Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirty-fourth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#35 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Back at the Blue Feather camp, the orgy begins in earnest, sealing the bond between the three armies already assembled. Meanwhile, Rufus' party explores another room in Belthin's tower, only to receive an unexpected that might prove deadly.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Thirty-fourth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 1

B - 12

C - 1

1 - 10

2 - 1

3 - 3

Additional Votes:

* Skaeth is up to something - 4 * Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely) - 10

* Kyte's submission, and more Kyte screentime - 18

* Campfire tale for Urta and/or Urtan - 6

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it - 9

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; Family dynamics in action - 4

Vote Options in Progress:

* Wisselfleur and Imogen seduced by Rufus (Adel included)

* Training Crystal (making her more combat-ready)

* Steampunk Trio's fate

* Appearance of Jonna the she-minotaur

Author Notes

Seems like folks want to go with the side of caution as well as see things through before pausing for fun and rewards. Due to double-posting weirdness (glitches do happen, sadly), I may have missed a few votes, but I think I got enough so as to get the majority's ruling.

Also, I do pay attention to suggestions made for scenes and such that readers would like to see, stuff that doesn't even need to make it to the "additional votes" section. Feel free to share ideas in your comments, and I'll note them down to see if I can make them happen later.

Also, sorry for being late with this. My cold medication kicked in right in the middle, and I woke up at the keyboard in a puddle of my own drool before having to head off to the early morning shift at work.

Pathfinding Thirty-fourth Entry

* At the Blue Feather Camp *

Carver couldn't help but grin in delight as he stroked his large paws down the smooth backs of the nubile teens crouching before him, admiring how their sleek, heart-shaped little bottoms lifted with his fingertips like kittens being petted for the first time, making it easy for him to caress their pert, young curves, his rough paw spreading them open from behind, baring all their secret pink treasures to the assembly beyond the main table. The burly bearman's fingers found the tender little creases of the girls' slits, and almost immediately both of them gasped at the astonishingly expert touch of the normally rowdy barbarian leader. At first, Carver's erection had demanded all his attention, tenting his loincloth to its limits as he looked down at the glistening girls, their skin slick with a sweet-smelling body oil that not only enhanced their appearances and sensitivity, but also obviously tasted as good as it smelled. Most of those who knew him would have expected the huge, brawny brawler bear to simply flip the two tasty morsel before him around and plow their pussies with his muzzle for a while, until he was ready to do the same with his immense cock, popping their cherries one by one and leaving a heavy load of bearsperm swimming up each of their soon-to-be-stretched inner channels. Those who knew Carver best, though, would have expected what he did instead.

"I've got a thing for redheads," growled the cinnamon-furred grizzly at Windtooth, motioning the wolfen Alpha over, even as his massive paws gently lifted little Zane up, seating the little cleric on one treetrunk thigh. "But I hate having my fun alone," he added, and Windtooth smiled in response, similarly lifting Phan and resting her on his own softer-furred thigh, so that the two girls could see each other clearly. "These two're virgins," explained Carver as he leaned Zane back onto one arm, the paw of the other arm stroking over her perky breasts, clawtips teasing her broad, puffy nipples, before starting to stroke down her trim tummy, making the poor girl tremble and lift her hips in anticipation, her hands clutching tightly to the arm against which her back was resting. "Unless I've got a good reason to go rough on somebody their first time, like dominance, I like to make a defloration...special."

Windtooth watched, rapt, as did Phan, as he realized the big bear, though younger than him, was about to show the big wolfen something new. Leaning his long muzzle over Phan's shoulder, he flicked his tongue over the tops of the girl's breasts, tasting her sweat as it mingled with the sweet oil with which she'd been coated, before tilting Phan slightly back, making it easier for him to gently gnaw and then suckle on each tasty teat, leaving light red marks where his teeth pricked her delicate light mustard-tone skin, making her whimper in rising passion, while still letting the other girl continue to watch Carver's play with her friend.

Carver's fingers found Zane's bald-waxed cunny already dripping wet when he caressed her tender folds. Obviously, both girls had been given plenty of loving attention by whoever had oiled them up. Glancing around, Carver smirked as he saw Zael watching nearby, one hand working beneath her loincloth as the Alpha female moaned loudly: a likely culprit. Carver made a mental note to properly thank the golden-furred she-wolfen properly later, maybe splitting her with her mate, in more ways than one. But back to the matter at paw, Carver grinned at the loud cry he elicited from the wriggly little redhead as he just let his paw engulf her most tender, precious places, arching the heel of his palm right into the middle of her nearly gushing wetness. Her hips bucking, her back arching, Zane's head pressed back against Carver's chest, both her small hands grabbing tight to the forearm of the hand working between her trembling thighs, though whether she was pushing him away or pulling him in, he couldn't really tell. Not that it mattered, as her knuckles suddenly turned white, her mouth opening to give a loud scream as a powerful clitoral orgasm started to crash over her, only for the sound to be deeply muffled as Carver bent his muzzle to catch Zane's, his astonishingly long, smooth tongue caressing her own as she squirmed against his hand, soaking his fur up to the wrist.

Not far off, Windtooth slowly bent Phan over his knees, resting her on his lap on all-fours like a cat. As she lowered her head, hiking her bum higher as she got a closer look at her best friend's pleasuring at the paws of the big bear, the wolfen leaned in, his tongue lapping and lashing over her delicate folds with slick, loud noises of lupine delight. Gripping her hands tightly on the soft fur of Windtooth's inner thighs, Phan's first orgasm was much more quiet than her friend's, but no less powerful, her juices soon coating the length of the Alpha's talented tongue.

"Gotta work it in slow," Carver was growling, his free arm now wrapped tightly around Zane, pinning the writhing redhead's arms to her sides, even as he pinned her legs between his thighs as he closed them, holding her fast as he continued to press his paw inward, gently working a finger between the bucking girl's now perfectly smooth pussy lips. "Take lots of time on it, stretch that hymen just a little bit at a time." He grinned as Zane wailed loudly in the throes of another orgasm, fighting against the brawny bear's greater strength in her attempts to force his fingers inside of her. "Don't wanna hurt the little girlie, after all. Naw, this's gonna feel good, and nothing but."

Phan's discipline was far greater than Zane's, and as she heard Carver's words, she did her best to hold herself still, like a she-wolf asking to be mounted, her legs spread as far as possible. Behind her, she felt the wolfen alpha's tongue pressing in then pulling back, doing the same for her that Carver's fingers were doing for Zane. There was a sense of pressure, sort of like the feeling that came when you were working off a scab, nice and slow, but a lot wetter, and a lot more powerful, because it was accompanied by a sense of...something, something bigger and more intense than anything Phan had ever experienced before in her life. She didn't blame Zane for squealing like a greased piglet until Carver squeezed the fingers of the hand wrapped around her arms into her mouth to quiet her, the redhead immediately starting to greedily suckle on the outthrust digits, moaning loudly around their thick length. Every so often, Windtooth's tongue would flick over Phan's clitty with especially firm force, and the poor Cho-Lini girl had to clench her teeth tightly, exerting all her self-mastery to keep from turning into a sex-possessed fiend like her best friend, whose pleading eyes conveyed the depths of her desperation to finally give up that final barrier to the pleasures of the adult world.

"Almost there..." chuckled Carver as he started to work his two fingers a little deeper with each thrust, making sure to work them in a tight circle each time, adding plenty of stimulation to Zane's lovebutton, until her juices were soaking the fur of his thighs against the skin beneath. Phan's concentration, however, finally broke as Windtooth glanced over at Zael and made the slightest of motions with his head. She, knowing her mate and Alpha male well, immediately noticed the gesture, and carefully disentangled herself from the knot of male bearfolk that had been starting to form around her, eager for a chance at gang-banging the sexy MILF she-wolf. Suddenly, Phan's hyper-sensitive, delicate little cunny was assaulted by not one, but two astonishingly skilled and very long and impossibly smooth wolfen tongues, one of them teasing into the crease of her tense little anus every so often, a finger lightly probing that forbidden entrance. In that heartbeat, Phan's back arched like a cat's, her loud screech of orgasm distinctly feline as her fingertips raked Windtooth's thighs. Only an instant later, Phan was vaguely aware of seeing Carver's fingers, first one, then a second, and soon after a third, sink smoothly into Zane's cunny without any resistance, before her attention was totally dominated by the feeling of her own tender teenaged quim being filled simultaneously by two writhing wolftongues, touching her in places she'd never even dreamed were possible.

Reluctantly, Windtooth pulled his head back, licking the copious juices Phan had squirted onto his muzzle as he'd hit both G-spot and A-spot alike with his mate's help. Carver was licking his own soaked paw clean, obviously relishing the tang of the redhead's succulent juices.

"Going have to do that more often," he said to the burly bruin with a chuckle, before lifting the still-spasming Phan, holding her tightly against her uncontrollable orgasmic spasms. "On the table, in front of everyone," he said, motioning with his muzzle to the rest of the room. Carver nodded, and soon both girls were positioned side-by-side, bottoms high, heads down, before the powerful males behind each of them seized the girls' upraised tushies, powerful fingers squeezing into their delicate, smooth skin, while each rubbed the tip of his respective cock against the heavily-flushed cunny of his chosen partner, the lightest touch against those tender folds making the girls' juices flow even more copiously. Each male took a moment to look at the other leader of his people, a toothy grin shared between them. Then they both looked downward, each at the perfectly heart-shaped bottom before each male, at the delicate, winking rosebud directly above each snug, slick slit, rosebuds that each male silently promised himself he would deflower right after he'd finished with the girl's first virginity. At the same instant, each male's rump tensed, his belly tightened...and they both squeeeeeezed themselves forward, nice and slow, inch by juicy, gushing, clenching little inch.

The orgasmic wails of the two teens as they were each filled simultaneously by their first hot, throbbing cock was the final straw for the onlookers. Immediately, what few clothing was still being worn was tossed carelessly aside, and servers were bent over tables, on their bellies and on their backs, nobody caring much about species any more. The pretty she-bear who'd been tending the ale casks squealed in delight as she hunched over the burly wolfen she'd clocked with a wooden mug only a short while ago, while behind her the elfboy who'd squeezed her butt was sharing the same hole as the wolfen beneath the sow, both of them thrusting into her clenching cunny at the same time. Zael was given as little warning as any server, as she found herself pulled down, yelping like a puppy as her tailhole was stretched apart on a thick bearspike, before her cry was muffled by another thick ursine member plunging into her open muzzle, followed soon after by a third plugging her pussy. Marlene found herself crying out loudly, the ponytailed blonde girl's voice mingling with that of blue-haired Kaia and several other elves who'd been acting as servers, males as well as females, as they were lined up, then mounted by the eager, bestial males all around them, while their mouths were often made use of by the equally-eager females. Marlene was vaguely aware of her human friends and former party members being pulled down into a circle of eager elves and wolfen together, males and females mingling without consideration, before the first of many orgasms overwhelmed her senses as a thick penis, its owner unknown, plowed into her defenseless quim from behind.

The night was alive with the sounds of pleasure. And with each cry of orgasm, the three armies were drawn that much closer together.

* At the Tower of Belthin *

"This is powerful magic," said Ryg, stroking her hands over the collars of the two pubescent elven boys, who watched her with gazes red-eyed and blue, hopeful for their freedom. Shara worked alongside the she-wolfen shamaness, the vixentaur frowning in concentration as she worked on overcoming the locking mechanisms with her magic, while Ryg worked on the enchantments. "It's intended to make the wearer quite subservient." She half-glanced at Rufus, mostly to get his attention than because she needed to face him to see him. "I suppose I could turn its use to your will if you wanted..."

"Naw, 's'okay," said Rufus with a smirk, giving Adel, standing near him, a squeeze on her bum, making her have to muffle her giggle at the shameless gesture. "I prefer mine free-willed...well..." he grinned toothily, shrugging, "most of the time. Keep 'em around, though, just in case. Now spill, you two: what's in those rooms downstairs?"

Each boy gasped softly in turn as the collar popped from around his neck, and they both rubbed the delicate skin beneath, looking up at their wolfen rescuer worshipfully.

"My name is Calanon," said the high elven boy. "My companion is Durion. We served the sorceress Belthin for half a decade together, gifts from the slaver Praxis. You have freed us from our slavery, and for that, we both owe you debts we cannot fully repay."

"We'll try, though," chimed in the dark-skinned drow boy with a roguish smirk, neither of them apparently ashamed of their near-nudity as they stood there, wearing only filmy, see-through loincloths that did little to disguise their smooth, slender male parts. "Trust me, anything we know, you'll know. Belthin keeps her heart down below. Not her real heart, of course: the heart of her magic. It's well-guarded, though. I've never been allowed in there, but she once threw a barbarian that got her mad in there." Both elfboys shuddered in unison at the memory.

"That scream still lives in my nightmares," said Calanon, shaking his head free of the lingering recollection. "I know that one of the rooms on the second floor is where our former mistress kept her heart, while the other is a bathing chamber, very pleasant, with every convenience you could want. The two, though, change places from time to time. It's never really certain which you're about to enter, unless Belthin wishes it otherwise."

"It's a coin toss, really," Durion explained. "She figures nobody can get past her guardian, whatever it is, so she's not that concerned about intruders ending up in one place or the other."

"Lucky for us, then," Rufus said, motioning for the party to follow him as he turned back toward the stairs, "that we've got an all-seeing angel with us. Tell me about the lower levels after the second floor while we walk."

"The ground floor is the entry hall and assembly area," Calanon continued, just as Rufus asked. "It's a lot wider and spread out than the rest of the tower, almost like a proper keep."

"Below that," Durion continued, the two apparently having grown accustomed to speaking together, somewhat like some twins did, in their time spent in Belthin's service, "is the dungeon. That's where Belthin keeps her prisoners. It's also where she keeps some of her nastier pets, the ones she can't let wander around anywhere else." The drow boy scowled in distaste. "It's also where she has her playroom for her more...extreme tastes."

Calanon shuddered at the mention of the dungeon playroom, though Durion seemed to take it more in stride, even if he obviously didn't like it; likely a drow thing. The boys continued their explanation of the different floors, but their descriptions didn't really go beyond what Rufus had already guessed: places that would be interesting to a mage, especially one intending to hang around in one place for a long time, but not really much use to them in the present. It was only a matter of minutes, then, before they returned to the second floor, where they'd started this trip into the lair of the sorceress. Rufus glanced at Lesage expectantly, and the helpful angelgirl promptly pointed toward one of the two doors. As Rufus approached it, he smelled brimstone for just an instant, then shrugged - may as well risk it all. He glanced back, motioning Lesage and the two elfboys back with one hand, while the other slid his magical elven blade from its sheath, bringing it up to bear.

"Now," he growled softly, before delivering a swift kick to the door, lunging forward just enough to let the others get around him in an instant if it was needed. In that instant, Rufus blinked, seeing that, rather than some fire-scathed room with hideous guardian demons to protect it, the room before him was mostly filled with steam, and the sound of trickling water.

"Huh," the grey-furred wolfen muttered, taking another step forward, barely able to make out a sizable fountain in front of him with delicate sculptures of dolphins in coitus with sea nymphs. "Well, at least Belthin has good ta-YAH!"

Rufus leaped back, saved by his savage reflexes, as something churned up from the depths of the pool, the writhing, sinuous form flexing toward him, grasping tendrils of water extending outward as though they would engulf the entire party!

Path Choices

A) Aaah! Kill it, kill it, kill it!

B) Er...let's just back out the way we came. And lock the door behind us.

C) Um...hello?