The Time Thereafter Prelude 2/2
Second part to my little story thing, hope it's enjoyable to read and not too dark.
The Time Thereafter
Prelude Part 2
"_ Beginnings Untold _"
The kit awoke to the sounds of bangs and crashes outside of the small room, having been returned to it's cage. Though it's eyes opened to a splendid light of some color changing glow, and looking around to see it was eminating from it's fur pattern. The kit also looked more mature and well treated now, as if by some miracle. Yet it still sat locked away in a cold prison, waiting for the unseen future.
The bangs had subsided, replaced by an eerie and chilling quiet that filled the air. Suddenly the buzzing of a blaring alarm rings out through the room, a voice speaking from a p.a system in a panicked manner. "All personel on site evacuate emediately, priority six samples have escaped! Full facility purge is not optional!" Moments later the door to the room burst down, a scientist running in and quickly opening the cage. She looks at the cat with a look that shows concern and greif as she ties a small vial of a green chemical around it's neck.
She checks behind her and looks around before moving away from the cage. "Go, get out of here you cat! Run and get out while you can!" With that she takes her own advice, running out of the room just as a fire starts in the far corner. The cat jumps down from it's cage, breaking into a sprint as the alarms blare loudly. The sounds of distant shouting and cries as scientists flee in every direction, forcing the cat to swerve and dodge between legs as it sprints down the concrete halls.
This psychotic situation goes on for what seems like days before a large doorway finally comes into veiw, but hope starts to fade as the steel doors begin to close. Sevral scientists sprint for the door, the rest fumbling and screaming for them to hold the doors open just a little longer. The cat senses the desperation of the situation, running full speed as the doors grow ever closer to sealing. With one last burst of effort the cat manages to fling himself through the small crack of the door just as it closes. It tumbles and skids, landing with a thud against actual dirt.
As it sits up and looks around to inspect if it is safe to rest, the facility explodes in front of it and causes sevral other explosions. The blast knocking the cat back and leaving the breath knocked out of him, pillars of smoke and fire looming off of the ruins infront of him. He grunts painfully and limps out of the way of some shrapnel falling from the sky. He raises his eyes and looks away from the destruction, the horizon beyond is covered with what used to be a city long since destroyed.
With weak legs and ringing ears the weary cat walks onwards to the only path availible to him, into this forgotten city. Free at last, but freed into what world. Only time would tell for this lone traveller.