FFTA:FC Chapter 4

Okay, so I lied. This chapter is pure storyline, much to the chagrin of the sex-starved readers. Hey, I need to expand on the original idea at some point. As usual, I don't own SquareEnix, Squaresoft, or anything FFTA-related other than a copy of the...

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FFTA:FC Chapter 3

Haiiiiii-yah! It's me, that damned little black spot on the white bit of your TV! Or not. Just me, Bright Shadow, cooking another creamy concoction of collaborative cognitive capabilities!... in English, that means I'm writing another chappy for my...

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FFTA:FC Chapter 2

Woah, I'm back from the far reaches of space, and lemme tell ya... it's boring. This is Bright Shadow, finally attempting to breathe a little life into my FFTA story series that I almost forgot it existed. I even thought it got deleted at some point......

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FFTA:FC Chapter 1

Hi-o, everybody, and welcome to another one of my lemons! I'm not going to bore you with the legalities, so here's the shortened version: Blah blah blah blah 18 to read blah blah blah blah sex blah blah blah swearing blah blah porno blah blah. There....

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Of Myth and Man: Chapter 1

Hi folks! Bright Shadow here. This is my first story, and if you have any questions or comments,email me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection), but be sure the title contains the title of my story in it. I get so much spam that I...

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