyle drops by. You do not get to deny me my toys."

Sadly it's true. Cleo is always the one with the toys, gadgets, vehicles and other strange stuff. Terrowne can and will operate cars, computers and other essentially useful items with high effectiveness on a purely pragmatic basis, but being potentially able to do anything and then go mad from it is a self-limiting lifestyle option all his own, which forces him to try and keep it simple. Although sometimes newer and better is in fact the simpler choice, a realization that many generations of mystics and survivalists have failed to achieve.

He sighs the giving-in sigh, remembers that he loves her passionately and kisses her on the side of the muzzle. "I'll go get the spirit level and the screwdriver. This one should be at convenient dragon-cock height beside the bed."

Cleo suddenly looks both very hungry and extremely thoughtful.

"Come on. You know you want to."

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