Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 6 - 7

Story by BoatinTurtle on SoFurry

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Hi everyone! Before I begin here, I have some important news. I have released a poll for the order of my new stories, so be sure to go vote! As of now, here is the score:

A minecraft story (more info on the poll): 2

Zac's X and Y Adventures: 1

The Legend of The West (my western): O

GTA Crew Chronicles: 0

Also, one big update you all should take into consideration. I have big continuation problems. I will get hooked on one thing for a while, and then switch over to something, and so on. As of now, my big kick is Minecraft, and I ** _really _***want to do that story. I already have it partially written! don't worry, I'll still continue to update all of my stories. Once I get all 7 total stories functional, I will start to update them all in a system ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3... and then on). I may occasionally break the system cause I'm a natural born rebel. Well here's to part two of the late Halloween special!*

I stepped out into the sunlight and smiled. All of the girls were out of sight, shopping. A low rumble sounded out, and I clutched my stomach. Boy, was I hungry. I shifted the bag in my hands and set out to find a restaurant. I walked on a bit until I came to a Subway. I stopped and checked inside to see how long the line was. As I poked my head in the door, my stomach let out another angry growl. Taking the hint, I slipped on in and headed to the counter, as there was no line. Only one person was behind the counter: an elderly woman. She looked up and a wide grin crossed her aged lips.

"Hello, young man." She said with a choppy voice most elderly spoke with. "How are you today?"

"Good morning, ma'am." I responded politely. "I'm going wonderful today. Yourself?"

"Oh, just lovely now that you showed up." She said, her face radiating like the sun. "How may I help you?"

"Oh, I'd like a spicy Italian, please. Full footlong." I said.


"Oh, sorry. Italian please."

"No, no, you're fine dear." She said. "Toasted?" I thought for a minute before shaking my head no. She placed the loaf on the cutting board and sliced it along ever so slowly. Then, she shuffled over and slid the bread over. From there, she picked up all of the meat and layered it on the sandwich. "Cheese?"

"Provolone." I said. Her shaky hand reached down and plucked out some of the cheese I had ordered. She then looked up at me expectantly when she finished. "Some lettuce, lots of banana peppers, and lathered in Italian dressing." I said, my mouth watering at the thought of it all.

"Will that be all?" She asked.

"And a peach Snapple please." I responded. She grabbed one and wrapped up my sandwich. She gave me my total, and I handed her the cash.

"Sorry for my pace. Most people don't come in because I'm not fast enough when making sandwiches. They usually jus leave because of the length I take."

"Don't worry ma'am. I fully understand." I smiled at her and dug back in my pocket. I slipped out a 20 and handed it to her. "Here is a tip." Her expression changed to display pure shock.

"No-no-no, sorry, I can't accept this-"

"No ma'am. I insist." I placed the bill on the counter and turned to leave. I stopped halfway out the door and looked back. "Have a good day." I said. I left and walked along until I found a seating area some distance away. Plopping down in a chair, I unraveled my sandwich and began to eat. After one bite, I stopped and thought about my buddies. I got up and walked over to the supermarket after I rewrapped my sandwich. I quickly searched through, looking for some pokemon food. After I made my purchase, I hurried back to my food. Thankfully, my food looked untouched. I placed down the bowls I bought for the guys and filled them all up. Once the bowls where filled, I let out my team. They all blinked upon release. "Hey guy's. Where on the mainland right now. I had to do some shopping for the Halloween party, but I decided to stop and get you guys some grub." I explained to all my pokemon. Once they spotted the food, they all looked at me thankfully. Cinder leapt into my arms and cuddled into my chest. He loved to nuzzle up to my chest, but the others where quite different. Oasis, Blade, and Shadow each gave me a thankful nod and went to eat. Sully, being a little to formal sometimes, slithered his tail up to my hand and enveloped it in an awkward handshake before sliding off to eat. Bristol, being the largest and most immature of my team, pinned me down in a bear (penguin?) hug. Cinder squealed in protest and burst into flames. Bristol, being a water type, felt nothing of it and got up to go eat. I sat up and brushed the ashes off of my shirt. Luckily, lil' Cindy didn't burn it. He licked my nose before jumping of my chest to join the others. I sighed and sat back down in my chair. I snapped open my Snapple and continued to eat my delectable sandwich. When my team was finished eating, I returned them so they could rest off their hefty meal. I was almost done with when a voice called out across the wind and filled my ears. I didn't even have to look to know that I was about to get sexually assaulted in some way.

"Hi Zac!"

"Oh, Amanda, hi." I said, waiting for my abuse. Surprisingly, by the time she reached me, she just sat down. I reached down to make sure my pants where still on. I wondered why she hasn't taken action yet, when I saw she was joined by another girl. Maybe she doesn't want to do it with someone else around.

"Zac, I'd like you to meet Valerie Porter." She said, gesturing to the girl next to her. She had copper hair that fell down her neck with two parts splitting off to flow over her shoulders (I don't know hairstyle's. Someone please tell me the hell's that called?). She was the same height as Amanda, so that was the same height as me. I kept my eyes from scanning the rest of her body, although she did have a large bust size. "She is one of you're biggest fans."

"Fans? For what?" I asked.

"Don't you remember our motion picture you so willingly filmed with Sam, Jess, and I?"

"Oh, that." I said. "Well, forget it. I'm not letting you take advantage of me again."

"I'd thought you'd say that." She said with a sigh.

"Wait, what?" I asked. "What did you do?" I yelled.

"Oh, I totally didn't sedate your sandwich while you went to the store." She said with sarcastic innocence.

"You did wha-" I said before totally blacking out and falling on the table.

"Bingo." Amanda said to Valerie. "Now, let me show you how he became a star."

15 minutes later (after a fucking satellite crashed into the house of two future super soldiers (name that reference!)) in an isolated section of the forest...

"-ust like this." Amanda said, following a wave of warm pleasure as I arose towards consciousness. I opened my eyes and peered down to see what was supplying me with the sensation. Knowing Amanda, I feared the worst. I expected to see her mouth hungrily swallow up my dick, but was surprised to see she was already mounted on me.

"Jumping to conclusions, aren't we? That's not like you Amanda." I said. She stopped her bouncing and looked at me.

"You're awake. Good, now it can be Val's turn."

"What do you mean 'turn'?" I asked.

"I didn't 'jump to conclusions'. I took you for myself because I wanted Val to experience her first time while you where awake." She explained. She smiled and lifted herself from me. Val looked at me will a mix of excitement and fear. I almost felt sympathetic for the girl. It only occurred to me now that both of them where fully nude. Val crawled up onto my waist and positioned herself over me.

"Please be gentle. It's my first time." She said. I laughed in my head, because if she was anything like Amanda, then right after her hymen is broken, she is going to break me. She lowered herself down onto me, pausing at her barrier. Amanda placed her hands on her shoulders and pushed her down, instantly ripping her hymen. She screamed a bit, but Amanda muffled it by pushing her mouth to mine, causing a surprise kiss. Val, surprised at first, quickly leaned into it. Her tongue made one swoop around my lips before penetrating into my mouth. She began to roll her hips up and down, causing her to moan in the middle if the kiss in ecstasy. She sat back up and let Amanda take residence on top of my face. I was about to ask her what she was doing when she planted her pussy in my face. She commanded me to lick, and I, afraid of the consequences of disobeying, did as instructed. Amanda moaned along with Valerie, and the two kissed each other violently. I continued to eat out Amanda, and she muffled her moans by sucking Valerie's pink nipples. Valerie could barely contain herself. Her back arced as she came, constricting my dick with her tight pussy. After her orgasm, she slid off of me and down to my cock. Amanda leaned down and went into a 69 position, with Valerie stationed between my legs. Amanda gave one clean suck before enveloping my dick with her warm, supple breasts. Val followed along and placed her tits on her corresponding side. Together, both of them titfucked me. Amanda and Val took turns dipping their heads in to suck or shared a few licks. Eventually, I felt my ejaculation coming closer and closer. The girls must have felt it too, because they sped up. The forest echoed with their tits slapping on my crotch. The two girls shared a kiss, and broke it, leaving a trail of saliva between them. I gasped quickly as I let out tick sheets of semen onto their tits and faces. They began to lick each others breasts clean when Sam walked around the corner.

"I'd love to make this a foursome, but the boats' leaving soon." She said.

"How long?" Amanda said.

"45 minutes." Sam replied.

"That's more than enough time for a few more rounds." She said as she smiled evilly at me.

"Make it a fivesome!" Jesslyn said as she popped around the corner.

There you guys go! Part two is up! Part 3 will be the end of Zac's little mini party, and 4 will be the actual costume party. Hope you all enjoyed. Also, please give me suggestions on my minecraft stories name. That'll be greatly appreciated! Now a new OC:

1. Name: Valerie Porter

2. Personality: She idolizes Zac in a way quite like Amanda. She was influenced to pursue him with Amanda after she watched a copy of the tape with her. She is forceful, but Amanda usually does that for her.

3. Physical Features: Zac's height, with copper hair that falls down her back to her shoulder blades and splits into two parts at the front that flow over her shoulder. A high C pair of breasts. Supermodel waist size.

4. Pokémon: I dunno yet...

If you want to submit an OC, then here's the guidelines:

1. Name

2. Personality

3. Physical Features (height, hair, ect.)

4. Pokémon (and names)

5. Any other details

*Hope you all enjoyed! Bye for now! *

Alright guys, here's the lowdown for the poll.

Zac's X and Y Adventures: 5

My still unnamed minecraft story: 2

GTA V Crew Chronicles: 1

Legend of The West: 0

I'll be updating my second story after I finish this, then I will go add each of the stories above in the order they are ranked. There's still time to vote, so get on it!

One week ago, I came to this godforsaken school. I didn't know what to expect, but I thought for the worst when I was told my dad wanted me to be here for physical activities, probably like football and baseball. Today was Friday, and 4 days ago I was raped and filmed by girls. "Oh, you had sex! Boohoo!" Yeah yeah, while it may seem fun, it can be tiring. When I learned I'd be doing physical activity, never in my expansive mind did I ever think that "physical activity" would be keeping 4 lustful girls preoccupied while they had their way with me. If there is one thing I was thinking now, it was this; "Sex is exhausting..."

"My turn!" Jesslyn said after she stripped down. She jumped onto my chest, squeezing a breathless 'oof' out of me. She lifted her hips and wrapped her soft hands around my semi-erect dick. Slowly, she brought her hips down, but then slammed down hard, causing her to scream rather sharply. I pondered for a moment why she seemed in pain, when I noticed blood rolling out from her lower area.

"But-but-but... Didn't you..." I jumbled out as I tried to make sense of the event unfolding before me. Jesslyn looked back down at me and a painful smile creased her lips.

"I wouldn't give you my virginity while you where unconscious." She explained.

"So you didn't have sex with me in the video?" I asked, suddenly relieved. I started to feel guilty for yelling at her.

"Oh, of course I did. Anal is just as good." She said, and winked, causing all of my sympathy to crumble back down. She kept composure for a moment, and then started to slowly wiggle her hips. Samantha slithered over and slid up to my side. Amanda did the same, but continued up to my face, until her womanhood was stationed above my face. Now threatened by four girls, I knew that absolutely no resistance could be upheld, so I did as I was told as Amanda gave the inevitable order for me to lick. Sam seemed flustered that she was beaten to it, so she joined Valerie, who was sucking Jesslyn's tits. Sam and Val switched between Jess and Amanda, sometimes turning to each other for pleasure. Jess stopped rolling her hips and gave a little moan while both Sam and Val assaulted her breasts. They sheathed their tongues after a while and began to fondle her tits, tweaking and pulling her nipples. Jess started to lift herself up and down with help from the other girls. Jess shouted erotic things while Amanda began to press down harder, causing me to have no sort of ventilation. I held my breath for a few moments, but then felt my head getting light. At first, I thought passing out would make this go quicker, but I knew that they would get revenge for that anyway. Once my lungs where emptied, I still saw no opening for breath. Her pussy caressed my lips, and my nose prodded its lowest point. I gasped hungrily for air, but my breath caused pleasure to shoot up through Amanda as it swept through her second lips. I inhaled deeply, but that caused Amanda to moan in ecstasy. After I inhaled a third time, she came while I took a fourth breath. Her warm juices flowed down my throat mid-breath, causing me to gag a bit. It did taste quite sweet, so I couldn't complain, though it would have been better if I hadn't choked on it.


Amanda finally lifted herself up a bit so I could catch a breath, but lowered herself down yet again, continuing the process. My mind drifted south as I felt Jesslyn constrict me as she came. She lifted herself after she finished and spun around. She urged Amanda to lick her while she fucked, and began to bounce on my lap again. Amanda promptly leaned forward and prodded her tongue into Jess's pussy, with her finger probing her tight asshole. Sam and Val moved over and scissored next to us. Eventually, I felt my climax approaching fast. I tensed a bit, a bead of sweat rolling down my back, as Jess sped up to ludicrous speeds (I love SpaceBalls). Samantha and Val let out increasingly erotic moans, and Amanda's pussy clamped around my tongue. The grass below Sam and Valerie dampened as they came. Amanda showered my face yet again, while Jesslyn's speedometer obviously hasn't reached its maximum speed. She pounded down with unimaginable acceleration, and I felt her tighten. She stopped at the hilt and came, gripping me even harder. I clenched my cheeks as I spewed my sticky seed into her warm honey pot. She, in turn, ejaculated her own warm juices into Amanda's waiting mouth. Jess held composure for a moment, tongue rolled out, before falling forward, dwelling in past and present pleasure. She lay on the grass until Sam squirmed over and poked at my cock.

"Aww... It was my turn too." She said with big puppy dog eyes, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was spent for the time being. Amanda and Valerie where getting dressed, so Sam joined them. As she got up, she gave me a wink. "Don't worry, my time will come." And with that, she joined the other girls. I retreated back to my own clothes and got dressed hastily. When I came back, Jesslyn was still a moaning pile lying on the ground. Amanda gave me a look and said, "Don't worry, we'll take care of it."

"Where have you be- HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT YOU!" Jamie said as I returned from my little "adventure". She ran up and grabbed my face, inspecting my ruffled hair, and my dirty shirt. "What happened! You look terrible."

"Oh, yeah, thanks. I bet everyone loves to hear that." She seemed to regret mentioning my physical status. I punched her lightly in the arm. "I'm only kidding. Don't worry about it. It's a long story."

"AJS?" She said with her usual upset face on.

"AJS_V_." I said.

"V?" She asked. "V who?"

"You know Valerie?"


"Yep." I said. She looked at me sympathetically and gave me a big hug.

"You poor, poor boy..." She then released me and whirled around. "We've got five minutes. Race you to the boat!"

"Oh no you don't!" I said, running after her. She laughed as I caught up and passed her. I spun around and ran backwards. "How's it goin'?" I asked suavely. The coolness of my act was washed away when I tripped on a rock and did a backwards roll. I spread out my hands and rolled backwards over my shoulder. I pushed off, years of martial arts paying off for my upper arm strength. Not bothering to dust off my shoulders, I took off after her.

Alrighty guys. There's chapter 7! It's short, I know, but Chapter 8 will be very, very long. I'm finishing that up, but it'll take a little while. I'll have that up hopefully soon, but I have a huge load on my shoulders. I have my Black Belt Tea Ceremony Saturday. That's when I'll get my personal black belt. The one I have now is just a hand-me-down that's temporary. Wish me luck guys! I'll need it...

Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 5

**Hi guys, sorry for the delay. I'm sorry that I did not get this up on Halloween. I had to go on vacation last weekend. My XY adventures are still a work in progress, as for my western story. Also, I am proud to announce that I will be making a story...

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Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 3

**Alright gents, here's number 3 for ya. Could you all do me a favor? Everyone who read this should leave a character. I mean, do your really think I could come up with a name for roughly 800 (slight over exaggeration) characters? Buy the way, Ding...

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Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 4

**Alright guys, I have an important update! I am in the process of writing a story for X and Y filled with adventure and lemony goodness. That'll be up sometime within the week, and my first story will also be updated. As for now, I want to write this...

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