Sha 2 : The Training

Story by LadyVelvet on SoFurry

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Sha 2 : The Training

The wolf woke hours later slowly as she shifted and tried to stretch out. Her hind paws hit something though and she looked to see what. The metal bars of a dog kennel greeted her and the female immediately came fully awake, recalling the previous night. She grabbed the small bars and shook them violently as she rested her back against one side and put her hind paws against the other, pushing with all her strength but the cage shook but it did not break.

Peering at it the female could see it had been welded in various places to strengthen it. Violently she hit the side with her shoulder in hopes of tipping it but the kennel would only rock. Yanking back the bedding under her she discovered it was firmly bolted to the floor. Whimpering the wolf cried out as loudly as she could, screaming until her lungs burned and she slumped against the entrapment panting from her efforts. Her thighs where coated in the semen and gel from the night before and now dry, it pulled at her fur uncomfortably.

The female looked up as the door to the room opened and the male from last night walked in. He was again dressed in neat clothing and the smell of liquor was gone from his scent.

"Please let me out, I won't tell anyone or anything but please let me go." She pleaded to him as he seemed to ignore her words. She babbled on as he moved about the room, taking a few bottles and brushes from the shelf and going into the closet to dig out various scissors and an electric hair clipper. The horse turned and without even looking at her he left the room, never once replying to her cries.

The female watched the door as she strained to here him moving beyond it but she could detect no sounds, the room really was sound proofed it seemed. Wiping a few tears from her face she leaned against the wall of the cage. Hours must have passed before he returned into the room and she looked up at him.

"Let me go...please." The small wolf asked of him but the male again disregarded her. Watching him she felt her stomach twist when he selected a collar and leash from the wall. Gripping the cage she was ready to fight him tooth and claw but he never approached her. Rather he left the room once more without ever acknowledging her. The wolf mutt sat in the dimly lit room, the small lamp on the shelf casting a weak glow as she stared at the low table where he had raped her last night. The female had been trying to make the best of her situation and had taken pleasure as she could. The fact remained that he raped her and she convinced herself firmly her enjoyment had been a cover to ease the humiliation of the action done to her.

Even more time dragged by then before and she felt a twisted of ease when the door opened again. Being left alone in such confinement was slowly beginning to torture her more then when he was present. But the stallion came back eventually with a female german shepherd on a leash, crawling after him obediently. The female ignored the imprisoned girl and simply stayed where the male stopped her and removed her leash. She was naked with the exception of a collar on her neck and she seemed perfectly fine with it. He moved around and opened the closet to pull out a few things, not worried at all about her bolting.

The dominant horse walked to the low table and motioned for the female to come to him. She obeyed and crawled over to step onto the low table. He stroked her fur and patted her head a few times as he moved behind her. The trained bitch stayed still and kept her head up and looked straight to the wall. The caged mutt watched as the male coated a vibrator much bigger than the one he had used on her last night in a gel. Once he had it smeared evenly he lifted the female's tail and sank it into her backside. The shepherd stiffened at it pushed into her anus but she otherwise made no acknowledgment of it. The horse patted her rump and then used the same straps he did last night to secure the toy into her tail hole.

"Good girl, Clo." he told the female as he pet her head like a common animal and she wagged her tail in return. Easily he dropped a hand and rubbed her backside a few times before he slid down over her warm cunt. The horse chuckled as he began to finger the canine in front of him.

"Your soaked already." he teased and the female started to bark in return. The animal sounds made the canine in the cage shiver as she watched the other act completely like a trained beast.

"Easy girl." the equine commanded lightly and she went quiet under him as he pulled his fingers free.

"Now I want you to do what you've been taught to." He spoke lightly and walked over to reach up to a shelf and pull a dog dish down. Placing it on the floor he patted the female's head and she yipped and barked for him while her tail wagged.

"You show this new one how to behave now." the horse commanded in a light voice as he patted her head a few more times before backing away to undo his pants. Stripping down he folded his

clothing and put them up before rounding the bitch, who waited patiently.

"Make me ready."

The caged girl watched as Clo reached up with a paw and wrapped it around the male's semihard member. Using firm fast strokes she coaxed the cock to stiffen more and it spurted pre cum over her fingers.

"Why are you doing this?" the wolf mix asked but the female seemed not to hear her as she began to try and lick at the dick in her paw.

"No talking." The equine reminded the imprisoned girl sharply as the other female stroked him until he was hard.

"Drop." He told the collared female and she obey, dropping her hand and waiting on all fours as he walked around to kneel behind her. The female's tail immediately slid to one side in invitation. Gripping her hip the stallion took his meat in the other and guided it to the warm wet hole. Rubbing along it a few times he grunted and began to push into her. With all her had to do tonight he knew better then to take up to much time with the broken bitch.

The tip brushed her puffy lips and when it sank into the drooling hole the horse grunted again and gripped her hips tightly with both hands. The cock disappeared into the female as she moaned out. Her body lurched forward viciously and was yanked back by the equine's hold on her middle as he immediately fucked her furiously. The stallion pounded into her with a vicious instinct to drive as deep as he could.

Clo began to cry out and her breath became hitched as she was used by her master, long ago she lost any will to not enjoy whatever he did to her. The female let her front sink down as her ass held itself high for him to hammer into her. Wet sloppy sounds burst forth as the wolf observing them could see cum running down her thighs already. The shepherd rested her chin on the floor as she pushed the dog bowl between her thighs. Angling herself she made it so the spunk dripping each time he pulled back fell into the bowl.

"Good girl, Clo. You know not to waste the seed." He gritted, trying to remain calm even as pleasure jolted from his cock with each spurt. Being an equine, he would have small releases over and over before a vicious climax to finish.

Groaning with obvious pleasure she let her master fuck her furiously, he pumped away and Clo was rocked by the thrusts over and over. Her cries grew louder as the horse humped with more enthusiasm and something began to come to a head. The dominate male panted as the bitch under him moaned loudly and jerked back under him. Roughly he kept fucking the female until his cock began to pulse and a real orgasm began to come to a furious head.

"Good bitch! Climax!" was his snarled command as the female under him whimpered and shuddered. Her hips lifting higher as she pumped back at him, doing her best to obey and release for him. Gripping the carpet in her claws she hissed and her ears fell flat as she felt her body answering her master. Crying out she moaned and withered under him as he slammed away.

Gripping her fur the stallion shouted once and his hips lost their rhythm. Grinding himself against her ass, he jerked and his twisted in an spasm as he felt a fast climax over take his body. Panting hard he leaned over the smaller female for a moment before returning to himself. Doing his best to stay in control he quickly recovered and pulled free from the female, moving away from the breathless bitch.

"Very good Clo, I hope our new little bitch learned something." he spoke as he moved to pet the female's head. The canine raised her head and yip at her master with pleasure her tail wagging slightly.

"Let's take a look." the horse said as he moved to grab her tail and lift it high and examine her used slit. Already milky jizz was oozing from her and her watched a fat gob come free and fall into the dog dish.

"Very nice, well done Clo." came the praise that the shepherd seemed happy to hear.

"What are you going to do with me?" The small wolf asked, shaken by the horrid act, but the male ignored her as she shifted in the cage. Her body was sore from being cramped up and her stomach was hungry. The stirring in her groin alerted her she needed to use the bathroom as well.

"Please answer me." she whispered desperately but the male disregarded her still.

"Up girl!" he told the other canine female and she quickly scrambled to obey, pushing her tired form from the floor to sit up on her knees, her arms held like a feral dog would.

Reaching a hand down the caged canine watched him cup and then finger the girl, coaxing out more of the seed at it slowly seeped out and down, dripping into the bowl mainly.

"More" was the simple order as he slid his fingers free and whipped them on the fur of her thigh. Quickly she used her own paw to work more out and squatted over the dish, doing her best to get the semen from her into it. Turning from her the horse wiped himself clean and then redressed.

In her confinement the female shivered as the male moved to kneel on one knee and pressed at the small circles in the floor. The little metal rings spun around and latches where presented as he snapped rings to hold them up in place. Taking a stick he had pulled from the closet he used it to hook similar latches on the ceiling to long dangling chains.

Walking to her cage he watched her press as far as she could from him and he reaching into his shirt to pull a chain around his neck out. Undoing the clasp he slid a key off and opened the top of her cage. He slid it off its clamps and lifted the entire top off.

"Are you going to be good and come out on your own?" he asked and the female sobbed but shakily rose to step out. The mixed wolf knew he was going to tie her up and rape her but her body ached too much from being scrunched up for her to stay in. Her joints popped and cracked as she stood free. The male put his hand on her shoulders and pushed her down to the floor. She tried to fight it briefly but then allowed him to push her down into a kneeling position. She did not know what else to do but obey the master of this world she was trapped in.

"Good girl bitch." he praised her and patter her head before stepping back. He watched her as he moved away and she knew he was testing her. Staying still she let her tears fall as he fetched her a leash. The horse walked back and snapped it onto her collar as he tugged it gently forcing her to her hands and knees. The female crawled after him as he opened the door and led her out of the room. Walking her down the hall way he stopped and pushed open a door to a bathroom. Leading her to the toilet and reached under her arms to lift her and moved her around so she sat on it and stood he before her holding the leash still.

"Do your business or hold it until tomorrow night." came the firm words and she hiccupped from her tears as she obeyed the male, humiliated more than she ever had has a homeless anthro. The male reached for some toilet paper and gave it to her and she wiped herself.

"Very good sweetie." he told her as he tugged her collar and she stood up her paw reaching back to flush the handle of the toilet.

"Smart too." the horse praised as he led her to the bath tub and helped her step into it. A small towel holder seemed innocent but as he tied her leash to it she was sure it was much stronger then it looked. Sitting in the wide spacious tube she watched him turn on the water.

"You're doing very good now, much better than earlier. Feral dogs only yip and bark unless told to speak.' He said to her as warm water filled the tub slowly.

"You're a little feral bitch now dear, remember that." came the subtle words as he began to scoop water and sop it into her fur. The tube filled up high as he let her lay back in the hot soothing water. Lifting her left leg he poured some shampoo on her and scrubbed her body gently. The wolf bit her lip as her sore muscles melted under his kind hands. She let him lead her as he did the other leg and then had her stand so he could scrub her cum smeared thighs and work the mess out of her. He paid little attention to her sex as he washed her tail and back. After doing her sides and stomach he let her sink back into the comforting water. Making quick work of her arms and carefully doing her face her used a different gel to cleanse her hair. The water was darkened with the dirt from her unkempt body as she leaned into the fingers of the male, the touch making her feel pure heaven. He rinsed her hair out and slid her collar off to do her neck before placing it back on.

"The water feels very good doesn't it? Nod in answer." he spoke and the female obeyed giving a little bob of her head.

"I'll tell you what, if you do something for me I'll let you stay in there a little longer." the horse offered and the mutt hesitated before nodding her head, her eyes cast down at the water.

"Good girl. I want you to do a trick and speak for me. Say 'I'm a feral bitch' for me." she bit her lip as he spoke and she looked down at the warm water. All the shelters had shower stalls and the chance of a rape usually kept her from them until she smelt her worst. When she had to she showered quickly and moved as fast as she could. The hot bath was already so rare and it felt so good on her tense body. Tears splashed the water as she nodded her head once and sucked down her sob.

"Aright then speak bitch, speak!" He commanded like he would with a common pet.

".....I'm....I..I'm a....bitch." she whispered hoarsely as her weak pride crumbled and humiliation set in at the degrading words.

"Come on now say it right." the horse told her in a firm tone.

"...I'm a f..feral...bitch." She sobbed as she cried but sat in the warm water.

"Very good, your such a smart girl." He praised as he undid her leash and forced her to stand up.

"But you said-"she began but he gave her a whap on the snout sharply.

"Bad girl" The horse scolded her as he pulled the drain out let the water go down the pipe. Forcing her to step out he cleaned the tub of her dirt while keeping a hand on her leash at all times. Finally he put the drain back in and refilled the tub with streaming hot water. The wolf moved to step back in but he tugged her leash sharply.

"You spoke without permission." came the low reminder and her ears fell flat to her skull.

"Bark for me and you can go in." he said and she felt tears trickle down her face as she whimpered.

"Do it and you can get right back in that nice hot water." the horse coaxed and grinned as she obey him weakly making the noise as her spirit broke at the demeaning sounds.

"There you go." He told her as he let her step back into the tub and sink into the water. The male wrapped her leash around the towel handle once more and this time he placed a small key lock through it. Fastening it together, he then slipped the key out and put it into his pocket.

"Be good and you'll get a good dinner." came the soft promise as he left the room with the door still wide open. She did not bother to pull on the leash as she knew she the bar was strong enough to hold her by the fact he had left the room. Her fingers wandered to the clasp on her collar but she found the mechanism impossible to undo without knowing beforehand how to and after a while of struggling she dropped her paws and sank into the hot water. He checked in on her every few minutes and was pleased to see her simple lying in the bath tub without a fuss.

"You where screaming all morning so you missed your breakfast and lunch but you've been good tonight so you'll get dinner." he announced as she realized she was very hungry.

The male helped her from the tub and rubbed a fluffy soft towel over her dripping fur. He quickly worked her until she was only damp and then had her go on her hands and knees. Undoing the leash from the bar he led her into the kitchen and picked her up. Placing her on the island and securing her leash to the rail there. Speaking softly he laid various clippers and scissors out on the counter across from her. The female did not cry as he clipped and cut her fur, blow drying her as he brushed her fur out into a silk state. An hour or so passed before he stepped back and seemed pleased with her. Running a paw over her now smooth back he grinned at the prize before him. Cleaning up the mess he helped her to the floor after undoing her leash from the rail.

"I bet you're hungry huh?" he asked while he pulled out a set of dog dishes from the fridge and placed them into the microwave. The delicious smell of food filled the air and her mouth watered while her belly rumbled.

"You want this?" he inquired when he took one of the dishes out, showing her what was in it. A mixture of mashed potatoes and gravy where topped with bits of corn and then steak cut into bite sized pieces. The female opened her mouth but then snapped it shut. Swallowing her pride down she nodded her head rather than speaking.

"Then drink this down first." the horse direct as he presented her with the other bowl. The wolf felt her eyes blur with tears at the sight of the white sticky fluid of a male's seed. Staring at the dish she realized it was the one from last night. Looking up at him tears tracked down her face but he was unmoved. Leaning down he placed the dish before her on the floor.

"Lap it up bitch or you'll go hungry." he warned her and smirked as she dropped her head and parted her lips. Crying hard she let her tongue sink into the warm liquid. It tasted nothing like his semen last night and she peered at it had she lapped it up slowly.

"It's mixed with vitamins and nutrients you need sweetie, and some pills to keep you from getting pregnant, you're not being bred quiet yet." he clarified the flavour to her as he watched her drink his old spunk down. He also added herbs to assure it tasted pleasant to her to help coax her to accept her status as a cum drinker.

"Every day you'll fuck and suck and fill up dishes. When you eat you'll have to drink it down before I give you the good stuff. The more jizz you get into the dish each night the more and better quality food you'll get to eat." the horse explained to her as she drank from the bowl until it was empty, licking the sides as she cleaned the dish when he commanded.

Patting her head in reward he put down her other dish and let the bitch eat her dinner up before taking her back to the room. The female was still sitting up, her pussy angled over her dish as she stayed exactly where she had been left. Once they where back in the room the wolf began to pull on her leash and the equine frowned down at her.

"Your doing so good today little bitch, don't make things worse for yourself." came the stern voice. The horse tried to patiently coax her to stay still but she scrambled from the male. With a sigh of annoyance he tied her leash to a hook and reached for the cuffs he had put aside earlier.

The wolf gave little fight as he cuffed her ankles but when he dragged to the center of the room she fought him more insistently. But the horse over powered the light weighted bitch and clamped the leather cuffs on her ankles to the ropes hanging from the ceiling, her lower body was held up as her shoulders stayed on the ground. The female sobbed but did not speak as she watched the male. He caught first one and then the other wrist of the female and cuffed her to the small rings on the floor.

Stepping back he frowned at her before going to the closet. Reaching down he tugged a small bench out and moved it to her. Lifting her up by the hair she was forced to use her arms to help him or have her hair yanked painfully. The horse slid the bench under her lower back and she was held up by it. Her legs where spread wide and the cuffs kept her from closing them as the male placed the dog bowl on the floor under her.

"Time to break you in." the horse told her as he patted her head once and moved back.

Kneeling between her spread thighs he cupped her little pussy at squeezed the warm flesh. Gently he pushed a finger at her slit and sank into her warm hole, his palm rubbing her little clit as her moved, slipping more and more of his finger into her. Each action made her body shiver as her small slit began to drool with moisture that confused her. She could not be enjoy it, liking the males terrible actions.

Chuckling he kept up the touching before reaching back to retrieve a vibrator. Turning on the toy he ran it along her thigh and she jumped at the electric motions on her fur. Lazily he took his time, moving closer to her slit, circling her pussy and then gently running it over her clit. She panted and twisted in her binding but her hole grew steadily wetter.

"My my, you seem to like the idea of being raped." He murmured to her as he pushed the tip into her eager slit. Without fight the humming toy slipped into her body. Pushing it to the hilt her pumped into her a few times before letting it slid out.

"What an eager little bitch you really are." He grunted as he went back to teasing her clit, pushing the toy against the nerves until she fought. Over and over he kept pushing the toy against her, making her clit sore with oversensitivity as she gasped and shuddered. Finally her lifted the toy from her squirming body and turned it off. Standing, he quickly undressed once more and went to find a cock ring. Walking back to the bound female he slid the small vibrator along his stiff meat.

"Time to have another taste." The stallion smirked as her knelt at her spread thighs. Holding his erection he ran it along her sore clit and watched her jerk and shiver. The canine was looking away, trying to ignore him but her body was over sensitive and aware of him completely.

And the male knew that.

Smirking still her ran his thumb along her poor clit as he pressed his erection to her moist hole. The canine was tight, more so then Clo, she was a petite female to begin with and clearly had very little sex. Now he was enjoying that fact as he pushed himself into her in one long but not overly rough motion.

The bitch felt him find her opening and tried to dislodge him by shaking herself but he simply lunged forward into her even more. The full length slid into her and she screamed as the horse began to pound furiously without let up. Using her as the other bitch had been used earlier, she felt the too hot cock cause friction between her legs and more moisture in her started to answer the ramming. He snatch was steadily getting wet and the cum shooting from his shaft gave him the slippery movement he needed to slam into her over and over. The stallion slammed into her without care as he did what the animal in him said to do, fuck the bitch full of seed. Hanging in her binding the broken mutt let her body rock with forceful stokes of the male who would be her master. Her tears dried up as she looked down and watched the member of the horse disappear into her pussy with sickening fascination. Her walls began to grip him as he rode the bitch eagerly. Panting above her he stared down at the tiny mutt, her miss matched eyes beginning to look confused

"You like it." the equine commented as the wolf bit her lip and looked away. Reaching out without stopping the stallion grabbed a small remote and clicked a button once. A camera flashed and the female shivered at the horse took photos of them, his cock ramming into her soaked slit with rough motions.

"Speak girl! Tell me you like my dick." the horse commanded abruptly and the bouncing female whimpered even as her hips thrust back towards the male on her.

"Tell me or you'll get it in your tail hole." the threat made her moan and she felt shame flood her body as she felt real pleasure beginning to come with ever thrust of the horse above her.

" it...." she whispered finally and the male laughed harshly, reaching to undo her wrists then place them around his neck. Leaning over her he felt her fur rub along his chest as she arched her small breasts into his chest. Obediently she hugged him like a lover as he smashed himself at her. Never once did he let up and she gasped as the feeling of his throbbing began to make itself known. The canine could barely feel the spurts of seed before but now they where getting stronger.

"Tell me, tell your master you like it, say it little bitch." came the low rough voice in her ear as she lunged forward with every shove of his hips.

"....I like your...c.cock." the female told the him as her eyes shut tightly and her ears went low.

"Keep talking." the horse instructed as he grunted and began to let more of his weight hit her with each thrust.

Holding the warm lurching body to her as she panted and moaned the female felt her body quiver in delightful pleasure of the lewd act. Confused and scared she let the good feelings come forward. Trembling she clung to the male as she swallowed and spoke again.

"Please do feels so so good..." the bitch said as he kept pounding away at her, the vein covered cock slipping from her with wet sounds before he slapped it back into her. The balls of the stallion spanked her ass with every motion and she arched into the feeling of depravation.

"That's it...more.....push it in..." the sweet tone of her voice was twisted with vulgar words as her cries grew louder. The throbbing was getting stronger and the horse had to fuck her even harder to pull back out and sink back in. More and more the canine could not tell if it was his thick meat pulsing or her own quivering body.

"Do it...please do me.....push it in deep!......." she cried as the horse managed to reach back to undo one of her legs and she slid it around the his back immediately as she hugged him to her, jerking under the male as the hot dick sank in deep and semen kept spurting into her. The spunk was thick and it gave her a jolt every time he shot into her. Grasping the hard muscle of his shoulders she cried out and her body humped back at him as a orgasm began in her loins.

"Do me! Do it...." exclaimed the lost female as she moaned out and lifted her hips for the pulsing meat to stab into her once more. The stallion's cock buried as far as possible into her and the horse snarled as her wall clamped down on him. The bitch under him screamed out as her climaxing muscles compressed his meat and the shaft in her began to hose out cum. The hot jizz filled her womb as she jerked and twisted under the male. Shivering she sucked in deep breaths as she laid under the horse, her body used. The canine's arms slipped down as she lost herself and simply tried to breath. The male laid on her for a long moment before he slowly pulled back to look down at her, the flash of the camera still going.

"You're a feral bitch now." The horse told her as she forced her head to face him. She lay there limply, silent tears slipping as her pride gave way and her body milked the male in her for more seed. Endless minutes dragged by as she was left on display for the camera to shot pictures of her until he moved back and slid free from her slit, the hole sucking the softening cock until the tip came out with a slurp.

"You did well bitch." he congratulated her as she sobbed weakly.

"Now tell me you're a feral bitch again and I won't do your ass." came the easy direction that made her shoulders shake.

"Speak!" he called out and the wolf mix whimpered.

"...I'm a feral bitch." She whispered without the same trouble as before and the words sank into her, labelling her.

"Yes you are." he said as the male stroked himself lazily, watching her as he took the camera from the stand in his free hand and took different angles of her spread body, the canine did not try to hide herself. Snapping shots of her he took his time and carefully stroked himself until he was getting hard again. Setting the camera on the tripod he flipped it to video mode and moved back to the female still on the bench with her left leg dangling from the rope on the roof.

"You're a what?" the male pushed at her, watching her break as he moved his prick back to her sore pussy. The female moaned but repeated the words as the horse laughed and slid into her.

"Say it over and over." he told her as he began to slam at her with the same furious thrusts as before. His fingers bit into her hips as he yanked her into every single shove.

"I'm a feral bitch, I'm a feral bitch, I'm a feral bitch." She chanted out with shame as the horse pounded at her and she wrapped her free leg around his hips. The friction of his cock was starting to feel good and the male slid a hand over her mound to pinch her clit.

"You like this don't you bitch." He asked and she barely hesitated before nodding her head to the male.

"You like being a bitch, you're a feral bitch and you love it right?" the equine gripped her muzzle and forced the crying female to look at him. She whimpered as he body bounced with his rough slams but she nodded her head again.

"Say it then, say I'm a feral bitch and I love it.'" the rough words spilled out as he leaned back to grip her better and started to really jab at her, grinding his hips into her as horse cum spurted from the tip of his cock. Slimy sounds filled the room with the slapping of their flesh and her own lusty moans.

"Say it!" he barked out as he gripped her legs in a tight hold to keep her still for every harsh lunge of his body. The wolf under him wiggled and lifted herself rolling her hips as she enjoyed her degradation.

"..I'm a feral bitch and...I love it!" she cried out as her walls clamped on the meat in her. The horse quickly reached to pinch and rub her clit as he rode her body. The little hole gripped and rippled around his cock and he grunted as his own climax blindsided him suddenly. He pulled the bitch against him as he fell forward and shouted into her neck, her limbs wrapping around him save her left leg which still dangled from the ceiling.

The dick in her quivered and the bulbous end went fat and throbbed before it shot her full of seed at an incredible rate. It felt like the horse was pissing in her almost as his thick semen hosed into her while he ground himself at her. It was different from his previous release, the stallion was for a brief moment not in control at all.

She clutched him to her as her hips shoved and jerked while another beautiful high over came her, the pleasure in her pussy over powering everything else for a few blissful moments. The equine slumped on her as he panted harshly and the dazed female lay limply below him.

Sitting up he lifted himself off her slowly as he gazed down at the amazing female. Moving back he had to pull her leg from his hip as she did not want him to leave her. She whimpered weakly as he gently made her drop her leg and he slid from her snatch. Cum dribbled down her ass and he watched the head come out with another slurping sound as the pussy tried to keep it in her. The seed came forward and ran out in a steady stream as he sat back to watch it. His thumb brushed her clit and the female's body twitched at the electric touch as she laid spread out and uncaring any longer.

He had never lost it with a pet before this moment, always able to stay in control of himself. Still panting lightly he looked at her stretched cunt with a sense of awe. The female was the best he had ever had, no highly trained bitch or expensive lover had ever been so damn good. The horse had been training females for nearly a decade now and was experienced in sex. The psychology graduate had taken interest in the minds of females from a young age and his first few girlfriends had suffered through his experiments. Now he was a professional underground trainer and seller of high quality females. But all of that had not stopped his from rutting her like any male would have and losing his restraint in her tight sheath.

Her tears still marked her face but they no longer fell and he knew she was broken now. The aphrodisiac in the semen she had drank earlier made her enjoy the rape and she had taken him. In her mind she would be unable to justify the pleasure or her actions and she would give into her new role.

The other female Clo was watching them with wide eyes and he staggered back to his feet. Taking her by the leash he led her out as he left the stunned female laying on the bench and put the other pet away in her kennel for the night. He'd take her back to the pet shop tomorrow morning when he went to open up for the day.

Returning to the bitch he helped her squat over the dish and she filled it up before falling limply in his arms, unable to hold herself up anymore. Petting her with a softer hand then usual he took her to the tub and cleaned her body before drying her off gently. Placing her in her kennel he covered her up and watched her fall into a heavy slumber as he locked her in with shaky fingers. He cleaned up the training room hastily and put everything away before turning the light out and staggering to his own room to sleep, utterly worn out by the night's episode.

The female woke in the deep hours of the night and she shifted in her cage as she tried to stretch out. Her legs hit the metal wire and she kicked at it in annoyance. A small thud made her ears perk and she lifted her head to look at a familiar lock on the floor. Blinking in her sleep she looked up and realized her master had not secured the top properly. Reaching out a paw she watched as the wire lifted for her and she stood up and left her kennel. Dropping the lid quietly she looked around and listened for any sounds.. Stepping with soft movements she opened the door inch by agonizing inch to make no noise. With her back pressed to the wall she walked on the edges of the floor which where lesser used and did not creak. With excruciatingly slow movements she made her way to the door that sat ajar down the hall way. A figure was resting on a large bed under dark covers and she peeked at him. Looking past the door and down the hall she saw the backdoor of the house and stared at it before looking back to male.

Pushing the door to the room slowly open wider to slid in she entered and froze when the floor creaked under her. Watching the male in the bed he did not move and she pressed on gradually, watching the horse that had raped her and filmed it. Standing over the bed she gazed down at him before looking around, her eyes tracing a desk pushed into the corner of the room. On top of it was a single long blade, a letter opened she guessed as mail was under it. The side of the long narrow metal gleamed in the faint light of the bathroom light he had left on. Cocking her head she studied it and then looked back to the male still sleeping unaware. Walking towards it her finger brushed the instrument of revenge and she looked passed it at the small letter beneath it. Squinting in the dark she read the name of her captor, Kallan Miram.

The bed moved as her weight settled on it and she held still when he shifted in his rest. When he did not wake she crawled closer to him, her eyes staring at his closed ones as she inched towards him. Carefully lifting the blankets she found him nude and her eyes looked at his flaccid cock as she slid under the warm soft blankets. Looking at the male she stretched her legs out fitfully and rested her chin on the pillow. Resting her eyes once more she fully expected this male to punish her in the morning.

The wolf mixed mutt had been a prostitute's daughter and never knew her father. The entire life she had lived had been from one meal to the next and always on the run. The everyday workers of the world had looked down on her and falling to the last few feet that Kallan had pushed her had been easier than it should have.

It did not mean she was going to let him rule her completely but the wolf could play the part he wanted she decided. Being dominated was in her instincts and not being beaten was a rare treat for her. Snuggling into the warm bed she chose her new home and was pleased to find herself off the streets for once. Whatever she became in this warm house under the horse's rule she was at least better off here then alone in the wind outside.