Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 7: Magic for Beginners

Story by Lorddaventry on SoFurry

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Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 7: Magic for Beginners   Gloomy clouds pushed in front of the bright moon back and forth, and brought an eerie shadow over a dark fortress. Adoptable armors moved behind the battlements and let the menacing look of their yellow eye-lights glide over the terrain. Through long corridors echoed the faint sound of fast consecutive steps. The person was wearing a serious expression, holding an open letter in his right hand. With a heavy jolt the door was pushed open in the throne room and he joined the high halls. Two voices echoed through the room. He quickly walked over to the stone chair, but he found his master not only as expected before. A strange figure hovering beside him. This was wrapped in a gray robe, which was decorated with some strange emblems. Five of them were known to him before, but it was yet another present. One that he had not seen before. The man's face he could not see in the shadow of the hood. Kargesh and the stranger talked tense. "How difficult can that be Kargesh?" said the appearance energetic. "It takes the right people, those with a strong soul." he replied with a deep faint giggle and kept doing his bony hands together, his eyes on the stranger. "My soul vessels have huge claims." he added in amusement. "What the selection of victims, unfortunately, increasingly limits."The stranger saw the silver mask in silence. Kargesh held an open hand forward. "Do not worry." he began. About his palm a small purple shimmering cloud pulled together and took the form of a gemstone, embedded in a metal ring, which had the appearance of a self-devouring snake. The head large stone shone with two colors. A dark flame red, which moved seamlessly into a flowing midnight blue. A shadow moved in the vessel like a beating heart."Arkas was so friendly." he began slowly with a sinister chuckle. "And it also works as advertised?" asked the phenomenon seriously. "Yes. And yet a little more, hehehe." Kargesh replied with a purple sheen in the eyes. "In what way?" persisted the stranger. "With the help of Arkas power I could get free Mustaine, Broderick, Ellefson and Drover from their eternal imprisonment." "The undead generals of the Northern Kingdom?!" interrupted the stranger surprised in the word. Kargesh approached curved his interlocutor and looked at him with his violet gaze. "Not THE generals of the Northern Kingdom. Now MY generals of the Northern Kingdom.""Their shadow will fall upon the land as a putrid disease. Eagerly he will suck the life and strengthen its ranks with it." he said, and turned to his throne. "They will be my Megadeath!" he shouted at the ceiling while he held his arms apart. His diabolical laughter echoed through the room. "And the power of Kyleth?" asked the apparition skeptical. "You cant rob forces from a dead guardian." Kargesh raised his arm and opened his hand. About the palm is another spongy image of dark smoke began to form. An identical jewel was to be seen. But with the difference that the stone had no color. The dark lord closed his hand and the image of the empty soul vessel vanished at the same time. "The ritual will work." A weak laugh accompanied his last words. "And what about the preparations for this?" hooked the stranger determining after. Kargesh threw his dark look briefly into the void, before turning to the unknown. "Are almost complete." he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Last only missing the dragon and his companion. I hope he will be ready for it?" he added darkly. "Because if Roland not survived the process our agreement is lapsed!" "Why is that Roland so important to you?" asked the curious phenomenon. Kargesh approached him and raised his eyes, which was accompanied by a very quick flashes out of his silver mask. "That's not part of our deal." came as a serious answer. "So, I hope he is ready for it?" he repeated his words again. The stranger lifted his head. "Oh he will, and after the ritual you can have him as promised, the dragon and everything else I'll..." He broke off his sentence and turned frantically to the messenger to come to. A quick hand movement, and the stranger had disappeared shortly thereafter in a ring of flames. Kargesh looked at the messenger with a curved posture. "What?!" he threw him slightly angry at the feet. The man winced scared and stopped for a brief moment are intimidated. After he swallowed once empty he made the final steps toward his master. "A message from Sorlacom, sir." he said, slightly shakily holding out the letter. Greedy, the man under the silver mask grabbed the document and read it hastily. The menacing glint in his eyes grew brighter, accompanied by a sinister chuckle. He turned his gaze to the messenger. "More vessels will be needed." The messenger nodded to his master once and walked away silently out of the hall. The diabolical laughter of his lord accompanied him. ......  In a conference room in Drakensang there was a tense atmosphere. Harkin leaned thoughtfully over a map spread out on the round table. More men held up in space. All uniformed and with a very serious look on the face. The ornaments on the chests after they were captains and generals. Mardon was also among them. "The reports are at best vague." said one of the men. "However, let not out of consideration." He continued. Harkin grabbed his chin thoughtfully. The white dragon claw around his neck tightly clasped. "At best, vague?" he muttered to himself skeptical. Wearily, he fell into his chair and took a deep breath. "Such reports are not appeared for ages. This was long before the Hunter War. The Sorati had eradicated the disease at that time. "Thoughtfully, he let his gaze wander over the map area of Kaladros. "Is there news of the Dragoner from Tura'an?" asked the king tired. "None. My Lord." replied a captain. "I did not expect anything else." Harkin said worried, glancing at the map area was labeled with Tura'an. "The most powerful army in Daracoss, and they sit quietly in their strongholds." "They kept always covered." began another general. His armor bore the standard of Parem. "During my time, this army only once have appeared. Since when the troops of the hunters were uprising at their gates." he pointed to the map on the location of the Tura'an city. "The soldiers of the insurgents not held the defenders stood a day. And after the massacre, again lay resting on the fortress. Just as they were waiting for something." he threw a serious look in the round. "And when that dark shadow does not move them to action, I wonder what they will wait.""I only know that we can not wait any longer." Mardon walked to the edge approach, pointing to a point on the map, which was in the north of Stormwind. The capital of Sullfar. "A small village, approximately in this region is also fallen victim to this shadow." he began hesitantly. "The dragon riders of the storm cliffs confirm this report." "Also!?" interrupted one of the men in the word. "How long are we going to do nothing?" he threw plaintively in the round. "If this threat is achieved to Parem it will be too late to prevent a nationwide panic. The rumors bubbling already at the stop. A flood of refugees from this scale we can not get at without further notice." With a loud bang, one of the generals placed his fist on the table. The coat of arms on his shoulder belonged to the guard from Sullfar. "If the enemy reaches Parem!?" He waved his angry gaze between the other men back and forth. "Sullfar is already on the front now! How are we supposed to defend ourselves against an enemy that has not even been shown?!" he asked aloud. "What do you mean by an enemy who has not yet been found?" Mardon asked skeptically. "You were not there. I have seen the ruined settlement myself." began the sullfarish general with resistance. His face tell, that it was a very disturbing image. "There were no warnings. Only a black shadow fell over the territories. We only saw that we were too late." His hand circled over a small area, south of the split mountain. "Stonefall was the first village." "This overwhelming aura was almost unbearable. Even the air you breathed seemed to freeze the lungs. The purest battlefield, bloody weapons and severed limbs, but no bodies. Neither of any attackers nor the defenders. The doors of all the houses were entered and their content was also demolished. Depth grinding marks coined the slush on the roads. All of the dwellings led to the church. ""At the site of the chapel floated a dark veil. A low mist of death dash over the numerous open graves. All buried coffins were desecrated. The traces after was not dug with a shovel. The stone steps to the entrance of the church towering also showed grinding marks. The brown color of slush gave way to the deep red tone of blood, which drew up before the desecrated socket in the hall. The stone pedestal was drenched with the coagulated juice of life of the victims. The blade responsible for this massacre put in impaled skull of the priest. The metallic snake sticking out of the forehead of the man whose hazy eyes looked lifeless from the ceiling. Still burning cages testified as last of the grisly deed, which had taken place here. Around the base were dried symbols written. These characters resembled none that I know rites or incantations. Something I've never seen before. Just like Wyverex had even turned himself away from this place." Shaking his head, he finished his report. "In the north of Sullfar only exist lifeless ruins now." "What we intend to do in this regard?" asked another General. His banner showed the colors of Moredhel. "Now." Harkin began quietly. He rose from his chair and threw a challenging look around. "It is time for...". ......  A warm sun climbed resistant up the horizon. Only occasionally crossed some clouds their bright sheen. Roland just had a nice, though not necessarily restful night, and wanted to spend the following morning cozy with his female dragon. Someone, however, had planned a different sequence for him. This one knocked right now at his door impatiently. With some resistance, he turned the key and unlocked the door. In a frantic movement he pulled on it and looked in a slightly skeptical looking face. Timmy stood before the doorway and looked at Roland with obliquely down the head. He looked at his disheveled hair and glanced into the room. Kyndle was dozing peacefully on the bed. His quizzical expression slowly turned into a tired grin. "Have I been wondering what that yesterday could have been like." He muttered softly to himself. "What?!" hooked Roland by surprise. "Long night? Huh?" Timmy asked, amused. Roland let his gaze wander to the side and slightly embarrassed scratched his head. "Something like that." he argued tired. Tim looked at him for a brief moment motionless. Then he jerked his head quickly. "Um, yes." he began. "Breakfast is ready. And this since uh, a long time." he added awkwardly. Roland drew skeptical his eyebrows together. "Ok." he answered slowly. "I'll make me ready." he added and pushed the door shut again. Taken a step backwards into the room, he turned his back to the entrance. Roland exhaled facilitates and let sink his forehead forward. "Oh, man!" he thought out loud to himself. Timmy stood in front of the closed entrance and stared in surprise at the ceiling while he exhaled. "Oh, man!" came softly over his lips. Five silent minutes later Roland came attracted out of his room. He quietly closed the door and looked after skeptical to the still waiting Timmy. This stared awkwardly into the void. Roland stood beside him and looked like he, in the upper corner of the corridor. "What's there?" he asked Tim whispered. This twitched a bit shocked with his head between his shoulders. Once shaken the face he began to walk ahead. "Um, nothing." was still fast his response. Skeptical after looking, Roland followed him. ......  In a clearing in the widow forest, two men were sitting in the grass. One held his arms clasped together and looked at his colleague.  "You think he finds the way to this place here?" Torben asked wearily. Aaros smiled in his meditation easily. "Without a doubt." he replied softly. "He might be here sooner, if you had not advised me to give the letter to Timmy." he added amusement. "Yeah, now it's my fault again. What?" bleated Torben. Aaros smiled quietly to himself and returned to his meditation. His colleague looked at him tense. He walked closer to him and looked into his collar. Aaros grumpy twisted his face. "What's wrong?" he asked. Torben expanded astonished eyes. "What happened to your tattoo?" he asked curiously. "What about it?" hooked his comrade skeptically. "Well. It is gone." he answered, pointing with his finger on it. A broad smile was reflected in Aaros face. "Just like yours." he said calmly. "Why that?" Torben asked again with a slightly overmatched face. "It's simple." began his colleague. "When we made our decision to stand on the side of the companion, we let our past behind. All oaths and signs of it are now history." "Hmm." came from Torben thoughtful, as if he not knew what to do with these words. "On the power of the companions is more to it than you like to admit. And it's a miracle that you have noticed it at all." added Aaros with a grin. Torben closed weakly smiling his eyes, shaking his head. ......  Tim opened the door in the dining room with a lot of momentum, which immediately earned him the attention of all in the room. Daniel looked at him seriously and shook his head. Timmy stopped for a quick moment in the doorway and looked casual in the many faces. Then he cocked his head to the side and stalked into the room, but he threw Daniel a * I must tell you something important * look. Roland also stepped into the room and nodded to the audience once tired. He looked briefly skeptical about Tim before he sat down at the table. This tugged Daniel a little nervous in the kitchen. "Can that not wait?" Daniel snapped a bit annoyed. Tim looked at him with big eyes and took a deep breath as he lifted a finger. "Um, no." he added silently. "You know, that I heard this noises yesterday night." Daniel looked at him seriously. "Of course!" he began, annoyed. "And because of your interference to these little imagination I have half the night not sleep a wink!" he added sullenly. Tim looked at him with big eyes. "No imagination." he argued excited. "You will not believe me, but ....." ......  A large man leaned over the bar counter and looked thoughtfully down in a half-full glass. Sullen he looked at the gentle sloshing content. In a quiet clearing of the throat, briefly shone a purple spark in his red eyes on. Slowly exhaling, he reached for the glass and raised it slowly to his mouth. "Well if that is not my big tempered friend." sounded a seductive voice in his back. A long-haired woman moved into her blood red dress elegant past him. Her also red glove slipped gently over the shoulders of the man."I'm here Liz. What did you have for me?" he asked the lady seriously and looked at her skeptically. Lizbeth leaned to his right at the bar counter and made it her backless dress ostentatiously, which earned her some excited looks from the other guests. "Not so rough my big guy." she said softly. The woman put the man a hand on his shoulder and leaned close to him. With her other hand she stroked his bald head. The man shrugged again with the shoulder in order to get rid of her touch. He ignored the deep insight into Lizbeths neckline and gave her a challenging look. "To the point, girl!" he said aloud. She looked at him slightly disappointed. "Ohh, we are in a hurry today my beauty." she whispered into his ear as she ran her finger across the cheek. "So hurriedly I have you not in remember." she said with a dubious smile. He grabbed her hand and pulled her abruptly downwards, while he looked at her determining. "Again. To the point, girl!" He spoke with a purple glint in his eyes. The fine lady sat slightly disappointed on the stool and threw her big guest a weak smile. "Ohh Larzarus, no time for small Lizbeth." she said slowly. "But if you absolutely will so." she added slightly plaintively. Her just so playful glance turned now abruptly into a business serious face. "The hiding of your refugee is Ironwing." she said determinative and looked at the man sober. "It most certainly." he said seriously. Lizbeth got up and walked over behind him. Halfway, she stopped and looked at him questioningly. "What have you got to do with him?" he looked straight ahead and drained his glass. After he got up he gave her a quick look. "You do not need to know." he said with a faint violet glint in his eyes and walked outside. Liz stood at the counter, arms crossed, looking skeptical and suspicious to the door. Behind her, a strong woman was folding her arms as well. "How did you find him?" she asked Lizbeth. She gave her a quick look. "Oh Patricia, you'd be surprised which things men discuss." A furtive smile appeared on her lips. "When they are in company with a beautiful woman.""And now go." she added with a serious tone. "I think it is still a bad idea." Patricia said sullenly with a faint shake of the head. "But I owe it to him." she added before she followed Larzarus out of the tavern. ......  Timmy was bustling little clumsy in the kitchen back and forth, waving slightly nervous with the poor. "Is that possible at all? I mean, uhm, dragon and that?" he threw Daniel a harried look. His colleague breathed once with closed eyes and looked aghast up towards the ceiling. "He can not really be serious?" he thought to himself as he rubbed his hand on the forehead. He raised both hands and looked at Tim seriously. "Now breathe deeply and sit down for a while. You make me just nervous with your hectic fuss." Daniel pulled a chair from under the table and placed it in front of Timmy. This looked at him a bit puzzled. "I mean only. Um, I can not really imagine how..." "You do not." interrupted Daniel in the word. "That alone is Roland's thing." He raised determining the index finger in his direction. "And you would do well to leave it at that." Tim raised both arms up and put a slightly bewildered look on. "But I can not...." "Yes, you can!" drove him Daniel again in the word. "And you will." he added determinative. His nervous colleague looked at him with big eyes. He stood upright, closed his eyes and breathed out calmly. "Good. I will." he said with a raised index finger. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and held it against Daniel. "But you give Roland then this note." argued Tim and handed him the letter before he left the kitchen. "I need something to calm now." he muttered softly to himself. Daniel also went out of the kitchen, the letter in his hand. Roland sat somewhat thoughtfully in his chair. His thoughts were buzzing at the moment just to Kyndle. But this little daydream broke off as Daniel placed his hand on Roland's shoulder. He also held out the letter. "I do not know how long he should give you that, but here." he said with a small smile. "Who, Tim?" Roland asked wearily. "Right." Daniel replied as he sat down on the chair next door. Roland looked at him slightly curious. "What he had to say to you so urgently?" he asked. With closed eyes Daniel lowered his forehead slightly forward. "You could possibly help me with that." he began. "I know that Kyndle spent every night in your room." He looked a little embarrassed at Roland. "Yes that's right." he argued slowly. "Now." continued Daniel, but he waved his hands around something. It caused him to find the right words slight difficulties. "He now seems to be convinced that she has now spent a night with you." he looked at the young man briefly seriously. "And since Im not equal all what Tim think take for real coin, I would like to hear your version of it." He looked at him for another silent moment. "Assuming you even want to talk about it." Roland retired jumpy back in his thoughts. "Oh man!" he thought out loud to himself. Exactly such a conversation he wanted to go out of their way purposefully. He was torn. What should he do now? "Lies, it was all the same, until the next embarrassing moment? Or make a clean sweep and take the many shocked looks in buying? Will they respond really shocked? What all will probably think of it. That the companion was with the dragon, to which he is imprinted in bed? The laughing stock of Ironwing? Degraded to a geek?" Ideally, he would have screamed loudly, but in the mental confusion he heard a distinctive "Meep" out. Roland came back from the inner battlefield of his head and looked into the skeptical-looking face of Daniel. This looked surprised to the entrance of the dining room, where just an orange-red female dragon had pushed open the door and walked to her companion. She pushed her head under Roland's arm through and looked at him with her deep blue eyes. Their turquoise glitter was not to be overlooked. He returned the warm eye contact and placed his hand on her forehead, which the females elicited a soft cooing. In his mind he could feel it clearly, as she would offered him a hand and help him to get on his feet. In reality, now stood an orange-red dragon lady at his side. "Had she noticed my slight panic?" he wondered. Kyndles little nudge with her nose quickly confirmed his suspicions. In Roland's face appeared a faint smile. He reached both hands to her head and pulled him gently towards him. Kyndle closed cooing her eyes as she felt his forehead on hers. "Shall I tell him?" he whispered to her. The dragoness let out a small "Churr" of herself, leaning something more towards him and then began to purr softly. He loosened his touch and stroked her slowly with one hand on the cheek. The bright turquoise shimmer of her eyes shone literally. Deep inside he could feel it. Roland raised his eyes to Daniel, who looked at him confidently. After a long breath, he looked at him seriously. "Well. Its." he began hesitantly. "Yes, I've now a partner." he said and left, at the last words his view fall in two beautiful blue dragon eyes. Kyndle cooed softly, put her front legs on his legs and lifted her head to his high. Roland put a hand to her cheek. Cheerfully she closed her eyes and purred softly. The face slightly to one side, met the lips of a young man and an orange red dragoness. Daniel widened astonished the eyes, but he had to smile slightly embarrassed. After the loving lip contact, he stood up and nodded to the two. "Nice for you both." he said and walked past them out of the room. The two looked fell deep into her eyes, nose to nose. The quiet purr of the dragoness was in the air. The other people in the room, which turned their somewhat curious and at the same time astonished looks on the couple, seemed not disturbing both in any way. ......  In a tantalizing place called War Sister, a grumpy-looking but well-armored dwarf sat at the counter and pushed his glass again and again from one hand to the other. "What causes such a superb item like you to such a beautiful place?" asked a lady from behind. She sat down next to the elegant guest and put her free sexy legs crossed. She wore a tight green dress with a large nick in the matching skirt. The top part seemed the magnificent bust of lady hardly withstand. "I'm Sandra." she whispered playfully and leaned far forward. What turned her cleavage a beautifully showcase. "Good for you." grunted the dwarf. "And now piss off!" he added sullenly and took another sip from his glass. The lady waved once condescending to the unfriendly guest and stalked to the next opportunity."Kumash Gor. Good." came a monotone voice in his back. With a skeptical expression, he turned to the source. Surprised, he looked in two thick round glasses of another dwarf. "Is that a joke!?" he accused him of the feet and swung his gaze around the room. "I said just the first, not interested." he added with an angry look. "Let's go. Leaving!" he said with his head to the side pointing. The second dwarf raised his hands in the negative. "You misunderstand. Message. From me. Name. Barnabas." he said dryly. Kumash lifted surprised his eyebrows and scratched his beard under the chin. "The great dragon expert, huh?" he said and looked down the shape of his bar stool. "Well, I would not call it great after all." he added in amusement and reached for his glass. Abutting he picked it up. "What do you want from me?" he asked curiously with a raised eyebrow. "As I recall you wanted to visit me already on the Split Mountain." he added with a grin. Barnabas pushed his glasses and stood up straight. "Wanted. Yes. Unfortunately missed meeting." "So, what is so important now that justifies my long way here?" Kumash Gor asked again, but this time with a serious facial expression. The dragon expert made a step toward Kumash. "No time. Statement too long. Fact. You a companion." Barnabas said soberly. Kumashs eyes widened in surprise. Slightly nervous he looked the dwarf by the thick glasses. "What do you mean with that?" he threw him tense at the feet. "Sings. Clearly." Barnabas began monotonically. "Weapon. Guard of the temple. Split Mountain. Emblem on the neck. Arkas. No doubt about that." easily shocked by the details of the dragon expert he had his head thoughtfully sink and put a hand on the mark on his neck. "Sit. Now!" demanded Kumash on the other dwarf. Barnabas did as he was told and placed himself on the stool next to him. With a sour look he watched the spectacle wearers. "I have no idea why you're so interested in it." Seriously he stared at him. "From this so-called prophecy I want to hear nothing." determinative he raised a finger. "I only want to find the asshole that killed my father. And Arkas offered me a chance." Barnabas looked confused. "So." Kumash began again. "Since you're here now." Prompting he looked at the dwarf. "The dragon told me that a so called Roland can help me to find this scumbag. Do you know someone like that?" he asked with a slightly crazy look. Barnabas took a breath heavily. The disturbing stories that are circulating around this Kumash Gor presence him not really fair. "Well. Actually........... "......  In the widow forest, two souls roamed through the thicket. A young man who thoughtfully carries a letter before him. Behind him stalked an orange-red female dragon around. "That's...Hmm." Skeptical Roland turned the paper in front of him around. Lowered the letter he looked between the trunks and bushes back and forth. However, he put the note fall unexpectedly as he was pushed by something in the back. An amused "Chirp" filled the air as he laboriously bent down to pick up the document again. "You find that funny?" He asked his partner with a broad grin on his face. The amused cooing of the dragoness was the answer. A turquoise spark alternated between their eyes. Behind her he saw the form of a larger stone. Checking he raised the directions in his field of vision. "There!" he spoke aloud and pointed to the trail next to the stone. Kyndle gave a cheerful "Chirp" of herself and made a few steps ahead. She stopped and gave him a playful look as he passed her. Smiling, he looked her in the beautiful blue eyes, where he discovered her turquoise sparks. "We.." PENG!"With a dull crash, his sentence trailed off. Startled the orange-red female took an aggressive posture and growled at the joined man. Roland came quickly to himself. As a reflex, he laid his hand on his sword and held the blade tip against the stranger. The man was thrown by his crash to the ground and remained in his sitting position. Submissive he raised his hands. "Roland not!" he cried anxiously. Kyndle immediately took back a peaceful attitude, as she recognized the voice. "Conrad?" asked Roland surprised. The man pulled back the hood of his cloak and came Conrad's face to the fore. "What by the Five are you doing out here?" asked the companion as he pocketed his weapon and handed him a hand to help up. Conrad grabbed the offered help and stood up again. "I break a promise." he said soberly as he patted the dust out of his pants. "What promise?" asked Roland. "One that I gave to my mother." Conrad began, pointing a finger at him. "I had promised her, after a long discussion not to want to attend with your magic training." Roland noted in his tone that he felt very uncomfortable, to act again the words of Catherine. But the lure of the magic was stronger at the moment. His eyes betrayed that undeniable. Conrad laid his hand on Rolands shoulder. "Allow you me, to attend your training?" he asked hopefully. "I will not disturb you, honest." he added eagerly. Roland saw it in his eyes. He wanted, no demanded to be really there. "I'm not so sure." he cast skeptical. "What about your mother?" he asked. "She must not know it, right?" argued Conrad quickly. Thoughtful Roland threw a glance at Kyndle, which immediately nodded at him approvingly and with a gentle cooing. "Fine." he began confidently and held up a finger in front of Conrad's face. "But you explain everything if she gets wind of it." "What she always do!" he thought to himself. Conrads relief brought a big grin in his face. "Good." Roland said, and stroked his female dragon on the head. What drew her a gentle purr. With obliquely down the face he looked at the directions again. Conrad stood beside him and held his head also tilted to one side as he looked at the paper. Kyndle sat on the ground and looked at the two as they stared at a piece of paper in their comical attitude. The eyes half closed escaped her body an amused cooing. Conrad quickly pulled the directions out of Rolands hand, turned it 90 degrees and put it again between the fingers. "So it should be better." He said dryly. Then he gestured with one hand in the direction on which Roland had came from. "This way, by the edge." he added with a grin. "Fine." he murmured softly, squeezing Conrad the paper in his hand and waved to Kyndle to go ahead. On the move, Conrad began to speak at length about his fascination for magic. He knew many spells and could even recite incantations full heart. With disappointing facial expression he also talked about his non-existent access to it. Roland listened carefully to his words. It was a new experience to see him so talkative, because he never progress beyond his everyday hawking. He thought about, what a magician could accomplish with his knowledge. But fate seemed to have intended for him another way. It took another hour to the small group reached the destination. Roland stepped around the tree trunk to a clearing. In the middle, Aaros sat meditating on the floor. Next off, Torben leaned against a rock and raised his eyes against the new arrivals. "Took long enough." said Aaros as he stood up and walked towards Roland. He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw his companion. "Ah, Conrad. Then your mother had turned her decision?" he asked with his gloomy view. "Yes she has." he replied easily shaky. "Certainly not." added Aaros, shaking his head and with a smile on his lips. "But good. She dont have to know that, right?" With a sigh of relief Conrad heard his words. Aaros sat back down on the ground in the middle of the clearing. With a little distance from him, Roland took place. Kyndle lay down beside her companion, looking tense to the magician. Between them lay something on the ground, which was covered by a cloth blanket. "Let's start with the foundation." Began Aaros confident. "Magic works substantially much easier than you may might imagine." "The stories about the old magic words which release enormous powers are all wrong. The only known magic with words is the incantation, but this requires immediate knowledge of the necessary languages and formulas. It ranges usually, if you get the effect of what you want to achieve imagine." Aaros raised a hand to his face, with the palm up. He exhaled and shrugged lightly with his fingers. With a soft crackling a small flame was born on his hand, and burned floating like a torch. "If you hold yourself to that thought does your access do the rest." Chuckling he swung the small fire around. "Some magicians say it but softly out to concentrate better reference." Again he exhaled quietly. He quietly began to mutter some unintelligible words. The small flame grew in intensity and began to run like a liquid over his fingers. Be covered his whole hand, as if he had pulled over a fire glove. Gazing at the flames he blew weak against it. With the Wind the flame was gone and the light went out. "Whether it's really simple is up to the caster." He paused for a moment, in which his happy face come serious. "Let yourself but do not be fooled by such shenanigans. Each application saps the willpower of the caster. And this is limited at each." Demanding he looked at Roland. "You know that you have am access to magic." the teacher began quietly. "When did you last use it?" he demanded of his pupils. Roland did not have to think long. "Five years ago. As...." he began hesitantly and glanced to his dragoness. "Kyndle was snatched by such bandits. I used it at the time but not done consciously. I was afraid." Again he crossed his eyes with his partner. "Fear?" hooked his teacher after thoughtful. "Afraid for her." argued Roland. "I was just angry at these men. The rest happened by itself." "Anger. Aha." said Aaros softly and pulled the blanket from the object down. Before him lay on the floor a long rod with a crystal tip. In Roland's thoughts formed a spongy memory image. Kyndle glanced to her partner and closed softly cooing her eyes.This rod he did not see for the first time. One of his followers from that night got one such case. With his back to the cliff he was standing on the edge. He saw the menacing glow of violet crystal clear on. Before he was stopped by his leader. Coming back from memory, he looked at his teacher stumped. "That was you in that night? Or?" he threw at him plaintively. "These flashes were your work!" Aaros exhaled with closed eyes and looked at his disciple with his dull eyes. "I will not lie to you." he began seriously. "Yes, it was my spell. And yes, I was that in that night with you at this cliff. Torben was the second man under his coat." Without taking his eyes from Roland avert he continued. "We together with Larzarus had the order to bring you back.""Larzarus!" he repeated the name several times in his thoughts. Finally his mother's murderer had a name. His anger against this man now burned strong. He felt a powerful force in himself. It went through every fiber of his body. His clenched hands were shaking slightly. "Bring back? Why?" hooked Roland easily angry. Kyndle felt frightened his memories of that night, but she were overshadowed by his anger, which not allow her access to him. Much more grabbed his anger over on her. With raised lip she showed with a quiet growl her sharp teeth. The pupils contracted to slits, her deep blue eyes also directed to Aaros. The magician sat without a reaction since it left and continued. "We did not know. And we did not have to know. It was a simple delivery job that we had procured by Larzarus. We knew the name of the target person and the place of delivery." "Just a simple delivery job!?" Roland repeated the words. The air around him began to pulsate, and a strong gust of wind shooed the trees around the clearing on. Torben looked up to heaven and sat up, he loosened his folded arms and grabbed Conrads collar. Without a word he pulled him behind the rocks. Conrads nervous around waving could not change the fact. "Claire's death was not intended." said Aaros further left, his dull gaze always directed to Roland. "Do not mention her name!" he said with anger. In his voice echoed something dark, as were talking something bad by. "If that was not provided, why she then died in that night?!" hooked Roland after dark. A strong gust of wind pulled from the treetops down and circled around the tense conversation. Kyndle stood on all fours and snarled menacingly at the mage. A faint glow in her throat warned of the lurking flame shock. Roland saw the picture of his injured mother in front of him. He felt the fleeting warmth of her hand on his cheek. Her desperate tears in her eyes as she continued sending her child in the dark. Aaros took a short breath. "Larzarus asked her for your whereabouts." he began again. To hear that name again fueled his anger further. The force of the wind gusts also increased. Was just like the fiery lights in the throat of the dragoness brighter. Her menacing growl joined the dull hum in the air. "And when Claire gave no answer to him, he took her life." "STOP IT!!!" With a contorted position he unleashed the pent-up force. Kyndle demonstrated at the same time, her scorching breath of fire. In a fleeting moment Roland thought, to see the figure of a man in front of him. But the shaded outlines turned away from him and finally disappeared into the void. A huge, burning shock wave swept across the clearing. The trees in the immediate vicinity held not stand the heat. The fire shrank the thick trunks to black coal pillars, which coincided with the subsequent pressure in itself. The thick cloud of dust hung over the smoldering clearing, which sank slowly to the ground. Conrad pulled his head between his shoulders startled, as the hot blast swept over his guard. After a brief moment of silence, he ventured a curious glance into the clearing. He burned his hand on the hot stone as he walked around it. Frightened and amazed at the same time he looked at the picture, which was created under the dusty curtain. Aaros pushed the shimmering purple rod right into the ground. Of the crystal in the direction of the magician, a wedge-shaped area, which was spared by the flames as the only path stretched. Leaning on his hands and knees Roland coughed heavily, gasping cramped for breath. Kyndle gave a worried "Meep" by and put one of her wings protectively over her companion. Her head nestled against his she cooed softly. The teacher fell exhausted to the rear and let go of his staff, which has put away the purple sheen. Breathing heavily, he looked astonished around."My face!" echoed Torben's voice loudly through the air, as he also stood out behind the protective stone. "In contrast, a volcanic eruption is indeed the purest children's birthday party!" he added with dilated view. "That was close." said Aaros exhausted. "Too close for my comfort!" added Torben.......  In the garden of Ironwing a man lying comfortably in a deck chair and read his dreamy views over the countryside glide. A faint crackle came from the flashing glow and moved on through the dry tobacco. Relish the dense smoke exhaling a gust of wind recorded his shoulder-length hair and ripped the smoke in the direction of the forest. Relaxes the watched the wind play and noticed how the treetops inside tended greatly. Eyes closed, he took another deep train of his sedative. At the same moment a strong gust of wind blew from the forest. The legs of the chair a folded and the man fell backwards. Roughly lying on the ground, he opened his eyes in astonishment. A high pitch-black cloud shot in the woods in the sky. Held up his hand: but his gaze searchingly between the rolled tobacco in his fingers and the dark shadow back and forth. With a dilated look he blew strong. A slow "Ok." felt out of his mouth. ......  Roland put his hand on the cheek of his draconic partner and squeezed her gently in. Breathing heavily, he listened to her quiet purr. Kyndle leaned close to her companion. In her mind she tried to fathom how it could happen that she was be ousted by his anger. She got with everything, but had no more control. A fact, which prepared her an enormous fear. For a fleeting moment she was afraid to have lost the contact to him. With tears between her closed eyelids she clung more closer to Roland.Aaros straightened cumbersome and looked tense around. The smokers remains looking more his gaze to his pupil. This lifted his head wearily and looked at his teacher confused. "You had a powerful magic inside of you." he said soberly, and went up to him. "Now we know how to open your access." he added with a faint smile and handed him a helping hand. ...... "It will probably slow a habit that he amaze me." she said as she looked at the man slightly smiling. However, this view was reversed in a skeptical expression. "But a dragon?" Daniel gave her a sympathetic look. "Do you fear for the reputation of your name?" he ventured cautiously to ask. "Hector's reputation was severely injured when his partnership with Katara came to light." Away the face of her interlocutors she sighed tense. "I do not know." In one fleeting moment, Daniel saw a glimmer of fear in her eyes. However, he was gone as quickly as it had appeared. "It's probably nothing." he added calmly. "Is everything all right mistress?" hooked Daniel by seriously. With closed eyes she waved with a smile on her face negative back and forth. Catherine threw her thoughtful look out the window and walked slowly approached the glass. "It is just this feeling, that something is observed us in distance. Something evil."......  Roland saw on him silent. "All that just to activate my access?!" he thought out loud to himself. "These aching memories to relive one more time served only an experiment?" he ignored the offered help and was directed supportively at his dragoness on. With a mixed look of anger and confusion he looked at Aaros. Kyndle still leaned against Roland, but did the same and saw the teacher also with mixed emotions. He raised his hands apologetically. "I'm sorry that it had to be this way." he began quietly. He turned and strode to the spared patch of earth. Lifted the rod, he sat down on the ground and put it before him on the grass. "The way to the magic is difficult." he explained, addressed the murky views of Roland. "And for some painful." he added determinative. The student listened attentively to his words. But for that there was no appropriate excuse at the moment. Reluctantly he sat down beside him. His dragoness lay on his side, constantly keeping up the body contact. With a warm smile for her, he put his arm around her shoulders, what her drew a soft purr. Conrad still could not believe what Roland's tantrum had produced. Questions flooded his mind, but he was not actually able to even one of these places. Torben slapped him lightly on the back of the head. "Close your mouth." he spoke softly and stood with arms crossed back to the now cooled stone. A confused head shaking later, Conrad joined quietly to him. Aaros took with closed eyes a deep breath. "To have an access does not necessarily mean being able to use it without further notice." he began seriously. "Every magician has his own way to awaken this. Mine is between composure and concentration. In meditation I gather the strength to be able to use it usable. For others is pain the trigger, or as in your case, anger." Still the explanations listening expanded Roland surprises his eyes. "Pain and anger are powerful ways, but also the most difficult to be controlled." continued Aaros and gestured with one hand on the scorched earth. "With increasing intensity also drops the debilitating aspect stronger." In Roland's thoughts at once shaped the image of the street five years ago. He threw the attacker with a shock wave to the wall and then fell to the ground unconscious. "Any application, even if only to make fire, eating away at your strength. Will you take up, as just now, you will suffer a fatal attack of weakness, which leaves you defenseless." "How do I know the line?" interrupted Roland the words of his teacher. "That's the tricky part of the whole thing. This limit can be seen only by itself. Yet, in a fit of rage as the previous one disappear any thought." He gave his student a more serious look. "This type of magic is able to kill his caster." Roland threw a startled look at Kyndle, which lowered the face and gave a frightened whimper. The thought of Roland's death she did not like at all. With the curved finger under her chin, he lifted her head up and looked into her moist blue eyes. The otherwise bright turquoise ring around their iris withdrew. He felt her feelings as clearly as if it were his own. With tears in his eyes, he pressed his forehead to hers. "I will never leave you." came softly from his lips. Roland stepped back a light piece and put his hand on her cheek. With one finger, he brushed the tears from her face. Kyndle laid her head slightly to the side and approached him slowly. He gently pulled his partner to him and placed his lips on hers. With eyes closed, they kept their bodies together. Aaros let them this moment, and said not a word. Conrad looked a little stunned at the two. Until Torben's hand again hit the back of his head. "I said close your mouth." he grunted softly.After the deep kiss he gently stroked Kyndles forehead. In her strong look briefly shone on a familiar twinkle, followed by the bright turquoise hue in her blue eyes. "I love you." he whispered to her. With a happy murmur she pressed her head against his chest and purred softly. "But there is one way to counteract this effect." began Aaros again. With the dragoness in his arms Roland turned his gaze to his teacher. "What?" he asked curiously. Aaros eyes fell pointing to the bar in front of him. "Have you ever wondered why all mages go with such a thing trough the world?" he replied with a negating shake of the head. "This is undoubtedly no walker." said the magician. "It's called a medium!" Conrad was surprisingly the word. "This must not act mandatory around a rod itself. For the older generation, the rod having a practical enforced as a walking aid." he said with a slight grimace. Aaros looked at him in surprise. Roland was also surprised that he knew this. "And now. Do I have to buy such a walker?" Roland threw at skeptical. Conrad shook his head. "No, no. A medium can be anything. A weapon, shield, ring, necklace, even a piece of clothing." The fingers of one hand count down he listed the possibilities. "The tricky thing is to customize one." Throwing a controlling view to Torben he pulled his head between his shoulders. But this just looked at him skeptically and shrugged with crossed arms his shoulders. "And how do I do that?" Roland hooked after encouragingly. "Aaros began to smile. "This will be your next task." he said determining. "But more about that later." Thoughtful he looked up to heaven. "We should leave this place now." ......  Two dwarfs below, are entertaining on the sidewalk. Together they went to the big market square. One wore a heavy plate armor. A mighty war hammer was tied him on the back together with an old sword. The hilt of the sword was worn and covered with crusted blood. His interlocutor was walking with hands held behind the back upright beside him. A pair of glasses with thick round glasses lay on his nose. "Five companions. One for each guardian dragon." said Kumash Gor. "Hmph!" he grunted, and then scratched the emblem on his neck. "What nonsense!" he added aloud. Barnabas shook his head indignantly about the lack of the companion. "This Roland thus also belongs to this club? And where live these guy again?" he asked seriously. His colleague raised an open hand. "Disguise. Too important. Will not reveal. Moment wrong. Too early." he replied monotonously. Disgruntled over the denied information he frowned. "For such an acclaimed expert you have a shitty way of expressing yourself." bleated Kumash on. Barnabas beard lifted slightly with his slight smile. He then moved even his glasses. Continue talking appeared the two dwarves in the bustling crowd of the city. ......  Two men stood in front of a large mirror. In the floating surface was clearly recognized, a group of buildings. In addition to the greatest of the houses stretched a magnificent garden. One of the two was curved front of the image. A menacing twinkle stood out the empty eyes of his silver mask. "Well done, Larzarus." he gasped softly. "I hope you're satisfied?" ventured the servant careful to ask. Thereupon Kargesh turned around quickly. "Satisfied?" said he inclined his face to the side. A slight anger was in his words. "When Roland and his dragon are in custody. Then I'll think about whether I'll be satisfied." He clenched his right fist and raised it in Larzarus direction. The man sank cramped to his knees. A purple lights stood out from his eyes. Kargesh moved his hand to him. To his servant, a black cloud built on, which drew him to his master. The fingers slightly apart and Larzarus was lifted on. The dark lord raised his subordinates before his face. The lights threatening his violet eyes grew brighter lights. "It is time for the next step." Kargesh spoke demanding. He lowered his hand and let his servant from the sinister grip free. Coughing, he fell to his knees. Cramped gasping for air, he straightened up and looked at his master angrily. The purple gleam in his usual red eyes faded slowly. Breathing heavily, he stood up and turned to his Master. "Does that mean...?" "No, not yet!" Kargesh dropped him according into the word. "You will observe him further." he added seriously, turning his bony hand on him. Larzarus once breathed out heavily. In his eyes briefly flashed on a violet tinge. "For how long?" he asked skeptically. His master looked at him with a menacing light in his eyes. "It depends on his progress." he turned the bent mirror. "He must be ready for it." he said sound. Stretched out his arm to the side, he pointed his servant to remove itself. "Go now!" he ordered determinative. Larzarus nodded silently to his master and then walked out of the room. "Also Ironwing? How delightful!" echoed the sinister voice through the room followed by a devilish laugh. ......  On the training ground next to the barracks in Ironwing arrived a small group with an orange red dragon. "And what is now going on with my medium?" Roland asked curiously. Aaros looked at him calmly. "There are in Parem only two people who are in a position to make such a thing." He made an unexpected break when he saw a girl who approached them. "Rebecca?" was surprised by Conrad and ran to meet her. Rebecca stopped and looked at him soberly. "Mother wants to talk to you." she said encouragingly. Her brother left his downcast head fall forward. "How did she belong?" he thought to himself. With a scowl he invaded a faint "Hmph." Out of his throat before he made his way to the house. Roland looked behind the taciturn man. But his eyes remained stuck at Rebecca, who looked at him skeptically. "Anything else?" he asked suspiciously. The girl put her hands on her hips and tilted her head slightly to the side. "Is it true what Timmy tells?" she asked curiously. Roland extended his surprised eyes. "I uh, so." he stammered awkwardly in front of him and looked frantically to Kyndle. "By the Five!" he thought out loud to himself. How could he explain it Rebecca, without she understood it wrong. She is not yet of an age to think about such things, let alone talk about it. Roland scratched his head and thought hard about the right choice of words after. "Did you make this huge cloud over the forest?" asked him Rebecca. He held open his mouth for a moment. This question he would not expected now. Totally speechless he stammered to himself. "I thought, I did, ohh." "Yes it was him." replied Aaros left and broke the awkward silence. "There was a big reaction when he woke his access." "Can you show me that again?" the girl asked curiously. "I will not tell it mom." she argued hopeful with held hands on the back. Aaros slowly shook his head. "That would not be a good idea." he said and smiled while Roland on. Roland bent down to the disappointed girl. "I can show you something, when I have it better under control." Rebecca frowned sullenly her face and held it from its head tilted to the side. "Promise?" she said gravely and held out her hand. Roland grabbed it and smiled at her. "I promise." he replied. From the serious face of the girl suddenly stabbed a happy smile. She even went to the conclusion Kyndle, stroking the female over the edge and went back on the road to the house. Roland looked after the girl until she disappeared behind the hedge. "Which two men you spoke?" he asked Aaros and turned back to his teacher. "In this regard, I come back to it later." he began. "First, you need two things, which are indispensable for the preparation of a medium." He saw his students to determine. "A gem that serves as a catalyst, and a gargoyle." "What for a gargoyle?" he prompted skeptical. Chuckling Aaros raised a hand. "You dont need a gargoyle directly, just a bit of the ashes from such a guy." "How should I approach the ashes of a gargoyle? These creatures are transformed always in stone when they are killed." Torben surprised lifted his eyebrows. "There was a well-read book on this subject?" he interjected into the conversation. Roland nodded and smiled a little embarrassed. "You're right." agreed Aaros with him. "But it's enough if you catch one turned to stone gargoyles." "And the gem? Are there differences which variety or size do I choose?" hooked Roland by. "Not really." replied Aaros. "Variety and size are up to you. Your medium must look like you want it. Right?""And where can I find a gargoyle?" asked the student. Torben placed on next to Aaros and crossed his arms as he looked at Roland demanding. "Stood nothing about that in your book?" Roland took a quick glance to the side and embarrassed scratched his head. "I did not read it to the end." he replied. "Ok." cleared Torben his throat. "These beasts are also called as Tormentors of Travelers." he began to explain. "Mainly because of their fondness for stupid sayings to rail against travelers. These are usually more annoying than amusing, what they failed comedian but is not supporting. Their name they have received because they like a spitting. In most cases, if you had discovered them, or did not respond to their stupid comments." "But that does not tell me where I can find one." Roland threw in the narrative. Torben exhaled a little grumpy and lifted him against an outstretched finger. "For this I wanted to come right away." He threw him determinative to the head. "So. These critters keep usually on in rocky environments. In Ordenary they were found sometimes in larger forests. But here in Parem I would try my luck in the vicinity of the Grey Pass, on the border to Dark Winter."Aaros looked to the sun. "There is still time. If you had luck, you find get one before nightfall." Roland pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Should I tell it to Catherine?" "I will tell her everything she needs to know about it." interrupted his teacher. "Come on, grab your bow and hunt you a gargoyle." he said with a confident nod. Roland saw with a smile to his dragoness. "Well, how about?" he asked her with a warm look. The female gave an affirmative "Churr" of herself as she looked at her partner with big eyes. A bright sparkle stepped out of the turquoise hint of her pupils and reflected in Rolands eyes. ......  Koris and Catherine remained in the study room. The woman stood before the closed window and threw a tense look outside. "How long has this been going on?" she asked the man. Koris looked at her with a thoughtful look. "On the indication of the guards, for several days now." "And we know who these strangers are?" she asked anxiously. James was briefly his gaze to the side soft. "No." he replied. "It made every time the impression that they would explore the area. And whenever they were discovered they disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared." Catherine remained thoughtful her hand under her chin and turned to the uniformed man. "The guard at the gate will be doubled and led patrols around the estate." Koris looked strained at her with a serious expression. But he did not say a word. With the lifted hand he saluted to his mistress and strode out of the room.

......  After a few hours, Roland reached the limit of the Dark-Winter forest. He stood with his horse at the junction road over the pass horror. Kyndle landed elegant next to him and gave a welcoming treatment "Chirp" of herself. A strange aura was above the canopy. He had heard some stories about the Dark-Winter. And now, so to be alone in this enchanted wood, just called them back awake. He shook his head. "Who could become dangerous to a companion and his dragon already?" he thought sarcastically to himself. But his weak confidence could not hide to be observed about this overwhelming feeling in him. Roland dismounted from his horse and tied it to the sign on the roadside. He grabbed his bow and threw the quiver over his shoulder. Turned to the thicket he laid his hand on the shoulder of his dragoness. Cooing she looked Kyndle at him with her blue dragon eyes. The bright turquoise spark in them took him out the uneasy feeling in the stomach. He put his hand under her jaw and pulled her head softly to himself. With eyes closed, he gave her a long kiss. Kyndle purred softly in the loving lip contact. "Thank you." said Roland then to her. He looked at his partner with a wink. "Let's get us a gargoyle." The dragoness gave a bright "Meep" by and walked a few steps ahead. Before the trees she stopped and gave her partner a challenging look. Roland closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He focused on Kyndle. Her body, her perceptions, her soul. The quiet sounds of the forest grew in volume. The shadow in the thicket of trees seemed easier to focus. With the help of her heightened senses, he moved through the undergrowth. And so the hours passed. But any movement in the forest, the source was unfortunately never hoped by a gargoyle. A deer fled terrified in the bushes as Roland came out from behind the tree. "Oh man!" he thought wearily to himself. He sat down on a stump and broke away from his connection to Kyndle. The female nudged him with his nose in the chest and cooed at him softly. With a questioning look she squatted down in front of him. "Do not worry." Roland reassured her and smiled warmly at the dragoness. "Is just a little tiring to maintain it for so long." The female nodded once cooing and added a faint "Chirp" to. After a short pause Roland stood up again. He wanted to pull his foot forward, but could not get at a root of the stump. Since there was nothing to keep himself firmly in his presence, he was somewhat unceremoniously in a moist mud puddle. His dragoness turned in surprise to him. The eyes half closed she cooed to herself amused. Roland sat up and wiped the dirt from his face. "You'll find that funny, huh?" he threw the female slightly plaintive contrary. Kyndle nodded at him with a playful "Churr". Roland met with his foot once with full force in the puddle and achieved some big brown splashes on Kyndle, which now looked at him soberly. He held his head slightly inclined as he met her gaze. "Not as funny as you thought, huh?" he said. The female approached him with slow steps and gave him a playful look. Roland quickly raised a hand. "Shhh!" he hissed. "Do you hear that?" he asked her and closed his eyes, the head turned slightly to the side. Kyndle saw him briefly in surprise, but did like him and listened out into the forest. Indeed. A low chuckle was not far to hear. Roland drew an arrow from his quiver and laid it on the bowstring. With cautious steps he approached bent the faint echo. Against a tall tree he stopped and took a searching look between the branches. A small shadow moved with a rapid speed under the leaves. "Mud in your face and mud in the brain, hehehe!" With a child's laughter, the voice from above came down. The creature let himself hanging down from a low branch and was briefly in the light of the setting sun. It was a gargoyle without doubt. "What has six legs and looks really stupid from the laundry?" asked the creature and pulled himself up on his tail to the branch. It sat down and gestured with his little claws on Roland and Kyndle. "That are you two! Hahahaha!" Roland took a sober look to Kyndle. "Torben was right as far as their sense of humor." he thought to himself. Tense the bow he took aim at the gargoyle. The shoot left the tendon and stopped in the wood of the great tribe. He did not hit the target. The creature pranced over the branches and kept waving his hands to his ears while stretching the tongue out of the mouth. "Not hit! Mud-Head! Nana nana nana!" It quipped amused from above. The gargoyle let himself down again on his tail from a tree branch and syringe Roland a targeted water jet in the face. "That`s a hit, you bonehead! Hihi!" It went as quickly as it came up again to the top. Roland wiped furiously dry the face. "This little wretch is going to tramp on my nerves." he muttered angrily to himself. Another arrow excited he aimed again at the leaping shadows. The arrow soared to meet by the tree crown without hitting his target. "If you shoot too many air holes you have no more to breathe. Hahaha!" Kyndle gave a low growl and took a deep breath. The slit eyes directed on the gargoyle she unleashed a flame shock from her throat. The heat burned brightly through the leaves wall and bared the little troublemaker. "Oh you're probably quite hot to catch me, what?" he said amused and took flight from the burnt hide.Roland and his dragoness took immediately to the persecution. Kyndle brought herself with a strong jump in the air and carried herself with a few wing beats over the treetops. Roland followed the quick shadow on the ground, which hastily moved from tree to tree. The numerous branches did not give him a clear shot and also Kyndle up the air had some difficulties to keep out so the small refugee in mind. The female gave a fire burst forward in the canopy, which the refugee to forced off to the side. Roland watched the creature as it stood still for a moment in panic and stared into the flames before it jumped further. "This is it!" echoed through his head. "With the right timing, it should work." The gargoyle lagging, he focused on his partner in the air. Kyndle felt the presence of Roland, as if he would speak directly to her. She recognized his intention in her mind and knew what she had to do. Kyndle approached the canopy and dropped her wings a bit to speed. She overtook the refugee and pulled the airline circular outward. The female saw Roland between the trees. This raised his arm and she could clearly hear his voice in her head. "Now!" It echoed through her mind. Inhaled deeply, a threatening lighting came out of her open mouth. Shortly thereafter, she ignited a searing blast of fire, which she joined in her circular flight around the fleeing gargoyle. Trapped by the flames, the creatures stood still, turned and looked around frantically.That gave Roland enough time to aim his target. Hissing, the arrow left the bowstring. The gargoyle more with his eyes frantically back and forth. But he noticed the zoom rocketing arrow too late. The pointed metal penetrated the chest of the creature, which hardened immediately. Grimaced painfully it turned into stone, and remained with the arrow in the chest on the tree branch. "OH JEAH!" cried Roland facilitated in the air. Kyndle swept with rapid wing beats over the flames and brought them to silence, before she landed elegantly beside her partner. With a cheery "Chirp" she fell around Roland's neck, which threw him swinging on the back. Landed in soft mud he held his dragoness who looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes. The turquoise shimmer in them shone brightly at him. A brief spark wandered between their amorous glances back and forth, before they closed their eyes and their lips met in a loving kiss. He held her head with both hands and smiled upon the beautiful warm contact. "You understood everything?" he asked softly. Kyndle gave a gentle "Churr" of herself while she lay purring on him. One moment they lay snuggled together. A deep sense of satisfaction spread through him. It seemed to be easier with every additional time, to make contact with her. Although he knew that they are always connected to a certain level, it was a nice experience to use this also specifically for him now. ...... In Ironwing an angry fierce debate between Catherine and her son Conrad was occurring, because he broke their arrangement and without her consent attended to Roland's magic introduction. Her anger intensified even further when she heard of the incident in the clearing. "What did you think you were doing? By the Five?!" she threw him plaintively at the feet. Conrad stood without saying a word there, the view turned sullenly to the side. "I had you expressly forbidden to participate in this action!" She looked at him with a worried look. "You would thereby be violated!" In that moment, his expression cleared as he looked into his mother's face. He saw it in her eyes. She made their way to him, because he had quite unconsciously gone with blind enthusiasm in danger. What would happen if Torben had not been brought him into coverage, if he were a little earlier come forth from behind the rock? Dejected, he let his forehead fall forward. "I'm sorry mother." With tears in his eyes he looked at her. Catherine walked up to him and took him lovingly in her arms. "All I want is just, that nothing terrible is happen to you." With eyes closed, she held her son. Somewhat reluctantly, he returned her gesture. She looked at him then encouragingly. "You may indeed be there. Promise me at least, that you think you get off when such experiments are pending." With tears in his eyes he looked at her smiling and nodding her once quietly. ......  Roland stood up and stared up to the branch on which lay the fossilized gargoyle. His boots sank down to the calf in the damp earth. "Alright." he thought aloud. "How do we get this down there?" He asked Kyndle. In his words sound she could hear clearly that he just had no desire to climb the tree. The female snorted strongly in his direction and jumped powerful to the trunk. The black claws beaten in the wood she climbed up to the gargoyle. She got onto the branch, which already strongly bowed under the additional weight to give a little nudge to the small statue. With the nose down, she joined at the spouts. Roland stood ready with uplifted arms and caught the hunting trophy. He looked at the stoned face of the gargoyle and smiled at it. "That's a hit, you bonehead." he said amused at the small statue.He heard a loud crack, followed by a surprised "Meep" about him. But he did not look up, his gaze straight ahead. Surprised, he turned around as nothing followed. But just at that moment landed a wider branch with an orange red dragon on the top in the wet mud. A brown mud wave engulfed him and the female dragon. In a quiet break, both looked at each other in silence. Kyndle shook her head and Roland was wiping the dirt from his face. Both looked for another moment still. In Roland's face a big smile grew as Kyndle could not suppress her playful glance. He walked up to her and stroked her gently on the head. "Come. Time to go home." he said amused and looked again at the gargoyle. The female turned back on all fours and walked satisfied cooing behind her partner. The moon already brought its white rays across the night sky as Roland with Kyndle arrived at the gates of Ironwing. He looked at the guards a little surprised, because not as usual two were staying at the gate. This time they were four. But he thought nothing of it because he wanted to get out quickly from the dirty clothes and into bed. Returned the horse in the stables he walked toward the entrance of the main house with hasty steps. Overcome the lower level he reached for the door. As of alone opened the entrance. Behind an upright man came with a tired look on his face revealed. Sasha looked Roland's appearance exactly, as well Kyndle. The dirty young man grinned at him a bit embarrassed. Sasha made a gesture saluting stooped and invited him with an outstretched arm to enter. "The water is already running." he said calmly while Roland and his dragoness passed him. Roland held the butler against the petrified gargoyle. "Can you please bring this to my room?" he asked with a faint smile on his face. The Butler held off the statue like a dirty rag from him. "As you wish." he replied. "Thank you, Sasha." Roland said, and went on his way to the bathroom, followed by a brown orange red female dragon. The butler nodded silently before he went off with the gargoyle. ...... The sun cast its first rays over the horizon, announcing the beginning of a new day. The long shadow of five towers pulled over the houses of the city Sorlacom. The bright sound of silver bells echoed down from the peaks of the Cathedral. Inside, a person kneeled in a gray robe before five stone pedestals. The eyes closed in prayer he muttered softly to himself. Four emblems floated with their bright blue light in front of the stone images of Sorathis, Arkas, Galvatros, and before the crumbling remains of the statue of Kyleth. Only the companion of Wyverex did not seem to want to show himself, what made the priests increasingly anxious. Especially since they also heard about the strange occurrences in Kaladros. Another man came into the room. "Master Atlas!" echoed his voice through the open space. The kneeling man lifted his head and gave his colleague a tired look. "What is it, brother?" he asked calmly. "The generals of the northern kingdom walk again among the living! A dark power had freed them from their dungeons!" The panic in the words of the priest was unmistakable. "Master. Could this be the dark shadow from the prophecy?" He looked at Atlas with a skeptical expression. "How will it come to truth? The companions are not complete."Atlas got up and walked over to his brother. "Do not lose your faith my friend. The guardians will stand at our side." He turned, to look at the five bases. "If we lose faith, as well as any hope for Daracoss is lost." ****** "Wait a minute, slow down!" fell a listener into the story. "I think I've lost the thread." Roland looked at the man skeptically. "In what way?" he asked. "If I have understood you correctly now, you come with 14 years to Parem?" The narrator nodded once in agreement. "And then you were now in the current state 19?" Roland waved with a slightly twisted face, a hand on the tabletop. "Around 20." he replied. "The time has not stood still during my training." "Aha!" was facilitated by the listener. "I just wanted to be sure that I took in the timing right." Roland put both hands on the table and looked at the man with a raised eyebrow skeptically. "Then I can now go on?" he asked. This nodded confidently. "Good." Roland began again. "So, I got myself a gargoyle, but I could not imagine what to do with it the next day. First, I needed a nice warm bath." "I opened the door........"******