The Toy

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The following story contains masturbation and anthromorphism (furries). If you don't like it, get out! If you are not of a legal age to view it, follow the guy who just left ;) By reading this, you automatically agree to take responsibility for your own actions. Enjoy.


The Toy

The young collie yawned and stretched. Today was the beginning of her very first week home alone, and so far it was proving to be quite boring. She had slept in and vaguely remembered them leaving. Her mother and father had come in to babble about all of the rules they had gone over the previous night... and the night before that... and the night before that... And then they had both kissed her above her ears and allowed her to pull the covers over her head again as they went to gather up their younger daughter and leave.

Kayla yawned again and scratched her headfur, trying to think of something to do to pass the time. A glance at the window had told her that it was raining out and she was doomed to spend her first "liberated" day at home, alone.

She had been sitting up in bed and was now noticing the slightly cool feeling in the crotch of her panties. She remembered her dream about the giraffe and his long, long tongue and blushed. Pushing the covers aside, she stood and pulled her shirt over her head, tossing it to the floor. She kicked off her panties, eager to get the dampness caused by her oversexed dreams away from her fur and flesh.

Kayla lingered a moment before the mirror, studying her rapidly changing form. Her breasts still amazed her, and she found herself testing their weight and texture in her paws. Her lower parts were changing too. The once near-invisible crease in the front of her fur had become more of a flower. The pink lips filling out in to a beautifully intriguing form, the hood of her clit easily revealed by parting some fur with her fingerpads, her own body never ceased to amaze her. The parts that her mother had, the ones she had always marveled at in the shower when she was little; she had parts like those now. It was all too exciting and a bit overwhelming for the young collie. She wondered to herself if her mother ever had the kind of dreams she often had now... the kind where you wake up to wet panties and a throbbing crotch...

She stepped in to the shower and sighed loudly as the hot water pulsated through her headfur and turned to let the water pound on her lean young back and shoulders. She took a large helping of body shampoo and began to lather her breasts, taking an extra long time to enjoy the feel of the bubbly cream gliding between her paw pads and the soft, damp fur of her large tits.

She massaged her belly and allowed her paws to creep down, circling her fingerpads on her thighs and listening to the deep resounding echo of her own breath. She turned and allowed the water to hit her breasts, stepping back from the water at the sudden pummeling pressure. Kayla used a fingerpad to stroke the hood of her clit slowly. She played with one large, wet titty and murred at the light strokes that tickled her clit as her tail wagged lazily from side to side. After a while of stroking and teasing, she forced herself to finish cleaning and then stepped out of the shower. She stood before the body blower and allowed her fur to be ruffled by the warm, synthetic wind. She spread her legs to allow her underparts to dry and lingered a bit to gaze at her own exposed pink sex, as the fur was parted by the blower.

Once she was dry, she went off to find something to stimulate her interest a bit more. Finally taking advantage of her alone time, she strutted around nude. She was in search of something, but she wasn't sure what it was just yet.

There had been times like this, when she was horny and had a few hours to herself and she had experimented a bit. She had tried different stimulations. For instance, she found that straddling the edge of the tub brushed her fur in a way that was very pleasant but not quite orgasmic. Another time she had found that her old fish tank aerator... the one that made a buzz so loud that it had to be kept in the basement... gave some interesting sensations, although the surface of it was just not shaped to fit very easily between her thighs and the cord was a bit short. She experimented a lot.

Kayla was wet again. She could feel the cool breeze playing acrossed the wetness of her pussy as she walked about the house, looking around. She was enjoying the frustrated-tickly feeling of making herself wait and not just lying on the floor and touching herself... which she had also done. She was becoming a very sexual young being.

Her eyes narrowed to slits as she stopped outside of her parents' door. Should she? What the hell. She pushed the door inward and peered in to the forbidden room. She had seen the room before, of course. But she wasn't really allowed to snoop about and that had only made the room all the more intriguing in her eyes.

She padded across the carpeting and opened a drawer. "Boxer shorts, socks... meh." She tried another. "Ties, shirts... Booooring." She pushed the drawer shut and circled the bed to try the other dresser... "Panties, panties, bras... Damn mom!" she snickered as she came acrossed a particularly risqué piece that she doubted her mother ever wore outside of the bedroom.

Kayla was beginning to think she'd end up diddling herself on the floor after all. She shut the drawer and turned to leave. There was a tiny drawer in the nightstand that separated her mother's dresser from the bed. "Let's see..." she pulled the tiny drawer opened and her eyes widened in surprise. There were condoms there. She knew all about fucking and that. She was 13 after all... but she just didn't really think about her parents having condoms. She pulled the drawer out further and her breath caught.

"Jackpot" Kayla whispered to herself. She had the internet and had seen vibrators and dildos and all those toys, but at the age of 13, she figured she had quite a while to wait before she could experience such a thing. This was indeed a pleasant surprise. She lifted the magic wand from the drawer, ceremoniously and rushed back to her room with the prize.

Kayla slammed the door and lay on her back on her bed, studying the pink plastic stick as she turned it in her paws. It was magenta colored and smooth, about 4 inches of hard plastic that tapered sort of like a candle. The end was a twisty type knob and there was an arrow that was pointed to "off". There were also numbers, 1 through 5. She turned the end to 1 and gasped as the vibrator came to life, tickling her paws and buzzing quietly.

She touched it to the tip of her finger and giggled indulgently. She was already wet again, just thinking of what this was going to feel like. She touched the slowly buzzing vibe to her pussy, laying the entire length of it along the lips. Kayla's eyelids fluttered as she bathed in the ecstasy of the new sensation for a bit. She used her fingers to roll the stick from side to side, causing her toes to flex and her tail to wag wildly.

After rolling and teasing for a bit, she began to stroke her clit like before, only using the vibrator this time. The feeling was amazing. She turned the switch up a notch and pressed her mouth shut in concentration as she stroked lightly from the base of her clit to the tip of the hood.

She traced lazy circles around her clit and up and down the length of her sex, before pushing the switch up to 3. Her pussy spasmed momentarily before again relaxing and releasing more of her juice, making her crotch fur become slick and aiding in the glide of the vibrator.

Kayla couldn't torture herself much longer. She pushed the switch up to four and her eyes rolled before she squeezed them closed and her jaw dropped. She was vaguely aware that she was panting and whimpering quietly. Her ears were forward as if concentrating on what was happening and her tail was continuing to wag between her legs.

She actually hesitated before turning the vibrator all the way up. It was an exquisite feeling but she didn't want to cum before trying the toy at full speed. She turned the switch and whined loudly as her tail trembled and her legs went straight.

Kayla's tongue lolled and her eyes fluttered opened and closed. Her body was in complete rapture, as she stroked her swollen clit and ran her paw through the white puff of fur that separated her breasts.

Before she knew it, she was clutching at the blankets and using the vibrator to draw small, fast circles on the side of her clit. She moaned and then barked as her orgasm finally shook her. Her hips began to buck towards the ceiling and her breasts jiggled as she convulsed with pleasure. She continued to stroke herself with the vibrator, riding the waves of her orgasm and feeling the involuntary clench of her inner pussy. The feeling suddenly became a bit too intense and she quickly turned the vibrator off and dropped it to the floor.

She fell asleep almost immediately, still feeling the tingle of the immense orgasm. She smiled as she drifted off to sleep; no longer worried that she would be bored at home alone.

The End

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