Service For One - Commissioned Work

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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A young boy gets roped into a trip to an anthro hotel. Believing he will be bored out of his mind, he finds out that his whole life can change in the blink of an eye, or five of them.

Service For One

Commission for Anonymous

Austin watched the trees roll by as he slouched against the car door. He was sitting as far away from his father as he possibly could. The human teen sighed as the scenery flew by. The boy took a moment to look over at his dad. The other human was watching the road, humming a little tune that ran in his head. The older male was portly, balding slightly, with a wide nose and pockmarked face. There was nothing remarkable about him. Austin watched his old man as he drove, sending waves of ire in the older man's direction for making him come on this trip. His father wouldn't allow him to stay home alone, though Austin knew he would be able to take care of himself. His parental unit was adamant though, saying it would be some good father/son bonding time. Austin had simply rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what would happen. His father would be busy with work the entire time, and he would be stuck inside a boring hotel room with absolutely nothing to do. A boy could only whack off so many times before his cock would be rubbed raw, and even he could only look at himself in a mirror so often.

The time for the travel had gone slowly. None of the radio stations worked out in the middle of nowhere, except all the ones one wouldn't want to listen to. So Austin just slumped on his side of the car and waited until it was over.

"Look! We're here!" his dad exclaimed, chubby finger stretched out to point in the distance to a tall hotel resort parked on the side of a lake. At least there was that. If nothing else, maybe Austin could go to the lake and swim some, but that certainly wouldn't entertain him for the entire weekend. As the hotel drew closer, the young boy looked at the sign flying high up above the ground. It said "Furrington Hotel" and below it read a sign that said "All Are Welcome" as if there might be some reason that some people might not want to stay there.

Signs started appearing along the road stating that there was food and lodging within the next few miles.Duh. Austin thought. The hotel was right there in front of their eyes, of course there was food and lodging. The next sign showed that there was a beach at the next exit. The next sign, however, confused Austin a little bit. It looked like a picture of a dog standing on two legs instead of four, and the words below it said, "Anthros Ahead". Now, there was nothing odd about seeing anthro animals out in the world. But there had been a strange segregation that most humans upheld as a safety issue. Austin turned to his father with an odd look.

"This is an anthro hotel?" He noticed that his dad didn't look over to him again, but just nodded.

"Yes, yes it is. The client I have come out here to meet is an anthro lion. He does a lot of business overseas and needs some help to take care of it. This could really open up a lot of work for me, and we could really use that money. So he said he was getting ready to start his vacation up here, and asked if I could meet him here. I said yes. I couldn't very well leave you alone at home. We have been over that. I'm sure you can find stuff to do for a few days. You can swim, or workout. They have a gym here. I know you like to spend time working out." His dad seemed to both be pleading and demanding at the same time. Austin slumped back again into his seat.

"Yeah Dad, I am sure I can find something to do for the next few days. I just hope I don't get hit on by all these animals. I hear that all anthros are perverted." He scoffed and grimaced at the thought of some creature hitting on him. He didn't hate them, but he certainly hadn't liked them so far. Not that he had seen so many in his life. His family lived in a very human part of the state.

Austin watched as more and more of the countryside came into view, the hotel nestled in a little valley below them. There seemed to be nothing around for miles around the hotel. It looked like a very good getaway spot, but not interesting at all if you didn't want to be there. The last bit of the trip took only a few minutes, and before he knew it, Austin was standing in front of the Furrington hotel. A look around told him everything he needed to know. This place was anthro central. All around him were furred beings all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some of the species he recognized, and some he had no idea about. The thing he did not see, however, was another human being, besides his father of course. Here, he was the outsider, and some of the nearby guests were starting to look at him longer than he would like, and then whisper to one another.

The young adolescent human was about to snap at them when a massive shadow crossed over his form. He looked up quickly and noticed a huge rhino standing in front of him. In a voice as deep and large as the rhino himself, the meaty male spoke.

"Welcome to the Furrington Hotel. I'm Jasper, a bellhop here. May I carry your things to your room, Mr. and Mr. Hanson?"

Austin couldn't say words. The creature he was looking at was bigger than any man Austin had ever seen, including Mr. Universe contestants. The fur was huge and powerful, muscular as well, with a big muscle gut protruding from the uniform that he was required to wear. The young human just stared, until his father spoke up and said that their stuff was all in the trunk. The lumbering male named Jasper nodded and went to the back of the car to collect their things, leaving a speechless and now sun-blinded Austin behind in his marveling. The boy barely realized that he was sporting a pretty major hardon at that moment, and was completely grateful for the fact that he was wearing quite the baggy pair of shorts right then. He chastised himself in his head for his uncontrollable teenage body and followed his father and Jasper into the hotel.

The room was nothing special, pretty much like every other hotel room in the world. TV, beds, bathroom, closet, the usual. Their bags were placed gingerly on a rack near the door and the rhino turned to the two human men. He rattled off a practiced speech about the hotel's amenities and where they were located. Breakfast for free in the morning between 6 and 8, as if anyone woke up that early when they were on vacation. He did say that the gym was on the third floor, information which Austin took in and made a mental note.

"And finally if you need anything, you can pick up the phone and dial the desk by pressing zero. Thank you very much and enjoy your stay." Jasper bowed politely and exited once Austin's father planted a ten dollar bill in his large hand.

"See? This place isn't so bad. Hey look! They have more TV stations here than we do at our house. You should love that. Anyway, I'm sorry to have to leave right away, but I'm supposed to meet that lion right away. You'll be okay here by yourself?" his father asked.

Austin simply nodded, then his stomach growled. It had been quite a long time since they had last eaten, somewhere on the road in the middle of nowhere. "I could do with some dinner."

"Ah, yes, of course. Well, here's $100. Go ahead and order whatever you like from room service for yourself. I don't know what they have, but it is supposed to be one of the highest rated food services anywhere. Let me know what you get and if it was good, huh?"

The boy nodded again and waved his father off when the man tried to say he was sorry again for everything. If only his mom could have come too, but she had to stay behind and watch over her mother who was ill. At least then Austin would have someone to talk to while his father was out dealing with business. The human kid flopped himself down onto the bed, remarking to himself that it was actually very comfortable for a hotel bed. Maybe this place wasn't going to be all bad. A gurgle from his stomach reminded him that he was hungry. Remembering the $100 his father gave him, he crawled across the bed to where the phone was. He pressed the button marked "service" and waited while the phone rang. A cheerful voice answered and spoke in a bubbly tone.

"Good afternoon, thank you for calling the service desk. How may we serve you today?"

Austin couldn't tell if the voice was male or female, but he shrugged it off. "Yes, I'd like to order something and have it sent up to my room."

"Certainly Sir. I see from the call that you are in room 251. What could we provide for you?"

"Well, I'd like to know what you have on the menu. Are there any specials that I should know about?"

"Thank you for asking. As it happens, we are currently running a special in our 5 course meal. And it is only $10."

"Wow, that's cheap for five courses. Yeah, I think I'll try that. How long will it take?"

"Just give us 30 minutes and your order will be sent right up."

"Thanks a lot, see you then."

"Thank you Sir, for allowing us to serve your needs here are the Furrington."

Austin hung up the phone and looked at the clock. It wasn't really that late, but he found himself growing intensely tired. The drive must have tuckered him out a bit. Maybe he could get in a quick nap before his meal arrived. The young human stripped off his clothes, leaving only his boxers on. Before laying down, he looked at himself in a nearby mirror and flexed. His smooth muscles jumped from his skin, popping out along his rigid structure. He didn't think he looked half bad for a 13 year old boy. Satisfied that he looked damn good, Austin yawned and stretched and crawled into the bed, not even bothering to get under the covers before passing out cold.

It was a the incessant ringing of the doorbell that finally awoke the drowsy child. He stumbled from his sleep and made his way to the front door of the hotel room. With a deep yawn, and a bit of bed head, the teen opened the door to find no food, but five rough looking furs. Austin stared confusedly at the furs, all of whom stared confusedly right back at him. After several moments of silence, one of the animals spoke up, with a deep voice.

"Hey, are we sure this is the right room?" His voice had a bit of a southern twang to it, like all of those singers Austin avoided on the country music stations on the radio. The voice belonged to a rather well-built looking bull, who was wearing only a tank top and some basketball shorts. He had two long horns above his head that looked almost dangerous, and the stereotypical ring attached to his nose through both nostrils. Austin just stood and blinked at the group.

Another one of the group, a rather fierce looking dragon, seemed to peer at the numbers on the door, then down at a piece of paper it held in its hand. "Yeah, seems like the right place, numbers match anyway. Hey kid, someone here order up some room service?"

Austin nodded, then looked around. "What the hell is going on here? Does it usually take five furs to deliver one meal?"

A dog with a stubby tail and sharp pointed ears snatched the $10 right out of Austin's hand with a grin, irking the small human. "Here's the money boys. And you, human, we are the five course meal that was ordered from this room." He looked the human over a bit, his ears flicking somewhat randomly.

The boy reached for the money, but the doberman was able to snatch it away quickly. Austin stalked forward, putting on one of his best angry faces, making like he was going to beat the dog down for his trouble. However, another of the group, a very large solid-black horse stepped in front of him, waving a massive finger in front of the human's face. "No refunds." It was all he said, but even that little bit of language was enough to tell Austin that the equine was of some sort of Slavic descent, probably Russian.

In the next split second, Austin's small, but powerful fist shot forward and punched the Russian horse right in the gut, making the male stumble backwards and gasp out his breath. It didn't take long for him to recover, and Dustin made his way back swiftly with a fist raised. The boy was in a guarded stance, but he knew that if the horse hit him, he wasn't getting back up very fast. Dustin let his fist fly, but it was intercepted by the last member of the group, a shaggy looking wolf with piercing eyes and a demeanor that said "don't screw with me".

"Hold on there Dusty, no assaulting the customers. It will get us a bad rep. We only make ten bucks by playing around in a group of five, you want them to cut that down even farther?. Relax kid, he won't bother you again. Um... are you alone here? Your, ahem, Dad didn't ask for us?"

Austin shook his head. "My dad is out on business. I ordered food over 30 minutes ago that was supposed to be here right about now. Who are you guys if not the delivery people? Is this some kind of joke? Cause if it is, I don't think it is funny, and I want to make a complaint."

"Oh man, I can't believe this place hasn't fixed this problem yet. This is like the fifth time in the last month. Max, give the kid back his money. This is all a big mistake. Somehow, I don't think this kid asked for our services. Come here kid, let me show you what happened here." The two walked over to the bed, where the phone was located. The wolf pointed at the receiver and Austin looked where he indicated. "See that, there are two buttons near the bottom. One says service, and the other one says food. You must have pressed the service button thinking that was where you could order food."

While the wolf was showing Austin the phone, the other four furs were taking a good look at the boy. He was still just in boxers and was leaning over the nightstand, giving all of them a nice view of his pert and well-worked ass, even if it was through the fabric of the shorts. They look at each other and nod a bit, some looking less than pleased. The wolf, named Fabian, returns to his group and gets Max to give the money back to Austin. As politely as possible, the posse leaves the human to his own devices. Once they are gone, Austin returns the phone and orders from the Food button, some shrimp and chicken carbonara, which would cost him twenty-five bucks.

The fivesome walks to the nearest elevator and all climb inside, making the large car groan under their weight. Once the doors were closed, they began to talk. Fabian rounds on Max with a growl.

"Why did you take the money right from the kid's hand? It was obvious that he hadn't meant to order us. He just wanted dinner." The wolf was breathing particularly heavy through his nose.

The doberman growled right back. "Seemed to me we found out that he did order us, albeit on accident. Doesn't matter really, policy is that we take the money when we arrive, so I did."

"It still has to be handed to us, you lout. You can't just snatch it up like that."

Max was about to pop Fabian in the nose when Brad, the bull, and Jake, the dragon, grab them and hold them off of each other. Dustin remained standing in the corner of the elevator. He couldn't get the hot little body of the human out of his head. He was toned as hell for a small, young, American boy. He felt a twitching in his loins and shook his head to get his mind back on track. "That boy was hot, da? Did nobody else notice how ripped his little body is?"

Max's anger seemed to fade as he turned his attention towards the black horse. "Yeah man, that kid was stacked. If I hadn't already been steamed at him, I could have licked those abs of his from morning until night."

Fabian is a bit surprised by their words. "Guys, he is only a kid. We don't need any kind of legal trouble coming down on us. Besides, we weren't what he was looking for, even if he was totally hot."

The five agreed on how good Austin looked, but Fabian stayed reluctant. All through the long elevator ride they tried to convince him that if the human said it was okay, then everything was fine and they wouldn't get in trouble. It didn't take long for Fabian to be convinced, the pulsing erection in his trousers winning the battle over his better judgment.

The sun had set awhile ago, and Austin was resting in his room. The food he had ordered was still hot when he got it, and he devoured it after such a long day. He kept thinking about Fabian and his friends while he watched some TV, did some pushups and situps in the room, and generally stayed bored for most of the night. It had finally gotten the better of him, and he just fell on the bed and fell asleep. It was dark, but still not very late. Like earlier in the day, the sound of someone at the door awoke him, and the human blearily moved to the entryway. He opened the door and blinked a couple times to make sure that he was seeing properly. Standing in the hall, all by himself, was Fabian, the wolf who had been with the other four furs from before.

"What the heck are you doing here? I certainly didn't order any services." The human had a bit of a snotty attitude when he spoke, something that rose Fabian's hackles just a bit.

The lupine marches forward and past Austin who is a bit stunned at the move. He spins around and closes the door behind them and looks at the wolf. "I just came to have a conversation. You seemed angry earlier, and I want to make sure you enjoy your hotel stay here with us. My friends were not very polite to you. You also seemed quite bored and upset with your father for leaving you here, so I thought I would spend some time getting to know you. You mind?"

Austin shrugged and pushed his way back into the room. "I don't care, really. Feel free to stay."

"Good, glad to hear it. So, where are you from, little human?" He didn't yet know the kid's name, so he wanted to make sure that he would say it.

"I'm not a little human. My name is Austin. And my dad and I are from not very far from here. He had some business up here with some lion, and I had to get dragged along for no good reason."

"Ah, I see. And you aren't really having any fun here?" When Austin shook his head, Fabian continued. "Are you unhappy to be here because you had to leave someone behind?" Again, another head shake. "Okay, well, do you like boys or girls, or males or females?"

"What's the difference?" Austin asked, puzzled.

"Well, with furs, we don't call ourselves boys and girls, we use male and female. So you either like boys, girls, male furs, or female furs. Which is it?"

"Oh, I like girls, human girls, only really. Can't say I've ever had the opportunity to get to know a fur, of either gender."

"You are meeting on right now." The wolf shifted himself slightly while leaning on a piece of furniture. "You know Austin, you have a very hot body. It looks like you spend a lot of time working out, which is impressive for one so young."

Austin's manner changed almost immediately. Someone had just mentioned his favorite subject, himself. The human boy grinned wide and flexed for the wolf, showing off some of his best poses. Fabian made himself relax and look intrigued.

"I have been working out since I can remember. I used to do pushups like I saw my dad do when I was just four, and I found I liked it so much I just kept going. I kept learning new exercises and kept trying them." Austin flexed again and Fabian tilted his head, watching the muscles move on the young boy's body.

"It shows." Fabian stood up fully and removed his shirt, showing off his flowing grey fur all over his torso. Austin could see the muscles even under the thick coat, but they really popped out when Fabian began to flex in much the same poses. His muscles were perfect, each one clearly defined and worked on. The human couldn't let himself be shown up by a dog, so he pushed himself to flex as hard as possible, making all of his well-developed muscles stand out. It wasn't enough, however, and he had to admit that Fabian had the better physique.

"Damn Fabian, you have muscles everywhere. How did you get them that way?" The kid was panting lightly from the exertion, while Fabian simply stood there watching.

"I too have been working on it since I was a pup, but I have had a few more years than you to develop. Plus, I think we anthros automatically have good bodies if we don't let ourselves go. Hey Austin, you should come down to a club nearby and hang out with me and my friends. They would like to apologize for the way things went down this afternoon. It would be a great way to show off around here, and you could stop being bored." The wolf gave a sly grin and nodded in Austin's direction.

The human couldn't believe his luck. "Damn right I'll go. Anything to keep from having to stay here in this room." The teen ran around the room and picked out a good set of clothes, and wrote his father a note in case he should get back late. He made sure to put in the note not to worry and that he would be safe. The kid also made sure to take his fully charged cell phone. He turned to Fabian when he was ready to leave and noticed that the lupine had put his shirt back on and was waiting at the door.

They walked several blocks from the hotel to a dingy part of the city. Austin started getting a little nervous about where they were going when Fabian announced that they had arrived. A brightly lit building stood before them, the name on it read Di Panna Fresca_._Apparently, this place was a local bar that tourists rarely visited because of its distance from the hotels. Fabian led the human through the doors without any real notice, even though no one should have entered that was not 21. Even Fabian was only 20. Once inside, the two found the other furs in Fabian's group, and they all sat down at a table.

The four at the table already have their drinks, and Fabian orders up two more of the same. It appears that they are drinking dirty gin martinis. Austin turns up his nose a bit as he sits down, never really having had such adult drinks. Everyone appears happy to see him, especially Max, the dobie's tail flailing back and forth as he met the human. Dustin stayed seated, but had a bright white grin on his dark black-furred face. The conversation was light, the drinks were flowing, and everyone was having a good time.

Austin wasn't happy with a martini. The taste was terrible, and it also felt heavy. At one point, he excused himself from the group to get himself another drink, returning with a zero calorie soda pop. The others laughed a bit about it, but when Austin said he didn't want to lose his physique, the others all got quieter. The human barely had a chance to set his new drink down when he was whisked off to the dance floor by Fabian and Max. The music was loud, but had an easy beat of thump-thump-thump that made it simple to dance to. Austin moved pretty well, finding it only a bit awkward when Fabian and Max started grinding hard on each other and making out. They made sure not to leave the teen out too long though, placing him between their grinding bodies while they continued to kiss loudly above him. Thankfully for the human, he was rescued by Brad and Jake, who pulled him away to play some billiards.

The young human had never really played pool before, but the two anthros were happy to teach him the rules. In between their trick shots and studly showing off, they managed to get Austin to be a pretty decent playing. Several rounds went by while the canines were dancing and pawing at each other. Each time Austin had to bend over to make a shot, Jake and Brad both made sure to be behind him, watching his tight butt stretch over the table. The only one not involved in making sure the human had a good time was Dustin. The horse stayed in a corner doing his own thing, but always kept his eyes on the teen. His desire was not to make Austin less bored. He wanted far more from the adolescent human, and he was determined to get it.

Hours had past. It must have been near midnight. The five furry companions had kept up their drinking and were rather drunk. They all spent a lot of time staring at the human boy. Austin, for his part, had stuck to his soda all night, and was not impaired in the least. It was hot in the club however, and he had found himself removing his shirt at one point. This caused each of the five new friends of his to comment on how beautiful his body was and how hot they thought he was. Austin drank in the praise, flexing every once in awhile when he caught of the guys brazenly checking out his body.

Austin turned around to take another shot on the pool table but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder which spun him around abruptly. Dustin was clearly drunk and was a bit wabbly on his high hooves. He looked sharply into the human's eyes and gripped his shoulder tight. "Follow me, little one, I want to show you something."

The teen looked up into the inebriated eyes and felt like he should capitulate, so he nodded. The horse clopped his way slowly towards the back of the club, Austin right behind. The other four males grinned at each other and followed suit, but just a little farther back. Dustin led Austin through a long dark hallway into an area that had many doors coming off of it. He was lured into one of the rooms. The large horse falls onto what one would loosely call a bed and waited. Austin simply stood near the foot of the bed wondering what was going on. The rest of the group filed and in, and Max, being last, closed the door. The loud music suddenly disappeared, the room having been soundproofed to protect those inside from the outside world, and vice versa.

The group of increasingly horny males piled onto the bed and watched Austin who stood there feeling more than a little uncomfortable. Dustin grins and speaks up.

"Now, we have been told that you have a fine body, even more than he had already seen the other day, da? So, we think you should show it off a bit for us, show us what you got." The horse was already rubbing himself lightly between his legs, out of view of Austin. The others in the group nodded a bit, and Fabian blushed when Austin looked right at him in an accusatory manner.

The human adored the attention though, and soon had stripped all the way down to his boxers again, just like he was in front of Fabian earlier in the day. The boys whistled and hooted, enjoying the show they were getting. Each time Austin flexed, he heard the cheers and applause. The fivesome of hot and horny furs were having a hard time not tackling the boy and having their way with him right then and there. Each one had a significant tent in their clothing. Their paws were roaming, mostly over themselves, but also over each other. The human turned away to show off his proportional back muscles, stretching and flexing to show off how hard he worked on himself.

With his back turned, Austin didn't notice that the other occupants of the room were disrobing. Each of his other companions were down to their underwear or less in a matter of seconds. When the human did turn around again, he noticed that everyone was now as naked or more naked than he was.

"Um... what the heck is going on here?" he asked, seeing far more of the males than he had really expected to. "I really don't know why you wanted me in here, but I wasn't around here for any kind of sexual play with a bunch of men... uh.. males."

Dustin was the first fur back on his feet. He stumbled over to the human and without a word, grabbed Austin by the face. "Shut up kid. You know you want to have us. You have wanted it since you saw Fabian's body. It made you think about how hot our bodies can be. So just be quiet and get what you want." Without giving a second of time for Austin to process what had been said before his long muzzle pressed against the smooth lips in a deep kiss. The strong equine tongue pressed into the teen's mouth and lapped at the much smaller one, leaving Austin completely stunned.

During this distraction, the other four members of the group got up off the bed and proceeded to surround Austin. Max pulled down the boxers, leaving Austin completely naked. Jake went for the back of Austin's neck, nibbling gently on it. Fabian rubbed his paws over the young boy's chest, while Brad rubbed over the boys butt. Each hot animal male grunted and growled, showing their appreciation for each part that they were able to touch. Austin was barely struggling at this point. All together, the five males lifted the boy up and moved him over to the bed.

As gently as they could, the many furs placed the young male on the bed, completely without clothing. Austin found himself the center of the males' attentions. Ten paws worked their way over his body, feeling the crags of his muscles, all the tiny divots that he had worked so hard to achieve. The young human couldn't help but moan when he felt a tongue lash against one of his nipples. A gritty feeling moved across his sensitive flesh. He felt a muzzle along his neck, lapping like his dog used to when he was happy to see the boy. This felt far more erotic than that, little sounds of lust escaping him as he felt the fingers and tongues probe his body.

He arched his back when a particularly strong tongue pressed between his legs and against his balls, tasting the human musk that must have been strong after dancing and drinking in the club for the last several hours. He felt his legs spread apart, giving whichever male it was better access to his throbbing member and further reaches. That had to be Dustin, that long horse tongue playing over his cock and balls. The rougher tongues had to belong to the canines. He felt a forked tongue shoved into his mouth, and knew that the dragon was entering his oral cavity. He loved it all, letting himself go to the pleasure he was feeling.

Dustin's tongue moved down from Austin's sack slowly, the young male feeling that strong appendage making its way down towards his ass. He wanted to tell the Russian horse to stop, but the other four were making his body melt. He had never had anything near his ass, including his own fingers or anything else. Yet his still gasped loud and hard when he felt the nearly foot long tongue rub over his hole. Austin throws his head back in absolute pleasure, never having known his ass could feel so good. But Dustin had more in store for him. The human felt that some of the paws were off of his body, and he opened his eyes to look around the room. He saw Max on his knees in front of Brad, taking the thin at the tip bull cock down his throat like an expert. Normally, Austin would have thought that this was gross, but with a horse's tongue pressed against and rubbing around his pucker, he had no complaints.

He watched the dobie's muzzle close around the tip, his lips close together and pursed. However, as the canine moved down toward the bull's crotch, his lips stretched open more and more as the girth widened quickly. The length was also impressive, looking as if ten inches were probing down the dog's throat. Both of them moaned, Brad's hands gripping Max's ears and pulling him down as far as he could. The dobie's muzzle pressed into a thick musky pubic bush. The dog's eyes rolled back in his head from the sheer pleasure of that moment, and Austin wondered just how often these boys played like this together. Max's tail wagged heavily behind him as he sucked back and forth on the cow dong in his muzzle, clearly savoring every second of it.

Austin had never seen an anthro cock up close, but did notice that they varied as much as the species themselves did. He looked from Brad's cock down Max's body to see the thick doggy cock jutting from the tight male's groin. It was long and incredibly thick, pointed at the end and leaking constantly, a large puddle of pre forming underneath his bobbing tip. The young human suddenly found himself wondering why they both seemed to enjoy the action so much. He also found himself wondering what the animals' cocks tasted like. Normally, he would have chastised himself for such thoughts, but he was lost in a haze of lust.

The early teen's vision was blocked of Max and Brad by a black and red scaly hide. Austin looked up to see Jake looking back down at him. "Hello there little one. We have all played with your body and gotten you all fired up. Now I think it is time you started to repay the favor. Why don't you reach one of those soft little hands over here and play with my cock, hmmm?"

The human's eyes fell from the grinning face of the dragon down his well pectoraled chest and flat stomach, tracing the scales and the shining light with his eyes. When they at last reached the dragon's genitals, Austin was stunned to see a long shaft pointed at his face. He reached out tentatively and grasped the dark meat before him. The dragon let off a little purring sound at the touch. The cock felt hot, but almost rubbery in his hand. Unlike his own cock in every way possible. There were ridges and bumps along the entire length, making the shaft an odd shape. Apparently upset by the lack of movement, Jake wrapped his scaled hand around Austin's and began to pump over his cock with a deep moan.

"Come on kid, play with it. Make his dragon daddy feel good!" He made a strange roaring noise designed to intimidate the human, which it did. Once Jake let go of his hand, Austin continued his stroking over the rock hard dragon dick. Drops of pre oozed down from the slit in the tip, thicker than any pre Austin had ever seen before. It was hot to the touch, like liquid fire, but it didn't cause him any real pain. It made the surface of the bulbous cock slick, and the human boy found his hand sliding over it easily. Jake bucked his hips and thrust through the tight grip of the human, hissing and moaning, breathing heavily as he enjoyed the new toy on the bed.

"Don't forget about me." Austin turned his head in the other direction to see a towering gray body kneeling on the bed beside his head. Fabian flexed his muscles so close to Austin's head that the boy could see the ripples underneath the fur. The sight excited him more, and his own cock flexed against his belly, so far untouched by all involved. A strong paw grabbed the hairless boy's head and pulled it where he wanted it. A strong scent struck Austin and he noticed a hard dog cock, much like Max's, within spitting distance of his face.

"What do you want me to do with that?" The child was modest, blushing slightly in the face of the massive canine shaft.

"Open that pretty mouth of yours boy, and I'll do all the rest." A toothy grin split the wolf's muzzle, and Austin could help but obey. He opened his mouth the tiniest bit and found the salty taste of wolf cock overwhelming his senses in seconds. The tip was pointed, and pushed past his lips easily. A few inches moved in, getting wider and wider quicker than Austin would have thought. He felt the veiny shaft slide over his tongue, making him taste the animal musk all over his mouth. He heard a growling moan echo from the wolf's chest and looked up to see Fabian with his eyes closed, very much enjoying the hot wet mouth wrapped tightly around his cock.

Austin felt something large bump against his mouth, too big to fit. He used his free hand to feel what it was. Just outside of his lips, Fabian's cock got huge and round, a giant knot of flesh that seemed to pulse in his grip. Fabian yelped and moaned deeply when Austin handled it. The human continued to fondle the knot, making the wolf pump his hips, sending his doggy cock in and out of the young mouth at a high speed.

At the young boy's bottom end, a long equine tongue was finally sick of probing the outside of the human's tasty ass. With a hard push, the muscular tip of Dustin's tongue pushed past the opening and found its way inside Austin's tight virgin ass. The human gave out a heavy gasp around Fabian's dick and closed his eyes tight against the onslaught in his unused ass. Dustin's tongue explored the confines of the human butt, burying another inch, then another inch deep inside Austin's body. The preteen shuddered as his ass was invaded, a deep moan echoing through his chest and the cock lodged in his mouth. After several moments, more than half of Dustin's tongue was inside Austin's young body. In order to tease the boy, Dustin pulled his tongue back a few inches and then pushed back in again, using his tongue to fuck the boy and drive him crazy.

It appeared to be working, as Austin's body flexed and the human's eyes closed. He groaned and grunted around Fabian's dick, the wolf taking the opportunity to thrust himself in and out of the kid's mouth. With each thrust of the Russian tongue into his ass, Dustin moved in deeper and deeper, until his maw was wide open to allow most of his foot long tongue to slither inside Austin's rear end. All of the males in the room were breathing heavily.

Brad and Max had moved over to get a better view, Max's paws were on the bed and he was leaning over. Brad was behind him, thrusting himself in and out of the dobie's ass with reckless abandon. Both males had their eyes glued to the human and the action around him. Max would let out a whimpering grunt every once in awhile when Brad would make a particularly hard thrust. The bovine was grunting and moaning with every push, heavy concentration plastered on his wide muzzle.

Jake and Fabian both noticed when the human boy suddenly tensed around their respective shafts. They looked up and saw that Dustin had removed his tongue from Austin's ass and was wiping his muzzle. However, what had replaced his tongue at the hot young entrance was his long and thick horse cock. He hadn't penetrated the adolescent male yet, but he was pushing forward with his blunt tip enough that Austin knew it was there and what was coming. Dustin thrust his hips back and forth gently, simply applying pressure to the taut ring of muscle that kept him from what he wanted most. Each push forward with his powerfully muscled body made Austin shiver and the equine whinney with lust and desire.

Fabian growled and moaned, his hips thrusting into the young human's mouth, feeling the tight throat pull at him, sucking his fluids from his body and swallowing them down greedily. The wolf's chest heaved, his muscled form expanding and contracting with every ragged breath. His abs pushed out and were sucked back in repeatedly, the rippled mass a glorious sight to see. Austin watched these muscles work as he suckled and clenched his ass to keep Dustin out a little while longer. He was wrestling in his mind the choice between his manliness and his desire to allow himself to be taken like a woman, like a female.

Dustin was insistent, but gentle. He worked his cock back and forth, pressing forward with a little more pressure every couple of minutes. Austin was giving in, slowly, his passage loosening slightly with each renewed assault. With a sudden pop and a sharp gasp from the trembling young man, the flat tip of the equine shaft embedded itself in the willing host.

Fabian took full advantage of the situation and bucked his hips harder into the tightened orifice of the human's mouth. He grunted, and growled like the animal he looked like right up until the moment he was ready to burst. At that time, he raised his head to the ceiling and howled out loudly. The whole room turned to look as Austin's cheeks bulged outward with the force of the wolf's release. The boy had little time to react as his mouth was suddenly filled with thin, warm, slightly salty fluid. The hand he had wrapped around Fabian's knot squeezed down hard, making the lupine surge forward and add another blast to the boy's already full mouth. Austin had little he could do but swallow, taking down the liquid, still sucking on the shaft. Being a wolf, there was much more he had to give, and his more or less trapped subject was required to take it all. Several small rivulets of wolf cum seeped from the corner's of the inexperienced male's mouth to drip down onto his chest. Fabian's howl seemed to last forever, finally fading at about the same time as his orgasm. His cock slowly began to shrink in Austin's mouth, so the young man released it, panting and gasping for breath. There were no words from him as the others would have expected. He just stared dreamily at the fivesome with lusty, wondrous eyes.

"Not gonna last" were the first words to break the silence after the howl subsided. They came from Jake, who was bucking his hips hard in and out of the human's grasping hand. Apparently, the sight of the wolf's orgasm had assisted him in reaching his own climax. A rumbling sound echoed through his chest and deep in his throat as the dragon's thrusts became erratic, but still more vigorous. Jake hissed and grunted before his hot and thick load burst from his heaving balls. The dragon's scales were covered in a layer of sweat that made them shine in the dim light of the filthy room. Rope after rope of his seed flew from the tip and coated Austin's face and neck, leaving long white streaks across the human's features and a look of slight surprise on the boy's face. The spent dragon's chest was heaving, the muscles under his scales quivering with the pleasure of his ecstatic rush. The massive reptile leaned down and chuckled in Austin's face. "Guess I painted you pretty good there." He joked as his forked tongue swung from between his lips and lapped at some of his own semen, licking it off the pre teen's cheek.

Jake stood up fully and retreated away from the group for a moment to watch. Max was still being bred hard by Brad, both males sending raunchy noises throughout the room as the mated. They slid sideways, still joined at the groin until they were closer to Austin.

"Play with my cock, little man" Max ordered, his thick dog tool bouncing up and down with the force of Brad's thrusts. Austin didn't have to be asked twice, quickly gripping the slick, pre-covered tool and stroking it fast, in rhythm with the thrusts the bull was giving from behind.

"Yeah, play with that doggy dick, boy" was heard from the foot of the bed. There, Dustin was stroking the part of his shaft that was still outside of Austin's body, which was still about five inches of dusky horse meat. During the first two orgasms, he had managed to push himself deeper into the human's body by about five inches. He had sat back to enjoy the views of his companions' finish, and was quite pleased with the result. Nevertheless, it was time to begin. He wanted to enjoy the human as much as the other two had. He grabbed Austin by the ankles and bucked his hips hard, sending the last five inches of his cock into the boy. Austin screamed out in a mix of pleasure and pain, his virgin ass feeling as if it would split in two. He held together though, and managed a groan when the Russian male pulled back to repeat the motion. Each successive thrust was just as hard, just as slow, but slightly less painful. Within ten strokes, Austin was waiting for the next, relishing the feeling of fullness that each forward movement bestowed, and anguishing the feeling of emptiness that each pull back left.

Dustin, for his own part, was in heaven. He had never been inside a hole so tight before in his young life. He didn't want it to end, so he proceeded slowly, driving his shaft forward ten inches, then back ten inches, until just the tip of his flared head remained inside. Austin shuddered and groaned, pleasure reeling through his body. His hand gripped tight on Max's shaft, making the dobie yelp out and moan as he unleashed his seed. The splash of hot cum on his chest made Austin look up at Max's muzzle which was screwed up in a look of pure bliss. Several more blasts of watery liquid landed on the human's chest and stomach, adding a new and different coating to the youth as compared to the dragon. As Max reached his climax, his asshole tightened down hard on Brad's rutting shaft, driving the bull into a mating frenzy as he pumped his shaft in and out of the writing dog with extremely rapid pulses.

Before he could burst, Brad pulled his cock from the canine's ass and stepped to the left, leaving himself between Max and Dustin. He grabbed his tapered flesh and stroked over it just as fast as he had been fucking the doberman. Within seconds a long, low moo came from him, reverberating about the room almost as loudly as the howl from Fabian. The bull gripped low on his cock, aiming the tip just as several speedy bursts shot forth. This male aimed for Austin's lower stomach and groin, slathering the boy even further down, covering the kid's abs, cock, and balls in musky bovine seed. It dripped down the youth's legs and landed on Dustin's thrusting shaft, adding even more lubricant to the already slick maneuvering. Brad humphed and leaned against Max, who seemed equally dazed, the canine tongue hanging out as he panted for breath, eyes half lidded and glazed over in the purest afterglow.

Dustin had his lower lip between his teeth, eyes glued to Austin's cum drenched body, shining the shoddy lighting of the tawdry room and the group's illicit affairs. It was a lovely sight, and the scents in the air just made him want to breed even harder. His hands slid down farther to under Austin's knees and the equine slid further forward on the bed. He began to thrust in faster, shorter strokes, leaving all but a few inches of his enormous dick lodged deep within his prone lover. His tail swished the air behind him as he rammed himself like a piston into the bowels of the young human, both of them moaning, groaning, grunting and panting like feral animals destined for release.

Austin's hands, now free, slipped down his body, dragging a trail of dragon, dog and bull seed with it. He scooped up a good dollop of the slimy concoction and used it on his own pulsing manhood. He gingerly wrapped his fingers around the shaft and began to pump along with Dustin's strong, short thrusts. The other four expended males stayed close on all sides of the human, watching intently as Austin played with his cock and sac, using their combined essences as lube for the naughty act. Most of them had reinvigorated shafts that they were idly playing with, each one decided whether or not to get a second round going before the first was even complete. The Russian horse continued to buck, neighing and shaking his mane, proud signals that his species was enjoying the act of copulation, wanting desperately to leave his seed behind in a willing receptacle. Austin gasped and threw his head back, feeling the horse cock buried inside him thicken even more, the head of that cock flaring out even wider to prevent his imminent release from retreating out of his partner.

The boy's hand flew over his cock, his hips bucking up into his own hand then back down again to meet one of Dustin's thrusts forward. He was engulfed by the pleasure, never having known that this could feel so good. For the first time since he had been placed on the bed, Austin spoke. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum. Fuck me harder Dustin. Make me cum with that thick cock of yours." Dustin took the encouragement and increased his rut as much as he could.

He could feel the muscles of the boy's backside squeezing him tighter and tighter. It was unlike any ass he had fucked before, clamping down on him like a vice. Austin let loose a scream of pleasure that rocked the five anthros in its intensity. A few small spurts of thick, potent human cum added itself to the hodgepodge of spooge on his lithe young body. It wasn't long before Dustin nickered and neighed loudly above the messy boy, his fully flared tip erupting inside the caverns of the human. It surged from the equine in waves, pulse after pulse of his powerful seed filling the boy's never used ass. A bulge seemed to form in the child's gut as more and more seed flowed into him, threatening to spill out in a large gush, but only a trickle fell between his cheeks and down onto the make-do matress. The horse nearly collapsed on top of the boy when he was done, the last vestiges of his release making him shudder and shake on the bed. The other four males cuddled and crowded onto the bed as well, each one finding a way to touch their new friend. Austin spent the next several minutes kissing and being licked by each one in turn, happy sounds coming from each. Before long, though, the night's events took their toll, and all six males fell to sleep.

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