2 - A New Start
Ok, so heres Chapter 2, I thoroughly read through it but I probably missed some typos again. This one features a fully fappable sex scene between Mishka and her paw, so enjoy that! Let me now what you guys think! Mishka turned around and placed 2
bowls of spaghetti on the table, one bowl larger than the other and
turned around, being met by Frosty's wide eyed stare at her nethers.
The Husky grabbed a towel and covered herself, chuckling softly,
"Um.. Dinner?" She asks nervously, letting the blushing Fennec by
her to sit down. Mishka grabbed an apron from the cabinet and
strapped it on, keeping herself covered from Frosty as she sat down
at the huge bowl of spaghetti. Mishka set the bowls in the
dishwasher, closes it and turns it on. The Husky looks back and sees
Frosty yawning and offers to show him the bedroom, he nods some with
a blush. Her room was a generous size, with a bed made for someone
her size, Frosty would feel like a Queen in her giant bed in that
thing. "So, you go ahead and sleep here, you need the rest. I wanna
stay up awhile yet anyway." Mishka doesn't give Frosty to talk
back, not that he has the courage to speak up against the giant
Husky. Instead, Frosty just watches her walk out, listening to her sit
on the couch before looking over the large bed. In the living room Mishka turned on
the TV, putting the channel on a movie and raising the volume some,
then raising her right ear and listening for frosty. As she hears the
Fennec crawl in bed the Husky bites her lip and smiles, pulling off
her apron and grabbing her sheath, leaning her head back and sighing
gently as her thumb presses to her exposed, aqua colored tip. Mishka
lets out a huff as she brings her free paw to her sports bra and
slides it upward, freeing her huge breasts and exposing her aqua
nipples to the cool air, releasing her member just long enough to
slip the garment off before taking hold once more, grabbing her left
breast and kneading the generously sized orb. The Husky bites her lip and raises her
ear once more, not hearing anything she lifts her feet onto the table
with her thighs spread and reaches her left paw down to cup her nuts,
taking a moment to admire the orange sized nuts in her sack and her
13 inch canine cock, biting her lip as she imagines sinking the tool
into someone, bending over a female Husky and plowing her fat tool
into her. Mishka laid there on the couch kneading her nuts and
stroking herself firmly, panting lightly. In her mind Mishka was on
top of a cute Husky girl in heat, really plowing into her, but she
hears Frosty roll over and stops suddenly cringing as she listens. Hearing no more noises Mishka resumes
her furious stroking, huffing once more as her mind turns over to the
cute Fennec in her bed. Before she even knew it her imaginary self
was pushing the little femboi into her bed and ramming her long, fat
Husky dick into him roughly, drinking in the sounds of his moaning.
Suddenly the real Mishka jumps up and rushes to the bathroom,
straddling the bathtub wall and humping into her paw, trying to aim
herself toward the drain as her cheeks turn red, he canine biting her
lip hard as suddenly her member and knot swell, just before large
amounts of her cum flow out, splashing on the tub floor like someone
is dumping out a bucket of water a little at a time, the Husky's load
splashing onto the plastic floor, leaving Mishka panting as she huffs
and moans, licking cum off of her drenched paw, enjoying the taste of
her own salty semen. The Next Day Frosty stands at the end of
the walk up to his house shaking, wondering how he would explain to
his parents why he spent the the night with a husky he'd never met.
Mishka's exact line of thought, however, was "How am I going to get
in through that door?" The thought goes unfinished
as Frosty walks up and unlocks the door, then lets Mishka in, who has
to duck under the frame, but can stand up inside, barely. Frosty's
father looks up at Mishka with a disproving look. "Son, I had
always hoped you'd bring home a fennec, but I always knew you'd bring
a girl home somehow, I knew you had it in you." Mishka blushes at
this and laughs nervously, "I'm not his girlfriend." She replies,
but is cut short as shes led to the living room where she takes a
seat on the couch with Frosty, watching his father plop into his
recliner, Frosty's mom slipping into her rocking chair. Mishka stays quiet,
listening intently to Frosty's story, helping him fill in the gaps
when he chokes up, softly petting his back as the fennec finally
breaks down and cries from the experience. Frosty's dad takes a sip
of his drink and sets it down firmly on the coffee table. "I always
knew this stupid girly look you carry around would get you in
trouble. And you!" He shouts at Mishka, who perks her ears, "Why
didn't you just let it happen? Man him up a little!" He continues
to shout at the Husky, who stands up quietly and stares down at the
male fennec. "Why didn't I let it happen?" She asks, "I stopped
them from traumatizing your son!" The older fennec stands,
but is immediately shoved back down my Mishka's large paw, "Stay
down! I don't want to hear another word out of you. How could you
even say something like that!?" He growls up at the husky with his
ears pinned back, "He's my son and I'll raise him how I want!"
he shouts, standing up and looking straight up at Mishka. By this
point Frosty's mother had already walked out, leaving the pair to
argue in the living room, Frosty goes after his mom, stepping up
beside her and sees her writing a check. He raises his ears some and
weakly speaks up, "Mom..?" As his mom tears off the
check and gives it to him, she offers a smile and kisses him on the
cheek, wrapping her arms around her boy. His mother couldn't speak
but he new what she was saying, Frosty just didn't want to admit
it... Mishka bites her finger,
not wanting to break the older fennec but looks over when Frosty
whistles as hard as he can. "I'm moving out!" Frosty proclaims in
a big voice he never knew he had, and never would have had the guts
to use if he did know, then looking at Mishka, shaking worse. "Um.."
He starts but the Husky smiles at him and replies, "Yeah, you can
shack with me till you find a place little buddy." Frosty smiles
back and nods, then walks away to his room, wanting to grab some of
the more important things, he could get the rest after he gets a
place to store it all. Mishka sits outside,
letting Frosty spend some time with his mom while he packs his
essentials, pondering how shes going to let him live there, she can't
sleep on the couch forever when she has a custom built bed to slee-
Her ears perk and she looks over as Frosty steps out with a large
suitcase with wheels. He hugs his mom teary-eyed before stepping
away from the door, Mishka looks back, Frosty's mom holds up a
notepad, where she had written "Please take care of my boy.".
Mishka smiles and nods, then picks up the heavy bag for Frosty and
walks with him, staying quiet so he can have time to come to terms
with leaving home, willing to give him all the time he needs...