Gaining Understanding

Story by Thorn Blackbriar on SoFurry

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#2 of Gain And Loss

Wow. That's really all I can say to the attention that this story got. I really didn't think it was going to generate all that much interest, though I'm certainly glad it did. If I haven't already done so on your shout boxes, many thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, rated, faved, and/or watched me so far. This story was originally supposed to be a one-shot, but since people seemed interested I thought I'd try taking it a bit further. Hope you all enjoy.


"Not quite." Thorn corrected the young feline he was working with. "Like this." He nudged the cub's footpaw slightly with his own until it had reached the proper stance. "Good." The wolf smiled at his student and patted her head softly in reward of maintaining the possition. "It's called a Cat Stance, you'll probably adapt to it in no time."

He stepped back to observe the rest of the class that he was teaching, making subtle corrections here and there or dealing out push-ups as punishment to those who were goofing off. Although most of his attention was on the cubs, he kept scanning the periphery of his vision in search of Sam. It had been a few hours since Cads' mother had come to pick him up, but there was no sign of the other rabbit's return. A small frown curled his lips as he wondered if he had read too much into things.

Thorn could see Kameg working with the other half of the class on the opposite side of the training hall, and his students were far worse for wear then the wolf's students. Thorn frowned deeply at this, knowing he didn't have the rank in the do jang to question Kameg, but not agreeing with the reasons behind why the falcon was pushing so hard today. He sighed slightly as he remembered he couldn't even broach the topic to the avian as Thorn himself wasn't really supposed to know about it. "Nothing to be done about it for now." He muttered under his breath. Looking to the single clock at the front of the room he saw that class was soon to end and waved a paw at Kameg to catch his attention. Only when he was sure that the falcon had acknowledged him did he order his students to begin cool down and line up.

Thorn stood off to the side as Kameg dismissed the class, as was his right as the senior belt holder. As the cubs began to clear the floor he moved to help his friend in cleaning up the sparring and training gear. "You alright bud? You seem off today." He asked in a hushed tone. The wolf had initially thought to toy with the avian, but seeing his treatment of the students changed his mind. Kameg was clearly upset by the events of the previous night and Thorn owed it to him to try and help him work it out.

"Just a bad night Thorn." The falcon clipped curtly. "A bad night I'd rather not think about."

"Come on Kameg." Thorn pushed a little more, trying to get his friend to open up. "I've never seen you that rough on the cubs. Something must have happened after I left the Vic last night."

"Drop it mutt." The bird warned. "I don't want to talk about it."

The wolf sighed and nodded his head. "All right. My ears are up if you change your mind though." As they stored the gear away he could see that Kameg's feathers were still quite ruffled. "I'll finish up here." He offered. "Why don't you go catch a shower?"

Kameg nodded slightly, almost absent-mindedly. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea..." He walked off slowly to the locker room, his thoughts scattered in a million directions at once.

"You've found your focus while he seems to have lost his."

Thorn jumped as he heard the voice behind him and turned to bow quickly. "Master?" He took a quick breath to try and calm him. It didn't seem to matter how sensitive the wolf's ears or nose was, the dragon always seemed to be able to get the jump on him.

The silver dragon nodded his head in return of the bow. "He is distracted." His scales shimmered in the light as he looked at the closed locker room door. "Do you know why?"

"I...have my suspicions Master." Thorn hesitated to answer, torn between his loyalty to his teacher and his friend.

The older male smiled and nodded, as if sensing the wolf's unease. "I'll leave it in your care for now then." He turned and began to head for the door. "But you will include me if need be, yes?"

"O-of course Master." Thorn bowed and held that until he heard the door chime signal that the dragon had left the building. As he rose he scratched at his neck fur with his claws. "What the hell am I doing?"

He asked of himself in a displeased tone. "I got enough stuff on my own plate for now." He looked over at the locker room door again and shook his head, knowing both he and Kameg needed a bit of time alone for now. Facing the mirrors he began to shadow spar, losing himself in the flow of motion.

"Hey! Thorn!"

The wolf stopped suddenly as he heard the falcon's voice. "Kameg? What's up?"

"You've been at it for almost an hour dude." The falcon leaned against one of the support beams to the side of the training hall, dressing in a pair of black dress slacks and deep red-brown button down shirt. "And that's just what I watched, never mind how long you started before I came out." He pushed off the beam and walked quietly across the room. "You look good though. The transitions are the best I've seen from you in months."

"Guess I'm not thinking about it as much." The wolf shrugged his shoulders. His ears pressed flat against his head as Kameg passed him and headed for the door, having expected a playful jab or a come back remark. "I was thinking about going over to the Vic later." He threw out as a last resort. "Feel like joining me for a beer?"

Kameg paused at the door, but didn't turn around to face Thorn. "Some other time maybe. Place has kind of lost the allure to me, you know?"

"Yeah..." Thorn nodded as he watched his team mate leave without another word. "Some other time." He clasped his paws at the back of his neck and turned for the locker room, growling softly. "Guess there is something I hate more than failing..." He threw his uniform onto the floor not caring where it fell as he got in the shower. One of his paws rose up and curled into a fist to lightly punch the shower wall as he cursed his inability to help out his friend. After his quick soak he grabbed his spare cloths from his locker he headed for the exit and began to lock the doors. A small smile turned his lips as his nose twitched, filling with the scent he had waited for all day.


The wolf turned and nodded lightly at the rabbit that stood before him. The lapine still wore his blue jeans, but he had changed the shirt, wearing a much tighter cut yellow shirt with swirled red pattern about it. "Hey Sam." He paused and scratched at his muzzle a little bit in thought. "Or...would you rather I call you Samantha?"

Sam shook his head as he took in the wolf, as he had only seen him in low light conditions up until now. "No, Sam is fine. I only use Samantha when I'm, you know, dressed for it." The image of the taller wolf, dressed in blue jeans, white t-shirt, and a navy blue button down worn open as an over shirt, made the little rabbit's stomach knot a little despite his nervousness. "I was wondering if we could talk?"

"Yeah, I think that would be a good start." He nodded towards his car. "I was thinking of getting something to eat. You hungry?"

"A little." The lapine admitted. "Where were you going to go?"

The canine paused as he sat down and started the car. "Right...need a place that has some options for herbivores too don't we?" He laughed nervously as Sam sat down across from him. "Never had to think about that before." He continued to think and his ears perked as he got an idea. At the same time Sam lifted his head as he reached a conclusion.

The two males turned to face each other. "McDrachen's?" They stated at the same time. They both stopped as they heard the other come up with the same restaurant, then smiled. A moment later they were both laughing at the fact they resorted to the same fast food eatery.

"So..." Thorn began as he began to drive. "You didn't come by to pick up your brother."

Sam shook his head. "Sorry, I had to use the time to wash my clothes and put them back in my sister's room." He sighed. "But, I think I'm going to have to buy a new shirt to replace the one I borrowed."

Thorn blinked. "Why? Just wash it and it's all good right?"

"Not quite." Sam looked down into his lap in embarrassment. "I, uh, dribbled quite a bit when I was, um, blowing you last night." He rubbed at his chin nervously. "Didn't realize it at the time but I got a lot on the shirt." The lapine laughed lightly as he saw the confused look on Thorn's face. "It still smelled like wolf cum after washing twice and hitting it with de-scenter."

"Oh." Thorn nodded, then his eyes went wide and he dragged out another long oh'. "I see. Sorry about that."

Sam chuckled as he saw the look of understanding on the wolf's face. "Not your fault. I didn't believe Val about how much canine's were able to, um, produce. I guess I got caught by surprise."

"Val?" Thorn looked side long at Sam. "One of your friends from last night?" His brow furrowed a moment. "Is, sorry. Not sure how to address anyone right now."

"It's ok." Sam assured him. "Val was the vixen I was with, and yes she's a femme. Toni was the ursine, and she's...he's..." He trailed off as he tried to find the word. "Oh, right. Transgendered."

"Girl trapped in a guy's body, right?" Thorn raised an eyebrow as Sam nodded. "Hm, never met someone like that before." He looked over at the bunny beside him. "Are you also?"

Sam looked up as he saw the golden wings arched above the restaurant whose lot they were pulling into. "I...don't think so." He spoke softly as the car was parked and they got out. "I mean..." He trailed off as they neared the building.

Thorn smiled. "We can wait until we find a quite place to sit." He held the door open for Sam and they quickly got in line to place their orders. He noticed Sam trying to reach for his wallet and shook his head. "I got it."

Sam looked up. " bought drinks for us last night. I should..."

"I didn't buy you any drinks Sam." Thorn grinned as he saw the light blush peeking out from Sam's fur. "You can get next time." Taking their trays he found a table at the back of the dinning room and quickly set them up there. He motioned for Sam to join him as he began to unwrap his burger. "What?"

"Ok, I may dress up from time to time, but I'm not actually a girl." The rabbit whispered as he sat down and took his salad. "You don't have to pay for me."

"We're just two guys having lunch." Thorn defended. "I picked up the tab this time. You can have it next time."

Sam glowered, though it was not very effective with his effeminate rabbit features. "For some reason I don't believe you on that."

"Can't help you on that." Thorn grinned and took a bite of his burger. After a few more bites his expression turned more sedate and he spoke in hushed tones. "Anyway, you started to say something in the car."

Sam took a few bites of his salad and chewed slowly as he debated how to continue. "I don't think I'm a girl, but I like pretending to be one. The feel of the clothes, the attitude you can take..." He shrugged. "I don't know. It's just exciting." He took a few more bites of his meal. "I think I might have liked it better if I did believe I was a girl. At least that would help explain why I like guys."

"What's to explain?" Thorn whispered. "You prefer cock to pussy. So what?" He grinned a bit as he saw Sam's eyes go wide and blush was again visible under his fur.

"Would you stop that!" Sam hissed. "Come on, we're in public."

"Sorry, sorry." Thorn apologized. "It's just, you're rather cute when you get embarrassed."

Sam looked down at his plate and began moving the lettuce around on it as he tried to compose himself. Eventually he looked up again. "Well, what about you?" He asked with a mixture of curiosity and accusation. "You sure didn't seem to mind my surprise last night."

Thorn went quiet for a moment and he sipped his drink. His ears pressed flat a little as he saw Sam smirk triumphantly. "I suppose I could chalk it up to curiosity." He finally spoke. "But, that wouldn't be all of it I guess. I'd be lying if I said I've never pawed off to gay porn before."

The rabbit's ears went straight up as his spine stiffened. "How can you talk about things like that in public so easily?" He demanded, though it was a very low whispered demand.

"I don't know." Thorn shifted in his seat, as he started his second burger. "I just don't understand hang ups about sex. It's part of life. If it feels good and it doesn't hurt anyone, why have all these rules about it?" He asked before he bit into his meal.

Sam stared at the wolf for a moment. "You really believe that?" He looked down again and let his paws fall into his lap. "My parents are the real religious type. They basically say everything opposite what you're saying."

Thorn remained silent for a moment as he swallowed his burger. "Look, I'm not trying to pretend I have all the answers here. I'm just..." He grunted and scratched at the back of his head. "All I'm saying, is that for all the teachings your parents did, you still went to that bar as Samantha. And me? I thought I was straight as an arrow..." He paused as he remembered his admission from a moment ago. "Ok, maybe a slightly crooked arrow, but still. I took you to my place and you know the rest."

"So what?" Sam asked in slightly confused tone, concerned that the wolf was just going to dismiss everything outright. "It was just a fluke?"

"I don't know. Maybe." The canine reached across the table and held out his open paw. "But you said you like me last night. I don't know if it was heat of the moment or whatever, but you said it." He smiled. "And I know I was looking for you all day today when you didn't show like you said you would." He looked between his paw and Sam's eyes. "If you want to call it a fluke and just let it go, I'll go with it. But..."

"We could also see just how deep the rabbit hole goes." Sam whispered with a smile. His smile faded an instant later as he saw Thorn attempting to hold back laughter. "What?"

The question broke Thorn's attempt at control and he began to laugh loudly. "That's great." He spoke as he started to get himself under control after a minute. "You don't even realize what you said just now, the pun you made." He continued to laugh as realization hit and the bunny's facial fur just about turned pink from the intense blushing.

"You are such a pervert." Sam whispered, though there was a bit of a smile on his face.

"Says the cross dresser." Thorn shot back with a grin. "So?" He asked as he flexed his paw slightly.

Sam looked at it and then placed his own paw in Thorn's. "Ok, but we have to be discreet. If my parents find out..."

"Got it." Thorn nodded. "You could always crash my place if you need to. Just so you know."

"Easy wolfie." Sam smiled. "One step at a time."

"Oh shut up." Thorn rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "I said crash, not move in with me."

Sam nodded and gently squeezed Thorn's paw. "So, um...Where do we go from here?"

Thorn stared blankly for a moment and then looked down at the table as he scratched his muzzle for a moment in thought. "To be honest, I have no idea." He laughed nervously. "I pretty much used up everything I had between last night and just now."

Sam smiled and nodded in understanding. "Maybe we could just go hang out for a little while? Get to know more about each other?"

"Sound's like a great idea to me." The canine began to clean up his wrappers now that their meals were finished. "Where'd you have in mind?"

The rabbit began to clean his trash away as well as he stood up. "I was thinking your apartment actually." He looked over at Thorn and scratched at his face nervously. "I mean, if that's ok. I just, I don't want to be too public with this. At least not yet."

With a quick nod Thorn threw out the trash and turned toward the door. "That's fine. It'll be nice to chill for a little while." He held the door for Sam and let the smaller male out first. As they walked to the car his eyes gravitated to the lapine's rear and he felt a smirk come over his muzzle. Looking about first to make sure no one was around, he reached out and lightly brushed the bunny's tail with his paw.

The unexpected touch startled Sam far more than the canine could have predicted. He jumped quite a sizable distance due to his strong rabbit legs and let out a truly girlish yelp of surprise as his paws flew to protect his hindquarters. "Thorn!" He turned around to stare at the wolf in a mixture of concern and embarrassment. His attention quickly turned to the fact that no one was around to see that little display.

"You are so lucky no one was around." He complained in a low tone as he got in the car.

"I checked first." Thorn assured him. "Didn't expect quite that reaction though." As he pulled out into traffic he noticed that Sam seemed to be having some trouble finding a comfortable position to sit in. From the corner of his eye Thorn could see that Sam was a little upset, but he could also see the small bulge in the lapine's jeans as well. He smiled and filed that little piece of information away for later. "I was just kidding around." He reached over and place on paw on the back of Sam's neck, massaging the soft flesh there. "I'm sorry. Ok?"

Sam's eyes closed as he allowed Thorn's paw to rub through his fur. "I'm still mad..." He spoke, but the inflection was anything but angry. He leaned his head forward a little, giving the larger male more access to his scruff, and began to murr softly at the attention.

The rest of the trip home was silent, save for Sam's light pleasure sounds, and Thorn's apartment building was soon before them. Moments later they had climbed the stairs and were inside the wolf's den. "Soda?" Thorn asked as he went to the fridge.

"Sure." Sam went over to the couch and sat down into one of the cushions, finding it to be far softer than it looked. With the daylight, he was able to see more of the apartment than he could last night. He wasn't surprised to see the training weights or martial arts books thrown around. "Explains that body I felt..." He whispered with a small smile.

"What's up?" Thorn asked as he placed the soda can in Sam's paw and sat down beside the boy.

Sam shook his head quickly. "Nothing." He looked over at the TV and the gear around it. "You have a Wii?"

Thorn looked a bit embarrassed for a moment but nodded. "Yeah, it's fun. I like the games for that more than the other systems right now." He watched as Sam shifted from his seat and walked on his knees across the floor, recalling memories of last night as he did so, and watched the rabbit pick up one of the games. A large smile crossed his face as he recognized the title. "All right, but you're going down." He warned as Sam put the disc in.

"That's what you think." The bunny shot back as he picked up the controls and gave one set to Thorn. "I rock at this game." He scanned over the characters. "Lucario."

"Not a bad choice." Thorn grinned back at the challenge. "Ganondorf." In moments the battleground was set and the computer commanded them to fight. "Know the powerhouse that is Ganon!" He laughed in an over exaggerated "evil" fashion.

"Except you can't catch me." Sam guided his character in and fired off a few quick attacks then ran away. "See? Your overgrown hyooman character is to slow."

"Maybe, but..." He picked up and item then threw it at Sam's Lucario, stunning him. "I only need to connect a few times." He landed one good punch on the character and did more damage than all of Sam's did combined. "You're toast."

Sam licked his lip and guided his character away until he found what he needed. "Game over wolf-boy."

"Ah crap..." Thorn growled as he saw the hammer become activated and tried to run away. His head bent forward as he saw his character get cornered and death was imminent. The wolf perked back up a moment later as he got an idea. With a mock dramatic wail he dropped his controller and leaned over to grab Sam around the waist.

The rabbit jumped at the sudden attack, but didn't loose his focus on the video game as he held the control. "Wireless remember?" He smiled as he felt Thorn pull him into his lap. "I can still play even like this."

"Oh yeah?" Thorn laughed lightly. "Then take this." As he held the bunny in his lap he leaned up to lick Sam's ear, he felt Sam's spine stiffen and his body shiver atop him.

Part of Sam realized that his shake had made his character run off the world causing the match to end in a double kill. However the larger part was focused on the fact that he was in Thorn's lap while the canine toyed with his ears. "T-that's cheating..." He gasped in a low tone.

Thorn paused, having honestly not meant to bring about this situation, as he sensed the change in the air. He leaned his head over Sam's shoulder and nuzzled his cheek against the Lapine's. "All fair in love and war...or something like that. Right?"

Sam squirmed lightly as the wolf's paws held his waist, but made no real attempt to get away. He turned his head back and softly kissed the gray furred muzzle beside him. "You planned this didn't you?" He teased.

"No." Thorn admitted as he pushed Sam's head up with his snout to gain access to his neck, where he continued to kiss and lick with a bit more force. "Unless you like it. Then I totally planned it."

Sam let out a deep sigh of contentment as he felt the warm breath at his neck. He could feel his body beginning to react, as well as the arousal of the wolf beneath him. Reaching below, his paw searched blindly for Thorn's buttons and zipper.

Thorn responded in kind as his paws went to Sam's pants and began to unfasten them, though he admittedly had an easier time with their current position. The button and zipper were soon undone and his paws slipped beneath the waistline to begin pushing the jeans down. His paws slowed as he felt what was beneath the jeans. A low chuckle escaped him as he looked down to see Sam's erection poking up against black panties with a two, little, red, devil horns on the front. "You accuse me of planning as you wear fuck me' panties?" He whispered in his lover's ear.

"S-shut up." Sam husked back as he finally undid Thorn's pants. He lifted his hips a bit so that he could push the fabric out of the way, allowing Thorn's malehood to spring free through the hole in his boxers. "You would have never seen them if you hadn't started this."

Thorn nipped at Sam's neck playfully and began to stroke the bunny though his panties. "Oh? But you don't wear something like this unless you plan to show it off."

One of Sam's arms reached back and his paw rested against the back of Thorn's neck to help hold himself in place. It also served as a nice means to pull the wolf into a deep kiss. As Sam licked at Thorn's lips and gained entry he used his free paw to push his jeans the rest of the way off and kicked them to the floor. His cream fur covered legs then parted so that he could reach down and rub the wolf dick jutting out from beneath him.

Thorn growled in pleasure as he felt Sam's soft paws begin to caress him. His tongue twined about with Sam's, pushing back and forth between their two maws. Taking one paw away from Sam's waist he pushed the bunny's shirt up until it rested just below his neck, giving the wolf more than enough room to explore Sam's chest and belly.

Sam moaned sweetly into Thorn's mouth as his front was exposed and then rubbed in long, slow, arcs. His moans became even more expressive whenever he felt his nipples getting teased at or stroked directly. His eyes, which he hadn't realized he had closed during their tonguing session, opened as he felt a wetness on his paw. To his delight he saw, and felt, Thorn bucking against his touch and spurting a bit of pre with each thrust. He took his hand from Thorn's flesh, kissing more forcefully as he heard and felt the canine's frustrated groan, and pulled his panties aside. With a small grunt he began to rub the wolf's pre against his tailhole, prepping himself for what he wanted next.

Thorn's eyes had opened again as he felt that wonderfully soft and warm paw vanish from his cock. As he saw what Sam was doing he groaned slightly in anticipation, sending a stronger spurt of pre up to land on the rabbit's thigh fur. He shifted his paw so that he could stroke Sam's maleness directly rather than though the cotton cloth of the panties. Starved for air he finally had to break the kiss they had been sharing, but he didn't rest for long. He buried his muzzle into the rabbit's fur along the crook of his neck, licking and nipping more aggressively as he pawed Sam off.

Sam continued to grunt and moan with each swipe of the tongue to his flesh. The constant tugging of his bunny cock wasn't lost on him either as he decided he was dampened enough. Taking Thorn's wolf meat again in his paw he guided the larger male to the entrance of his tail hole and began to press it inside him.

The moment Thorn felt that same searing heat from last night he bucked instinctively, burying half of his flesh into the surprised lapine male in an instant. He stopped instantly as he heard the wail come from Sam's mouth, afraid he'd hurt him.

Sam looked up at canine in confusion for a moment before he understood and smiled. The wail had not been of pain, but of pleasure, and he proved that to the wolf as he pushed down and took the rest of his lover to the hilt. He could still feel the knot at the entrance, but he'd take care of that soon enough as he began to grind his hips.

Thorn's eyes seemed to roll back in his head a moment at Sam's skillful use of his hips, but he resumed his thrusts shortly after. His paw moved away from Sam's chest and settled on the rabbit's hip, giving him more leverage to control the pace and force of his thrusts.

Sam moaned loudly now, no longer caring who heard him, as he clung to Thorn by the paw around the wolf's neck. The thrusts were faster now, almost violent, as he was slammed down onto Thorn's cock again and again. His eyes went wide as he felt the knot break through and stretch his tailhole to its limit. The bunny's other paw went to rest on Thorn's paw, which held his cock, and gripped it tightly. Suddenly the elastic band of the panties shifted, scraping the material over the sensitive head of Sam's cock and he felt his body lock up. A second later his body broke though that lock and long, thick, spurts of rabbit cum leapt from the tip of his cock as Sam moaned out his orgasm.

The first stream shot with enough force that it hit Thorn's muzzle, which the wolf instinctively licked up. The second only got up to Sam's chest while the third and forth reached his taunt tummy. The remaining seed only mustered enough energy to get as far as Sam's groin or dribble down Thorn's paw.

The combination of his lover's sounds, the smell and taste of rabbit cum, and the intense pressure of Sam's hot, pre-cum lubed tailhole finally drove Thorn over the edge as well. With a howl he dumped his load into the bunny's ass, his cock twitching strongly with each shot of warm, sticky, seed he sent deep into Sam's bowels. He panted heavily as he basked in the afterglow, his paw finally releasing Sam's slowly softening dick.

Sam panted as well, but continued to make small moans as Thorn began to rub his stomach again. "You're making me all messy." He observed with a playful tone as he felt his cum rubbed into his fur.

"Yep..." Thorn agreed in a somewhat dazed state as he rested his head on Sam's shoulder. His arms came up and around the smaller male, holding him protectively.

Sam smiled and closed his eyes as he relaxed back into Thorn's embrace. His paw reached up to gently stroke through the fur along the wolf's neck. They simply cuddled against one another, basking in each other's warmth. They both knew that there were things that still needed to be learned about one another, but for now no words were needed.

As they day light faded away and the room began to darken Thorn finally spoke. "Hey? Sam?"

"Yeah?" The rabbit murmured softly.

"You want to stay the night?" Thorn asked quietly. "Maybe watch a movie and try that just hanging out thing again?"

Sam smiled and cupped the wolf's muzzle before pulling him in for a light kiss. "I'd like that Thorn." He nodded and rested his forehead against Thorn's. "I'd like that a lot."
