Ch 3

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#3 of A True Pokemon Adventure

The Story About Josh Summers and his average Pokemon Adventure through all the regions starting in Hoenn! No Bad Guys, Not a whole lot of Legendaries, just true Adventure! He will find more Pokemon,friendships, love, sadness, joy, anything and everything! Rated M for Lemons (Maybe in the Future), Sexual Themes, Language, And Some Violence.

Hey Guys I'm Back With Chapter 3!!! The People that PM me telling me how much you loved the story thank you so much, your support keeps the story going. I wish I could thank all of the people individually that have helped me get where I am today on this site and in my writing. Go visit a great friend of mine Sega Nesquik. He has helped a lot on the inspiration for the story and he is currently writing with me in my main story. Well here the next Chapter so let's get to the story...shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

"Ray I Choose You, Let's Go!"

"Nosepass, I Choose You!" We both cried out in unison. Ray appeared in front of me and he was bouncing from side to side in excitement. Then in front of the both of use appeared Roxanne's Nosepass in a bright flash of white. The Pokémon stood about almost four feet and towered over Ray. I thought I saw a tinge of fear in Ray's eyes but he took a battle stance.

"Alright Ray let's do this!" I said to him in confidence.

"Chespin!" He said. I looked up at Roxanne who was beaming at me with all the confidence she could give. I did a bow in her direction and said,

"Well ladies first then." Just like Isis she rolled her eyes and pointed outward and said,

"Nosepass use Rock Throw!"

"Nosepass!" It said and started to pound the ground and rocks flew straight at Ray.

"Ray try to dodge them!" I cried out. He started to move between the flying rocks at a great speed breathing quickly as he did.

"Ches-Ches-Ches-Ches." He kept saying and he moved between the rocks. Nosepass's speed increase ten-fold and the rocks were being launched at Ray like gunfire. He started to quicken his pace and dodged most of them. In the end Nosepass made a direct hit on Ray sending him flying back at me.

"Chespinnnn!" He said crying out in pain as the massive rock hit him.

"Ray buddy are you okay?" I said to him.

"Che-Chespin." He stammered. The Children cheered as they saw me losing to their idol.

"Here take a little rest buddy." I held up his Pokéball and returned him in a beam of red light. I pulled out Shadow's ball and I prayed for a win with him. "Alright hey, this is my new buddy's first battle so anything can happen. Alright Shadow I Choose You!" In a beam of white light Shadow appeared and floated around the entire battle field quickly and efficiently. Then he stopped on our said and cried out cheerfully.

"Gastly Gast!" I knew I might stand a chance.

"Alright Shadow use Hypnosis!"

"Gassss..." His eyes glowed a bright pink and circular beams started to shoot towards Nosepass.

"Nosepass dodge it quick!" Roxanne said but it was too late. Nosepass wasn't quick enough and the long stone that covered his eyes lowered and he fell asleep. "Nosepass No!" She said and Nosepass couldn't respond.

"Now Shadow use Shadow Ball!"

"Gasssstly!" He cried out and shot a massive ball of dark energy at Nosepass. The ball hit Nosepass and he fell over making the ground shake as he did.

"How does that Gastly know Shadow Ball even though you just caught it!?" Roxanne exclaimed. I didn't bother to answer her and I gave Shadow his next move.

"Now Shadow use Lick!" Shadow floated up to Nosepass and immediately his long massive tongue fell out of his mouth and his covered the massive Nosepass with his tongue, harming him in the process. Electricity started to cover the Nosepass's body to show he had been Paralyzed. "Now Shadow once more, use Shadow Ball!"

"Gasssstly!" He said again and another ball of dark energy shot at Nosepass.

"Come on Nosepass wake up!" Roxanne cried, and to my surprise he did wake up.

"Nose-Nosepass?" He said and the massive stone move upward.

"Nosepass counter with Rock Blast!"

"Nosepass!" It said and a massive rock started to form in its massive hands and he launched it straight at Shadow. "Nosepass!" The ball of dark energy and the massive rock met each other in the middle but missed each other by barley a foot. The Shadow Ball collided with Nosepass and the massive boulder made contact with Shadow.


"Nosepass!" Both Roxanne and I said as Both of our Pokémon fell down to the ground, fainted from exhaustion.

"Shadow Return!" I said as I held out my Pokéball. The beam of red energy hit Shadow and returned him to his ball. I looked down at the ball and said, "Good job buddy, I couldn't be more proud of you for your first battle." I put Shadow's ball away and brought out Ray's. I enlarged the ball, raised my right arm and threw the ball out onto the field. "Ray Let's Go!" The ball released Ray out on the field in a flash of white and he looked more confident. He seemed to have recovered well from the fight before and now he was ready for anything. Roxanne enlarged her ball threw her next Pokémon out onto the field looking more confident than ever.

"I Choose You Roggenrola!" She cried out and Roggenrola appeared onto the field.

"Roggenrola!" It said cheerfully and bounced from one foot to another just like Ray. I chuckled slightly reminding me of Ray. Then I got serious and stood my ground.

"Alright Ray stand your ground, don't underestimate him."

"Chespinnnnnn." He said in full focus and was in a battle stance.

"Actually it's a her not a him and Roggenrola use Headbutt!" I looked shocked and confused at her statement and she started to charge at Ray.

"Roggenrola!" She said as she took off.

"How do you even tell the gender of a Rock Type Pokémon?" I said aloud. "Alright Ray, dodge it and use Vine Whip!"

"Chespin!" He responded and as she was about to make contact he dodged and smacked Roggenrola to the ground.

"Roggenrola, recover quickly and use Mud-Slap!"

"Roggenrola!" She responded and started to pick up the dirt with her feet and kicked it straight at Ray. The Mud covered Ray's eyes and he couldn't see. He moaned and said,

"Chesspinnn..." He started to walk around in a circle and swinging everywhere. He couldn't see a thing, so I had an idea.

"Ray stop moving I'll be your eyes, just listen, you still have ears!" He stopped facing away from me and at Roggenrola, and once more took a battle stance.

"Chespin!" He responded and he looked frustrated, and angry.

"Alright Ray, use Vine..."

"Chespin!" He said not letting me finish my sentence, then all of the sudden he curled up into a ball and spun rapidly, his body moving so fast that it was a blur.

" that..."

"Chespin!" He said and stopped spinning. The force of the spinning threw the mud off his eyes and he could see again.

"Ray you learned Rollout, that's awesome!" I said to him.

"Chespin, Chespin!" He said jumping for joy.

"Alright Ray, use Rollout!"

"Chespin!" He curled into a ball, spun rapidly and headed straight for Roggenrola.

"Roggenrola, try to dodge it!" Roxanne cried out, but it was too late. Ray made contact with her and she flew backward straight into Roxanne's arms, fainting instantly.

"Roggenrolaaa..." It said completely worn out.

"We did it Ray we did it! WE WON!!!" I said and I was so happy. A massive smile broke across my face and I jumped in the air pumping a fist as well.

"CHESPIN, CHESPIN!!!" He said and copied my jump and fist pump. I looked over at Roxanne who seemed sad from her loss but then a smile broke across her face. She returned Roggenrola to her Pokéball and started to walk towards me. I looked over at the crowd of children who were on looking the battle and they were in complete shock by their idol losing to a 'random' trainer. Roxanne walked up to me and held out her hand and in it was The Stone Badge.

"Here," She said, "You definitely deserve this badge, for being outstanding in your battle skills and your bond with your Pokémon." I took the badge from her and I looked at it in my own hands. My hands were shaking and I still couldn't believe that I finally had my very own badge.

"YEAH!" I cried out in excitement. I looked back over at her and she had something else for me. In her hands looked like a small thin like box that looked very smooth to touch. He handed it to me and said,

"This is a badge case. In this case you can put all of the badges you win in the Hoenn region." I took it from her and opened up the case. Inside the case was the outline of all the badges in the Hoenn region. I traced them all slowly with my finger in awe and I knew that this was my destiny. I closed the case, pocketed it and gave her my thanks. I ran back into the school building and out the front. I jumped off the steps and cried out in joy.

"I Finally Did It! I Have Accomplished My Dream!" I landed and remembered that Shadow fainted. I bolted down to the Pokémon Center as fast as I could and arrived there very quickly to my surprise. I ran in and handed my Pokémon to Nurse Joy. She healed them, handed them back to me and I walked out a little more clam. As I was walking out I noticed at about twenty feet away was none other than my childhood friend Isis. "Hey Isis Girl What's Up?" I called out to her. She looked around for a minute and then noticed me standing over by the Pokémon center. Her face lit up like last Christmas and she ran over to me, her ponytail waving behind her swaying with the wind. I started to feel a little weird but then I shook my head, feeling a whole lot better. She stopped in front of me and was beaming with excitement.

"Hey Josh how are you?"

'I'm fine thanks," I replied, "So have you gotten the first gym badge yet?" I said to her, with an obvious smirk on my face.

"No not yet," She said, "Actually I just arrived here and this place is amazing!" I smiled and pulled out my badge case from my pocket. "What's that?" She said. I didn't bother to answer her and I opened the case. Inside was my Stone Badge and her mouth dropped. "You already have the first badge!" She cried out. My smirk turned into a devious smile and I said,

"Well I guess you better catch up!" A frown came upon her face and then she pulled out a Pokéball.

"Wanna see my new Pokémon?" She said looking more devious than me. I shrugged my shoulders and replied,

"Eh, why not, I could use a warm down battle." She rolled her eyes and her face turned completely red. She ran about 25 feet from me and threw her ball.

"Rose, Let's Go!" A bright white appeared on the field and a Ralts formed in front of me.

"Ralts!" It said and ran around in a circle a few times. A smile was on its face and it looked over at Isis with an even bigger smile. I pulled out my Pokéball and said,

"You want me to go easy on you?" Her face fumed and for a second I thought I saw smoke coming out of her ears and I twitched a little in fear.

"Of Course Not!" She said, "Now Quit Being A Cocky BASTARD!" I jumped back and threw the ball.

"Shadow, I Choose You!" I cried out and my Gastly appeared in front of me looking more menacing than ever.

"Gasssstlyyyy..." It said in an eerie tone and Rose shook with fear.

"Ra-Ral-Ralts-Ralts..." It said and put her hands in her face. I thought it was going to cry so I decided maybe to go easy.

"Alright Shadow use Hypnosis!" Shadow's eyes glowed and a circular beams were being shot at Rose.

"Rose counter with Confusion!" Isis cried out.

"Ralts!" The Pokémon said and started the counter attack with no fear in its eyes anymore.

"Huh?" I said aloud. I looked over at Isis who had a smirk on her face and I growled a little under my breath. "Alright Shadow move to the side and use Shadow Ball!"

"SHADOW BALL!?" Isis cried out. "How does it already know Shadow Ball!?" I smirked back and her face dropped.

"Gasssss...tly!" Shadow cried out and the ball was launched right at Rose.

"Rose try to counter with Confusion!"

"Ralts!" Rose said and nodded, but it was too late. The ball made contact and threw Rose across the ground to Isis's feet.

"Ralltsss..." She moaned.

"Rose Return!" Isis said holding up the ball and the thin red beam pulled Rose back into her ball. "Good job girl." She said to Rose's Pokéball. She pulled out her next ball and chucked it on to the battle field. "Let's Go Anabel!" The Froakie appeared on the field and she had a stern look on her face.

"Froookieeee..." She said in a dark tone.

"Shadow Return!" I said holding up his ball and he disappeared with a faint flash of red. I pulled out Ray ball and threw it out onto the field. "Ray Let's Go, I Choose You!" Ray appeared on the field and also had a stern look on his face.

"Chespinnnnn..." He said and took a battle stance.

"Well looks like these two have a rivalry going on!" I thought to myself. "Alright Ray use Vine Whip!" I cried out.

"Chespin!" He said and the vines shot out of his body and straight at Anabel.

"Anabel dodge it and use Quick Attack!" Isis said.

"Froakie!" Anabel said and quickly moved out of the way.

"Aright Ray use Rollout!"

"Chespin!" He cried out as he retracted the vines. He ducked into a ball and started to spin rapidly and headed straight for Anabel.

"Froakie!!" Anabel said and stopped her attack and started to run around the battle field. She was running in a circle and it looked almost comical. I started to chuckle and looked over at Isis. She looked in panic as she saw her best friend being chased in a circle looking like a fool. I thought she was going to pull her hair out and she looked a little frustrated. I almost broke put into full laughter until the attack hit Anabel. "Froakie!" She said as Ray made a direct hit. She flew backward and tried to stand up but was failing miserably.

"Come on Anabel you got this! Use Bubble!" She opened her mouth but to no avail.

"Alright Ray! Now finish her off with Rollout, once more!"

"Chespin!" He said and spun into the ball once more and shot towards Anabel. He made a direct hit and Anabel flopped onto the ground and fainted.

"Anabel!" Isis cried out and her face turned to disappointment. "Return Anabel..." She said holding up her ball. She put her ball away and Ray hopped onto my shoulder. She walked over to me and looked like she was about to cry. I held out my arms and she fell into them. I held her close to me for a long time. I could smell her perfume and it smelled wonderful. I felt woozy from smelling it and thought I was going to fall over. She buried her face into my chest and she made no sound. She looked up at me and I smiled at her. She smiled back and said,

"You know what Josh...I'm going train harder than ever and I'm going to get to the Elite Four first and beat the Champion! I'm going to be the best Pokémon Trainer that has ever lived!" I laughed in approval and she had a massive smile on her face. I let go of her and started to head back towards the woods. "Oh Josh!" She called out.

"Hm?" I said and turned around. As I turned around I met with Isis's lips. Her lips were sweet and had the taste of berries. I opened my eyes and noticed that hers were closed and I finally clued in. I clued into why she was always embarrassed by me, why she always became easily frustrated with me. It was because she was in love with me. I pulled back from the kiss a trail of saliva connecting us together and then her face turned completely red. I thought I saw her started to tear up. She turned away quickly and ran off into the city. I touched my lips where she kissed me and I felt bad. I didn't know how I felt about her yet and I have always thought of her as a sister. This kiss surprised me and shook my head quickly. I looked up at Ray who looked a little surprise but none the less shrugged the incident off to the side. I couldn't get the kiss out of my head and a warm feel rose inside me. I didn't know what it meant but I decided to just go with it. Ray and I turned back around and headed for Petalburg Woods once more.

Well Guys That's The End Of Chapter 3!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well and I want you guys to tell me if you think I am rushing! Please vote in the Polls it would really help a lot for my decisions and look for either the next chapter of this or Solomon next! As I have mentioned before Sega has been working with me on Jay so It will take a while for the next chapter but be ready when it does! Anyway guys if you have any comments, complaints, or ideas please leave a review below or PM me. I am open to any criticism what so ever! Anyway That's all I got to say,, so till next time, PEACE!!!!

Ch 4

**Hey Guys I'm Back with Chapter 4!!!! I hope you guys keep continuing to like the story and continue to read it as well! PLEASE VOTE IN THE POLLS! It really helps with my Activity on this site a lot and I need your opinions! Once again thanks to...

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Ch 2

**Hey Guys Here Is Chapter 2!!! I hope you guys like my take on the Pokémon world and such. Everything is different so don't expect just Hoenn Pokémon in Hoenn! So If you guys have any ideas or OC's you wanna give me just let me know by PM or reviews!...

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Ch 1

**Hey Guys a lot of you have been requesting for me to write a story about a human Pokémon trainer so I'm taking a leap of faith and trying it out! I hope you guys like it and please review and PM if you have any ideas for this story! So Thanks to all...

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