The Slippery Mr. FIsh

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#21 of The Moonrise Chronicles

I hurried this one out, so if the editing is less accurate than normal, well, there you go. Heading back to the festival to catch some music. Enjoy.


was growing less patient by the day. Verona's parents were waiting on snail

mail to obtain some, what they called, important information. The present was

more important than the past to the impatient human. Even if he did have some

wild and crazy genetics to his nature, he was ultimately the one responsible

for his actions. He was hoping to finish off one problem before people started

bringing down more.                "Maggie?"                She was

occupied at the moment, trying to distract him from his distressing thought.

She was dealing with this better than he was, but then, she had the ability to

turn feral. While she didn't spend much time prowling on solid ground now, she

was still active on the rooftops. She even found food, and he had not asked for

particulars. He trusted her judgment.                She

pulled off of his cock. "What?" She was a little more than irritated at his

refusal to stay focused...on her...and what she was doing.                "I

don't like it."                "You've

never complained before."                "Not

that! This whole situation. It's intolerable. "                "What's

intolerable is the fact that you can't seem to get into the mood anymore.

There's nothing like a good workout to tire your body and your mind and allow

you a chance to relax."                "I

don't want to relax! I'm too wound up!"                 She sighed. "Can't you dwell on anything

else?"                Edward

was feeling torn and it was really affecting his ability to think. Well, let me

turn this back over to him. No point in me talking for him.                "Look

Maggie. Distractions are nice, and they're fun, but I really want some closure

here. At this rate we'll eat through the money in no time."                "Yes,

but not yet.  We have plenty of money

left, and if we do start to run out, I know where I can get more."                I held

up my hand. "Don't! Don't even tell me what you have up your sleeve."                She

held up her hand as well. "Nothing. I'm not wearing any clothes!"                When I

just stared at her, her gaze met mine in a battle of wills. She won. "Ok

dearest, I'll try to forget about everything but you and me."                She got

a sly look on her face. "You know, I think I might be able to get you focused

on me for a while."                I

really hoped she was correct. It was preferable to sitting here worrying about

what was going to ultimately happen with this slippery Mr. Fish.  I didn't like having his smelly presence

hanging over my head. He knew how to use apprehension to keep us on our guard.

It had the net ability of tiring us out and making us sloppy. He knew his

stuff, unless I was just over thinking it.                She

climbed on the bed and grabbed the lube.                 "We

don't need that." I remarked tiredly.                "Maybe

you don't, but I will."                "Why?"                She

didn't bother with words where action proved better. She was working it into

her back hole.                "Uh,

Maggie, I can't do that."                "The

hell you can't. It's the only hole I've got that hasn't been tested out by

anyone. Are you telling me that you'd forgo screwing me in the only virgin hole

I've got left?"                "It's

not natural..."                I was

glad that I was able to provide her with some amusement. She knew that I still

clung to some very old fashioned ways, and in such made me more akin to

Verona's parents than to Verona herself.  I had no idea how she even knew about sex in

the back door, as they euphemistically called it back home, was even possible.                "Father!

Really? You need to spend more time on the internet. I even saw a video once

where this woman took two cocks up her..."                "Hush!

I don't need to hear this from my daughter."                "Fine!

I'll shut up if you put out. What difference does which hole

matter to you anyway? I'll be the one dealing with it."                I shook

my head. She wanted to get my attention and she had gotten it. I was feeling so

overwhelmed that without thinking too much more into it, I agreed.                "Fine.

But if you can't handle it, you let me know."                If it

had only been that simple, and the only thing I needed to worry about.                She lay

on her stomach with her ass in the air. It was such a fine thing, that little

heart shaped posterior. But to violate it in this way seemed cruel. I spread

her ass cheeks, and watched as she relaxed her hole. I don't how she managed

it, but she did. I know I would have been tightening it up!                I

slipped the head in, and the rest followed with the mere gentlest push. It was

a distinctly different feeling than the front; not better, just different.  That is, right until she clamped down on me. I

swear she was suddenly so tight she was going to cut off my circulation. That

wasn't even the half of it. Her tail sprout right under my nose, and her body morphed

into her feral form. I was totally not expecting that. My cock was sticking in

the ass of a werewolf. Now tell me this was something you might wake up and

said to yourself; yeah, I'm gonna

buttfuck a werewolf today.                Ok, so

that was crude. But really, this was so damned bizarre. I would have debated

the issue longer, but the feeling was just too good to ignore. I wasn't even

moving and she was working me over like a pro. That tight little wolf back-end

was fitting like a sleeve over my cock. I only hoped I didn't ruin it on the

first run.                I

closed my eyes, hung onto those furry hips and launched myself into boning that

fine, sleek tunnel.  I could feel her

tense up with each push, and I soon found that the longer I took to push in,

the longer she remained cinched up like the opening to an old gym bag. It was out

of this world incredible, and I may have just found my new favorite position,

or at the very least, my new favorite hole.                We held

this position for a good long time, and when I felt the rise up from below, I

told her to hang on as I filled her up. The added slipperiness of my discharge

gave the last few minutes of mindless thrusting the added lube to excite her to

her own finish. We collapsed back onto the bed and I could feel her changing

back to her human form.                "So?"

She asked breathlessly.                "So?

Who knew that such a sinful thing could be so wonderful?!"                "That's

why they're usually sinful. Religion always makes you think the good stuff is

bad." She clung to my side. "I think I want to do it again soon, but never ever

when Verona is around. I would never survive you with the added benefits

derived from being a feral."                Even thinking

about that made m ass hurt.                "Deal.

But we'll have to wait a little while. I need to catch my breath. "                We

ended up falling asleep, to be woken later by the phone ringing. It took me a

moment to figure out where I was and then to claw my way out of the covers. After

nearly tripping twice, I got to the noisy thing just in time. It was Verona.                "Hey!"

I said sleepily.                 "Hey

yourself." She sounded alarmed.                She

suddenly had my interest. "What is it?"                "Fish.

He knows where I live. Edward, we need to finish him off. I'll never sleep well

again until I know he is dead."                I

scratched my head and yawned, slapping Maggie away from my cock as she tried to

distract me from my conversation. "Fine. Stay there and I'll be over as soon as

I can."                "Where

are we going? Back to Verona's?" Maggie was still trying to initiate another

round of sex.                "Yes.

Apparently our devil has found where Verona lives and she's freaked out by that

notion."                "She

should be. That guy gives me the creeps!"                I

sighed, stretched again and got something to drink. From the bar. "Maggie, I

have the feeling that meeting up with this guy is going to be far more

traumatic than we believe."                "Me

too. I can sense it in my very being. It both thrills me and frightens me."                "Do you

want to go home?"                "And

leave everyone in a lurch? No, this would never have happened if I hadn't been

so curious. I guess we had better stick it out to the end."                "But I can't

be of any help. Unless that coin is removed, I think that I represent the

weakest link in the chain.  And if I take

it out, I may be more of a nightmare than Mr. Fish."                "Father

dear, you'll never be a terror in my eyes."                I

cupped her face. "Thank you Maggie, but we both know that so many years of pent

up ferocity could end up being released like a bomb. I would never forgive

myself if that happened and people I cared for got hurt. I don't think it's

worth the risk.""Suit yourself. I'll take you like

this any day."After that, the conversation fell flat.

It seemed that the day was upon us to render judgment on this notorious killer.

I dressed in comfortable clothing. I doubted that I was going to be of much

use, and while the thought of buying riot gear had crossed my mind, it would have

been so cumbersome as to make moving difficult. That fact was, I just might

find that I was going to need to be able to run. Maggie grabbed a dress. It made

sense. She could, if she wished it to not be ruined, slip it off and chuck it

in a corner somewhere and retrieve it after she changed back. At eight hundred

dollars, I appreciated her thoughtfulness.  I fingered those knives, and still feeling

that grabbing them was pointless, stuck them in my pocket. Silver would have

made me feel better. We took a walk through Central Park

first. It was her idea for as she said, it was to have one last look at things of beauty before we have our hearts

filled with horror. I did my best to enjoy it, though she was being rather

naughty during the whole visit. She even tried to get me to have sex with her

out her in the open. Two adults might get away with it, but not two people with

an obvious age difference. She finally gave up, snatched a purple flower and

stuck it in my jacket pocket.Once at the apartment, we found

that Mr. Fish had left another letter. He requested our presence at some placed

called The Slaughtered Lamb. As he put it in his missive, I feel that this place might be suited to our unique persona morphus,

where we can discuss our Armageddon. I fear nothing, a sad state of affairs for

a man who lives by his joy in dealing out fear. When you no longer fear, you no

longer feel. And when you no longer feel, you might as well be dead. So I look

forward to perhaps feeling again, even for just a short period of time. Even

worms making a home in my belly would be better than the emptiness in my soul.  There was much more, but I will spare you

his rambling lunacy. That part I quoted was the sanest of the lot. I asked the

Hardwicks what they thought about his proposal. "Son, I think that we don't have a

choice. We played our hand too soon and he found us out. So we go to this

place, this pub he speaks of and we see what he has to say. I wouldn't hold my

breath, but he might be willing to allow himself to be killed."With nothing more needing to be

said, I called a limo from the hotel and the driver picked us up and drove us

to the pub. It was in Greenwich, on an open street corner. From the looks of

the outside,  I got where the name came

from. It was based on the pub in the movie An American Werewolf in London. I

should have guessed. That this guy had such a sense of irony was chilling.We went inside, and I told the limo

driver to go back to the hotel. The two crsip, one hundred dollar bills would

have kept him around, but I figured that his presence after this wasn't going

to be needed. He gave me a smile, told me to enjoy myself and drove the black leviathan

around the corner and down the street.  Inside the pub, it was dark, and it

smelled of stale beer. The decor presented a vulgar attempt to attract the thrill

seeker, and as such its theme allowed no confusion as to its nature. It was

werewolf mania inside that drinking establishment, right down to the point of

being brash and overbearing. We looked around, searching for our man. The

bartender hollered over to us. "You folks need a seat?""I guess. We're supposed to meet

someone here.""Is that so? Today is our fish

special. You interested?"We all froze. "What?""If you're here for the fish, then

I have the perfect table for you."The chills running down my spine

seemed to make the floor vibrate. "Yeah. Sounds like what we're here for."   He showed up to a large booth, where,

sitting with his back to a large wooden sign advertising Fullmoon Ale, was our

quarry. His face was gaunt, and his mustache nearly obstructed his mouth. He

had on a bowler, a three piece tweed suit, a tie, and several silver rings. He

neither smiled nor frowned. It was as dead an expression as I could imagine."Sit. I know you will not drink,

but I find this place to be amusing. To be portrayed as nothing more than a

means of entertainment is in itself, entertaining."The smell rolling off of him was

enough to put anyone off their game. I opted to be braver than everyone else

and I chose to sit down next to him. "Listen bud. Like hell if I'm not going to

have a drink!"He looked down his nose at me. "Yes,

I suppose you would. I still don't understand why you are here. It is most

distressing to see the kind cavorting with simple humans.""Simple? I'll show you simple you..."

I allowed my words to trail off. He was looking right through me."Simple. Stupid. I wouldn't even

waste my time killing you. You would be better left living to wallow in your

own abject misery. But the rest of you. You intrigue me. You," he said,

pointing to Verona, "have lived here for a while now. You were of no concern to

me before. How is it that you came to cross my path now?"She was shivering. "That's none of

your business!""Perhaps not. And you?" he asked,

looking at her parents. "You are of a generation that should know better. If

you know who I am, then you must surely know that there is no salvation to be

had for me or for you. I have died many more times than you can imagine, and

each time I am brought back. The devil refuses to keep me, so he has made me

dwell in a private hell of my own creation.  If you decide that you will destroy me, how

many will go down in the attempt?"Reynaud was silent.  I could see that he was uncomfortable sitting

at the table with this netherwalker. For some reason, he didn't put me off like

the others. I suppose that if what I was getting was only a small portion of

the odor off of him, then their noses might be in overload, sort of like

sniffing a bottle of ammonia."Look Fish, I don't think you

understand that it will be five against one." I sounded pretty sure of myself."Five?" His tone showed contempt. "You

mean four. You bring nothing to this table except food. The young one thinks

she is wise, but she is a fool for thinking it. The other three are here

because of some need to be noble. We are all killers. It's how we have survived

this long. But did we ask for it? No. It was thrust upon us. So destroy me if

you think you can. But I cannot make it easy on you. What I am will not allow

it. I will be like, what is that thing...?"He trailed off as he thought to

himself. "I'm sorry. Some of the things in this modern world are enough to draw

my attention, but not always keep it. This thing, it's green, and... Oh yes, I

believe the artist called it The Hulk. We have a common theme, he and I. You

won't like me when I'm angry."The silence seemed to fall on the

entire pub. I broke it. "I guess we won't know until it happens. I think I'd rather

die trying than not to try at all.""The bravest one among you is the

weakest? Very curious, very curious indeed. Well human, tell me this. If you do

happen to kill me, perish the thought, what then? Will you be the hero

triumphant?" To whom shall you tell your exploits? Assuredly the newsman and

the reporters will flock to your door, but then so will the police. Killing me

will do you more harm than good, for people are stupid. They have no true

concept of right and wrong. I should know. They have a many chances to achieve

great wisdom, and instead they chose the route of ease and decadence. Do you

know how many I have killed in their beds? Their spurting blood has given me

gratification, but not like it did in the old days, when I needed the thrill to

compensate for my impotency. You see now, for every human I kill, there is less

ignorance in the world. And yet, no one has seemed to notice. And you deem to call

me sick.""Killing innocent people makes you

a monster Mr. Fish, not a savior.""Innocent? Yes, many of my victims

have indeed been innocent. I spared them growing up in this cruel world and gave

them pain and suffering to make them realize that their life was futile, then I

killed them to release them from their torment. Oh, and I must be honest. They

squealed so divinely." I felt my fingers vibrating , try

to clench an imaginary neck. His was within reach, but what good would it do

me? I could strangle him, but it he couldn't die easily, all that would get me

was in trouble with the police for attempted murder. I kept my hands below the

table, out of sight."Yes, you see, you are in a

quandary. Kill me, or leave me to live. I do not care which you decide upon,

for the result makes no difference to me. I have jumped in front of subway

trains, dived from tall buildings, even impaled myself with silver, and I am

still here. So think hard before you come after me, for in the end, the result

will spell doom."I gulped a few times, trying to

swallow my Adam's Apple. "I'll tell you what. Choose a time and a place, and we'll

meet you there. Perhaps we can settle this once and for all."He grabbed my hand. His grip was

cold and clammy, like that of a corpse in the cooler in the morgue. "Son, I don't

care when and where. I don't care if you die, and I don't care if I die. And

that should scare you. I am giving you a chance to walk away. If you fail to

choose to do so, your death is not on my head."He pushed his way out of the booth.

"You'll excuse me now. When you're ready, you can find me in Central Park. You

must find me where I am each night, for I assume you wish to keep the

spectators to a minimum.  If after one

week I do not sense that you have been looking for me, then I will hunt you

down in turn and kill you all. It's nothing personal. I prefer to go about each

day with a clean slate, and your existence will prey upon my mind. All threats

must be dealt with eventually and you shall be no different."He walked down the aisle to the

front door, tipped his hat and stepped into the light. A fog seemed to permeate

his being, leaving a trail of fumes across the floor. He looked into the front

window one last time and tapped the silver cane tip against his face, indicating

that the normal method of killing a werewolf wasn't going to work. He was going

to be one tough customer.It was only then that I noticed

that the bar had gone as silent as a tomb. And I though this only happened in

the movies!