The Dark Cell: All I Hear Is Random Noise

Story by darkmaster03 on SoFurry

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Our protagonist is injured and unable to communicate! How wil he survive this next encounter?

All I Hear Is Random NoiseBy darkmaster03 May 7 2014 3:31 am He asks me strange questions which do not make any logical

sense. How much weight there is in a vacuum? "No more games! I want

an exact number." The black furred scientist asked me, with an ever growing

agitation in his voice. My response was a hesitant "zero, your weightless."

Only to hear back that I was lying. To my horror I watched as he once again gagged me. Feeling

his large fingers dexterously cover my mouth, and lock the device from behind.

Without saying a single word more, he grabbed me around my waist and carried me

back to the lower floor, where the cells were. Not even bothering to enter, he

merely opened the door, stuck his hand through, and let go. Unable to do

anything to cushion my fall, I landed hard onto my side, my left cheek took

quite the impact. I felt it burn with pain. My shoulder felt numb the whole

day... How much excess heat does your universe give off? The reply

of "I'm not sure probably, a lot." Wasn't satisfying for him, as I saw

frustration in his face. That was the last time, he ever took me out again. He told me if I wasn't going to cooperate, then he was going

to leave me in that cell, bound and gagged until I died of old age. As he

carried me in his tight clasp, frustrated with me beyond all consolable reason.

He threw me hard against the far wall of the cell. He remarked "you don't have to

suffer like this, yet you continue to force this upon yourself. You can rot in

here for all I care." The impact left me with the taste of blood in my mouth, as I

felt dizzy from the landing. Upon hearing the cell door close and lock shut.

The feline scientist's disgruntled muttering faded as he walked farther and

farther to the right. Having grown fed up with me, I had the feeling he was

done with me forever. His career was through, he had gotten no definitive

proofs for his research, and he was nothing more than a liability now. It felt like an explosion had occurred inside the back of my

head, instinctively closing my eyes, as my head dropped down. Causing me to

look as if I was attempting to shield my head, from a nearby grenade explosion.

I lay there for a bit, once the dizziness faded. I finally had the strength to

try and get up. In my struggle to sit up, to put my back against the wall, I

felt the warmth of my yellow-eyed, cell-mates furry fingers wrap around me.

Lifting me up and placing me down onto his muscular furry chest, I lay there on

my back, looking up into the darkness. After a while I noticed his head hover

over me. I heard a mew followed by a roar...and realized that I could no longer

understand him. My cell-mate wasn't the same anymore. Without the ability to

understand him, and unable to tell him so, I felt as if I were alone. Stranded

by myself, cut off from society. No, worse! I was akin to a mouse who was

thrown into the den of a feral cougar, a giant predator who thought I knew what

he was saying. I stared into his eyes unmoving, I didn't know what he was

asking. One wrong nod or shake of the head...was certain death. Thinking that maybe I should shrug and shake my head, but

then how would he interpret that? Would he think I were uninjured, this was

stupid. I didn't want to play this game of 'guess what the giant feline is

saying'. So I simply shut my eyes and turned away. As I did so, I started

shivering as I heard him roar at me, he sounded angry. Maybe I insulted him? I felt his hand on my chest, as his large fingers enclosed

around me. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was being held right in front of his

face. His warm breath blew over me, as his outstretched tongue made contact

with my face. Hearing a purr as if to say he was sorry, or maybe it was a purr

to say let's do what we did last night, it will take your mind off the pain? I

looked at him and shook my head, only to receive another roar, to which I

simply...shrugged. Setting me down onto his pillow, he got up and walked to

where the shower was. Only to return moments later as I felt two of his fingers

wrap around my legs. He carefully looped what was some type of rope, either

floss or thread around my leg bindings. Feeling him gently tug onto it a few

times, before raising his hand up, dragging me upside down into the air. I kept

my eyes closed, shaking my head vehemently, as he gently placed me into the

palm of his hand. Holding me right next to his face, I heard him roar louder

than any time before. The serious, deafening tone of his voice, made my skin

crawl, as I began nodding profusely to avoid his ill temper. Seeing him smile, from that close. I can't even describe how

large and sharp they were, how uncomfortable it made me feel as his teeth

gleamed, with a dull reflective yellow glow. What had I agreed to? Was I to be

dunked into his mouth or something? OH NO! My eyes widened at the realization

that I probably agreed, to be dunked head first into his slit. How was I going

to get out of this, it was pitch black all around me, yet he saw as clear as

day. My breathing began to get heavy, as he set me back down, not on the

pillow, but to where he lay his back. All I could do was watch as I saw his

large eyes turn around, and walk away. Hearing him turn on the faucet. I

couldn't even imagine what he was doing. Being bound, unable to talk, combined with the fact that I

was barely able it see him thanks to his eyes. Now, through no fault of my own

I couldn't even understand my best friend. Who was about to use me as his sex

toy, blissfully unaware I had no intention of wanting to do any of it. I was so

tired of thinking, so tired of these questions, I didn't care anymore. I just

lay down and closed my eyes, for those few brief moments I heard the faucet run. The next thing I knew I was lurched up in soapy paws,

getting smeared from head to toe in suds. Once my body felt nice and slippery,

the smell of that soap penetrating my senses. I saw his eyes for the last time,

before I was nauseatingly hung upside down, by that string attached to my

bindings. As I heard him roar, all I did was keep my eyes tightly shut and kept

nodding. Sex with a giant didn't require understanding, he was going to put me

where he pleased and there was nothing I could do about it. It's a shame that

he just didn't do this since the start, instead of making me believe, that he

actually cared for me. Miraculously I felt his furry fingers grip around me once

more, as he set me down onto that thin mattress. I was standing on two legs with

a spongy surface beneath my feet, feeling something extremely large surround my

head, the lathery soap allowed for a smooth glide. Immense pressure surrounded

me from all sides. I felt the fleshy walls, as they started to pulse around my

entire body. The quivering sensation started to drag me forward, as the walls

contracted and released in a gentle rhythm, as if he were attempting holding

back the powerful urge to squeeze any tighter. Upon hearing that large feline roar in pleasurable bliss. I

knew he had sat on me, as he ever so slowly, carefully, lowered himself fully

onto me. Feeling myself getting sucked deeper inside, by his convulsing

muscles, I held my breath as the fantastic titan sat onto the bed. The enormity

of the weight this feline possessed, compared to me was mindboggling. His

control was legendary, even though I was in a bad situation, I still felt safe,

knowing it was him whom I was inside. The rippling convulsions which I sent through his feline

body, made his tail hair stand on end, as his toes scrunched together in

ecstatic euphoric bliss. A bliss which kept increasing as I was carried by

fluttering anal muscles deep inside of him. His large penis inched slowly out

of his sheath, as thoughts of pure lust enveloped in his mind. I heard him

roar, as his large organ was fully erect, glistening with pre, as powerful anal

muscles worked all around me. I wiggled as hard as I could, to get deep inside him. As the

top of my head pressed against his prostate, I felt the entire cavern shake and

quiver. Outside of that feline body, his eyes were shut tight as his lips

curled back, before blasting forth another roar. The massive feline tried to

keep as still as possible, while his penis was dripping with copious amounts of

pre. Even though I was bound, I still managed to twist my body

upward. Making sure that I was positioned directly below the most sensitive of

areas. My legs feeling around for just the right area, about where his prostate

was. I bent my legs like a kangaroo about to kick. The reaction was an

instantaneous release of seed. It erupted out in a thick string, traveling in a

powerful line, only to smack heavily against the far wall. My next kick caused a powerful roar to erupt from his

throat. The force of the sound caused his mirror to crack, as it enveloped the

surrounding air. I heard the deep echo even from all the way inside. The

gargantuan feline was grasping his thick shaft, pumping with tremendous force.

As I kicked again, he rose from his comfortable sitting position, straight up.

As one last powerful spurt, landed hard against the wall. Only for his legs to

shatter into weak noodles underneath him, sending him crashing onto our bed. That was the last of it, he was done. As he was reaching for

the string with a shaky paw. He felt another intense kick.  This caused him to shoot a string of cum

straight up, with a roar, only to have it land on his pillow. Feeling dizzy

from the stimulation, his legs having gone limp under him, reaching in

desperation now for the string. The one tiny hair-width, which he had to pull

to get out of this pleasurable nightmare. Kicking him one last time with everything, before I was

utterly exhausted. I felt my world lurching as the feline had been knocked to

the concrete floor, now on his hands as knees. Six long and powerful eruptions

burst onto the ground in-between him. As he let out a roar so deep and powerful,

filled with so much energy, that it pierced through the sound proof walls of

the facility, and into the neighboring complex. Before finally managing to grip

the string and yank me out. As he lay there like a frog, on his belly. Dangling me in

front of his face, with a smile so wide. Like I had just given him godlike

powers. He caressed me, purring like I never heard him do so before...ever. I

couldn't help but smile as well, seeing how joyful he looked after that

experience. Being held in his embrace, as the water from his fur cascaded onto

me. The feeling of being lathered with that cheap prison soap, as he scrubbed

me clean in-between his fingers. Receiving a lick across the front of my body

right after. It was true love. ***No giant felines were harmed in the writing of this

story, but the sex was all too real***