The Lovers: Ode to Killer and Alexis

Story by Behemel on SoFurry

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The Lovers: An ode to Killer and Alexis I made depicting the two characters from Killer Tiger's story and artwork. A proud tribute to the two lovers of the story where their simple union can create, destroy and create again.

Note: Long time been MIA from here and posting but now back and hope to make up for lost time.

The Lovers: Ode to Killer and Alexis

By Behemel Fatereaver

In the aether of space and time,

where all things originate,

Suspended entwine the two great beings of perfection.

Fur of white, predators of the world, entwine by their passion,

and never shall they leave their eternal embrace.

Water and fire, sweat and breath,

both masters of life and death.

Each of muscles divine, rubbing against one another,

Passionate comrades, rivals-- the ultimate lovers.

Claws tug at muscle unyielding, hips smashing with abandonment,

His name on her lips as she thrusts against him.

His strong arms holding her tight, keeping her in close,

as his massive gigantic cock pummels deeper into her molten dripping sex.

Their movements untamed, they make ripples in space,

Crashing force and cries she gives echo into the cosmos.

The two grinning, in challenge, love and lust,

only making the titanic clashes more violent.

All things created, and all things destroyed,

in that single moment of the couples unified might.

In their ecstasy, in their affection for one another,

*no force can stand to challenge them. *