Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 3: Big City Adventure

Story by Lorddaventry on SoFurry

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Five Dragons: TLoP:

Chapter 3: Big City Adventure

   "Oh shit!" panted

the boy, breathing heavily as he ran

through the narrow streets of the city

with a fast pace. "Whose idea was this shit, anyway?" he thought angrily. "Oh yes! Mine!" he said sarcastically to himself and

grimaced his face. He glanced frantically

back and saw that the guards ran still

behind him. "How can they run so fast with their

armors?" it went through his head. "And why at all such a fuss?" he thought further, glancing at the object in his

right hand. "Just because a

bar of white bread?" He smiled

as he looked at the long pastry. "Good." he repeated in thought. "The two

sacks of potatoes yesterday were the situation not entirely innocent,

and before them the three wine bottles."

A wide grin graced

his face at the

memories. "Oh, not to forget. The purse of the quartermaster last

week!" He turned off into a

side street and brought some

distance between him and his pursuers."So really no reason to make

a drama out of it." he muttered sarcastically

to himself, closing briefly his eyes at

his shrug. What

he better not have done. With a dull "Peng" broke his thoughts voice.He joined with his nose against

something metallic and fell backwards on the butt. The

bread landed in front of him

on the street. The boy grimaced painfully his

face, waving furiously with his

fist in the air. "Watch

where you step...." "YOU!" roared the bumped man, holding out his right index finger. The boy looked now the person in front of him. His

eyes moved slowly from the feet

up to the head. The person was wearing armored boots, which

flawlessly into the greaves. The small

plates coated over each other like dragon scales. The silver breastplate gleamed

slightly in the incident sunlight. The incorporated dragon on the crest was so very easy to recognize. From the shoulders hung

a blue coat that

concealed his left arm. The outstretched gauntlet

was provided with the same structure as the greaves. The visor of

the helmet was open and gave

the big burly

man's face award. The boy sat bashfully

on the street, looking up at his well known eyes. "Oh,

quartermaster Henri. What a coincidence to find you here!" he admitted with a slightly sarcastic tone of himself. Henri took an angry

snarling and made a big step on the lad

to. He reached with

his right arm after the boy,

but this more skillfully

back. The boy raised his bread up from the

street and glanced in the back alley

from which he had come. His previous pursuers

were already to be heard.He turned again to Henri, this looked

at the boy angrily. The thick eyebrows were

drawn together to a malicious expression, including two blue green eyes

stood out. His broad mustache

let the whole thing seem a little menacing.The boy walked nervously

several small steps backwards. "I'd love to stay, and have a little chat."

he said with a slightly shaky voice. The quartermaster

took another step toward him. "But you know how it is." added the boy and shrugged his shoulders briefly. He looked once

more back into the alley, where the guards were already

to be seen. "Duty

calls!" he was still by himself before he ran

away as if struck by lightning.The city guards ran

to past Henri behind the boy. However, the quartermaster was left alone

in the alley, looking after the fugitives. He was

breathing heavily in and out, which was accompanied by an angry growl. .....   Roland sat uneasily

on the slightly uncomfortable

mat and looked back

and forth always hectic. "How will the Sorati be? What will they be? How?

Why? What?" Question over

question tormented his mind. "No need to be so

nervous." Daniel said with a

slight smile on his face and

looked at him left on his chair. The boy looked

at him and nodded once wordlessly. "I'm not nervous." he lied

to himself, but he could feel his heart beat well below his chin.Kyndle sat before him

on the ground and watched him carefully. Roland viewed

more constantly in

the big room back

and forth. The female stood up

and walked towards him. She laid

her head on his left thigh,

and snorted once strong against it, with closed eyes.Roland took slightly

scared of her touch, knowledge, looking at her with a questioning look. She took eye contact with him

and then began to

purr softly. Roland felt her

vibrations and his pulse began slowly to calm down. He held out a hand to

her forehead and stroked her

gently between the black horns. He looked into

the deep blue color of her eyes,

where there is also a light turquoise shimmer was noticeable and smiled

at her. The dragoness gave a gentle

contented "Chirp" of herself and purred softly.With his pulse, his nervousness was down as well and he could

think clearly again. The large room in which

he was staying was very open. Like a prayer

hall. There were some other

people, which were distributed

to the numerous beds and berths still waiting for, but always to each

other at a sufficient distance. Many

of them had arms and legs wrapped

in bandages and complained about

their persistent pain. On the

walls were elaborately decorated towels.

All were decorated with the same emblem.A golden dragon with four

wings. The same sign was to be found on the

domed ceiling, just

bigger. Around the

magnificent painting was

something written. The golden font circled the picture

of the dragon. However, Roland could not decipher the runes. Daniel followed the

boy to the impatient look."Translated it means: Deciding to cure, birth the strength of

life" he said calmly. The boy nodded

to him once, but looked on the magnificently

drawn dragon on

the ceiling. Roland woke up

briefly when suddenly the big

wooden door opened on the other side. Kyndle lifted her head up and also

turned to the door. Three figures entered the hall with large, but soft

steps. It looked like as if they were floating in the room. They were definitely

bigger than a man. The white robes adorned

with golden runes concealed the appearance of the priest almost completely.

They walked slightly bent forward through the doorway. The first went over to Roland.

He had to swallow empty at the moment once.From the

shadows of the drawn forward hood shone

out two yellow

eyes. It seemed as if the pupil were surrounded

by flames. A trained forward dark brown snout

also stepped out of

it. It looked like the nose of a

dragon. He held his

arms clasped together and were retracted

into the other sleeve. The feet were seen briefly

at each step. This also had a draconic appearance.

Three large, dark nails, like giant

toes always came briefly

under the cowl to the fore.At each step, they gave a slight scrape on

the stone floor of themself. The whole room seemed to be in the presence of the priest to hold the breath, because no one had said a word since they

had entered the hall. The Sorati paused

before Kyndle. He

looked at the female, and made

a brief nodding head movement.

The female dragon snorted once, drew

a step aside and

gave way to Roland

free. The priest was now standing directly in front of him. The boy looked anxiously up into the yellow red flames

which stared him. "Do not be afraid, my child."

said a deep strange voice in his head. Roland looked

clueless in the

standing expressionless face before him. He could hear his words, but his mouth did not move. "Let off your fear,

and receive the blessing of Sorathis." echoed

in his mind, at the same time,

the priest leaned over his splinted leg and held

his hands over the bandage.The dark brown scaly

paws had two long

fingers with short claws at the ends and a thumb

with a slightly longer sting.The palms of the priest began light up in a

golden glow to and wrapped Roland`s leg

connected in their appearance a. From

the Sorati could

be heard a long low rumble

while slightly waved his hands back and forth. Roland

felt a pleasant warmth

emanating from the light. When the bright light had cleared, the boy looked

to his no longer splinted

leg. The injury was completely healed. Nevertheless, it remained a long scar

which will always remind him of that night. The priest stood up and walked without further words to the next group. Where the silent ritual

was repeated. Daniel laid Roland

a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, time for

us to go." he whispered to him

and made a gesture with his hand

to the front door. Silently, the three went outside. Outdoors arrived, Roland stared for some

time skeptical on his right leg. "That was weird." he was

confused by himself. "What?" asked Daniel behind. "I could

hear the words of the priest, even

though he had not spoken." "The

Sorati never said

a word." gave Daniel as an answer.

"But they do not need to."

He held his right index finger to his temple. "For

as you have already noted, they are capable

of communicating in a different way."Roland looked at his

companion. "Have you heard

his voice too?" he asked her. The female closed her eyes

and made a nodding movement with the head, followed by a confirmatory

"Churr". The small group left the garden of the Abbey and was now back on the market

street. Timmy leaned

against the wall beside the door.

"Have it managed,

as I see." he said and looked at

Roland's leg. "Soo!" he was relieved of himself. "We

come now to the better part."

he said, rubbing his hands together. Roland took

a few steps and tested his

healed leg, but then turned to Tim. "And that is?" he wanted to know. Timmy

turned swinging towards

the marketplace and stretched his

index finger in the air. "A

city tour!" came loudly from him. Daniel

clapped a hand to his forehead,

so that a dull clapping could be heard. ..... "Phuuh!" gave the

boy breathing heavily from

himself and went into his little

room, where he closed the curtain of the window. "Finally, I'm off of these types! These are perhaps stubborn

fellows!" he groused to himself and walked toward his bed. "For the cost

I would have the same need to clear away all

of the bread stand." he said to himself as he

let himself fall backwards onto

the ceiling. He bit off a piece of bread

and chewed with relish on it. "Oh, crap!" exclaimed his mouth as

he stood up abruptly. "I should actually long to be in the pub." he gave of himself frantically.

"Ohh, she is guaranteed to rip open my

ass, again." he complained

when he was already back on the road.

And after a short sprint he reached his goal. The boy stood before the crowded eatery and watched

the big placard that

hung out far into the sidewalk. A woman, dressed in green was depicted, which

sat with bunk legged on a beer mug, holding a black whip in her hand. About the dark line of the painted

whip, the name of

the restaurant was incorporated."The Iron Maiden" The boy scratched his head and thought for an excuse that he had not

used yet. But a painful drawing

took him out of his mental process. "Ahh! Martin let me go!" he cried startled. The larger

guy grabbed him by his right ear and pulled him in to the pub. He

dragged the boy silently through the large room, passing the hearth in

the middle, up behind the counter

of the bar "Thank you for the delivery Martin." said the woman behind the

counter and winked at him once. Martin grinned

and nodded silently,

before he went away again. "So! I hear?" came from the slender

woman. The boy looked

abashed on the floor. "I. .. It was ...

so ..." he began hesitantly.

"Come on with it!" she interrupted him. "I have other

things to do as well!" she added demanding.

"The city guards has followed me, but for

no reason." "Ah, just

the city guards? No dragon cultists or

other demons?" the woman

said with a slightly angry tone, pulling an eyebrow.

"It is true! If you do not believe me, ask Henri the quartermaster.

He has seen it!" said the boy."Ok, I will." she replied soberly. "He's sitting behind there." she

added, and made a gesture with

her head to the final table.

The boy tore shocked

his eyes. "Stop! WHAT?" it went

through his head. He poked his head carefully over the bar counter. And in

fact, on the last table sat the burly quartermaster

with a large beer mug. The boy kept the woman

on the belt firmly as she made her way. "No!

Do not, please." he pleaded to her. "Then out with it!" she

told him again. "OK.

That with the city guards is

really true. So. I was in the market today." he began. "Since I've stolen

a baguette, but was getting caught and had to quickly look

into the distance." he took a

short breath. "On the run I

then collided with the quartermaster, who is still angry. Because I had swiped his purse last week." he took after his confession of

relief, hoping thereby about mitigating

circumstances. "Soso." she said calmly. "Then I would

suggest, you bring it him back, so you two can create

it out of the world." "Returning?" said the boy slightly desperate. "How to return? I no longer

have it. And also

do not know where I left it." he complained a little

perplexed. The lady looked at him

a moment and then reached under the

bar counter. "Then bring him this here,

until you can find the other." she said dryly,

holding out the purse of Henri."Where is this come

from?" the boy asked in

astonishment. The woman looked at

him and held the head slight angle. "What

you can. Harrison." she looked at

in strict. "Can

I do as well, only better." A wink completed the gesture.

"And now go." she said encouragingly at

him and gestured with her head in

the direction to Henri. The boy made himself swallowing hard on the

way to the final table. The Purse

clutching, he went in thinking through a

possible excuse. But it spontaneously occurred

to him nothing. Halfway he stopped and turned back to the counter where he was

closely considered by the landlady.

Therefore, he turned again to the front. With downcast eyes he walked without a word to the table. Henri

sat on the bench and led his filled beer mug to the mouth. After a long

drink he put him down again and wiped the

foam from his beard with a hand. Then he looked at

the boy in front of him, which

he greeted with a soft growl. The boy paused

briefly intimidated, but then took a bold step forward

and put slightly shaky the purse of the quartermaster

on the table. He let off of the bag. "I'm sorry." he added softly.Henri raised an eyebrow, looked at the boy in amazement and easily grabbed his

belongings. The man sat his mug again on the

mouth and continued drinking.

The boy stood there in silence and watched

him tense, with the expectation of punishment. The quartermaster turned

noisily the now empty jug on the plate and exhaled

in relief. Henri opened the

leather bag and pulled out two coins, which

he laid on the table. "One for the beer." he said

as he uprising. The

man bent down to the boy. "And the other one for you, if that does not happen again!" he added determinative. The boy

swallowed hard again as he stared into the blue green eyes

and nodded once without a word. Henri stood up and walked with heavy steps to the exit of the

tavern. Halfway he

beckoned the hostess yet. "Until next

time Tamara." "Anytime,

Henri." she answered to him, and then

grinned at the boy. This looked back in

surprise and in this moment it

made "click" in his

thoughts. "She knew it all

the time!" echoed in his head.

He lowered his gaze to the floor and clenched his

hands into fists. "Oh

great!" he thought to himself. ...... On the

market place still

ruled a lively rhythm,

but not all were in such a hurry like most others. Four

intimidating fellows sat around on the edge

of the fountain around the statue

and watched a single horse carriage, which drove

around the square. "What

number is the round now?" asked one of

the unknowns. "With this

round, four." gave him

a response and

kept him laughing four outstretched fingers

against. "Did they actually

know where they want to go?"

said the first again in the round. "Well, with such a dork of

a driver, I`m sure

not further than the market street!" added one of the other,

followed by a weak laugh. "Great city tour you idiot!" Daniel complained to the driver. "We now curves for

the fifth time around the market." He looked

at Tim seriously, this just by looking at

him and then turned his attention

abruptly back to the front. "Do you know where you actually drive to?"

Daniel asked, annoyed. "I can not concentrate, not with that gaze from you!"

gave Timmy confused by himself. Daniel shook his head and exhaled heavily. "I

give up." he added, dismissing his

hands. Kyndle looked a

little perplexed to Roland,

this held his head slightly inclined and shrugged.

The female dragon snorted it once and

shook her head. After another lap around the busy market place Daniel ripped out of patience. "That can not be true!" He pulled the driver, jerked

the reins and

steered the car with a sharp curve in the next road, which led

away from the market. Roland

rose hastily from

the back seat to the front. "And

where does it go now?"

the boy asked curiously. "We go now to

the breeder!" Daniel grumbled to himself. "Another

round of market I

can not stand!"Tim looked left

forward, let his

head fall back and waved it slowly in

the direction of Daniel.

"I feel right again much stress in you." He began soberly and pointed his

right index finger on Daniel's face. "We should really do some...... Wait

a minute!" he startled and

jerked his eyebrows up. "Approximately to a dragon breeder?"

he asked, slightly panicked after. "Not

just A dragon breeder. To THE dragon

breeder." Daniel corrected

him. "Ne nee! Without me." Tim was

complaining of himself and waved both hands in

front of his face around. "You can drop me off right here." he said and jumped shortly thereafter by the bandwagon down.

Daniel stopped the vehicle abruptly. Kyndle

drew a slight belly

landing and gave it a bleating "Meep"

by herself. "What's the idiocy? Want to

wait about here?" the driver

asked. Tim put

his head to the side and shrugged

his shoulders again. "Nope! I'm waiting for you by Tamara." he said, then walked slowly

up the road. "Who is Tamara?" Roland asked curiously. "Her belong an inn here in the road." Daniel explained

and put the car in

motion again. "We get him

out from there when we were

at the breeder."

he added. "He's not come along even with the Sorati. Why?" prodded the boy. Daniel took a hard

breath. "He basically

avoid anything that has to do with dragons." Roland looked back

to Tim as he

listened on. "We do not

know why. This

was so since he

came to us to Ironwing." "Does this have any reason?" Roland

asked. "He never

spoke of the time before our first meeting, and when we ask him about

it, he is stubborn.

You'll have to therefore have to ask yourself."

"Hmm." murmured Roland

to himself, Timmy's strange reaction to Kyndle

called again in memory."But don`t let you distract about that." said Daniel confident and put the

boy a hand on his shoulder. "There,

behind the front door

it is." he said, gesturing with one hand forward. .....

Timmy stood under the big board and looked at

the depicted woman in a green dress on. He exhaled once and

nodded to the picture. Then he was jostled by an

unknown man from behind. "Out

of the way!" Gave this necklace

highly of himself and pushed him hard to

the side. Tim was just able to

find his balance before

he nearly tipped over and then looked tense

in the sullen

face of the unknown. This began to lose

its way without further

ado, continue up the road,

followed by three other comrades.

Timmy saw the

group for a short time afterwards

suspicious, but then turned,

shaking his head from them and went

to the pub. He came through the wide door and found himself in a large room again. In

the center of the pub a big

fireplace was present in which

flickered a warm fire. Many figures had

gathered in this tavern. Over the innocent looking to the big intimidating, all were represented. A

bard group tried their

luck on this day, and played

their tune here not

far from the fire. The name

of the piece was called: Blood Brothers. Most of the guests were listening silently the sounds and occasionally

took a sip of their drink. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of this?"

came easily wailing

of the woman

behind the bar when she noticed

the new guest. "One of the

five is still not well disposed to me, that

just YOU have come up here." bleated on

the hostess. Timmy sat at the counter and the

lady nodded once. "Tamara." he added on his gesture. She

looked at him in cold. He twisted his face slightly

and scratched his head. "Still angry,

huh?" he asked soberly. "Still

angry? STILL ANGRY?!!" she

repeated his words with increasing

voice and slammed her fist hard on the counter down

what let it fall over the empty glasses. The numerous guests, as well as the music fell silent on it.After a short pause, the melody

began again and the guests turned away. "After all the trouble I had after your last

adventure, I get

only a dry still angry?!" she grumbled and pulled maliciously her

eyebrows together. Tim held both hands

up. "Calm down dear."

he began softly. "I'm not

here to rip open old

wounds, believe me." "Wherefore then?" she asked after energetic. "You know the old prophecy of the five?" added Timmy and sent her a

dubious look. Tamara

nodded wordlessly and her malicious expression

turned into an inquisitive

facial expression. "I knew that

you are interested in that."

said Tim a little smug. "So listen

..." ...... The car crossed a high

stone gate, behind a green backdrop appeared. "Now

admire the work of Barnabas." said Daniel to Roland, this left his mouth

stand open as the coach on the narrow trail toward

the high house turned onto. A larger complex

of buildings sticking out of the landscape,

surrounded by vast green meadows.

The contrast of each enclosure could not be

more different. Many were fenced,

some dug deep

into the earth and surrounded by large metal cages.

Numerous small lakes

and rivers ran through the small

areas. The landscapes

were provided with hills and towering rocks, but also flat lands found its way into the

varied architecture. The plant diversity also let not disappoint.

From meager forests

to heavily overgrown jungle structures, this property had almost everything to offer what nature could give.Daniel looked at his silent passenger and

smiled him. "A

real eye opener, not?" Roland

was speechless at this impressive building. The vehicle crossed an

elongated bridge that led across

a brown pen. He

risked a glance hesitantly

down in the

fallow area, but could not see anything in it. The boy turned questioningly

to the driver. "Are here some dragons housed?"

"Some determined." gave this as an answer.Kyndle stuck her nose

in the air and sniffed

excitedly. Roland looked again over the

edge down. "But there

are indeed none

at all." he complained slightly

disappointed. Kyndle took a deep breath and sent a loud roar on the facade

landscape. The horses of the car startled it.

Daniel moved sharply

once on the reins and made a

sudden stop. "To

the Five!" he gave scared of himself. The

roar of the dragoness took

over the farm away,

and trailed off in

the distance. After a silent pause

echoed some roars

from other dragons back. Kyndle looked awakened

with a view to

her companion, and made a nodding head movement. A cheerful "Chirp" ended her gesture. Roland smiled

at her and stroked her with a hand

on the forehead. The Dragoness

purred out softly.

Daniel shook his head, breathing heavily. "Next time please with

a warning." he bleated easily. The

female looked a little puzzled

about the driver and

gave a faint "Meep" by herself."As you hear it." he began, and exhaled in relief. "Just because you can`t see some, it does not

necessarily mean that there are

not any." said Daniel and

puts the car in motion again.The vehicle stopped in front of the entrance of the building, which was located in the center. On the small gravel yard there was a lively bustle.

The small group dismounted from their transport to be equal then flamed by an employee of

the court. "Out of the way!"

could be heard from the strong man. "Wait here." said Daniel to Roland and

his companion. "I put the car somewhere else from."

He turned to the farm workers. "Probably a bad day, huh?" he asked this when he

went to the side. The boy walked with

his companion towards the entrance

and waited at the edge of the square for Daniel`s

return."Can not get any better at all!" bleated the

worker continued when he moved on his cart,

laden with heavy barrels. He turned to the other employees. "Watch out, that the lock behind is actually

closed you bonehead." he pointed his arm on one

of the metal cages. "A theater like last week, we do not need again

today." he grumbled on. The other shook

his head on his

remarks and turned back to his work. Roland watched the man tense. His gaze remained

standing on the cage aforesaid. The dark plane

which was stretched

over prevented, unfortunately, that he could see from his current

position who or what was inside.

Curious, he walked toward the covert prison. "You

better not go in the near of this cage." said a

young girl and pulled him back on

his arm. Kyndle took a step

to the new person and snarled at them quietly. The girl

noticed the dragoness and let Roland on the

spot go, what let fall the growl of the female silent. The boy looked questioningly into the frightened face."So the dragon belongs to you." she admitted easily

breathing on her own. The girl

shook her head once, and then

turned to Roland. "I'm Clara, the

assistant of Barnabas."

She put a welcoming

smile on treatment. "And

you're sure to be Roland?"

she asked with a slight angle held head. The boy

nodded silently and looked tense in her green eyes. Her slightly

pale face formed a great contrast to the dark

color of her pupils, reinforced by the long, loose blond hair. Her eyes

wandered to the dragoness. "And that is your dragon?" "Kyndle."

added Roland. "Ah. A female then." came

out of her mouth in astonishment.

"Hello Kyndle. I am Clara." she said to her, holding smiling an open hand to the dragoness greet

contrary.The female made slightly

hesitant some steps

to the blonde girl and then

sniffed a few times at the offered hand.

The female dragon snorted at it once

and then sat satisfied cooing back next to Roland."Why should I not?" wanted the boy to know and

turned again to the cage around. "The creature of it is in a very bad

shape." Clara began to

explain. "And due to his injury puts this

a more aggressive behavior on the day." she folded her arms and put a sadder

look on her face. "Last week,

he broke out of his

enclosure and has it done on his way out,

despite his injury a whole warehouse tear

down. Eleven men were needed

to recapture him." she

breathed once hard in and out. "Some are,

therefore, still a little nervous,

and that's why we keep him

here under wraps until

he has recovered." "Ye have already seen, I

see." Daniel gave out when he was joining to

the group. "Be greeted

Clara." he added, and made a

gesture with his head

bent forward. "The polite Daniel, always a pleasure to meet you." she greeted him with a warm smile. "According to

the letter of Lady Catherine, we actually expected you sooner."Daniel grimaced slightly

his face and scratched

his head. "Well,

there were one or two minor delays."

he explained with a grin. "It's all right." she reassured him.

"I will bring you to Barnabas." .....  Against the magnificent gates

of the city sat two riders on their animals and looked tense through

the open archway into the city.

Both were wrapped in brown coats, hoods

pulled far forward. One carried a staff with

him, who was crowned with a purple crystal. "Are

you sure that we will meet him

here?" he asked the man with the rod. "Do not be so impatient!" griped him by the sorcerer. "Raise

this informant was already annoying enough without your nagging. And now

shut up! Here he comes."The two horsemen dismounted

from their horses and walked slowly towards the whistleblower

against, which came

up from the white city out to them. With some

distance from each other were the three figures stand. The two men in coats looked

to the journeyman which joined searchingly. His simple clothing left not just close it, that he might

be an important person. Only a gold necklace stood

out from the poor acting facade. The

standing on the head triangle

thing was decorated with three engraved circles. In

the middle was an open eye incorporated. "Did you have the payment?"

asked the seedy person.The mantle next to the magician

raised his head nervously

when he saw the jewel of the informant. This emblem was not foreign to him.

His eyes gave way hurriedly to his comrades.

"This guy can not be trusted." he whispered to the magician. "I told you to keep your mouth. I call the

shots, so it's my decision

who we have to

trust and who not to." he replied angrily. "You do not know what we engage here." said his comrade again between.

"Be STILL now!"

ordered the magician determining."Gentlemen? I'll

wait." said the stranger

slightly impatient. Without losing another word threw the man with the rod

a small pouch at the feet of the stranger. With the landing of the small pocket was

loud and clear the tinkling of many coins to hear. The man picked

up the wallet and threw a controlling look at its

contents, then he stepped between

the principal. "In the Iron Maiden, there is one person that can

lead you to him." he whispered to the figures

before he went on smiling and shook his

reward. The brown coats sat

on them quietly in motion and walked through the gate. ..... "Alright. Next patient." sounded a deep voice with a monotonous sound

of the words around the room. The

little person walked in front of the great being,

who was wounded on the wide deck location.

"Race: Horntail. Violation: bite wound on

the neck and shoulder. Bleeding:

Weak." the little person breathed in short. "Left

wing: Cracked. Symptom: faintness. Encrusted eyes."

The man carefully opened one of

the eye and saw the dragon

in the pupil. Due

to its thick round spectacles

pierced his close

look at the animal. "Pupils:

dilated. Reflex: normal."

he added soberly. The sick

dragon snorted once

weak and glanced to

the side, where his owner was, which was accompanied by a booming cooing. This

nod to the animal once with closed eyes

and then turned back to the doctor. The doctor opened the mouth of the dragon and looked searchingly into his throat.

"Slight discoloration of the

mucous membrane." He paused and sniffed a few times through the nose. "Sulfur smell is missing. Strange. Atypical." Thoughtfully, he turned around and

kept thereby his hand to the mouth. He turned to the owner and looked at him with a mimic loose face.

"Cause of injury?" he asked quite

decisive. "We were on a patrol flight when we ....."

The doctor held an

open hand. "No story.

Attacker? Look like? Species?" he added slightly impatient. The rider looked

at him a bit shocked and stood up again. "A Timber Wolf." he gave

as an answer to the question. "An

alpha animal, judging by the size." "Details?" hacked the doctor dry after.

"Red fur, yellow eyes and foaming at the mouth."

said the owner. The expert remained thoughtful a hand over

his mouth. "Infected bite." came from the man as he

raised his eyebrows, which

emerged from behind the round glasses. He walked hastily to one of the

long shelves, looking specifically

for a larger glass. The uniformed rider went

to his animal and comforting

holding out a hand to his forehead

as he watched the doctor in his search. A faint cooing

was heard from the dragon. The bearded man opened one of the glass boxes and came

back with a gray lump in his hand.The rider looked at him and

the dark something in his hand

skeptically. While the doctor step at the dragon with the lump, three

strong men were added. "Fights

infection. Supports healing of wounds and fractures." returned the doctor of himself. His support laid chains over the dragon and

this fixed them to

wide metal rings around the mooring site around. The

expert looked at the rider

seriously. "Stand

back." he told him. This took a bit

hesitant his hand from the front

of the animal and made a few steps

backward. One of the helpers handed the doctor a wide

leather strap and then opened the mouth of the

dragon. The doctor looked at

his assistant and nodded wordlessly. He

threw the lump in the mouth of

the animal, whereupon the

assistant pressed the jaws

of the dragon firmly together. At the same time the doctor took the belt around the snout of the animal and

pulled him along. The dragon tore shocked

his eyes and struggled cramped against the strong bitter taste in his

mouth. He pressed himself hard against the tight chains,

but they did not budge. The belt prevented that he could spit out the lump again

and he had to

swallow him, willy-nilly. After a few moments the shock of the animal was overcome

and the dragon collapsed in

exhaustion. The rider silently

watched the spectacle. He walked

closer to his dragon, holding out

a hand to the side. He felt the heartbeat of the subject and noticed how his

breathing calmed down slowly. At the same time solved the helper the

chains and removed the belt. A deep long

coo revealed, that

the dragon fell asleep."House 8. Room

4!" said the doctor to the helpers, who nodded

wordlessly. They lifted the now dormant dragon with a pulley on the ceiling of the mooring site up and

laid him carefully on a car, on which they

pulled it out the treatment room.

The rider quietly followed the transport.After the wagon had

passed through the wide doors, a small group of four came

into the room. A girl with long blond hair went ahead. "He is a true genius

about dragons." she gushed

during the entry into the room. The Doctor stood

with his back to the group in

front of a table and jotted down

a few lines frantically in his notebook. "Master Barnabas?" interrupted his assistant.The little man turned and looked into the face of a skeptical looking boy.

Roland saw at the so called breeder still.

"This dwarf is supposed to be

the big dragon expert?" he thought to himself, looking at the bearded fellow through

the thick lenses from his eyes.

Barnabas came in

his full size just to Roland's shoulders.

A small goggle with thick round glasses perched

on his broad nose. The thick and long

beard enveloped the

face like a hairy helmet. And yet, he exuded

an unexpectedly sympathetic aura."These

here are ....." "Interesting." Clara was interrupted by her master. "Absolutely." came from Barnabas,

when he noticed Roland's companion, which curiously

sniffed the bed place.Kyndle stood slightly startled still when she noticed the breeder. He began to

go checking around her. "Hatchling.

Female." Barnabas began with a

calculated word sound. "Species: Horned Tail?" shortly thereafter, he shook his head and held up a

hand to his mouth. "Tail end untypical. Bladewing?

No. No match."

Slightly confused Roland looked

to Clara, she

nodded to him once with closed eyes, smiling confidently after.

"Orange red shed.

Grey coloring on

the neck and abdomen." analyzed the breeder further. "Brighter

parts on neck and tail set."

he added. Kyndle followed

with her look curiously at the little bearded person

who still moved around her. "Colour of the shed. Uncommon. Rarely." The

breeder went to a full bookshelf and pulled out a thick tome. Frantically,

he opened the lid of the old book and flipped it in a hurry. On one

side he stopped and went a finger down looking

on the paper. "Last known sighting. Kyleth. Dragon

of the Five. Killed by hunters Order." Daniel and Clara widened surprised

and shocked at the same time

the eyes. Barnabas turned back to the female dragon around

and circled her again. "Horns and claws. Black.

Dark wing membrane."

Thoughtful, the expert hold his hands together behind his back and looked at the female's eyes. "Pupils. Dark blue." he added dryly. Kyndle

sent a slightly nervous

helpless look to Roland

which was accompanied by a slight turquoise glitter,

but turned right

back to the breeder. Barnabas easily pulled

up his eyes and followed calculating the action

of the animal."Imprinting has occurred." he said soberly as his

thick eyebrows behind his glasses

appeared. "Not possible! Hatchling." he added, shaking his head. "Imprinting?"

Roland went in

confused. The expert turned his gaze frantically

to the boy and walked

toward him. "Bond of two souls."

he began. "Affected shares feelings. Pain. Memories.

Effect varies. Can increase. Imprinting." Roland swallowed once hard at unusual

explanation. The monotonous

word sound of the dwarf made him appear almost

lifeless, coupled with the blank stares from the lenses. The

boy grabbed with his right hand

to his forehead thoughtfully and looked at his companion. Barnabas left again

the eyebrows stand

out behind glasses. "Feel honored. To meet you. Companion." Gave the breeder of himself and bowed to the boy. This looked

confused at the little bowed

man and then

looked perplexed to Daniel

and Clara. They

both looked at him startled. "He?

A companion of the

prophecy? Are you sure master?" asked the assistant nervous. "Without

a doubt." added Barnabas determining.

"Color and emblem. Match."Roland looked hesitant

on his right hand back. "Where did this

dwarf knows this

emblem?" echoed through his

head in shock. "The female! Where does she come from?" asked Clara invitingly

with a skeptical eye. Roland shrugged at

her sharp question briefly together and saw something lost to his companion.

Kyndle shot him with

half closed eyes a comforting look and tipped

her head slightly bent forward. "Not here." Barnabas intervened. "Study

room." he said determining and steered the group out of the chamber.The small room arrived,

they all sat down to the lower table

in the center of the room. Roland sat on the chair

and kept his eyes

down thoughtfully. Kyndle placed herself in front of him and looked up at him. "Well.

Companion. Told."

called Barnabas. The boy was startled from his thoughts. The earlier so monotonous voice of the

dwarf sounded now curious and

slightly tense. The

female laid her head on Roland's thighs and

began to purr softly, as she sought eye

contact with him. The boy looked

into her moist blue eyes and

laid her a hand on her forehead. A reassuring "Churr" was the answer. He

smiled at the female dragon when he saw the faint twinkle in

her eyes and was breathing

heavily after, before

he raised his head. "It was at night when my mother and I fled

to Parem." he began slightly

hesitant. "We were persecuted and ......." All listened attentively to the story of the boy. ...... "And

you think that it is this Roland?" Tamara asked impatiently. Two journeymen wrapped in coats, which also

were staying at the bar raised their heads on. "Schhht."

hissed Timmy to

the hostess and kept

thereby a finger to his mouth.

"This does not have to know anybody here."

he added in a whisper. Tamara lifted both

hands. "Very well, very well."

she agreed. "But do not think, I would forget

everything else, just because you

tell here about the prophecy."

Tim looked at the woman demanding and waved with

his hands. "And what should

I do in your opinion? Huh?"

he held his head to one side

and rolled his eyes. "I can bad probably

turn back time." he bleated

easily. Tamara let her

look below to the entrance,

where one her

familiar face entered. She made her way contrary to the new guest and held Tim an

index finger in the face. "This

issue is still on the table."

she said menacingly at him and turned away from him. One

of the unknowns at the bar

sat down next to Timmy

and leaned his decorated

with a purple crystal rod at the bar. The view of

the faceless shadow of the

hood emigrated to

the thin man. "Prophecy

of the Five? Huh?"

asked the menacing voice of the

jacket wearer. "What

you are interested in that?"

he complained to the unknown. "Go an make your own business." he said determining and

reached for his drink. "Hello Mardon." gave the hostess with a

friendly smile from herself as

she walked toward the uniformed man. This

took the woman in his arms and held her a hand to her cheek

while he gave her a loving kiss.The lady held his shoulders

and looked him deep into in the eyes by the beautiful greeting. "What are you doing here?" she wanted to know. "I`m again on patrol,

to collect seedy fellows." he said with a wink.

The woman sat on a

slightly disappointed face and

stroked his breastplate. "Oh, and I thought you have come, because of me." Mardon smiled at her

and looked deep into her eyes.

"I would also came be, with command or not, to me

pick up my kiss." he

replied. Mardons eyes wandered searchingly around in the

tavern and stopped at the bar on

a thinner man with

shoulder long hair. He let

his girlfriend go.

"What does he want here?"

he asked determinative. "Calm down." she soothed him and held him by the

arm. "He is as a guest

here, and is waiting

for his group." she gestured

with her eyes to

the two unknown, who sat to the right of Tim at

the bar. "I'd rather these

two as worry."

"Why?" asked Mardon soberly.

"Call it women's intuition."

said the landlady as she looked at

the two unknowns. "I just have a strange feeling about them." He

stroked the woman with the flexed

finger over the nose and looked at her. "Ok, I`ll take a

look." he added and disappeared silently among the guests. The hostess returned with a happy face behind

the bar, where she was greeted by Timmy

with a broad grin. "And I thought

that with the iron maiden is

really true?" he asked with a grin. Tamara moved her

eyebrows together to a maliciously gaze. "We both can also go outside."

she gestured with one hand to the output. "And then I show you how iron I

can be." she threatened. Tim raised servants his hands up and twisted his face

slightly. "No need for that,

thank you." ...... "Stack crates! Stack crates!" Harrison

bleated loudly in the silent storage room. "I had already apologized

me. And now I have the whole stupid

carrying boxes here." he went on angrily.

"But you know what, you stupid

wooden squares?" He threw one of the crates in

the corner. "Without me! I'm done here!" he cursed and climbed out of the small window in the narrow alley behind the restaurant. There he crumbled

behind some barrels, where there was a warm blanket. He snuggled into the

thick fabric and leaned against the wall. "Stupid purse

and also stupid Henri." he muttered

angrily to himself before he dozed off. ..... Catherine trotted angered out

of the gate of the town hall to

the street. Koris followed her

quietly and closed the wooden door behind him. "Why is this legal

system all just so complicated?"

she grumbled to herself and kept head shaking a hand at the mouth. "I would have pulled most that woman about their cheap curls down

on the counter!" she cursing in her anger. James

put the lady a

hand on her shoulder and looked at her

encouragingly. "However, we can not do anything at the moment."

he began softly. "We must now

willy-nilly contact the town hall of Kams in

Ordenary." He saw at his mistress warm. "As

they said, can our

request for an official override

and the application of a funeral only

be accepted with the accompanying papers

to." "I know. I know." came from Catherine with a sadder voice.

"I just want to bring the whole thing to conclusion." Hooked

she breathed in and out, and threw her companion a downcast look.

The captain looked confident in the sad

face of his mistress. "Concentrate

on Roland, to

give him a new home now." he

said and smiled at her. The woman breathed

in with closed eyes. "You

are right James. Thank you." she

said relieved and looked at him invitingly. "Do me a favor and keep our intentions at the moment in silence." "Of course." Koris confirmed with a nod and

helped her to enter into the coach. ..... Roland told in detail

about his adventure. He only skipped the

conversation with the figure in

the orange red robe. "... then the gate was open and I could go

outside the hall with Kyndle." With this sentence exhaling he finished

his story. He closed

his eyes and stroked his dragoness thoughtfully

between the black horns. The female had placed

her head on his thigh, where she purred softly."Interesting." muttered

Barnabas in his thick

beard and began hastily to write down a few lines on a piece of paper. "But I thought, that Kyleths dragon cult

was defeated by the hunters."

Clara began hesitantly.

"The stories tells, that all the

followers were killed after they slay the high dragon. Their places of

worship were also razed to the

ground.""Correction." said Barnabas

dry and stood up from

his seat. "Living proof. Here.

In front of us." he said, pointing

to the female. "Extinction.

Incomplete. Descendant exist." he added, looking dull with its goggles into

the round. "By the Five." Daniel was

surprised at himself. His eyes widened in

astonishment and he kept pondering

his hands before the mouth. "I knew from the prophecy,

but that this will actually

arrive is just incredible." "Ways of the Five. Unfathomable." Barnabas began sober. "Fact:

Roland one of the companions. Secrecy? Attached."

he added. "Why should we conceal

it?" ask Clara

curious to. "The priests of the Five undoubtedly want

to know this." The dragon

expert raised a hand high. "Necessary." he added determinative and

straightened his glasses. "Optimal

timing. After emergence of other companions."

"But such an important piece

of information you may not just hide?" Daniel

came in between. "Irrelevant."

said Barnabas, shaking his head.Roland closed his eyes and reflected everything in thoughts, what he had told a few moments ago. The painful memory of his mother was now refreshed. A lone tear

sought their way across his closed eyelids.

Kyndle pressed with

slight pressure against his hand.

He felt the warm breath of his companion between

his fingers and the gentle vibrations

of her soft purr.

The newly kindled discussion fell into the

background. He took a deep

breath and let it with a straight dash off again. Suddenly there was silence. No voice was heard anymore.

The other sounds seemed to be stolen away. Roland opened frightened

his eyes. He was

alone. A weak beam of light

shone down on the boy. Around him darkness. Still

sitting on the chair waved his nervous

glance back and forth. "Kyndle?" he cried slightly

desperate in the surrounding shadows, where only his echo reverberated

back. He stood up from the chair and took

a few steps away from it. The

light followed him and was always

fixed over him. A deep and long

breathing was reflected in the endless darkness.

Roland ran a

scary, but himself already known

shiver down the spine."Your destiny! Your

decision!" echoed out a

gloomy echo from the shadows.

With the voice came a rumble of thunder equal and let the boys

cringe. The beam of light disappeared and the darkness took

the upper hand. A bright ring of flames formed

behind him and a figure in an orange red robe

strode through the fire toward the boy. The sign on the back of Roland`s hand began to glow in a bright blue shine. The embellishments

on the cowl of the appearance

shone with the same light. Roland winced

as he held his hand over his face. Startled, he turned

around. "You again?" came

slightly wailing of

the boy. A silent nod of appearing person was the answer. "Destiny is calling again after a

decision." said the figure, holding

apart his arms. Two

cracks cut the dark emptiness and hovered next

to the easily frightened boy. In the left was a

small bearded person to see

with a round spectacles on his nose.

A thick long beard disguised most of his face.

Upright, he stood there, held his arms together on the back. In the

other crack, a blonde girl was seen with green eyes, which stood next to a larger

fellows. The white vest with red sleeves

left clearly recognize

that this one had to be Daniel. Roland looked thoughtfully

once from left to right and then turned slightly confused to the orange red frock. "What

does that mean?" he asked,

raising his eyebrows questioningly. The

figure strode to the fissure

with the dwarf in approach. "He is of

the opinion that secrecy is the

next step." The person pointing

with one hand to the

other image. "While they are

of the view, to reveal your

existent is the

right choice." The Robe

strode back to the burning ring and held

his arm against the boy. "But which

way is taken is

your decision."Roland stared silently

at the person in front of him,

looking slightly lost in the faceless shadow of the hood.

Thoughtful his eyes fell down and he took a

hesitant. The apparition drew back his arm and

crossed both by pulling them into

the other sleeve. The boy's eyes fell several times hectic between

the cracks back and forth. He

wished that someone would come and took off the decision

from him. But this was not the case. Undecided, he looked at the figure before

him, this remained silent in his attitude. How should he choose and what will be the consequences?

Neither option seemed to promise him at the moment. "Your hesitation is understandable, Roland." he heard in his head. A

female voice filled his mind.

It sounded strange, yet familiar. The warm tone

had a calming effect. "Who are you?" Roland asked the down coming echo.The circle of flames behind the cowl grows

larger and expanded. Out of the middle, stepped with a deep booming cooing

a huge head. Orange

red scales adorned the mighty snout of the

dragon. Big black horns perched on the

skull like a daunting crown.

Two dark blue eyes

turned her penetrating gaze

on the boy. A distinctive

turquoise shimmer burned in the pupils. Roland winced at the

imposing appearance. He took a big step toward the head. "Kyndle?" he dared

to ask hesitantly. The dragon

kept his gaze fixed

on him. "No. Companion." echoed the voice again through his thoughts. The boy stepped back,

startled, and looked somewhat the

nature empty eyes. Since the word again. Companion."Then who are you? And what's about this talk of companions

and fate?" he asked the curious phenomenon.

"This world knows me by the name Kyleth." came in the answer to his first question. A booming

cooing accompanied the voice of the dragon. "And

you have received from me the

emblem of the companion. My

Emblem." Roland felt a chill down

his spine when he heard her voice.

His thoughts requested downright at her words. He held his right hand back thoughtfully

before and looked at the glowing symbol. "Why

did you chose me?" the boy

wanted to know and looked at the high dragon

slightly demanding. "I have not chosen you. You did that by

yourself." The scaly face

once closed her

eyes, and broke short the eye contact with the boy. "I have offered

only the possibility. The decision

to accept it was

ultimately your own."The realization hit Roland like an arrow into

the heart. Startled, he widened

his eyes and breathed in and out heavily. "Just

as you now have come to another decision." Her piercing eyes turned again to

the boy, which was accompanied by

a deep cooing. "Whichever

way you may also choose to, stride forward, head

held high. As my companion." her words echoed in his mind again. The

Big head tore

open his mouth and sent a thunderous roar in

the darkness. The ensuing pressure wave could feel

the boy on his chest and let him fall on his knees. Then

she withdrew into the flaming

ring and disappeared into the void. "Well, companion." said

the remaining shape and lowered his forehead to

the front. "Choose."Roland breathed heavily

out as he straightened

up again. His eyes waved again undecided between the two cracks back and

forth. He still had so many questions, but no answers.

And now he was again faced with a decision. His feeling, which helped him in his first election, let him down here. The boy walked closer

to the image of Barnabas. "Secrecy. Attached." he repeated the words mentally.

"Maybe it would be really wise to keep it once

for myself?" he thought to himself. Roland was finally on the run, and

his pursuers seemed very eager to find him.

What they will certainly continue to try. Thoughtfully, he put a hand on the crack, as it would keep them to a window. The appearance in the orange red robe lifted

his head and turned his gaze to

Roland. "Is this the chosen path?" he asked with a determining word sound

and set a hand on the portrait of the dwarf. "Yes." the boy said seriously and kept

his gaze fixed on the shadows

in the hood. "So be it!" cried the figure,

waving one arm to the second crack, which closed

shortly thereafter. The man in the

cowl turned and walked

toward the fire ring. "Your

destiny! Your decision!" echoed

through the emptiness before he

disappeared in the flames. The lights on

Roland's right hand back dimmed, until it

finally went out altogether.

A strong undertow came from the remaining crack and pulled the

boy into. Roland closed his eyes

and allowed himself to be drawn. ..... The sun had already

brought a large part

of their path behind. A faint

reddish translucent made itself felt on

the horizon. Scary, the boy came to himself. He looked frantically back

and forth and found himself in

the eyes of a young orange red female dragon

again. Kyndle gave

a welcoming treatment "chirp"

of herself. A gentle

turquoise shimmer flashed from the dark blue color

of her eyes. Roland laid a hand on her forehead and gently stroked between

the horns through, while he looked at her. The dragoness

purred out softly.The boy sat on the

back seat of the open carriage.

Daniel was on the driver's seat. The vehicle was moving and already

drove over the narrow trail from the property away. Roland looked

back at the multi-faceted landscape.

He can not remember to have already left the property. "I'm not one opinion, regard to the secrecy with

Barnabas." Daniel began.

His words sounded rather plaintive than

satisfied. "But I respect

your decision. You are finally the companion."

he went on and threw the boy a confident look."I, a companion?" wondered Roland in

thought. He recalled the words

of Kyleth. Still,

the fact that he is

to be a companion of an old prophecy came to him strange. Thoughtfully, he kept his eyes lowered and

pointed them at his right hand

back. An orange red

female nudged him with her nose in the leg. Slightly distressed he

looked at her. Kyndle snorted gently into his face and stroked her

head, purring over his arm. In

her eyes briefly glowed a slight hint of turquoise

out, shortly after she closed her eyes and leaned closer to her

companion.Roland put his arm around

her and held her with gentle pressure, while he looked at the peaceful purring

female. He felt

her warmth and the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat. Unsure thinking about

the correctness of this fellow.-talking, he reflected

on the words of the breeder

in thought. The compound,

which Barnabas designated as

imprint, was in his

opinion undoubtedly exists. The

boy was again able to feel it

at this moment. He again had that feeling as

if she had seen his dream.

Her pulse seemed to

behave the same as His. Both hearts kept the

same pace, as if

they were one. Still he listened to the almost hypnotic rhythm. "Roland?" asked Daniel to the back, but his

gaze forward. "Have you

been listening to me at all?"

he continued as he turned around.

"We must therefore ......"

He broke off when he saw the two. Roland kept his

female dragon in his arms and was fall asleep with

her on the back seat. Daniel

smiled and nodded to both of them suddenly quiet, then he turned back to the front. "Was a long day after all." he muttered softly to himself. "So now collect

Timmy at Tamara

and then go home." he thought to

himself as he crossed with the car by the stone gate in

the direction of the marketplace. He threw a controlling

look at the bundle of letters,

which he had received from the dragon experts and then

turned the car into the street, which led to the Iron Maiden. Behind him followed four sinister figures

in the shadows. .....  Mardon had sat down at a

table which was not far from the bar. Far enough to be not noticed, but close enough to understand the

voices. "I already told you, to take care of your own business." Tim complained to the two

men wrapped in brown coats who did not loose their questions. "But since, I have a very generous day

today." he continued, holding the journeymen

an index finger in the face. "I

will repeat it for you again."

He took an exaggerated air breath. "Takes care of your own bus ......

HEY!" Tim had

to break his long-drawn words, as he was packed

from one of the stranger by the arm. Mardon raised curious his eyes and watched at the spectacle. Timmy pulled

his arm frantically back and forth. He was able to free himself from the grip, while

maintaining he pulled the unknown

the hood to the rear. Two white cloudy eyes

looked at him out of anger. The gray

brows drew together into a mischievous expression. Tim looked shocked

at the angry looking

man. "Not here!" grumbled Tamara

and banged her fist on the

counter down sharply once.

The two adversaries set their sights on them briefly. "Clarifies this outside!" she emphasized sharp and

pointed with one hand towards the

exit. "Good idea." came from the

pale eyes. The man smiled slightly and

reached for his wand. Mardon

had risen in the meantime and was behind the wizard. "Sorry."

he said, smiling to Tamara and attacked the

collar of the brown cloak.

He pulled the man at the fabric to the back, this ended up with a

loud rumble on the table nearby.

The wood panel collapsed

under the force of impact. The stranger held lying

his staff to his face and murmured vague words

to himself. The tip of his weapon began to glow in a purple sheen. But

before he could finish his

sentence, a fist, tipped with small

plates drove down upon the brow

of the magician. This remained unconscious lying

on the plate and the lights dimmed from.

The guests were

startled at the noise. Some went on distance

and the others escaped outside. The music also broke

off, because the bard ran away.The second man looked

at his comrade lying on the

battered table and

went vigorously to Mardon. With a clenched

fist he took out when he stormed at him.

But his target dodged more skillfully to one

side and after an elegant twist sank his gauntlet

in the stomach of the stranger. Cramped

exhaling the attacker fell to his knees, clutching his aching


Tamara interjected, but nobody

seemed to give her attention. Mardon pulled the hood of

the second man's back. What emerged was a dark

face. A reddish discolored scar ran across

the right eye and the nose. At the base of the neck, a tattoo was visible. Curious,

he pulled the collar down and the image of a dragon wing, which was impaled by a straight blade showed up.Mardon looked tense at the man. "What does the hunter order do here in Parem?"

Tamara ripped shocked

eyes. "Hunters? Here?" she thought

out loud to herself. Mardon

looked at her briefly seriously, what let silence

the woman. Then he turned back to the hunter. This raised his warped

face of pain. He

took a deep breath and spit at the fighter's feet, then he grinned at him in silence. Mardon looked at him calmly.

"Let me repeat the question."

he said, and bent

down to him. Again was heard the muffled sound of a gauntlet, who met on

a forehead. The

hunter fell to the ground

unconscious. The fighter turned to the bar counter, and looked at the landlady behind

it. "I'm sorry the mess."

he apologized with a smile. Tamara looked at him seriously

and shook her head with the arms crossed. Timmy was sitting all the time on his stool and watched the

spectacle tense. "What

will become of them?" Tamara asked curiously. "The jailer will

take care of them, as soon as I

deliver them." brought Mardon of himself as he dragged

the first of the two fellows

out of the tavern. A barred car was

outside next to the curb. With a dull rumble

the first of the prisoners

was thrown onto the load area. Mardon glanced smiling

at the unconscious fighter in the transporter and

then went back to the bar....... Roland opened sleepy

his eyes. Kyndle leaned

on his side and purred softly. "Where are we?" he asked the driver, followed

by a long yawn. "We should

arrive at any moment in Tamara`s bar, where Tim

is waiting for us." came the reply

from Daniel. Roland looked at the large sign above the entrance, which was hanging out far

into the sidewalk. The drawn

woman on it winked

at him. He held his head slightly inclined as he read the text on it. "The Iron Maiden." he muttered to himself. "Yes, that's the name of the tavern, which belongs to Tamara." Daniel explained as he pulled up to the curb and brought

the vehicle to a halt near the entrance.The boy looked at his dragoness. Kyndle

slept peacefully on the car. Gently Roland

dismounted from the carriage without waking his companion. Before the entrance was another car. Its

windows were barred, but the back door

was open. He went with Daniel to the front door of the tavern,

but before Daniel could grab the handle,

it opened of self. A uniformed man stepped out from the shadow of the door frame. He held protectively his

left hand between the sun and his face. The many small plates on his glove

sparkled in the bright glow of the sun. A blue

cloak pulled down

from the shoulders. On the silver breastplate, a pattern was incorporated which

strongly resembled the head of a dragon. Metal greaves acquiesced in

the armor, the gleaming parts layered over

each other like dragon scales.His right arm was

backwards. Shortly afterwards, was also to recognize

why. Roland looked

curiously at the brown something, the man pulled

out of the bar. He dragged an

unconscious man in a brown cape

on the road.

Silently, he walked past the boy and gave him a short serious look. Roland looked

into the piercing green eyes

of the man and startled on it slightly. "Hey Mardon!" cried a woman, who stood in the doorway. The man turned to her. Even

Roland's attention was given to the unknown woman. "You've

forgotten that." she said, and threw

him against a

staff. With his free hand he

caught him and went on toward the barred car.

Roland looked tense

on the wand. "I have seen this somewhere before?" it went through his

head as he looked at the strange

crystal at its pointed.Mardon dragged the

unconscious man to the open car door. Without

the appearance of a great effort, he threw the

body into the cabin and then

closed the door. Roland watched him closely, but as the man walked toward him he had to swallow

nervously once empty.

He looked at the boy briefly serious, but

his eyes gave way to Daniel, who was

standing behind Roland. "It's about time." said

a thin man with shoulder length hair, who just stepped out of the tavern. Mardon left

from the two and went

past to Timmy back into the inn. Tim walked

closer to his group with fast transition. "A

lot is going on here today!" he said, slightly indignant and exhaled left. He

put a hand on Daniel's

shoulder and grinned widely at him.

"We can go home

now?" he asked with a slight smile. "Or do we want to re-do

a city tour?" he added amusement."By the Five! No!"

came from Daniel as fired from a crossbow and

he walked hastily back to the car, where he felt at first by the reins.

Roland and Tim got

therefore a little more comfortable. Once at the vehicle

remained, Roland took a stop at some

distance. Something was wrong. He

had cut off a sinking feeling

in his stomach and something seemed to steel him the air. Reluctantly, he

took one look at the car. Kyndle was not there. "Kyndle?!" he shouted frantically

to the empty carriage,

then he looked frantically

up and down the street. "What's wrong?" asked Daniel tense. The Young gave

him a helpless look. "Kyndle

is gone!"