Golem vs. Primals (Alternate) - Flawless Golem vs. Dragon

Story by dolphinsanity on SoFurry

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#6 of Violent Fetish Content

An alternate take on the novella's final chapter.

This version of the chapter assumes that Unit D made it through all of the previous fights without suffering any major damage - and can manage to mind-game the dragon into quite the furious state!

The chapter introduction is the same, but the content diverges greatly once the fighting starts.

Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such material, please turn back now.


Days passed in fruitless searching. Unit D scoured the massive continent with robotic efficiency, focusing more on covering the maximum total area in as much time as possible rather than searching strategically based on induction. The golem's databanks regarding the primals and their locations were unfortunately too scarce to allow for this.

With barely more than a scratch anywhere on it, the golem tromped around in pursuit of its duty without difficulty; it merely took time. Unit D's mission protocol indicated that only one known primal remained, and it would find it and destroy it, or else cease functioning while trying. It had no other option.

Eventually, by procedural inevitability, the golem happened upon the vast ruins of the continental capital city, which in its day had truly been a sight to behold. Composed of a sea of skyscrapers that reached from the ground toward the heavens, it had literally towered over all nearby centers of life... but its crowning achievement had been the arcology near its heart, a place of scientific progress where natural systems were studied, and sapient creatures lived out their lives in a sustainable, experimental harmony.

In the days shortly before the primals woke, the central arcology had been one of the last shrines of environmentalistic thinking on the planet's surface - a place where radicals met with cool-headed scientists to determine how to live in nearer harmony with nature. Of course, there were always dissenters, and the strange spiritualists on the fringes who passed down legends that when the planet's sustainability finally broke, it would already be too late - that the planet would open up its jaws and swallow the people whole.

How right those fringe prophets were... and how wrong they were, as well. Everyone had been swallowed up, although not for quite the same reasons as had been predicted...

Unit D knew none of this, nor cared. It had one mission only. Yet, for the sake of poetics, one might say that it seemed as though the dead of the arcology were watching over the golem as it approached, praying from beyond the grave that the unusual-looking robot would bring this madness to its final and irrevocable end, by slaying the one beast that remained as tyrant over this broken and polluted land. The beast who made this ruined monument to man and nature his home.

The place, all things considered, was a total wreck.

The arcology's domed enclosure had once extended five kilometers in diameter across the city's center, with its land incorporating what had at one time been a large public park. The dome did not exist anymore - at least not as a dome. Its translucent, faintly bluish fragments ringed the ruin like a great circle of magical ice - but, being only scientifically advanced glass after all, caused Unit D's armored feet no harm when trampling over the lowest-lying, crunchiest portions of its border.

The expansive natural environment that formerly made up the arcology's interior no longer existed. Dirt was all that remained: dead, infertile dirt, without a single plant growing in it... this, despite the ground being almost entirely covered in what looked like normally soil-rejuvenating ash.

Then again, the ash had a queer color to it: not the usual grayish-black, but deep midnight pitch, uniformly colored and without variation, as if billions of microscopic ravens' feathers had snowed in a light dusting all over the ground there. This primal, however, was no raven...

Sensors at Unit D's feet ran a brief analysis. Unknown compounds. Predictable, and a strong warning sign. It scanned the horizon carefully, seeking any signs of movement among the bleak rubble.

Primal detected.

A creature sat near-motionless in the middle of the craterous ruin. In an optical scan from Unit D's current position, the creature's body looked like an enormous black curtain standing upright on this sooty arena floor- a curtain covered in thick scales, with a spiny tail sticking out the back. Though visual analysis clearly registered it as a primal, at this distance the golem's visual processing systems could tell they were not getting a complete picture of what the creature's form actually was.

The golem stepped closer at its usual steady pace, saving its high-speed energy capacity for the sake of responding to its enemy's moves - whatever those moves might be. For the time being it knew only that this "curtain" was alive, probably reptilian, and massive in size.

For ten seconds the golem continued on with this behavior uninterrupted, its steps clanking along with mechanical regularity.

Then, when the golem got within half a kilometer, the enemy revealed himself.

With a roar that thundered through the cavernous crater and shook the ruined buildings far off past the arcology's perimeter, the enormous dragon unfurled his wings and splayed them toward his sides, with the very act sending a stiff breeze in the golem's direction. Bronze-colored scales covered the monster's newly revealed chest and underbelly, and the musculature thereof would have awed any creature with a mind to care. The grooves of his powerful sinews crinkled like choppy ocean waves beneath the scales' obscurance; the dragon's voice caused the cavern to tremble, his eyes glowing an infernal crimson.

The wings attached to his back above its shoulders, which bore massive forelimbs that looked obviously built for quadrupedal locomotion, even though the dragon for now remained upright on his haunches. He held his arms sideways in an awkward, "Come and get it!" type of posture similar to the golem's own, as if already mocking it and pointing out Unit D's physical inferiority. His legs bore thighs so large and muscled that it seemed they might easily crush Unit D's torso if they caught it with a hind-legged kick, and the sinews of the monster's ankles looked so thick that cutting through them could've taken hours even if he were not invulnerable to damage in that location - which he almost assuredly was.

But that wasn't all. No, of course it wasn't.

Excited by the promise of battle, the dragon's genital slit began to flex and to part, and with a buck of his hips and a firm surge of his loin muscles, his member erected and emerged, growing tauntingly in Unit D's direction.

And what a member it was. A black spear of thick flesh, nearly the length of the golem's chest and half as wide, it jutted enormously out into the still air of the ruins, its pointed glans looking as good for murderous impaling as for whatever else the monster might use it for. Rings of spines surrounded the the member's glans and shaft proper, with the locations of the spines in each ring staggered like a lattice and forming a barrier of dual-purpose defenses and stabbing implements. Just below the glans the shaft looked particularly fat, supported by a firm ridge of flesh and bone that curved along the center of ventral side from the tip to the base, like the bell on a fencer's sword.

The scene in sum looked like something out of a perverse and horrifying fairy tale. The unveiled dragon stretched nearly 350 meters from head to tip of tail, and around four times the golem's overall thickness of torso and limb. In every respect the monster dwarfed Unit D, and made this enormous crater look more like a deadly nest than an arcology... which, at this point, was precisely what it had become.

Unit D, undeterred as ever, stepped forward to do battle. Having come this far and bested four primals without significant damage, it hypothetically evaluated its odds of success as reasonably high. Still, with the confounding factors of the creature's size, muscular power, and seeming intelligence, Unit D's process of anticipation took longer to execute than usual. In the end (which in an objective sense came quite quickly), it rated the foe as more dangerous than any of the other four and proceeded with a level of caution befitting this, while still proceeding forward without stopping.

The golem proceeded directly toward the dragon's member with its hallmark mechanical determination. For a few steps it seemed as though the dragon might not react at all.

Then the dragon let out another roar and lowered himself into an imposing combat stance on all fours, approaching the golem in reciprocation of it's steady pace, his forelimbs and enormous neck obviously prepared to move to protect his member, but not currently in a location that guaranteed its safety if Unit D could get under him somehow. The reptile's muscles rippled in his limbs and chest as he walked, and the cords of his forelimbs began to flex and relax rapidly, as if the beast were warming them up for the battle.

Despite the member's taunting presence, Unit D dared not use fast motion here without first gathering more information about the primal's style of fighting. Too-early activations of its speed had led to close calls during previous fights, nearly leading to the golem suffering severe and irreparable damage. Furthermore, there was a non-trivial possibility that the dragon's nervous system could, in this stance, react fast enough to screen the golem's attacks even during a fast-motion gambit.

With all of that under consideration, the golem opted to spar with the foe at normal speed and be ready to react if necessary. The dragon seemed... entertained by this. Unit D struck multiple hard punches against the dragon's snout and arms - none of which suffered the slightest indication of damage. With each attack the dragon took gradual steps backward, its erection bulging to an even larger, fuller size as he got into the spirit of the fighting.

Unit D was aware that the dragon was most likely toying with it, as a lack of any sort of real counterattack was common in creatures smart enough to regard themselves as vastly superior to an opponent. The dragon's precise, measured movements suggested to Unit D that its intellect was surprisingly strong for a reptilian - even stronger that it first appeared - and probably wily.

After a few more rounds of punching, the dragon started batting at the golem with its claws from time to time - not even with any seemingly lethal intent, but more with the aim of knocking the golem around, much as a rambunctious child might strike an action figure in hopes of bits of it breaking off. Unit D held up well under these blows, adopting a solid defensive posture and mitigating most of the momentum through pressing its blocky feet against the ground - a fact which seemed to impress the dragon, inasmuch as the dragon's body language could express this emotion.

After a time, the great beast turned suddenly sideways and motioned toward itself with its head, displaying the fullness of its spiked member in plain sight. Unit D paid no heed to its obvious provocation - but nonetheless clunked slowly toward him to attempt the member's destruction.

Apparently, the vain old monster was more than willing to make his own fun. Since Unit D was unwilling to charge him at a pace he considered appropriate, he instead vaulted up on his hind legs and, turning abruptly toward the golem, pushed that great spiked club toward it, his arms ready to slam down at any moment and smash into the golem's shoulders and back.

Unit D took the opportunity for what it looked like - a legitimate chance to inflict damage to the gargantuan organ, but in no way an actual chance to end the fight quickly, by sheer fact of the organ's size - and delivered a right hook toward the cock's head. The dragon let this happen, apparently eager to see how the golem's fist would hold up against his cock's mighty defenses.

The fist struck a calculated, precise blow against a pair of spikes on the dorsal center of the glans, not far from the pointed tip and urethra, striking at an angle that avoided puncture-permitting contact with spikes' tips. The two spikes broke off from the impact, causing the dragon to roar in frustration and bring his weight down heavily on his arms. The golem had anticipated this and sidestepped easily away, using the dragon's own great size against him in avoiding the crushing attack.

The dragon's only successful strike in this exchange was a sort of minor headbutt delivered at the last moment as his neck came back down from the rearing position it had been in before. Even this strike was so limited that Unit D only had some armor scratches to show for it thereafter.

So far, Unit D seemed to be faring well. Meanwhile, below the primal, a drippy trickle of blood indicated the truth of the situation: that this beast, too, could bleed if struck in a vulnerable location.

Unit D assumed a defensive stance, waiting for the dragon's next move.

Over the next several moments it became clear that something had changed in the dragon's demeanor after that successful strike from the golem. Gone were his playful testings. Now he looked utterly ready to kill, with his jaw repeatedly opening and closing and the redness of his eyes flaring at the intruder.

After a moment of strafing slowly about, the dragon roared in Unit D's face and sheathed his bleeding member just as suddenly as he had let it out, persuading its throbbing shaft to exist for the moment as a mere inflated bulge within the slit. That the massive cock fit inside the dragon's loins at seemed spatially impossible, but the golem was too much of a robot to let this confuse it. Unit D pressed on undeterred, knowing full well that weak points were still weak points: even hidden inside of flesh, they could easily enough be tugged out.

With the situation thus changed, the robotic titan and the much larger reptilian titan charged at each other once again, both serious but continuing to hold their strongest powers in reserve for now. They clashed, golem fist against dragon chin, and both held up in what seemed - at least for now - a still-even match. It seemed neither could really harm the other, so long as neither overcommitted.

...But the dragon had no intention of leaving this at a stalemate. He never had any such intention in the first place, much less now that the golem had laid a blow on him where it counted.

During one their usual exchanges of forceful attacks, the dragon acted as if he were going for a headbutt, but threw back his neck at the last second instead, narrowly avoiding one of the golem's powerful punches.

With its high-speed capacity fully charged, Unit D responded by darting under the dragon's belly, sliding in on its blocky knees to clear the lowest-hanging part of the monster's gut. The golem passed under the dragon's slit before the monster could so much as blink and kicked itself directly upward from the ash-dusted ground, corkscrewing its left fist into the dragon's overfull genital staging ground.

The dragon by this point was buffeting his wings and angling his head downward to breathe out a cone of dark, material-devouring flames - the same flames that had turned this entire ruin into cleared but unlivable ground. Yet instead of a steady cone he let out only a gagged, pain-driven puff as the nerve endings in his cock told his brain a vivid and terrorized tale of a heavy robotic fist slamming into the underside of his penile tip at over 200 kilometers per hour.

Ordinarily the armored "bell" on the underside of the cock would suitably mitigate blows directed into the slit while the cock was erect yet retracted. But the armor wasn't invulnerable - it was still a part of the primal's weak point, every bit as much as the rest of the cockflesh was - and mostly consisted of tissues comparable to fat and heavy cartilage. It likewise wasn't designed to withstand 200 km/h point-specific impacts from the fist of a robotic superweapon.

So the armor had done the only thing it could do: it had broken and dented inward, carving through the fatty tissues in the same region and knocking a substantial hole in the tip's circulation.

In an instinctive response, the dragon's groin muscles flexed with agitation, trying to hold the lightly wounded (in the grand scheme of its size) member within the slit in hopes of limiting further damage, but Unit D wouldn't have that. With fast motion still active - although not far from being forced to end - the golem opened up the blocky fingers of the hand that had just thrust its way into the shaft and clamped them shut around as much of the bleeding tip as it could get the fingers around, before catching itself against the dragon's belly scales with its right arm, upending itself from its momentum, and then kicking back down toward the ground after grinding its momentum out.

Awkward in its execution - but with that awkwardness being seemingly unavoidable - the golem's actions at this stage had two immediate results. The first was that the injured cock returned to the world of the externally visible in all of its obsidian glory, and the second was that two of the fingers on the golem's left fist got stuck on the remaining spikes along the tip's left side.

Due to being designed with battle in mind, the connections between the golem's individual fingers and the rest of its hands were able to withstand being flung around with great force along their joints without breaking off. Unit D did not need to make many allowances when it came to the possibility of losing fingers because of its own momentum generated by its own actions, and it was well aware of this.

As a result, the golem now had two impaled fingers - with their circuitry suffering damage and not really being all that useful for holding the cock in their grip. But it had two impaled fingers exactly where it wanted them: stuck against the dragon's weak point. The other fingers, still unharmed as they were, gripped the wounded behemoth tightly, while its length throbbed with pain and bled the dragon's thick blood.

As a direct follow-up to these actions - while still hurtling back toward the ground with the cock in tow - the golem forcefully closed its legs around the shaft's enormous base, clenching them tightly together at the ankles and jamming each of its feet onto the business ends of multiple spikes. Again the golem suffered damage - the spikes indeed seemed virtually vorpal-sharp on their tips, stabbing even through the decently strong "boot" armor with ease - but this was now exactly what Unit D wanted: a trade of damage within the fight, for great positional advantage. It had done the math, and it had determined that those spikes were very likely to contribute to this monster's downfall.

Fast motion ended there - leaving the golem's capacitor dangerously drained but outside of critical levels.

The golem might have looked like the dragon's much smaller lover, lying there diagonally downward with its feet around the member's base, and its left hand wrapped around the pulsing tip, elbow dipping low below - and with its thighs, torso, and other arm all carefully positioned above.

But the golem was a fighter, not a lover, and no one was more aware of that right now than the dragon, who, to say the least, had not even begun to suspect this would be something that happened during their fight. Even now, the golem's right arm was pulling back to hammer out another punch, while the left one kept its hold.

An ordinary male might have panicked - tried frantically to remove the golem through whatever means possible - but not the dragon. The dragon's very angry brain read this as a challenge, an uppity acrobatic trick intended to defy or mock him. And in all of the ways that his savage yet perceptive mind could hate these things, he hated them. He hated this strange creature and its too-fast, lucky break of an attack!

And so the dragon reared back. He thrust his member upward and glared down at Unit D, eyes blazing an even darker red that before while his genital muscles stopped bothering to tug at retraction. This was personal. This intruder was going to die, now!

Angry, but not so blind with rage that he dared to risk directing his own breath weapon at his own cock, the dragon instead began slamming his arms against the golem's head. His mighty shoulders rowed left and right, repeatedly pummeling the golem's as if it were little more than a bobble-head doll.

Unit D held on but did find it hard to deliver normal-speed punches exactly where it wanted them while still maintaining its grip. The momentum transferred down its body by the dragon's blows was immense, and the connectors for the robot's relatively unimportant "dummy" of a head were already starting to fail. Unit D scored three heavy blows against the member during this time - blows which only served to knock off spikes in various places along the cock's right side and underside - which increased the bleeding somewhat but did not too swiftly advance the golem's goal of dealing damage to the dorsal part of the glans in the area where the first spikes had snapped off.

The dragon currently understood this situation as a damage race, and had been softening the golem's neck up accordingly. Since the golem was still moving, he presumed the initial slams were not sufficient to break its spine (a structure which the golem did not even have as such). As soon as he began to feel the neck's movements slackening, he lunged for the kill, bringing his massive jaws down and biting hard. He seethed with triumph as he held his bite and wriggled it, teeth ripping and tugging through the head's circuitry like a predator ripping meat from a fresh kill.

For a moment this seemed to be working. The circuitry and cords within the neck lost more and more of their strength. The dragon's cock ached with further pain as his prey - "struggling till the bitter end" as any prey might - took this opportunity to resume hammering away at the member's tip. The dragon tried to grab Unit D between his claws, but found getting the right leverage difficult in his current position and could only stop the golem from making full-sized blows. Short-thrust hammerings against the glans continued, however, with the golem pounding down with surprising power from the elbow alone. Slowly the flesh of the glans was being broken open, its black sheen giving way to a gunky soup of blood, turgid tissue, and sensitive-and-howling nerves...

But in just a moment more the dragon jerked his head up triumphantly, ripping off the golem's head as he did so and flinging it aside in disdain. It roared in fury as the golem's body froze in position, with its right fist resting against the tip where it had just hammered out another punch.

Taking a moment to observe its prey, the dragon detected no movement at all, and found this suspicious. It was not sure what sort of creature it was, but it did not yet trust its continued presence here, even in presumable death. He grabbed Unit D's torso with his teeth and angrily yanked its body away from the member, tugging this way and that to pull the robot's unresisting limbs from the spikes, before flinging it away along the ground.

A few of the impaling spikes were torn off in the process, leaving the cock with a small amount of additional self-inflicted bleeding along base and tip alike. The dragon didn't particularly care: he just wanted whatever this was dislodged so that it could be clearly observed as dead.

The dragon's member had suffered enough damage that it was fast swelling beyond its usual erectile limits, while his body's supernatural regenerative processes began their process of clotting the wounds and seeding the regeneration of the lost spikes and cracked ventral plating. The dragon panted in rage, unable to get the over-swollen erection to retract while this process was in progress - a process that could easily take days for damage of this scale.

The golem remained there unmoving, its body heat fading rapidly away. It seemed dead all right.

Really, the dragon found this victory painfully unsatisfying. The intruder had done something so surprising but then failed in such a pointless, poorly followed-through way. Where was that speed it had shown for just a moment?

Tromping forward on all fours, bloodied and battered erection throbbing beneath him, the dragon approached the golem's headless body - loomed over it in domination and disgust, bleeding right onto the "corpse" from above. It was a stance of vanity, soothing the wounds of his pride by showing his superiority over the fallen.

Soon the dragon would have more wounds on pride and cock alike.

The golem's capacitor had not yet fully recovered from the previous maneuvers, but it had recovered enough for the current plan of action to work. Unit D forced a short pulse of fast motion - reached up, and gave the damaged member another hug: another big bearhug with arms and legs alike, now with the intent to bend and break the already damaged flesh. The arms folded cleverly across areas where the spines were already damaged, while the legs freely allowed themselves to get partially impaled and "stuck" to the shaft once again.

The dragon flinched and shook his hips in surprise, but the golem's timing was flawless. Those robotic limbs held tight to the member and squeezed until the primal's equivalent of capillary ruptures were happening everywhere the golem's body met the cock - and fast getting worse. The dragon bucked his hips faster and harder and shook to and fro, still hoping against hope to sling the intruder free. but this was not to be.

By the time the fast motion faded, the torsion created by the golem's mechanically twisting grip was sending an intolerable pain through the shaft, as popped blood vessel after popped blood vessel reported its demise up the reptile's sensitive nerves. He responded with a roar and a surprised belching of black fire into the air - a bucking of the hips down lower toward the ground - pawing and clawing at the thing wrapped around him and hurting him... the dragon could not help reacting, but given his member's damaged state and precarious position in his opponent's arms, everything he did on the ground only made the pain worse.

Hurts and repeated surprises of this scale were unknown experiences for the great black dragon, and in the enraged confusion brought on by the intruder's mysterious revival, his instincts shifted toward flight - both literally and metaphorically.

Unit D was, of course, well aware that organics normally did not deal well psychologically with enemies who "came back to life." It absolutely had intended to game the dragon into irrational, suboptimal behavior - and was succeeding

The dragon's hips dropped low toward the ground again - and then the he rose. Unit D's sensors kept numerically precise track of the changes in speed and trajectory, but the short of it was that the dragon had leaped forward, spread his wings, and taken to the sky at nearly a forty-five degree angle, lifting off as easily as a lightweight bird, in what the golem's processors judged a violation of normal physics - practically unimportant though that fact currently was.

Still headless and no less a threat for it, the golem clung to the exposed member with every intent of destroying it. Its simulations told it to expect interference, supposing that the dragon would try any number of methods to dislodge it, but even this foe had limits. Starting this flight from within the arcology's crater meant Unit D would have several seconds to make attacks before the dragon could reach any tactically helpful outcroppings. While the golem's arms worked their violent motions, its computerized brain began rapidly anticipating sources of in-flight damage.

The golem's first act as the dragon's aerial passenger was to draw back its right hand, open the fingers into a blocky rendition of the karate "knifehand" position, and then jab the edges of the fingers repeatedly against a particularly damaged area on the underside of the cock, along where the fatty "armor" had previously broken and left more vulnerable flesh exposed. Narrowed by this positioning, the hand swept easily into the pulpy, traumatized flesh and gashed its way deeper with each strike. After a few of these blows the fingers began augmenting the attacks with small scooping motions, which tore through bits of the heavily damaged flesh and tossed it aside, leaving a trail of penile crumbs that scattered along the blighted ground as they passed over.

The dragon had not been idle during this process - but he had by no means been effective. He saw the repeated striking motions the golem was making with its right arm, so he began curling his head low to snap and grab at the golem's arm - but each of the first few heavy bites only managed to crinkle (and eventually tear thorugh) the golem's heavy plating, still leaving the majority of the arm's connectors intact, while making it much more difficult for the dragon to navigate his flight path visually.

Nevertheless, sensing that it might soon lose full strength in its right arm, Unit D lowered that arm and locked it into a hugging position again - and switched suddenly to using the left to drive in the blows. The wound was so deep by this point that the golem managed to get its left hand deep into the hole and grab hold of the urethral tubing, allowing it to yank at that especially vulnerable and specialized corridor of flesh and demand that it make an appearance outside the dragon's body.

The dragon's roar of agony was loud and quite telling, and the cock itself trembled and bobbed in urgent neural confusion as the golem heaved the urethral tubing outward like so much rope, leaving the inner flesh to which it attached bloody, raw, and hot with pain. Desperate to end this travesty against his body, the great monster swept down low toward a portion of the arcology's ruined dome, cleverly directing his height so as to use the sharpened, advanced-plexiglas like material as a weapon against Unit D. The primal's current motions did not give away his exact intent, but Unit D predicted that he would most likely angle the blow in such a way as to carve through the exposed cables in its right arm, and it prepared to react accordingly.

Unit D's prediction was right, and when the dragon swerved his body to force the cables to collide with the blade of broken dome, Unit D abruptly reversed the gripping strategy of its hands. It yanked another huge length of urethra out in the process and left the flesh dangling cordlike through the air, while causing the dragon to feel an excruciating tugging that reached all the way to his internal testes and blinded his thoughts with agony. A flinching lift of his neck and hips as he reacted to this pain cost the dragon some of his precision - and gave the golem a new window of opportunity.

Unit D used a pistoning shove from its left hand, plus some force from its legs, to guide the right edge of the member's underside down onto the dangerous spire.

The dragon's next roar of pain trumped all of those that had come before as the bladelike structure sliced scalpel-like through nerves, weakened flesh, and ruptured blood vessels, passing more than two meters deep through the vulnerable organ and leaving a bloodied streak on the member itself and a hunk of torn flesh on the arcology dome-portion as they passed. As soon as the bladed horror had passed through the dragon's shaft, he looked down in horror at the throbbing shape of his own member - and shrieked as a stream of blood flooded out from within it, flowing from the wound and running across Unit D before dribbling away in the air behind them.

Not missing a beat during the dragon's reaction, Unit D again grabbed the urethral tubing and continued tugging at it, finding it unnaturally durable as it stretched and bled its way out of the gaping hole in the monstrous member - eliciting another roar of pain and frustration from the monster, whose neck and eyes darted around, urgently scanning the area for something he could use.

With his mind a haze of panic and fury, the dragon tried flying low along roofs and various other structures in the ruined cityscape just beyond the arcology's bounds. The desperately circling flight managed to catch the golem with some blows - but only when Unit D deemed the damage worth taking for a chance to cause further extreme harm. When the golem gained the capacity to do so, it used fast motion to avoid damage while maximizing that inflicted to the dragon, but the usage tended to occur in short-but-necessary spurts and were hard on its already weary capacitor.

When the dragon passed by a high building with a tall, derelict flagpole rising from its roof, Unit D hurled the now-far-extended urethral tubing around it, flinging the flesh with such force that it curled rapidly around the pole. The dragon's momentum did not even slow down, but the monster gasped as critical parts of its inner tract at last gave way and tore - being ripped swiftly out through the wound and left dangling uselessly on the forgotten old structure. At the end of the dangling mass were a set of bulbous red masses of unknown biology, but which the golem hypothetically predicted as analogous to the testes and prostate. Judging by his reaction the dragon didn't intellectually attach any specifically greater weight to these parts of him - no more than to anything else that came out of his member anyway - but the dragon's furious growling and higher-tempo, aggravated gnawing on the golem's arm after this particular piece of damage suggested that the dragon was now feeling the burning pain of his shaft spread deep into the flesh of his loins.

After the golem tossed his urethra around the flagpole, the dragon's maw had managed to mostly disable the golem's right arm, leaving it only as a locked-in hugging support for the rest of the body that could be tugged away later. He then focused heavily on the left arm - at which point the golem rolled into a spurt of fast motion and rotated its position to avoid the incoming bite. Moments thereafter, Unit D jammed its left arm down into the massive wound and began punching through the cock toward the dragon's groin, rapidly pulping the flesh adjacent to where the creature's plumbing had formerly been.

The dragon's cock-throbbings only hastened as his heart rate accelerated from stress and from an unknown but fast-growing emotion: the fear of death. Already the parts nearest the cock's tip were deflating for want of blood to supply them, and the golem was turning his member into more and more of a husk by the moment. The pummeling left fist was even opening its fingers at times and pulling at whatever hunks of sensitive flesh they could grasp.

The dragon could also tell that his current efforts to stop the golem were not going to do enough soon enough at this rate. Already he could feel his power twinkling - a static fuzz of disruptions in the magic that kept his body immortally alive, as more and more of his member's mass was removed.

So he made a bold move: he flew upward, nearly straight upward, and curled his neck down awkwardly to take hold of the golem's torso, while his body repositioned itself into a nosedive.

The dragon's plan here was becoming extremely simple: he was going to crush the golem's torso as hard as he could in his maw and then deliberately slam both the golem and his own member into an object - being at this point willing to break off the damaged parts of his own member (golem in tow) if necessary before fleeing far away to regenerate. He felt sure the wound could heal, even now, as long as his entire member wasn't destroyed... as long as he could put a lot of distance between himself and the bizarre thing that was now literally taking his cock apart fistful by fistful.

Unit D's sensors reported alerts about the rapid loss of altitude and the approach of a distant, one-story-building rooftop. The golem's work with its remaining hand could only move at its normal pace. There would be no more fast motion for now - not without overloading its capacitor into a nonfunctional state. The dragon gnawing at the still-solid armor of its torso to soften it up for the eventual crash against the building was not that high on the list of Unit D's concerns.

The robotic hand continued relentlessly chiseling its way through the cock, each motion a hammering punctuation in the ongoing signals of distress assailing the dragon's brain. The dragon's mind had fluttering, alien thoughts of doubt, of hesitation to do this thing he was currently doing - for fear of hastening his own destruction - but he ignored them and sped onward toward the ground, while his cock bled the song of its slow demise.

When the dragon struck his cock against the building, he was greatly dismayed by the result: the building gave way easier than his cock did, but not by much. His shaft did not break off; instead it only fractured inside the base, and gave the jostled-but-still-clinging golem more time to dig chip away at the flesh-soup of the inside...

As the dragon pulled up and panicked, with the new intention of throwing himself and the golem against the ground, Unit D lifted his arm once more within the heavily damaged shaft and thrust downward toward the base - aiming precisely so as to allow an area near the base already-damaged in the collision to split further open.

The dragon's mind swam. He no longer had the intentionality of thought necessary to fly toward the ground for another self-destructive maneuver. He could only fly. Upward, upward, teeth in the golem, biting - biting, harder. Kill, kill - die, die! The teeth crunched heavily at the plating as what little remained of the dragon's sense of strategy - and indeed his usual haughty attitude - gave way to a reptilian id of teeth and jaws. Bite.

Unit D had also anticipated this as a possibility and was entirely prepared to endure the possible consequences. Its entire purpose was to destroy the primals, and this was the last one. Its right arm was mostly no good for punching now, but the left could still use it for leverage. The inside was also so damaged...

While its chest plating cracked under the dragon's gnawing and some of the lesser systems of its circuitry took damage, the golem pushed its somewhat-recovered capacitor into another fit of fast motion - and corkscrewed its body's leverage, shifting the legs in one direction while twisting the left arm the opposite way, as if attempting to give the dragon's cock the ultimate "Indian rug burn." The black reptile's hind legs twitched in response, rising higher from their flight-tucked position to swat anxiously at the pain and at the robotic creature causing it, but these efforts again failed to remove the golem and added additional impact pain to the already terrible feeling of the damaged flesh being twisted two ways at once.

Soon, owing to the already fractured and gouged state of the member's interior, a portion of the damaged flesh inside the cock snapped under the torsion of the golem's technique. A crinkling, crunching sound could be heard that extended deep into the shaft, and even somewhat beyond into the dragon's interior. The primal's eyes went wide, and his jaws slackened momentarily before redoubling their strength. All of his strength - all of his hatred and frustration he poured into closing those jaws around the persistent pest... into crunching through what remained of that armor...

The dwindling of the dragon's life force as his member suffered damage was now becoming too grave for him to keep going at his usual pace. With this new damage, his supernatural flight-enhancements gave out, and the former supernatural strength in his wings gave way to an exhaustion and cramping that struck him with brutal suddenness.

His existing momentum carried him upward for a time but then gave way to a horrible, directionless fall on slackening wings, his body swerving and swirling like a child's badly folded paper airplane as his muscles spasmed in his body's desperate race to reorganize his remaining energies for pure survival.

He was upside down during the fall's last moments - not by conscious choice, but because the ongoing struggle to gnaw at Unit D eventually had him rotating erratically in midair. His energies had aligned themselves enough to maintain his impervious nature before he struck the ground - and as a result, his body absorbed the shock of the fall with otherworldly ease.

Despite this, enough of a shock passed through to Unit D that the golem was catapulted from the cock to which it had been desperately clinging - taking with it various spikes and an already-deflated hunk of the cocktip around which the damaged right arm had been clinging at the time (eliciting a wide-eyed roar-scream and helpless wing-beating from the upside-down colossus to which the flesh belonged). Unit D also lost most of its chest armor in the process, with the heavily crunched plating coming off in the dragon's teeth as the robotic fighter careened away.

The dragon forced himself hurriedly to his feet, his vision doubling with both rage and faintness of mind, while below him more and more of his life-essence bled out and crackled inefficiently across the horridly damaged remainder of his shaft. His obelisk of a cock did not seem so monolithic in its durability anymore. The internal consistency of the flesh was nothing short of a wreck - a potpourri of ripped blood vessels, bruised tissues, and torsion-torn corpora. His member's complex inner workings were now in nearly as much a shambles as the cities he had menaced centuries ago.

And the relentless golem was already on its feet again, approaching wraithlike with its mangled right arm and whirring, exposed inner chest-circuitry. The searing heat of the golem's overworked pair of reactors made the air ripple as it approached... this final determined defender from those same ruined cities, trudging onward like a crazed person, unwilling to stop short of full and utterly destructive vengeance.

The dragon lowered his head protectively as he rose to his feet again. His tired wings hung low and folded at his sides as he made a desperate combative approach. Bite - more. Bite... The growls continually brewing in the dragon's throat seemed to say this. His eyes fixated on the lively wonders inside his headless foe's chest.

Unit D, circuits shaken from the fall but by no means inoperable, tromped single-mindedly forward.

The dragon roared and lunged for the robot's torso - but his motions were now getting sluggish and overly telegraphed even by the golem's normal-speed standards, and Unit D moved aside with mathematical precision. The dragon bit air and nearly tripped over himself, while the golem ducked low and delivered yet another crushing punch to the member's underside, not far from the dragon's groin. A horrid groan rumbled from the monster's throat in response, and the bludgeoned flesh of the member recoiled dully, like a slab of butchered meat that had just been smashed heavily against stone.

The dragon was operating like a bull in a classical bullfight, being slowly bled of all strength - each new blow taking a little more of his life force from him. Even when the dragon was no longer able to threaten an effective bite, he stayed upright, kept growling and trying to keep his torso between himself and the golem. To this Unit D simply responded by turning on fast motion - closing the gap in an instant - hammering home another half-dozen blows.

The dragon tried falling on the golem, and only enabled another strike - tried swatting with his claws, and only found himself on his side from imbalance and exhaustion, his member leaking blood like a fountain as it continued to diminish in size and power. He felt the world flickering - and then dozens more driving crunches of pain, each taking with it a little more, a little more. His eyesight went first, and then he could no longer hear what was happening.

With the dragon's loss of sight and hearing, the golem gained a fresh opening for attacking the member's dorsal side, while both the weary shaft and the dragon himself were slumping low toward the ground in weakened dismay. Pushing its power systems, the golem let loose a fist flurry that struck the severely damaged (and now barely even half-hard) member like a series of meat-tenderizing mallets, pounding down the length like piano-key hammers along a scale. The result was indeed both butchery and rhythm, with the mighty robot's hands gradually transforming the length of the deflating flesh from something clearly identifiable as a cock into flesh-mush. Though the ventral side retained some consistency in areas the golem hadn't yet thoroughly pulverized, the present target looked like some sort of disturbing long-brimmed bowl of blood soup, with bits of ebony shaft-flesh drifting in the chunky, liquefying mass.

Unit D paused momentarily - and only momentarily - as the fast motion ended and its system reevaluated for normal-motion attacks. The dragon found he could no longer taste the air nor feel warmth nor cold. Sensorily speaking, he had lost all but his ability to feel ground beneath him and the pain inside - the horrifying pain that gnawed at his mind in cruel little bites and took faculty after faculty away from him. Crunch - a heavy, blood-spattering blow to his cock's right side, knocking the still-diminishing organ upward toward his belly and slinging the pooled blood and flesh-bits everywhere under the impact. Crunch, crunch, crunch. The robot was now using his cock like a punching-bag, jabbing it upward in alternating left and right arm motions, the damaged arm less adroit than the other but still finely suited to this simple progression. The golem worked its way up the cock's underside from the base, hammering the flesh in at every place where it until this point had remained ostensibly functional...

The dragon felt the threads of his life unraveling as the robot's hands dispensed their programmed justice.

Then, just as the golem reached the already mangled urethral-tunneling wound, it activated fast motion yet again, much to the complaint of its power management systems. Unit D drove several hooking blows into the already-broken fatty armor on the cock's underside, eventually dislodging it entirely from the rest of the devastated flesh. Then the golem hopped back to stand at the deflated cock's tip - and, picking it up with one hand, yanked hard on what threadbare bits of flesh remained, extended it out as if making a mockery of what had once been its immense size while hard - and then hammered a single precise blow into the center of the cockhead with its right hand. The length of the remaining cockflesh collapsed inward on itself like a sad accordion, catapulting backward into the interior of the dragon's groin under the force of the golem's punch.

The dragon collapsed onto his rump, now twitching vegetatively and scarcely able to move or respond, but feeling the torturous pain even still. Unit D overrode most of its own safety settings to maintain fast motion in the face of an overworked capacitor and shaky reactor stability. Charging forward, it drove its fist all the way into the dragon's groin - ramming the remaining flesh into paste and then withdrawing and re-hammering the fist more than a dozen times into the gory hole just to make sure.

The pain remained until the last... but by the time Unit D's fast motion ended, the dragon's life was fully gone. The carcass collapsed backward, overtaken by sudden and pathetic rigor mortis and pushed off-balance by the ongoing force of the golem's brutal attacks.

There had been no clear need for the golem to use fast motion those last few times, but it did so anyway. Unit D had no programming to make it capable of an emotion like frustration, but the miniscule probabilities of "going too slowly" leading to the dragon reviving (or otherwise somehow reversing the situation) were still being taken into account in the context of its chief directive: to destroy all of the primals, with this being the last one. As such, Unit D had prioritized lethality over virtually all else.

By the time Unit D's sensors could confirm the dissipation of body-heat from the dragon's form, the golem's own body was quite ready to shut down as well. Given the now-absence of a primal beast to hunt, and the current severe exhaustion of its power systems, Unit D's post-mission programming began the procedure of shutting the golem down and sending out a radio transmission that it had succeeded in its mission and awaited new orders from the laboratory.

The golem ceased moving, powered down, and slept its long sleep, waiting for a response that would never come.

Story (C) 2014 dolphinsanity and was anonymously commissioned.


**Advance warning: this story contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the repeated wounding and eventual destruction of a giant dragon's penis. If you do not wish to see this or it would be illegal for you to view such material,...

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