Ch 4

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#4 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Everyone I'm back with chapter 4. I'm in the process of branching off from this and creating another series but I'm still deciding. Please, review or PM me for any ideas at all and let get to where we last left off, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

Scott's POV

"Thank you Jay so much!" I thought. Sitting in front of me was such a beautiful girl that I just didn't know what to so. "But Jay told me to take her out today. What if I can't even ask her out? What if she doesn't even say yes!" I thought. I took up all my courage and I said in a shrill voice, "Angel will you like to go out with me today!" "Oh I've done it." As I panicked in my head debating with myself I felt something so soft and sweet on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Angel kissing me. "No...Fucking....Way! This is a dream right!" I thought as the bunny pulled back from our heated moment she said,

"Absolutely, hot stuff." She said and purred. I took a double take and said,

"Really! You would!?"

"Of course silly after all I know why Jay left so suddenly like that."

"Y-y-you do?" I said nervously.

"Of course I do silly, it's because he knew I would just love you!" she said with excitement in her face. I was stunned, "Jay was right! This man is an absolute genius when it comes to being a gentleman! I must learn more!" and I pulled her into another passionate kiss, intertwining our tongues together. The kiss seemed to go on for hours, till we finally broke apart with our lunges begging for air.

"Well you heated fur ball, where shall we go first?" she asked me with a lustful look in her eyes

"Well we could, since it's a Saturday, leave campus and go to the theme park Pokelantis, or we could go to the nearby mall, or somewhere nice to eat, maybe a movie, or we could just....stay here" I said and trailed off.

"Well," she said "We could go to the theme park for a little while or..."she said crawling slowly on top of me, "We could just" she said sensually and winked. I started to breath heavily and sweat. She was so irresistible and so loving as well. "She's amazing! And she's all mine! Wait remember what Jay said. To always treat women with respect not as objects." I thought.

"Well we could go to the park first and maybe later, we could come back here." Is said giving her a quick kiss

"Okay," she said kissing back, "But, we only come back here if you're a good boy." She whispered in my ear.

"Oh My Arceus you are Amazing." I said and I brought her in for a final kiss.

***A Shower and a 20 minute walk later***

"Well we are here!" I said excitedly

"Well then let's go have some fun shall we?" she said. We started off by riding the Squirtle Shuttle and then we headed off to Mr. Mimes Fun house. After all of this we got some ice cream and rode Ferrothron's Ferris Wheel. When we hit the top of the wheel we stopped. "What's wrong with the ride?" she said confused

"The operator is a friend of mine so I asked him to stop it when we reach the top." I said with a sly smile on my face. She blushed and said,

"Well then, why don't you come over here and we can use this time wisely" she purred

"I like the sound of that," I said. we locked lips and I help her close to my chest her breasts pushing us away and she smiled.

"Well someone is a little excited right now."

"Huh?" I said as I looked down at my pants to see a massive bulge. "Oh that..." I said and trailed off. "Uh about that it's not what you think..."

"Okay, then what is it?" she said whispering in my ear, and tugging at it. I gathered up my courage and said to her seductively,

"Whatever you want it to be babe." As I started to grope her she started to moan. She grabbed my crotch and I gave out a loud yelp.

"Well, I think it's time we head out of this park," she said, "unless you want to say." She said with a little bit of sadness in her voice.

"Nope, it think it is time to leave." So I signaled my friend with a waving motion from the cart and he lowered us down.

***Another 15 minute walk later***

"Okay Scott, don't be nervous. Just go with it and let her know that you care." I thought to myself as we walked into the school dorm building. She giggled and said,

"Your shaking Scott, is something wrong?"

"What! Oh Nothing!" I screamed. She giggled and held onto my arm as we took the elevator and up to my room. When we got inside I sat down and took a deep breath. "My Arceus what a day, we had!" I exclaimed.

"And now to finish it off this amazing day" she said pushing me back on the bed, "What do you say you and I have a little more fun." She winked and crawled on top of me. Failing to resist my hormonal urges I screamed out,

"Yes please!" and I blushed furiously. She brought me into a passionate kiss and slowly slipped her hand towards my abdomen, then down towards my pelvis. "Ah!" I screamed as she grabbed my already hard member. "You play like that huh?" I asked, "Well then, you asked for it!" and I grabbed her "D" cup breasts in my hand and started to move them around. She started to moan and stroking my member faster. I slipped my hand down her tight jean shorts and slipped in two fingers.

"Oh yes Scott!" she exclaimed, "Please more, more!" as I rubbed her faster, and faster. "Ahhhhh!" she screamed as she hit her breaking point. She collapsed on top of me in a hot and sweaty mess saying, "Now it's your turn," she said seductively. She slipped off my shorts to reveal my massive member. "My, my, you are big aren't you?" I blushed and said,

"It's only because it's you babe," I said with a sly grin. "It's big only for you." And I chuckled.

"Oh Scott!" she exclaimed. She pulled me in for a passionate kiss, and began to stroke my member even faster.

"Ahhh! I'm cumming!" I screamed and she bent down as I shot a massive load into her ever waiting mouth.

"Mmmm...that was a lot Scott." She said with a wink

"Now get ready" she said

"For what?"

"This," she said as she slipped off her jean shorts and revealed the pink lace she was wearing.

"Isn't this a little too skimpy for you babe?" I said winking at her.

"She blushed and said I only changed into this for you." She slowly walked up towards me and moved her lace aside to reveal her tight slit.

"Are you ready babe?" I asked

"I'm ready when you are," she purred

"Alrighty then, here we go!" I thrusted deep inside her making her cry out loud.

"OH SCOTT!" she cried out, "YOUR SO BIG!"

"And you're so tight babe!" I cried aloud

"I'm cumming!," she said

"Me too! Lets go together!"

"AHHH!" we both screamed. She collapsed on top of the bed in a sweaty mess smiling. She kissed me on the cheek and said,

"Scott, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." and she fell asleep with her body clinging onto mine.

"Me too, babe, me too"

"Wow Scott, Jay was right! Just be a gentleman! If Jay saw me now he would be so proud of me. He said he had a plan, I wonder...." I wondered before I passed out.

Jay's POV

"I've been gone a while. I think I'll check on Scott and Angel." I took the elevator back up and opened the room. To my surprise I found Angel laying on top of Scott and both under the sheets. I chuckled to myself, "Step one complete" I thought to myself with a smile on my face. I'll tell him later...

Well that's the end of Chapter 4! What do you guys think! PM me or leave reviews. I could really use some ideas. Chapter 5 will probably be out late tonight. Till then Peace!