Frolic and Freedom (Chapter10, book8)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#10 of Twilight of the Gods Book8

Another somewhat long one. Sex, philosophy, more sex. Because why not, right? :3

Chapter -10- Frolic and Freedom

Saturday, August 7 - 9:05am PDT Off of US-30, Oregon & Washington Borderline ...

Rufus, in fully-furred werewolf regalia, shifted his weight, rolling Nikki off of his lap, and onto her back. He moved with her, so that he was now atop of her, and snarled provocatively. The werewolf tilted his head and leaned down.

She opened her muzzle so that it fit with his like a puzzle piece. They shared a passionate kiss, twisting about on the motel bed. Nikki lifted her legs and locked them around his waist, bucking her hips up to meet his. The headboard occasionally met the wall, slowly scooting further away since they started, nearly twenty minutes ago. The thudding of the headboard against the wall became less and less often.

But with Rue now on top, the bed scooted back towards the wall until it began thumping again. His velveteen-soft palm pads slid over her body, exploring her figure. Eventually his paws found their way back to her hips, then down beneath her rump, between her body and the mattress.

He lifted his head, gazing down in her face, illuminated by the nearby window. "Holdin' back as long as I can, are you close?"

She pursed her lips with a thin line of a grimace. Words failed her. It was an awkward question. She shook her head slightly. The crease on her muzzle became a slight frown.

"Dun' sweat it. We can stop if ya wanna," he murmured softly.

Again, she shook her head. "I won't do that to you. Mm, maybe that's all I need to get me over the edge. Go ahead. Go for it," she goaded.

Rufus possessed her lips again in a feral kiss. He didn't hold back anymore. His body tensed up and he groaned against her maw. Rue broke the kiss to pant hard, and pressed the side of his face against hers. His ears laid back, flat, atop of his head. He ground his molars together.

He felt her hot breath against his neck. She wasn't really into it. He could tell. It wasn't that she was bored - more like she was having some sort of performance anxiety, or was too nervous to let herself go. It wasn't typical for werewolves to hold back, and mating always came instinctually, so he couldn't understand why she seemed so pensive.

He heard her soft voice just beneath his ear. "C'mon, Rue. Trust me. It's okay. It's fine."

Well, she wasn't exactly begging for it. But this became a new conquest for him. He couldn't let her down. He arched his back and ground himself against her body one final time. Thick ropes of milky froth shot into her body.

He felt her shiver beneath him, flooded with warm honey. It wasn't exactly an earth-shattering orgasm, but he was fairly sure she felt something. Rue offered one final, firm thrust, grinding himself against her. He lifted his head, still panting, and said, "Gimmie a sec. I'mma get'cha off. I'mma make it my mission, Nikki."

She brought her paws up and cupped either side of his face. "Rue, shh. You did fine. I just ... this is my first one-night-stand. I'm a little shy. For me, sex needs to be emotional, but I don't love you. It's just sex. It was good, though. I promise."

"Didja cum?"

"I climaxed," she said. "A little one. Do we have any more bottles of water?"

"There's one in the car."

She nodded somewhat. "Can you get it for me?"

He eyed her for a moment. "We gonna bookmark this. I'mma do the job right. Maybe you jus' gotta trust me better, first. Then you can let go of whatever's holdin' you back." He paused then offered her a sly grin. "That is, if you okay with this happenin' again."

She replied with a coy smile. "Do you at least trust me?"

"I ain't got no reason to distrust you, hun."

"Good." She leaned up and kissed his nose. "Water?"

"Right, right." He eased up from the bed, shuddered at the sensation of sliding free from her body, then sat up on the mattress. Rufus cut his gaze to a clock on the nightstand. "I'mma go drop the fur in the bathtub real quick, rinse it off, and go out to the rental."

She sat up from bed and made her way over to the window. The rental car was easily two hundred feet from the hotel room. She frowned and swallowed. "On second thought, I'll go with you. I can drink the water on the road."

"What's wrong?"

"This sounds sappy, but I don't want to leave your side. Sorry to be clingy like this but..."

"It's fine." He couldn't ignore her vulnerable side. It tickled his masculine ego. "Just gimmie a sec to wash off." He snatched her clothes and hooded shirt from the floor and handed them to her. "You did the same thing yesterday. You wanted me to park the taxi in the front row, nearly close enough that the rental agent'd see you from the counter. That could've been weird. Then you ran that red light to stay right on my bumper when we both drove off the lot together. Y'know I would've pulled over and waited for you."

"I guess I feel like if I lose the only friend I've made so far, I'll be alone again. That man killed my whole village. And I don't care what he said about hunting - they used rifles. I never saw any tigers. I just felt a pinch on my arm and then I woke up in that cell. And I don't want to wake up with those freaks again."

Rufus approached her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, now. Lookit me. C'mon, look me in the eye, Nikki."

She frowned and gazed down. Her eyes fell upon his crotch, still glistening with ... she quickly looked back up, staring at his nose. "Yes?"

"I ain't gonna leave you high 'n dry, y'hear me? Be clingy if you want. Hell, you wanna join me for a quick shower?"

"Uhm. I'll get dressed in the bathroom, I guess. No use both of us fumbling around in that little stand-up shower. It's not very big."

"Suit-'cherself, Nikki. And see? I was right, wasn't it?"

"About what?"

"I can stick it in yer rosebush without catchin' feelings."

"My ... rosebush?"

Rufus chuckled. "Nevermind. You dun' strike me as the kind'a girl who reads romance novels. They like to come up with flowery words fer pussy."

She grimaced. "There are better words for that."

"Oh. Well, yeah, true. Vagina, then. Either way, you asked me if I were one of those guys who wears his heart on his dick, or whatever. I promise I won't get weird wit'cha. No matter how clingy you get."

"It's not that, Rue. I just don't want to be very far away from you. I have my reasons."

"Say no more, girl. C'mon. You can guzzle some water from the tap, while I rinse off the fuzz. I cain't leave the motel room all decked out in this'a here fur coat."

"Yeah," she murmured. "We only have the one hood, after all." She gathered her clothes from the bed and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower for him. She dropped down onto the toilet and sighed, feeling the drainage run out of herself. Nichole closed her eyes and sighed.

Rufus, not thinking anything of it, stepped into the shower. The fur began to shed from his body, while his joints regressed. The transformation didn't take long, nor was it as painful, except for his knees and ankles. He briefly went to all fours while his foot-paws became feet again.

Meanwhile, sitting on the toilet, Nichole fidgeted with her clothes, glaring at the tile floor. "You know what, I think I'll take a shower, too. I could use one."

"Tha's fine. I'm just gonna be a sec. Then I'll go on out 'n get that bottle of water fer ya'. You can have th' whole shower to yourself."

She bit her lower lip. Nichole placed her clothes on the sink counter, stood up, and stepped into the shower with him. "Move back." She pulled the curtain closed and used her thumb claw to open a small shampoo container. "God this won't be nearly enough."

"Just lather it. It'll work."

She wedged the bottle into his human hands. "Fine. You do it." She paused, then, in a softer tone, asked, "Please?"

"A'ite, I got'cha." He filled his palm with the first half of the bottle's contents and started to work his fingers through her head-fur, the nape of her neck, and shoulders. "Damn you tense as hell."

"Yes, uhm, sorry. I had sex with you so that you'd trust me. But now I feel weird for doing it."

"Why's it so important I trust'cha?"

"So you don't leave me high and dry," she said. "That's what men want from women. So I gave you what you'd want."

"If it's done right, it's what women want from men, too."

"I guess. Look, uh, I'll give you another chance to try again at some point. But next time ... let's do a few shots first. At least for me. I think I'll need it."

"Fine by me. Turn around, Nikki. Got jus' enough left in this-here bottle to shampoo yer chest 'n arms."

"Oh, uh, yes. Right, of course." She turned to face him but didn't look him in the eye. "Thanks for the help. It's still kind of new, you know?"

"Ain't no worry. I got'cha, Nikki."

"Thanks. So we're headed up I-5 to Seattle today?"

"Ayup. I told that rental place I was gonna drop off the car in San Francisco in a week. If ole' Tony the Tiger is tryin' to track us, he'll think we's goin' south. And it buys us a few days, too. Tigger'll be bouncin' all over California tryin' to get a fix on us, heh."

"Clever," she said with a wry smile, keeping her eyes averted from his. And then, quite suddenly, she asked, "Do you judge me for ... you know. Earlier?"


She glanced to the left. "Yeah, that."

"Nope. Just gotta get'cha to enjoy it. Lord knows you need somethin'. You're tense, pensive, and nervous as hell. Lookit, girl. You'sa mess."


"Don't apologize. I must've rushed you into it."

"No, it's not that. I wanted to. I promise. I wanted to connect with you."

"There's other ways to connect. Like conversation. Relax, hon. You're some kinda' mystery wrapped in an enigma. Just relax, will ya?"

"I will. Thanks for helping me out with this new ... you know, my new look."

"Ain't no worries, Nikki. I'll be yer wingman. You seen me nekkid. Tha's trust, right there."

"There's a big difference between being naked and feeling naked."

"You didn't think sex'd be this way? You thought it'd be different?"

She nodded.

Rufus smiled and dabbed a bit of soap lather on her nose. "Relax, girl. You still got the fur on. I'm the one who's nekkid. Ain't no reason to feel that way, though, y'know?"

She swallowed and nodded. "Right now I'm both. This fur is all I have to protect me from being something you might not like."

"Tha's the first time I heard you be dramatic since I met'cha. Go ahead. Drop the fur. I'll prove ya wrong."

"I ... still don't know how."

"A'ight, that's fine. It'll happen in due time. No worries."

"Thank you for being understanding."

"Ayup." He lathered the last of the shampoo into the pelt over her chest and belly. "Loosen up. Relax a bit. You gonna give yerself a Charlie-horse."

"I'm trying."

"Ah'iite. We'll get through this."

"Again, thanks for understanding."

"Cheer up, darlin'. I trust ya. I jus' need you to trust me."

She afforded him with a slight smile. "Thanks, Rue. I mean it. You've been good about this whole thing. That girl, Karla, doesn't know what she's missing."

He leaned in to kiss her but she abruptly looked away. She realized what she'd done and cleared her throat awkwardly. "You would be, uh, kissing a dog. You're a human, now. That would be weird."

Rue chuckled. "Your village was strict about the no-mating rule between humans 'n wolf-kind, eh?"

She relaxed, somewhat, running with his excuse. "How'd you know?"

"No worries. I'll wolf-out for ya again later on tonight. Let's get'cha cleaned up and get our day started."

"Good idea." Nichole stole a glance at his eyes then turned away, facing the shower stream again. She washed the shampoo from her pelt, keeping her back to him so he couldn't see her awkward expression. She brought a soapy paw down between her thighs and finished cleaning up. She started to feel better once she washed his gunk out.



Tuesday, August 10 - 12:40am Tokyo, Japan ...

Conner hurried through the back alleyways , wearing a pair of polarized infrared glasses. Up ahead, Kuda skittered through the backstreets of Tokyo, wearing an infrared beacon tied to the hilt of his tail, and another on his collar.

He followed Kuda through the dark, easily able to see the two white lights that went unseen to the naked eye. The little animal stopped at the end of an alley, lifted his little head and sniffed at the air. He scrambled to the right, down a street, and through a handful of night travelers. People darted out of Kuda's way, assuming him to be some sort of large rat.

Conner made good time, dashing through the wave of people that parted for the animal to pass.

Kuda turned into another alley and clawed his way up a drainage spout on the side of a building.

Parker sprinted towards a dumpster, put his foot on the side handle, his other foot on the top lip, and boosted himself up to a window ledge. He shimmied upward to the next ledge and grasped ahold of a façade of decorative bricks that created a ring around the building.

In no time, he made his way up, even with Kuda along the drainage spout, to the seventh story - second from the top. The window was open. Kuda ran across a ledge and in through a window.

Conner made a dive for it and grasped onto the window, keeping his feet firmly supported on another brick section that jutted out of the wall. He hoped it would support his weight and took a moment to catch his breath. After all, without momentum, it was a bit more of a struggle to pull himself up.

He heard a woman's voice inside the window. "Kuda! Oh I've missed you, my little Kuda-san! How are you here? You are so brave to cross the Pacific without people legs, wings, or mirrors!" Her tone bordered on baby-talk.

Conner performed a pull up. He took a deep breath, readied himself, then swung his legs, kipping his way into the window. Conner spilled through into a somewhat sloppy roll across a kneeling bar he wasn't prepared for.

He came to a stop against the side of an empty bed and grasped at the sheets for something to steady himself. The sheet popped from the corner of the mattress and he got to his feet with a look of embarrassment.

Sinopa Guillot watched him from a sitting chair with Kuda in her arms. "Even with your ability, it is harder than it appears in an action movie or one of James' comic books. Mm, I have been catching up on his unfinished series. His character never stumbles."

Conner fixed the wrinkles in his clothes. "Comics aren't real."

"Art imitates life, Conner-kun." She stood up, keeping a supportive palm beneath Kuda's rump. "You appear disappointed."

"I was hoping to find Tamamo."

"Kuda does not have the scent of her borrowed vessel."

Conner pinched the bridge of his nose. "Right. Right, that makes sense. I didn't think of that."

"It is of no concern. I spoke to her a few hours ago. I have been granted permission to visit her."

"Where is she?"

"I will tell you but prepare yourself first ... Conner, she is in a psychiatric ward for the clinically insane. She was honest with her captors. They wish to attempt psychological rehabilitation, assuming she is a confused human. I will arrive in the morning when the office opens, and will explain why she needs to be released."

Conner blinked at his youthful grandmother. "Then they'll lock up you as well."

"Iie, Conner-kun. I hover, transition into a multi-tailed fox, create fire, and cannot be burned by flames. Also, I was honored enough, twenty-five years ago, to have met the man who is now Emperor of Japan. Understand that I have options Tamamo-sama currently does not."

"Then what's the problem? Why haven't you busted her out of there already?"

"I asked her. We agreed this is better. To work with the humans, not against them." Sinopa gently guided Kuda up onto her shoulder then folded her hands across her knee. "She feels the doctor in charge of her file is ... quite knowledgeable."

"What?" Conner paused then nodded. "Oh, you mean, like, because her vessel needed a shrink?"

Sinopa shook her head. "Her vessel's mind has locked down. She does not, at this point, know the woman's name or what sort of past the vessel endured. Tamamo speaks to her doctor about her own past."

Conner sat down on the mattress of the bed and frowned. "Jesus." He ran his hands down over his face. "Okay. Doesn't that break some sort of laws or something?"

"The Esoteric Council is nearly nonexistent. The Celestial Realm, what my people refer to as the 'Shinkai,' has become dark and inaccessible. The world of law is solely held together by the pillars of justice provided by human laws. Should those collapse ... mm, let us not consider that."

"Let's. Say 'let's.'"

Sinopa folded her arms beneath the bust-line of her kimono. "Let's."

"Now, say, 'shouldn't.'"

She repeated after him.

Conner cleared his throat. "Now say, 'We shouldn't consider that."

"We shouldn't consider the possibility of human law collapsing. Let's focus on being optimistic. It's better to stay positive."

He afforded her a smile. "See? You can do it. Why don't you do it more often?"

"I will endeavor such, Conner-kun. I re-learned to speak this way during my marriage with Jules. But he was taken from me. I have tried to carry myself a certain way as of late."

"Tamamo said you were reverting. Meanwhile I've been trying to help her speak more progressively, too."

Sinopa nodded with a wan smile. "I'll do my best to speak in a way that doesn't stand out. Is that better?"

"Yeah. Much. So when do we get her out?"

"Tomorrow, or whenever she is ready. Conner, there is something I feel I should tell you out of respect."

He shifted his weight on the bed and slid off his shoes then folded his legs beneath himself. "Okay."

"I orchestrated your relationship with Tamamo. I did not tell her, or you, what I was doing. I simply put things in place so that the two of you would find happiness together."

Conner shrugged with a smile. "You thought I'd be upset by that?"

"I see you're not. I am glad."

"I'm glad you did. I really feel like there's something between the two of us." He paused then asked, "So why did you set us up? Matchmaking doesn't seem your style."

"Hai, it is not my 'style,' Conner-kun. But she is powerful, even when she was constrained to reflections. I wanted you safe. I knew she could keep you safe. I know of her preference for young, noble, honest gentlemen. It was ... easy. I am very, very happy that you have ... that _you've_both found love."

Conner rubbed his thumb against his forefinger and nodded. "Yeah, she's great." His eyes lowered to the bed mattress then lifted once more. "Why does she like young guys? Will she break up with me when I get older?"

"Not at all, Conner-kun. Tamamo-sama was married to an older man in China. It was a very, very long time ago. It seems to me that she feels happier with mates similar to Konoe-tenno than Di-Xin," she explained, pronouncing the child emperor's name, 'Kah-no-eh.'

Conner folded his hands to keep from fidgeting. "I've been looking up stuff on that guy. There's no mention of Tamamo in his history. He married some chick named Fei-si, and some girl named Fujiwara-no Tokoku. I don't remember which order; I think Fei-si was second. So, yeah, he had two wives. And then he died at, like, seventeen years old. There's no actual record of Tamamo. She was just a fictional character in some book."

Sinopa smiled. "What are you suggesting?"

"So if faith creates your kind ... deities, I mean, then does that mean Tamamo never knew the real Konoe? She was a character, and people believed it, so she appeared?" He cleared his throat, adding, "And the same thing goes for Su Daji, the person she was believed to have been when she lived in China, two thousand years earlier."

Sinopa laughed softly and shook her head. "Not exactly. She was created by the belief of worshippers, yes. And, it is true, some deities are created into existence but never actually did the things they were said to have done. Some gods remember doing them because of the power of human faith, which attributed them to doing such things. Have you heard the term 'mind over matter,' Conner? A powerful enough belief system will shape many things in the past. It is like a sculpture that was created five hundred years ago. And every one hundred years, an artist adds to it. And then it is left to the elements for another five hundred years without being touched. Now, the statue is a thousand years old. Archeologists cannot determine which details were created at which point in time. They can only tell the absolute oldest from the absolute newest additions, and that isn't always the case, either. Do you understand?"

"So these archeologists make guesses, which become accepted fact. And if they print that one artist made all the details, then that's the way it is?"

"Yes. History is long forgotten. But sometimes, art imitates life, and sometimes life imitates art, Conner. But to answer your question, Tamamo's story was passed down by art, song, and orated tales until becoming a published work by someone who wished to tell the story. She met Konoe-tenno. She entertained his wives, and his court. But one does not simply tell the common man that their emperor makes love to a fox. So the story was passed down, but not inked to pages until much later when her tale was told in a collection of prose called 'Otogizoshi.'"

Conner nodded in understanding. "Right, that's the first time she's mentioned. I looked it up."

"It is the first time she is mentioned by the name 'beautiful fox witch,' the meaning of her name. Many of the stories are metaphors to teach lessons, like the story of a one-inch-tall boy who overcomes countless obstacles to become successful."

Conner paused. "So, wait, if that story exists, and so does Tom Thumb, and Thumbelina, does that mean there's an inch-tall boy and girl out there, who live in some universe like yours?"

Sinopa tittered in amusement. "No, Conner, no. They are not prayed to as deities. They are fairy tales, and accepted as fiction. But kitsune are worshipped. We have statues created to honor us. People claim to see us, whether they have or not. Humans obsess over us. And, in turn, we are created to protect them to the best of our abilities. But we are only as powerful as the belief of many. The more who believe, the more powerful we become. The faith of millions allows us to help change the world, by means of creating trouble or miracles - whatever humans attribute to us. The kitsune are said to teach lessons by tricking people." Sinopa smirked. "I look forward to teaching Aris Falcon a lesson he will _never_forget."

Conner nodded in understanding. "I look forward to helping with that. Look, I know I've been a handful lately. But Rufus, you, Tamamo, Uncle James ... a lot of you have treated me with respect. I like feeling useful and appreciated. So, yeah, I'm sorry I was being difficult a few weeks ago."

"Thank you for your apology."

"I've spent every day trying to reprogram my way of thinking, you know? Jules was supposed to be my grandfather. Like, my blood relative or whatever. And how could he have been, right? I never really did the math. He wasn't Vincent's father. He was too young to be my mom's father, because he was like... seven or eight years older than her. I call myself open-minded but I didn't look at the facts and add them up. I was just accepting what I was told my whole life as truth. And you know what the worst part was?"

"What?" she asked.

"You had me dropped in your lap. You had to tiptoe around the truth with me to honor the wishes of my mother. Then you lose your children, followed by your husband. And how do I react? I was a moody little shit." He paused, licked his lips, and in a lower tone of voice, added, "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that in front of you."

Sinopa crossed the room and sat down on the bed besides him. "I accept your apology - you have gone through a great deal in a short time. You learned you were lied to about your father, and your grandparents for the first fourteen years of your life. Only since turning fifteen have you been given the facts. You were living in a fantasy world the way some deities are created."

"I never thought about it that way."


"The truth changed my whole world. Everything was different. Everything I thought I knew became different."

"Hai, Conner. Such is similar with religion. When people find or shun religion, their entire life takes new meaning. Everything is different for them. Sometimes, knowledge of these changes can be powerful enough to cause or end wars. Some celestial wars were created by human stories, or fueled by human battles."

Conner pinched the bridge of his nose again. "Well, damn. Thank goodness people didn't rewrite the more recent belief structures."

"How do you mean?"

"Islam is a peaceful religion. Christianity is a peaceful religion. At least, you know, in theory; on paper. Judaism is a peaceful religion. All three are about peace, prosperity, love, and how to be a better person. Yet Israel has nuclear warheads for 'protection.' And some Muslims kill each other, and everyone around them. They kill each other for praying wrong. They kill Jews and Christians for not converting. And speaking of Christians? Whoo-boy, let's not even talk about the crusades or witch trials conducted in the name of Jesus."

"What is the point you're making, Conner?"

"Well, it's no secret that some religions would reinvent their gods to fit with political agendas, in order to fuel wars or cultural expansion. But the 'Big Three' religions never re-wrote Abraham, or Mohammed, or Jesus. Instead, people altered their interpretations to fit their agendas. It's probably a good thing, because it kept your celestial people from going to war with those deities and profits."

"I see what you mean, Conner. However, Christ was re-written at one point by the Spanish. Surely you do not believe a man from Nazareth had the appearance of a white man, with a Hispanic birth name. The reality of truth regarding Christ Jesus is that most everything was forgotten about Him, and then re-written by story tellers, using recycled stories to attribute miracles to Him."

"What do you mean?"

Sinopa frowned. "Many of Jesus' miracles were written of gods that came hundreds, and sometimes thousands of years before Jesus' time. Humans were forced to forget many of His miracles. Now we do not know His real story. We only know what stories were told in the form of gospels that were penned by men who managed to tell parts and pieces. For all we know, the man now called Jesus was ten times greater than what was penned. And we do not know what was really penned, because if we did, humanity would know the proper name attributed to the man before the Spaniards named Him Jesus."

"Why did they do that anyway? Were they stylizing His name the way 'Yosef' became 'Joseph?' Or was it more of an attempt to make His name sound less Middle Eastern, for the sake of being at war with people considered heathens?"

"No one will know for sure. There will only ever be conjecture," said Sinopa. "But one thing _is_sure."

"What's that?"

"He was born with flesh and blood, like a human. And He died like a human. When He was resurrected, it was as a deity. Faith can be that powerful. The real question, Conner, is simple - was Jesus a supernatural who did good things? Did faith turn Him into a deity? It would not be the first time a supernatural became a god in this fashion. And why was the truth hidden? Why was His history re-written, using stolen stories from ancient times? Did the Esoteric Council hide the truth because the rest of us could not handle the knowledge?"

Conner rubbed his eyes. "Okay. Maybe this conversation is a little too deep for me. So, wait, does this mean a deity like Jesus can actually help us?"

"No. According to the Christian faith, Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the One True Creator. He is believed to listen to prayers and possibly create miracles from the Creator's side."

"So what do your people think about Him?"

Sinopa folded her hands in her lap. "Rumor has it that He had an ability so great that all beings fear Him."

"What is He rumored to do?"

"He has the ability of divine intervention. The concept of a power so great is beyond full human comprehension. I've heard one rumor that Jesus' miracles are recycled from older stories of gods because Jesus was recreating those miracles based on expectations of humans around Him. This would explain why some of the stories are so very similar to stories written five thousand years ago. But no one knows for sure. I've never seen Him. He is not a deity that can walk amongst us, so He cannot help us the way you're asking."

Conner reached for Kuda, drawing him from Sinopa's shoulders. The boy gently wiggled his index finger beneath the little kanko spiritfox's chin. "This whole ... religion thing is so damn complicated."

"It is the byproduct of a complicated population."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. So Tamamo really knew Konoe-tenno? She just ... kept it quiet? And the stories that were passed down got out later on?"

"Hai. But the story collection, which included Tamamo's tale, was also filled with other short stories, which are widely accepted as fictional. As you said, Conner, it's complicated."

"Yeah..." he wiggled his fingers down Kuda's back, using his fingernails to brush the little fox's fur. "So this little guy only exists because people still have faith he's real?"

"And so here he is," Sinopa said. "Faith makes him real, Conner. And now he is able to shape reality by interacting with it. Faith gave him a soul. Belief gave him a body, and breath in his lungs. And now, however small, Kuda has become another soldier in our small army. He will help us stand up against Aris Falcon."

Conner frowned. "I've read Harry Potter."

"I do not follow, Conner-kun."

"I just don't want Kuda to die like that owl character. I would be highly pissed off. Can Kuda die?"

"Any of us can die, Conner. Did you know there were two versions of Pan? One is far older than the other. But it was the Greek version of Pan that died. Humans spread the word quickly, cementing Pan's death. But the older Pan, who lived before the Greek version, is still alive. Tamamo knew the Greek one, who died. She said it was tragic. So yes, Conner, deities can die"

Parker fidgeted nervously, not liking the answer.

Sinopa placed her hand atop of his. "Tamamo died for a time. It was the power of Inari-no-Kami who restored her spirit in the Celestial Realm. It was pop-culture that cemented Tamamo's ability to exist in the present."

Conner rubbed his face. "So she became more powerful in the last fifty years or so, because she became popular in anime? God that's just weird."

"You're tired, Conner. I see it in your eyes."

"Yeah. I am. I've been traveling almost non-stop. I stopped at the family vault to make sure it was secure. Apparently there's some ass ... er, jerk, who traced his genealogy to one of the master thief families. He's out there hunting for me and James right now. So I had to lock down the island vault."

"I see. That is troubling news. Is he a serious threat? And how did you manage to lock the vault in such away?"

"He's not a big threat at the moment. He's out there doing stuff for himself. He doesn't have any sense of purpose. It's not like he's going to help Falcon, and I don't see him helping us against Falcon. He's just a brat who knows a few details."

"And now you're here. Would you like to sleep? We'll visit Tamamo in the morning."

"I, uh, brought something with me from the family vault. Something my folks said never to take out of the vault. But it's my decision, now. I can't risk it being stolen by some rogue distant cousin. I want it to stay with me."

Sinopa leaned forward, looking over her grandson. "What is it?"

"I don't have it with me. It's in a safe place. It's a staff made from Orichalcum. You don't go into a war undefended. That's my weapon of choice. So ... you know my other ability right?"

"Hai. You received it from your father - Fox could interface with electronic devices."

"Yeah," Conner said with a nod. "There's a warehouse where the family machines their own stuff out at that vault. I bought a small cargo boat and loaded it up with metal and ore. I spent yesterday at the vault, interfacing with the computers and machinery equipment."

"What did you do?"

He gave her a tired smile. "I created a door that will only open with my staff. It's not like a key. Shape doesn't matter so much as the composition of the metal. Nothing else can open it. Only my staff. That's the only key. And if for any reason that key is lost, or it falls into the hands of someone who doesn't know what they've got ... nobody will get into the vault. And that's better than it falling into the wrong hands. I'd rather lock myself out than allow someone else the possibility of getting into it."

"You did all of that in a day?"

Conner shrugged. "No. I finished it yesterday. It's been a project I've been working on for a while, actually. But meeting that guy ... and hearing him act like he's entitled ... that gave me the focus and motivation to finish the job the right way. When you, Tamamo, and I leave Japan, we can stop by the family vault and try to break in. I want to test my, uh, creation."

Sinopa replied with a firm nod. "Very well. I have not been there for a while. I would like to return to the shrine I have created there."

"There's a shrine on that island?"

"In a private corner, yes. Jonathan helped me to construct it."

Conner nodded. "I saw a hotel nearby. I'll find a room and meet you here in the morning. What time should I come by?"

Sinopa shook her head. "I always knew you'd come to find Tamamo. This bed is for you. I have a cot I sleep on. It is floor level, and what I prefer. It's in the next room."

"You expected me to come here?"

"To be honest, Conner, I am surprised it took you this long." She gave him a soft smile and slid off the side of the bed. "I will retire for the night. You should do the same."

Conner reached forward and hugged his grandmother. "Thanks for treating me with respect. I promise I'll do my best to never take a temper with you. I really mean that."

"Good. Because I've lived a hard life, more than deserving of respect. As a lady, and as your grandmother, I demand your respect." She returned the hug and kissed the side of his face. She slid off the bed and held her hand out.

Kuda climbed up her arm and perched on her shoulder. The kitsune bowed to her grandson then left the room. She stopped at the doorway and said, "It's supposed to be nice out tonight. Feel free to leave the window open."

"I'll do that, thanks."



Tuesday, August 10 - 2pm, JST Tokyo, Japan ...

Usagi swallowed. In an attempt to remain calm and casual, he removed his reading glasses from his shirt pocket, cleaned them with his tie, and slid them up over his nose, gazing over the lenses. He glanced at Tamamo, cut his gaze back to the American boy, then looked down at the four-tailed fox sitting, perched, upon his desk. Another, smaller fox, a kuda-gitsune, was perched on Tamamo's shoulder, tugging on her one-piece uni-sleeve jacket with its teeth.

The little red fox with four tails cocked her head, speaking eloquent Japanese. "You seem pale, Dr. Rabbit."

Usagi nodded and swallowed again. "I feel foolish for dismissing the Shinto gods after all these years." He opened his desk drawer and started scrounging about for the keys. "My key ring is around here, uhm, somewhere."

Conner cut his gaze over at Tamamo and offered her a sly smile. She returned the expression, flirting with him.

Sinopa canted her head back at Conner. "Conner-kun, be a dear and gather my kimono from the floor? I will need it to leave here."

"Hmm?" He looked back at his grandmother. "Sure thing." He slid off his chair, gathered the clothing pooled on the floor and held it beneath his arms.

Sinopa sighed and shook her head.

Usagi continued to look for the keys. He glanced up, saw Sinopa's expression then gazed at Conner. "Young man, women are typically meticulous with the way their kimonos are properly folded. Not only is it tradition, it is respect for the clothing, and by extension, a sign of respect for the wearer." He went back to looking through his desk for the ring of keys. "Where did I put them?"

"What're you looking for?" asked Conner. "Keys to what, sir?"

"To free Tamamo-sama of these restraints."

Tamamo smirked. "It's always been '-san' until now. I never corrected you, Hakase."

"Just the same..." He opened another drawer on the left side of the desk. He looked up at Conner then back down to the drawer he rifled through. "I can't seem to find them."

Conner laid the kimono out on the desk for Sinopa. He reached for a little container of paper clips, and dumped two into his palm. "I got this," he said, adding, "Doc," in English.

Conner bent the paper clips, walked over to Tamamo and, within fifteen seconds, opened the lock to the jacket. "There you go, sweetheart."

Tamamo grinned at the nickname. "Your Japanese is getting better, Conner-kun."

"I gathered my grandfather's old J-Rock band collection and started listening to the music. It's helped, hearing it more often." He guided the jacket straps around to her backside, lifted the strap over her head, then unfastened the back. "How often did you wear this?"

Tamamo replied with a lame grin. "All the time. It's my fault. I slapped some idiot for claiming he was a make-believe god. Apparently, there is a wing of 'gods' here. They call it 'The Pantheon.' I should be insulted, but I am not."

Conner helped her until the jacket was completely free. He tossed it onto a chair, surprised by its weight. "I can't believe you had to wear that thing all the time."

"I lost my temper," said Tamamo.

"That is no surprise," said Sinopa.

"I'm trying to better myself," Tamamo said with a frown.

Sinopa glanced back at the doctor, over at Tamamo again, then to the doctor once more. "Perhaps you _are_helping her."

Tamamo scrunched her brows and glared at the four-tailed fox on the desk. "Rude."

Sinopa's ears laid flat. "My apologies, Sensei. It was said in jest."

A wan grin found Tamamo's lips. "I know such, little one. I was teasing back. I know we've had our differences, Sinopa-chan. I've come to learn a great deal as of late. We are doing self-exploration exercises. We are analyzing why I've made the choices I have, and I am coming to terms with the fact that I am no longer the same person I was in my youth. And, most importantly, that I can learn to be happy with who I have become in my life."

"And...?" said Usagi, as if prompting her.

"Ah, yes, and I had a recent breakthrough. During meditation, last night, I made contact with the mind of my vessel, who had, until recently, been locked down to me." She turned to Conner and said, "Her name is Tamae Abe," pronouncing the last name, 'ah-bay.' "I have allowed her to see my memories of our time together, Conner-kun. She sees that I love you and said she wished she could experience such romance. So, I explained to her it may be possible that we ... share. Her body, my mind."

"I don't know what to say," said Conner, adding, "I'm really happy you're doing well. I can't wait to get back to San Francisco with you. Does she have her passport?"

Tamamo closed her eyes briefly. She opened them again and shook her head. "No. She has never traveled outside of Japan."

Conner frowned. "It will take at least a few days. Security is very strict with so much unrest in many third world countries, and in the American District Coast."

"Then I have made my decision," Tamamo said, turning to Usagi. "I will remain here, in your care, for a bit longer. I have benefited from your aid. And now that you know I never lied to you, perhaps we can break new ground while we wait for these documents to come through for me."

"You'd stay here?" Conner said, disappointment obvious on his face. "Why not come with me back to a hotel? We could spend time together."

Tamamo turned back to Conner and took his hands in hers, glad to be able to do so for the first time in a while. She interlaced her fingers with his. "Conner-kun. Conner ... this will give me a chance to connect with this vessel and repair her mind. I wish to be at my best before I venture overseas to help the rest of you. It won't be long."

Conner nodded with a frown. His eyes dropped.

Tamamo placed her hand beneath his chin and tilted his head up. Their eyes met. "I will make it up to you before you leave."

"How do you mean?"

She glanced back at Usagi. "Hakase, I am now here as a volunteer, yes?"

He nodded. "Free to go at any time. I'm honored you wish to stay and finish your treatment."

"Yes. It is best," said Tamamo. She pursed her lips briefly then asked, "I wish a private conversation with my boyfriend. I know I am asking for special treatment and I am sorry, but he came all this way and I wish to speak with him, alone, before sending him home without me."

Usagi stood up. He gathered Sinopa's kimono from his desk and walked to the office door. "Kitsune-sama, please. I will show you where you may transform and return to your clothing. Let us give these two a bit of time to speak."

Kuda climbed up onto Sinopa's back. A wry grin tugged at Sinopa's muzzle. "Would you be able to accommodate her kanko? This little messenger fox would help protect Tamamo should anything happen. She is vulnerable in her vessel."

Usagi glanced at the small fox on the larger fox's back. "I will make necessary accommodations for Tamamo-sama."

He held the door open for Sinopa. The foxes passed through. Usagi followed them out and closed the office door behind himself. His voice was heard, muffled, through the door, "You may change in the bathroom. It is right up here on the left. Actually, let me show you the staff bathroom in the other office. It will be cleaner. It's back this way." Their voices faded.

Conner locked the door and turned to Tamamo.

"I said I will make it up to you." She sat down on the edge of the mahogany desk and opened her arms towards him.

Conner moved close, standing only slightly taller than her.

Tamamo opened her knees, placing them on either side of Conner's hips. "You know, Karla-san referred to me by an Americanized nickname ... 'Tammy.' Due to the similarities in my name, and my vessel's name, Tamae, perhaps 'Tammy' would be best for now."

"I can do that," he said in a soft voice. He felt a bit nervous being this close to her body in this way. She looked somewhat different than Tamamo had looked in the Celestial Realm. Tamae was pretty enough, but still ... it was a different person than Tamamo to some degree.

She leaned up and slanted her lips across his mouth. It felt good. The softness and texture of her lips was slightly different, too. Both Tamae and Tamamo's original body were attractive but in different ways. Their figure was slightly different. But not in a bad way. Conner simply felt a bit ... nervous.

"It feels like I'm cheating on you ... with you."

"It will pass," she said and kissed him again.

This time, Conner decided to enjoy it. He brought his hands up to either side of her face and cupped her soft cheeks. This girl's hair was jet black, opposite of Tamamo's original hair, which was stark vanilla white. "Are you sure," he said, speaking against her lips, "that Tamae is okay with this?"

"She said she wished she could experience romance the way you and I have connected. So, yes, Conner-kun, she is 'okay' with this. Now ... let me make it up to you for coming all this way to see me." Tamamo eased her tongue into his mouth and unfastened the front of his pants.

Conner ran his hands over the woman's arms. He heard Tamamo speaking, but he felt the skin of a woman in her late twenties, whose tone of voice was also different than he was used to. It was all new territory.

Tamamo, wearing only simple underwear, now free of the restraining jacket, pulled Conner against herself. She wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him affectionately. "I've missed you. I promise, I'm the same fox you made love to in the past. And I need you, Conner. I need to connect."

"I ... of course. I would never say no to you." He pushed his pants down. They dropped to the floor at his feet. "I just need to wrap my mind around this. Some part of me feels like I'm cheating."

"Then you are a good man to want, so much, to be loyal to me. Make love to me," she whispered in a sultry tone. She unwrapped her legs from his hips long enough to shimmy free of the panties. Then she unfastened the simple bra and dropped it onto the desk.

To Conner, even her scent was slightly different. But, at the same time, making love to the body of a second woman was also fascinating and exhilarating in its own way.

She pushed his underwear down then pulled him close to her. "Right here, on the desk. Is that okay?"

He nodded and licked his lips. Nervous but excited. He'd given this woman his virginity only recently. And now she was in a different body. He wondered how different it would be. Conner placed his hands on her hips and stepped closer to the desk.

Tamamo shifted her weight until she was sitting right on the edge of the desktop and crossed her ankles around him, resting her heels against the small of his back. She pulled him towards her.

Conner groaned softly, feeling himself grow thick against her hot body. He felt her hand move between them, guiding him at the proper angle. And then ... He felt himself sink into her. "No foreplay...?"

"Shh. We have little time together. Make the most of it." She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. Her heart raced in her chest. Her body responded to his touch and the feel of him stretching those lush folds to accept the thick American girth that drove into her smaller Asian body. She shuddered almost immediately and clung to him with need and fervor.

Wanton desire. Conner bucked his hips, riding her into the desk. His lips found hers again and he kissed her hungrily. He felt her fingers move to his jaw and cheeks, guiding his lips to close slightly, training the still somewhat-experienced boy; showing him how to kiss properly.

He bucked his hips, plowing into her with intensity and excitement.

Tamamo felt immediately high on the long-forgotten sensation of hormones and lust. Her delicate Japanese hands moved over his sculpted body, possessively touching his athletic arms, tight chest, and his abs. She broke the kiss and buried her face into the crook of his neck - the perfect crook on the perfect crook. She arched her hips up off the desk, falling easily into the throes of ecstasy. Release came easy and she embraced it as ardently as she embraced him.

Conner felt the clinching sensation, a perfect sleeve to work his cock, and groaned against her ear. He closed his lips over her earlobe and nibbled, loving the sensation of her teeth brushing against his neckline.

As quickly as it began, it was over for both of them, leaving Tammy and Conner panting, flush in the face. There they were, her on the edge of the desk, him buried inside of her, trying to catch their breath. Conner swallowed to calm himself, and whispered, "You think they heard us?"

"You think I care?" she replied against his throat. "I can feel your pulse," she added, pressing her lips against his neck. "I can feel you pulsing inside of me," she added, breathlessly. "I needed this connection, Conner. I needed this - you. Us."

"I love you, Tamamo."

A smile found Tamae's face, but she spoke as the kitsune. "Mm, say it again, Conner-kun."

"I love you, Tamamo."

"Such a simple thing to say. I feel your love. I feel it in your touch. Your desire to be with me. I love you, too, Conner-kun. Do not be insulted if I do not say it often. I am used to showing it, not saying it."

"I don't need the explanation. Just look me in the eyes and say it once. I'll be fine with that."

Tamamo smiled, drew her head back, cupped his face and said, "I love you." But the voice, the eyes, the face ... it wasn't Tamamo. It was Tamae.

He reminded himself it was only temporary. "I love you, too, Tamamo. Tammy. I look forward to seeing you more often."

"Mm, I bet that you do, especially if we have more moments like this." She leaned up, brushed her lips across his, then gently scooted back, further from the edge of the desk. "We should dress. Can you find Usagi, and ask him to fetch me something more proper? I wore little beneath the jacket."

"I'll find him." Conner knelt, pulled his pants up and fastened them. He tucked in the front of his shirt, then thought better of the style, and untucked it. He looked her over, briefly, and smiled, then handed her panties to her. "That was unexpected." He grinned, adding, "But I enjoyed it a lot."

"Mm, I'm quite sure." She slinked off the desk, and dropped onto the chair, atop of her old restraining jacket, and sighed in sexual bliss. "Apparently my vessel hasn't reached that sort of release in a very, very long time. She appreciates it."

Conner nodded and licked his lips. "I'm glad. I, uh, never thought I'd be able to say I can please two women at the same time."

Tamamo cackled gleefully. "You are so bad," she teased.

"I just ... until I get used to this, can you not refer to her in the third person? I just ... it would feel like there's a third wheel and, I mean ... I just want it to be us."

"I understand." She offered him a smile. "I promise, I understand. For now on, there is only us - our two hearts - in this relationship. I did not mean to make things, ah, awkward for you. But at any rate ... I need a moment to catch my breath and get at myself. Find Hakase; he will bring me the clothes worn by Tamae in the hospital. That is what fits, for sure. I will wait here."

Conner approached her, kissed her softly, then unlocked the door and left the room.

Kuda poked his head in through the doorway. His eyes met Tamamo's gaze.

Silence. They stared at one another.

His nose twitched rapidly, sniffing at the air. She scrunched her brows at him. "Do not sit there and silently judge me, you."

The little animal sneezed disdainfully and hurried back out of the office, chin and nose turned up, back straight.

If Tamamo didn't know any better, she thought she heard the little animal utter a sound akin to, "HMPH!"