Chapter 6: Journey To Oreburgh & Assault

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#6 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

Intro- Cha La Head Cha La DBZ Battle of Gods Version by the creators of DB, DBZ & DBGT. All rights go to it's respective owners.

Narrator- ** As the sun was rising wolf was already up and on top of the Pokemon Center sitting. He had been looking at the beauty of the nature around him and the pokemon playing together. As he got up he was feeling pretty happy about finally traveling to Oreburgh City with his team and that yesterday was one of many things they would enjoy on their adventure. He then went inside and started to make breakfast.**

Aurora's Pov

I woke up without Wolf by my side as I smelled something good and saw him making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey there beautiful. How was your sleep?" He asked smiling.

"It was nice. I dream't about me and you under a tree watching the sunset and everything beautiful around us." I said smiling as I got up from bed and hugged his waist and watching the spike on my chest.

"Hey Aurora?" Wolf said.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"Do you think we should tell the team about our relationship?" He asked me.

"It's okay with me Wolf. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm fine with it. I just wanted to know if you feel okay about it too. We were quite lucky they haven't even noticed us." He said grabbing my face and kissing me to which I then smiled. I then sat at the table and waited for the others to wake up so we can tell them.

Wolf's Pov

I was still cooking breakfast and then the other members of the team had started to wake up. Along with our new family and friend, Raiden the Shinx. He yawned and stretched as his little fangs showed. The little guy instantly ran up and hugged me the moment he saw me. The same going for Inferno and Rose.

"He he he, I didn't know you all liked me this much." I said with a smile.

"Well how could we not? You have done so much for us in so little time." Rose said happily.

"You are the greatest trainer and friend a Pokemon can have." Inferno said.

"Wolf can we please play together?" Raiden asked while wagging his star shaped tail.

"After we eat breakfast Raiden, I promise." I told him.

"Yay!" He said jumping with energy.

As I set everyone's food on the table and we all started to eat Aurora gave me a nod telling me that now was the time to tell them.

"Hey everyone, me and Aurora have something important to tell you all." I announced. Everyone then stared at me with mouths full waiting to hear. Aurora put a paw on my hand as she nodded again. I then said what I was going to say.

"Me and Aurora... are in... a relationship." I said slowly. Inferno and Rose gulped down their food and smiled while Raiden had no surprised look and smiled. I kinda expected them to spit out their eggs on the table.

"We already suspected something like this Wolf, it's no surprise." Rose said giggling.

"You also kept looking at each other in a lovey dovey way and were closer than usual." Inferno said laughing.

"I saw you kiss her last night before we went to bed." Raiden said now laughing. I then remembered Raiden hugging my leg after I finished kissing Aurora.

"Dammit..." I thought.

"Well Aurora it looks like they already knew." I said

"I'm just glad this didn't turn into an awkward situation." She said finally relieved.

We all ate our breakfast and packed up to head to Oreburgh, but first like I promised Raiden, We headed outside the Center and played catch and he was doing a great job at catching the ball in his mouth. He was having a lot of fun and Rose was flying through the sky with Inferno on her back. Aurora also made sure that if Inferno fell she would catch him. It was nice that we all had a chance to enjoy a good day together. After we finished it was time to go through Route 203 and make it to Oreburgh where our first Gym Badge was waiting. Few trainers populated this route and Raiden was eager to be in a battle so his first battle was with a Lass who had a Ralts.

"Hey there cutie, how about a battle?" She asked.

"Wolf! Can I please be in this battle?" Raiden asked jumping with energy.

"Sure thing little buddy." I said petting his head to which he purred. I then pulled out the Pokedex and checked his moves. Spark, Thunder Fang, Bite and Tackle.

"Alright I'll go with my buddy Raiden." I said as he jumped out onto the grassy terrain.

"Okay, I'll go with my best friend Ralts." She said as she threw out a pokeball revealing the little Pokemon.

"Okay, I'll go first." She said.

"Ralts, use Magical Leaf!" She ordered and the Ralts sent it towards Raiden.

"Raiden, Dodge and use Thunder Fang!" I ordered. He then dodged and Bit down on the Ralts with his electrified fangs.

"Ow! Hey no fair!" The Ralts said in pain confirming it female.

"Sorry but that's how battles are!" Raiden said with his mouth muffled on the Ralts shoulder.

"Ralts, use Teleport!" The Lass ordered and Raiden fell to the ground where the Ralts originally was.

"Huh? Where did she go?" Raiden said Confused. The Ralts then appeared behind him.

"Raiden behind you!" I shouted but it was to late.

"Alright Ralts, use Psychic!" The Lass ordered again. The Ralts then shot a psychic energy and Raiden who turned around was hit in the side.

"Agghhh! Raiden said in pain.

"Come on Raiden you can do it!" Inferno shouted while Rose and Aurora looked on with worried faces.

"Can you still fight Raiden?" I asked.

"I'm still raring to go!" Raiden said brushing himself off.

"Ok Raiden, use Bite!" I ordered.

"Ralts, use Teleport again!" The trainer ordered once again. I grinned. Bad move on her part.

"Alright Raiden, use Spark behind you!" I ordered and it hit the Ralts. When the smoke cleared she had spirals in her eyes confirming she was unable to battle.

"Dammit... (Sigh) it's okay Ralts you did a great job." She said as she returned her to it's Pokeball.

"Well I have to admit that was pretty smart to use spark from behind your shinx." She said smiling.

"Well the first time you used teleport you sure got me there." I replied smiling as well and holding my hand out to which she gladly shook.

"Well I'd best be on my way." I said running off with my pokemon.

"Thanks again for the battle!" She shouted.

We eventually made it to the tunnel leading to Oreburgh which was not very long but we then ran into a horrifying sight. Near the Pond in the tunnel there was a Buizel lying unconscious. We made our way to it to check what happened.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked holding it in my arms. It slowly opened it's eye's.

"" It said confirming it female and then falling unconscious again.

At that moment I sensed an Aura coming at me and in a swift movement I blocked a fist and saw that it was a Machoke. I put down the Buizel gently and focused on the attacker.

"What do you think your doing!?" I shouted.

"Stay out of this! This is between me and the bitch!" He shouted with anger. At that moment I pushed him back with my strength and he went skidding.

"What do you want with her!?" I shouted.

"She think's she can just walk away from me after I ask her out!? I always get what I want! No one say's no to me! No one!" At that moment he came charging at me. I didn't need my Murasama for this fight so I decided on my own strength that was that of a my mother gene's and my father's. His fist came at me again but I caught it which surprised Raiden, Rose, Inferno and Aurora.

"You son of a bitch! She didn't deserve that! It's about time someone put you in your place!" I yelled. I then pushed his fist back and punched him square in the face.

"People like you make me sick!" I yelled and blocked his kick and then kneed him in the gut knocking the air out of him.

"People thinking they can have what they want just by hurting others and taking things by force!" I yelled again and uppercutted his jaw. At this point he was dizzy.

"And if you think your getting what you want right now! Then too bad because you will never get your hands on her!" At that moment I jumped and then delivered a hard kick to the side of his head which made him yell in pain and fall to the ground covering his head.

"Now get out of here before I change my mind about letting you go!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. With that the Machoke ran out of the tunnel with fear. Aurora and the others looked on thinking I became Merciless Wolf(Except Raiden because he does not know yet) for a minute but was glad to see that I was my normal self for the dark red aura did not manifest around my body. It seems he only comes out when he want's to. It was good to know that he didn't try anything this time. Unlike last time...

"Wolf..." Raiden said.

"That was...Awesome!" He said excitedly. For a minute I thought he got scared of what he saw.

"Oh um...thanks." I said relieved.

"You really scared me there Wolf." Aurora said also relieved.

"Me too." Rose said.

"For a minute I thought you actually became Merciless Wolf." Inferno said.

"Merciless Wolf? Who's that?" Raiden asked.

"I'll tell you about it later Raiden. For now let's worry more about her." I said pointing to the unconscious Buizel lying on the ground. I then picked her up and we all started running to the exit to Oreburgh.

Aurora's Pov

As we were now leaving the tunnel I didn't believe it when I saw it. Did Wolf not turn into Merciless Wolf? It was hard to understand as he would always become him when he got angry. I was happy that it did not happen to the one person who means everything to me. Me and Wolf would have to talk about this later as getting this pokemon to the center in Oreburgh was our first priority.

Cue Outro song- Brave New World, and again I don't own this song and all rights go to Capcom & Namco.

Till Next Time! AWWWOOOOOO!

Chapter 7: Sapphire & A Special Bond

**Intro Music- Cha La Head Cha La Battle of Gods Version by the creators of DB, DBZ & DBGT. All rights go to it's respective owners.** **Narrator- After just saving a Buizel from an irritated Machoke who had beaten her to an inch of her life, Wolf,...

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Chapter 5: A Day of Fun & Raiden

**Narrator- The sun was slowly rising over the horizon as it was now the start of a new day. In the Pokemon Center asleep were 4 friends. Wolf, Aurora, Inferno, and Rose. After the events that occurred the day before they were all feeling at peace as...

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Chapter 4: Rose & Newfound Love Blossoms

**Narrator- **** After the events that have transpired back at Route 201, Wolf could not help but feel sad and angry inside for letting his dark side get the better of him. He remembered the looks on Aurora's and Inferno's face as he was beating the...

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