Session No. 10

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#10 of Sessions

Disclaimers and stuff:

Gage belongs to me, and Alek belongs to avatar?user=356704&character=0&clevel=2 content_dreams

Are you of legal age? Do you like man sex? If so, proceed. If not, well...I can't stop you from reading.

Session Commissions are still temporarily closed.

Feedback is always appreciated, and thanks for reading!

The bench creaked beneath me as I sat down, taking a small break from walking around. Today was my one day of the month to visit the modern art museum. Each month, a new artist, sculptor, or crazy guy is featured, and they get an entire wing to decorate as they please. This month feature was on Alekanekelo Tenshi, who was a budding younger artist dealing with mostly oceanic paintings. Various shade of blues, yellows, and green filled the majority of the canvases that lined the hallway, each one depicting a different scene. Some ranged from the abnormally tranquil such as one that was just sand under the water, and some had an agonizing fury about them, such as the one depicting the aftermath of a storm. But all in all, they were all very good and varied in styles. The sand under the water painting was almost minimalistic in style, while the storm had an almost surreal like feel to it as the painting almost looked like it warped inwards.

The bench creaked again, this time from the added weight of someone else. Looking to my right, I found a large black lion sitting next to me. It was certainly an unusual sight to see someone around my age to be at a museum, especially one as large as him. Thick muscles stretched his black polo shirt and black pants, leaving very little slack for movement. The sleeves of his polo rode up halfway along his bicep, almost creating a tourniquet of sorts as it hung on to the muscle before wrapping around to the triceps. A thick vein rose above the surface of the skin, and was even seen snaking its way through the black shirt and into his shoulder. The large lion sat back as he rubbed his face, his large black paw rubbing through his brown hair and mane before fixing his hairband that kept it out of his face.

"It's nice to see another young guy at the art museum," I commented to myself, but loud enough so that he could hear me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess it is," he smiled as he turned his head, his sea green eyes catching my own. He was a very good looking lion, almost seeming young and heart while still being quiet and reserved.

"It's a nice exhibit, don't you think?" I gestured towards the painting of a coral reef in front of us.

"Yeah, it seems so. I do like the ocean, so I figured this would be the place to be," he said as he leaned back into the bench, crossing his large legs. A black tail with white fluff at the end poked out from behind the bench, swishing back and forth as we conversed.

"Well, how about that. I do like nature a bit myself, but I've never really been to the ocean, so I can only see it through pictures."

"Oh? Well, what do you see in the painting before you?" he asked, obviously wanting me to give an answer beyond the obvious coral reef. His soft tone of voice gave the impression that he wouldn't judge me if I had a lackluster answer.

"Tranquility. The colors blend so well together in this painting, leading from one to the next. You can't hear well underwater, but you're floating around, like you're in a dream, so your senses become subdued, but you're relaxed as well. I mean, I'm not one to describe paintings," I laughed, waiting for his reaction. The lion leaned forward and placed his large arms on his thick knees with his paws folded.

"This piece reminds me of one thing, and one thing only: Home." There was a sense of homesickness within his voice. He obviously grew up near the sea and had recently moved or something, so it was understandable how he would feel that way.

"But that doesn't mean others can't have their own interpretation of my works," he laughed, stretching out his arms.

"'re Mr. Tenshi?" This hunk of a lion was the selected painted for this month? Well I'll be damned...

"Yes I am," he laughed. "You can call me Alek though; most are afraid to butcher my name, so that'll do," he said, extending his left paw for a shake.

"Gage. I won't say I'm a complete fan, but I think you're doing a fantastic job with these," I admitted as I extended my own. "What future projects do you have in mind, out of curiosity?"

"Well, I've been commissioned to do a series of nude paintings, though subjects have been slow in response. Fortunately, those aren't due till next year, so I've got time," He explained as he leaned back a bit, staring at the ceiling.

"Do they have to be a particular body type? I didn't know they had a process for selection of nude models."

"They usually don't, but I'm not having any luck yet." He turned to look at me, gazing me over as he stroked his chin. "Say, you've got a very good want to earn an easy four hundred dollars?" he asked.

"Wait, you want to me to model for you while I'm naked?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, all you really have to do is stand there. I mean, I do have to allow breaks and what not, but I think it's pretty easy money, personally."

"Why don't you draw yourself, then? You're probably in better shape than I am," I commented, looking over his muscular body again. I caught sight of the rather large bulge in his slacks, a sure sign that he was large all over, especially where it counted.

"Well, if I did that, it'd be a self-portrait, though I don't think my body would be a great model..." he blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes; surely I'm not the only one that would droll over this hunk of a model. "But regardless; would you be willing to do it?"

"Why not? I've always wanted to have a decent picture of myself, so a nude painting should suffice," I laughed, feeling slightly egotistical. Alek smiled and handed me a card.

"My address is here. I know it's a bit out of the way for some, but I'll make it worth your while. How does tomorrow around 4 sound? The lighting outside should be good."

"We don't have a concert this weekend, so I should be fine. Thanks for the invite," I said as I pocketed the card after looking over his address. It was on the outskirts of town, over by the cliffs to the west. It wasn't the richest part of town, but there was some wealth there, even if it was subdued.

"Uncle Alek!" A voice cried, making us both look up.

"Nico! How good to see you! I'm glad you could make it!" Alek's face lit up as a smaller lion, no older than five, ran up to him and hugged him. Alek bent down and picked him up, spinning him in a circle as the little boy cheered in excitement. I smiled at the scene; Alek was certainly a gentle giant.


The day long wait was actually kind of painful. I didn't have anything to do otherwise, so I just lounged around for a bit, making sure not to eat or drink anything that'd take away from my physique. But even with the slow pace of the day, I was on the road before I knew it. My excitement and nerves picked up the closer I got to the Cliffside neighborhood. I honestly didn't know what to expect beyond being four hundred dollars richer; as long as I wasn't doing any acrobatics or something, I should be fine.

My tires crunched over the circular gravel driveway as I pulled in front of his house. I stepped out and took a moment to look at his adobe. It had a somewhat modern design to it as large-paned windows lined the front. It wasn't as large as some of the other houses on the block, but it certainly belonged from an architectural standpoint. He had money; he just didn't flaunt it. They single story grey bricked home didn't look pretentious either, which was fine by me. I walked to the large mahogany front door and rang the doorbell. A loud series of chimes echoed through the house, and soon, the large door creaked open.

"Oh! You're right on time!" Alek poked his head through the door.

"Yeah, traffic wasn't bad," I said, trying to get an inside peek at the house.

"Well, come on in, take your time to look around for a second; we will be in my studio which is right through the kitchen," Alek explained as he opened the door.

My jaw dropped in my mind. The hunk of a lion was shirtless and wearing nothing but navy blue swimming trunks, which did a pitiful job of hiding the outline of his large sheath and balls as they hung freely. I glanced up, taking in the sight of his torso. Thick pecs covered the expanse of his chest with a thin jagged line running down the middle where the muscles attached to the chest plate. A white tuft of fur covered his solar plexus, but did not take away from his definition. Thick shoulders and arms flanked his chest; the muscles were clearly defined, though still retaining a soft quality to them.

All eight of his abs were nice and thick while still retaining a supple quality about them, even with the creamy tan fur that rippled as he breathed. Thin grooves separated the rounded squares of hard muscle, and three smaller veins ran from the bottom row of abs into his groin, which was unfortunately covered by his swim suit. Large muscular quads filled up a good portion of the suit itself, almost leaving it plastered on at some points, showing off the great plateau of muscle in the center. Thick and juicy calves flared out from his legs, leading all the way down his large bare feet.

I shook my head slightly, and looked around the room. It wasn't completely bare, but the emptiness wasn't as cold as it would normally be; he obviously lived alone, so there was no need to fill up an entry living area with furniture if he wasn't going to use it. I followed him through the kitchen which was a bright yellow, definitely a stark contrast to the bare living area. He held a glass door open for me, gesturing for me to go through.

"Wow...nice view," I commented, slightly awestruck by the room and the sight through the windows. It was a sun room, and at least three fourths of it was opened up from windows, including the ceiling. The western wall had large screen doors which opened up to a rather peaceful looking pool. No trees obstructed the view of the city or the setting sun, and the room itself almost seemed to open up to the backyard.

"This is my studio," he said proudly. "This is where I paint, and once I get the screen doors opened and you are devoid of clothes, we may begin. Don't worry, I won't watch," he blushed slightly.

"Well, you're going to see me naked anyways," I laughed as I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt. My shorts and underwear hit the stone flooring, and I was completely nude in Alek's home. Alek looked a little flustered as I stripped, but he quickly regained his composure, and rushed over to the doors to open them.

"Now, I was thinking of doing a standard pose for this work, kind of a thinking man in the sunset type of deal," he explained, plopping a stool outside onto the stone walkway between the house and the pool. "I just need you to sit here and prop your left leg onto the bar, and your left paw around your chin as if you were thinking. The background for the painting will be a little different, but the sunset and position are all I need."

"Sounds easy enough...but why does it have to be nude?" I asked.

"The commissioner wants to bring out several moods in our natural state, or something like that. I won't be using cityscapes for back drops, as I explained earlier."

"Fair enough." I mean, four hundred dollars is also four hundred dollars, so strutting my stuff for a couple of hours wouldn't bother me.

I sat down in the position he described. Alek set up his easel, grabbed a brush and palette, and started to work. Beyond the chirping birds, passing cars, and idle chatter heard from the backyard next door, the only sounds I heard was the brush stroking along the canvas. Alek would remind me to fix something if I slouched too much, but all in all, it was going pretty well, even if it was a little hot outside which created a thin layer of sweat on me.

Due to the lack of movement, my mind was left to wander. I thought about work and how great my raise was going to be once it actually goes through; I thought about how great my workouts were becoming at the gym, even though Kellen was still on vacation doing who-knows-who...

And of course, I thought about the practically naked hunk of a lion in front of me painting away. He didn't seem like a gym goer; he wasn't very vascular for his musculature, but it could just be natural. There are some people like that, and what a lucky bunch they are. Alek didn't need to go to the gym though. He was already hot in both body and looks as it was, and the added sheen of sweat that was forming on his body certainly accentuated his muscles. It accentuated certain muscles, particularly his abs as he leaned over to look at me, brush swishing away like everything was going to plan.

'Fuck...,' I thought, a familiar pump filling my groin. My balls twitched and my sheath plumped up a bit as my thoughts turned to Alek and how great he'd look naked and hard...dammit. My cock emerged from its home, growing more and more. I couldn't hide it; my paws were too small and my cock was too long...Fuck...

"A-Alek?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes?" he replied, head still buried in the easel. I thought to myself for a moment on how to potentially diffuse this if need be...

"Are...are you going to include this?" I asked, pointing down at my fully hardened cock.

"Hmmm? What do you...oh my-"Alek turned a bright shade of pink once he saw my erection. He stumbled around his words, trying to find something to say, but judging by the slight swell in his trunks, I'd say that my mind was already made up on how to diffuse this.

"Should I get an ice pack or something? I mean, this isn't a common problem as idle blood does tend sit for a while..."I began to walk over to him as he set the palette down, still fumbling over what to do.

"No, I think I'm fine," I said. He turned to look at me and before he had any chance to do something else, I planted a large kiss on his lips, slowly wrapping my arms around his hard body from behind. He let out a gasp of shock, immediately letting my tongue enter his mouth. He groaned as he finally realized what was going on, melting into the kiss. My wandering paws worked their way to his front, cupping the increasingly large bulge, testing the hefty weight of his sheath and balls.

"Ughnn...It hurts," we winced, his large meaty paws immediately going to his crotch, pulling at the fabric.

"Here, let me help," I spoke softly into his ear before kneeling down and slowly pulling down the swim trunks. His thick shaft bobbed deliciously in front of me as it escaped from the synthetic fabric. A bead of pre was already leaking from the tip as it continued to harden, the majestic shaft now starting to slide up his defined eight pack.

The mighty red cock flexed, making the veins pulse as it finished lengthening, reaching a foot long in size. It was wonderfully thick, just maybe an inch bigger in circumference compared to my own. His tennis ball sized testicles hung low in his sac, emitting a fragrance that was all too similar to sea salt. Alek let out a moan as I grabbed the shaft and licked it gently, making it lightly pulse from the sensations of my rough tongue gliding along the skin. I licked the pre at the tip, which was sweet in flavor. Another bead of the slick fluid formed, and I continued to lap it up, not letting it go to waste.

Alek's body shivered as I reached down and fondled his large pendulous balls. I rolled the heavy orbs in my palm, feeling them churn as they made preparations for our sexual adventure. Alek let out a gasp as I tugged on them lightly, watching them recoil only slightly as they reset themselves in his sac. I gently kissed the spot where his scrotum and sheath met before standing up and kissing him on the lips once more.

"Hold on a moment, I was not expecting that," Alek blushed as he pulled away for a moment, panting as he ran a large paw through his untamed mane. His cock bounced along his chest as he composed himself, pre slowly trickling down the red organ. "Well, now what?" he asked hesitantly, almost as if he was unsure of what to do.

"Well, there are two questions I usually ask myself at this point. Who is going to top, and where are we going to fuck?" I told him, folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, there's always the bed room," he suggested, pointing to a door on the side. "As for who tops, well...I guess...Well, I don't..." he shrugged.

"Are you telling me you've never had sex?" I asked in partial disbelief, glancing at the proud spire of flesh that jutted from his groin.

"No! It's just that...well, I know the bigger guy usually tops but, I'd...I'd rather someone with more experience top because...well, it's not often that I do this, and-" I silenced his stammering by placing a finger on his lips.

"It's fine. I'll take care of you, big kitty," I smirked as I lowered my finger, making S-curves along his chest, circling one of his red nipples. I gently took his paw, and led him into his bedroom.

The walls were a bright blue, reminiscent of the sea. A rather large bed covered in white sheets sat in the center of the back wall, flanked by two end tables made from pine wood. A dresser sat in the corner next to an open storage cabinet that was filled with different art supplies; both piece of furniture were made from the same light pine as the end tables. A driftwood sculpture sat on the cabinet, and a full length mirror sat on the opposite side of the corner from the dresser. Three large windows were on the wall across form the bed, giving the same great view onto the city, just as like the sun room.

"Where do you want me?" Alek asked, still a little anxious about what was going to happen.

"On the bed, of course," I said, rubbing my paw along his abs as I faced him. "But, you're going to be on your paws and knees for a bit," I grinned, giving his shaft a slow stroke. He moaned as my fingers grazed the tip of his shaft, picking up a thick strand of glossy pre that had been leaking. He climbed on to the bed as I had asked and presented his muscled backside to me.

Still standing, I grabbed his toned ass and gave his cheeks a good rub. He purred beneath me, a sign that despite his slight nervousness, he was enjoying himself. His tail flickered back and forth, but I gently moved it out of the way. He tensed up, already expecting me to penetrate him so soon, but I had other ideas in mind. I leaned down and purposefully exhaled warm breath on his hole.

"What are you-oh god...."he moaned as my course tongue slathered saliva across his hole. His legs relaxed some as I lapped at the reddish star hungrily. I moved down, crossing his taint to his balls. I could feel them pulse as I tongued them, coating each orb in saliva before picking each one up and making each fall over the tip of my tongue and settle in his sac. His cock throbbed heavily, swatting his stomach.

I moved across his taint and to his hole, probing it with my tongue. My paw tenderly gripped his balls, caressing each one as he moaned loudly from the other side of the mattress. I made a sharp jab at the muscular ring, easily slipping inside. He gripped the white sheets and shivered as I penetrated him, effectively lubricating his entrance and preparing him for what was to come.

After I felt that he was adequately prepared, I pulled my tongue out of his ass and gave his balls a tender kiss before climbing up on the bed and kneeling behind him. He tensed up once more as I rubbed his back, my cock tip poking at his heavy sac. I brought my cock up and let it flop onto the top of his ass next to the base of his tail. He flinched, but only out of slight surprise. I ran my cock through the cleft of his cheeks, teasing him with my thrusts.

"Flex your glutes," I requested as my thick cock continued to hotdog him. I felt the cheeks of his ass harden, which deliciously placed a mild amount of constriction around my cock. My hard cock rubbed against the warm muscles, teasing us both to no end. But, I had to keep things moving along for Alek. I slowly dragged my cock along his crack one final time before gently prodding at his entrance with my tip. He let out a small gasp as I smeared my slick pre around, letting it mix with the saliva I had left there.

"Are you ready?" I asked, gently running my paws along his sides. He turned his head to look at me and gave a small nod. I gripped his hips gently but firmly, aimed for his hole, and slowly pushed in. Alek let out a steady groan as the first few inches entered him. His body was still tense, but a lot more relaxed than I thought. He warm insides accepted me, creating a cushioned texture that firmly gripped the first few inches of my cock. It was almost dizzyingly tight, and it took a lot of will power to not just let myself go and plow into the lion.

After a few moments, the lion relaxed some and I pulled out, letting my barbs scrape along his insides before pushing back inside. The warmth surrounded more of my cock, making my nerves fire rapidly in pleasure. I managed to get several more inches inside, but I was only over halfway in before I hit another patch of resistance. I waited for a moment to let the panting lion beneath me adjust to my cock. He didn't sound like he was in pain, which was good, but I didn't want to treat the guy roughly. I reached beneath him and lightly ghosted along his throbbing cock, making his right leg twitch. He pushed back to stabilize himself, and ended up taking another inch of cock, making me gasp in pleasure. He groaned as the inch slid inside, and a large spurt of pre shot out of his cock, instantly soaking into the sheets.

"Ughnn...fuck..." he moaned, swearing for the first time since I'd met him. His breathing was heavy, but not labored. His innards twitched around my invading member, trying to make room for the remaining five inches or so. I pulled out once more, savoring the feeling of his tight passage. I slowly pushed in again, delving further into his depths until that satisfactory moment of when my cock was completely buried balls deep inside of him. Alek's face was flushed with a mix of arousal and slight discomfort, but the discomfort was slowly slipping away as he adjusted to my size.

I continued to rub along his sides, feeling his muscles quiver due a slight increase in sensitivity. His fur bristled only slightly as I ran along his massive back, feeling the many layers of muscles that lie underneath his fur. His cock ejected another spurt of pre onto the sheets as it flexed from the stimulation. I gently rubbed his muscular cheeks in circles, trying to get him to relax some more before I started to fuck him. Alek took a deep breath and exhaled. His body calmed down a bit, relaxing into my caresses. I gently gyrated my hips so that the inner tissues wouldn't get too stagnant and seize up again once we actually started to move. With a grunt, he pushed back slightly, giving me permission to move.

I pulled my shaft out until the tip remained and thrust back in to the balls, making Alek grunt beneath me. I found that he was quickly adjusting, but I still needed to take it easy for now. His passage still gripped my cock deliciously, sending small tremors of pleasure along my eleven inch length. I pulled out and pushed back in, establishing a steady moderate rhythm.

Alek's grunts of slight discomfort were slowly turning into moans as I continued to thrust deeply in his hole, especially when I jabbed his prostate. My paws continued to map out the muscles in his lower back and hips, feeling each once twitch as he adjusted his stance. His ass was no longer as constrictive, but that might had to do with the copious amount of pre I was smearing around his insides. It was now becoming a warm slippery haven for my shaft; each stroke I made was deliciously squeezed by his passage.

After settling into a nice groove, Alek began to enjoy himself. He pushed back every time I thrust forward, making our balls swing and collide against each other. A thin sheen of sweat formed on his body as he moved, making the room smell more and more like the sea.

"Faster..." he urged, turning his flushed face towards me. I gripped his hips a little harder, and increased the force and the tempo which produced loud slaps when my groin met his ass. I reached beneath Alek and stroked the base of his turgid member. He moaned as his cock lurched, sending another spurt of pre onto the mattress. The leaking member was throbbing with every powerful thrust inside of his hole, signaling that he was almost ready to blow.

"Ugnn..."he groaned as my cock barged past his prostate. I flexed my own cock inside of him, making sure that the barbs ran along that sensitive spot, ensuring the inevitability of his orgasm. His body twitched beneath me as his breathing grew more and more ragged. I picked up my pace again so that I could catch up with him, my cock no longer smoothly entering his ass. His body tensed up, and his cock swelled slightly in my paw.

"...Fuck....!" He breathed as his orgasm hit. I felt cum shoot from the base of his cock and through the tip, audibly splatting on the headboard. His passage clenched tightly around my cock, sending sparks of pleasure through my body, triggering my own orgasm. Spurts of cum splashed along Alek's tract, as his own orgasm splashed along his sheets. I continued to pump away, more and more fluid entering his body as the lion's orgasm came to an end.

"Geez..." I panted as my orgasm ceased. I gave one final push into Alek, making him groan from the increase in sensitivity. I pulled out not too long after, my own cock coated with my own juices. Alek rolled over onto his back, revealing the impressive load he had unleashed. It was a good cup's worth of fluid, leading all the way from the center of the bed to the edge where some had splattered on the bright blue wall.

"That was pretty damn good," I grinned at him as he tried to regain some of his composure.

"Well...I haven't had a release that strong is a good while, so... thanks, I guess," he breathed, face still flush with arousal. He cock was still bobbing, rearing to go again.

"What are you doing?" he asked as I crawled in between his spread legs. I didn't answer him. Instead, I gently placed my paws on his thighs and leaned in to lap at the large orbs. He let out a breathy moan as my tongue coated his balls in saliva again, picking each one up in the sac before dropping them and letting them settle onto the sheets beneath us once more. I gently wrapped one paw around his thick shaft, smearing the pre that was steadily leaking down towards his churning balls. He gasped as the areas were still sensitive, but he was quickly warming up to my actions. He began to pant again as I toyed with his hefty balls with my agile tongue, dipping in between them and around them, making sure I got every centimeter of skin covered in my spit.

I rubbed his thighs as I sat upright and straddled his waist. He looked at me slightly confused and was about to ask something, but I silenced him with a kiss, grinding my hips into his hard abs.

"Shhh, let me work," I winked at him, rubbing his chest and circling his red nipples. I backed up slightly, feeling his hard shaft rub against the cleft of my ass. I rose up on my knees slightly and grabbed it, smearing the leaky tip along my hole.

"You aren't going to-ohhh fuck...." He moaned as I sat on his cock, the thick member spreading me deliciously. I had a much easier time taking him then he took me, thankfully; his cock felt much larger than it looked. With a satisfied grunt, I finally rested on his hips, completely taking the foot long member. I took a few breaths, taking a moment to adjust to the throbbing meat inside of me. Alek didn't know what to do with himself; his face was a mix of bliss, ecstasy, and wonder as he looked upon me with his shaft inside. I moved my hips a little, making him gasp as my own passage constricted his cock. I leaned forward, braced myself on his warm hard chest and gave his slow and tender kiss on his lips. I gently rocked my hips in circles, feeling the hardened shaft move around my insides. I gently rubbed his chest and sides, making him moan into our kiss.

Despite his initial hesitancy and claims about inexperience, Alek was a fantastic kisser. There was no rush, no battle of the tongues as they embraced each other, just pure intimate enjoyment of the moment. My paws traveled from his chest to his mane, gently removing the hairband and carefully setting it aside on the mattress before returning to his head. He moaned into the kiss as I bounced my hips lightly, purring in delight. He moved his legs and began to move on his own, pushing his hips up as mine went down. My cock was sandwiched between our hard chests; the pre that had leaked was sensually smeared around, allowing the shaft to glide along the center groove of his abs and chest with ease. Reluctantly, I pulled away from the kiss, leaving us breathless as we gazed into each other's eyes. I pushed myself up, which gave me a little more leverage from my bounces. Not only did it give me that, but it enabled me to do something else that I had in mind.

I reached behind my head with both paws and flexed my abs inwards. Alek let out a moan not from just the visual of my eight pack hardening, but from the internal sensations of my core flexing around his cock. I relaxed the pose as his hips continued to work his shaft in my ass. I brought my arms up and pulled a double bicep pose, which he liked. He brought a heavy paw and touched the hard muscles of my arms before running his paws down my chest and stomach, and lightly giving my cock a stroke. I brought my arms to my sides, and started to roll my chest. His paw immediately clamped onto my pecs, feeling the large muscles as they rolled against his warm palms. I bounced them a little, giving him a small show. I could tell that his second release was not too far off judging by the way his cock was twitching and that his breathing had become slightly erratic.

"Go for it," I whispered, bracing myself on either side of his muscular chest, "Let me have it."

He nodded, and pounded into me hard. I let out a grunt from the initial thrust (which was surprisingly hard), but I relaxed and let him work. His large cock pistoned in and out of my hole, completely driven by his muscular hips. It slid deliciously along my tract, his barbs teasing along my prostate as it barged past, leaving me moaning above him. My cock was throbbing against his chest, leaving a thick strand of pre connecting our bodies.

"I'm...I'm...oh god!" Alek cried out as his hips bucked one last time before his orgasm hit. He thrust his hips hard, sending his dick deep inside of me, and spewing out several ropes of cum. The hot fluid ran its course, heating up the depths of my body as it splashed around, more and more of it being added by the second.

His hips dropped on to the mattress heavily. Alek was panting, face flushed once more. I gently rubbed his chest as he tried to calm his shaking limbs. I purred as I stood up, feeling his large cock leave my body. It was still throbbing lightly, as was my own, but I was going to change that. I kneeled in between his legs. He opened a weary eye and looked at me, still feeling the disorienting aftereffects of his climax. He didn't speak, or he very possibly couldn't due to partial exhaustion, as I gently picked up his legs and placed them on my shoulders, giving me full access to his ass. My cock throbbed nicely; I was pretty close to the point of orgasm, but Alek beat me to it, leaving me high and dry. I hated to take advantage of him, but given by the fact that his own cock gave a light pulse as I picked up his legs and by the slightly stupid grin on his face, he was willing and ready to receive me once more.

I thrust my cock into his ass. It had loosened up some, but it was still deliciously tight, even as I glided in. The results of previous orgasm aided in lubricating his passage, making it easier for me to hilt him completely and pull out. I immediately established a fast paced fuck, driving my cock in and out of his hole. Alek groaned beneath me, face contorted due to his hypersensitivity. My balls repeatedly slapped loudly against his ass, adding to the sparks of pleasure I was already feeling from his restrictive hole.

Picking up his hips some more, I changed the angle, plunging deeper and deeper inside of him. Alek was panting heavily now, almost becoming short of breath. I was very close to finishing, so I wasn't too concerned. I gritted my teeth and jackhammered my cock in and out of his ass, trying to jump over the edge as fast as I could. Alek's cock gave a mighty jump before unleashing a third load on top of his hard body. Muscles tensed and flexed, making his body almost swell with power as he came, ropes upon ropes splashing along his chest and face, dripping off of the sides of his body and soaking the mattress. His innards contorted, writhing and constricting around my cock deliciously as I continued to pump inside as hard as I could, finally jumping off of the edge and into bliss.

"FUCK!" I roared as I came, slamming my hips against Alek's ass. Multiple ropes of cum splashed along his insides, filling him up quite nicely. I felt the warm fluid surround my cock as I continued to add to it, felling another rush of bliss as my shaft bounced around from the force of my release.

I fell onto my paws after I had finished cumming. Alek's face was still contorted a bit, and he was still short of breath, which concerned me slightly. I saw him stretch for the table beside us, but he was unable to reach it.

"" he wheezily breathed.

"Oh, shit..." I hissed, immediately going for the drawer and pulling it open. I scrambled the objects inside, and found the plastic inhaler. I handed it to him, and he immediately stuck it in his mouth and pushed the button. He sat there for a few tense moments, holding his breath.

"Whew..."He exhaled after some time, tossing the inhaler aside. I crawled back on top of him, letting my lower body sink into his. "Well, if that wasn't the best sex I've ever had..."

"I'll fuck you again if it wasn't," I grinned cockily, but immediately softened it. I know I'm good, but I try not to have too much of an ego about; there's always someone better after all. I leaned in and slowly kissed him on the lips, wiping away the cum that had splattered on his face. Alek wrapped his large arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I felt safe in his arms, and didn't want to leave just quite yet. I ran my paws through his mane as I nuzzled against his neck, quickly fading into his arms and warm body.

I groaned as I opened my eyes. Sunlight was pouring through the three large windows, right into my face, naturally. Alek was still asleep beneath me. My neck was a little stiff from the odd sleeping angle, but I was certainly relaxed and refreshed. I reluctantly left him and got dressed after finding my clothes outside.

I was easting some toast when Alek walked in the kitchen, wearing a blue swim suit that really didn't hide his bulge well, just as the other one had. He yawned and sat across from me, laying his head on the oak table.

"Morning," I mumbled, taking a sip of orange juice. "Did you sleep well?"

"How could I not with you on top of me?" He winked, giving me a tender smile.

"Well, I'm glad I function well as a comforter," I smiled, finishing my toast. There was a brief moment of silence as I pushed the plate away from me.

"I guess you do have to go at some point, right?" he asked, almost as if he was dreading this moment. I took a final sip of my orange juice.

"Well, I do have a job and what not, so yeah; I kind of do," I said as I set the empty glass on the table. "But, I do have something you'll like," I told him, sifting through my wallet.

"Hmm?" he tilted his head, wondering what I was going to give him.

"Here," I said, hanging him my contact card. "In case you ever want to hang out again or...something like that," I winked. His face lit up and he smiled, holding the card up like it had some sort of value to it.

"Thanks! You'll definitely get a call from me!"

"So soon?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Well...I may need a day or two to ass kind of hurts," he blushed, rubbing his backside for emphasis.

"It happens. Next time will be easier, so you won't have much to worry about," I grinned. He blushed even more and stood up, extending his paw.

"Thanks, Gage. I appreciate it."

"It's not a problem," I smiled, shaking his paw.

The door slammed shut as I got home. Not that I meant to close it that hard, but it just happened that way. I stepped into the shower after taking my clothes off, ready to clean myself once again. There was still a faint smell of sea salt about me, but it was a very pleasant addition, and it was a shame that I was going to have to rid myself of it so soon. All things considered, going from a nude model to a good night's sleep while making a new friend, yesterday was a great day indeed.

"Oh shit-" I slapped my forehead.

He didn't give me my four hundred dollars.