Dream Dragoness

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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I swear one of these days I'll add: "Destruction by Boobs" to the list of potential universe doomsday scenarios.

This is a commission for WesFox134 (Process Productions Forums).

Warning: This story contains expansion, female muscle growth, hourglass expansion and macro. You've been warned!

Wes is himself.

Dream Dragoness, by DragonMasterX.

"Your turn, Wes. Please read the excerpt aloud."

"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves..."

Helia sighed dreamily as Wes, her college classmate, read at the behest of their teacher. The golden dragoness was seated two desks behind the blue eyed boy. They were in literature class, but the little dragon female could hardly pay attention to Shakespeare when the guy of his dreams looked and sounded more beautiful than anything Julius Caesar could offer. He had a fair complexion and short but bright blonde hair that she wanted to nuzzle and stroke. Helia was positively interested in the boy, but alas, her level of self-confidence was not nearly enough to approach Wes about it. Was it a crush? A silly romantic dream, or was it something more? Helia had never been so in love with anyone before in her life, she was convinced about that.

But their teacher wasn't one to respect inner fantasies, much less allow anybody to space out during class. "Ms. Airbagia, I trust you're still with us." The dragoness snapped to attention almost instantly as eyes naturally began to dart in her direction, a red tint spreading on her yellow cheek scales. "Please repeat the last sentence in the excerpt."

Helia had a knot in her throat all of a sudden. She brushed some of the bangs of red hair away from her forehead and looked ahead, squinting slightly. "Thu-the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our s-stars to hold our destiny but in... but in ourselves." The teacher nodded.

"Why do you think Caesar says that to the complaining Brutus?"

Helia felt nervous, even more so as Wes joined the rest of the class in staring at her expectantly, why was she suddenly the target? She had to be quick to answer or else they would think she was a spaz; if only she could try to, for at least a moment, push her thoughts about Wes away; she had read this play before after all. "I uh... I think that Caesar..." she began with trepidation, but shifted herself on her seat and made her best attempt to sound confident, "...I think that Caesar was telling Brutus that as much as we'd like to complain about external factors influencing our lifestyles, it is ultimately us who decide on our state of being based on our actions."

"Pretty accurate. Does everyone else understand?" the teacher said while pushing a piece of chalk under the excerpt she had written down on the blackboard, underlining the last sentence Helia had repeated. A collective of nods returned the attention to the front and Helia finally let out a sigh of relief when a hand was raised and doubts on the lesson started to be addressed; she was off the radar.

For the rest of the class, Helia made sure not to make it splendidly clear that she was not paying attention, and instead focusing on the stud of her dreams in the middle of the lecture. Eventually, class was dismissed and she followed Wes with her eyes to the exit. Once he was gone Helia just sighed to herself, both in admiration for the boy and sadness due to her own incompetence. "Why does talking to a boy have to be so hard?" she huffed to herself as she closed her books and tightly hugged them to her chest. Helia had been looking at Wes since the start high-school, and this first term of college had only made him prettier in her eyes. Sadly, she hadn't been able to cross words beyond a few greetings or an: "Excuse me." One time they bumped accidentally. Looking at him from far away was painful enough to Helia, but when they were in front of each other she felt so diminutive and insignificant that she ignored anything he would say to her and just ran away, embarrassed.

It couldn't be helped, since the group of friends he usually hung out with was composed of girls that far outdid Helia in every department. Compared to those fine specimens of the female genus, Helia felt like a boy. With her 4'10'' (5' at the tip of the horns, she assured the girls that teased her) and a rather alarming lack of assets that could stand out, Helia believed to be a bother to guys when she approached them. The more outgoing girls had made it painfully clear plentiful of times: "You cramp our style Airbagia, go fetch us a soda if you want to make yourself useful."

The truth was, Helia had developed an immunity to mean words like those and thus had chosen to segregate from the crowds, and instead silently regarded her beloved from a distance. Even now Helia could see Wes walking down the halls discussing random things with his classmates, all of whom were accompanied by their own girls. To Helia, that casual walk was the stride of an angel and it made her heart go aflutter. Helia wondered if one day she would be able to confess and get to hug his arm like the other girls did. Wishful thinking, at best, she thought.

During one lonely study night, Helia found herself breaking the pace to browse information on the web; mainly confidence building exercises. Pop rocks were fizzing in on her tongue, putting a smile on Helia's face as the nostalgic flavor of cherry delighted her taste buds; she loved that type of candy despite her age and the insistence of her more nosey classmates patronizing her for still eating them. The dragoness scrolled down on the result pages of the search engine while putting down another bag of pop rocks, most of the hotlinks were purple instead of blue, but then after six pages Helia finally struck a new one.

"Oh, I haven't seen this one before," Helia mused to herself as she clicked on the link and a blank page greeted her, "Guess now I know why." She sighed and was about to give up for the moment, and return to her studies, but then her eyes noticed a little string of words at the bottom center of the empty web page.

"Relax and take a deep breath." Helia blinked as she repeated it, and subconsciously accepted the idea. She leaned back against her chair and closed her eyes, using her mouth to gulp down some air. A few moments later, Helia found herself a little more comfortable, but nothing inside her had changed. "Deep breath..." she repeated, somehow mesmerized by the phrase. Again she closed her eyes and inhaled as far as she could. Helia felt the oxygen revitalize her as she stretched back with her shifting diaphragm, and to that was added a strange tingling sensation that spread throughout her system like a shooting electrical current. It made her shudder and gasp, as if someone had pinched her at several pressure points at once. "Deep... breath..." again she went for it, taking another generous gulp of air. After the initial two deep breaths, the golden dragoness could feel warmth radiating within her chest. Helia put a claw on her bosom in wonder as she opened her eyes and looked down in surprise as she felt two distinct bumps stretching the fabric of her night gown. "What's going on...? Whu-what's happening to my breasts?!" she violently gasped, and immediately received a response in the form of another change. Helia felt her heartbeat pick up in rhythm as the weight on her palms increased, "O-oh dear, am I finally hitting puberty?! B-but this is... this is a lot faster than...!" her hyperventilation was not helping the pace of the change either, as her panting supplied her air bags with an excess amount of oxygen that was inflating her chest like a pair of balloons.

Helia then realized that as much as nature dictated for her to stop sucking in air at one point, her lungs told a different story. Even as she saw the nightgown get pulled up by her swelling bust Helia remembered she hadn't exhaled yet, and the air was still going in; it was as if she had forgotten how to let it all back out! "It's like I'm inflating myself, but how could this be?!" in her mind she tried to reason it all out, but no clear answer came. She was blowing up like a balloon, satisfying a new craving for the only kind of food that you cannot see, and Helia could not stop. That tingly sensation felt good, good enough to numb her brain and halt her search for answers. The more Helia stroked her growing bosoms the more convinced she was that she had no reason to panic.

To experiment with the phenomenon, the dragoness caressed her mounds and watched them jiggle and bounce within the flimsy constraints of her clear night gown, which wasn't big enough to make her look decent anymore. Her once flat chest had grown at least three bra sizes, and the mounds filled Helia's palms nicely, threatening to outgrow them soon. The air still going in her mouth, Helia began to question whether or not this effect was isolated to her large chest pillows alone.

With the little focus she counted with, Helia concentrated and, gently groping her legs, began to picture them longer and thicker. In only moments the tingling sensation removed itself from her round breasts only to warm her legs up. Helia was surprised when her plan worked and her legs began to swell and lengthen, making her taller as inch upon inch was added to her limbs. In only a few seconds the former short sized girl had put on six extra inches, satisfying Helia for the moment with the extra half foot of height. "Oh my god, look at these legs! I could wear thigh-high boots without looking silly right now. Never mind silly, I would look really hot with them!" she thought, unable to speak out due to her open maw hungrily taking in more and more air. Without her focus being anywhere in specific, the air began to evenly distribute all of a sudden.

The chair under Helia began to groan, but the sound went unnoticed as the dragoness' mind became clouded with pleasure all of a sudden. As if the two initial processes hadn't been enough for Helia, her body started to bulk up from one moment to the next, her new breasts pushing out against her gown while her hips flared out and her butt lifted her higher, growing rounder and larger. Helia was astonished when she felt even her small wings widen out, her tail coiling like a snake on the ground as it lengthened as well. Her night gown wasn't going to last much longer, and Helia could soon see why it was protesting so much when the thin fabric started to bust at the seams surrounding her arms, thighs and chest areas, and also her back. Not only was she becoming a curvy dragoness with killer curves and an impressive pair of legs, but Helia's air intake was also fomenting the expansion of muscles across her once lithe build. Biceps and triceps ballooned out into large spheres of power while Helia's shoulders widened and her trapezius muscles began to take shape and add to the destruction of her gown.

"I feel much stronger! Am I really doing this? Am I making myself so strong and big and sexy?!" she couldn't believe the awesome turn of events. The surprise and happiness were so much that Helia couldn't help but flex her much thicker arms, causing the sleeves of her night-gown to bust apart. The move caused Helia's billowing chest to jump out of its confines, shredding the top part of Helia's poor bed clothes. In her lustful wake, Helia forced herself to grin as she reached down with her new powerful claws to rip the remainder of her clothes right off, by now nothing more than a bother. When she did that however, the combination of her over 7ft. tall form coupled with her newfound strength was all the plastic chair would suffer. With a loud snap and Helia meekly squealing she found herself sitting on the floor, surrounded by her old night gown and underwear in tatters and a smashed chair which had been unable to do its job anymore. "Oh dear."

Helia looked around and surprised herself when she realized that she could talk again, and that she could breathe normally without growing. "What just happened...?" she panted, mentally exhausted. Her tail wiggled against the ground and her wings flapped to test if anything was damaged; the relief of knowing she was alright was quickly replaced with another panicked shriek as in her clumsiness one of Helia's wings knocked over a flower vase by her desk. "Eep. I might be too strong now..." she gulped nervously, rising to her clawed feet with enough care not to demolish her cramped room. "Just how big did I get I wonder." There was eagerness in Helia's voice, like a giddy little girl during Christmas morning. But Helia wasn't a little girl anymore, no- that's why she wanted to check herself out. Bowing down her head as she made her way into her bathroom, Helia wasn't prepared to see what the full body mirror on the left wall was about to show her.

And when it did, the astonishment in her beautiful muzzle could only be met by the sheer amount of elation produced by her soothed heart. With both palms almost squishing her cheeks in delight, Helia could only giggle and bounce in place, quite a contrast to her enormous, fierce yet sexy looking body. Helia had developed more muscles than any of the boys in the football teams, and she was pretty sure her curves far outsized the girls at the cheerleading squad; and to top it all off, she was likely the tallest morph in the entire school! It was like Helia Airbagia had been replaced by an infinitely more beautiful and larger goddess that was her new self. "Oh my god, and to think I was scared I would burst from breathing in too deeply!" she thought, momentarily entertaining the lustful thought of growing even larger, but dismissed it when she realized what the current states of affairs meant for her. "Yes!" she pumped a fist in the air with a grin, "This is just what I needed! Now Wes won't be able to resist me, in fact, I'm going to see him now and... just... show him... how totally naked I am...!" Helia stopped herself from charging out as she finally remembered the extra weight in her chest and jiggling mounds meant there was nothing holding them in place. "Oh dear," she blushed helplessly, "What will I do? Now none of my clothes will fit! I can't even go pick anything up at the mall, I'll be arrested for walking around naked; this sucks!" she bounced in place again, this time in a burst of anger. Helia had to stop when the lights began to flicker and the neighbors above and below her apartment began to complain about an earthquake.

"Hmph..." the now calmer red-headed dragoness sat on her bed with her arms folded under her new and improved bust, the springs in the mattress groaning to the massive weight. "How can I show off how much of a hottie I am if I can't even leave my apartment?" her tail whipped about, somehow missing to dig holes into the wall behind her, as she thought. Momentarily looking at her computer and then her purse, a devious smile began to form in Helia's face. "Oh, credit cards, internet. I love you two almost as much as I love Wes."

Between waiting for delivery and clever utilization of her large window curtains, the looming 7ft. tall dragoness managed to pick up her packages without drawing more attention than she wanted. The red haired female couldn't help delighting herself with the stares she was getting from other tenants and the delivery boy when she strode about the halls in improvised clothing that barely managed to cover Helia's privates. "I'm sorry boys," she coyly said to the males staring as she disappeared into her apartment with a stack of large packages squished against her big chest, "But my big heart belongs to another boy, hee!"

The girl couldn't have been more comfortable with her new self. Helia was so tall, strong, big and fine-looking now that it was understandable to see such a sudden boom in interest for her coming from males. "I can't wait to show Wes the new and improved Helia!" After dumping the packages on her bed in her room, the dragoness quickly tore the cardboard covers to reveal her new wardrobe. Helia had taken her time to measure herself while waiting, and after straining the measuring tapes several times around her hips and bust, she was able to place all of her orders in an online store. Helia had to blow a good chunk of her savings and then some, trying to acquire everything that fit someone of her size plus stylish outfits to add to her repertoire. "Let's see, this outfit could be good for tomorrow..."

Helia quickly clothed herself after slipping the unmentionables on. She eagerly tried on a white t-shirt first, at first struggling to make it cover her bountiful chest, but at least had less trouble than she had to put her bra on. She stood in front of the mirror and, keeping her arms away she lightly shook her chest and watched her breasts wobble like two huge watermelons tucked inside her top, "Oh marvelous. It doesn't rip!" she giggled in amusement. Carefully she moved her arms up and down, looking at her muscular arms' biceps swell and distend; getting a positive reaction from the fabric. "Hmm, these jeans are a bit of a tight fit, but I'm pretty sure that's the way they're meant to be used!" she grinned at the reflection of her shapely behind and wiggled her tush in excitement. "I can't wait for class tomorrow!"

The dragoness giddily skipped out of the bathroom, now more in control of her huge body so even in quick strides she could now help herself from demolishing her own place. She organized her school things for the following day and smiled at a flyer on top of her stack of books. Helia had dismissed the upcoming costume party just like every other social event her college held, but now she wanted to hold onto that more than anything; Helia was going to be Wes's date for that party, she was going to make sure of it!

"So Jen and I are gonna go for a Morrigan and Demitri couple this Friday. I think I'm gonna love me some kitty succubus."

"Really? You're a nerd, Darren. Cilia said we should totally go dressed as the Cleopatra and the mummy. Now that's a good idea!"

Darren the horse rolled his eyes and made a hand-gesture to his friend "Said the whipping-boy, wah-pow!!"

"Why you! I'm no whipping-boy, Lloyd," Darren defended himself with an irritated snort before recomposing himself, "Heaven's sake, I drive her car... sometimes, when she lets me."

"Nice try cap'n, but should've let 'er sink."

Wes laughed at his two friends' antics, ever the loud pair, but soon found himself under their scrutiny. Lloyd was staring at him decisively, "Which reminds me you don't have a date for the party."

Darren leaned back on his chair, reclining it as he casually reared his head back to look at Wes upside down. "We gotta get you a date. Can't have you flaking out on us like at the prom."

The blonde boy blushed a bit, feeling the peer-pressure accumulating. "Yeah but I don't really want to invite anyone else."

"Aw c'mon, this again?" rasped the horse as he shifted on his seat to face his friend, "You couldn't get her to go to prom, she probably ain't into you, man."

"Don't say that. I think she's just shy," Wes shrugged a little and smiled while casually scratching his cheek, "That kinda makes her cuter."

"Huh, really. Well I don't know what she's got that's got you riled up, but she keeps avoiding you each time you approach her right?" Darren shrugged back at his friend, "Better get a move on someone else or you're gonna get nothing again!"

"Yeah!" interjected Lloyd, "You're in college now, man! Gotta live life a bit. Me-own gal's pumped about us going to pick up the costumes later..."

Darren interrupted with a smirk and a gesture, "Wah-pow."

"Quit that!" said Lloyd before punching Darren on the arm. Wes couldn't help but chuckle to himself. The other human resumed: "And you should just pick someone quick and come with us. You and Jen too, Darren."

"Sure, I don't mind," Darren rubbed his sore arm and nodded in Wes's direction, "But when are we gonna get this guy his date for that? Huh? Oh mother of...!" Darren's attention switched to the entrance of the classroom as Lloyd's eyes widened in surprise.

"Holy cow..."

Wes had no idea what had his friends so mesmerized, so he turned around and almost lost his balance when he saw the large frame of a female golden dragon make her way inside. The way she moved that tall and thickly built body was ladylike in contrast to the large amount of musculature gracing her form. The red-headed beauty was stacked beyond belief, strutting curves in tight yet casual clothing that merely complemented her figure instead of advertising it all. From one perspective, the walking curvy titan seemed to be a fierce monstrous woman ready to smash anyone in her way, but the delicacy of her moves and how she sat at Helia Airbagia's seat only served to confuse opinions on the enormous beauty. Was she a sexy beast or a queen-sized damsel?

"Remember what I said about getting nothing again?" Darren swallowed. Lloyd couldn't even speak. Wes was at a loss for words too, but he simply put his hand against Darren's mouth to shut him up and just take in that slow stride from the classroom hall towards the seat of their classmate. There was no mistaking it.

"That's Helia." Wes concluded in his head. No doubt everybody since the college entrance had been making such a deduction, and it became gloriously obvious once the red-headed golden giantess seized the former small dragoness' seat. She was very different; she looked nothing like the cute little girl Wes used to know. "But is it really her...?" he found himself blushing; there was no doubt in his mind that this female was superbly attractive, but was it still Helia under all that bulk?

"It's like her hormones hit her by the millions from one day to the next," Darren said after pushing Wes's loose hand off his mouth, "Can dragon girls go that big that fast? Sheesh."

"You don't think she's doing drugs, do you?" Lloyd whispered, but got a smack to the back of the head by both the horse and Wes, "Oww! No would've been fine. Oh man, she's staring down our way, turn around!"

The three boys all turned at the same time. Lloyd was sweating nervously, "Think she heard me?" he said with his nose almost tearing through his open notebook. Darren was a little more composed, but still impressed by Helia's transformation.

"Whatever, just stop saying stupid things. She looks strong enough to send any of the linemen flying right now," Darren explained while looking back at Wes from the corner of his eye, trying to give him an encouraging nod. Wes felt hard-pressed to turn back around after all of that.

The place was bustling, murmurs and whispering voices shattered the initial silence that Helia had caused with her entrance, but that only served to feed her starved ego. "Everyone's either afraid of or admiring me... good!" she told herself quietly with a grin, but tried not to make a show of herself; after all, all Helia wanted was to get Wes's attention. When she saw him turn around and stop looking at her, Helia's smile devolved into a confused frown, "Does he not like me like this?" she questioned her choice, wondering if she should try to catch his attention by doing something only she could right now. With newfound confidence, Helia was about to stand up and go talk to him, but didn't budge an inch when she saw three girls approach him and his friends Lloyd and Darren. Helia recognized all three.

One was a human girl and the other a catgirl by the names of Cilia and Jennifer, Wes's friends' girlfriends. The other one was associated with humiliating memories, and was none other than Priscilla, a beautiful and tall silver dragon, the captain of the cheerleader squad. Everyone in college knew that pushy girl, and rumors were she changed boyfriends as frequently as she changed panties. Helia had known Priscilla since high school, and that girl was the reason Helia didn't like to hang around other girls; she didn't even treat her own group nicely and drove them like slaves rather than friends. The only thing Helia liked about the silver dragoness was that she didn't take literature class together with them. Perhaps now she could teach her a lesson or two about being nice, but Helia's empowering fantasies died once her eyes and ears locked on to the silver dragoness' speech.

"So how about it stud?" Priscilla put her hand down on Wes's desk and gave him a sultry look, "Don't you want to be my Superman?" she grinned. Wes appeared apprehensive of that leer.

The truth was, Wes didn't like Priscilla that much either, he was of the ilk who thought she let popularity decide how she treated people, and that wasn't right. He looked left and right, trying not to bump his nose against the pair of generously exposed breasts Priscilla was almost engulfing his head with; trying to get some support from his friends. Thumbs up from both of them did not help his situation. "I uh..."

"You don't have a partner yet, do you? Poor poor baby. Don't worry, Priscilla's here to make it all better. Here, just call me later to confirm, alright? But hurry up, or I might have to find someone else to give the honor of escorting me to the party, hehe." After a girlish giggle that almost melted Lloyd and nearly prompted his girl to smack his face 360 degrees around his neck, the silver dragoness wrote on a slip of paper and gently put it down on Wes's lap. The blue eyed boy couldn't say anything, but as the silver dragoness and her two 'friends' left, Wes was almost pounced on by his two friends to congratulate the confused college boy.

Helia was almost about to lose it, but managed to calm down just before she stomped out and decided to crush that cheerleader, "How dare she try to steal MY date? Hmph! I'm going to..." she began to think, but the teacher entering the classroom made her stop. She shifted on her seat uncomfortably after the confused teacher asked if she had the right classroom since she was sitting on a seat that was taken by one of his students. After Helia confirmed who she was and almost gave the teacher a heart attack, the lecture officially got started. Like the days before however, thoughts about Wes occupied the golden dragoness' head for the class' duration.

Helia exited the classroom last after having to fully explain her brief absence during her sudden, late bloom. After all, even if dragons of both genders could achieve great sizes throughout their lives, it was quite something for any morph to suddenly shoot up three feet in the span of three days. Helia didn't elaborate further than explaining she was just as surprised as the teacher about it. Of course, it was no lie, but she had no need to add the weird new ability she had discovered and attempted to master over the course of her absences.

"Mm, I couldn't help but notice you didn't send a single text message," a sultry and commanding voice snapped Helia away from the self-reflecting moment as she noticed her rival Priscilla standing with her arms behind her, covering Wes's locker while smiling down at the shorter human.

"I was in the middle of class, Priscilla," was Wes's short reply before he took a step forwards, "Now can you stand aside because you're in the-mmmph!"

"Oh what a sweetheart!" Priscilla laughed as she tripped him with her tail, making him fall face forwards against her prominent bust. She hugged him tightly, clearly abusing her natural strength to hold her prey down. "But hold on stud, we're not at the party yet. You're coming with me, aren't you?"

Helia's eyes widened as she watched the scene unfurl, her tail stopping its tracks and her wings unfurling slightly. She could feel her hands ball into fists she tightly held.

"Bwah!" Wes gasped for air as he pulled his head out, "Let go, Priscilla," he stated firmly, the cheerleader raising an eyebrow in a show of confusion.

"Is that so? Don't you want me to hug you, little man?" the condescending silver dragoness asked while slowly loosening her grip. "Well that's a disappointment, but it's alright, I know you're a shy little boy. We can take it slow."

"I'm not going with you," he finally stammered, "Let go."

Priscilla's eyes suddenly became focused, pupils thinning out in a threatening manner, "What did you say?"

We struggled against the more powerful woman, but his untrained body was no match for Priscilla's grip. "I'm not going to the party with you, Priscilla. And you can't force me, so let go and stop blocking my locker."

Priscilla sighed as a looming shadow cast over her, "Wes, Wes. Don't you know who I am? People like me get all we want, and right now I want you. Think about it for a second, cutie; I'm very popular, and you're a nobody..." she grinned, "So let me make you into SOMEbody. You'll thank me later."

"Excuse me," a voice boomed from above, stopping the monologue. The massive chest from a golden dragoness was almost hitting Priscilla's back of the head, and its owner didn't look pleased when the silver dragon female turned to address her. Without letting Priscilla say anything, Helia continued with a frown, "He said to let go. Let him go."

"Who are you, a scaly gorilla?" was Priscilla's stoic response, which elicited an insulting giggle from her 'group of friends' but Helia knew she had caught the silver dragoness off-guard when she saw Priscilla tighten her grip on poor Wes. "Oh, wait a minute. You're the Airbagia girl. I'd been hearing rumors that you'd blown up, but sheesh, usually MEN inject themselves with steroids," she giggled.

"Lay off her, Priscilla!" Wes snapped, using his arms to push against the waist of his slender but powerful captor. With Priscilla unwilling to let go, Wes saw no more remedy but to force himself off and stepped on the taller girl's feet.

"Eeek! You little shrimp!" Priscilla squealed as she finally loosened her grip over the pain in her foot. Wes was unable to tear himself off, but having had enough Helia lunged with her right arm and pulled Wes away from the silver dragoness, "Oh, really. You're going to play that game," the cheerleader frowned and growled, baring her fangs at the taller Helia who couldn't deny just how spoiled this girl was.

"We're done taking your insults, Priscilla. Go away or else..." but Priscilla interrupted Helia with a quick smack across the face that seemed to stop time for the college corridors. That had done it. In a fit of blind rage and letting loose years of accumulated stress, Helia's final gentle act was to put a distressed Wes down before she threw herself at the smaller dragoness. Growls and shouting from the surrounding students egged the two females as they started to slap, scratch at and name-call each other. Unfortunately for Priscilla, Helia's larger physique wasn't merely for show, and soon enough the smacks started to add up to the silver dragoness' damage. "I'm going to beat you up, nobody calls Wes a shrimp!" she cried out, ready to deliver a finishing blow on the grounded silver dragoness before a loud yell stopped Helia cold.

"Helia!" Wes's shout had been enough to stop both the fight and the raring crowd's cheers. "That's enough; you're going to hurt her!"

"Wes, what are you saying? She was accosting you, she was going to...!"

"I was dealing with it, you didn't have to jump in," the human brazenly interrupted and rushed past a baffled Helia to her defeated opponent, "I don't recognize you, Helia," he whispered as he passed by the muscular red-head whose eyes instantly became paralyzed.

Helia heard the phrase repeated in her head like some sort of dark mantra threatening to rip her sanity apart. She looked around at the confused, fearful and lustful looks she was getting, further aggravating her. Helia couldn't be there anymore, she had to go away. Tears streaming down her eyes, the golden dragoness ran down the halls, disappearing from sight. Wes had seen that and bit his lips in sadness while she held Priscilla's head up, having been checking her up for serious wounds. "I didn't mean to say that... Damnit."

"Forget about the genetic freak, s-stud..." Priscilla laughed a bit, her bruised face no less pretty, but it was clear her wounded ego was recovering with all the attention she was receiving already, "You've got a winner right here. So, how about it?"

"...you look fine to me." Wes stood up and let the silver dragoness' head crash against the lap of one of her friends, fed up with Priscilla's shenanigans. He began to rush down the hallway, "Damn, I was both scared and turned on, I couldn't say anything before things got out of hand, and I messed up with Helia; I know she was trying to help, but the words came out wrong... Need to find her and fix this!"

Helia had stopped her frantic running until she made a turn and stopped by the college's dumpsters, "Fitting because I feel like trash right now..." the saddened dragoness told herself in anguish and self-pity. "Why did I do that? I just... I just flew out the handle. No better than a beast. Wes probably thinks that I'm a beast, nothing else... Oh this stupid new body, whose idea was it to give me this ability?!" she sobbed, smacking her forehead as she leaned her massive back against the brick walls.

"Is this place um... taken?"

"Huh?" Helia's misty eyes opened to partially see through the cracks between her fingers. Down below was her classmate which until then had burned an image of anger in her memory, yet he now had his trademark soft and meek smile. "It's... it's okay..." she smiled, rubbing her eyes while trying not to sob anymore. A handkerchief was approached to Helia, who hiccupped in surprise and proceeded to take it at Wes's behest. After using it to wipe away her tears she found herself holding onto the handkerchief like a treasure, but feeling weird after a moment of silence she quickly added: "Th-thank you!" and stuttered: "I-I'll wash it and return it tomorrow, I p-promise."

"Hehe, you really are Helia," Wes grinned, making Helia perk up and lose her cool completely. She blushed and averted her gaze, making Wes continue, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Th-that was something else, I mean, it was impressive and uh..."

Helia slowly looked at the boy fumbling his words. She had never met that side of him, losing his cool over an apology he didn't even need to say to begin with. A giggle escaped her mouth, followed by a smile. Wes stopped talking when he heard and returned her kind smile, hidden meanings made apparent by the exchange of their eyes.

After a relaxing moment of silence, Wes found himself staring at the floor, still smiling. "You know, I said you really are Helia, but you're also different from the Helia I used to know."

Helia couldn't bring herself to say anything, unsure of the meaning beneath the cryptic message. She simply looked down at him, shifting uncomfortably against the wall as anxiety began to eat her up, but she still could not speak. Wes fortunately picked back up shortly afterwards.

"I mean, before I couldn't get a word to you without you running away from me," he snickered slightly; seeing the blonde boy chuckle made her heart skip a beat. "Before I know it, you get a complete makeover and... I meant that in a good way," he ascertained when he saw her frown return, making her smile again. "And you jumped to defend me when no one else would. I didn't know you were so brave, Helia."

"Wes..." the dragoness finally spoke, but that was all she could muster, feeling choked after his words.

"I thought that I was scaring you away before, but maybe I was being too pushy with my invitations," Wes scratched his cheeks, making Helia's eyes suddenly widen.


"Well, each time I approached you, we didn't really meet to eye and I wanted to ask you out, but you kept shaking and running away. I thought you found me ugly to be honest, haha," the boy's laughter made Helia's eyes twitch a bit.

"Y-you had been trying to... get close to me, Wes? Really?"

It was the boy's turn to blush, the brunt of the question doing away with his sudden open-mindedness. "Y-yeah well. Um... yeah, I guess," he finally blurted out, looking up after feeling foolish for holding back.

"I-I... I'm such a fool."

"Huh? Don't say that, Helia."

"No, I really am. All this time, I thought I wasn't good enough and... I really wanted to tell you how much I like you, Wes," the golden dragoness confessed, making Wes blush harder but smile.

"I guess it's good that this happened then. I didn't want to go another year without being able to talk to the dragoness of my dreams," the boy finally grinned. Even with that goofy smile on his face, the message Wes had conveyed to Helia had been the final cupid arrow that pierced her heart. Unable to hold herself back anymore, Helia scooped the human up and cuddled him, nuzzling his face out of affection. Wes smiled and closed his eyes, letting Helia hold him up to her massive bust. They didn't kiss, nor did they emit a single sound. They just remained like that for what seemed to be hours on end...

They skipped a couple of periods simply to talk and talk and talk some more to fill in the hours they spent just embracing each other. Human male and dragon female had found a kinship unlike no other, and the more they conversed the closer that bond felt. The skipped periods extended for the next days as Wes and Helia grew closer and closer, officially dating each other after the second day of seeing each other. Without a doubt, Helia had achieved her goal, and so had Wes. The two college students had decided to go to the costume party on the following Friday together as a couple, and Helia had picked the perfect outfit after Wes had intimately told her about wanting to see her huge and attractive body dressed like a princess. Helia understood that the only thing she wanted for the rest of her life was to impress and entirely devote herself to her man.

Friday night eventually came about, and a robust gathering of students filled the college's gymnasium, all colorfully dressed in their own costume. Music blared from the strategically placed amps and the plentiful snacks and soft drinks were keeping everyone happy; almost everyone.

"Are you done yet, Cody?" an impatient female at the back of the transformed gym was hard at planning.

"Y-yes! Almost done!" the nervous voice of a short mousey boy with glasses usually pleased Priscilla, but today she only had plans for vengeance in mind.

"Well hurry up. Those chewy soda bombs should teach that oversized bitch a lesson or two about who's at the top," the silver dragoness was readjusting her heavy makeup, having to use some of it to hide the bruises Helia had left on her flawless face. "She takes my boy toy, I'll take her dignity and ruin her life," she cackled evilly. The boy called Cody was spraying a pink powder over the confections on the tray in front of him, but stopped briefly.

"I thought I was your..."

"Of course you're my sweet little boy, Cody," Priscilla melted the glass-wearing tin-man cosplayer with a wink and a soft smile. "So I want you to be good and finish that for me."

"Ah, y-yes, of course."

"That overfed freshman's in love with candy, and she won't be able to resist your recipe, Cody."

"Y-yeah, but don't you think it's dangerous? The carbonated water in these confections could react really badly with the Pop-rock topping. It could be dangerous."

"Oh relax!" Priscilla giggled, "We'll all be laughing at the end of it when she's barfing all over the floor. Well, I guess not ALL of us will be laughing."

"About that, how're you going to make sure only that girl eats them?" Priscilla smiled down at Cody's naïve question.

"Ahh, well that's where you come in, dear!" Priscilla giggled again and leaned down on her knees, wobbling her rack in front of her date, "You'll slip in that bowl and talk about how sweet it is when I provide a distraction. She won't be able to resist if she's left alone near all that candy."

"I-I don't really want anything to do with this, Priscilla."

"Well, too bad, Cody-boy. You're already in for it," the dragoness pushed the mousey boy down for a long, wet kiss that was sure to convince him.

"Wow, that's some good-looking armor, dude. Where did you and your new girlfriend rent the costumes?" Darren almost had his fake vampire fangs fall off his mouth as he looked around his shy friend. "Isn't it heavy?"

"Helia knows a lot of good sites online, so we browsed and found something we liked fast. And no, actually, it's made to look bulky but it's pretty light!" Wes grinned as he freely moved his arms in his blue knight costume.

"Man, these bandages feel so itchy." The two costumed students turned to snicker at their friend Lloyd whose restless scratching seemed to be driving him nuts rather than helping him find relief, "I bet Pharaohs didn't have to deal with these uncomfortable bandages."

"Well no," said Wes with a chuckle, "They were dead by the time they were bandaged up."

"Had their internal organs removed too," Darren added with a grin.

"Seriously? Now you're just talking smack!"

"No, you see, actually..."

"Here I thought we were going to have fun listening on what you talk about behind our backs," a catty voice came from behind the trio of waiting males. "Eww, you boys." Darren nearly flipped his gasket as he watched his girl wade in graciously in her succubus costume, the form-fitting tights and revealing top sealing the deal.

"Farewell gentlemen. Maybe forever," the vampire-cosplaying horse said with a grin as he took his smiling woman by the hand and disappeared into the crowd.

"Oh sweet heavens, being dead ain't so bad now," Lloyd absent-mindedly said as his eyes bulged out to the sight of his girlfriend wearing an equally revealing Egyptian attire; the sultry looking girl was the one to take the reins however, as expected, and dragged Lloyd away after he managed to give Wes a reassuring thumbs up.

The blonde haired knight sighed with a smile. They had really found their matches, no doubt. "Well, guess I gotta wait..."

"...but not for long!"

"Helia?" Wes turned around in surprise and almost lost the balance in his legs when the towering form of his girlfriend emerged from the entrance, walking towards him with her arms joined in front of her hips. Wes was left speechless by the large, curvy and vastly muscular woman shyly striding in while wearing a puffy peach-colored royalty dress they had picked for Helia together. The headband on Helia's head was gorgeously keeping her hair in place, and the dress' puffiness helped with it not bursting against her mammoth breasts or huge muscles. This was officially the biggest princess Wes had ever seen.

Nervous and blushing, Helia let out a small giggle as she asked: "Like it?"

"Love it," Wes smiled, bowing like a gentleman before holding his hand out for her claw to grab. Helia gently put her larger hand on top of Wes's, and he grabbed it firmly. They too disappeared into the crowd to enjoy the night of fun music and the each other's company.

After an hour of dancing, Wes left to get some refreshments for both. Helia was still getting some stares here and there, but instead of showing off this time she merely responded to them with small waves as if in greeting. "Hehe, I don't want Wes getting jealous, but maybe I do want others to be jealous of US..." she giggled in her mind as she closed her eyes and deeply inhaled. Helia focused this time, reining in the chaotic nature of her ability to allow her to control how her growth would happen. The puffy dress stretched as her scales groaned underneath, Helia starting to put inch after inch of size while retaining her amazonian qualities and impressive curves. At first people didn't notice and Helia was growing excited; soon her ability to catch people's attention and keep Wes happy with her impressive size started fueling her intentions, and Helia found herself a foot taller than before. "That's a good place to stop. Mmm, oh I love this dress's looseness. It's like it grows with me, hehe!"

"Here's your soduuhhh...?" Wes almost flipped as he approached his gigantic girlfriend, almost 9ft. worth of dragon princess towering high above him. Wes had revealed it to Helia that he found her new self very attractive, but mostly due to how tall she had become; he had made it clear that it didn't matter in the emotional level, but he had to admit it to Helia that he was inexplicably attracted to how much bigger than everyone else she was. "H-Helia, pinch me if I'm dreaming, but did you just shoot up almost two feet taller?"

"Well, you did say I'm the dragoness of your dreams," Helia giggled, leaning down to kiss her boyfriend on the forehead, "Aw, for me? Thank you, my shining blue knight!" she took her soda, careful not to crush the paper cup between her thick fingers.

"Atta-woman..." Wes was unable to say anything else but watch Helia down the soda as if it was a water pint. His spacing-out ended when a finger tapped the boy on his shoulder and prompted him to turn around. "Uh, Gwyn? What's up?"

"It's Priscilla; she's feeling awful about the other day."

"Well, she should be!" interjected Helia, annoyed that Wes's attention had been so rudely taken from her.

Gwyn rolled her eyes but then put on her best smile for Wes, "Yeah, anyway. She's not feeling well and asked me to tell you that she'd like to apologize in person, Wes."

"Really?" the blonde boy felt both confused and wary, turning around to look at Helia as if seeking confirmation. Helia wanted to hug Wes and take him away from anybody else, but she understood that it wasn't her place to tell him what to do. "Don't worry; I'll be back soon; just going to hear what she has to say."

Helia pouted, "You're too good to that meanie. But I'll wait for you, Wes." With a nod and a wordless exchange of nods, the impatient Gwyn finally pulled Wes away and disappeared into the crowd of students. Helia sighed in disappointment and silently made her way over to the chairs. They were too small for the plastic stackable ones, so she decided to stand around instead. The dragoness drank some soda while she waited; finding the salty snacks unappetizing, so eating was out of the question to pass the time.

"Mmm, man these are good!" there was no way for the dragoness to miss out on the only person at the table besides her; everyone else was dancing, and her partner was still talking with that manipulative bitch who knows where. "So sweet and tasty." Helia had her interest genuinely piqued now. She hadn't seen any sweets in the table, so she turned around to see a smaller mousey boy licking his lips with a smile on his face. "Oh hey. You try these?" he asked while pointing down at the tray with pink-sprayed confections, "Best candy ever."

"Candy huh? Is it that good?" Helia approached the mousey boy who saw the increasingly bigger bulk of the approaching golden dragoness and nearly fainted.

"Y-yuh-yeah! Like I said, best candy ever. Gotta try it out if you like it. Uhm... I'm going back to the dance floor now!" the tin-man cosplayer disappeared from sight making a dash into the crowd of students. Helia shrugged, already used to that reaction now that she towered over most people, so her interest remained on the sweet-smelling confections.

"Oh boy! Did they make sprinkle this candy with pop rocks? Awesome!"

Cody was spying from one of the columns, and once he saw the excited red-headed princess begin to stuff herself with the candy balls, he hurriedly texted his date a "Done."

"This is so good! I can feel the sprinkles popping and the sweet filling... hmm, is it sweet bean paste?" Helia asked herself as she practically had seized the plate of confections, downing them as if they were slightly bigger M&Ms. She couldn't stop, not even when her stomach started to violently gurgle and her entire body seemed to start... bubbling.

"Huh?" Cody's glasses began to slide off as sweat trickled down from his forehead. He wiped the misty lenses and put his glasses back on, "That can't be right."

Wes was confused, not having seen Priscilla yet, "Hey, Gwyn, we're already outside," he said impatiently, "Where are you taking me?"

"Oh, she's uh, just around the corner."

"That's what you said the last two times. Look, Priscilla isn't here. If you wanted to say anything to me, go ahead. Else I'm going back inside."

Gwyn frowned a bit, but her buzzing cellphone received an OK text from Priscilla and she just deviously smiled, "Fine, go back to your girlfriend. Have fun!" the witch cosplayer said before skipping off gingerly.

"Unbelievable," Wes sighed and turned to leave for the entrance of the gym when a sudden rumble alerted him. The ground was shaking violently, "What the- an earthquake?!" the boy held by one of the trees by the back entrance and watched in amazement as the filtered roof windows began to fill with bright yellow.

After her sweet binge, Helia had begun feeling decidedly strange, unable to keep her balance. She felt odd, as if her gut was much heavier than it was supposed to be, even if there were no visible changes in it. "What's going on...? I can't breathe, it almost feels like...!"

"Hah! Feeling odd and quirky Airbagia, you scamp?" Priscilla boomed with superiority as she stood by the bent-over dragoness, holding a digital camera in her claw, "Don't worry, we're just showing the real you to YouTube, hehe."

Helia couldn't even pay attention to the silver dragoness. The alien sensation in her mid-section was taking over instead. "Oh dear," she thought, "Is it... gas...? I can feel air pumping inside my lungs... I'm...!" she gasped and widened her eyes as all of a sudden her body exploded with size, her breasts bowling over Priscilla and the crowd of gathered cheerleaders with their respective dates. Her rump and tail slammed against the walls behind Helia and the rest of her simply ascended upwards. "Ahh... I... I can't control it...!"

"What the heck?!" Priscilla recovered after being bounced off as if she had hit a trampoline. She scrambled up on her feet and widened her eyes as she saw the already oversized golden dragoness double and then triple in size. "Oh hell no, they're coming again, ack!" with another hiccup, Helia's voluminous chest overwhelmed everything ahead of it as its owner proceeded to fill out the gym amidst the panicked crowd. "Oh, fuck science, I didn't even like it to begin with! Hmph!" she said from underneath Helia's billowing knockers.

"Oh dear, oh dear!" Helia was more panicked than everyone else; she couldn't stop inhaling again, action which was only adding to the unprecedented amount of gas building inside and being absorbed by her body. "What's happening to me...?!"

"Helia!" Wes cried out as he was blown back by the impact of the gym's roof explosion as Helia surged past it like an ascending monument. It was loud enough of a scream for the rapidly inflating dragoness to hear. Helia lost her footing when she tried to shift in Wes's voice direction, falling in the process.

The gym was devastated by her legs and underbelly while the parking lot was demolished by her gargantuan breasts, but fortunately Helia's massive snout had failed to crush Wes under the weight of her chin. Her big eyes looked down at her surprised and fast diminishing date as she kept blowing up larger and larger. Helia couldn't speak, she could only inhale, and she was lucky Wes had moved to the side to avoid being pulled in as well.

The boy didn't know what to do. Helia looked panicked. "What's wrong? What's going on, talk to me Helia!" Wes demanded out of concern for her safety, but the giantess couldn't talk back, only grow larger and larger still.

"I want to know too, Wes, I can't control my power!" Helia screamed in her mind. For some reason she was not the only one growing. Her princess dress was also growing with her, and becoming puffier and fancier the larger she became. She nuzzled her beloved, careful to spare him from any damage. The growth was starting to get out of control, she was way past a hundred feet tall already and every spurt added much much much more size. In a fit of desperation Helia sat up while pulling her constantly shrinking boyfriend up to her swelling bust and cuddled him to her cleavage, "Wes... I..." she couldn't do much more than hug him. The boy however had stopped shouting and screaming, and instead hugged her back.

"I believe in you, Helia..." the knight cosplayer softly spoke, and those were the last words Helia could make out before her explosive growth returned. The golden dragoness' behind started to overtake the immediate surrounding area as her body soaked up moonlight almost exclusively in the neighborhood. Helia expanded larger, muscles swelling and popping with greater power as her curves became increasingly more developed, all of it contained within the peach dress. The cosplayer princess had become completely unable to stop the process, but at least she knew her Wes was safe; somehow, even as she broke through the thousand feet and then the mile tall marks, Helia knew her boy was still hugging her, giving her confidence.

"That's right, Wes, you said you loved me being bigger than others..." the golden dragoness calmed herself down and breathed in deep, "Yes, you want me to be big, but not stop there." The young dragoness smiled solemnly as she watched the flickering lights of several cities in the distance from her increasingly taller vantage point. The princess stood up and concentrated as the landscape continued to disappear under the soles of her clawed feet. "You want me to be bigger..." Helia said as she climbed up hundreds of miles at a time. She focused on the clouds, which began to swirl and be taken inside Helia's puckered lips as if she was a drain and the heavens was actual water being siphoned. Her bulk exploded, female dragon mass overtaking the view of the denizens below as the gargantuan princess massaged her midsection to egg the gas production on, which her body kept feeding on. The atmosphere was next, "I'll get bigger..."

Helia's frenzy was unstoppable and it had only managed to exacerbate the rate at which her immensity continued to pile on. Now that she was concentrated in making it happen, the world saw her tail snake its way past the continents and carefully coil around it as the planet dwindled before Helia's eyes. She was soon floating off into space, keeping sure to protect Earth, which she soon placed in her cleavage just where Wes had been before. "Please get to safety, honey... I'll get as big as you want me to big, and then outgrow even that. I'll be bigger... bigger..." she chanted as she floated towards the sun with her mouth open. The gas of the star began to flow inside of Helia as if commanded by an otherworldly force, her gravity pulling the rest of the system into disarray as it began to approach her waist instead.

With her rapidly inflating form covering the stars, Helia focused on each and every gaseous compound littered across the cosmos and called it out to her being. Her power was growing with her body, and soon the fast-growing titaness had covered her home system with her royal self. "Much bigger, much bigger... don't stop, make me bigger until I can't grow anymore, and then give me even more!" she thought, deeply enamored with the process of consuming the cosmos surrounding her. Soon Helia didn't even need to focus on sucking in the gas through her mouth; all she had to do is will those infinitely smaller components inside through steadily larger pores.

The galaxy saw the power starved princess ascend, and soon her mere presence began to affect her surroundings. Helia didn't even have to want it, she just had to sit back as the rest of the galaxies began to fall apart, transforming into gargantuan cosmic nebulae that only maintained their cloud like form for few minutes before the golden dragoness also absorbed them. The very fabric of the universe was dissolving around her swelling form, being consumed at the same time as it became undone like poorly sewn sweater; and Helia simply relished her expansion and increasing influence over everything.

Soon enough, the once meek and pathetic Helia Airbagia had undone all of creation, having reached the peak of her state of being only to, yet again, outgrow it and manipulated every variable and constant around her to also empower her. There were no more bounds for the princess, her form had reached unimaginable sizes and her shape had taken over all that had ever been. "I did it honey..." she softly spoke her first word in what seemed like years, "I'm the biggest..."

"Helia?!" Wes woke up on his bed after breaking a cold sweat, "Where...? Where's everyone?" he asked nobody in particular as he tried to shift on his mattress but nearly slipped and fell. Two large arms wrapped around from behind him and held him tightly.

"Calm down, lover, it's okay."

That soothing voice was unmistakable. Wes turned to look at his beloved and saw her 8ft. tall form wearing that puffy dress from before, acting as his soft bed while Helia herself lied down on it. "Y-you're okay, you're fine! Helia, what happened...?"

"I just..." Helia smiled a bit and pecked the blonde boy, "...I just wanted to make you happy."

"Don't talk nonsense, Helia, you had me worried," Wes grinned and hugged her tightly, nuzzling into her chest while Helia giggled. "Don't do that again. I thought I'd lost you."

"I'd never leave you. After all, I'm the dragoness of your dreams, right?" the redheaded girl stuck her tongue out playfully, earning a chuckle from Wes. "Do you want breakfast, dear?"

"Oh, you don't need to bother, Helia. I'll..."

"It really isn't any trouble, Wes," the princess giggled, but Wes was surprised when she didn't move an inch. He heard her whistle and tap her tail on the edge of the bed and Wes turned around only to widen his eyes as the door opened and the biggest surprise of his life was revealed.

All of them dressed like Wes's beloved, a harem of large, muscular and sexy golden dragonesses made their way inside the room, each of them could be told apart by their hair, eye or dress color, but they each shared the same scale pattern, like Helia's. At least ten of them approached their bed, making Wes blush out of embarrassment when their privacy was utterly destroyed. "Wuh... what?" he babbled.

"Like I said, Wes. I wanted to make you happy, that's all I exist for," the red-headed beauty assured the confused boy, "All women in the world are like this now. They all want to be under your service and... I govern them all," his girlfriend sensually spoke. Wes looked between his harem and his beloved in disbelief.

"How did you...?"

"We could change your catch-line now, babe. How about "Goddess of your dreams", hmm?" Helia giggled, snuggling Wes closer before kissing him. It was during that kiss that Wes saw everything that had happened during that night that felt like yesterday, yet it had lasted for more than an eternity to his girlfriend.

"Oh my god, this is all real, you've... you've changed everything!" Wes finally understood, and Helia bit her lower lip like a guilty little girl.

"I'm sorry, but I'm such a jealous girl. Wes, I wanted to do away with competition. You don't mind, do you, honey?" she purred, making Wes tremble with her imposing yet beautiful image. He looked at the harem of smiling and grinning dragonesses around him. Helia snickered and gestured with a finger.

"Priscilla, please be a dear and serve Wes some tea. And then all of you leave."

Wes had to admit the startling change in personality had scared him at first, and an alarm or two went off when he heard one of his new harem's girls being addressed as "Priscilla", but then he seriously considered what this all meant. Helia had remade the world simply and exclusively for them; no, she had remade it to fit his wishes and deepest wants. "All of this... for me?"

"For you," Helia simply grinned.

Wes couldn't believe any of it, but it was real, it was happening- no, it had happened, there was no going back. It was his world now. The goddess of love who had smitten him so had gone overboard, and destroyed it all to remake it from scratch simply to make it perfect for him. There wasn't any more need for words or discussion. Priscilla set the tea cup on a plate next to Wes and then his harem proceeded to leave them alone.

"You know, Helia..." Wes smiled as he took a sip from the tea while Helia lovingly brushed his short blonde hair, "I thought that I was plain and boring and that you'd never give me the time of the day because of it, Helia. It was tearing my heart out to simply not be able to be perfect for you, and... I'm still not perfect in any way." Setting the cup aside, he gently looked down at his passive lover before reaching down and kissing her, "But hey, you know what? I don't care about perfect anymore; you make it all be perfect."

"That's all I wanted to hear, Wes." The goddess finally said, returning his kiss while they shared a long embrace. It was true; the stars were not the decisive factors in anybody's life.

Their life was now their own.

The End.