Messenger Gryphon (Episode 1)

Story by Kothorix on SoFurry

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Episode one of a possible series involving gryphons, dragons, and lots of sex!

The purpose of these are to help you get off when you just can't find an RP. Tell me if it's working, in the comments! If I get enough people who say they enjoy it, I'll definitely write more.

I also could use some suggestions for tagging, because I'm bad at it.

Norah sat at the mouth of the gaping chasm before her. The soft grey fur, that nearly covered her entire body, pressed lightly against her in the wind. Her feline appearance only gave way to avian features at the meeting of fur and black-tinged feathers along her back, leading up to a hawk-like visage. The gryphon narrowed her gaze, keen eyes sweeping the area just inside the cavern before her. She cleared her throat in an attempt to draw attention to herself, from whatever beast dwelt within.The gryphoness grasped a small rock in her cat-like forepaw, before letting out an impatient cluck and tossing it into the void. She waited as the sound of stone on stone echoed throughout the cavern, her fur-tipped ears perking as the noise suddenly stopped. A few moments of silence preceded the sound of heavy footsteps, steadily growing louder. Norah sighed a bit, looking down at the leather satchel strapped to her side. After a moment of fiddling it open, she pulled a rolled document, sealed with red wax. Mere moments passed before the beast revealed himself. He stepped from his cavern, massive and towering over the small gryphon. The dragon was lined from head to toe in armored scales, red as they sprouted from his body and singed black on their tips. He glared down at the little gryphon in annoyance, clearing having been interrupted from an afternoon nap. He opened his mouth to speak, showing rows of teeth to the smaller quadruped. Before the dragon could speak, Norah cleared her throat again, cracking the seal on the scroll and unfurling the paper. She lifted it closer to her beak before speaking out in a loud voice. "Azraxious of the Rikoth'ri! This letter is to inform you of your current reputation with the town of Bantam. On account of the recent raids, destruction of property, killing of livestock, and pillaging of the town's gold supplies; your presence will no longer be tolerated. Please relocated immediately to a distance no closer than 100 miles, in

any direction. If these demands are not met, you will be brought to justice by the Paladins of Vestonia, who have already been informed of your activity. Signed, Ivan Cantus, Lord of the town of Bantam." The avian hybrid then lowered the scroll from her view, looking over the dragon before her. He glared back, somewhat quizzically. The gryphoness, Norah, looked over the large dragon again before speaking. "Yes, well, that's unfortunate isn't it? If I were you, I'd get out of here; those Paladins are brutal." Azraxious sneared down at the gryphoness, letting out a gust of hot air roll from his nostrils. The warmth washed over Norah, making her squint. The large beast slowly raised a claw to the gryphon, his voice booming as he answered, "I could rend the feathers and fur from your body! But... I make it a point never to kill a messenger. Tell the miserable humans that-"Norah let out a chirrup, extending a paw to the dragon. She spoke quickly, her wings lifting just a bit. "Any message must be payed in full before delivering. Plus, since you took the reserves from the folks at Bantam, I offered a clash on delivery once I got here; so you owe me that too."The dragon let out a huff, swiping at the gryphon with a massive paw and bellowing out at her, "Don't interrupt me!" Norah leapt from her seated position, wings pushing her into the air, nearly at head level to the male. He lunged forward to snap at her with his jaws, but a quick beat of her wings and Norah narrowly avoided the jagged teeth. She banked down, landing softly on a rock nearby, just out of reach of the dragon. Both dragon and gryphon eyed each other for a few moments before Norah spoke, once again cutting off the dragon. "I can take Vestonian gold, Malbian coin, or Malbian certificates of deposit, if you happen to have any. Standard fee is two silver per delivery...and that's in Malbian coin, of course. " The large red dragon eyed the female again curiously.

"You are a persistent little demon, aren't you?" He nodded to her, thinking the situation over. He smiled, before tilting his head toward the cave behind him. "Come in and receive your payment, then." Norah tapped her claw against her beak for a few moments, eyeing the male. "I'd really rather stay out here." Azraxious turned his back to her, tail twitching in annoyance as he moved toward the mouth of his lair. "Fine then! There will be no payment!" The gryphoness sighed deeply, standing upright on all fours. She trotted behind the dragon at a brisk pace, following him closely. "Alright, fine, I suppose I can manage a few minutes." Darkness overtook the two as they retreated into the lair. The cavern stunk of still water and wet earth, coated only by the scent of the large dragon. It was almost choking, but Norah did her best to keep her beak pointed straight ahead, as to not offend her host. The cavern descented, twisting through turns and corridors. Light from cracks in the overhead rocks trickled in, dancing along the walls. Once Azraxious was sure the gryphon was thoroughly lost, he turned to face her. She looked up to him, eyeing over his smirking demeanor, the gryphon raising an eye-ridge in question. Without a word, the dragon quickly pounced down on the gryphoness, knocking her to her back and pinning her with his paws, claws extended. He grinned deviously, staring down at her smaller form. "What a greedy, gullible little gryphon you are!" He chuckled. Norah only stared back up at him, a bit surprised, but unafraid. The male growled deeply back down to her. "Now you'll receive your payment!" He tightened his grip on her. "If you're good, I'll even let you live!" Norah let out a soft huffing sound, the gryphoness pushing up from under the dragon's paws. Her soft fur, coated in the thin oil she preened her feathers with, let her easily shove out from under the dragon. In one fluid movement, she slid underneath

him, righting herself on all fours again on the other side and repositioning  back near the base of his tail. Norah clucked at the state of the male, peeking between his hind legs. The dragon stumbled forward in surprise, jerking his body to the side in an attempt to turn around. He winced as the tip of his muzzle smacked against the side of the narrow tunnel, forcing him to slowly reposition himself and turn. While he scrambled to face her, Norah watched him in the dim light, her ears perking up a little. "A little small for a Rikoth'ri, aren't you?" She chirped out in a laugh. The Red growled at the comment, finally maneuvering himself to face her again. His head ducked low and a snarl formed on his lips. Norah closed her eyes, nodding again. "I'll tell you what... I'll do whatever twisted fetish your perverted mind can come up with, if you pay me double the cost of delivery." She turned away from him, lowering the front half of her body, and arching up her backside, nearly touching her hind end to the male's maw. As a final gesture, she lifted her fluffy tail, revealing her hindquarters to the dragon. She turned her head to look back at him. "Unless you don't want this, of course."The scent of the female hit Azraxious hard, the male already in a lusty mood. Though he wanted nothing more than to squeeze the life out of the gryphon, he instead quickly moved up over her. Bringing his hips low, he pressed up along her backside, erect purple shaft sliding up across the gryphon's nethers. Norah let out a soft coo, before chuckling. "Ah, I thought that would be the answer~" Azraxious ground down hard on the female, spreading her soft netherflesh with the tip of his length. He growled at her, closing his eyes before jamming up hard against her body, rocking forward. He hissed in dismay, expecting the gryphon's tightness around him, and recieving none of it. Looking down, he saw that she was once again on her back, this time clasped the tip of the dragon's length with her hindpaw. He eagerly pushed forward, but the action only slid Norah against the ground, away from him. Slowly, she pulled in with her hindpaw, letting the dragon's pre-slicked tip touch to her nethers. "Slow down~ You don't want to rip me in half do you?" She rolled her eyes. "Knowing Rikoth'ri, you probably do." Azraxious hissed down at the gryphon, opening his maw to snap at the gryphon. The action was quickly stifled thanks to a harsh squeeze of gryphon claws against the dragon's sensitive flesh. He  immediately withdrew his maw, wincing. Norah rewarded the behavior, retracting her claws and using the opposite hindpaw to slowly rub along the dragon's cock, massive in comparison to from a male of her own species. Her soft hindpads pushed against the underside of the male's length, the sensation causing him to groan out softly. The gryphoness continued the light treatment, getting rough with the dragon when he tried to force himself on her, and using both her hinds to rub along his cock when he didn't. Any attempt by the dragon to move from the current position was met with sharp claws as well. Azraxious slumped forward after several minutes of this, his breathing picking up, and the pre at the tip of his length beading steadily. Norah cooed slyly up to him. "So, big dragon, where do you keep your gold?" The Rikoth'ri refused to answer at first, until a sharp, squeezing gryphon claw forced him otherwise. "Nnn! Tenacious whore, it's up near the front!" He managed to grunt out after a bit more coaxing. Norah rumbled back to him sweetly, letting him push his shaft right up to her moist nethers, the dragon growling out as he nudged and prodded there. "I was thinking... three gold in total, what do you think?" Axraxious growled down deeply to her, rolling his hips in a vain attempt to breed the gryphon. He huffed loudly again after a few more moments of fruitless pushing. "I don't care about the gold! Just allow me to take you properly!" He snapped his jaws shut with a resounding click, the male feeling his lust burn intensely inside him. The gryphon began a firm routine of stroking  the male on either side of his length. She positioned his cocktip right on her nethers, letting him feel her warmth as she pumped him right to the point where he could barely stand it.Norah once again cooed up at the male. "Oh, I can take what I want then?" She relaxed her grip on his shaft just a little, letting him press several inches of his length inside her, Norah groaning uneasily at the tight fit. She pushed him away as she felt the dragon attempt to thrust

again. "You want to feel me squeeze the seed right out of you, huh? I bet you'd love to shove yourself in, knot deep, and just let loose~"Axraxious growled out, nearly in a frenzy, once again vainly attempting to push himself inside the female. "Yes, take whatever you wish!" He managed to growl out. "You can have it all! What more do you want!?" The male clenched his teeth, feeling himself so close to relief and yet unable to release. The gryphoness chirped at the male's amusingly desperate thrusts, tickling the underside of his shaft lightly with a hindpaw.  Norah's confidence diminished somewhat as she  nervously chuckled, knowing this had to come to and end at some point. She slowly released her grip on the male's shaft, allowing him to push up against her. She sprawled her hind-legs out, cunny completely exposed, and dripping with mixed juices. "Mmf, go crazy, hun."The words had barely escaped Norah's beak, and the dragon already ground down hard against her. A soft squeak escaped her as he shoved hard with his rigid length. With quite a bit of difficulty, her tight pussy swallowed every inch the dragon could offer. He wasted no time, jamming himself into her until only his knot remained outside her body. The roughness, and tight fit made Norah cry out. She gasped, immediately regretting her decision, but knowing it was too late. The gryphoness clenched her beak shut, just bearing it.The dragon pounded roughly at the gryphon's exposed slit, sliding his tapered length completely inside her. He rolled his hips, pulling only halfway from her before shoving it all inside again. Each thrust came to a stop as his knot noisily slapped to her wet nethers. The male quickly, and deliberately worked himself up to his climax, feeling that sweet release after the previous bout of torture. Azraxious didn't even have the time or patience to try to knot the hen, instead letting his throbbing length sink completely inside her. He growled out again as he felt his orgasm come upon him hard. Thick bouts of his hot seed flooded the gryphon tunnel clenching tight around his shaft. He couldn't help but buck

roughly against her, letting her velvety flesh milk every drop of his cream. The dragon shuddered as he pushed against her further, pressing heavily on her nethers with his knot.Norah, who had shown no signs of resistance until now, quickly pushed at the dragon's slick knot with her hinds. She winced at the feeling of seed leaking from her, smearing across her pads. "Nope! I have places to be." The dragon took no heed to her words, only redoubling his efforts. Norah screamed as the male's thick knot pushed open her already-spread walls, the gryphoness trying to twist and pull off him. He kept her at a harsh angle, making any movement difficult as he continued to pound sloppily at their messy joining.Norah gasped out, finally grasping the swelling lump of flesh with her hindclaws. With a quick movement, she jerked her body completely off the dragon's length. Beads of cum drooled from their joining, as the dragon's slick cock fell from her. The gryphon pushed off the male, clamboring onto his back and kicking off.Azraxious, exhausted, and blissfully unaware, simply slumped forward, allowing the gryphoness easy escape behind him. He moved to turn toward her, but once again found himself somewhat trapped by the narrow corridor. He let out a displeased growl before curling where he lay, giving up on the prospect of chasing her and instead basking in afterglow. The soft flutter of gryphon wings echoed from the tops of the forgotten ruins of what was once a castle's keep. Norah landed with a sigh, the days activities had taken longer than she expected, and had quite a bit more effort. Her satchel jingled with coin as she meandered to her place of rest; a pile of straw under a half-broken roof. She slumped down on her belly, taking off her leather bag and dumping its contents to the ground. Lovely coinage shimmered gold in the failing light.A feminine voice rang out from the darkness, condescending but not altogether aggressive. "Well, look who it is! Norah, with a bag full of gold and a belly full of seed, no doubt!" The voice's owner stepped forward, revealing another gryphon. This one was a bit larger

and older, and covered in jet-black fur and feathers. Norah chirped to her. "Don't be jealous because males don't want you anymore." She seemed unphased, continuing to count her gold. Norah turned her gaze to the black-coated gryphoness. "Gil, what did you do today?" She chirped out smugly. Gil, the black gryphoness, laughed a bit. "Working out larger deals. Things that'll pay two or even three times what your deliveries do!" It was a bluff, but she felt compelled to compete with the other gryphon. Norah seemed capable of racking up massive amounts of gold in relatively short amounts of time. What she spent it on, Gil didn't know. A dragon wouldn't have anything worth buying, and most humans were wary to do any kind of business with a gryphon. The two had been lucky so far, finding odd jobs delivering small items of interest across the Malbian provinces. Or, more dangerously, jobs to deliver letters of discontent to something the humans feared even more than gryphons; dragons. Norah continued to count her day's earnings, slowly stacking them in front of the other gryphon. "Well, good luck with that~ Now leave me alone, I need a nap!" Gil shook her head, still somewhat fond of her feisty business partner. She turned, leaving one last word. "Norah, you do know that dragon's can track their own scent for miles, don't you?"  And with that, she departed the gryphon's nesting area, leaving Norah wide-eyed, and with flattened ears.