Thrown to the Lions

Story by jamesbeast on SoFurry

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#1 of A Fox in the Lions' Den

Disclaim... homoerotic...vore... come on folks this is yiffstar... what do you expect NOTE TO READERS: it takes a while to get to the action, particularly the vore... Thrown to the Lions Clyde sighed. It seemed like, as soon as he had gotten use to it just being him and his mom, presto, she had found a new soul-mate. The 15-year-old fox couldn't blame her. It had been four years since his father died, and Clyde knew she deserved to be happy. It was just happening very fast. His mom had only met Mr. Masters, Aaron Clyde's mom called him, a few months ago. They met at a dinner party for his mothers' boss, Ms. Kaldera. Clyde's mom, Stella Windom, was her personal assistant, a glamorized but well paid secretary; while Aaron Masters was the Kaldera family's lawyer. They ended up sitting at the same table while the higher ups were giving their speeches congratulating Ms. Kaldera on her successes, while praying she wouldn't one day take their positions. Stella and Aaron, not needing to kiss-up, paid little interest to these speeches, instead choosing regale one another with stories off Ms. Kaldera's penitent for loosing various objects. Soon they were laughing, embarrassingly loud, and by the end of that night they had agreed to have coffee in the morning. Two months ago Mr. Masters proposed to Mrs. Windom and that day they were married by the captain of the ship, Ms. Kaldera's yacht. The day after his mom had gotten home she told her son the news. This did of course catch off-guard the young Clyde, who had only ever heard about his new stepfather. To right this, Stella had her two beloveds meet via video-conferencing laptops, wedding gifts from Ms. Kaldera. Clyde was slightly intimidated by Aaron. The large, broad shouldered lion was larger than he expected, though he appeared to have very little fat on his body. There was power in his deep voice, majesty in his oak pelt, an authority in his black mane, wisdom in his green eyes. He seemed nice enough, but Clyde feared if it was just an act. "So your mom tells me you're on a couple of the sports teams, a real up and comer." "Yes sir. Tennis, track, and swimming." Clyde responded "Now, now, no need for sirs, Aaron will be just fine." "Okay," "Well from the sounds of it you'll get along just fine with my boys, they're into spots as well..." "Great," Clyde thought "jock-stepbrothers, just what I need. Bet they play football or wrestle." ", wrestling..." Aaron had continued "Called it," Clyde's inner monologue continued. "...two of them swim..." Clyde was a little happy to see they weren't just into contact sports. "... and my youngest even runs track." "Really?" "Indeed, Oliver's only a few months older than you, I think you'll like him. Heck, I think you'll all love each other, but Oliver's the one you'll have the most in common with at the start, and heaven knows he's been excited to be having a younger sibling." "Stepsibling," Clyde corrected. "Now don't be saying things like that. Family is a serious matter at our house, and the way we see I you're family the second we hug ya, so saying those kinds of things will only hurt my boys' feelings. They really love each other, and they're going to want you to love them and to love you too." Clyde wasn't expecting this turn in the conversation. "Matter of fact, soon as you're comfortable with it, I'd like to start calling you son." "Is he for real," Clyde thought. His mom wasn't over his shoulder, but she was probably in earshot. But did Aaron know that? "Now I'd understand if you never call me dad. You normally only have one of them, but another son is something I'd be more than happy with." "Okay... well I my mom forgot to charge the laptop, so I'm going to have to let you go and try to hunt down the cable." "Alright, Clyde, if you want to talk to me again, just tell your mother and we'll arrange it." Clyde never did. With her apartment contract soon to expire, Stella Windom-Masters told her son that they were going to be moving in with her new husband in less than two months. Those months were now over. It was moving day, and Clyde was anxious, both about his new stepfather and his three new stepbrothers.

When they arrived at their new home, Clyde was taken with how large the estate was. The house was no mansion, but the massive two storied home made the apartment seem that much smaller. Furthermore, there seemed to be some sort of guesthouse or workshop behind the main building. Beyond that rolled a hilly orchard with the fence barely in sight. It was all impressive, all better than what he and his mother had before, but Clyde wasn't sure he was welcome, yet. Aaron Masters soon exited his house, followed by three teenage lions of similar size. Now Clyde, at 6'2", was hardly small, he was actually abnormally large for a fox, but he still felt a little nervous about their size. The smallest of these lions was the fox's height, and all were much more muscular. "Calm down, Clyde," he thought to himself, "they're big, you're skinny, but if it comes to a fight, your paws are probably faster." Indeed, Clyde was no pansy. He punched like trained boxer and had learned how to fight dirty far at a young age. Before leaving the car, Clyde sized up his new family. Aaron was still larger than his sons, a towering 6½' feet tall. Next in height was the eldest son- "Knox," Clyde recalled- around 6'5" and in even better shape than his father. From what Clyde could make out through the dark gray fur, he supposed Knox had as little fat on him as healthily possible, and muscles that would make some bodybuilders jealous. Knox's younger brothers, Trent 6'3" and Oliver 6'2", were similarly built, though each was less dramatically muscled than his elder sibling. With a deep breath and a somewhat forced smile, Clyde opened the door and stepped onto his new driveway. The lions smiled invitingly, though Trent's was a bit of a smirk. Oliver, Clyde noticed, looked particularly excited. Aaron crossed the concrete and greeted his wife with a hug and a quick kiss. "We made him promise not to make out with her in front of us for at least a week," Trent quipped. Clyde laughed and turned to face the lion-teens. "I know who you are." There was a deafeningly awkward silence for split second. "I mean I know your names and stuff... so you don't have to introduce your selves." "Oh, alright then," Knox said, signaling that the tone of paranoia in the first remark was to be ignored, "Well, dad's told us about you... so I guess we're all set, name-wise and what-not. Need help with your bags?" "Yeah, thanks." After the boys had unloaded the contents of Stella's car into the living room, the four brothers plopped themselves down on the couch. Oliver, sitting between Clyde and Knox, had placed his arms over their shoulders. Knox laid his head back on his younger brother's arm, but Clyde was not yet comfortable with this much contact. "Umm... so where is my room?" "Well... we haven't really figured that out," Oliver said. "What Oli means," Knox explained, "is that you have two choices. You can take the guest room, or..." "Or what?" "Or you can shack up with us," Trent blurted nonchalantly. "Yeah we've got room in our... room." Oliver's excitement was impairing his mental thesaurus. "Oh... I'll... have to think that over." Despite a growing trust of the lions, a part of Clyde was simply not comfortable with the idea of sleeping in a room with three guys he barely knew, particularly guys he felt could overpower him. "We can deal with that later; how 'bout we give you a little tour?" Knox suggested.

Having seen nearly every room in the house, the lion boys' room being one of the ones skipped over, Clyde was being lead to the building behind the house. "So your really not going to tell me what it is?" "Nope, ruin the surprise." Knox opened the door. "Wow," was all Clyde could muster. The building was a gym, a private workout paradise, with a menagerie of machines, a fine set of free-weights, tumbling mats, a gymnastic trampoline, and a pool in the basement. "Dad's kinda an exercise freak, or was... he hasn't come back here in a couple years, just runs." Clyde gave Knox's words little attention, taken aback by just how much equipment there was. "No wonder you guys are so..." "Buff, ripped, studly?" Trent suggested. "Don't worry lil bro, we'll get you bulked up in no time," Oliver vowed, slapping Clyde on the back. There was a moment of pause, a waiting, as no one had yet called Clyde brother. "We'll just see about that. Not sure I have the genes for it." "Nonsense," Knox dismissed, "Heck, it's our job to get you strong after all." "Boys, time for dinner," Aaron roared from the back porch on which he was grilling.

An hour after they finished eating Clyde managed to sneak off, knowing familiar solitude would help him sort out his feelings. Dinner had been great; everyone passing around plates and bowls, smiling, Clyde had even mustered up the courage to tell some jokes, one of which drew milk from Trent's nose. Throughout all of it there remained a warmth of hospitality, a loving welcome, which had slowly eroded much of Clyde's apprehension. Even more so, Clyde was beginning to sense how earnestly the young lions had adopted him as a brother, and how much love that entailed. He was even a little guilty about how standoffish he had been earlier. "They you are buddy." Clyde turned his head to see Oliver approaching, shirt off, in pajama-pants "Its getting kinda late... need help carrying your stuff?" "Sure, hope there's enough space in our room." " 'Space' that's the word I was looking... our room!" The lion grinned, and the two boys quickly dashed to the living room, picked up the suitcases, and frantically carried them up the stairs into the bedroom. Trent and Knox had just taken their shirts off and were standing just a little left of the bed. "There's only one bed..." That possibility hadn't donned on Clyde. Before he could respond, or even come to a conclusion about the matter, his brothers had tackled him. His back on the bed, Clyde did what he could against the lions, but he was no match for their strength. Wrestling for the first time with their littlest brother, the lions took care not to hurt him, as they slowed pulled each garment off. By the time they had finished stripping him down into his briefs, Clyde had noticed the care that was being taken on his account. The fox, his body in constant contact with the massive muscles of his brothers, could feel how relaxed they were, and realized how much more force they could have exerted. Trent leaped up and hit the light-switch before rejoining the pile-up. Knox and Oliver, meanwhile, had pulled the sheets and comforter over themselves and Clyde. The wrestling soon subsided, only to be replaced be vigorous snuggling. "This is...different," Clyde thought. He couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Sharing a room with three other guys was one thing; sharing a queen-sized bed was another. But something in Clyde was changing. As he felt the breaths, the heartbeats, the sensually slow shifting of his new brothers, Clyde felt a state of bliss wash liver him. His cock was not hardening, as the euphoria was not sexual in nature. Rather, the involuntary movement was in Clyde's face: a smile grew. Suddenly everything felt right. The large muscular arms encircling him were no longer constricting him so much as they were anchoring him to safety. The goliath lion-bodies beside him were now his safety blankets. All throughout his body, Clyde noticed the tension fading. As he closed his eyes, in the seconds before slumber, Clyde realized he had begun to purr.

"Morning sleepy-head." Clyde's eyes finished adjusting and confirmed that the voice was that of Knox. After a quick glance about, they gathered that it was 8:00 in the morning, the other boys had already gotten up, and that Knox must have been lying there watching Clyde sleep. "Snoozing lil brothers are always adorable..." Knox quipped, though an explanation was not necessary. "Where are the others?" Clyde was more that a little disappointed to not awaken in the same warm heap of muscle and mane he fell asleep in. "They're already up and doing chores. I cooked breakfast earlier, but it wouldn't be a problem for me to fix you something." "So he came back to bed for me..." Clyde thought. He lunged, embracing Knox in as tight as hug as the cheetah could muster. Then, in a whisper of intimacy, not shame, "I love you three..." The lion smiled and returned the hug. "We three are going to have to have that talk soon," he thought.

After getting dressed and combed, Clyde went down stairs for his breakfast. The omelet was there, but Knox was absent. The only fur at the table was Aaron. "Hey," Clyde paused for a split second before saying, "Dad." Aaron lowered his newspaper and returned the smile. "Sleep well son?" There never seemed to be any hesitation in his voice. "Yeah it was actually pretty comfy and warm and..." Clyde couldn't think of a way to explain it, at least without sounding like he had the hots for his brothers. "Safe?" Clyde nodded, "Yeah, safe." "Good to hear. I know the boys enjoyed your company." "Where are they, anyway?" "I sent your brothers on some errands..." Aaron held back a cringe. "I could've gone with if they had just waited." Clyde was a little hurt. "They wanted you to go but I thought you could use some time alone." "No... I mean I like hanging out with..." Clyde was suddenly confused. "I know, but I also know how excitable those three are, even if Trent tries to hide it. I was afraid that, if they spent all day with you, they might go a little over board... try to make up 15 years of big-brothering. Put plainly, I didn't want them suffocating you, figuratively or literally. One day of overbearing could wreck your relationship for weeks." "Oh..." Clyde ate his omelet in silence, mulling over what the lion had said. It made some sense, but still seemed off. Aaron found it all but impossible to remain seated. He hated lying, particularly to his sons, but knew that the other boys needed to come to their own consensus about what to do. Till then, Clyde had to remain ignorant to their secret.

For three lion-teens the morning had been quite successful. In the solitude of their gym's soundproofed basement, they stripped both their clothes, and those of their prey. The bear, the raccoon, and the weasel were just regaining consciousness. "Well well well, you boys enjoy the nap?" Trent did enjoy playing with his food. The semiconscious furs only groaned as discomfort set in. "Got headaches? Yeah, a good sleeper hold will do that to ya'." Trent's cock, like his brothers', was half-hardened with anticipation. Oliver had taken to fondling his own balls as he listened to his brother, who continued, "Not that a headache's a problem any one of you should be fretting about. No, you boys should be more concerned by the fact that your locked in a room with three paragons of masculinity who just happened to catch you collecting "protection money" from middle-schoolers. Now I can see how the movies might have glorified racketeering, but 12year-olds, you should know better than that." "If you're done, charging and judging, might I suggest we move on to the finer details of their sentencing?" "Well I don't know about Trent, but that bears a little wide for me." Oliver conceded. "Nah, I'm in a lazy mood," Trent wasn't completely sure he could have anyway, "In fact, I think I'll take the weasel, thin and flexible means easy to swallow." "Like your cock, right?" Oliver teased. "Come over here and find out bro!" "Knock it off you too, it's about time," Knox had already observed the one bullies attempting to stand, "The raccoon will be the largest thing you've eaten, Oliver. He's got a lot of muscle to him, for a coon that is. You sure you can handle him?" "Sure thing." "Alright then. Lets get this party going." Trent smirked as he picked up the weasel-boy, allowing it to stand, its hands braced against the wall. The other brothers followed suit. The six teens stood in a line, three of them with hardons inches from their prey's tail-hole. "Who'll start us off?" Knox asked his brothers. The lions all found watching one of their own to be the best form of porn. This stimulation made the fucking and eating that much better, for the watchers at least. The starter received as his only consolation the chance to watch the other two finish their meals and attempt to paw off at this, if he had another orgasm in him. "How about Oli?" Trent suggested, coolly enough to hide the fact that the younger lion's progression had become incredibly hot in his own mind. Indeed, he knew watching Oliver break his personal record would make those last moments of yiff beyond compare. "If he's alright with it..." "Sure, but Trent does it next time," Oliver actually enjoyed having his brother's watch him almost as much as he enjoyed watching them. The young lion wasted no time, wrenching the raccoon's arms to the bully's navel, leaving only his head and the very top of his chest braced on against the wall. With his cock, all 11-inches of it, properly positioned, Oliver thrusted into the still dazed raccoon. The coon moaned as the virginity of his tail-hole was plundered, but even he couldn't tell if the moan was of pleasure or pain. Three more thrusts without withdrawal and Oliver's balls hit raccoon fur. He glanced casually at his brothers, both of whom were leaking pre; he noticed Trent had even begun to drool. After winking at the elder lions, Oliver returned his attention to the coon. The muscular teen started to pull out, slowly, stopping halfway. That was the last bit of entertaining Oliver would do that day. Suddenly, with the ferocity of thunderstorm, Oliver resumed his thrusts. In and out, with almost blurring speed the lion pounded his meat. Knox immediately took the bear with his own 15-inch member, but Trent was waiting for something. Oliver roared as his seed filled the raccoon. He pulled out of his meal and pulled said coon from the wall. As Oliver's maw engulfed the raccoon's head, Trent sent his eagerly pulsing 13-inch cock into the ferret's tail-hole. Drawing on deadlift practice, Oliver raised the raccoon above his head. With gravity's help, the raccoon's shoulders made their way into the lion's throat. "I can do this!" Oliver thought. Making the same realization about his brother, Trent began to fuck the ferret wildly. Despite the absurd pace and power of his thrusts, however, the sandy-maned lion maintained his focused gaze. Oliver mouth was now at the raccoon's waist, and the now confident lion was taking time to savor this record meal. Luckily for Trent, the savoring was short lived, as Oliver's stomach demanded its meal in full. With one final tilt of the head, Oliver pushed the coon's feet into is mouth, and with three gulps his meal was done. This caused Trent to blow his load, and he swiftly slurped the ferret in thereafter. For his part Knox had no problems with the bear, and was even able to shoot his second load of cum into the ursine while its ribs were fully engulfed by his mouth. After patting his stomach and watching his brothers finish, the eldest lion spoke up, "Well, now that we've had our pleasure, its time for business." "Meaning?" asked Trent. "Meaning Clyde. We have to decide what we're going to do with him." "He looks tasty enough!" Trent was teasing.... "No! Absolutely not!" ...but Oliver had already become an overprotective older sibling. "He is not food!" "Kidding!" Trent, and Knox for that matter, felt a twinge of pride as their little brother protected his little brother. "I know he's not on the menu... yet." "Seriously guys," Knox wished his brothers knew when not to pick at each other, "We need to figure this out." "I say we turn him," Trent announced, "He's part of the family," Oliver was presently surprised by this statement, " so he has a right to join in all the fun." "That's easy to say, but things are more complicated than that. Dad brought us up knowing we'd be predators. He made sure we would go on a spree, eating innocent furs." "I don't think we have to worry about that..." Oliver chimed in. The others looked at him, "Clyde's a good kid, and you guys can tell that too. We just have to teach him the rules, and keep an eye on him till he gets used to the urges." "You're probably right," Knox noted, "but that still leaves one question." "And that would be?" Trent asked. "How do we go about informing him of our family secret without him freaking-out?" "Oh..."