Stranger Part 6

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#8 of Stranger

Standard disclaimer. You read it before. instead of using apostrophes to indicate thinking, cydon and I are using parentheses.

Kit walked into the lobby of the apartment buildings where he was living with Jav, huffing and puffing a little from the run he had been enjoying as he subconsciously checked his pulse. It was really just a force of habit at this point, he wasn't forced to run anymore but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Stepping into the elevator he made his way to their apartment and took the earbuds out of his ears and set the music player in his pocket.

A note on the table caught his attention, and as he opened it and read it his face turned a deep red. -I stepped out to get a new exhaust tip for my car. Be back in 10. Make sure you're not wearing anything! Love you -Jav-. Kit gulped as he began to stir downstairs and his mind wandered to what he thought was going to happen, his tail wagging happily. "Anything for him." Kit remarked as he flipped his shirt up over his head and worked on his belt before his pants dropped to the floor. "Hope he really is the one that walks through the door though... that'd be embarrassing otherwise!"

Jav quietly snuck up to his door. The note about his car was a lie; he had been waiting for Kit to get back so he could surprise him. (I hope he followed the instruction...) He thought as he quietly opened the door.

Kit couldn't help but moan a little as the air hit his body, after running it felt good to get out of his warm clothes. (I wonder how long ago it was since he wrote that note...?) he thought when suddenly the door opened and Jav was standing in the door with an amorous smile on his face. "Well, here you are!" Kit found himself saying before he thought about it.

Jav smiled at him. "Hope I didn't take too long..." He said. Then he ran at Kit and tackled him onto the couch, rubbing Kit's erection with his own.

Kit cried out in surprise as they both landed on the couch with a soft 'Oomph'. He was about to say something, but when he felt a rubbing sensation on the side of his cock he just helplessly moaned.

Jav ground against Kit. " like that?" His hand reached down and he grabbed Kit's cock, stroking slowly.

Kit whimpered a little in pleasure as he wrapped Jav in a hug. "God it feels so good..." he said with a moan.

Jav hugged Kit back. "Today is a special day for know why?" He gave Kit's erection a squeeze as a hint.

Kit let out another moan and looked Jav in the eyes. "W-why's that, hun...?" his mind was racing with possibilities as he whimpered slightly.

Jav grinned predatorily at him. "Take a has to do with you, me, and some lube."

What blush had still been on Kit's face had redoubled at this point, and his erection seemed to twitch in Jav's hand in response. "Wh-What...? R-Really...?" He was at a loss for words.

"Yes, really." Jav smiled tenderly. " choose what'll happen." He squeezed Kit again, stroking lightly.

A wave of pleasure shot through Kit as he groaned slightly, not paying attention to his reaction as he muttered "Fuck me..."

Jav blinked at him. "Really? You want me to mount you?"

Kit faltered for a second, staring down at Jav's large erection and he thought about it for a second... It didn't take long before he nodded his head affirmatively.

Jav felt a little shocked, but carried on. "Okay...hehe." He stood up and yanked off his shirt. "Let's go upstairs...or do you want to have fun right here?"

Kit thought about for a second before he replied. "I don't know... wherever you want to go, it doesn't matter to me..." he reached down and gave Jav's erection a slight squeeze as he planted a kiss on his lips.

"Then let's go at it on the living room floor." He said and giggled a little. He pulled a small tube of KY out of his pants pocket and took off his pants, having not put on boxers that afternoon. "Just wanted to be efficient!" He said as a reply to Kit's grin.

Kit smiled blissfully, he loved seeing Jav naked, and his erection started getting almost painfully hard from all the different attention. "O-okay!" He stumbled over his response as he kissed Jav again.

"Mmmmmm..." Jav moaned through the kiss. (God, I love him...) A deep kiss was one of the things that just made Jav melt. He reluctantly broke it, and held up the tube of lube. "Get on the floor, my love."

Kit obeyed his lover, getting down on his hands and knees on the floor, shuddering from anticipation as he went. (I can't believe this is happening... I mean I knew it would happen one day... but... its happening NOW.) he had to really concentrate to keep his tail from going nuts, and it showed.

Jav squeezed some of the lube out. "I should loosen you up first..." "No!" Jav seemed taken aback at Kit's outburst. "Why?" Kit blushed. "B-because...I want the first thing in me to be you..." Jav smiled. "You're so sweet..." He gently applied most of the lube to Kit's tailhole.

Kit blushed and cooed a little as he felt the lube being rubbed in. "Aah... cold..." He subconsciously pulled away from Jav's fingers at first. His tail swished every once in a while, and he grimaced a little (gotta control myself...)

Jav put the rest of the lube on himself. "Don't warms up with...eheh...motion." He gently put his cock at Kit's entrance. "Are you ready?"

Kit nodded in response. "Okay, I'm ready." He said with a pause, about to say more. "Just be--EEE! AHH!" He yelped as he was interrupted by Jav pushing into him. The wave of pleasure and pain that washed over him at the same time caused him to shudder and pant as he gritted his teeth. (Ugh that hurt... he's so big...)

Jav gave a little gasp at the sudden pleasure. "I'm going to push in some more...just tell me if it's too much." He gently started to slide into Kit, moaning at the heat and pleasure. " tight..."

Kit gritted his teeth and yipped as he felt Jav's cock push into him. "A-Ah... it feels so good...!" He groaned as he pushed back in time with Jav, sending him deeper inside as he let out a sensual little yelp.

"Mmf! You're so good..." Jav gave a loud moan at the warmth enveloping his cock. He gently began to thrust, slowly pushing and pulling.

Kit's head dropped as he stared at his own erection moving slowly up and down in time with Jav's thrusts. He moaned as Jav pushed and hit just the right spot for a second, sending a shiver down Kit's spine as he pushed further down again. "Oh god, Jav... keep going...!"

Jav thrusted faster, Kit's passage stimulating every inch of his erection. "So hot...fuck, this feels so good!" He pushed in all the way, hitting Kit's g-spot. He heard the loud gasp and moan from Kit.

Kit let out another yelp. "Whoa!" His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted faster, his cock shooting out a little pre. As Jav pushed in all the way Kit couldn't help but push back, flexing his muscles around Jav as he churred.

"Oah! G-gonna-unh!-make me go over the edge..." Jav shuddered in sheer pleasure as he reached down and started pawing Kit in time with his thrusts.

Kit chuckled between a gasp and a pant. "I... ungh thought that was the point... ungh..." He shuddered when Jav's hand wrapped around him and began to pump. "Gah... keep *pant* going... And go faster in me..."

"Unf! That I will, sexy..." He pistoned his hips harder, and pumped his hand faster, feeling Kit's cock throb in his hand and shoot pre. He felt the first edge of climax, and let out a long, loud moan. "God...Kit...I'm close..."

Kit moaned as he felt himself being pounded and his edge came closer. He was panting heavily at this point, and every once in a while he let out a yelp or a whimper as he got closer and closer. "I'm... close... too... nngh..." He grunted as he felt Jav hit his g-spot again.

Jav shot some pre into Kit, feeling himself right on the edge of orgasm. "Oh gods...I'm going to-AH!" He felt a brutal wave of pleasure hit his cock, and he shot a stream of cum deep into Kit.

As Kit felt the sudden blast of fluid right onto his g-spot he let out a decently loud moan. His cock throbbed and shot out a long cord of cum, pleasure racing through every part of his body. "NNGAAH! *pant pant pant* Oh gods... oh... that... felt... so... good..." Kit said as his arms and legs wanted to buckle out from underneath him due to the earth-shattering orgasm he was having. He clenched hard around Jav's cock as another big shot of cum flew out of him.

Jav shot into Kit again, and caught some of Kit's cum in his hand. "That felt *so* good..." He said, and then pushed both of them onto the living room carpet. "Mmm...I love you..."

Kit welcomed the movement to the carpet, sighing contentedly as the afterglow kicked in. "I love you too..." He said with a murr as he still felt Jav inside him. "That was great...!"

Jav gave a contented sigh as he entered afterglow. "I know..." He yawned. "Let's sleep a little...just a nap..." He yawned as an effect of the post-orgasm sleepiness.

Kit yawned in response, his tail flicking slightly before it fell back to the floor lazily. "Yeah... That sounds nice..." His eyelids grew heavy as he felt sleep come over him.


Kit smiled at Jav walking in front of him leading him to the mall. He obviously couldn't walk as fast, but he was trying to hide that fact. "This place is huge, Jav!" He marveled as he stood at his boyfriend's side in the food court. People hustled past as they made their way to the exits or further into the store, and all the smells from all the restaurants melded together.

Jav looked back at him. "You didn't notice when we first met?" He smacked his forehead jokingly. "Oh right, you were too busy ogling me!"

Kit blushed and giggled. "Yeah... you've got me pegged." He said, not really noticing the slight innuendo he had just made. He inhaled deeply at all the smells wafting through the air. "*huu* That smells delicious...!"

Jav giggled. "Pegged? ...and you're right, it does smell good." He looked around and spotted a bench next to the enormous dragon fountain in the central area of the mall. "Hey, let's sit over there." He said, indicating the statue.

Kit blushed and laughed. "Oh geez... fell right into that one..." He followed Jav's finger to the fountain and his eyes lit up. "Oh it looks beautiful! I hadn't noticed it there before..." He said as he followed along behind Jav to the bench, sitting gingerly and stifling a yelp.

"Hey Kit...can you wait here for a little while? I have to go get something done."

Kit smiled in response as he nodded. "Sure... What is it you need to do, though...?" He asked tentatively.

"Erm...I have to go get something for my mom...long story." He planted a kiss on Kit's cheek. "Be back in a little while...say 10 minutes or so." He started walking off.

Kit smiled as he watched his boyfriend fade away into the groups of walkers before setting off in another direction, wandering aimlessly through the hall. (I wonder what he'd like for a present... and if I have any...-) His thought process was cut off as he felt his wallet in his back pocket. He had forgotten entirely about it. He flipped the folds open and grinned triumphantly. (The card's still there!)

Jav looked around until he spotted the store. "There it is!" He quickly shifted through the walkers until he got to it. He approached the desk. "Excuse me...I'd like to see if there was a specific pendant here..." "Eh? A pendant? Sure, here's our product book." The cashier replied, and plopped a thin book on the table. Jav started to look through it slowly.

Kit stumbled through a group of walkers, apologizing as he passed through the large opening to Hot Topic. He looked really nervous and the cashier giggled as she waved at him, her three nose rings and eyebrow piercing shining in the lights. "How can I help you?" She asked looking at him calmly. "I-I'm looking for a gift... Uh..." He was cut off as she seemed to read his mind and point towards a case with a collar placed inside.

Jav looked one of the pendants in the book. "Perfect!" He spun the book around and pointed it at the cashier. "Do you have this one?" He looked at it. "'s in the back. Do you want it engraved?" Jav nodded. "Okay, just tell me the message." "Er...can I write it down?" "Sure." Jav saw a slip of paper on the table, and started to write.

The cashier whipped the collar out of the case and handed it to Kit, and he smiled pleasantly. "This is perfect!" He said and she chuckled in response. "I do that sometimes... Anyway, would you like to have an inscription put on it?" Kit nodded in response as he was about to say his message out loud, only to falter. "Er... Can I... Write it down...?" He asked as she handed him a slip of paper and a pen. He quickly jotted down the message and she read it, her heart kind of fluttering and falling at the same time as she went in the back with the message.

A short while later, the cashier came out of the back with the pendant. "Here you lucky girl's getting this." Jav blushed. "No..." The man did a 'Now I get it!' "Okay, one lucky guy's getting this." He put it in a black case and handed it to Jav, who had paid in advance. "Thanks." He stated, and walked out.

The cashier of the Hot Topic came back out, a little watery-eyed but smiling broadly. She held a box in her hands, which she rung up quickly. Kit flicked the card out of his wallet and handed it over to the lady, who continued the purchase, and quickly Kit was on his way back to the fountain with a broad smile on his face. (He'll love it, I can tell!)

Jav was already back at the fountain waiting. He smiled warmly as Kit sat down, mindful of his tender rear. "Hey...I have something for you." Jav said, and handed the case to Kit.

Kit's eyes went wide as he held the case in his hands. He looked up at Jav with a curious expression before he opened it and his jaw dropped. His eyes immediately watered up as his mother's pendant stared back at him. "Oh, Jav!" tears fell down his face as he grabbed Jav into a tight hug.

Jav grinned as he was hugged. "Look at the back." Kit obeyed, and turned the pendant over. It read 'To my love, Kitsune.'

Kit sniffled a little as he wiped his eyes dry. "Honey! Thanks! And-" He pulled a box out from behind him. "This is for you... Thanks for everything you've done for me. I love you."

Jav took the box and opened it. His eyes widened as he saw the collar. "Oh, Kit!" He picked it up and turned it around in his hands. The inscription on it read 'To Jav, my one and only.' His eyes teared up, he and hugged Kit tenderly.

Kit's heart fluttered as they sat by the fountain, listening to the water cascade around him as he held the hug for a while. He moved in for a kiss and his tail was wagging jovially.

Jav kissed him deeply, letting the full extent of his love transfer into one action. 'I love you...I love you so much...' he thought. He gently broke the kiss and put his arms around Kit. "I just want you to know...I always want us to be together."

Kit was awash in love as he smiled lazily back at Jav. "I feel the same way..." He kissed Jav again as the fountain continued its vigil over the mallgoers resting beneath it.

They were soon rudely interrupted. "Fucking fags..." A mallgoer spat. Jav broke the kiss and looked at him maliciously. " about you pick on someone who wants to fight back?" "I bet you couldn't even make me flinch, queer." Jav stood up, and hit the fur with a right hook. The man dropped into a crouch, spitting out blood. "You're going to hell...both of you! You're gonna pay."

As Jav was walking back towards Kit the mallgoer had a devilish glint in his eye as he got back to his feet, rushing Jav from behind. Kit let out a squeal as the bully's fist flew through the air. Jav half-turned, and saw the fur rushing at him with an evil grimace. He put up his hand to deflect the punch, but wasn't fast enough. It connected with the back of Jav's head. His eyes dimmed as he blacked out and hit the floor hard.

"JAV!" Kit yelled as he flew to his feet, heart pounding in his chest. "Why?! He wasn't even looking! You couldn't be any lower!" He ran at the bully with a clenched fist, but was hit square in the stomach, landing hard on his tail. An eruption of pain flew up the fox's spine as he wailed in agony. "AAARGH!"

A shadow loomed over the homophobe as a familiar figure stood behind him menacingly. "K-Kent?" Kit opened his eyes through the pain to find the huge coyote glaring angrily down his snout at the homophobe. For the longest time he sat there saying nothing, his fist clenching in rage, and his eyes showing just as much. "BASTARD!" He belted out as he hauled off and pummeled the homophobe with a haymaker.

The homophobe let out a sickening cracking noise as his eyes crossed with the pain. The haymaker had hit so hard, Kent had broken some of the furs ribs. "Urgh..." He simply stated, then passed out. "Kit...Kit..." Jav moaned, still somewhat asleep.

Kit grimaced through the pain as he got off of his tail and knelt down near Jav. "Jav... Jav! Oooh... Wake up... please...!" He was worried sick as he shook Jav's shoulder urgently.

Jav coughed hard, then rolled onto his side and spat out a little blood. "Bleh!" He felt Kit's arm on his shoulder. "Don't worry...I'm alright..." He said and pulled Kit into a kiss.

Kit squeaked a little as they kissed, and he tasted some of Jav's blood. (Oh Jav... damn that bully...) He had half a mind to break off the kiss and give him a hard kick in the side himself, but it didn't matter anymore. That man would think twice before causing any more trouble. (Especially with Kent around... thank god.) The coyote looked down at the two of them and smiled. "Friends." He stated before starting to walk away.

Jav looked at Kent as he started to walk. "Thanks." Kent just nodded. Jav turned his head to the guy on the ground. "What did he DO to him?!"

Kit looked over at the crumpled heap that was the bully. As angry as he was at the guy he was also concerned. "I don't know... but I think he'll need an ambulance... and some hospital time." He said with a sigh.

"Yeah...but let someone else call the paramedics. He attacked us." Jav stood up, and staggered a little.

Kit grimaced and rushed to Jav's side, supporting him to keep him from falling. "Easy..." He simply said as he put his arms around him. "That hit must've hurt quite a bit..."

"No...I just feel dizzy..." Jav shook his head to clear it. "For a coward, that was a good punch."

Kit looked at him worriedly before they made their way to the bench again to rest it off. "I was so worried... I was about ready to pummel him myself." Kit felt he had to say it.

Jav chuckled. "You were going to call up some of that rage that's buried in you?" He hugged Kit tenderly. "The next time someone attacks us, I'll let you do the work. How's that?"

"Perfectly fine by me!" He said as he punched his hand with a determined look on his face. Suddenly he broke into a goofy grin and laughed.

Jav laughed back. "You're just hilarious when you fellatio-ed a cucumber? Priceless." Jav giggled at the memory, and his pants tightened a little.

Kit thought back on the memory, and blushed, tightening as well. "Oh geez... now I'll have to try and get a handle on my sleeptalking, won't I?" He laughed heartily.

"True that." Jav smiled at him. "Hey...I love that you got me that collar. It was so nice of you..." He picked up the collar and put it around his neck, buttoning it at the back. "Fits perfectly."

Kit smiled, his heart aflutter. "I'm so glad you like it!" His tail wagged lightly as he pulled Jav into a deep kiss, some mallgoers even going so far as 'Aww'ing at the sight.

Jav winked at the voyeurs. He slipped his tongue into Kit's mouth and hugged him tight. His own heart was beating loud and rapidly.

"Mmf! Mmm..." Kit grunted at the tongue, not expecting it, but quickly adapted. His tail wagged faster as they started macking underneath the statue. (This is great,) Kit thought. (getting a gift from the one I love and being with him every day to boot.) He sighed through the kiss.


"Ah, I love the night!" Atti remarked as they walked down the street, the signs on buildings glowing. "And not just because I can piss off hookers!"

Kora chuckled at Atti's remark "Yeah, I can definitely see how that can be entertaining..." He responded dryly as they continued down the street. "So where are we going, anyway?"

Atti shrugged. "Somewhere that accurately represents how I feel toward you." He looked around. "How about a hibachi place? I dated the son of the owner of that one." He pointed at a large building with a traditional Japanese 'wing' roof.

"How you feel about me...? What do you mean?" Kora tilted his head to one side as he asked the question. "Actually, going to a hibachi restaurant was something I always wanted to do." Kora chuckled.

"Well, to other people it looks like we're just lusting after eachother and that's it. But...I really do feel something for you. I love you, and I hope that it's as deep with you to me." He put his arm around Kora.

Kora smiled brightly, a warm feeling washing over him. "Oh, Atti!" He scooted closer to Atti and laced his arm under, pulling the couple as close together as he could. "I do, without a doubt! I love you so much!"

Atti grinned. "Thanks. Now, let's go about getting a I said, I dated the guy's son." They started walking toward the restaurant, and Atti chuckled. "You can pretty much find a bargain in any place in this city who's owner has a gay son. Because chances are, I've dated that son."

Kora looked over at him with a laugh. "Oh really? And I was your first time, too! I feel special!" He laughed again. He smiled as they headed toward the restaurant. (He really has been through a lot, hasn't he...?)

"You ARE special!" They walked into the restaurant. "Hey, I gotta warn you about this guy. He's a bit...over-the-top. Even for me!"

"Gee... why does that make me worry?" Kora chuckled as they headed through the door. The sound of things being fried and utensils hitting the metal tables rang out as they stood waiting to be seated.

Atti looked around, but couldn't spot the akita he once dated. "Oh, Takumi-chan!"

Hearing his name a nearby dog-boy's ears perked up and he stiffened to full height. "Atti-kun...?" He started looking around until finally his eyes fell on Atticus and his eyes shined. "Atti-kun! So nice to see you here! And-" He looked over at Kora with a smile. "Who is this?"

Atti smiled. "It's good too see you too! This is my boyfriend, Kora, short for Korafune. His older brother got Jav."

Takumi's face was beaming and he started speaking in a rush of Japanese and English "Ah! Gashi! We should be able to get you a table soon... Futari Kawaii!" He rushed off looking around the tables trying to find an open spot. He was practically a blur and sometimes Kora could hear him asking something in Japanese.

Atti laughed. "Man, I learned half of the Japanese dictionary when we were dating. He couldn't help it! He was like a cheetah on cocaine!" Atti looked around. "And no offense to any crack-addicted cheetahs in this immediate vicinity."

Kora smiled in response as he almost thought he saw a nearby patron give Atti an evil eye. (I must be imagining things.) He thought to himself before Takumi rushed right back up to them, his tail wagging furiously. "Right this way!" He chuckled as he swerved between the tables, nearly losing the couple.

Atti deftly jogged after him, dodging customers like dodgeballs. "What'd I tell ya?" He remarked over his shoulder to Kora. "He's fast!" Atti nearly ran into Takumi, who had stopped suddenly.

"You weren't kidding!" Kora remarked as they rushed along behind their server. He was slightly out of breath by the time they reached the table. "Here we are! Itadekimasu!" He bowed out of the way as they both sat at the large hibachi and their chef bowed regally.

Atti inclined his head respectfully and poked Kora, who did the same. The chef flicked on the hibachi and several jets of flame hit the underneath. Atti smiled and sat back, he loved the way the chefs made the food almost dance.

Kora waited until another piece was flung up into the air - the chef almost seemed to take a hint at just that moment - and he quickly caught it in his hand. He reached out and placed it on Atti's tongue with a smile on his face.

Atti swallowed and smiled. "Yum. Steak." This trading of food went on until there was none left and outside it was dark. Atti bowed to the chef. "Domo arigato."

Kora smiled and bowed low, shocking Atti as he said "Arigato Gozaimasu" and the chef smirked. Kora looked over at Atti and laughed. "That's what reading manga does for me. I may not know as much as you, but I do know a little."

Atti smiled. "Well, you ARE half Japanese, so maybe it's also genetic." Atti stood up and looked around for Takumi. "Where is that hyperactive little gaishou?! Tak!"

As if on cue in a movie, Takumi seemed to just appear behind them. "Ah! -" Kora jumped out of his skin at this point. "I see you're done! Follow me, please!" He rushed them down to the front where the register was.

Atti rolled his eyes. "I'm staging an intervention..." he muttered sarcastically and quickly walked after Tak.

Kora smirked in response as Takumi brought the register to life. "Lesse, you had dinner for two, and since you're with Atti-kun... It'll come up to 17.50." Takumi rattled off the bill as his tail whipped back and forth, making it seem that there was never a moment where something on him wasn't moving.

Atti smiled warmly. "You're the best, Tak!" He gave him a hug. "I'll see ya 'round." Atti flipped a $20 onto the register table. "Keep the change." He grasped Kora's hand and they stepped out into the night.

Takumi looked at the money with a smile. "Arigato!" He said as he bowed them out the door, and just before it closed Kora saw him rush around the tables once again. "Wow, I wonder how he does it...?"

Atti started to lead Kora down the street. "That was fun! You have good aim with food." He giggled, and kissed Kora. "And with other things."

Kora blushed and giggled slightly. "Oh really...? You think so?" He asked coyly as they went further down the road, the night wrapping all around them. There were still a few other people out and about, and it still seemed moderately busy.

Atti took in the scene, neon glowing, people bustling around. "You know, New York might be the city that never sleeps, but this is the city that never stops moving." As if to prove a point, a UPS truck went swiftly by, nearly sideswiping a parked car. "Damn drivers are always taking shortcuts." Atti sighed.

"Never stops moving... but also never stops living, you know. The whole city seems actually quite happy, doesn't it?" Kora said somewhat philosophically as he hugged Atti close and they continued down the walk.

"True...except for the penitentiary. Then again, I wouldn't mind a brief stay there." Atti giggled naughtily.

Kora chuckled. "We could be cellmates. Don't worry; I'd keep them from raping you...too much."

Atti smirked. "The penal colony," He burst out laughing, almost doubling over. "Don't drop the soap!"

Kora laughed just as hard. "I think that ought to be drilled into everyone's head from the beginning at this point, Atti." He stopped their walking for a second to plant a large kiss on him.

"Mmmm..." Atti put his arms around Kora. "It's nice having a boyfriend that knows how to appeal to my sense of humor."

Kora smiled in response. "Hmm... for me it's just nice to have someone to love like this. I don't care who thinks its wrong." He hugged his lover closer as they stood under a street lamp, the sounds of the city rushing around them.

Out of the corner of his eye, Atti spotted a cluster of girls turning a corner onto their street. "Hey, want to have some fun?"

Kora chuckled. "You know it!" He looked over at the girls that had just arrived on the street and a grin played at his face.

Atti let go of Kora and leaned against the lamppost. One of the girls looked at him and whispered something to her friends. They looked, then nodded and smiled back to her. The group walked up and the one in front said "Hey there. Do you want to go out with me?" Atti made a mock pained expression. "Oooh, no. No waaaaay." "Why not?!" Atti grinned. "This is why!" He grabbed Kora and gave him a huge kiss, winking at the girls at the same time.

Kora played along; letting out a big yelp before the kiss landed. As the kiss actually started he moaned into it and kissed back just as hard, his eye only barely open to complete the act and so he could see the girls' reactions. (Oh... actually this is getting me...) A very real blush played across Kora's face and he moved Atti closer to cover up what was happening to him. (Bet he won't mind that...!)

Atti felt Kora come near, and ground against him for a moment. He pulled out of the kiss and turned to face the girls. "THAT's why!" He took a theatrical bow.

Kora smirked at the girls and winked. "Yep. He's mine." He hugged Atti closer and pecked him on the cheek. (That was hilarious! and it felt so good, too...) He thought to himself as he sighed happily.

Atti smiled and laughed. "Sorry!" The girls made half-disappointed half-amused faces, and then started to walk off. Atti waited until they were gone, and then burst out laughing. "That was hilarious! Perfect performance!" He hugged Kora. "Hey, let's get home. It's getting pretty late."

"Yeah it is... I wonder how Randal held up all day?" Kora chuckled as the girls walked away. He turned to head back to the apartments and clasped Atti's hand in his own.

"Oh, I know what happens after you meet your first love. Randall's been thinking about him all day, most likely doing other 'stuff' as well." He made air quotes around stuff.

Kora giggled in response. "I guess I'm just lucky that I met you and got to stay with you right away." He kissed Atti on the cheek and gave his neck a kiss as well. (Hope I don't overdo it, we don't need to be doing that in public...!) He laughed to himself.

Atti shivered pleasurably. "Ahhh...weak spot, remember?" He stroked Kora's chest with his palm. "And I know yours."

"Mmm!" Kora's lips locked shut as a moan escaped him from getting his chest rubbed. "Haa..." He started laughing before he continued. "We gotta stop doing that to each other... especially in public!" A blush rolled over his face.

Atti chuckled. "You're right. Let's wait until we get into a room. THEN we can be all over eachother!" He smiled. After a short while of walking and talking, they entered the lobby to the building. "Take the elevator?"

"Yeah... I remember what happened last time we took the stairs!" He chuckled as he pictured Randal gasping for breath as they finally reached the right floor. He walked up to the elevator and pressed the large up button, and the lights above the door kicked on, showing where the cab was and where they were.

The doors slid open with a quiet hiss, displaying the mirrored interior. Atti stepped in and looked around. "This elevator really pleases the narcissist in me..." He yanked Kora in, who almost knocked him over.

Kora chuckled as the doors closed with a quiet 'k-chunk' noise and the cab began to lift to their floor. (Hmm... Wonder if I could...) He snaked his hand over to Atti's tail and brushed against it with his hand. He gave a slight smile as he did so.

Atti jumped a little, but wasn't affected much. "Nice try, but that only works on my brother. ...Hey, you know what one of this elevator's good points is?"

Kora grinned coyly. "Aw... just had to try it. But what's the good point of the elevator?" He asked innocently, his tail wagging slightly.

"No cameras." Atti pulled Kora into a deep kiss, grinding against him. He slipped his tongue into Kora's mouth, and kicked the elevator's e-brake with his foot. "And the brake doesn't set off any alarm."

Kora fell into the kiss with no warning and for a second his hands flailed around before he realized he wasn't out of control. He moaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Atti, and the grinding caused him to murr with pleasure. "Mmm... Atti..." (So, so hot...!)

Atti moved his head back a little. "Do you want to...?" He said between pants.

Kora grinned roguishly "Well of course I want to... but should we, really?" He was resisting the urge to nibble at Atti's neck and he was panting a little himself, his tail quivering with excitement.

"Like I cameras." He lifted off his shirt and motioned for Kora to start, then seemed to reconsider. "Actually...let's wait until we're in the apartment to start anything. I want to show you something."

Kora just about lifted his shirt off before Atti changed his mind, and at the mention of Atti having something to show him his mind began to race. (Knowing him that means something I'm really gonna like...) He panted a little more just thinking about it. "Mmm, alright, babe... Then let's get home."

Atti smiled and flipped the brake back to the Open position. The elevator DINGed once, and began to rise. Atti put his shirt back on.

Kora was raring to go as soon as the elevator dinged and they reached the apartment. He walked through the door and saw Randal sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Oh! H-Hi Randal!" Kora chuckled. "Wasn't expecting you there... heh."

"Well, I do live here." Atti snorted. "He's got you there, Kora. So, how's the movie?" Randall grinned. "It's great! First movie I've ever watched where there's a gay guy that can actually kick ass!"

"Oh? What's it called?" Kora asked.

"Animalia. It's awesome! I forget who's in it, except for Shannon Doherty. So...wanna watch? Or do you two have 'other plans'?"

Kora's eyes lit up as he watched a man instantly flash behind someone and tap them on the shoulder, then appear right behind them as they turned around to punch them. "Ha! that has to be the oldest trick in the book... and of course the bad guys fall for it." Then he heard the question and couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "Oh, you know us so well by now."

"Yup. Hey, watch." The bad guy on the TV seemed to stiffen...then the top half of his body fell off, somehow severed. "Now do you think it's the oldest trick?"

Kora blinked a couple of times. "Whoa wait... how in the?" Just then the guy reappeared with a set of legs right next to him. "Huh... must've been painful, that..." The man in the movie said before the scene changed. "Wow... I like him already!" Kora smiled before he looked over at Atti.

Atti vaulted over the couch and landed next to Randall. "So, how much of your time today did you spend thinking about Matt?" Randall blushed. "Er...not so much thinking..." Atti giggled.

Kora smirked. "Oh really? Bet you feel really good by now then..." He winked at Atti. "So... what should we do now?" He asked to no one in particular.

" you mind taking a break from the movie for a little while." Randall shrugged. "Eh...okay." He paused it. "You really want to be with Matt, right?" "Of course!" "No, I mean 'be with' be with." Randall blushed. "...yes...yes I do."

"Atti... what're you planning?" Kora was seriously wondering and Randall seemed to be caught in the middle of it. (He wouldn't really try... A threesome, would he?) Kora's eyes flashed dangerously for a second.

"Well...I know of a way to...'excite' anyone. Kora, could you help me move the couch back? The thing's a sonofabitch to move." They all stood up and pushed the couch back, leaving the center of the living room open. "I'll be right back," He jogged upstairs.

Kora looked over at Randall with a slightly amused look on his face. "So... is there anything on your mind? It seems like you're really nervous every time we bring up Matt..." Kora wrapped an arm around him.

Randall sighed. "It's just...I'm scared. What happens if we get caught? I mean, I know it isn't illegal but...the jocks don't care. No one would care if I just disappeared."

Kora's face fell at the thought. "Geez... I never really thought of that... But at least you know there are at least 5 people that would personally hunt them all down and absolutely kill them for doing it." Kora smiled as much as the situation would allow and gave Randall a hug. "We wouldn't let anyone get away with that, and neither would Matt, you know."

Randall smiled. "Thanks. I just focus on the negative too much." Just then, Atti came down the stairs holding a remote. "Could you two have a seat on the couch?"

Kora nodded his head and sat down at the couch, Randall following close behind. "Sure... what's that for, though?" Kora caught himself asking.

Atti pointed at the ceiling, where a small panel was visible. He clicked the remote. "You two should enjoy this..." The panel slid open, and a metal pole slid down from the ceiling and clicked into a latch on the floor. "Bought it off the internet."

A large blush suddenly shot into Kora's face as his mouth opened in an inaudible gasp. "You didn't... Really!?" Randall had one of the biggest amused looks on his face as the pole fell into place.

Atti couldn't help but grin broadly. "Yes I did! And welcome to erotic dancing 101." He giggled.

Kora gawked at the sight, and Randall just chuckled before he looked over at Kora. "You don't mind if I watch too, do you?" "I somehow think that was his intention." Kora said.

Atti nodded. "Excellent deduction, Sherlock." Atti walked over to the couch. "Now...what would you prefer to see first? Poledancing, stripping, or my personal favorite...lapdancing."

Kora smirked a little and laid out an order for Atti to follow. "Hmm... Maybe Stripping, Pole, and then Lap. Always save the best for last!" Kora winked over at Randall who just blushed in response.

"Isn't stripping a preparation for a lap dance?"

"Hmm... you have a point there... Okay, pole. strip, lap." Kora laughed slightly as he settled into the couch like the usual businessman you'd see in a strip joint.

Atti giggled. "Okay...Lights! Dim." The lights went down. "Music! Play playlist 'Background'." A stereo system clicked on, and began playing the background music heard at strip clubs. "Alright...I'll go over the basics first. It's actually quite easy to pun intended."

Kora and Randall both snorted at the unintentional pun. "Yeah, I'm sure that was unintended with you." Kora said with a wink. "Anyway, I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Oh, I already know it all. I'm teaching YOU two."

This made Kora blush again, and Randall swallowed hard. "Wh-What?!" Randall shook his head. "N-no... I couldn't... I mean... I'd be embarrassed..."

Atti walked over to Randall and sat down next to him. "You want to make Matt happy?" Randall nodded. "This will help." Atti gave him a warm hug and stood up again.


Kora and Randall both enjoyed the show to its fullest, and both of them were more than ready to go after all they had seen.

Atti completed the final rotation. "And THAT is how to prevent your head from hitting the ground during that move." He looked at them. "Wow...I hope you guys can keep it in your pants...for now."

"Hardly!" Kora burst out as he had been rubbing himself during most of the show. Now he was unbearably hard, and Randall wasn't doing much better himself. "Urgh... that was so hot... Curse you, Atti!" Randall mocked shaking his fist in the air.

"Silence! I keel you!" Atti said in an almost perfect impersonation of Achmed the Dead Terrorist. "And you'll HAVE to keep clothed until...say...a minute or so after the lapdance." He hinted playfully.

Kora swallowed hard, and Randall's hard-on seemed to redouble at the mention of the lap dance. They had both forgotten with all the other things. "G-geez! I dunno how much more I can take!" Kora mused aloud and Randall silently agreed.

Atti grinned. "Then this will be fun." He turned up the music a little, and started moving his hips to the beat. "Pay if anything could distract you." He slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

The two boys could hardly contain themselves; it was so tempting to strip and just get down to it. However, they miraculously kept themselves together and watched as well as they could. "Hoh man... mmm!" Kora moaned.

Atti's shirt dropped to the floor. He swayed to the music, turning and subtly flexing muscles. He stroked the sides of his chest, and rubbed his hands on the front of his pants. "Mrh...this is even turning ME on..." He kicked his shoes and socks off.

Kora and Randall whimpered almost in unison as the dance continued. "Ohh..." Randall reached out a little. "Want...!" His horniness was getting the better of him, but thankfully Kora's was blinding him from the moment of weakness as he was practically in the same mindset.

Atti moved his hands down his chest to his abs, and gently slid his belt out of the first few loops. His pants were tented out also, but he was in more control than Kora and Randall. The belt hit the floor. "Now...should I tease you more, or should I start with the lap dancing?"

Kora and Randall only whimpered in response. The tents they were both pitching were painful, and pre was already soaking into their underwear.

Atti paused. "'s a dilemma. I can't tell which one of you is more horny." He cocked his head to the side. "Since it's customary to treat a guest with more respect, I'll go with Randall." Randall looked up at him and sighed in relief. Atti walked over and put his hands on Randall's shoulders. "Kora...try not to paw. It would ruin the atmosphere."

"Oh, sure spoil all my fun...!" Kora said between heavy breaths, and giggled as he watched on in interest.

Atti put his head near Randall's crotch, then moved up to his face, leaning his body over almost on top of Randall's. "'re making me so pent up..." Randall gasped.

(Mmm... oh god so hot... so... urgh dammit I wanna paw so badly right now...!) Kora panted a little as he continued to control himself, but just barely.

Atti reached over and stroked Kora's crotch but gently, so not to set him off early. He put his leg up on the couch and sat down on Randall's lap. "Like that?" "Uhhhh...oh yes...I do...." Atti smiled predatorily. "Then I'm sorry..." He got up off of Randall and onto Kora.

Kora moaned happily, his tail wanting to wag as Atti sat in his already hard lap. "Ohhh yeah...!" Kora had a vacant smile on his face as he was resisting his every urge to go for the neck once again. (There's only one way that could get better...!) Kora found himself thinking.

"Screw it." Atti said. "Who wants to bone me?"

Immediately two hands shot up into the air, and two big grins played on Kora's and Randall's faces before Randall snapped out of it. (But... what about Matt...?) he lowered his hand a little at first, and then it came back up. (I'm sure he won't mind... and its all for him, too... To get better.)

Atti laughed. "This is going to be GREAT!" He got up and unbuttoned his pants, which promptly dropped to the ground. His substantial erection showed clearly through his thin briefs. "Looks like you aren't the only ones who're horny."

The two were quickly stripping off clothes to join Atti and soon all three of them were standing in nothing else but underwear. The two of them had been tented for quite some time, and both of them were soaking through with pre. "God, I've been waiting for this from the start...!" Kora stated as Randall nodded with a grin. "Ho, man I can't wait...!"

Kora chuckled. "Last night was last night, this is now and god damn am I horny!" Kora swept Atti up into a hug and gave him a big kiss, moving down to his neck and nibbling on it a little.

"Ah! That's good..." He closed his eyes. "Okay...what should we do?"

Kora's face lights up with a drastic idea. "Say... How about if... Atti, what do you think about getting double-teamed...?" Kora smirked as Randall looked over with a shocked look on his face. "Wh-What?!" Kora smirked "You take the front, I get the back... or do you wanna flip a coin?" Kora laughed.

"Hey, what about my say in this?" They just looked at him. "Hehe, you're right. I'm a cock slut! Carry on." He giggled.

Kora looked over at Randall. "Well, whataya say?" Randall quickly shook his head. "I guess I'll take the front..." He walked up to Atti's front and Kora walked up behind him. "Are you sure you can do this, Atti...? It might be a lot all at once..."

"Oh, I think I can. I've had a lot of practice with a toy...speaking of which, I noticed it was out from under the mattress."

Randall's face immediately shot to a beet red color as he began to panic. "U-umm... I hope you don't... um... I kinda..." Kora laughed as he waved it away. "Please... We did kinda leave you to your own devices that one time..." He laughed again. "Now Atti... in position." He said in a somewhat commanding voice.

Atti mock-saluted him. "Yes sir!" He got down on his hands and knees, stripping off his briefs as he went down to the floor. "Take 'em off, gents."

In a flash both of them had their underwear off and were getting ready to enter Atti. Kora set his head at Atti's tail hole and pressed a little, while Randall waited for Atti to take him in. (Oh man... this is the first time I've done this...!) was the only thought going through both their minds.

The same thought was going through Atti's mind. "Get ready..." He said, and put his mouth on Randall's head, licking a little.

Kora pressed in a little further, making sure to go slowly so he didn't hurt Atti, and in the meantime also hurt Randall. "Oh my god... that feels so... good...!" Randall moaned simultaneously with Kora as he felt himself being sucked off for the first time. (Oh god...!)

Atti gasped around Randall's cock. "Keep going, Kora!" He reached under and started to stroke himself. (This is great!) He moved his head forwards and took in more of Randall's meat.

Kora pushed in even harder, grunting as he went. "God, it's so tight...!" Kora humped in a little bit more. Randall in the meantime was in his own little world of pleasure, and every once in a while his hips lurched forward into a thrust into Atti's mouth. "Mmmph!" (Oah... feels so good...)

Atti sucked on Randall like he was a pro, and he moaned at Kora's pleasureful invasion of him. (Don't let it stop!)

Kora reached the end and pulled back out a little bit to start pushing in again. "Oh... shit... Atti...!" Randall continued to thrust into Atti's mouth but now had some of his sense back. "You're good at this... oah...!" His tail shifted a little from the blowjob he was getting.

Atti almost yelped in pleasure when Kora pushed all the way in. (Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck...that's the spot!) He pushed back onto Kora's cock and started to deep throat Randall's.

Randall's eyes went wide as he was deep throated, and he responded with an involuntary thrust. "Mmmph ah fuck that felt good...!" Kora started a piston-like motion in and out of Atti, making sure to hit the spot repeatedly. "God... Atti... this feels so damn good!"

Atti yelped around Randall's manhood, and shot out some pre, which he used to paw faster. He held up a hand and motioned that he was close.

Randall was holding back his orgasm as hard as he could. (Must hold out... must hold on...!) Kora was getting close to his edge as well, and his humping increased in strength and speed. "Nngh! I'm almost there, Atti...!"

Atti pawed himself furiously; the overwhelming pleasure of Kora in him was too much to bear. With as loud a moan as he could muster, he shot out a large amount of come onto the floor. (AAAH! Oh...god...uhhhh....)

The orgasm caused Atti to clench around Kora's cock and just as that happened the last ounce of strength Randall had left him. Together they climaxed, filling Atti from both ends and feeling the pleasure wash over them both.

Atti swallowed happily, and then let Randall's cock out of his mouth. A little bit of cum shot out onto his face, and he smiled. "Oh my....that was so amazing...."

Kora pulled out slowly after his orgasm, murring happily as he let out a long sigh of contentment. "God that felt so good...!" Randall followed shortly afterwards. "No kidding...!"

Atti smiled. "I got talent!" Just then, they heard the sound of a door card in the latch. 'Welcome home, Javier.' A pleasant computer voice played over the speakers as the door opened and Kit and Jav walked in. Jav's eyes widened hugely and his jaw dropped. Kit put his hands over his face, turned around and put his head against the wall. "My brother was in a threesome." He said in a small voice.

Kora looked over at the two that juts walked in to see the show and giggled shyly. "So... How was the date...?" He asked in a sheepish tone, and Randall just looked at the two older boys, mortified. (Oh god, oh crap they're gonna tell Matt! urgh... why'd I have to be so stupid?)

Atti looked up and said "If only you had gotten here sooner. We could have used a cameraman."

Kit gave out a sort of laugh that seemed halfway between "Really witty." and "Oh my god... I can't believe...!" He turned away from the wall and took his hands away from his face. "Seriously...? You're all that pent up?" Meanwhile Jav's jaw remained slung open as his eyes traveled from one to the next, finally resting on Atti. "From you, this is no big shock... but Kora? AND Randall?" The two boys both looked slightly worried that they had broken the two older boys. "My god..."

"Hey, there's still time for round two." Jav snorted, and then burst out laughing. "You wish!" Atti gave him a serious look, then cracked up.

Kit just grimaced. "I'm surprised you can all even stay awake after all that!" Kora giggled lazily. "I'm not really..." He smiled as the afterglow was making him groggy.

"TELL me about it...this is the second time I've felt this sleepy." Jav looked at him. "What was the first?" "When I first had sex with Kora."

Kit shook his head. "I know I shouldn't be surprised... but - " The telephone rang, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Speaker!" Jav and Atti yelled in unison. "Damn!" They yelled again, and then looked at eachother with 'O_O' faces.

The person on the other end of the phone sounded like she was sobbing, and when she spoke only Kit and Kora were fully affected. Their eyes popped open and they both gasped simultaneously as they heard their mother's cries coming through the phone. "Kit... Kora... Either one of you, I hope you're there... it's Derrick... he's gone completely mad...! He blames me for the two of you, and he's been taking everything out on me... Please... I need your help!" The line cut off with a sharp click.

The room fell deathly silent.