He Found Me As Ice - chapter 1

Story by IceArticuno on SoFurry

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#1 of He Found Me As Ice

A boy gets lost in a snow storm, and is rescued by a legend. What will become of him?

The young man huddled against a large fur. His body having been shaking violently before, but he sat there quietly, feeling almost warm despite the lack of a heavy jacket. It wasn't long before he felt the welcoming warmth of sleep pulling at his eyelids. He slumped against the tree, and then felt nothing at all.

The world spun and rolled as he was pulled and tugged. Half conscious and delirious, he dreamed himself adrift at sea. Then the waters calmed, his little boat barely able to stay afloat. But, soon seagulls swooped down from the sun and began to attack. Their beaks stabbing and grabbing at his flesh and clothing till he was huddled in a ball without clothing. He was soon glowing, his body filling with warmth, and his head feeling heavy. He lay down and closed his eyes.

Shadows bounced and flickered against the uneven ceiling above him when he opened his eyes. He felt warm, but odd at the same time. He tried to move, but found he was wrapped tightly in some kind of bag; looking down, he found he was in a mummy bag of sorts. Glancing to the side, he saw a fire crackling beside him that warmed the side of his bag, along with a few other things. Mostly the normal camping things you'd take into the wilderness... His clothes were on a pole by the fire as they dried. This kicked his mind into reality and he looked the other way.

It was dark past five feet. Except for the two eyes that reflected the light of the fire in an eerie way. His stomach tensed and he felt fear run through him. The eyes blinked off, then came back. The boy tried to move, but it must have been tied together, because he could barely move.

"You'll find it hard to move right now," a voice echoed quietly. "You're still weak." It continued.

"W-Who are-" his voice cracked as he coughed, his throat parched from lack of water.

"A friend," the cool voice replied from the darkness. The boy stared at the watching eyes, but soon his neck ached and his body cried for rest.

"Okay," he whispered, his eyes closing as sleep overcame him.

He Found Me As Ice - chapter 2

Scents of stewed veggies and unknown meat nudged the boy from his deep slumber. Eyelids fluttered open and grunts escaped his dry throat as he rolled in his bag. He half recalled drinking something, initially putting it down as a dream, but the large...

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