Red Hot Lovin'

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#16 of Miscellany

Just a contest entry.


one of the select few of the ancient creatures graced with wings, I have found

the thrill of flying to be a never ending source of exhilaration. There are few

things that can match this experience, but I have found one thing that is on

par, and maybe even a little bit better.                 My name

is Cortina. From the tip of my sexy tail to the sharpest point on my shiny

beak; from the farthest reach of my wingspan, I was the epitome of luxurious

excess in good looks. My fur was tawny and smooth, and my feathers' were golden

and glorious. The problem was, I knew of no other like me. It's hard to show

off appropriately if there is none of your kind to show off to.                 I was a

casual acquaintance with a dragon known as Tamalor. Land dragons had ceased to

exist in this world thanks to an infestation of humans.  Scales were hard, but not so hard as to

deflect iron tipped speared. The winged ones had found refuge in the higher

altitudes, only occasionally making forays for food into the valleys and the

plains.                 I

generally stayed out of their way, but our paths would cross on occasion. One,

Tamalor by name, was always personable. He seemed knowledgeable about so many

things that if I had a problem, I would search him out. It was what brought me

to him when I felt something askew in my body. I was suffering from some sort

of ailment that I had never had before. And while I was old in the eyes of

creatures like humans, I was young for a griffin. Too young to have taken ill

with some unknown ailment.                 He

looked me over with that third-eye sort of way he had. I wasn't normally a

touchy-feely sort of girl, but today I didn't mind his explorations. In the

end, he sat back on his haunches. Little licks of flame escaped his lips,

something that happened either when he was angry or when he was amused. I

didn't know which of those I preferred.                 "What's

wrong with me?" I pleaded.                "Nothing.

You're as fit as any griffin your age should be."                "But

I'm not feeling well at all!"                "Not

well, or merely altered?"                "Is

there a difference?"                He

sighed. "For example, if I do this, what happens?" He ran a claw down my

flanks. It sent shivers through my spine.                 "By the

eldritch powers! That sent fire through my body. What did you do?"                He

repeated the motion, eliciting the same response. "Nothing more than what you

see. What you feel is caused within your own body."                "So

what's wrong with me?"                He grew

tired of my ignorance. "You're in heat my dear. You need to go find a male of

your kind and mate."                This

threw me off. I was so unbalanced that I careened to the side and fell to the

floor of his cave. "Heat? Male? Mate? There is none of my kind anywhere I have

flown. How can I mate with something that doesn't exist?"                "Now

there I cannot help you. If it's any consolation to you, I find it rare that a

female dragon looks for someone to procreate with, leastwise in these lands. It

is so lonely without your own kind to merge with, even if only once in a

hundred years."                "A

hundred years? I guess I could suffer this out once in a hundred years."                Tamalor

grimaced. "My kind is fertile once in a hundred years. I believe your kind

cycles much faster."                "How

fast?"                "I

can't say. But if I were to guess, about every year or so until you are with

cub."                I sat

on the stony floor and sighed. Maybe going a year between these indignities

might seem long to some, but to me, it was intolerable.  Griffins were known to live three hundred

years or more, and dragons even longer. 

So hundreds more of these "conditions" were going to drive me crazy.                "Isn't

there something you can do to help me? Can't you give me something to alleviate

the symptoms?"                He

laughed; a long, rolling sound that blew over the mouth of the cave and down

the mountainside. "Alleviate the symptoms? There is no potion for that. This is

part of life. It's part of your makeup. It's part of being a female. You are

supposed to revel in it, not declare it to be some sort of disease."                The

longer I sat there, the more I dwelled on the feeling inside me. The more I

dwelled on it, the worse it got. My back end was getting itchy, but not like

from biting flies. It was more; well, it was just itchy. I could feel my

private area swelling and getting damp. No such thing had ever happened before,

and I was like 40 years old now. I hated feeling like I wasn't in control.                 I got

up and paced the cave, my wings fluttering out in agitation. "Are you sure you

can't do anything to help me?"                He

started to speak, then went quiet.  He

thought for a moment. "I might be able to try one thing, but there is no

guarantee it will help."                "I'll

try anything once!"                His

look became serious, comingled with something else. I had never seen this

particular look before. "We are friends Cortina. I still remember the year you

were born, and what happened to your sire and dam. What I propose may ruin all

our years of friendship. Are you willing to risk that?"                "If you

have something that might drive this feeling away, I'll try to not hold you

responsible for the results."                "If you

say so my dear. What you need is something to, uhh, scratch that itch that's

got you in such a conundrum. "                "Like a

tree trunk?"                "Ahhhh,

no. More like this." He leaned to one side, showing his scaly underbelly. While

most of his skin and scales were black, there was now a large red slash showing

where there had been no such color before. I quickly made the connection that

this was his counterpart to my private region. And it struck me all at once

what he was suggesting. I was horrified and sudden aroused at the same time.  I couldn't keep my eyes off of his organ.                I had

never seen one before, regardless of the species. So I had no way to judge his

size, but it seemed huge. I found the idea of it fitting inside me to be

ridiculous. Yet I was immediately willing to try. I knew he wouldn't hurt me on

purpose, but my legs went weak with the mere thought. I made my decision and

told him in hushed tones;                "Do it

before I change my mind."                I

instinctively hunkered down and moved my tail to one side. He was on top of me,

carefully moving to avoid clawing me. He knew full well the power of his

weaponry and that my skin was nothing like his kin's scales. His head moved

past mine and turned on its neck to look at me. "Are you ready my dear? I am a

little rusty, but since this is your first time, I guess you won't know the

difference."                He was

right. I had no expectations outside of those my body seemed to be waiting for.

I had no idea what that was, but I had a feeling I would know it when I felt

it.  That was when I felt a poke in my

posterior. I lifted up, instinctively assisting him with getting into the

correct place. I had a feeling that his organ in my upper hole would prove to

be most uncomfortable.                 The tip

slid in like a newly forged sword. It was hotter than my body's natural

temperature by more than I could possible explain.  I could almost feel the heat spreading

through my body from that point inward. 

And the further he drove it in, the warmer I felt. Soon I was filled

beyond belief with his enormous piece of male dragon-ness. For all I knew, I

could expect to see the tip coming out my chest.                I

finally felt the end of it stop deep inside me. Don't ask how I knew or what it

felt like, because I think my eyes rolled back in my head and my mind went numb.

And when he pulled back, it was as if he had enlarged even more once he was

inside. He had. I was woefully ignorant in so many ways.                 You see

in dragons, the mating process might take days, and the females at times sought

to extricate themselves from the act. The same was true for my species (I found

out later) with the males having a rather wicked looking spiked organ. A sane

female would never want something like inside her, but the hormonal imbalance

tended to make you a little insane. However, if I wasn't that way before he

started, his long, hot member was filling me with an unnatural heat that drove

me into madness. And it was making my mind a little less balanced with each

passing moment.                My feet

clawed the floor, gouging grooves in the solid rock. His rear claws were doing

the same, driving sparks from the flesh of the mountain. His flesh was being

driven into me, making me feel like I had the blood of a volcano running

through my veins. The feeling that I had prior to this visit was now growing

exponentially.  It consumed me like a

fire.                 I felt

like one of those poor lesser animals; killed, dressed out and roasting on a

spit. I was thinking, in the back of my mind, that maybe this wasn't such a

good idea. My body argued against that notion, for it was being consumed in a

passion that I could never put into words. If this was what mating was all

about, I was thinking that maybe I wanted to be in heat forever.                I could

feel his stiff and lengthy member stirring my insides until my entire body felt

like a quivering mass of gelatin. I lost control of my muscles as his full weight

settled down on me. I was helpless. That was a new feeling and it should have

frightened me. But it didn't.                I was

too overwhelmed while engaged in the motions of the mating process to voice any

concerns. As it was, my body began shaking uncontrollably, with vibrations

heretofore never felt running though my body like a quake shakes a mountain.

Something started in my lower abdomen and began to rhythmical contract,

wracking my body with the strangest feeling ever. I couldn't understand it; I

should have been frightened to death but I simply accepted the feeling. My vision

went dark and I was overwhelmed with pleasure.                I

barely noticed the explosion inside me as Tamalor let loose his bodily

fluids.  I did manage to sense the pressure

build inside me before it blew out around his member, leaking onto the floor.  It was hot, and I could groggily envision it

steaming as it made contact with the cold damp air.                Tamalor

pulled out. I instantly felt hollow inside, and groaned at the loss of his

presence inside me. My wings fluttered erratically and I couldn't even lift my

head to thank him. He was watching me, uncertain if he had done me harm through

our liaison.                 "Cortina?"                "Yes?"                "Are

you hurt?"                "No.

Just weak."                "Did

this help your problem?"                " Help?

I'm not sure. I think I will have to recover first before I'll know the answer

to that.  But I think I've just learned

where the saying fire in the hole

came from!"