Defenders of Evodusai Part 15A

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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Forced to be with the girls, Ritch sighed out loud as he watched

his best friend walk away with that demon of a charmander. "Oh come

on," Nyami complained. "It's only been like ten seconds and

you're already acting mopey. If you don't like our company, then

let's just go collect the stuff and be done with it." Liru stepped

in between the two. "Now hold up," she whispered to the

frustrated eevee. "I know how you feel but we've got to sort this

out." Turning towards the chikorita, Liru looked at him with soft

eyes. "Ritch, you're a part of this team now and whatever problems

that you've got becomes the entire team's problem. Just tell us about

your situation so that we can help you." Ritch backed away and

shook his head. "Just leave me and my problems alone. It isn't

affecting anyone else but me, so..."

"What do you mean it's not affecting anybody?" Liru growled.

The gentleness of her eyes sharpened into a fierce glare. "Nyami

and I are on edge because we're worried about you while Winta,

someone who doesn't get mad often, burned hotter than usual today

because of the way you acted. But the pokemon that's most affected is

your own best friend. Whenever he looks at you, there's sadness

lingering upon his face that just stays there like emotional battle

scars. So don't you go and tell me that your problems aren't

affecting anybody because if you do, then you're just a blind and

ignorant fool." Backed into a corner the chikorita was on the verge

of tears. "No... I'm hurting Mishren?" he sniffled. "Emotional damage is just as serious as physical damage," she

said crossing her arms. "If you aren't alright in the head then you

can't perform at your best. Remember when you blamed Winta's actions

for getting your buddy injured? There was no way that Mishren could

have lost to Winta in that fight unless he had some kind of handicap.

We now know what that handicap was and whose fault it was for giving

it to him." Ritch's legs failed him and he slumped to the ground

with a look of disbelief. "All these years and I didn't even notice

yet it only took you a couple of days to see. Where did you learn all

of this from?" The totodile flashed a smile. "Who else but Winta?

Even though she didn't teach me directly, you can still learn a lot

just by watching your heroes. I've learned a bunch from her when I

was still a hatchling... and now I can finally start learning from

her again after all these years." Burying his face into the ground,

Ritch thought about everything that Liru had said. "F-fine," he

mumbled. "I'll take a risk and trust in you two to help me move

forward." Standing up, he stared at Liru with hopeful eyes. "But

we still have a task to accomplish. Let's go and I can tell you as we


When I first joined Sofeda, I was originally placed in the

special attack squad. There were mixed feelings swirling around my

head when I showed up on the first day. I was happy that I had

finally managed to get in a squad this time around, but the newbie

beating tradition that this division was known for terrified me.

After getting myself mentally prepared for what was to come, I made

my way slowly to the Offensive Superiority building. It was here that

I met Mishren the mareep for the first time and he was chatting it up

with Chief Plena. The confidence in his voice was infectious and my

worries seemed to melt away when I was with him. Plena also seemed

like a nice guy as well and he gave us a grand tour of the place. By

the end of the day, I had completely forgotten about the beating

until a group of pokemon came and carried us away.

We struggled with our captors for awhile until they threw us

into an open area. Standing in the middle was a magmortar who had

surrounded the area behind him with flames. Considered to be one of

the best in the squad, he gave us one look and roared with laughter.

"The both of you look pathetically weak! It won't be fun for me if

I fought you one at a time, so come and attack me with all you've

got!" I hesitated out of caution but Mishren didn't give a second

thought and shot off a thundershock. It connected but the magmortar

roared out in amusement. "I thought I said to attack together! That

felt like a soothing massage to me!" Mishren growled in anger and

got ready to charge in but I held him back since I figured out that

it was a trap. Keeping our heads cool, we kept our distance and

observed our opponent as he kept trying to provoke us with words and

attacks that were easy to avoid. Eventually I discovered his weak

spot and told Mishren about my plan to exploit it. Together we

charged forward, barely managing to evade flamethrowers twice our

size. The air became intense for a grass type like me but I kept on

going. Jumping into the air to avoid another flamethrower became a

mistake as an ember attack made a direct hit against my body. Before

I fainted, I caught a glimpse of the magmortar's smug grin turning

sour as Mishren smote him from behind. Mishren said that he got

knocked out after making that attack and it took all the pokemon

there to stop the magmortar from going on a killing rampage. From

that point on we worked our hardest by competing multiple jobs for

our division and climbed the ranks as partners. Soon we became well

respected by our teammates and the chief decided to make us mentors.

That decision was the start of my problems. I'm not gonna mention her name, but our first and only student

was a snover who had been a big fan of ours after we rescued her.

When you get used to the hail that always seems to follows her around

inside the mystery dungeons, you'll see that see had the potential to

become one of the best. However, her big mouth soon drew unwanted

attention in the form of a mass of followers that always seems to

congregate around her at the base. She was like a role model for all

those idiots who wished that they could have been assigned to us and

they would get us trouble on a daily basis. Then one day that snover,

who had been blinded by her inflated ego, became way too

overconfident in her abilities. We were tasked to bring down an

A-ranked outlaw and managed to trap him in an open clearing somehow.

Mishren sensed danger in the area and warned us but she ignored

everything and charged in directly, triggering the monster's nest

that the thug lured us to. Her reckless behavior that day dealt

massive injuries to the team and unfortunately she... passed away.

The trauma of seeing your student's life getting snuffed out

right before your eyes was horrible enough. But when the news broke

out that she had died under our watch, the trouble rose

exponentially. All those followers that she amassed in her short two

months of glory banded together and started a hate campaign to smear

Sofeda's name. When Mishren and I were released after getting healing

treatment for two weeks, we found ourselves at war with an enemy that

can't be confronted with violence. Job offerings began to dry up and

we were constantly being attacked when we tried stepping out to

gather supplies. For some unexplained reason, all the guys would go

and physically harass Mishren while I got bullied by the females.

When I received the transfer over to the healing division, that's

when I realized how stupid the situation had become. We basically had

to endure half a year of misery and hardships just because some cocky

brat who didn't know when to shut up decided to throw her life away

for fame. Things slowly died down when those fanatics learned of my

transfer. I guess they were tired of all the fighting and were

satisfied with the outcome. Mishren continued to climb the ranks

while I sat back at base. Chief Olein did her research and found out

that my dad was a slowking. That meant that I was able to use a move

called heal pulse when I was little, but had forgotten how to use it

now.. At first I was defensive about her approaching me but her

motherly attitude tore down that barrier in an instant. It took

awhile but I was able to relearn that move under her encouragement

and taught how to masterfully control its power. After learning that

she forced me to go learn from the medicine-mon.

As he said this, the trio

found themselves in front of the medicine-mon's home. Ritch gave a

couple knocks before opening the door and motioning for the other two

to follow. The scent of various herbs lingered in the air, which

smelt more refreshing than the city air outside. Walking to an open

window facing the backyard, they saw the toxicroak tending to a well

kept garden. "Hey old man! I'm here to do some business with you!"

Ritch shouted out. Startled, the toxicroak turned and smiled. "Well

I'll be mankey's uncle. Is that you, Ritch? It's been way too long

since I last saw my favorite student. Come here so I can get a good

look at how much you've grown." The chikorita nodded and approached

the toxicroak. "Oh my," the toxicroak whispered as the chikorita

got close. "Do my eyes deceive me or do I see two young lasses

standing by my doorway? Gotten over your fear now, eh?" "It ain't

like that old man," Ritch coughed. "They're my teammates and

we're here to buy some medicine for a difficult mission." He told

the medicine-mon what he needed and motioned for Liru and Nyami to

come over. "Aside from the ingredients, the team leader also wanted

these two to learn a bit about medicinal herbs. Could you help me

teach them?" The toxicroak rubbed his chin.

"Hmmm, it depends on what you need to learn. I can give a few

pointers for free on how to search for and gather them but some of the more

complicated stuff will require enrollment fees." "We'll just take

the pointers for now," Nyami said. "But I might come back to

learn more about," Liru added. After paying for the supplies, they

got to learn about a couple of the common herbs growing throughout

the land. When if was time for them to leave, they thanked the

toxicroak for his time. "No problem, youngsters. Spreading my

knowledge to the next generation pleases my aching bones. Don't

hesitate to come back if you want to learn more, alright?" Waving

goodbye, they began their journey to meet with the others at the

farm. As they walked, Liru noticed

that Ritch seemed happier. "That's what I like to see," she

giggled. Ritched stopped, confused at her words. "Huh? What do you

like to see?" he asked. Liru poked at him. "This. The real you

who's casually strolling side by side with two girls with a smile on

his face." Realizing the situation, he coughed as his face started

to redden. "Oh. Well... I mean..." he struggled to find the right

words. "I guess talking about it really did help," Nyami smiled.

"Come on, let's see if we can beat the other team and get there

first." With that she took off with Liru trailing right behind.

Still thinking about what just happened, Ritch gave a quiet laugh and

chased after his teammates.

Defenders of Evodusai Part 16

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 14

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