My Memory

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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#12 of Eric's Schooldays

Having returned from his camp just days earlier, Eric spent the first three days back recovering from his exertions. Of which he spent the first simply catching up on what he had missed in his absence. As he checked his email account, he found a plethora of messages that had been left for him. Discarding over half of the messages as spam he marked many of the others as read, which left only two left, one from Carla and the other from the camp coordinator. Reading the most recent of the messages, Eric deleted it after briskly glancing over it. It was essentially a thank you message meaning that he would never actually bother to read it. He opened up the other message with interest, what could Carla possible say to him? Reading it, the message chilled him to the bone as he thought about the future consequences.

‘Dear Eric

Look, I know times have been rough and we've had our bad times in the past. I've forgiven you for many things and you have reciprocated likewise. There is just one thing, which I have to ask you though. Is there really anything to our relationship? I know it's a bad thing to be asking like this but I can't reach you any other way. I mean the sex is nice and all but is that all there is to it? Give me a response ASAP.

Love Carla'

Eric blinked in surprise; this wasn't the response he expected to be getting. It did make him think though. After all, he hadn't done anything for her just recently and as a result the two of them simply drifted apart. He admitted that it was his fault though so he couldn't be blamed for disagreeing with her. What he did next though he simply had no idea as he didn't have the gall nor any clue where to start.

On the fourth day back, he looked at a group of photos on a shelf, fond memories starting to flow into his mind. Examining every photo individually his heart fell as he came across their first photo together at Adventureworld. He had asked a teacher to take the picture for him and although he had looked upon it lovingly in the past, his heart no longer fluttered as it used to. He couldn't explain why this was happening but it was probably better that he didn't know. Setting the photo back in its place he shook his head before turning on his computer. Sitting in the chair, he rested his head on the desk, watching and waiting as the computer started up. As the LCD screen flickered into life he typed his password and waited as it logged him into the system. Presently his sister quietly entered the room, clearly in a good mood and started to nuzzle his face lovingly.

"Not now Alice I'm not in the mood," Eric muttered as he rolled his eyes at her. Seemingly oblivious to her brother's request to be left alone Alice merely shrugged her shoulders as she hugged him tightly.

"Still tired huh?" she asked him, watching her brother's mouse cursor move across the screen.

"You could say that," Eric responded as he navigated to a folder labeled ‘Confidential eyes only!'. This gave Alice the message to leave him alone and she quickly backed off. Leaving the room she closed the door behind her, hearing the lock click into place.

Inside the dark room, Eric double-clicked the folder. There were a further two folders contained within, one labeled ‘porn', the other ‘personal'. Entering the personal folder Eric was soon confronted with a variety of different photos and videos of him and his friends. There was a separate folder devoted exclusively to stuff of him and Carla. Inside there were plenty of photos and videos, one of the latter being a porno they had tried to shoot in her bedroom. Sighing deeply he found the folder and clicked on it once. Staring at it longingly, he closed his eyes before hitting the delete button.

As the files headed into the Recycle Bin, he heard his parents calling him down for dinner. Trudging down the stairs in total silence, he noticed the broad smiles on the rest of his family. Feigning his own with a half-hearted smile, he approached the table, his paws in his pockets. Taking a seat, as far away from his parents as possible he kept silent, noticing that most of the conversation seemed directed at his sister. It wasn't long before his parents started to ask questions about his time at Mission Impossible.

"So how was your camp?" his father asked him suddenly.

Eric almost choked on the food in his mouth. Placing his fork down on the table, he swallowed before answering.

"There were some incidents but everything was good,"

"Incidents? Like what?" his father pressed on.

"I don't want to talk about it," Eric muttered, not looking up from his plate. Noticing that he wasn't going to get anymore details from his son his father fell silent, not wanting to upset the delicate relationship the pair shared.

Heading back up to his room, he locked the door, switching off the light, which his sister had turned on to pester him. For the past few days, he had been taking sneaky soaks in the pool after everyone else had gone to sleep. It helped him think and relax despite losing a few hours of sleep. Setting the alarm on his mobile, he yawned quietly before slipping it into a pocket.

At 2 am, Eric felt his mobile vibrating in his pocket. Silencing the phone, he hauled himself out of bed and after grabbing a towel from the bathroom, he headed outside. The cool suburban air was a nice change from the air at Mission Impossible. Throwing his clothes aside, he quietly slipped into the water. Diving beneath the surface, he made his way over to the steps where he came up for air. Sitting down so that the air went up to his neck his mind started to crank into gear and think about the future.

Upstairs Alice had heard Eric quietly padding past her room. Peering out of her window, she noticed a dark figure sitting on the steps of the pool.

"Eric," she muttered to herself as she descended the stairs to confront her troubled brother.

Having already closed his eyes Eric was on the verge of dozing off when some faint splashing roused his soggy mind. As his eyes slowly focused on the figure it took him over thirty seconds to recognize his sister's body in the darkness

"Eric what are you doing down here? It's two in the morning," called a soft voice. Eric glanced at his sister before returning his gaze to the shimmering water.

"What's wrong? I know mom and dad can be a little insensitive at times but they mean well," she continued. Turning to face his sister, her gorgeous figure highlighted by the moonlight, he looked at her eyes once before gesturing for her to come closer. Paddling over to him Eric quickly caught her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, trying to avoid groping her unnecessarily. Eric had barely noticed how Alice was changing with each passing day. It was only then that he realized that she was nearly as tall as he was, perhaps an inch or so shorter. Had the both of them stood side by side they could have been mistaken for twins.

"Problems between me and Carla, we're thinking of splitting up," Eric replied softly. Alice didn't respond to the statement, there was nothing she could say that would help in this situation, at least not yet. When something did come to mind, she felt something rub against her ass. Looking down she noticed Eric's arms still wrapped tightly around her.

"Still thinking about her right?" she asked cautiously

"Yeah I wonder if I could ever devote myself to someone else just as much," Eric whispered. Alice smiled at Eric as she turned around to face him.

"I'm sure you will but try to talk things through with her first," she replied, kissing him on the lips and rubbing her crotch against his.

By the time the school term had started up again Eric now had enough self doubt in himself to stay indecisive about his actions. Although the reality was that they were essentially fuck buddies deep down he wanted to try again, try and better their relationship. This contrast was now playing havoc with his studies, rendering him unable to concentrate in class. At recess time, he pulled Chris aside to get his opinion on the matter.

"Why me though? I'm still single remember!" Chris reminded gently.

"I know I just wanted you thoughts that all," Eric responded. Chris scratched his head in confusion as he tried to think of an appropriate answer. It was unusual for Eric to be coming to him of all people for relationship information. He usually went to Alex for such advice.

"Um I'd say have long talk with Carla. The only way to resolve problems is to talk about it," Chris finally answered as he leaned against a wall. Nodding his acknowledgement Eric quickly thanked the fox and gave him a hug. What the pair hadn't noticed was a trio from the specialist basketball team. All three were known homophobes by Chris and weren't hesitant to voice their opinions.

"What's going on here? An embrace between two fags no doubt!" moaned one.

"Shut the fuck up Mister Uncle McScrooge! At least I'm no penny pinching miser!" Chris snapped, his eyes narrowing in a hostile manner.

"Well we don't want your kind here! Get outta our country you fag!" screeched another.

"Oh really? Well what do you think of this little fagtrocity!" Chris bellowed before quickly grabbing Eric pulling him into a deep kiss, startling the wolf with the sudden action. Chris knew what he was doing as he supported Eric's head with a paw while gently groping his ass with the other. The three players gawped at the sight, unable to move. It wasn't long before one of the players ran off screaming,

"Oh god I'll be having nightmares now!"

As the two followed him, Chris released Eric, much to the shock of all of their peers. Out of the eight of them all knew that Chris was indeed gay, much to the disapproval of Steve and Anthony. Eric and Alex had managed to hide their bisexuality for many years now but Chris's display now put Eric's position into question.

"You enjoyed that didn't you?" Anthony asked in a semi-hostile voice.

"What makes you say that?" Eric responded as the mental image of Chris teasingly stripping for him formed in his mind. Anthony pointed at Eric's crotch.

"Explain that then,"

Eric looked down before looking back at Anthony. He had waited for this moment for a long time, a time to lash back at all the crap Anthony had given him in the past.

"You know for someone who constantly claims to be straight you seem to stare at other guy's crotches quite a lot. Are you sure that you're straight or are you just simply scared that you've got a small dick compared to everyone else?" Eric replied with a sly grin. The answer caught the cheetah off guard and for once, the normally talkative Anthony, who seemed to talk about women on a daily basis, fell silent.

Carla too, had been asking around for advice on her current situation from her personal group of friends and although she had already asked Adriana for her thoughts, she was more interested in what the others had to say. Of the various responses, that she received many had simply told her to dump Eric cold turkey while Adriana and Stephanie instead chose to tell her that a gentle but firm discussion was necessary to get through to Eric's apparently thick skull. While the majority was indeed telling her that getting rid of Eric was the solution, her best friends were stating the complete opposite. Wanting to see if he could come to a decision before she did she waited for him to make his move.

It wasn't long before trouble started to brew within the two student groups. With Eric separated from Carla, Chris took it upon himself to start flirting with Eric behind Carla's back. Eric, being in a mental state of distress, took kindly to this, thinking that Chris was just trying to be nice to him in his hour of need. The pair soon started spending more and more time with one another and soon enough Alex started to get suspicious about their dealings together. He kept silent about the whole ordeal though, his conscience warning him that any action could disturb the fine balance that was their friendship. Adriana too had noticed changes and strange happenings around hir. Adriana had also noticed how much time Michelle was spending around Carla.

Just one week after they had arrived back at school Alex managed to catch Eric and Chris deep in the throes of passion.

Earlier that day:

"So you brought the stuff as planned?" Eric asked, looking around the outdoor basketball courts suspiciously despite the absence of anybody else apart from him and Chris.

"Got it in here," Chris replied, patting a pocket in his bag. Eric nodded before heading off to his first class of the day.

"Meet me here by 3:30 this afternoon," Eric muttered.

True to his word Chris found Eric leaning against the wire fence that surrounded the basketball courts. With a cap pulled over his eyes, Eric sat back, the shadow it cast covering his muzzle and protecting it from the harsh sunlight.

"You're late," Eric growled, not looking up from the ground as Chris's footsteps became audible to him.

"I'm sorry Eric we got let out of class late, our P+L teacher wanted us to hand in our work for marking when we finished," Chris answered, scratching the back of his head. Eric merely nodded as he took off his cap and stuffed it into his bag, which sat on the ground.

"Thanks for coming," Eric whispered as he approached Chris and gave him a hug, his arms separating the fox and his bag. Chris, who still stood a whole head taller than he did, gently ruffled Eric's hair before nuzzling his face. Looking up, Eric kissed Chris on the lips lovingly, their tongues gently coming into contact with one another. When they parted, Chris gestured for Eric to grab his bag and follow him.

As the pair walked through a gate, Chris led Eric into the large gym that sat at the back of the school. The changerooms were left unlocked, probably so that the athletics squad could use them later, so the pair quickly entered to avoid raising suspicion. Dropping his bag near a wall Chris told Eric to do the same while he disappeared around a corner. He soon returned carrying a padded mat that was commonly used for different activities ranging from conventional sit-ups to yoga. Dropping the mat onto the ground the fox lay down and coaxed Eric into joining him. Getting on the mat next to the fox, a paw lying on Chris's chest, Eric snuggled up next to the taller male, feeling more secure with each passing moment.

"Come on, what's really going on in that mind of yours?" Chris asked gently. Eric remained quiet as his mind raced to answer the question.

"I've just felt insecure about myself recently. I don't want to go to Alex because I thought that'd he'd ridicule me or something,"

Chris gently rubbed Eric's back before looking at the wolf squarely in the eye with a kind look.

"Real friends guide, not ridicule Eric, always remember that," Chris responded, pulling Eric on top of him, "All of us care for you. We don't like to see you miserable,"

This helped calm Eric down, who had been edgy ever since they had entered the empty building. Kicking off their shoes, they shared one brief kiss as they basked in the warmth of each other. Hugging Chris tightly, Eric started to loosen the fox's shorts with a paw, before gently rubbing his ballsack. Smiling a little, Chris in turn reciprocated the action, loosening Eric's shorts and pulling them down while managing to wriggle out of his. Deciding to leave their school shirts on, Chris brought Eric's head down to his level, allowing them to passionately kiss one another.

Pulling himself away from Chris's mouth, Eric slid down the fox's body, settling down at his crotch. Grabbing a hold of Chris's cock, he licked the underside from the bottom to the tip in one smooth movement. Throwing his head back, Chris let out a groan as he dug around in his bag for the tube of lube he had stolen from his parents. By the time he found it Eric was busy teasing his cock head between his lips.

"Eric, here," Chris muttered, sliding the tube across the floor. Eyeing the plastic tube Eric picked it up, sliding his lips over the head of Chris's cock and taking the first few inches into his maw. Coating two fingers with the lube he ran them gently around the fox's tailhole, loosening it a little before inserting a finger. Bobbing his head on the cock, Eric carefully wriggled his lubed finger, preparing Chris for his second finger, which he introduced just seconds later. Starting up a gentle rhythm, Eric alternated between thrusting with his fingers and sucking Chris's member. Sending waves of pleasure coursing through Chris's body, the fox didn't notice Eric applying the lube to his cock. It wasn't until Eric pulled his fingers out that Chris noticed Eric's lubed cock nudging against his tailhole. Smiling a lustful smile, Chris beckoned at the wolf.

"Come on, you know you want to," he whispered. With the basic, primal, urge building inside of him, Eric gently but firmly held Chris down by his stomach as he pushed his member inside of the fox.

Presently Alex was about to leave the school grounds when he remembered that he had left something in the sports office. Pedalling quickly, he leaned his bicycle next to a wall as he marched to the main door. As the office was next to the gym itself, he hoped to get a quick swig of water before heading home. Finding the door locked he walked around the building until he found a way in. Heading directly to the office he found the folder in question and was about to leave when he heard the sound of soft moaning coming from the basketball court. Going against his better judgment, he walked over to investigate. He got the shock of his life when he saw Chris and Eric going at it with gusto. Alex stared on as he watched the wolf thrust himself in and out of the fox. In and out, sometimes fast, sometimes slow but with a constant enthusiasm that was spurred on by Chris's lustful moans. Alex almost dropped the folder he was carrying, trying his best to avoid getting aroused at the sight. It didn't work. A small bulge formed in Alex's shorts and although it was tempting to simply march over and get Eric to suck him off like the slutty little wolf he was, his better judgment kicked in, forcing him to back off and leave the school.

Hearing the sound of shoes on a hard surface Eric paused, stopping short of fucking Chris into a stupor.

"You hear that? I think someone's watching us," Eric muttered, his cock buried inside of Chris

"Really? Ooh I wonder who it is!" Chris replied enthusiastically. The thought that someone could be watching them send chills down Eric's spine, the thought of having kinky gay sex and later being outed was something he could do without. It puzzled him as to why Chris seemed unperturbed by the concept. Nobody had ever been caught having sex on school premises but Eric was determined not to be the first.

"It's probably your imagination playing up," Chris murmured, eager to get started again. Dismissing the errant thought, Eric once again started up a gentle rhythm, thrusting slowly into Chris's rear as the fox undid his shirt buttons. Chris watched with unabated interest as he saw Eric close his eyes and mutter incoherent things to himself. The wolf trembled slightly as he started to increase the pace of his thrusting.

"Oh yeah... come on, give it to me," Chris murmured. Letting out a soft howl, Eric thrust himself deeply inside Chris before coming hard, coating the fox's innards with his warm cum.

"That's a good boy, let it all out," Chris whispered as Eric collapsed onto his chest. Feeling Eric's member throb gently inside of him, Chris gently rubbed Eric's back, drawing a soft murr from the wolf.

"We better have a shower before we leave," Chris suggested as he picked up the lube and put it away in his bag.

"Will you molest me while we do it?" Eric asked.

"I certainly intend to," Chris snickered, his member pressing against Eric's stomach.

Gathering up their things, Chris led Eric into the male change rooms before dropping their belongings onto a bench. Then in an authoritative voice he commanded,

"This is a strip search! Put your paws on the wall and spread your legs,"

Always up for a little role-play, Eric did, as he was told and stepped up to a nearby wall. Feeling Chris's expert paws start groping at his body from head to toe Eric continued the conversation in the same provocative manner.

"I assure you I have nothing that you want," he said in an innocent voice, yipping quietly as he felt his ass being rubbed.

"A likely story... cavity search, step into the shower naked," Chris hissed as he removed their shirts and took the bottle of lube from his bag. Coating two fingers with the lube, he closed the shower door and placed the tube on the bench.

"Cavity search?" Eric asked in a semi-surprised tone, "I don't have stuff stuck up my ass!"

He let out a silent squeal as Chris probed his tailhole before inserting the lubed fingers.

"Hmm...alright...uh huh... oh what's this?" Chris muttered as he massaged the inside of Eric's ass. The fox paused as he found the wolf's prostate, rubbing it gently a few times and bringing a flush to Eric's face.

With his head pressed to the wall, Eric didn't notice Chris spreading the lube over his cock. To busy focusing on the fingers inside of him, Eric paused as something rested in between his ass cheeks.

"You sure that you didn't hide anything up your ass? ‘cause I'm pretty sure that I found something," Chris cheekily laughed as he removed his fingers and lined himself up with Eric's tailhole.

"You sure? What is it?" Eric asked, feeling the tip nudge against him.

"My cock," the fox replied as his member entered Eric's ass. The wolf shivered a little as Chris's lubed cock slid inside of him. When he was sure that he could take no more he turned on the faucets of the shower cubicle. The initially cold water soon warmed as it washed away some of the sweat on their bodies.

"It's not right to lie... you don't know what will happen if you do," Chris whispered.

"Please don't hurt me mister fox, I'm ever so sorry," Eric whined playfully as the water washed his fingers clean.

"Sorry isn't enough... I'll deal with this personally," Chris growled as he withdrew from Eric's ass before thrusting back in. Grabbing a hold of the wolf's thighs, Chris once more withdrew from Eric's ass before thrusting back in. Starting slowly at first, Chris continued the pattern of thrusting. He added some variety by first thrusting in his full length, then half, then half again before repeating the cycle all over again. Eric's mind was buzzing with activity, being constantly massaged by the feeling in his ass, the forceful thrusting varying in speed from slow to fast. After a full minute of literally pounding Eric's ass Chris let out a low growl, spurting his spooge deep inside of Eric before removing his cock from his ass, the water washing away the fox's cum. They shared a quick cuddle and kiss before helping wash one another.

"You're a good friend you know," Eric said aloud as they walked out of the changerooms.

"Heh you too man," Chris responded as he looked at his watch, "Hey I gotta run. See you tomorrow,"

Eric waved as he watched Chris jog across the oval. Smiling to himself he found his bicycle before heading off home.

A somewhat stunned Alex soon found himself pedaling his bike to Adriana's place as soon as he left the school grounds. Unsure whether or not what he saw was real or simply an illusion conjured up by a tired and horny mind he didn't want to take any chances. Chaining his bike and helmet together he walked up to the door and knocked. An older male, which he recognized as Adriana's brother, answered the door.

"Oh Alex right? You'll find my sister up in her room," he told the fox, stepping aside. Nodding a thank you, Alex left his shoes outside as he found Adriana's room, remembering to knock on the door.

"Just a minute," came a voice from inside. Alex was aware that Adriana's room was receiving a new coat of paint and he wondered what colour it was. As the door opened, he was greeted by a room

"Alex? What are you doing here?" Adriana asked.

"What on Earth happened to your room?" Alex responded, noting the differences the paint had on his eyes. Adriana merely rubbed her temples as she shook her head.

"That bad huh? The colour was dad's idea. I personally wanted a sky blue or a cream colour but dad didn't want to lose his ‘precious little pumpkin'... can you believe that?"Adriana muttered.

Alex stifled a laugh as he heard the description that hir father had given. It just sounded so adorable! Adriana noticed this and was distinctly unimpressed.

"Hey it's not funny! I'm sixteen not six!" shi snapped, "Look what do you want?"

Alex lost his joviality in an instant as his mind was metaphorically slapped.

"I'm sorry it's just that I saw something which I shouldn't have," Alex murmured. Nodding once, Adriana let him in before sitting on hir bed, patting the space beside hir. Watching Alex take a seat shi proceeded to ask what the problem was.

"Well you know the rift between Eric and Carla right? I think Chris is taking the opportunity to flirt with Eric and claim him as a boyfriend. I found them screwing one another in the gym just minutes ago," Alex confessed, wringing his paws in a stressed manner. For some bizarre reason Adriana didn't find this unnatural, it was almost as if shi had anticipated that this would happen.

"Well I guess that explains the odd behavior Carla has been displaying. Remember the twins? I suspect that the both of them are closet lesbians, why else would they be spending a lot of time with Carla? That surprised me though. I always thought that Carla was straight... I had no idea she was bi-curious," Adriana responded, pushing Alex onto his back and clambering on top of him.

"Well whatever it is we have to put a stop to it. I don't want to backstab Eric after what he did for us," Alex replied as he started to play with Adriana's hair.

"Mmm... I'll try whatever possible," shi murmured as shi kissed him.

Back at school before first session had started Adriana was making hir way to the library as usual when she noticed something Alex had warned hir about. Both Eric and Chris seemed completely oblivious to the fact that shi had marched up towards them and was tapping hir foot impatiently on the ground.

"Eric! Chris! What are you doing?" shi hollered. The two males broke apart their embrace and flew apart from one another, their faces pale from being discovered while pashing one another. Grabbing a hold of Eric roughly by his shoulders si slammed him against a wall, making him wince in pain.

"What the hell are you doing?" shi bellowed, "Don't you care about Carla anymore?"

"I...I was lonely," Eric whimpered.

"Well if you treated Carla better you wouldn't have this problem now would you?" shi hissed.

"Come now, this can't be all his fault, anyone is allowed to..." Chris started.

Adriana shot him a venomous glance.

"You shut up! You're making matters worse you know! If given the chanceI would've beaten your ass already!" Adriana snarled as shi dragged Eric, kicking and screaming, away from Chris.

Alex would have his own encounter soon enough in his chemistry class before morning recess. Some of the other classes were having a flexi session, meaning that a class would have an hour off in exchange for coming to school an hour earlier, usually for a test of some sort. About half way through the session he saw Carla get upn and ask the teacher something before leaving the classroom.

"Probably going to the toilet," he told himself before returning to his work on IUPAC naming. A good ten minutes passed and she still hadn't returned to class. Alex knew something was up and he requested to go to the toilet as well.

"There's only 20 minutes until recess time. Can't you wait?" the teacher asked.

Alex shook his head, trying his best to make it look like he needed to pee. With a wave of her paw she dismissed Alex and he scampered off to the nearest toilet block. Upon reaching it, he realized that the cleanest toilets were in the English block, quickly arriving there a minute later. His hunch that she would be there, proved to be correct as he faintly heard her voice coming from inside. Being caught in the girls toilets was an easy way to be labeled a pervert but this was important. Looking around to check if anybody else was walking past he quickly entered when the coast looked clear.

"Oh mmm... that's good, how did you get so good at this?" he heard Carla cry.

"Lots of practice," came another female voice.

Prowling around Alex found an empty cubicle next to the one where the voices were coming from. Climbing on top of the toilet, he peered over the partition. What he saw didn't surprise him.

"Why is it every time I find someone not doing what they are supposed to they are engaging in sex of some kind," Alex asked himself.

Peering down he watched as Michelle went down on Carla, presumably giving the white tigress one of the best sessions of head she had ever experienced.

"I have to do something... oh one more minute!" Alex told himself as he watched the spectacle from above.

Carla purred in pleasure as Michelle skillfully used her tongue to dance across Carla's pussy lips, flicking in and out. Alex stared on in total surprise as the focus quickly changed to her clit, bringing the tigress to orgasm. Alex's eyes widened as Michelle lapped the fluid up without apprehension.

"Right enough is enough!" he told himself as he managed to push himself over the partition. Landing gracefully on his feet he grabbed Carla by the paw and pulled her outside.

"You're coming with me missy," he growled, leaving Carla barely enough time to pull her panties up.

As expected both Alex and Adriana were wary of trouble at recess time. Despite their best evasion tactics both eventually got cornered by the ones whom they had annoyed.

"You had a lot of gall to take my Eric like that. What possessed you to do it?" Chris asked Adriana, after cornering hir behind a classroom.

"Your Eric? He's Carla's Eric thank you very much! If anything what possessed you to start flirting with him?" Adriana shot back.

"Now I'm not one to hit a lady but your ass is pushing it!"

His remark was soon rewarded with a knee to the stomach. Falling to his knees, gasping for air, Adriana forced his gaze to hir level.

"I'm more than just a lady prettyboy," shi hissed, slapping him painfully across the face and leaving a red mark before walking off.

Alex wasn't so lucky in avoiding the wrath of the twins however. Not that he really stood much of a chance against two cats with an inkling for revenge. They caught him by surprise shortly before recess had ended while he was leaving his chemistry classroom.

"And where do you think you're going?" Michelle hissed at him.

"Oh shit!" Alex cried out as they shoved him back into the classroom, "Okay, alright what do you want?"

He flinched when he saw the violent looks in their eyes; it was almost as if they would tear him apart if given the chance. What he didn't notice was that he was subconsciously walking backwards, trying to put as much distance as possible between him and the twins.

"I'm pretty sure you know why we're here. We're going to put a few holes in that grin of yours," Zoe hissed, cracking her knuckles menacingly at him.

"Uh I'm sure we can talk this through like civilized beings..." Alex whimpered before trying to make a mad dash for the door. He made it halfway across the room before the two brought him down, his white fur being quickly covered in dust.

"Hey come on this ‘aint cool!" Alex whined as he scrambled to his feet. He was promptly caught and a swift kick to his crotch soon made him double over in pain. Michelle was about to smash his face in with a well-aimed kick but Zoe quickly convinced her not to, leaving the arctic fox to his misery.

"Alex what happened to you?" Adriana asked when shi saw him limp over to her.

"I got kicked in the balls... what more do you need to know?" he whined as Adriana cuddled him affectionately.

"Alright we need to get them help at lunch,"

"I know just the person," Alex responded as he walked slowly into class.

Just as lunch time started Alex quickly told Adriana to go find both Eric and Carla and to bring them to the Student Services building. A little perplexed by the request Adriana went off without another word to fulfill the command. Alex on the other hand knew one other who would help in this particular situation.

"Oh hello I don't think I've seen you before what's your name?"

"Hi I'm Alex. Um Mr. Ester I've got two friends who will be arriving shortly who are kinda having relationship problems. I'll give you the short version," Alex replied as he described the situation to the school psychologist.

"Alright I'll see what I can do," the psychologist replied. Alex hadn't spoken to Mr. Ester before but there was something about the ring-tailed lemur that reassured him that things would work out somehow.

Alex was indeed nervous as he watched both Eric and Carla reach the Student Services building at different times. Gesturing for them to enter the psychologist's room he paced the building impatiently, waiting for Adriana to appear. When shi finally arrived Alex let out an exasperated sigh as he collapsed into a seat.

"What's up with you?" Adriana asked him.

"Huh? Oh nothing... just... okay I'm nervous," Alex responded, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"Don't be... Mr. Ester is a professional I told you that already. He helped me find my identity in year 8 and I haven't looked back since," Adriana soothed, running a paw down his face.

Minutes passed as the discussion between Eric and Carla took place behind the closed door. Alex clung onto Adriana tightly, scared that the pair would come out and strangle him without a moment's notice. When the two came out of the office at the end of lunchtime, Alex was relieved to find out that they had no intention on throttling him, at least not yet. As the fox left with Eric, he asked about what happened inside.

"So anything major?" Alex asked cautiously. Eric shook his head.

"Nah... although I guess he did have a point. We both really are to blame for the breakdown. It's become a simple thing now. We'll spend some time apart before coming back. I never thought that he of all people would be quoting Chicago, Hard to say I'm Sorry," Eric answered, letting out a deep sigh.

"Eric... Eric look at me," Alex said, walking in front of the wolf, "Listen you and Carla are made for one another. I know it, and you know it. We all have rough times. Can you promise though that you will devote yourself to her?"

Eric solemnly nodded. He actually meant it this time; there would be no more slip-ups.

"That's a good boy," Alex told him as they shared a brief hug.