Beta Test

Story by Spudz on SoFurry

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For a while now I've been wanting to do a cross-over story with Robert Baird on one of his series. I figured now was as good a time as any. This little short takes place in what I like to call Rob's moreau-verse, where genetically engineered bipedal animals (moreaus) are used as tools for various corporate trades and industries. You can read his stories for this wonderfully constructed universe here:

Bad Dog!: (Prequel)

Cry Havoc:

Steel and Fire and Stone:

Hang a Shining Star: (Steel and Fire and Stone Sequel)

Sanctuary: (A Prequel to the Prequel with Smut :3)

This short takes place between Bad Dog! and Cry Havoc. Nothing much to it. It's just smut. Hope it's a good read.

Beta Test

Written By: Spudz

The hallway was dark, the dim glow of the illumination strips on either wall providing just enough light for Rainer to make his final rounds. Most of the staff had already gone home for the night. He was one of the few handlers that still remained this late evening.

The day had been rather uneventful, par for the course really. Most of it had been paperwork, a few meetings with the execs scattered throughout the morning, and of course the periodic stints spent in the barracks looking after his charges. There was one task left now, a final check of all the dogs under his care to ensure they were properly bedded down for the night. It was the best part of the day.

He turned at a fork in the hallway, bringing himself to a keypad protected door. A touch of the badge hanging from his neck and a quick code entry into the pad resulted in an audible chime and the door opening, giving the handler entry into the barracks compound beyond.

There were twenty dogs housed within, four of which were under his care. They were a unique breed, created with a unique purpose in mind. These weren't data dogs, as most canine moreaus were known by. This batch was something special.

Rainer was the only human inside the barracks, and his uniformed presence was quick to garner the attention of all the canines within. Various eyes peered out at him from the confines of the numerous bunk alcoves. There was something more to their inquisitive looks tonight, but... no, no it was just his imagination. It was always a little weird stepping foot inside the barracks this late at night.

His four charges were situated in adjoining beds, and a quick glance into the first three bunks verified that his moreaus were bedding down like they were supposed to be. They were always good little dogs, just as they'd been bred and trained.

He made a few data entries on the holopad he carried, a final daily report, before moving on to the fourth bunk. Above the alcove the bold face lettering across the bulkhead read 3C-22F-JOA, identifying the anthro dog that called the space home. A slight grin touched the corner of Rainer's mouth as he peered in, finding the moreau he sought... his favorite pet.

3C-22F-JOA was known by her namesake of Joan, a reference to a historical politician or author; someone who was long since dead and unimportant enough for Rainer to really care about. He didn't know why all the moreaus were named in a similar manner. It didn't make all that much sense to him, but it was of little matter.

Like the other dogs under his care, Joan was a husky with thick fur of blended white and grey. Her breed had been selected for its intelligence and affability toward people, traits that were quite important given the... vocation she was intended for. There were not many moreau lines out there quite like Joan's. In fact, batch 22F was the very first of its kind. All the dogs were undergoing internal beta testing because of this to ensure product stability before mass production could commence. GeneMark was taking a bold step in a new direction with its product lines, and Rainer, for one, applauded the corporation for it. Unlike typical data dogs, he could find a use for these moreaus.

Joan cowered away from his presence as he leaned into her alcove. She was practically curled up into a ball on her bed, with her elegant tail tucked up against her body. A pitiful canine whimper escaped her muzzle. She knew why he was here.

"Come on, Joan. Time for our exam." She didn't move, only whining louder at his words. He fixed her with a stern look. "You know what happens when you don't cooperate. Come here, now."

His impatience got the better of him as he just reached in and grabbed the husky by the scruff of her neck. She didn't cry out, or fight him. The operant conditioning kicked in as the dog went completely limp in his grip without so much as a peep.

For months now the moreaus of batch 22F had been put through extensive behavioral training, with a focus on making them easier to manage. The past had taught the handlers of GeneMark that lack of proper controls led to rebellion, and in some extreme cases even violence. In lieu of more artificial means to accomplish this, the staff was experimenting with conditioned behaviors, and so far the concept had worked beautifully. The learning process was a little... rough for the dogs, but the results could not be refuted.

Now all it took to immobilize them was a grab of the loose skin around the nape of their necks, drawing on preexisting instincts that Mother Nature had already put in place. The dogs very literally went limp as a result, perfect for manhandling them when they were proving uncooperative.

Rainer released his hold after pulling Joan to the edge of her bed. "Now get up."

She looked up at him with those distinctive ice blue eyes. There was no anger or resentment, merely resignation. She knew nothing else but obedience to her handler, although he did have to remind her from time to time the order of things.

The husky slowly stood alongside her bed. Like most moreaus, she was bipedal. What set the 22F batch apart from the rest of the GeneMark lines was their more human form, with supple breasts and a curvy elegant figure that was pleasing to the eyes. Joan, like her kin in the barracks, was a companion dog, and she had but one carnal purpose.

"That's my good little dog," Rainer soothed. He sidled up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck to inhale the pleasing fragrance of the flowery shampoo he always bought just for her. The dogs wore no clothing in the barracks; there was no need for them. Her silky fur was oh so wonderfully soft as he ran his fingers across her finely toned stomach. "My wonderful little girl."

Her pointy ears were splayed, but he felt the husky's tail thump repeatedly against his thighs. She was trained to respond to his voice. For her, there was nothing better than to hear her master's praise, no matter the circumstances.

His hands worked their way up to gently cup her two lovely breasts, evoking a sharp intake of breath from Joan. "Such a wonderful girl. Let's get this exam out of the way, shall we?"

She knew better than to fight him. What her master said was final, and she had no choice but to submit to his will. That was what made him happy, and she knew that was all that mattered. A gentle but firm grab of her neck scruff, just light enough not to trigger her immobility, made doubly sure of that.

The security cameras panned to watch him lead the husky toward the nearby exam room. The night shift guard for the barracks knew what was up. He was, after all, being given favors by the handlers to keep things quiet. All of the dogs from batch 22F were supposed to be loaned out periodically to high ranking executives of the corporation for "trial runs." And most of them were, with the exception of the few that the handlers themselves had selected for their own... personal use. Merely letting the guard have his pick of the dogs that remained was all that was needed to keep things nice and tight.

In that sense, Joan was Rainer's personal dog. She was his, all his, for him to do with what he pleased. He wouldn't have it any other way. She was the best dog of the lot, with that perfect body and conditioned loyalty to please her master. He made sure to take full advantage of everything she had to offer.

A quick thumb of the keypad was all he needed to open the door for Exam Room 3. He guided Joan and himself through, before closing the door behind him and locking it. There were no cameras in here, a fact that seemed odd given the room's official function. Maybe the higher-ups wanted the handlers to do a little testing of their own; who knew? At the very least, he wouldn't have any unwelcome eyes watching.

"Be a good girl and stand over there," he ordered with a jerk of the head, releasing the husky's scruff.

Joan did as she was told, moving toward the cushioned exam table. She watched him timidly, ears pinned, tail tucked between her legs. She was perfectly capable of speaking, and actually had a good grasp of human language, but she knew that now was a time for silence. Past experience had taught her that.

He took a moment to drink in her naked splendor. "That's a good girl. Now you stay right there."

The keycard was first to come off, to be placed on a medicine cabinet along with all of his uniform attire that followed. The husky's eyes fell to the floor as he disrobed, waiting for her master.

Rainer drew a deep breath as he finished undressing. He was so goddamned hard right now. Here he had this perfect husky bitch before him, and she was all his to fuck. It was her one purpose.

She recoiled as he moved to her, but there was no fighting it. A hand grabbed at her neck again, removing any thought of resistance that she might've offered. He pulled her limp body onto the table, spreading her legs apart as he mounted her prone form.

She was panting, her eyes locked rigidly on him. There was conflict in that gaze of hers. She wanted to struggle, spurred on by her natural instincts no doubt. Her compliance was never unconditional, but that was what made her special... why she was his bitch.

He could feel her every quick breath radiate through her body as he pressed himself against the husky. The thick soft fur of her inner thigh teased his rock-hard cock unmercifully. She was his to conquer, but first he would make her submit.

"Such a good little bitch." His free hand moved down, tracing a groove through the lay of her stomach fur, until his fingers found smooth slick flesh between her parted legs. He rubbed along her slit, teasing the husky, watching as her eyes widened and then lidded at his touch.

The grip on Joan's scruff kept her still, letting him slowly work her over to his content. His roving digits soon parted her folds ever so slightly. He sensed the husky's arousal begin to grow. The fight in her eyes was still there, muddled by the war she was now waging with her body. It was a struggle he always enjoyed watching.

He was thrusting into her now with his finger, watching with satisfaction as her eyes glazed over, her breasts bouncing slightly in sync to his motion. Her tongue was lulled, hanging from her muzzle. It was all too easy to get the husky worked up; genetic engineering at its best.

Pomp and circumstance was done away as he suddenly withdrew his hand from her ready cunt. He pulled Joan off the padded table, holding her still by the nape.

When she was upright he released her neck, and threw the husky up forcefully against the metal wall with her haunches angled toward him. A medical diagram of moreau anatomy fell from its hanger to crash on the floor, unnoticed by both occupants of the room.

He bent her over, moving up to grind his stiff cock against her rump, pushing her curved tail aside. "Now, stay."

Joan started to tense, turning back to look over her shoulder at the looming human that pressed himself up against her.

"I said, stay!" Rainer took a hand and clamped it over her muzzle, his other holding her own against the wall for support. "Do not disobey me!"

His husky bitch gave a pathetic whine through her clenched maw. She relented, her body going lax. She always listened to her master.

Satisfied, he let go of her muzzle and pushed her legs further apart with his own. Her wonderful sex was a beautiful sight, sodden lips parted slightly beneath a raised tail. "Let me enjoy that nice tight cunt, like the good little bitch you are."

He pulled his aching cock down and thrust forward, taking the husky fully in one vigorous plunge. She yelped, her ears splaying as her head dipped back. He seized the opportunity to hold her muzzle shut again, stifling any further cries as he pulled back to pound into her once more, savoring the supple resistance of her haunches as he ground up against her.

Hot wetness gripped at his shaft, yielding to his thrusts as he took his bitch mercilessly. God she was so warm and slick, unlike any woman he had ever fucked before. He grunted with the effort of it, pushing her roughly against the wall, holding her tail aside so he could watch his cock spread the dog's slick pussy with each surge of his hips.

She was looking back at him now, moaning softly through her clamped muzzle. Those eyes still had a little fight to them. But she was losing the battle. "Give in already. You're mine, there's no escaping it." He punctuated his remark with a hard thrust, pushing her further up against the wall. The husky's dulled claws struggled to find purchase on the cold bare metal. He held himself there, buried to the glorious hilt inside her. "Oh yes, take it all you filthy bitch," he groaned.

Without warning Rainer pulled free and led her over toward the exam table by the muzzle, knocking over a tray of medical tools in the process. She obeyed without struggle as he released her muzzle, finding herself pushed down, her hands grasping the edge of the table cushion. Her tail instinctively rose high and to the side, exposing the dog's sopping pussy.

Rainer took a heady moment to grope her fine rump, marveling at her beauty, before he drove himself into her slick folds once more. Her body shuddered at the force of his thrust, another startled yelp escaping her muzzle. Fuck, he was loving this!

She was bent over further now, giving him more leverage to pound into his bitch. The small exam room masked none of the raucous chorus of his reckless exertion, the rhythmic thumping of his hips ramming against her haunches, the wet slurping of her sex surrendering to his throbbing cock, the ever heightening vocalizations of the husky that drowned out his terse groans.

He leaned down to fondle her ample breasts, relishing the feel of her pert nipples pressing into his palm, her whole body rocking in tune to his increasingly fervent effort. She was getting close, he could feel her pushing back against him, her muscles growing tenser by the second. His own loins grew tight; he wanted to finish this right.

Once more the human withdrew, this time to the distressed cry of his husky bitch. She must've been poised right on the ragged cusp.

He didn't give her time to react, reaching out for the scruff, letting her body go limp in his grip.

He roughly pushed her up all the way onto the exam bed, flipping her over onto her back. When he again let her move, she looked up to him with those lovely ice blue eyes full of desperate longing. She had succumbed, the promise of a carnal release all she cared for now. The husky spread her legs, her tongue lulled in fitful pants, looking to him submissively.

"That's my girl." His excited words provoked a wag of her tail as she gave a soft whimper seemingly without even realizing it.

He climbed onto the bed in one fluid motion, driving himself into the husky with renewed vigor. This was what he longed for, to watch her facial expression twist in carnal bliss, to see her eyes screwed so tightly shut, her muzzle hung open as her chest rose and fell in quick halting breaths. She was his obedient bitch.

Her breasts bounced as his hips met her own with enthusiasm, the husky licking at the tip of her nose as she became caught up in the intoxicating buildup to release. Her legs wrapped around his lower back, drawing him deeper into her. The dog's silken fur was simply amazing as it brushed against his bare skin. The flowery scent of her shampoo filled his nose.

Joan suddenly cried out beneath him, her legs drawing his hips forcibly against her. She arched her back against the table, tail thrashing between his legs as a powerful climax consumed her.

The dog's sex contracted powerfully around his throbbing cock; it was too much.

With one last reckless thrust, he buried himself to the hilt in the writhing husky, biting back a curse. His balls drew tight, all the tension unwinding in a heady rush as he joined his bitch at the height of release.

Thick spurts of cum painted her heated sex, sating his needs, asserting his dominance over the dog beneath him in the purest of bodily endeavors.

He buried his head in the curve of her neck, his hands roaming all across her contorting form without purpose, his hips rocking gently to prolong the blissful apex.

The husky's own peak endured, her contracting folds still milking him for all he had. It went on for what felt like several heavenly minutes.

And then, at last, that marvelous moment had to come to an end.

They both collapsed onto the exam table in breathless heaps. It felt good to rest against her soft fur, like a giant cozy pillow. When he met her disheveled gaze, there was only an intoxicated daze. It was the same every night, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Some minutes later, Rainer pulled himself grudgingly off the panting husky, letting his receding length spill from her abused cunt to make a mess on the table. He'd have to clean that up before leaving for home, not to mention clean himself up, lest the wife get suspicious.

He moved to stand, starting toward the pile of clothes he had left on the medicine cabinet. "You were a good girl, Joan. One of your best exams yet. At this rate, your line will be out of beta testing before we know it." He smiled to himself. "I'll make sure to have you as my own then. I'm sure the execs won't mind if a handler or two keeps one of the test dogs for themselves."

Just as Rainer reached out for his pants, he felt a presence behind him. Before he could turn something cold and metallic pressed up against his neck.

A hiss of compressed gas reached his ears. He pulled away, stunned to find Joan standing there with something in her hand... a medical hypospray. Where had she gotten that? How had she snuck up on him?

The small injector fell from her shaking hand to clatter onto the floor between them. Rainer immediately recognized the symbols of the cartridge that was inserted into it. No... it couldn't be...

His extremities started to go numb. He fell back against the medicine cabinet, rattling its contents.

The human tried to keep his feet, and failed, finding himself sliding down into an awkward sitting position on the floor, staring wide-eyed at the dog.

It was a spray the staff used to physically immobilize the moreaus for medical checkups, which left brain function and the autonomic nervous system unhindered. He couldn't move; the tranquilizer was already taking full effect.

In a matter of moments, the handler could not feel anything. He was numb from head to toe, unable to move any part of his body. All he could do was look at Joan, his mouth left slack-jawed by the tranquilizer.

How? How had she gotten ahold of that injector? They were tightly controlled by the medical staff, always locked behind security cabinets away from the moreau barracks. How?

She looked at him, clearly panicked. She knew what she had just done, but... no, now the panic was gone. There was now only a determined resolve, something he had never seen in her before. The change from only moments ago was startling.

The husky set her expression and moved to his uniform and keycard on the cabinet, bundling the former into a ball under her arm as she draped the card around her neck on its lanyard.

She thumbed open the door to leave the room with haste in her step... but then suddenly paused at the door's threshold.

In that moment, Joan met his stunned gaze one last time. He could see the regret in the way her ears splayed, that she knew this was a point of no return. There was even... sadness in her eyes.

She opened her muzzle as if to speak, only to think better of it.

The door swished closed behind the husky; she was gone.

It was the last time Rainer would ever see her.