A Deeper Friendship 2: Couldn't Stay Away

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#2 of A Deeper Friendship

The second story of my series

This one does contain Dragon/human Vore

It also contains slightly nudity (not really mentioned)

I put this one out quite soon after the first story. Do not expect this for subsequent stories, today is a special occasion.

I will, however, try to keep stories coming out fairly regularly.


Rated E for Everyone

Actually, this story contains unwilling vore, tasting, teasing and nudity (although it is not really mentioned): Dragon/Human So I guess Rated E for Eating peeps

Zack slipped out of class during an incredibly long lecture on the world after the events of WWII. He walked for a little while, trying to get his mind back into his studies. He just couldn't focus on anything after his encounter with Kara the day prior. He walked around a few more minutes. Suddenly, the bell rang. Zack had remembered that he had left his book-bag in his history class. He entered the room. He was the only person left in the class, save for the teacher. The teacher looked up from his desk.

"You seemed odd today Zackery. Are you feeling unwell?"

"Erm...Yes. Mr. Miller, I haven't been feeling quite right today. I think I'm going to go home for the day."

"Good decision, I hope to see you on Monday. Have a good weekend."

"Thanks Mr. Miller, you too," Zack said as he left the class.

He walked out of the school. He had no intention of going home. He wanted to see if what he remembered from yesterday really happened. He walked into the woods where he met Kara. Maybe he would find a claw mark, maybe he would find a scale. Something, something to tell him that he hadn't dreamed it. Something to tell him that he wasn't crazy.

He approached the clearing and was surprised to find Kara sitting cross-legged in the middle of the clearing. He approached slowly. She seemed to be preoccupied by her thoughts to notice his advances towards her.

He cleared his throat. "Ahem."

Kara looked up suddenly. A look of astonishment and confusion was painted on her face. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"I don't really know." Zack answered truthfully. He was beginning to feel pretty stupid for coming.

"Come, sit" Kara offered.

Zack sat down on the grass in front of her.

"Listen Zack, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. It wasn't right of me to threaten you like that. I'm sorry." Kara apologized.

"Hey, thanks for apologizing to me." Zack said. "I wasn't hallucinating about the... uh..."

"Dragon thing?" Kara finished.

"Yeah, the dragon thing. That was real?"

"Yes, Zack, it was real. I understand if you are afraid of me because of it. I should not have threatened you with that form. I should have more control."

"I thought that maybe I had gone mad and dreamed it all up but here you are telling me that what I saw yesterday was true." Zack said, astonished. "To be honest, Kara, I didn't think it was that scary."

Kara looked up at Zack. "You don't think my dragon form is scary?"

"It's scary, but... I don't know... I really liked how you looked."

Kara blushed slightly. "I couldn't stop thinking of what you might do with my secret."

"Well, I'm glad that you don't have to eat me. I didn't tell anyone." Zack said with a smile.

Kara looked up at Zack. "Zack, why are you here?"

"I told you that I didn't really know why I was here." Zack responded.

"Why aren't you afraid of me? You have every right to be."

"I guess, I..." Zack began but stopped when he saw Kara staring right into his eyes. It was as if she was peering into his soul. Her eyes burned with the yearning for an answer. The image of her eyes stuck with Zack and he found himself staring right back. Catching himself staring, he continued. "I guess I... trust you."

Kara looked confused but yet, relieved simultaneously. "You trust me?"

"Um... yes. Yes I do." Zack said with more conviction in his voice.

"Even though I pinned you down and threatened you?"

"Yes." Zack said.

Kara smiled. "Thanks Zack, that means a lot. I didn't think anyone would trust me after knowing what I really was. Anyone that I've ever shown has always run off. I've had to hunt them down to stop them from telling everyone... Well, besides one other... but I don't want to get into that."

Zack looked at her. "I wouldn't know who to tell anyways," Zack commented. "I don't really have friends to tell."

"All my friends were so scared when I finally showed them; I had to run after them to stop them..." Kara trailed off. She looked as though she was about to cry.

Zack didn't need any further explanation for what happened next. He walked over to her and patted her back reassuringly. "Hey, I know it must be hard keeping a secret like that. Well, in any case, you don't have to worry about me running off and telling..." Zack was cut short. Kara turned and hugged him tightly. He was taken aback. He slowly put his arms around her and hugged her back. He could hear and feel sobbing. Zack stopped hugging Kara. She looked up, eyes red from her tears.

"If you want," Zack started, "we could be friends."

Kara wiped away her tears and nodded her head. "I'd like that Zack, I really would."

"So Kara, tell me what's fun about being a dragon." Zack said.

"Let me just show you." Kara responded, giving a playful smile."

She started fiddling with her ring. A bright flash blinded Zack once again. In front of him stood the very same dragon who had threatened to eat him the day prior. He was in awe of the sheer majesty of the creature. He still was not used to having a predator of this size and strength around him. It humbled his small form. Kara looked down and grinned. She laid down again, still watching Zack's expression.

"So, what do you want to know?" Kara asked.

Zack could only manage, "What's it like?"

"Well, It feels almost like a human except everything is ten times more sensitive. I have heightened senses as a dragon. I can hear more detail, see farther distances and can smell a delectable humans close by." Kara grinned mischievously, showing of her sharp teeth. Zack started to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, come on Kara, don't look at me like that" Zack said, almost pleading. He started crawling backwards as she got closer. His back made contact with a tree. He had nowhere to run. Kara extended her long tongue and licked his cheek.

"Mmm. Zack, you're delicious!" Kara said. Zack tried to push her away but her probing tongue persisted. "Oh, come on Zack, you must get used to being tasted. It is one of the upsides for having prey as a friend." Kara giggled as she licked her new friend's face.

Zack started to laugh too. "C'mon, cut it out Kara."

Kara stopped licking him for a second. "You are no match for me." Kara said in a lower, more menacing voice. She grabbed Zack's legs and pulled him away from the tree. He was pinned flat on his back.

"Oh, please, mighty dragon, let me go, I didn't mean any harm." Zack played along.

"So be it, you have a five minute head start. If I do not find you within 10 minutes, you may be free; otherwise, I get to have my way with you." She announced as she freed Zack from her clutches.

Zack looked at her. Kara licked her lips playfully. He turned and ran, not needing a second incentive to get away. For 5 minutes, he ran away from the clearing, not even pausing to look back. He finally tuckered out and sat on a large log. Looking down at the log, he noticed that most of it was hollowed out. 'This would be as good of a place to hide as any' He thought to himself. He crawled inside, curling up as best as he could. About four minutes later, he heard large rumbling footsteps. Zack held his breath. A small hole in the log allowed him to see his surroundings. Suddenly, a large reptilian eye blocked his vision.

"Found you!" Kara chimed. "Just in time too. I thought I wasn't going to have lunch today."

Zack gulped. Kara picked up the log and turned it so that Zack tumbled out onto her clawed hand. She immediately took off his shirt.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zack protested.

"I'm Taking your pesky shirt and pants off."

"No no no, the pants stay on!" Zack demanded.

"What position are you in to give orders, hmm?" Kara pointed out.

Zack looked down, unable to give a response.

"Okay, fine, the pants stay on." Kara said, settling on just being able to taste his upper torso. She grabbed him by his waist and held him upright. She began licking all of the exposed skin that she could. Zack's mind was alive with thoughts. He worried that she might get carried away with her licking, causing him to actually become her lunch. The thought scared him. On the other hand, he was happy that she enjoyed him so much, albeit, in a pretty unique way.

Zack's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Kara's wide open maw slowly approaching him. He froze in place as he saw the world around him disappear in order to make room for the mouth that was closing around him. Soon, it was pitch black. Zack felt his world rotate. He was now horizontal. His upper torso was being swished around inside of Kara's mouth. He felt a great sucking force on his entire body. He noticed that Kara had undone his belt without him noticing. As he felt the suction of her mouth pull him inside, he felt claws hold the bottoms of his pants. His body was slowly being sucked into her mouth without his pants. He started to feel his boxers stay with his pants as well. Panic began to overwhelm him. Zack began to struggle and writhe. This seemed to bring purrs of pleasure from Kara. Soon, his now exposed waist and groin were inside of her mouth. Zack immediately cupped his hands around his privates, shielding them from his own embarrassment. As he was sucked inside, he curled up into a ball. Kara swished him around, soaking Zack in saliva.

Zack was becoming really scared. "Kara" He called out. "Kara, please let me out." Zack couldn't tell if she heard him, he hoped she had.

Kara's tongue started exploring further. It stopped licking his back and tried to force her balled up little friend open. Kara's tongue outmatched his strength by a few magnitudes and thus Zack was no match for her exploring tongue. He was forced to lie on his back while Kara tasted him. He desperately tried to cover his groin from her tongue. Kara's tongue seemed to not pay attention to that region anyways. She seemed perfectly content in tasting the rest of him. Zack sighed in relief as he was pretty sure that Kara had gotten the message. He removed his hands and laid back on her tongue, starting to trust her again. Suddenly, he felt his world shifting again. Kara's mouth opened slightly allowing sunlight to penetrate her mouth. She tilted her head upwards. Zack felt himself sliding backwards towards her throat. He instinctively sat up and reached for whatever he could. He managed to grab onto her two canine teeth at the front of her mouth. Slowly, her head was facing the sky. Zack dangled from her two teeth.

"Kara! Please don't eat me Kara!" Zack yelled. "I thought we were friends!" Purring reverberated all around him. Kara's tongue continued to lick his body causing Zack to tense up. Zack's mind was overcome with confusion and worry. 'Why would she just eat me. I thought I was finally going to get a friend.' Zack's thoughts were interrupted when Kara started licking his hands. The slimy saliva was causing him to lose grip. He looked down. Kara's throat opened up completely for him. He could see down for as far as the light would shine. He desperately tried to hold on but he knew that he wouldn't be able to for much longer.

Kara felt Zack start to lose grip. She was getting giddy with anticipation. She opened her throat for a clear path into her depths. Kara started thinking about having her new friend tucked into her belly. A cloud covered the sun for a second. It seemed to get slightly colder around her. Her joy was stiffened by the temporary loss of color in the world. She started to ponder what she was doing. 'Have I gone too far with this?' She asked to herself. Kara started to worry that Zack wouldn't want to see her ever again. An internal struggle started to take place within Kara. Thoughts bubbled and festered grossly out of proportion. 'You just can't control yourself when you're a dragon.' 'You need to stop transforming.' 'You are better off as a human.' 'This is why people are scared of dragons' 'You're an evil dragon'

"NOO!" Kara roared defiantly against her encroaching thoughts.

The vibration of the roar was enough to cause Zack to finally lose his grip.

Kara lifted her arm up towards her mouth. As her hand approached to grab Zack, she heard a scream echo. The walls of her throat tickled as Zack fell. Her throat instinctively closed up around him. A visible bulge rolled down her throat.

To Be Continued...