Gaining Allies – Part 1

Story by Thorn Blackbriar on SoFurry

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#3 of Gain And Loss

Hey all. Glad to see everyone is enjoying this story so far. Hopefully that will continue here as well. Once again, many thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, faved, watched (Did I forget anything?). I've been trying to respond to people via shout box, but just recently discovered that I could reply to comments directly. (Yes, I am that clueless sometimes.) So I'll try to make sure to respond to everyone in a timely manner there as well. Ok, enough from me. Please read and enjoy.


Gaining Allies â€" Part 1

Footpaws reacted in a moment's time as Thorn sidestepped to avoid the ferret's extended leg and footpaw. A quick switch of his footpaws put him inside the ferret's guard and the wolf's leg was already in motion. "Ora!" Thorn's cry came just as his own kick lashed out and caught the thin, black and brown furred ferret right in the center of his chest protector. His eyes tracked his opponent as the ermine was lifted off his footpaws and thrown back where he landed on his backside outside of the sparring ground.

He backed away as the official ordered him to his side of the square and knelt down in the waiting position facing away from the downed fighter, as was standard honoring code, while the official checked the condition of ferret. His eyes flicked over the crowd, only a few feet away really considering the packed gym they were in, locking on the younger students from the do jang who had also come to compete in this tournament. The soft brown orbs locked onto his true target a moment after, the cream-furred rabbit in jeans and an orange, sleeveless, muscle style shirt.

Sam met the wolf's gaze easily and acknowledged the meet with a quick wink and a smile. Officially, he was here to watch his little brother, Cads, in his first tournament. The truth hidden from the public was that Thorn had invited him to the tournament. His smile grew a little wider as he remembered the wording the wolf had used, how he wanted to show off for the bunny. His gaze broke from the wolf as movement caught his eye, going instead to the male on the other side of the sparring square.

Thorn's ears perked a little as he saw Sam's line of sight move. The wolf's lips turned in a small smile as he heard the ferret saying he wanted to continue. All in all, he had really only been down for about fifteen seconds and the official soon called them back to the center. The two males nodded to each other slightly, the ferret in respect to the blow he'd been given, Thorn in respect to ermine's determination to continue the fight after taking one of his kicks without a block. A moment later the ref gave the start signal and combat resumed.

Thorn backstopped quickly as his opponent jumped forward into a front kick. He countered with middle block and stepped in again as his paw, curled into a tight fist, slammed solidly into the same chest target he had kicked before. The strike didn't halt the fight, however it did knock the ferret off balance long enough for the wolf to set his footpaws. He was already halfway through the rotation before the rodent even knew what was happening. As Thorn completed his spin his rear footpaw shot up quickly and zoned in on the ferret's exposed snout.

The ermine blinked in shock as the footpaw stopped before the blow landed, close enough he could smell the pad's scent glands. Then as quick as he had seen it the paw was gone and he felt a light tap to the side of his headgear. The rodent sighed and bowed his head, but there was a smile on his face. "All right, I get it." He laughed lightly. "I'm outclassed, I concede."

Thorn brought his leg down slowly and straightened out to stand properly. He moved to the center of the square and, at the official's word, bowed to the ermine. After they rose and were dismissed, the wolf extended his paw.

The ferret met his paw easily. "I'm going to beat you one of these days." He grinned as they shook paws. "Nice move though."

Thorn laughed lightly. "Guess I'll just have to train harder for next time then." As they broke he pointed to the ferret's left leg. "Your kick on that side is a lot slower." He mentioned in passing as he turned to join the other members of his training hall, but paused to look over his shoulder. "Next tourney is in two months. Hope to see you there."

"Count on it." The ferret nodded as he joined his own school.

With a nod Thorn turned his attention back to the younger students, returning the high fives of their little outstretched paws and thanking them for their complements on his win. He was, however, acutely aware of the fact that Sam hung off to the side, able to only give him a small smile of congratulations.

"I don't get it." Complained a voice from the crowd of student's. "Why didn't you follow through on that kick?"

Thorn bit the inside of his cheek to keep from sighing; reminding himself that he was the senior student. Even if he wanted nothing more than to go be near Sam right now, he was responsible for the teaching of the cubs as well. "Because Malnet..." He crouched down so that he could make eye contact with the yellow furred, black spotted, panther hybrid. "The Master doesn't teach us to fight just to see how big and bad we can be." His paw moved quickly and he almost laughed at how Malnet's eyes squinted shut in preparation of a strike. Thorn continued only after the cub's eyes opened again, allowing him to see Thorn's paw just barely not touching his muzzle. "It is about knowing how to control yourself. Just because you can beat someone as hard as you can, doesn't mean you should. Understand?"

The image of the large wolf in his blue and white sparing uniform, surrounded by almost a dozen cubs of varying ages and species in similar dress, made Sam smile. He brought his arms up across his chest, almost as if he was hugging himself, wishing he could enjoy the wolf's gentle nature so openly as well. Beside him, Cads' eyes were drifting between his older brother and his teacher. The younger rabbit's nose began to twitch rapidly as his mind began to turn. His mouth opened to ask a question, but lost the chance as a large commotion began over at another sparring square.

Thorn turned quickly as he realized which square was the focus of everyone's attention. "All right cubs. Let's go!" He stood quickly and began ushering the youngsters toward the fighting ground. "Let us through please!" He called out to the Furres that blocked the path. "That's our teammate in there. Valuable teaching moment here!" As the spectators grudgingly moved aside, Thorn found himself standing next to his Master.

Sam worked his way through the crowd as well, following as part of Thorn's sudden entourage. His gaze went first to the silver dragon with the almost impassive expression. Only the small downward turn at the corner of his mouth gave any indication of his affect. The bunny turned his head slightly, and saw a story that was similar but much more raw as well, on Thorn's face. The wolf's brow was furrowed and his paws were balled into tight fists. His hackles were raised as well, fur quite literally bristling with anger. Sam bent down a little so that he could whisper to his brother. "What's going on?"

The younger rabbit's eyes were wide as he watched the fight in the ring. "Mr. Kameg is kicking that tiger's tail." He winced a little as the falcon launched a superb sidekick that slammed full force into the feline's jaw. Even at this distance there was a snap audible to the crowd as the orange furred, black striped, big cat fell back to the ground roaring in pain. "Oh man..." Cads' eyes went wider still, but it was no longer in awe. Fear replaced his expression as he watched the tiger's pristine white uniform began to turn red as blood dripped down from his shattered muzzle.

"He was already dead on his footpaws." Thorn raged in a hushed tone at his teacher's side, and if one were to look closer they would see that the elder male's silver claws were fastened about one of the wolf's wrists. "I was just telling the cubs about control..." He growled, his voice thick with frustration. "And he does something like this?" He had watched Kameg's downward spiral over the last month, unable to reach his friend and help him sort out his problem. He could see now that the fight with the tiger, no doubt an iconic reminder of that night, had only escalated the avian's aggression further. "Damn it Kameg..."

"Calm down Thorn." The Master whispered softly. "I will discuss the event with him later."

Thorn continued to glare at Kameg's back, wanting to grab his friend and demand answers. Instead he could only nod in acceptance of his teacher's orders. "May I be excused Master?"

The dragon nodded and let go of Thorn's wrist. "His actions are not yours Thorn." He advised quietly as the canine turned away. "Do not take responsibility for him."

The wolf paused only a moment, but did not look back, before continuing on out of one of side exits. Outside the building, now revealed to be one of the local high schools that sponsored the small tournament, Thorn paced back and forth futilely, snarling out his anger. His balled up paw threw a wide punch at a low hanging tree branch, sending the wooden limb through the air to land in the fallen leaves out in the field beyond with a dull thud. He stood still after that, either the pain or the sound of wood snapping seeming to break him from his mood. Turning slowly, he at last noticed Sam, who was down wind of him, waiting by the door.

Sam rubbed his arms lightly, not exactly dressed for the late fall, almost winter, temperatures. He smiled weakly, not quite sure of himself, at Thorn. They had been seeing each other in secret for almost a month now, but he had never seen larger male so enraged. "You ok?" He asked as he walked slowly toward his friend and lover.

Thorn let his head hang down a little. "I don't know, I guess." He sighed as he moved back toward Sam and the building behind him. "It's just..." He shook his head. "If I knew what had happened maybe I could help him."

Sam nodded slightly. "Maybe, but then again, maybe not." He reached out and placed his paw on Thorn's arm as they came close enough. "I know you've tried to talk with him. He's shutting you out, remember?" He put himself in the canine's path, halting his movement. His paws shifted higher and lightly cupped Thorn's muzzle. "You can't help him until he works things out for himself, whatever it was that happened." He rose onto the tips of his footpaws and gave the wolf a little kiss. "You can't solve everything."

Thorn sighed, but smiled a bit, as he wrapped his paws around Sam's waist and held him close. "I know, but I can't help but try." He leaned his head down and nuzzled against Sam affectionately. "Maybe it's some misplaced pack sentiment of mine." He joked lightly. Somewhere at the back of his mind he recognized how quickly Sam was able quiet his anger, but the majority was focused on the feel of the warmth shared between them. His ears, and Sam's as well, perked as they both heard the sound of the door opening and they quickly jumped away from each other.

The Furre who stuck his head out the door was none other than Cads. He looked between the two older males for a moment before coming fully outside. "All the awards were given out." He moved to his teacher's side and held up a large trophy. "Master says this one was yours."

Thorn took the trophy and smiled, more so that the cub didn't seem to notice anything than for the trophy itself. "Thank you Cads. Did you get yours?"

The little bunny nodded and beamed as he held up his smaller third place trophy. "Yes sir! See?" He turned his head quickly and darted over to his brother. "Check it out Sam! I got an award too!"

Sam smiled and lightly ruffled Cads' short, black hair. "Yes, you did. Congratulations."

Thorn turned to head for the door. "I'm sure everyone is starting to clear out of the gym. We should grab our gear and head for the car." Most of the students had already left with their parents by the time the three were ready. They easily collected their stuff and were in the car in only a few minutes.

"Thanks again for driving us Mr. Thorn." Cads spoke as he sat in the back seat, looking out the window as they got on their way. "I would have hated to miss this tournament."

"It's no problem Cads." Thorn assured him. "I know your parents are busy with work. Helping out with driving you is no sweat." He grinned, knowing that helping meant he got a little extra time to spend with Sam, but didn't say that to the cub.

The drive continued for about ten minutes when Cads spoke again. "Hey? Mr. Thorn? Can I ask you something?"

"You just did Cads." Thorn chuckled. "But sure, go ahead."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Cadbury!" Sam turned in his seat to stare at his brother. "Why would you ask him something like that?"

"Because, Samuel..." Cads shot back, knowing his brother disliked his full name almost as much as Cads disliked his. "I wanted to know."

Thorn laughed at the glares the rabbits were giving each other. Given the similarities of their expressions, he could see the family resemblance quite well too. Cads had the same soft features as Sam, but that may have just been cubby fat. He wondered absently what Cads would look like when he was older. "Well, that's a very personal question." Thorn spoke lightly. "But then again, you're at that age I guess. You're going into fifth grade right?"

"No, forth." The little rabbit corrected.

Sam looked over at Thorn, trying to figure out what he was doing. His heart thudded heavily in his chest, worried that Thorn was going to somehow reveal their relationship. He did his best to hide his anxiety, but he couldn't keep his nose from twitching rapidly.

"Right." Thorn continued as he held his open paw out on the front seat, out of Cads' view, as he saw the nervousness in Sam's eyes. "You're right at that age where femmes are interesting. Is that why you're asking?"

"Sort of." Cads admitted. "So, do you?"

Thorn smiled as he felt Sam's paw in his own. "Well, I am seeing someone, but I don't know that I'd use the term girlfriend." He laughed lightly as he felt the bunny's grip tighten in warning. "We really haven't put any terms to it yet."

"Oh. So, it's not too serious yet." Cads remarked quietly. He continued to stare out the window for a few moments before facing forward again. "Hey? Mr. Thorn? Would you ever go out with Sam?"

Both males in the front seat were silent now, unable or unsure how to reply. The question was asked innocently, as only a young cub is really capable of, but there was no simple answer that they could give. Or rather, the simple answer would likely get Sam into a very bad situation with his parents.

Sam turned around slowly to look at Cads. "W..." He cleared his throat and licked his lips before trying again. "Why would you ask something like that?"

Cads shrugged. "I don't know. Just the way you two were looking at each other before. It was kind of like the way Pepper looks at guys all the time."

"Pepper?" Thorn questioned confused.

"Our sister." Sam clarified before continuing with his brother. "But Cads, Thorn and I are both males so we can't..."

"Are you a hom..." Cads trailed off as he tried to remember the word. "A homonym?"

"Homonym?" Sam stared blankly.

"Yeah." Cads continued. "You know, a person who doesn't like gay Furres."

Thorn shook his head lightly. "I think you mean homophobe champ."

Cads' eyes lit. "Right! That one! You're not one are you Sam?"

For a moment, Sam wondered if he was on MTV's Skunked and this was all some elaborate setup. "No Cads. I'm not."

"Good." Cads sighed in relief. "Cause we had this whole class at school and they said you shouldn't be afraid of gay Furres."

Sam simply continued to stare. "What does all this have to do with if Thorn has a girlfriend or not?"

"Cause when I came home from school the other day and you were asleep on the couch you were mumbling Mr. Thorn's name." The boy replied as if it were the most casual thing in the world. "So I thought maybe you liked him."

Sam let his claws, thin and weak as they maybe, extend a little and clamped into Thorn's paw as the canine was attempting to stifle his laughter. "But Cads..."

The little rabbit turned to look at Thorn in the rear view mirror. "How about it Mr. Thorn?" He questioned again. "You said you don't have a girlfriend and...and Sam looks really girly so..."

"You think so?" Thorn chuckled lightly. "Guess I didn't notice." His expression turned serious again as he looked back at the young rabbit for a moment before returning his eyes to the road. "But Cads, there are a lot of Furre's who don't like gay Furres. Even asking something like that could get your brother in trouble, maybe even hurt." He warned as he recalled the fight not more than an hour ago now. "You don't want to see Sam get hurt do you?"

"Course not!" Cads defended quickly. "That's why you should go out with him. You're so strong, no one would be able to hurt him."

Sam's grip on Thorn tightened yet again, no longer in warning, but in concern for this conversation getting back to his parents. He had no doubt that Thorn would make good on his word and take him in if his parents should evict him, but still, it was his family. "Cads..."

"Hey Cads." Thorn covered quickly, seeing that Sam was operating on fear rather than thought. "Tell you what, if your brother ever asks me, I'll think about it. Ok?" He looked into the rear view mirror to lock eyes with Cads, and was surprised to see that the boy looked rather excited about the idea. "But you have to do me a favor."

Cads nodded quickly and leaned forward in his seat. "Sure! What is it?"

"You have to keep this a secret." Thorn spoke with the tone he usually reserved for when his classes got in trouble, conveying his seriousness without question. "If anyone finds out, Sam could get really hurt. You understand?"

"Yes Sir." Cads nodded honestly. "Not a word to anyone. It's a promise."

Thorn shook his head. "No, between us martial artists, it's an oath."

"An oath?" Cads' head cocked to one side a bit. "What's that?"

"It's an even stronger type of promise." Thorn explained. "One between the closest of friends and team mates. Or the one you made with Master when you started your training."

Cads' smile seemed to grow impossibly wide knowing he was being trusted with such an important promise. "Then it's my oath Sir. I'll keep it a secret."

Thorn nodded and smiled at Cads' reflection in the rearview, and simultaneously cast a quick sidelong glance at Sam. He almost laughed at the emotions he saw mixing on his love's face, but managed to hold back, barely. "Then it's my oath too. I'll keep Sam safe if that's what he wants."

Cads beamed from the back seat. "Thanks Mr. Thorn."

Mean while, Sam turned to face forward in his seat again and slumped as he had suddenly lost all his bones. He looked over at Thorn, smiled softly, and shook his head in disbelief of what had just happened around him. His paw, still in Thorn's, squeezed as he mouthed a silent thank you to the wolf. For the rest of the trip no one spoke, as if afraid that any sound would ruin everything that had transpired. Before long they were pulling up to Sam and Cads' house and parked in front. The older rabbit looked back and giggled a bit. "Guess all the excitement caught up with him."

Thorn turned and saw that Cads had at some point fallen asleep, clutching his trophy close to his chest like it was his most precious treasure. "Seems that way." He started to get out of the car, but was stopped by Sam's gentle touch. He turned, his eyes gently questioning Sam's actions. "What's up?"

"Thank you." Sam whispered softly, his head down. "If you hadn't taken things so head on I might of..."

A gray wolf paw came up and cupped Sam's cheek, which the bunny pressed into as if it was what he was waiting for all day. "You would have done fine." He smiled, wanting to kiss Sam, but not daring in case Cads was faking sleep. "Besides, it seems like you weren't the only one who wasn't affected by your parents' beliefs." With a light caress of his thumb over Sam's facial fur he nodded to Cads. "Come on. Let's get you guys inside."

Sam's smile faded a little as he felt the warm paw slide away from his cheek, but he nodded in agreement. Hazel eyes watched as the powerful wolf showed his control for the second time today, lifting Cads from his seat and holding him without waking the cub. As they walked up the stairs Sam couldn't help but feel that he wasn't coming home. It just didn't feel the same as it used to. "Thorn..." He almost gasped as he saw the wolf's muzzle turn. "Drive around the corner and wait there. Ok?"

Thorn nodded, not completely understanding, but now wasn't the time or place to question. His attention turned forward again as he heard the front door opening. "Evening Mrs. Bushman." The wolf smiled quickly, not wanting to give any indication of his concern over Sam's request. "I'm afraid we ran the cub a little ragged."

At the door stood a tall and thin rabbit with pure white fur and long black hair. Her eyes were the same hazel coloring as Sam's but seemed to lack the natural shifting ability that her son's had. There was no doubt as to where Sam got his looks though as the older femme smiled. "Yes, I can see that." She extended her arms to take her cub, and after a little maneuvering, Cads was clutching to his mother's light pink blouse as he fell back into his slumber, his footpaws hanging down from her grip and scratching absently at Caramel Bushman's black slacks. "Thank you for taking them both."

"Not a problem at all Ma'am." Thorn shook his head. "I was happy to help. Cads did quite well."

"Really?" She asked with an excited smile. "That's great. I'm sure I'll hear all about it later." She nodded into the house. "Would you like to come in for a little while?"

Thorn shook his head, not wanting to risk pushing his luck any further today. "Thank you, but perhaps another time." He pulled the corner of his shirtsleeve, drawing attention to the fact he was still wearing his sparring uniform. "I'm still" He trailed off, knowing the message would get across.

"Of course." Sam's mother nodded. "You must want to get home and clean up. I do hope you'll come over at some point though, Cads is always talking about you very highly."

Off to the side, Sam wondered just how welcome Thorn would be if his mother knew about them. He waited patiently as the wolf bid them all a good night and moved down steps to his car. Sam had to consciously remind himself not to seem overly enthusiastic as he returned the wave as the wolf drove off before following his mother inside the house.

"Sam?" Caramel called as she headed upstairs to put Cad's to bed. "You hungry?"

Sam moved through the lower floor and went to the door to the basement. "Not really." He called back as he waited for a moment. "I'll grab something to eat with Val later." Only after he had started his excuse did he open the door to the basement and descended the steps. He smiled as he felt his footpaws touch down on the soft carpeting of his room. His parents had finished off the basement a few years ago, convinced that the two boys of the family needed their own space. He moved quickly to his closet and began to remove the false back he had put in place.

"You're going out tonight?"

Sam froze for a moment before he realized that his mom was still at the top of the stairs. "Yeah, Val said she wanted to hang out tonight." He called back as he finally got the plank out of the way revealing his more feminine clothing stash. "I'll probably stay over her place tonight."

"Sam." Caramel's tone was clearly not happy. "You know I don't like you staying over a girl's house over night."

"And I keep telling you we're not those kind of friends Mom." He replied quickly, keeping his tone as light as he could. "We're just going to see a movie or something probably." He grabbed his duffle back and quickly placed a few outfits into it along with a few other items he thought he might need. The fake back panel was quickly put back in place and he slung the bag over his shoulder.

Caramel frowned as she saw Sam come back into view at the bottom of the stairs. "Is it really that bad to simply stay at home and spend some time with your family." Although she did smile a little as Sam climbed up the stairs and gave her a small kiss on her cheek.

"I spent all day with Cads remember?" He teased lightly. "And Dad and Pep are out at work." He changed tactics as he realized why his mother wanted him to stay home. "Next time everyone's home I'll stay in, but I already promised Val I'd meet up with her."

With a heavy sigh of defeat Mrs. Bushman nodded her head. "Ok, but I'm holding you to that promise of staying in another day." She insisted with a little bit of a pout.

"Ok Mom." Sam laughed lightly in response as he closed his door and began to head for the front entrance. "I'll see you tomorrow." He waved once before he slipped out of the house and began to walk around the corner. His head turned to look back once and he didn't see his mother looking out after him so he quickened his pace.

Thorn looked up as he heard the knock at his window and a moment later Sam was sitting in the passenger seat once again. "That was fast." He looked over at the bag that Sam threw into the back seat and grinned a little bit. He hadn't seen much of "Samantha" over the last few weeks, and he hoped he'd get to tonight. "Your mom seems nice." He began easily as he pulled away from the curb.

"She is..." Sam agreed. "So long as you agree to the same things she does." He amended after with a shake of his head. "But I don't want to really talk about that right now."

Thorn nodded. "Fair enough." He reached his arm over and let his paw land on Sam's neck, where he began to massage the bunny lightly.

"You're going to put me to sleep..." Sam whispered as his eyes closed, relishing the contact after having to keep his distance all day. "You're going to have to carry me like you did Cads."

"That doesn't sound so bad." Thorn navigated through the traffic with practiced ease and they were soon parking in his apartment lot. He picked up the bag from the back seat and after a quick walk they were inside the wolf's apartment. The bag dropped to the floor as soon as the door was shut and his strong arms wrapped around Sam's slender waist, pulling the bunny close. "Been wanting to do that all day..." He whispered softly.

"Me too." Sam turned about in Thorn's arms and tip toed to better kiss the wolf. His hands roamed lightly over Thorn's shirt covered chest for a moment before they circled back to embrace the canine. "You were right though." He hinted teasingly as he broke the kiss.


"You really do need a shower." Sam giggled.

A low chuckle escaped from the canine as he refused to let Sam go. "I thought you liked the way I smelled. Or did I imagine you saying that?"

"A little musk in the heat of the moment, yes." Sam nodded with a small smile. "Stinky after a workout? Not really." His nose twitched quickly as he took in a deep breath. "Plus, I can still smell some of that ferret on you. That I definitely don't like."

"Ok, I get it." Thorn let go of Sam's waist, but reached up to rustle the bunny's hair, earning a playful yelp of protest, before separating from him completely. His paws gripped the bottom of his shirt as he began to walk towards the bathroom. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Any ideas on what you want to do for dinner?"

Sam stared, distracted, as Thorn's back became exposed to his gaze as the wolf walked away. He shook his head a moment later as he regained his senses. "Huh? What? Oh, dinner, right." The rabbit followed after the other male, pausing outside the bathroom door that was open a tiny bit to allow them to talk. "I hadn't given it all that much thought." He admitted as he heard the water begin to run in the shower.

As he heard the shower door close Sam's eyes took on a playful light. "You had to eat healthy before the tournament right?" He called as he removed his shirt in the hallway and a little grunt from the wolf as a response. "How about something fun and unhealthy then?" He asked as he began to wiggle out of his jeans and panties. "Maybe Thai?" He grinned a little as he stood naked outside the door and quickly darted inside, knowing the water would dull Thorn's nose a bit giving him the chance to surprise the wolf.

Thorn's head spun quickly as he heard the shower door slide open, for the first time looking embarrassed that the rabbit could ever remember. "Sam? What the..." His words trailed off as he saw the naked rabbit grinning at him.

Sam laughed as he saw the wolf, with one leg raised slightly, making full use of the shower's drain. "They say that's really unhygienic you know." He teased as he swayed his hips gently. "Mind if I join you?"

Thorn shook himself a little, still clearly off balance from the rabbit's sudden entrance. "Y-yeah, sure." He moved over, not that there was much room to begin with, to let Sam in. "That was kind of mean." He growled lightly as he pressed up against Sam. "Especially after I was so helpful to you today."

Sam giggled as he turned his face up into the warm water, murring softly from both the heat of the water and Thorn's proximity. "Maybe, but I never get to surprise you." He laughed as he heard the wolf's low growl of defeat.

"Well, I think you got me this time." Thorn's paws rested lightly on Sam's sides, stroking his digits through the warm, wet, fur. "And I think you got me good enough for the next few times as well."

Sam backed slightly as he felt Thorn's paws on his body, pressing his little cottontail against the canine's lower belly. "You can be so cute at times." He turned his head back and looked up at Thorn, inviting a kiss. "You're so open about sex, but you get flustered cause I saw you taking a leak."

Thorn's eyebrow quirked up a bit, showing he wasn't quite sure how to respond to being called cute or that Sam had found something he could tease him about. "You just startled me is all." He leaned down and kissed the bunny, letting their tongues just barely make light teasing contact. Meanwhile his paws increased their pressure on Sam's sides and began to move to his hips at an agonizingly slow pace.

Sam groaned into the kiss, knowing full well what Thorn was doing now. He knew that the wolf would do almost anything for him, but he had also learned that Thorn had an innate competitive streak. Sam had pushed to far in his teasing, and now Thorn was going to push back in the way Sam was most susceptible to. "Thorn..." He pleaded softly as he broke the kiss.

The wolf smiled as he continued to massage the lapine's hips. "Hm? What's wrong Sam?" He licked smaller male's neck slowly, causing more low moans from the rabbit. He trailed leisurely to the other side of Sam's neck making his lover squirm under his hold. "You're the one who came barging in here." His eyes trailed down as he felt that soft bunny booty begin to rock against him in a more wonton manner. "What could you have been looking for I wonder?"

Sam groaned as Thorn's paw continued to move down his body, tickling along the rabbit's sheath. "Th-Thorn..." He gasped as he felt his body beginning to respond. "Don't tease..." His eyes closed and his hips bucked as he felt the wolf's paw close about the tip of cock. "Please...I want to feel you..."

"You will." Thorn assured him as he let his own growing maleness rest along the cleft of Sam's ass. "No need to worry about that." His muzzle rose, licking around the bases of Sam's ears, as he began to buck his hips.

Sam whimpered in need as he felt Thorn's cock stroking over his fuzzy bottom and nudging into his lower back. He tried to press back, but the stronger wolf held him firm. Sam next tried to angle himself to get Thorn to thrust into him, but again, the wolf denied him. He tried to buck faster, his own cock already at full hardness in Thorn's paw, hoping to gain some relief and maybe gain a bit of control. He thought he was in the clear feeling himself coming to the brink, only to have the wolf let go suddenly. "Thorn!" Sam wailed as he thrust his hips at the shower water futilely.

The canine had his paw on Sam's quivering belly, holding the lapine tight against him. "Nope." He teased at Sam's ears more with his tongue and fangs. "Not yet." With the rabbit gently restrained with one paw, Thorn's other paw worked it's way down between them until he reached Sam's balls and began to caress them lovingly from behind. "Soon though..." He hinted with a whisper into the ear right next to his muzzle.

Sam panted in earnest now. Having been so close and then unable to climax had left him almost begging to be allowed to cum. He jumped as Thorn's paw slid further between his legs, cupping his sac fully now, and began to roll and massage his nuts with the pads of his paw. "Please..."He gasped as his head tilted back, kissing and nipping at any of the wolf's flesh in reach. "Thorn please..." He whimpered and groaned like a bitch in heat. "I can't take any more..."

Thorn gave a particularly long swipe of his tongue from the tip of Sam's ear all the way down to the back of his neck, making the rabbit cry out and shake with pleasure so hard even Thorn himself got a little shiver. "No more?" He turned Sam around and pressed his back against the shower wall. He took both the smaller male's paws in one of his own and raised them above the rabbit's head, holding him against the wall. He bent his knees so that he could better meet Sam's eyes before pressing his muzzle against the bunny's. The kiss was far different from before as Sam pushed back hungrily, trying to raise Thorn's own need to match his own. After a few moments of fierce tonguing the canine pulled back. "You know what else we practice besides hand-to-hand combat?" He asked, a silly grin already on his face.

Sam shook his head, not knowing, and not really caring right now as Thorn continued to play with his balls. "I don't...ahh...I don't know!" He strained a little against the wolf's restraint. "Come on..." He begged. "Please...let me cum..."

"Sword fighting." Thorn moved forward again and locked his muzzle to Sam's. At the same time he brought his own hips closer to the lapine and put their cocks into contact with each other. His paw came away from the bunny's sac and caught both their hard maleness' in his grip.

Sam grunted and groaned into the kiss. Partly due to the contact, but also partly do to the sheer corniness of the joke Thorn had made. The pun was soon forgotten though as he felt the strong paw being to slide along both their throbbing shafts. He no longer fought the paw holding his own above his head, but concentrated instead on thrusting his hips. The sensation of the wet furry paw and the intense, hard, heat of Thorn's own erection on his flesh was unlike anything he'd experienced before. He wiggled the digits of his paw lightly, and moaned in appreciation as Thorn opened his own, allowing their paws to intertwine.

Thorn's paw, and hips as well, increased their pace as he felt Sam's fingers squeeze his own. He could feel the pre around their cocks better now that his paw had closed and was not being washed away by the water. He ran his digits over the sensitive tips more quickly, knowing he'd teased Sam long enough.

Sam's hips jerked madly a few moments later and his head arched back as he groaned out his climax. His thrusts became so wild he pushed through the wolf's closed digits, causing thick ropes of white, sticky, cum to spurt up between their bodies.

Only a moment after Sam, Thorn howled as well and shot his load along side the bunny. Their cum mixing together as the two fluids combined into an indistinguishable whole that landed on both of their chests and bellies. With his knees already bent it took only a moment of weakness to cause Thorn to rest heavily against his lover, further mashing their cum into their fur.

Sam's breathing was hard and labored as he tried to regain his wind. He nuzzled into Thorn's shoulder and let his paws rest upon the wolf's well muscled back. "That was..." He breathed raggedly.

"Yeah..." Thorn agreed with a weak nod. "You should have walked in on me a long time ago."

"Pervert." Sam giggled.

Thorn nipped at Sam's shoulder lightly as he stood up. "Cross dresser." He kissed Sam again, softly this time, and stared into his eyes. "But I wouldn't want you any other way."

"You either." The bunny smiled and hugged Thorn close, murring as the wolf's paws came to rest on his butt. His head perked a little bit as something sounded from outside the bathroom.

"That your cell?" Thorn asked, eyes closed and head resting atop Sam's, as they embraced in the shower.

"Yeah." Sam nodded as he closed his eyes and buried his face into the wolf's chest fur. "That's Val's ringtone. I'll call her back later." He smiled a little as he smelled the mixed scents of their love making on Thorn's fur, without any hint of ferret. "After we get properly cleaned up."

The canine nodded absently, until his stomach growled loudly startling them both. "And...get something to eat." He added with a grin.

"You're so hopeless." Sam giggled and shook his head as he handed the shampoo to Thorn and turned around. "So..." He asked as he leaned his head back followed quickly with a presenting of his tail. "Which do you want to wash first?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder, seduction written all over his cute bunny face.

The canine's only reaction was to grin and wag his tail.
