A Song of Heat and Confession

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#41 of Roman Life

A hot evening filled with confessions and talk

Hey everyone!

Really sorry for taking so long to post this chapter :/ I had been taken away by work, preparing for the move and maybe a tiny bit of writer block. But now here it is! Hope you will like this chapter, and that you will show that with a vote, a fave or a comment :3 Everything is appreciated!

I want to thank my love, avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou, for being always at my side. I can't wait for next week to come... Since exactly seven days rom now he will arrive here! Also, just to let you all know, on the 5th of August it will be my 25th birthday.... Just for you to know ^^

The air was especially hot that Tuesday evening, even fans didn't do much to reduce the heat. The humidity didn't help one bit, coaxing tons of sweat out of the two canines sprawled on the couch, with shirts and underwear to cover them. They probably should put some aria condizionata1in their place, but always forget to save money to do that, nor felt like it was really needed.

"Maybe I should shave my fur a bit..." Ale wondered, thinking about that proposition as he always did in summer. Not that he was ever going to do that, of course, a shaved Rottweiler would look utterly ridiculous. Plus, if Luca didn't do it with his long fur, he could do without too.

An electronic chirp attracted his attention for a split of second, though he didn't need to turn his head to know it was from the cellulare2belonging to his best friend. The canine didn't need to stretch his imagination to figure out from whom it was; that American cat had been chatting with his roommate almost non-stop, which was kinda irritating.

"So, Tyrion è in forma smagliante3!" He exclaimed, referencing to the character played by the little but awesomely talented lion that was Peter Dinklage.

"Cosa4?" The lupo mumbled while typing his answer, too engrossed in it to properly watch the show... Or listen to his friend.

"I said that Tyrion is awesome so far." The dark dog repeated, motioning to the screen where the Medieval-clothed actors were speaking. "You know, it is Game of Thrones night, where we watch and comment it?"

"Oh yeah, right. He is badass as always." Luca replied absent-mindly, putting away the phone for the moment. The rottie new that this weekly night dedicated to watching Il Trono di Spade5was a recent tradition, but he would have liked to have the complete attention from his friend, at least for the night.

"You aren't really watching, are you?" The rottie asked, pausing the TV for a moment while mentally beating himself up for using such a whiny voice.

"Wait, what? No, I am watching it!" The lupine defended himself, sounding a bit outraged that his friend was implying the contrary.

"Ah sì5? What just happened then?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking at him sternly.

"Well, Tyron did... and Cercei and... Uhm..." Luca visibly tried to mouth an answer, but it was clear he couldn't answer the question; although it was a cute display, the wolf blushing a bit with ears flicking in frustration... Ale couldn't bear to be mad at him for long.

"Va bene, amico mio6, you are tired after all... And still recovering from that accident with..." The glare he received from his roommate was enough to stop him in his tracks. The topic was still a sore wound for the lupo, and he didn't like to bring it up in any way; that wasn't as good sign, his reactions to his gentle probing, but the rottie understood he needed more time to deal with the issue.

"Plus, you might prefer talking with Edward." Ale snorted, and pushed another tasto dolente7 in the process. He cursed himself for it, but it was way too late to change the course of history now.

"What's that supposed to mean now?" The lupine asked, one brow quirked quizzically. At least it seemed he wasn't going to grill him, like he had done the day before, scolding him about revealing the kiss and such to Sara because it was too soon.

"Nothing." He tried to avoid the question and look as innocent as he could. "I think there is Daenerys next, let's go on with the episode!"

"Oh no mister, you are going to tell me now." The lupo firmly said, stealing the remoter and, in doing so, perfectly counteracting his attempt to veer away the conversation.

"Uhm, just nothing, really." The rottie said, hoping that it would be enough for the time being. He shouldn't have known better though.

"E' qualcosa di sicuro8. You are curling your upper lip when there is something on your mind." The lupine pointed out, a small smile creeping on his long muzzle.

"I do not do that." Ale denied, putting some conscious effort to uncurl his lip. "Damn, he knows me too well." He thought nervously.

"Yes you do. So, spit it out: what about Edward?" The cream-furred wolf still kept asking, wanting only the truth from him, apparently.

"Well, uhm, aren't you two texting too much? You barely know him." He finally questioned his friend with his doubts.

"Maybe, maybe not. And we are getting to know through messages, as it is natural." Luca said, missing the point of what his friend just said.

"No, I mean..." The rottie sighed, going on and telling what was really worrying him. "You are growing attached to him too fast, and we still don't know about that "girlfriend" of his and I don't want you to be hurt and... and..."

He stopped, taking deep breathes, looking at his friend and hoping he didn't make a fool of himself, blushing madly. Luckily, Luca wasn't laughing at him, just being thoughtful, or so he seemed to be.

"Uhm, how to answer to that..." The lupo mumbled, paw brought up to scratch his chin. "Well, first of all, you shouldn't worry about me so much, sono un adulto9."

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"Non ho finito10." The wolf cut off his remark, continuing talking over him. "I know perfectly the risks, and I assure you I am not attaching to him, I am keeping the distance."

The rottie snorted but kept his thoughts to himself, at least for now. He wasn't as sure as his friend that he wasn't getting close to the cougar, not with all that texting, but he knew better than voice his disagreement.

"Second, we haven't talked about that girl, I am planning to do it tomorrow, when I see him. I prefer to do it in person, not through texts." Luca numbered his second point, one full of sense too. The rottie had to begrudgingly nod, since delicate matters were better to be discussed faccia a faccia11.

"And, third, you are being jealous of Edward, and that's cute of you." The lupine grinned widely, showing all of his teeth, causing several reactions in Ale.

"What do you mea- I am not-how can I-You do mean jealous in that way!" The Rottweiler stuttered, feeling redness on his cheeks and in his ears. Surely his friend wasn't meaning that he felt jealous that he was getting to date another fur, or something!

Luca stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter, and even if it wasn't mean-willed, it still kinda hurt the rottie. He shouldn't laugh if his accusations made his best friend confused, and not giving any explanation!

"Smettila12! Explain yourself now!" He shouted, hoping that he didn't sounded whiny but just rightfully demanding.

"Sorry Ale! You were too cutely silly, and I couldn't resist." The lupine chuckled, regaining some control over his laugh.

"But were you really meaning it?" The buff restorer insisted, his ears dancing on his head madly. He didn't see why he was being cute with that, just he didn't feel like he was jealous of his friend in... any way!

"Okay. I meant that, when I said you are geloso13. But not in a romantic way, Ale." Luca explained, waving away the possibility.

"If not romantic, in what way?" The rottie questioned him further. He still couldn't see himself being jealous of his lupo, after all he wanted only happy things for him...

"Friendly way. I mean, you might be worried I would dump you as friend for Edward." The lean wolf was utterly serious when saying that, even looking at his friend straight in the eyes.

"Oh... I... see..." He reasoned on the words, ringing somewhat true. Luca was an integral part of his life, and his best friend; losing him... He didn't want to think about that more, just the implication was making him sad.

"But that isn't going to happen, ever. You will be always my best friend." The wolf hugged him tight, and even with the heat that contact made Ale feel much better. He would have liked for it to last a while, but the temperatures didn't allowed anything but the briefest of touches, so in a few seconds they were separated again.

"Inoltre14, I don't even know if he will be more than just a friend. It was just a kiss after all." The words were betrayed by a slight blush on Luca's cheeks, but he gracefully refrained from pointing out that.

"I can guess, just a kiss. Should I sleep at my parents tomorrow, in case..." The muscled dog left the rest unsaid. He would do that for his friend, leaving him free to kiss and hug and... do what gay furs do. Maybe with the dildo he had found some days before.

"I am not that kind of guy!" Luca exclaimed, scioccato15. Then, a guilty expression appeared on his muzzle. "I guess I am... kinda."

"Yeah, I remember another American cat." The rottie dryly said, not wanting to speak that name. It wasn't fair for the lynx, sure, but that name had been stained by... that other guy.

"Hai ragione16." The wolf blushed even further, avoiding to look him in the eyes, probably because of the obscene things he was thinking. There was an easy way to see if he was doing that, but hell if he would look at that part of him now!

"You have a thing for American boys it seems..." He teased him more, nudging him with his elbow and smiling.

"I guess I do, and-wait a second, why would you go to your parents? You can go to Clara's, no?" Luca rooted out the detail from his offer, looking focused on it. It was beyond the canine how he had picked that part and come out with it just then.

"I, uhm, didn't think about that on the spot?" The Rottweiler tried to explain with a logical reasoning. After all, he might come up with his parents' place before thinking about the apartment of his fidanzata17, no?

The wolf staid silent for some time, before whispering "You are curling your lip." Silence fell on both of them, with the rottie trying to find a way to cover his problems with Clara. It wouldn't be fair to... weight his friend when he was going through some hard times, and a possible date, and after all it was something he was trying to solve... right?

But nothing came out of his muzzle. He wasn't sure that he could come out with a good reason why he was curling his lip; and it was too late to shudder it off as just a tic or something. Or maybe it wasn't, maybe he could say that-

"Tutto a posto con Clara18?" The question came, blowing away any possibilities to just hide the facts, not against such a direct question.

"Yes... kinda." He tried nonetheless, not wanting to tell his shameful problem. That he wasn't man enough to do the deed with her.

"You don't sound like it is all well. What is wrong? Avete litigato19?" The lupo kept asking sensitive questions, worming his way to the truth.

"No, we haven't, don't worry." The rottie answered truthfully, his face a mask of tranquillity. They hadn't come that far yet, after all.

"But there is something wrong." Luca stated, his paw going to clutch the beefy shoulder of his friend.

"... Yeah." He finally admitted, adding quickly more words so to not make him worried. "But we are working on it, really."

"But if there is somet-" The lupo was surely going to be sympathetic and offer a great advice, but it wasn't still the time for that.

"I am not ready to talk about it with you. I want to try to solve it myself first." The buff dog swiftly cut him out. His friend opened his mouth to rebut, but then sighed, resigning to the rottie's desires.

"Even if you won't tell me what it is, can I give you un consiglio20?" The lean restorer asked, waiting for his friend to nod his agreement before carrying on. "You haven't seen Clara since last week, nor do I think you talked properly with her. Is that correct?"

"We did exchange messages and such..." Ale pointed out, but he knew that texting was hardly talking with this kind of matters, and the flattening of his ears reflected his thoughts.

"Then you should talk with her. Else, the problem won't be solved." The lupine shot his advice, adding after it a bit more, as if he foresaw the probably justification of his friend. "And I know you had been busy with me and such, but such excuse can't hold now."

"Okay... I guess I should call her now then..." He accepted the council, knowing that his roommate was right. He was kinda avoiding the German shepherd, after all, and that... had to be ended now.

"Yes, right this moment Ale! Go on!" Luca smiled at him, thumbs up as if to encourage him to do the task. That made the rottweiler regain a bit of cheerfulness as he was standing up from the couch.

"Are you sure I can leave you alone for a bit?" The darker dog heard himself said, before he could refrain from asking such a question.

"Yeah, one hundred percent sure." The other flatly responded, his attention attracted by his beeping phone, which he waved to Ale. "And see, I won't be really alone!"

That remark spiked his heart with a pang of jealousy, but he shook that off. Now that he had realize why he felt like that, it was silly of him to carry on such a behaviour. His friend might get in a relationship, so what? The rottie wouldn't lose him as his best friend, as the lupo wouldn't lose him to Clara.

Stomping out of the living room, his phone retrieved from where he had left it to charge, Ale closed the door to his bedroom behind him, cutting out the electric sounds of typing. Silence covered everything while he stared to the device in his paw, gathering the courage to speak with his girlfriend.

But what if she was mad at him? Or that his... underperformances were driving her crazy? Or was he just stupid to worry too much? That happened only twice after all... Nothing to fear. It was summer, he had been tired, and... And he should stop brooding over it and just be a man.

Hesitantly, he pushed the few buttons that would let him call his marvellous, beautiful sheppie, the number appearing on the screen along with her photo. The rottie admired the richness of color and texture of her fur, noticeable even in a small photo; staring at it, he breathed deeply before pushing the last icon, the display switching to calling mode.

Ale listened to the rings, secretly hoping that the sheppie wouldn't pick despite his resolves. Part of him didn't want to face her, even through the phone; that little part ended up being disappointed, since his ear caught the click of someone answering.

"Ale? Ale! You finally called me!" The cheerful and somewhat worried voice of his girlfriend came from the telefonino21, different feelings mixing up in his heart at hearing the familiar sound.

"Hey Clara... Yes, I am. I'm really... sorry I hadn't before. Forgive me." He rumbled to her, guilty being the foremost emotion in his heart.

"It's okay amore mio22, you had to take care of your friend after all... I perfectly understand." Clara said sympathetically. The rottie wasn't sure if she really believed that, or if she was so sweet to keep up the face. Another fur would have been full of resentment for not being talked to for days by her boyfriend... But she seemed okay.

"He doesn't seems to need my care at all... And I could have found some time for you babe..." The buff restorer apologized to her.

"Just stop that, please." She snorted, but not in a mean, exasperated way, but like she found his habits cute despite their annoying nature.

"But I could-"

"No buts. I am not a clingy girl, if my man needs some space and time to think and, most importantly, be with a traumatized friend, I give it to him." The German shepherd replied quickly, killing any more resistances and excuses.

"Thank you, Clara. Really." He murmured, understanding now that she had been selfless enough to understand he needed to brood a bit on their problems. He was so lucky to have her, so lucky.

"No need for that either." The feminine canine rebutted him. "Luca come sta23?"

"He seems to be okay. I check on him all the time, and he doesn't sound depressed." The restorer answered her, almost grateful of the relative change of subject.

"That's a good sign, in my opinion." The lawyer agreed with him, and he almost could see her nodding her pretty head too.

"Yeah. Maybe it's because he is talking a lot with that Edward too." Ale loosened up his lips. However he felt toward the cougar, he knew that the feline was distracting his friend from his problems.

"Good! Sudden romance always do that." It was silly, but he knew that she was smiling when she said that.

"Aren't you going to pester me about that?" The rottie chuckled deeply, his ears flicking in amusement.

"Su cosa24? Luca and Edward? I am not a gossiping girl mister!" She exclaimed loudly, rebuking the accusation. "Plus I prefer that we talk about it somewhere comfy. Like my apartment."

He caught the flirting tone in that offer, which made him grin broadly. "I like the idea! I can tell you everything you want about that sordid affair."

"Oh my, even sordid now?" The sheppie giggled, her voice like the chimes of silver bells to him.

"Oh yeah, and it might get even more sordid by tomorrow! With their date and all!" He added his chuckle to her giggling.

"Certamente25! Wait, do you know where they are going tomorrow? We can follow them and see how it goes from the distance!" Clara's voice reached a higher pitch for the excitement of the idea. The Rottweiler was about to call it bad but...

"Uhm..." Ale muttered, considering the mad plan of his girlfriend.


1) Air conditioning

2) Cell phone.

3) Tyrion is in great shape!

4) What!?

5) The Italian name of Game of Thrones, which refers to... The Iron Throne. Which is called the Throne of Swords in Italian ^^ So complicated.

6) It's okay/alright, my friend.

7) Sore button/point.

8) It's something for sure.

9) I am an adult now.

10) I didn't finish.

11) Face to face.

12) Stop it!

13) Jealous.

14) Furthermore.

15) Shocked.

16) You are right.

17) Girlfriend. Though the term is more close to "fiancé", it is used nowadays as a synonym of girlfriend, as the less serious "ragazza".

18) It's alright with Clara?

19) You had a fight?

20) An advice?

21) Another term for cell phone.

22) My love.

23) How is Luca?

24) About what?

25) Of course/ certainly!