Diving In The Deep End

Story by DJSparkster on SoFurry

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WARNING: If you don't like violence and Blood then please go back...

(All Characters in this short Novel are all Fictional, (From my mind), althought this happens in real life, the story was not aimed at any specific case maybe involving this sort of Genre of style.)

A Story By: Sparkster. G.

Hello, my name is Latak and I am only nine years old, the last thing I can remember is taking a violent blow to the back the head everything went dim as the street lights flickered stars began to twinkle in my eyes just that feeling of a sharp blunt object hitting my skull was enough to make any living soul cringe. I was on a life support machine, and my life as we speak was soon to be no more, my exsistance erased just like that, with the flick of the finger. I will tell you my story from when it all went sour... I remember a time when I had bunked off of school to go to local corner shop with some local thugs who where pretty decent lads, people got the wrong impression, these lads never did anything wrong, well at least that's what I thought.

"Hey Latak do us a favour, just nip into the shop and grab some glue from the counter and run like fuck..." Latak was a 5ft 3" Fox tallish for his age, he was always getting the local thugs cigs from shops because he looked older. Oh the innocence of a young one *chuckles* I casually walked into the shop, without a care in the world. Not even thinking of the consequences of my actions, spotting my target a couple of inches away from me. I locked on to it, and took a deep breath without pause I snatched the Glue tub from the counter and ran as fast as my little 5ft legs could carry me.

As I ran out of the shop, and past the lads waving the tub of glue they cheered and followed behind me. We Finally stopped at the graveyard nearby every single one of them out of breath, I was having my first adrenaline rush, it was awesome, his blood pumping twice as fast, and his brain was ticking over. The group of lads sat down on a bed like gravestone as they began to take the cap off of the top of the tub.

One of the lads and looked at me, smiling he grabbed the tub and shoved it in my paws "You were the one to snatch it, you get first sniffs." He grinned at me, I was nervous, but I decided to hand it back and say No, but obviously that wasn't good enough for them, I remember the ring leader saying, "If you want in this gang you do as your told..." he raised his fists at me, as they all began to mimic chicken squawks. That was it, I was no chicken, so I took the spout of tub and stuffed my nose straight into and inhaled as much as I could. Fuck me... My head was spinning in a cloud of something, Bloody hell that was it I was officially in this gang, But seriously it couldn't get any worse than this... Could it????

A couple of weeks later I had started staying out with my new posse mates as they called it, which was funny, we where going out late at night; Vandalising, sniffing glue, Beating people up for more money to start buying solvents from shops just get that high we were looking for, and this went on for a good few months, until one night we where walking down the road, and this little old cat was walking around the corner, minding her own business, not doing anything illegal, I watched as one of the lads pulled a knife out, "lets go and scare her a little bit, see if she gives us anything?" one of the thugs laughed, not showing any remorse that he was going to do could possibly kill and innocent person through shock... But I didn't care I was off my rocker, high as kite, as light as a feather.

I just said to them in a calm and laid back voice, "Lets go and get her then..." they all laughed as they ran around the corner, catching up with the old lady they jumped in front of her with their faces covered by their bandannas, they pushed her around a bit and then the thug drew the knife.

"Gimme your purse, and whatever valuables you got in that bin bag of yours!" He shouted as he stared into her fearful eyes.

She did not reply, well neither would I if I was surrounded by this lot. "If you don't give me your bag hag I'm gonna fucking stab you." he threatened her as he jabbed the knife towards her not actually going to stab her. He just asked her for the contents of her bag, and that's when it all went wrong... He lunged the knife to far forward sending it straight through her brittle ribs and into her heart. she went quiet her eyes went all weird like hazed it was scary... I had just witnessed no I had just been involve in a murder...

"Shit you dickhead you've killed her!" one of the thugs said trying not to laugh...

They all looked at each other and laughed... as they nabbed the handbag and legged it, leaving the lifeless body there. There where no intentions of ringing an ambulance or the police, I was scared , no sorry I was Traumatised and petrified... I knew what we were doing was wrong, but for some reason I had no feelings, it was weird one day I'd help an old girl cross the road, now I was watching my mates killing them. all I could think about was what is gonna happen?, what if we get caught? What if someone saw us, now that would not look good for my job life later on... I knew it was too late but I couldn't leave the gang now, they wouldn't let me... I was stuck in a vicious circle.

"Latak!" one of them shouted at me as I stood next to the lifeless body. "Dude come on!" one of the guys grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the corpse, we went to one of the thugs house, we went into his kitchen and nicked all of the alcohol that was lying around, we went to the park and sat down and drank till our hearts passed out. Lets hope that this was all a crazy dream and sniffing glue was the side effect seeing old ladies being stabbed near their own home. When we finally woke up in the morning we where all drunken wrecks, our heads where pounding... we where like zombies literally. I can't even remember the last time I went to school let alone go home. Wow I bet my mum was scared, so I text her letting her know I was ok and that i was stopping at a friends for a few weeks, and not to worry I was going to school on time not missing lessons.

I knew that lie wouldn't live long to tell the tale, I went home one day threw the week, trying to look normal in front of my mum, but that didn't work, as soon as I walked into the kitchen, she was there watching me with her piercing eyes, she was pissed and I knew it and not the good pissed either. "I've had a phone call from your school boy!" she paused for a second, "How come you haven't been going in for a month." she said making her voice firmer... Shit I was busted i didn't reply, so she shouted at me, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THEN!" She grabbed my armtightly.

As I pulled away I shouted back, "Fuck off you slag!!" Ouch that hurt a little bit to much fuck me her hands where made of iron, when it came into contact with my face I didn't know where to put my face let alone, how to reconstruct it... "I FUCKING HATE YOU! FUCKING DIE!!!" I screamed as I stormed up the stairs, tears running off of my face like a waterfall, and into my bedroom, and locked the door behind me. That was it I was fucked off now how dare she hit me, but yet all that was going through my mind was I needed a fix, I knew I had glue in my room somewhere, but where the fuck was it??? I charged around turning my room upside down when i finally found it I crammed it up my nose and took a deep breath whilst getting a taste for the fumes, but the effect wasn't working as well as the first time I need something stronger... But what? I thought hard about it, maybe we can get a hold of some weed, maybe some Ecstasy, hell even Coke sounded great right now...

Soon we had other thugs from other estates coming onto our turf, this was not allowed unless they had a good reason to be there, otherwise there would be some serious kick ass. so me and the lads checked it out, I was made the ring leaders right hand man, and he was in a prison for teenagers, for 4 weeks so he should be back next Saturday. anyway we go and check out these lads, and they where older then me on my own but I felt secure safe with these guys they where my safety net if anything happened... I looked at the three lads who where stood there not causing any trouble, but I still decided to ask them. "Hey! What the fuck you doing on our turf??? Get the fuck out." the looked at me and laughed... "What the fuck you laughing at Dickhead!" he screamed.

The started to move closer towards me and the lads, and we were ready for a fight, with new faces. "We have been sent here by our boss, to ask an allies with your group." one of them proposed. I looked at them square in the face.

"what is the catch?" I replied curious but standing my ground, you have to be careful not to get ambushed by unwanted trespassers. They all shook their heads.

"There is no catch mate, but we can offer you the best quality drugs, to the best quality Pussy." I was keen Drugs and pussy.

Wow that was an offer I couldn't turn down. i looked at the new faces, and said "I will just run it over with my group." I turned around and one of them whispered, "bad fish man, something ain't happening." I had to reassure lads older than me that Pussy and high quality drugs where a great combination, they finally gave in and agreed with me.

"is that a decision I hear... Is that a yes?" one of them asked, I nodded back in agreement that there was no catch or set-up, they reassured me and I was cool with that.

"Where shall we meet, and when?" I asked them with a bit of an arrogant tone. they just handed me a card with a number and an address on it.

"Be there and we garrentee you the night of your life..." That was their final words as they walked away. I was all psyc'd up and ready for the fucking of some finally decent pussy.

When the leader of the Posse gang got out of the Prison for Teenagers, I informed him about this sex and drug fest that was taking place at a rave in the suburban areas of the city. He liked it and said I did a good job, he also had a nice big twenty bag full of the strongest skunk fuck know what was in it but we blasted it all away. We agreed that we would get washed and look semi decent to attract the females so we all went home and got showered, I found some of my smart clothes that I wore to meetings when I was at school, but as soon as I was ready I was gone, no time for my mum we still weren't talking after the fight we had. I just shout bye, and that was it I was gone.

Me and the lads met up at the rendezvous point which a small roundabout in the middle of the street, we smelt nice, looked clean, and actually started acting like civil people, but when we got to the rave scene WOW... It was loud, Humongous and well fit bitches where walking in and out, I panted as I was heating up from all this excitement... as we went to the front door, some bouncer stopped us and asked for money I looked at them and showed them the card I had kept just in case, they looked at us, the five smartly dressed lads awaiting our bender. The bouncers just moved aside and said is you go up these stair the boss would be waiting for us, we nodded and started to climb the steep stairs, but I must admit that baseline that was going on was almost hypnotic, I just wanted to dance but I knew I couldn't more important matters to attend to.

As we entered the room it was all pimped out with pink fluffy carpet lots of bright colours wallpapers mixed into one, zebra striped couches as we headed over to the desk, Me and the leader of the gang looked at each other... "Hello?" said the leader of the Posse gang. we just stood there for a second.

when all of a sudden a voice came in from behind us. "Ah I have been expecting you boys..." he laughed, "I have heard great things about you, and that you beat up a gang with twice as many as you, I have to say I'm impressed." he grinned. "So who is the mastermind behind this gang?" he asked politely, I just pointed at my leader who taught me a lot. "Ah ok I was expecting you to be the leader." he said pointing at me.

I laughed softly and replied, "Nah He is the mastermind who taught me all I know about what's what." he chuckled, "What you see is what you get and this is leader of the Posse group." I said pointing the limelight on the ring leader, he need a Confidence boost well I thought so anyway.

"Well as you where informed by three of my top gang members about this place I heard you didn't back off them."

I nodded, "That's right got to protect our estate, you know, from unwanted intruders." I said with a high status look, I gleamed and treasured our turf like it was my own Bike or Xbox.

"Well I will introduce myself, I am the Pimperat, and I own the Slitters Turfs." Wow we got to finally meet an actual legend, in some estates only something you'd dream about, the slitters where well know for the slitting of throats and Blood drinking, but we weren't gonna piss them off now. no way...

He clapped his hands together and smiled, "Drugs, Pussy, Party." he continued to clap his hand. I asked him if we could have the pussy first, which he was ok with, he just whistled and a door opened from the back room, and from the darkness emerged Feline Twins, a Slutty Rabbit with hardly anything on, and two Bitches, he grinned at us and lifted his hand high above his head, "Let the party commence." he laughed.

As he walked out of the room leaving us too our business, I boldly walked up to the Bunny girl, and the others went for the twins and the bitches I just grinned at the Rabbit and told her to get on her knees I didn't really have to tell her she knew what she was doing alright... she began to smile as she began to handle my virgin lad bits stroking it up and down as it began to grow quicker than normal causing a tent to form in my trousers, before I could blink my trousers where around my ankles followed by my boxers, as my full 7" cock was pointing straight at her, she didn't waste any time as she engulfed the entire 7" straight to back of her throat, I know I could feel her tonsils as they rubbed on the side of my throbbing cock, my knees went week as I tried to keep a sturdy balance as she began sucking harder I just grabbed hold of her Long Brunette hair and face fucked her hard... Wow it was amazing words really could not describe the feeling I was having, next thing I noticed was a Joint being passed round, When it got to me I inhale so hard my lungs felt like they where going to pop out of my chest. I wasn't watching anything else I just bucked my hips as she moaned louder moving her head in every direction possible.

When I finally came in her mouth she opened up her jaws revealing my cum load and swilled it around in her mouth before swallowing it all, she even had the courtesy to clean my cock for me. She was so amazing I could have fucked her all night... Even when she bent over and told me to fuck her ass whilst she stuffed a fucking monster of a dildo in her Pussy this bunny had been practising, well I'll let your imagination do the work, she even came, I couldn't believe it....

After all that fucking had gone on it was time to PARTY!, so we went downstairs into the club, it was packed full of dancing bodies, but also lifeless ones that laid on the floor paralytic, It was the most amazing night I'd ever had, Drinks where on the house, drugs where given out free, Oh god I think i had a nice big line of coke, took three Ecstasy pill, smoked a joint to myself... I think even Ket was on offer but I refused that, Why Horse tranquillisers are the bees knees I'll never know...

The night was coming to an end, and people were being chucked out onto the streets and told to go home, but me and the gang where told to stay behind... if we wanted, we didn't say no to that offer either. we went back upstairs to the Luxury lounge as I called it, and then Pimperat invited us to crash there the night. Which was quite freaky his Hospitality was way too nice for such a notorious Killer who slit peoples throats or he had his gang boys do the dirty work... Now you could say the fish smelt bad... It was a bad time obviously, and we didn't want to feel rude so we accepted, and I had a bad feeling that something was not quite right after finally snapping back to reality, he let us fuck pussy, free drinks on the house and Free drugs too, Nah this was bad news. The others where mashed completely... He insisted that We crashed, but before we did he wanted to tell us something that would shock us to point it would kill us... Now I knew there was no way out of this predicament we were what you call Being Totally fucked... Hmmmm Great...

"Well when I said about the guys you beat up and stabbed and what not, etc." he sighed, "well they were my boys that you killed, so now you owe me big time..."

I had to intervene by this point, "I thought there was no catch to the Night out." he just shook his head.

"your right there is no catch to this night out, but we needed to reel you in and teach you all a good lesson for fucking with the Slitters Gang... and what better way than to invite you for a free night at the club" He began to growl me.

"So this night..." I just paused for a second thought hard, "this was bait to get us here because you wanted your own back... Why the fuck didn't you just come and get us..." I was putting my foot into the deep end, I was always told that you should never dive into the deep end and now I could see why....

"Oh you are a clever boy aren't you." he taunted as he took out a huge carving knife and walked up to the guys on the couch they were sparked at least they would die asleep... I know it sounds cruel but It was every man for themselves, and seen as I was the only guy awake and knowing what is happening it was quite scary.

Then it went sour to being like drinking gone off milk and stagnant water together, as it curdles in your stomach, well that's the best way I can describe what was about to be witnessed by a nine year old child, who knew no better and I can see this now but it was too late to turn back hands of time and start a clean slate. Pimperat picked up one of my mate and stuck the knife through his throat as blood saturated his silk fur coat, I scrunched my neck and my body froze and my fur stood up on my back. He then walked up to the other two and hacked their Heads off...

I was gonna puke I was trying to keep it all down but it wasn't working. He then picked up the last lad and stuck the knife into his spinal cord and dragged it up to his neck, he then sent the bloody blade through the skull of the Posse Gang Leader, I was now throwing up it just all came out of my system, I felt shit, tears were dwelling up in the back of my eyes I just knew my time would end soon, just when was a matter of waiting to receive my punishment... But no i wasn't gonna end up in a mince dish, so Turn and ran for the door, Pimperat just smiled, he didn't follow me But by good when I got outside, I rang the cops quicker than I had fucked that night.

"Hello Emergency service. How may I.." *CRACK* I just saw stars and everything went dark that was it my time had come...

Hello my name is Latak, I am only Nine years old.... And this is my story...

Pimperat is currently Living out in Mexico. The Police and The FBI are trying to get a warrent and pass through to Mexico for his arrest. None of the Four murdered Gang members bodies were found. The Club where it all took Place was set on fire Inspectors beleive the bodies are burried within the ruble . Latak was shortly found after A team of firemen rushed to the scene along with police and abulance and was declared dead on Arrival to St Kintoz Hospital....


Author comments:

Now this story is meant to have a much more powerfully meaning to it, the fact that how a childs mind can be overpowered (easily Lead) by older peers, and how one thing can lead to another, in this story I just wanted it to be about Latak, no one else this as his life his telling what saw through his very shortlived Childhood, and how after it was two late he realized what the saying meant "Don't Dive into Deep water." I know this story has alot of violence deaths Brutal murders, but if face the facts, it does go on which as I said My stories I prefer them to have some sort of fact withing them. Everything in it was fictional except the storyline... I hope you enjoy reading this story, it took a while to try and keep a basic but very simple story line that people can relate too, thats why i like this story the most... I Tried doing a First Person veiw right to the end, but that was the hardest part of this story...