Ch 2

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#2 of A True Pokemon Adventure

The Story About Josh Summers and his average Pokemon Adventure through all the regions starting in Hoenn! No Bad Guys, Not a whole lot of Legendaries, just true Adventure! He will find more Pokemon,friendships, love, sadness, joy, anything and everything! Rated M for Lemons (Maybe in the Future), Sexual Themes, Language, And Some Violence.

Hey Guys Here Is Chapter 2!!! I hope you guys like my take on the Pokémon world and such. Everything is different so don't expect just Hoenn Pokémon in Hoenn! So If you guys have any ideas or OC's you wanna give me just let me know by PM or reviews! So thanks for the Support and let this new Chapter begin!

I Do Not Own Pokémon

Ray and I made our way deep into the Petalburg Woods and found ourselves lost. "Well, where the hell are we supposed to be going?" I said out loud.

"Ches-Chespin." Ray said and he shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and said,

"That was a rhetorical question Ray." He blushed a little but then smiled up at me. "Yeah we are really, really lost..." We looked around and saw nothing but trees for miles. We just stood there scratching our heads in confusion as we were in the middle of a dark clearing. "Well what if we go this way?" I pointed to the West and Ray jumped up and down.

"Ches-Ches-Chespin!" He said.

"Did we already go that way?" I said. He nodded quickly and I sighed. "Well what about this way?" I said and pointed towards the East. He again shook his head side to side. I facepalmed realizing that we had been going in a circle. "You gotta be kidding me..."

"Ches-pin..." He facepalmed as well, then all of the sudden we heard a dark laugh. "Chespin, Chespin!"

"You heard that too?" I said and he hopped onto my shoulder. He was shivering slightly and I knew he was afraid. His fur stood up on all ends and was vibrating with his body. I held him close and comforted him. The laugh sounded again and I stood my ground. My knees were shaking slightly but that didn't falter me. Then the trees seemed to move closer and closer. Mouths started to form on them and they became wider and wider. Ray looked like he was on the verge of crying and running away and I pulled him off my shoulder and held him in front of me. "Hey buddy look at me, these trees aren't going to harm you okay...look at me everything is going to be alright." He was looking around rapidly shaking violently and I turned his head towards me. "I need you to use Vine Whip on the trees, in a spinning formation, there is a Ghost Pokémon in one of these trees and we need to find it and flush it out, got it?"

"Ch-Che-Chespin..." He said still shaking and I tossed him up in the air.

"Chespin use Vine Whip, spinning formation now!" I cried out. It seemed like all of his confidence came back to him and he shot out the vines and spun rapidly. The vines knocked away the illusions and finally hit the culprit. The Pokémon went flying towards the ground and flew right back up. I pulled out my Pokédex and it identified it as a Gastly.

Gastly- The Gas Pokémon;

Gastly is largely composed of gaseous matter. When exposed to a strong wind, the gaseous body quickly dwindles away. Groups of this Pokémon cluster under the eaves of houses to escape the ravages of wind.

"Then what the hell is it doing out here? Shouldn't it be with a pack of others...unless it's out here purposely..." The Gastly came at Ray and we were drawn into battle. "Alright Ray use Vine Whip!" Ray jumped towards the Gastly and shot the Vines at it. The Vines smacked the Gastly across the face and it flew backward.

"Gassstly." It said and it's eyes started to glow.

"Ray, cover your eyes! It's using Hypnosis!"

"Ches!" he said and covered his eyes with his paws, shielding himself from the Hypnosis attack. Then the Gastly did something that surprised us both. After it stopped the Hypnosis attack a massive ball of dark energy started to appear in front of its mouth.

"Gaaassss." It said the ball becoming larger.

"Oh Shit..." I thought to myself. "Ray it's using Shadow Ball!" I cried out to my buddy. "Is That Even Possible!?" He removed his paws from his eyes and saw the ball forming. His body froze for a moment then he took a battle stance. "Get ready buddy!" I said.

"Chespin!" He cried out.

"Gaaassstly!" The ghost Pokémon said and shot the ball of dark ghostly energy at Ray.

"Now Ray, hit it back with Vine Whip!" Ray jumped up in the air and let the vines loose. He spun in the air and hit the ball back with all of his force. The Dark Energy shot right back at the Gastly who was in shock of its own attack being used against it and the ball of energy made a direct hit. The Gastly was thrown backward and hit a tree. It fell over and seemed to be weakened. As Ray was about to make a finishing move I held up my hand. "Hey buddy I have an idea!" I pulled out an empty Pokéball from my bag and enlarged it. I chucked it at the Gastly in its weakened form and the ball started to rock back and forth. Ray and I stood there waiting to see what happened, too see if this unique Ghost Pokémon was to be our first catch. The ball rocked about 5 more times then we heard a ding. "YES WE DID IT, WE CAUGHT OUR FIRST POKÉMON!!" I cried out loud and ran up to pick up the ball.

"CHESPIN, CHESPIN!" Ray cried out as we jumped for joy for our first catch.

"I can't believe that I came in here dreaming about catching a Ghost Pokémon and I'm leaving with one in my hands!" I was in such happiness that words could not describe my excitement. I pulled out my Pokédex and scanned the ball to read the information on the Gastly. "Alright, it's a male Gastly, and it knows Hypnosis, Lick, and in a real surprise it knows Shadow Ball. Huh, this is one unique Gastly." I scratched my head in wonderment as how knew Shadow ball but I decided to shrug it off. "Alright let's get to the Pokémon Center and stat!" I said to Ray and he nodded in agreement.

"Chespin." We ran off into the woods and instead of searching for the path I had Ray knock down all the trees with Wine Whip. After we reached the exit by making a new path we ran straight for the Rustboro Pokémon Center. We ran straight in together and ran towards the front desk. I handed Nurse Joy the Gastly and I returned Ray to his Pokéball and handed him to Nurse Joy as well. I sat at the nearest bench near the desk and then she brought my Pokémon back out on a tray.

"Here you go," She said, "They are as good as new."

"Thanks Nurse Joy!" I said.

"No Problem!" She tried to say to me as I ran out with my Pokémon. After I stepped out I finally took a good look at the massive city. The city was bustling with people everywhere going into shops and restaurants. It was breathtaking to see the beautiful city and I had to share it with my friends.

"Come on out guys!" I said as I threw up both Pokéballs into the air. Ray appeared in silver light and he had a beaming smile on his face. The Gastly also spawned in silver light and he had to squint his eyes from the bright light. He looked around the city and his normal evil smile turned into a smile of pure happiness. I smiled as I saw my friends just gazing at the beautiful city. After a while I brought them over to a bench near the Pokémon center and brought upon our order of business. "Alright now it's time to give you a name Gastly!" He looked excited and floated around in a circle in excitement.

"Gas-Gastly!" He said in excitement.

"How about...Shadow!" He seemed to think about it for a moment but then a smile broke upon his face.

"Gastly!" He said in a gleeful tone and swooped around again.

"Sweet man, now time to make plans to conquer the first gym!"


"Gastly!" They both cried out in unison.

"Alright let's head over there right now!" We sprinted down the sidewalk straight for the gym. After we reached the gym we noticed that it was very different than any other gym I've ever seen or heard about. The Gym was small and had an outer coating of a massive rock around the gym. Actually the entre gym seemed to be built in a rock. "Well obviously this is a rock type gym." I thought to myself. I returned both Shadow and Ray to their Pokéballs and opened the gym door. It was dark and the place felt empty and cold. I shouted into the darkness of the gym and called out for the gym leader. "Hello!? Anyone there!? My name is Josh Summers and I'm here to challenge the Gym Leader!" My voice echoed in the empty gym and I got no response. I began to close the gym and then all of the sudden,

"Is someone there?" A voice called out from the darkness.

"Yes!" I said, "My name is Josh Summers and I challenge the Gym Leader of this gym to a battle!"

"Well, she isn't here!" The voice said.

"What? Why isn't she here?"

"Well she's over at the Trainers School teaching, you can challenge her there!"

"Okay thank you!" I cried out. As I was about to leave I called out to the voice again. "What's your name?"

"It's Jackson, tell Roxanne I said hi!"

"Okay!" I called out and left the gym for the Trainers School. I sprinted down the road as fast as I could and looked around for the School. I couldn't locate it so I stopped on a side bench. I looked around and noticed that there was a man sitting next to me. He looked about in his late 50's with his hair starting to turn to a dark grey with some black in it. I moved over to him and said, "Excuse me sir, but do you know where I might find the trainers school. He didn't answer me verbally but instead pointed to his right. I looked down the road and noticed a road sign that said,

"Trainers School this way ?" I rolled my eyes and face palmed at the fact I missed this. I looked at the old man again and gave him my thanks. I hopped off the side bench and ran straight for the school. I reached the school and it was kinda like the school I went to in my town. The school had a dull color about it and it looked small in the front but when I looked around the corner the school was massive and wide. It had an open field in the back and what looked like battlefields. I nodded in approval and was very impressed on how advance this school was. I walked up to the door, knocked loudly, and said,

"Hello, I'm here to challenge the Gym Leader Roxanne!" The door immediately opened and a kid that looked about seven or eight years old answered the door.

"What do you want?" The kid said to me. I bent down to his level and said,

"I'm here to challenge the Gym Leader of Rustboro City." I said to him. The kid looked at me for a second and then he burst out laughing in my face. This lasted for about 3 minutes with the kid rolling on the floor laughing. It finally started to get on my nerves and I picked up the kid and said, "What's so funny about that!?"

"Yo-you think you can be-beat Rox-Roxanne!? You got another thing coming!" he was still laughing and motioned for me to come inside. I stepped inside the school and it was one massive hallway and it was huge. The walls were covered with doors that obviously seemed to be classrooms, and the kid led me into his class. I walked in and the first thing I noticed was the woman that was teaching the class. She seemed to be very learned as a trainer and was talking about using strategy and type advantage in battles. She had a thin stick and was pointing to the board at diagrams and types with it. She wore a school out fit and tight pink leggings. She wore shoes that looked too small for her feet and she wore her hair in a heart shape. Two ribbons were holding them down and by the looks of it she had a D-cup breast size. She noticed my presence after about a minute or two of teaching and looked a little confused but then realizing why I was there.

"So you're here for a challenge huh?" She said to me.

"Yes mam!" I said. She looked at her class and said,

"Alright, I know that we said that I would demonstrate some battle skills later but this young man has arrived for a gym battle, so we are going to go outside to the fields for our battle, how does that sound?" She said.

"YAY!" The kids cheered. I looked over at the kid that let me in the school and he was crossing his arms and had a bothered look on his face. We made our way outside and I walked next to Roxanne.

"What's your name?" She said to me.

"My name is Josh Summers." I said to her.

"Well Josh Summers, let's make this a good battle, give me all you've got!"

"You bet I will." I said to her and we stepped outside onto the field, ready for my first gym battle. We stepped on opposite sides of the field and we both prepared ourselves for the intense battle.

"Each trainer will use two Pokémon each; the challenger may switch Pokémon during battle while the Gym Leader may not." Roxanne said. She pulled out a Pokéball from her back pocket and enlarged the ball. "Are you ready?" She asked me. I pulled Ray's ball off my belt and enlarged it as well.

"So ready." I replied to her.

"Let The Battle Begin!" She cried out.

"Ray I Choose You, Let's Go!"

"Nosepass, I Choose You!" We both cried out in unison, and my first gym battle began.

Well Guys That's The End of Chapter 2!!!! I Hope you Guys enjoyed this chapter and the many more that is to come of this! Please Vote in the Polls it means a lot that you guys do! Now if you have any comments, complaints, or ideas, PM me or leave a review down below! So expect the next chapter of this or Solomon next time! Till Next Time Guys, PEACE!!!

Ch 3

**Hey Guys I'm Back With Chapter 3!!! The People that PM me telling me how much you loved the story thank you so much, your support keeps the story going. I wish I could thank all of the people individually that have helped me get where I am today on...

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Ch 1

**Hey Guys a lot of you have been requesting for me to write a story about a human Pokémon trainer so I'm taking a leap of faith and trying it out! I hope you guys like it and please review and PM if you have any ideas for this story! So Thanks to all...

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Ch 27

**Hey Guys I'm Back!!!!!! I'm sorry about the hiatus I have been on but I promise I will get back to writing for you guys as much as possible! Anyway I would like to say thank you to Sega Nesquik for consistently being a friend to me even when we...

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