FFTA:FC Chapter 2
#2 of FFT Advance: Full Circle
Woah, I'm back from the far reaches of space, and lemme tell ya... it's boring. This is Bright Shadow, finally attempting to breathe a little life into my FFTA story series that I almost forgot it existed. I even thought it got deleted at some point... but it didn't! Yay! So, I'm here to revive it with a 2nd chappy! And if you don't know the legal shit, you need to be hit on the head with a frozen tuna, but I guess I should put it in anyways. Never know if someone might come along and sue me for this. So, please note that I DO NOT in ANY WAY own FFTA or its affiliated characters, locations, jobs, classes, items, and all of that whatnot. It all belongs to Square Enix. The original characters ARE mine, however, so there. This is only for parody purposes and is not intended for profit. Sell it and I'll rip your fucking head off. Let's get this on with! * * *
Chapter 2 - The Date
- * * Shaun waited semi-patiently for the thief to return. "Yeah?" he heard the Human ask to the bartender. "Ah, okay. Thanks, mac," he called out, jumping down the small flight of stairs. "Out back with Visk again," the boy said to his friend. "Why am I not sssurprisssed?" the templar sighed to himself, then looked at the thief. "My thanksss." Alex shruged. "Eh, it's nothin'." Now that he was going out to the back, Shaun wondered how he missed them to begin with; the ring of steel was audible just outside the tavern's back door. It had been 11 days since Aura had joined, but she was already a respectable soldier. Better yet, she learned the job's skills with astounding ease and speed. She had moved away from the "training" equipment by the end of the week, and the templar was eager to see her current selection. As he walked, the sounds of battle became more pitched: both of them must be throwing all of their might into this one. Aura held fast as the warrior's blows crashed into her sheild. She gripped the Gale Sword firmly in her right hand, waiting for a hole to open in the Bangaa's attacks. Visk gave a wrenching swing to the side, bashing the Opal Sheild away from the soldier's front. She decided that it was the best time, and lunged foreward, cutting upwards, and the blade bit into the warrior's Carbani Mail, destabelizing his balance and churning a few sparks out of it. Then she brought the sheild around, spinning to her left, and let the heavy piece slam into her opponent's helmet, knocking him over. Aura dug her foot into the grass, stopping the momentum, and looked at her mentor. "Always on your toes, eh?" The Bangaa shook himself and pulled off his helm. "I'll say. Never would've expected THAT!" The Human girl smiled and opened her mouth to speak again- "Now Aura, didn't I tell you to play nice?" -and dropped the equipment in her hands, then charged over to the templar and threw herself on him. "Shaun!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around him in a loving embrace, which the Bangaa gladly returned. "I sssee you're not giving yourssself a break yet, Aura," he said when they seperated. "Nope!" she replied cheerfuly, looking over at Visk, who finally managed to stand. "Dude, she just clubbed me in the head with her sheild," he said when he saw the questioning look from the templar. "How would you feel?" Shaun thought for a moment. "Unconsssiousss, probably," he answered, nodding. "Hey Alex, kupo... you okay?" The thief's head sprang up from his brooding and turned to the gunner. "Yeah, I'm good, I guess..." he said, trailing off and smirking a little. Linz gave him a worried look. "Well, kupo, I've noticed you're being a little more... detatched, kupo. Like there's something getting at you. Know what I mean, kupo?" The Human nodded darkly. "Yeah, I do," he said, his voice quiet and half-hearted, his eyes closing in contemplation. "Kupo, well, if you want to tell me..." Alex waived a hand. "Nah, I should be able to get over it on my own. Thanks, though... really," he said softly. The Moogle nodded and pushed the thief a little, to which Alex gave a weak chuckle. Elric nodded at the bartender as he entered, then almost tripped over the gunner when he came up the stairs. "Gaak!" was the noise he made as he threw a hand out to the rail, but Linz proceeded to tumble down the small stairway. "Ooof! What in the kupo?!? I outta - oh, hey boss, kupo. What's got you today? Normaly you pay kupo more attention," the Moogle piped to the clan leader. "Just looking for a few of the clan, that's all. We're going to have a few visitors today," he explained, helping the fuzzy creature to his feet. "Kupo, thanks. Any reason?" The paladin sighed. "Nothing specific, no... but I feel they're okay," he said calmly. "Well, I'm gonna go work on some of our equipment, kupo. Call if ya need me!" Linz said, walking out. Elric stepped down to the seating area and glanced over at the corner where Alex usually stayed, and sure enough, there he was... but something seemed off, he noticed, as he approached. "Alex, you good?" The young thief looked up and shook his head. "It's nothing, cap'n. Whatcha need?" "You, Godfrey, and Visk later today," Elric said, folding his arms. "Allright, that's simple. Why?" "Well, I was approached by a trio of Humans who said they wanted to speak with a clan who would beleive them. Not sure what about, though, and they wouldn't say," Elric explained, causing the green clad Human to frown in thought. "Doesn't seem to much to ask. Any catches?" The other Human shook his head. "Well, okay then," Alex said, standing up, "I'll get the others." Aura, Shaun, and Visk entered through the back just as the thief rose, all greeting the pair with warm looks. "Well, well," the younger of the two Humans said, turning his attention to the girl, "look who finally got drug back to the real world. Nice to know yer still alive," he joked, grinning. The soldier rolled her eyes at Alex and chuckled. "Yeah, whatever, ya goofball," she shot back before turning her attention to the paladin. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but does the clan have anything planned today?" A knowing glint played across Elric's face. "Well, nothing too terribly important, no... unless you wanted something to happen. I can arrange that if..." he trailed off, seeing the Human girl shake her head. "No, I was just asking. I already have plenty to do today. Thanks, Elric!" she said happily, tugging the templar's hand and leading him away. Visk looked at the lovers and sighed heavily. "Thanks, boss," he said quietly. "You have no idea how bad she needed to take a break." Alex looked at the Bangaa and smirked. "Does he? Why'd he let 'em go, then, eh?" Elric chuckled a little. "No, I suppose it's just a fighter's instinct... or somesuch. No one can keep up that kind of pace forever; a body can only handle so much at one time," the paladin quipped, getting a groan out of the other Human. "Oh, God, he's getting philosophical again. Okay, okay, I'm going," the boy sighed, heading for the door. *45 minutes later* Marche looked around the room, checking for anything suspicious. It was a good size, like a bedroom, with a pair of windows, a low table, and about a dozen or so stools. Not much for decorations, but that was certainly fine with him... less places to hide things. Mewt pulled a trio of seats out ant claimed one for himself, with his two friends quickly joining him. Ritz fidgeted and cast a wary gaze around the room. "Think they'll actually show?" Marche sighed. "I hope so. If not..." His sentence was cut short by the door creaking open and the paladin Elric's enterance. He bowed to them and beckoned in three other clan members. "My apologies," he said as the others made their way in, "but it took longer than I thought to get these particular gents," he said, nodding to the clanners. "Yeah, whatever. I'm the one who had to find 'em," the thief grumbled in mild protest, hopping up onto the table with a smirk and a watchful gaze. The paladin shook his head slowly. "I hope you're not offended," he said to his visitors, taking a seat near the table. "Not at all," Marche spoke, gathering his wits. "I suppose you're wondering why we wanted to see you," he began, leaning forward a little. "Well, it's a long story... but I assure you, every word of it is the truth. It started a year ago, with this weird-looking book..." "Aura, dear... what exactly did you have planned that wasss ssso important?" Aura looked up at the templar and smiled. "Well, I was hoping you would like to go on a date of sorts... or at least be able to go out somewhere without me getting raped or something," she said lightly, opening the door to her room. "I sssee," the Bangaa responded thoughtfuly, shaking the anger from his mind. Don't ssstart thinking about that now, he thought. "I sssuppossse you want me to wear a more... casssual... outfit?" Shaun asked politely, folding his arms, to which the soldier narrowed her eyes. "Well, unless you want to go running around all of Sphrom in a suit of Platemail, yes," she joked. The templar recoiled in mock horror. "I am appalled by the very thought! Getting my armor dirty in sssuch a common manner!" Aura laughed and kissed him. "Go change." Aura knocked on Shaun's door and adjusted her clothes. She had ditched her armor and heavy equipment in favor of her soldier's outfit, but didn't wear the hat, letting her long brown hair flow and wave freely. The door opened and the girl gasped a little in pleasent surprise. The templar had chosen a long overcoat to go with his job uniform, but wore a simple shirt instead of the chestpiece that normaly went with it. He also had decided against a helmet, taking a Headband instead, and carrying a Lohengrin strapped to his side. Aura smiled and hugged him. "You look so dashing, my dear," she said heavily, kissing him on the cheek. "Well, you did sssay casssual," he reminded her softly, holding her and running a hand through her hair. "That I did. Besides, it won't be so hot under all that, will it?" the soldier asked, putting her head on her lover's chest. "Certainly not. Although I mussst admit," Shaun mused, "that I have grown accussstomed to sssuch practicesss." Aura bopped him lightly on the nose and faux-scowled. "So? Today you are going to relax, you hear me? R-e-l-a-x." The Bangaa sighed at the girl and smiled. "That sssoundsss like sssomething Alex would tell me," he hissed happily, making the Human smile. "I'm sure he'd agree with me, too. C'mon, let's not waste daylight!" *another hour or so later* "... and we thought that was the end of it. But somehow, it's happened again," Marche said bitterly, shaking his head, hoping that the clanners would beleive him. The three Humans looked intently at their audience, who were quietly discussing something amongst themselves. Mewt gave a worried look to the others. Somehow, Marche had avoided directly saying that the black mage seated next to him was once the crown prince of Ivalice. I wonder if any of them figured it out yet... he thought gravely. The Royal Family wasn't exactly the best loved figurehead among the clans, especially with the myriad of laws, among other things. The quartet across the room parted suddenly, and the thief looked a little confused. "Okay, lemme get this straight. You," he said, pointing to the fencer, "are Ritz, leader of the clan by the same name. Right?" She nodded, and the finger turned to Marche. "And you're the head of the now-disbanded Clan Nutsy, right?" The soldier's eyes widened. "They've disbanded?" The Nu Mou, Godfrey, spoke up. "Yes, they disbanded after you left. It's hard for a clan with no leader," he calmly explained. Alex continued. "Okay... that's clear. Now, you say that Ivalice is the mirror image of a town from your world... and if the threads binding it are destroyed, this world ceases to be, returning to its normal state." The Human paused for a second, thinking. Then his voice suddenly rose to nearly a shout and his speech quickened to a frantic pace; "That doesn't explain why in the blue fuck the judges have all but dissapeared and why Ivalice has been in upheaval for the last twelve damn months!!!" The three Humans snapped up at his reaction, and Elric clubbed the thief in the head with the flat of his knightsword. "Alex! Control yourself!" he said harshly, Subduing the frantic boy. "I just don't get it," the young Human said in an apologetic tone, clutching a hand to the back of his head, "it doesn't click!" The Bangaa looked over at Elric and frowned. "Sorry, boss, but I'm with him on this. It's putting two and two together and getting fifteen. Something's missing," he said with a slight scowl. Godfrey looked over at the trio of Humans. "I, personally, see no reason why they would give any falsehoods to us... but I do concur, this tale does not line up with history." The morpher turned to Elric. "Perhaps Alias can shed light on this conundrum," he suggested. Ritz cocked her head quizzicaly. "Alias? Who's that?" The paladin met her gaze. "He's the current prince of Ivalice... but he's not really related to the Royal Family," he confessed. "He was an early bodyguard of Queen Remidi. Six months after Clan Nutzy dissolved and the Royal Family's dissapearance, he stepped forward to claim the throne. He said he had been visited by Remidi in a dream, urging him to defend Ivalice, and gave him her crown. Many were skeptical until he produced the crown as proof. No one argued after that, and he is currently attempting to rally the judges, and all of Ivalice, against the Redwings." Mewt spoke up shyly. "Alex, you said that the judges have all but dissapeared, right?" The thief dodded grimly. "That's right. They still overlook clan-to-clan engagements, but those are rare nowadays... but if the 'Wings are involved, there's no judge in sight. It's an all out bloodbath," he said quietly, glaring out the window. Elric stood and spoke. "Well, I agree with Godfrey. I trust Alias has the ability to link this together, at least with the help of his advisors. I offer you," he said, turning to the three friends, "to come with us. I'm sure that you are as curious as we, if not more. Besides, perhaps you will see someone you recognise there." Marche, Ritz, and Mewt looked among each other. Ritz shrugged and Mewt smiled. Marche stood up. "Allright, we'll go. If nothing else, this will clear a few things up." Elric tapped Alex's shoulder when they left the room. "I want you to stay here and watch over things with Shaun while we're away. If you hear anything about the Redwings or Borozi, follow through," he said quietly. The thief's eyes narrowed. "Consider it done, boss," Alex acknowledged grimly. "I owe them. We all do." "I know, friend, but are you sure you can manage?" the paladin asked with calm concern. Alex closed his eyes and spoke. "I refuse to be a liability to the clan. I may be about twelve-and-a-half times fucked up emotionally, but I won't let that ruin me." Elric nodded. "Very well. Take care." Alex managed a smirk in reply. "Yeah. You too." *sometime around dusk* Ellah slowly made her way down the steps to the bar, looking around. "Alex?" she called out unsurely, seeing a few sparks come from the unusually dark corner, occasionally lighting the face of the young Human. "Yeah, I'm over here," he replied darkly. "What's on your mind?" The Viera moved over and took a seat. "Where did Elric and the others go?" Alex looked up for a half-second, then resumed sharpening his Kard. "He took the guests to go and have a chat with Alias. Why?" The mage hesitated. "Just curious," she said softly. "Are you alright, Alex?" The knife stopped, and he slowly raised his head, giving her the first true view of his current countenance: his eyes were narrowed in anger, his mouth set in a grim line, and a distinct feel of hate and pain seemed to radiate off of him. "...Am I ever 'allright', Ellah?" The Viera was taken aback and looked down quickly. "I... I don't know. I just wanted to help..." she whispered, and a harsh scoff came from her clan-mate. "I'm sure you do, but there's almost nothing that can help me..." He returned to his work. "...so don't waste your time." A tear slid silently down her cheek as Ellah rose and left. Shaun and Aura walked up the stairs to the rooms for the clan, stopping in front of Shaun's door. The Human opened it uncerimoniously and tugged at her lover's hand. Shaun looked at her, bewildered. "What exactly are you thinking, Aura?" She, in return, just smiled, but Shaun thought he saw a gleam of lust in the soldier's eye. Before he could pry further, however, she grasped his arm with both hands and gave a tremendous yank, pulling him into the room, and almost flinging him into the foot of the bed after she let go. The templar caught himself on the frame and held on to it for a moment, shaking his head. As he turned to say something, Aura closed the door and leaned against it. Shaun rose up and braced himself against the wood. Instead of leaping at him like he expected, the Human slowly walked over, letting her hair and hips sway with each step. She smiled and held him closely, and he relaxed, letting go of the bed. THAT was when she decided to tackle him. They both flopped the bed, Aura still hugging her lover tightly. As the Bangaa was recoveing from the surprising actions, she scooted up and pressed her lips to his, calming him. He raised a hand to the back of her head and stroked her hair as their mouths opened and their tongues met, twirling around each other. They shared the kiss for a long time, it seemed to them, before they parted, breathing heavily. Aura licked at Shaun's face a few times before she slid down to his waist and unbuckled the lower portion of his templar robes. The Bangaa watched her as she pulled the belt off and tossed it aside, then licked her lips as she yanked the robe half away and discarded it in one swift motion, leaving the templar's manhood bare and slowly stiffening from the air and Aura's attention. The Human reached down and took her lover's length in her hand, stroking it slowly, coaxing it to life. She wrapped her hand around it as it grew, her eyes taking in the average length and above-average girth of the member. Her eyes met with Shaun's and she smiled, and began to slowly pump his cock with her hand. The Bangaa gasped and gripped the sheets as Aura jerked him, reaching up to stroke her face as she worked. The girl smiled and pulled faster, and used her other hand to rub his balls. Shaun moaned at the attention, trying not to make too much noise as Aura worked, loving every moment of it. The soldier looked at her lover's manhood, seeing the first clear drops ooze out onto the tip. She smiled and leaned down, eagerly taking him into her mouth, sucking gently. The taste filled her senses, making her slightly giddy with pleasure. She moved her hands to Shaun's thighs and sucked harder, bobbing her head on his cock, running her toungue along the length. The templar's breathing quickened. Never had he experienced this in his life; the pleasure of the action, the warmth surrounding his member and spreading through his body. Then, suddenly, the girl stopped, and pulled herself back up to the Bangaa's chest, still stroking his member idly. Shaun gazed at her, enthralled by her beauty, her boldness, her spirit. Aura smiled at him in return, stroking his cheek lovingly with her free hand. The Human stopped jerking her lover for a moment, still smiling, and unhooked her cape, letting it fall to the floor. She moved in and they shared another deep kiss, the Bangaa reaching around and squeezing Aura's rear. When they parted, she began to draw her shirt over her head, and pulled that off, revealing her ample bosom to her dearest. Shaun grinned in an almost predatorial manner and pulled the Human on top of him, grinding his hips against hers, almost wishing she didn't need those pants. So he settled instead for groping her chest, grasping her breasts in each hand and playing with them gently. Aura cooed and sighed apperciatively in response to the templar's hands, moaning slightly as he squeezed and pinched the flesh, focusing on her nipples. She squirmed as pleasure spread through her body, her juices leaking out and wetting her crotch. It didn't take long for the young Human to finally give in, her lust taking hold of her body and mind. Aura leaned foreward, having Shaun support her weight enough to remove her pants, then re-adjusted herself back to the position they were in. The Bangaa moved his hands to her hips, running his hard length along the moist outer lips of the girl's cunt. Aura moaned a little, writhing in anticipation, ant Shaun hesitated. "Aura..." he said aprehensively, "are you sssure about this? I don't want you to get-" She cut him off by holding up her right hand. There, on her ring finger, was a simple brazen ring. "Godfrey left it in my room this morning. The note said it's an anti-conception ring he got a long time ago," the soldier said with a chuckle, "and he figured we would be needing it more than he ever would." Shaun looked dumbstruck for a moment as he laced his rough hand around hers. After a moment, he finaly managed to croak "How... did he know? That you... were going to..." Aura shrugged. "If I had to guess, dear, I think he knew all along," the girl said calmly, then gave the templar a light kiss on the cheek. "Now," she said in a seductive voice, "where were we? Shaun couldn't help himself. He grinned broadly as he grabbed her hips roughly, and whispered to the soldier, "I wasss getting ready to fuck you." Aura's eyes widened for a second- then even more as the Bangaa's length drove into her, spreading her inner walls apart. The girl gasped and moaned a little as the scaly cock slid entirely into her, flooding her with pleasure. They stayed like that for a little time, just enjoying each other's presence. Shaun had his eyes closed, holding onto the Human's hips, breathing deeply, while Aura had her hands on the templar's waist, supporting her weight, gasping a little. She wriggled a little on his shaft to get his attention. "So," she said between breaths, "are you just gonna sit there, or are you going to fuck me like you said you would?" The Bangaa opened his eyes and smirked at her lustily. "I was waiting for you to say that," he rasped. Many people forget that templars, with their skill of polearms, are a natural compliment to dragoons. Shaun was both- beneath the guise of the warrior-mage was a former spear weilding maniac; the humble templar told very few that he was once a marauding dragoon, reveling in destruction. Shaun bacame a templar for two reasons: so that he could help others and amend his past mistakes, and his training naturaly led him into the job. So, he surprised many on a regular basis with the occasional feat of strength that few thought a templar could muster. This case was little different. Shaun simply grasped the Human by her hips alone and easily lifted her frame to the tip of his member, then lowered her back down it, thrusting up to meet her as she went. Aura's initial surprise was quickly forgotten in the deeply satisfying act and moaning. At first, the Bangaa started rather slowly, drawing the motions out, and getting as much response from the girl as he could. As he continued to penetrate her, the soldier leaned back slightly and massaged her breasts, writhing in pleasure. "Oh, Shaun... please..." she moaned, "please don't stop..." Shaun signaled his compliance but pounding their hips together, getting a gasp out of his mate. Aura felt wonderful; there was no other word to describe it other than bliss. The "encounter" she had almost two weeks ago was nothing like this. They didn't give a damn about how she felt, they just wanted to get off. "This... this is different," she thought to herself as her lover continued to work her pussy. "He's rough, yeah... but it's not the same way. It's loving, not lustful..." The Human's thoughts were quickly cut short as Shaun's pace increased. She moaned and groped herself harder, looking down at the templar. His face was a mixture of emotions; lust, love, pleasure, but there was a sense of focus that pervaded through it all. Aura threw herself foreward, landing on top of Shaun, and kissed him deeply, driving her tongue into his mouth. He eagerly returned the favor, lapping at her mouth and wrestling her tongue as well, still pumping her the whole time. The Bangaa kept stedily fucking his chosen, rough enough to give her the greatest pleasure, but still holding back. He didn't want to hurt her in his passion. He had already bitten his tongue once to keep from giving a Bangaa Cry in the girl's face, but he just couldn't help it. Never in all of his had he ever raped a female; he was destructive, but not utterly leecherous. Part of him was yelling, scolding him for what he now knew he had missed, but he knew better than to listen to it. His heart told him that fate was smiling. Somehow, the templar had found the one he was meant to have, and he knew it. He continued to make love to her, content with the knowledge that even though it was the first, it was so very, very far from the last. Aura saw the look on Shaun's face. It was one of the utmost contentment and satisfaction. "Shaun," the Human managed between heavy breaths and thrusts, "what- ah!- what is it?" The templar opened his eyes and smiled, a pure and loving face that she had never seen on him before. "I jussst... realisssed sssomething..." he said quietly during their motion. The soldier wrapt her legs around his for a moment. "And what would that be?" she asked sweetly, to which his eyes twinkled. "Sssomehow, I've finally found all that I could ever asssk for," he whispered, a bit of a tear creeping out of his eyes. Aura gave him a look that could only be called angelic. "So have I," she replied quietly, and kissed him again. They parted after almost a minute, slowly and sweetly. The Human smiled at her lover and spoke quietly. "You wanna be on top?" Shaun grinned and nodded, and the girl laughed before sliding off of him. The templar sat up to make room as the soldier laid down and spread her legs. "Come on," she teased, rubbing her clit. "Don't be shy." The Bangaa licked his lips and drove his snout at her crotch, grabbing her thighs and opening her legs up. Without any hesitation, he bagan to lap at her moist pussy, nuzzling his nose against her labia and running his tongue into her crevace slightly. Aura moaned in unexpected pleasure. The templar's tongue was a little longer and more slender than a Human's; she already knew that. But it didn't keep her from being a little surprised by the sudden action, or the feeling of his snake-like tongue drinking from her. She felt it slither out, only to find it moved to her clitoris a second later, flicking and teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves. The soldier writhed and shook, feeling her climax begin to build deep within her as Shaun's tongue darted around her sweet spot, and gasped when he shoved a finger into her and teased the senstitive area on the roof of her innards. Aura grabbed her shaking tits and stroked her lover's head, moaning and panting in lust. She felt the wonderful pressure building withing her and looked down at the templar. "Shaun," she said weakly, "please... I want you in me... when I cum..." she moaned between her heavy breaths. The Banga looked softly at Aura, licking her one last time before swiftly getting into position, laying over her and sliding his throbbing cock into the girl once again. But the Human noticed something different this time; and the templar began to thrust, she saw a faint red glow begin to build around him, and he was chanting under his breath. Aura looked at him in confusion. "What... what are you-" A flash of light cut her of, and then she realised what happened as the "faint red glow" became a pulsing barrier around the Bangaa. "Wha- Haste? Shaun?!" she sputtered in astonishment before he resumed fucking her. Aura moaned loudly as the thrusts came quicker that ever, the pulsing magic giving more to the templar's thrusts than she knew she could take. Aura's moans became short yelps of exstacy as she wrapped her legs around her lover. The Banga lowered his head and began sucking on her nipple, squeezing the other breast with his hand as he forced himself into her. "Ah! Shaun! I... I'm so close!" the soldier cried, reaching down to her crotch and rubbing herself. "Please... make me cum!" The templar held onto her waist with one hand and pumped into her as hard as she could take, and it didn't take much more after that. Aura reached around and grabbed Shaun's back as her hips began to buckle. "Cu.. cumming..." she said in a small voice, "I'm cumming!" Her muscles tightened as the wave came up on her, and she began to convulse in orgasm. She cried out in pleasure, her hips shaking wildly, and the Bangaa kept fucking her as hard as ever. Aura gasped for air as the juice was drawn out of her, then heard Shaun gasp and groan, and the ring she was wearing flared a deep green. "Come on, honey..." she pleaded as loudly as she could, "let it go... cum in me..." The templar gave a strange grunt and his thrusts became sporadic. His mouth came off her breast and he panted heavily. "Aura... I... I..." he sputtered, looking at her eyes. She gazed back and licked her lips, and, reaching down with her other hand, spread her pussy lips wide. Shaun gasped and finally broke, giving one final, powerful shove into her, and she felt his seed splatter out into her, splashing into her depths, coating them with the sticky, white fluid. Ellah opened the door to Aura's room and was greeted with still, quiet darkness. "That's odd..." she said to herself. "I heard them come back. I KNOW I did." She stood in the doorway, lost in thought for a moment. "Hmmm... I wonder if..." Aura and Shaun lay together, naked, sweaty, and exhausted. Shaun had insisted that he put his lower uniform back on, but the soldier had stubbornly refused to dress. "Dear, what if one of out friendsss decidesss to check on usss? We've been out all day, you know," he said, trying to convince her. "Oh, who's gonna bother? The only person that would even think about it is-" Ellah opened the door- and turned 5 different shades of red when she realised what exactly she walked into. The three of them all stared for a moment, but the templar decided to brake the silence first, and turned to his Human. "You were sssaying?" Aura blinked for a moment, then glared and got up. "Oh, shut up" the shot as the stepped into her pants. The Veira had not moved, and when Shaun saw this, he smirked. "Well, I sssuppossse you did arrive at the proper time. Do come in," he said politely, "unlesss you plan on staring Aura's breasts from the hall." The mage blushed even harder. "Wha-? I'd never! You little letch, I oughtta-" The soldier laughed as she put her shirt on. "Oh, come on, Ellah! You know he's joking," she chuckled. "Besides, I'd hurt him if he wasn't." The Veira shighed and entered, closing the door. "Well, at least you two are in good spirits..." she muttered bitterly as she sat down. Shaun looked up as he adjusted his shirt. "You are troubled, friend. What isss it that ailsss you?" Ellah didn't look up. "Alex," she said quietly. "He's gotten... weird... lately. Not his usual weird," she sighed, looking at the pair,"but... hell, I don't know how to put it. Bitter? Hateful?" Aura cocked her head. "Really?" The templar, however, closed his eyes in thought. "Hmm... thisss isss not a good sssign from him..." he spoke quietly, getting the mage's full attention. "Why? What's wrong with him?" she pressed the questions, but the Banga shook his head. "It'sss a long tale, and not sssomething he tellsss to jussst anyone..." he said, looking up at Ellah. "I think I know why, but it'sss a thing I won't tell without hisss permisssion. I can only sssuggessst you asssk him about when he wasss young." The Veira nodded. "Would you two mind coming with me?" Aura nodded grimly. "If it's anything big, I want to know. He's too good of a guy to just push people away for no reason." When the trio got down to the ground floor, the theif wasn't anywhere to be seen. All that was there was a scrap of paper, pinned to the desk with a Jack Knife. Immidiately, Shaun yanked the dagger out and read. Shaun- I'm going out for a while. May not be back for a day or so, maybe longer. Need to clear my mind. Keep an eye on the requests for me... Elric told us to keep and eye out for the 'Wings. -Alex The templar's eyes went a little wide. "Ellah," he said quickly, "head to the Nubssswood. Now." The mage shook her head in confusion. "Nubs? What's that got to-" He cut her off with a worried look. "Thisss isssn't like him. He only goesss there when it'sss dire, not for a moonlight ssstroll. Thisss isss bad." The Veira hesitated for a moment. "But, what's the Nubs mean to him?" "He alwaysss gravitatesss to riversss when he'sss depressssssed," Shaun explained, "but thisss isss different. The writing'sss too erratic. Put the two together." Ellah stood in shock. "He... he wouldn't!" She saw the look on the Bangaa's face. "I think he may." Aura looked at them both. "If anybody knows that crazy kid, it's Shaun," the soldier said quietly, then gave her companion a little shove. "Move it, sister!" The mage didn't need any more words. She took off, full speed. * * * Damn, that one was long! I hate writer's block sometimes. Strike that. All the time. Oh well, at least I got the damn thing done! Happy yiffing!